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IJSS - Volume 3 - Issue 2

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Title: Job Competence and Job Performance of the Extension Personnel of the Department of Agriculture in Tripura State of North-East India
Abstract :
The main concern in human resource development in agricultural extension organization is the improvement in the performance of the extension personnel. For enhancing the competence and performance of the extension personnel it is very important to delineate the factors responsible for it along with the level of job competence and performance. A study was conducted in Tripura state of northeast India and data was collected from eighty extension personnel [40 Agriculture Officers (AOs) and 40 Village Level Workers (VLWs)] by using structure interview schedule. The findings of the study indicated that most of the AOs had high level of
job competence whereas; most of the VLWs had medium level of job competence. AOs had expressed high level of job performance whereas, VLWs had medium level of job performance. 
Title: Tobacco and Alternate Crops in Karnataka - A Management Perspective
Abstract :
Flue-Cured Virginia (FCV) tobacco is the major commercial crop in Southern Transitional Zone (STZ) 7 of Karnataka. FCV tobacco is being grown in kharif as rainfed crop with more institutional support and sustained demand in the international market. The various crops cultivated include Ragi, maize, Paddy, Jowar (Cereals), Red gram, Cowpea, Field bean, Horse gram, Sesamum, Niger
(Pulses and Oil seeds), FCV tobacco, Cotton, Sugarcane, Turmeric, Chillies, Ginger, Potato (Commercial Crops), Coconut, Areca nut, Banana, Mango, Tamarind, Sapota (Horticulture and plantation crops). India is a signatory to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and is under obligation to halve tobacco cultivation in the country by 2020. The present communication deals with
various management initiatives involved in the process of finding an alternate or substitute to tobacco in some pockets with demand driven crops. The present paper deals with various factors and issues to be studied for substituting tobacco in micro-zones. An attempt is to identify domains for developing protocols to study the agro-system and priorities for stakeholders for joining hands with
Government of India’s initiative to halve the crop size from 100m.Kg by 2020. As a precursor to sustain the rural development possible areas for CSR activity have also been discussed. The protocols developed help in the management initiatives for substituting the crop in pockets.
Title: The Gays – A Sociological Study A Case Study of yellammagudda
Abstract :
Diversity is the Law of nature. Because of diversity likes and dislikes of human beings vary. On the basis of human organ we can decide, he is a man, she is a woman. Man includes masculine characteristics and a woman includes feminine characteristics. Apart from these two genders there is a group of people, who does
not identify either masculine or feminine characteristics, i.e.”Gay Community”. As for as Sexual attraction is concerned among man and woman we find heterosexual relations, which are natural. But mong Gays the normal sexual relations are homosexual, which is unnatural and not accepted by mass of society in India. But
law gives permission. Keeping this aspect in view an attempt is made to study the gays who are visiting Yellammagudda of saundatti taluka in Belgaum district of Karnataka. The gays are called by different names, viz, “Mangalmukhi” and “Jogappa”.
Title: Ensuring Rural Livelihood Security through MGNREGA: A Study in District Mewat, Haryana
Abstract :
The present development mandate in India is to ensure livelihood security as a legitimate policy commitment. This perspective is well rooted and reflected in the design of MGNREGA. The foregoing paper based on a field study conducted in Mewat, a backward district of Haryana, analyses the livelihoods context in selected
villages and determines the effectiveness of this Act within wider livelihood strategies of rural poor. A concurrent mixed method research design has been used and perspectives from different stakeholders have been taken into account. The livelihoods analysis has yielded information on a plethora of constraints in terms of inadequacy of physical infrastructure, amenities, human and natural capital in the study area. The potential of this Act though found incipient, but the findings are also suggestive of the change it can bring to the rural edifice of this district, provided livelihoods oriented interventions are carried out in a participatory and
sustainable manner.
Title: Measuring Core Inflation in India: An Empirical Evaluation of Alternative Methods
Abstract :
In view of formulating credible monetary policy to attain the price stability objective, the difficult part for the central banks is to distinguish, within ongoing inflation evolutions, between short term volatility and the underlying pressure of inflation. While it has now become a standard practice for most central banks around the world to monitor core inflation, little progress has so far been made in the Indian context. This paper takes a pioneering look in measuring core inflation in India focusing on the popular exclusion and trimmed mean approaches. The performance criteria adopted in this analysis show that the measure of core inflation developed in the paper has strong money-induced characteristics and therefore, can credibly be used as a short or medium term guide of monetary policy in India. This paper aims to introduce the concept of core inflation and to calculate alternative measures of core inflation for India. We have used two approaches: (1) Exclusion based approach (2) Trimmed mean method, to identify the measures of core inflation. We have obtained five alternative measures of core inflation using exclusion approach these are: WPI excluding food articles, WPI excluding food articles and non food articles.
