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IJSS - Volume 3 - Issue 1

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Title: Impact of Micro-credit on the Agrarian Economy – A Case Study in Hooghly District of West Bengal, India
Abstract :
This study focuses on the impact of micro-credit upon the livelihood of rural households based on empirical study over 549 takeholders of SHGs (Self Help Groups) in Hooghly district of West Bengal State in India. One of the distinct areas of the study concerns with the comparative analysis of different rural enterprises propagated through micro-credit. Another objective of this study has been to compare and contrast income as well as savings position of the sample
households before receiving financial credit. Additionally, this study attempted to discriminate between high-performing and low-performing stake-holders on the basis of selected socio-economic indicators.
Title: Relevance of Spirituality on Employee Health and Attitudes
Abstract :
Spirituality is a path through which people recognize their own identity and know about the super power of the universe. This is not only an alleged immaterial reality but also a deep feeling of super truth behind us and universe. At this modern time health complication becomes major issue. Climate change and natural
forces affect human life externally while for employees; organizational burdens affect a lot from internal affairs. In many cases it is seen that people remain ill both mentally and physically due to various known and unknown causes. Unhealthy condition keeps a person in sorrow and pain. Unnecessary pressure creates
depression, hypertension and many mental hazards. Both physical and mental illness do not allow a person to work perfectly. In many cases an employee falls in problems in workplace due to unpleasant attitudes produced. Health and attitudes are dependent with each other. One healthy person expresses healthy attitudes.
Attitudes are dependent on thoughts generated in mind. Due to temptation of environment sometimes negative forces come in and generate negative thoughts lead to harmful attitudes. But Spirituality pours impact on generating positive thoughts. A Person recognizes his self properly and awakens his conscience due to spiritual awareness. Truly spirituality plays a major role on health and attitudes.This paper contains Introduction, objectives, literature review, Importance, discussion and conclusion. At last references are included.
Title