Title: Sustainability of Jhum Cultivation as perceived by the Tribal People of Tripura
Abstract :
Jhum/shifting cultivation is traditional land-use practice of North East region of India, is an ecologically and economically viable system of agriculture as long as population densities are low and Jhum cycles are long enough to maintain soil fertility. Population explosion resulted in reduction of Jhum cycle due to which, the resilience of ecosystem is interrupted and the quality of the land is
worsening day by day which is important to maintain the sustainability of Jhum. Hence an attempt has been made to know the perception of tribal people about the sustainability of Jhum cultivation. The study was conducted in Tripura and data was collected using pretested interview schedule. The result indicates that majority of the farmers perceived sustainability level of Jhum as medium followed by low and high. It is also revealed that number of family member involved in Jhum, area under Jhum, Jhum cycle and cosmopoliteness have direct correlation with sustainability level and contributed most for variation in sustainability level of Jhum. So these variables must be manipulated and farmers need to be supported by enterprises such as dairy, poultry, piggery, goatery etc. to improve their socioeconomic condition. This diversification can naturally promote sustainable Jhum by way recycling farm wastes.
Title: Study on Utility and Revival through Community approach in Sundarbans Mangrove
Abstract :
Mangroves are salt tolerant group of tropical plants that generally grows in the inter-tidal zones of land and sea. The Sundarbans is the world’s largest mangrove forest covering Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta of India and Bangladesh. It protects the coastline of Bangladesh, and West Bengal of India from different environmental catastrophes and act as means of livelihood for numbers of people
of both the countries. The population of mangrove species is declining rapidly due to continuous deforestation by the wood pirates, mafias and some other causes. Mangroves are normally propagated by seeds which are usually vivipary in nature.
Seeds are buoyant and hence short and long distance dispersal occurs by tidal water. Attempt was made to propagate some of the true mangrove plants artificially. Nursery was raised collecting seeds in different ways. Vegetative propagation like cutting and layering were also tried and proved successful but tedious and
time consuming.
Title: factors Affecting the Adoption of Agricultural Technology in Bijnor District of Western Uttar Pradesh
Abstract :
Agriculture plays a significant role in addressing poverty, hunger and malnutrition and livelihood security of millions of people in India. Since independence, the country has made significant strides in agriculture, to meet the growing demands of our growing population. The Indian farming is mostly characterized with diversified agro-ecologies, water scarcity, unpredicted rains due to vagaries of monsoon and high cost of technological inputs. Based on the changing scenario of agriculture year by year, it requires promotion of proper management of natural resources like soil, water and micro environment, besides wellbeing of all stakeholders involved in the food production and consumption chain. This is primarily possible by technological empowerment of farmers.
Title: Nature of Policy Process Encourages Economic Underdevelopment in Africa
Abstract :
The paper discussed the concept of policy from different dispositions. It examined the attitude of African leaders within the context of policy formulation and how it affects the economic development in the continent. Some of such policies from selected countries were discussed. It was concluded that not until such approach is kept aside, economic development in Africa will be a mirage.
Title: National Sample Survey Data Revealed Diverse Countryside Domestic Consumption Expenses across fifteen States in India
Abstract :
Recent debate in development literature pertains to identifying the focus of development, whether it should be growth, poverty, or inequality. The reemergence of the age old issue of growth inequality has brought the debate on poverty to the center stage with large political and emotional undertone. This has been also been facilitated by the quality and the type of data (panel data on
household consumption expenditure) which was not the case earlier. “Report of the Expert Group to Review the Methodology for Estimation of Poverty”, Planning Commission, GOI (2009) observed that “While acknowledging the multidimensional nature of poverty, the estimates of poverty will continue to be based on private household consumer expenditure of Indian households as collected by the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO)”.
Title: Social Software Engineering as non profit technologies: Trends and future Potentials for Social Informatics and Digital Humanities
Abstract :
Software Engineering and its application and integration to the community or society is called as Social Software Engineering. This is a concept and procedure rather than tools and products towards design, development and management of products, software, application and system for the society or community; directly and indirectly and thus social Software Engineering gain popularity recently for building Social Computing and Social Informatics much more advance and popular. In other sense, such Engineering practice may also known as Non Profit Technologies. This paper is talks about Social Software Engineering including
its basic feature and characteristics. Paper also illustrated some technologies and products which are helps in promotion of Digital Humanities and Digital product application too.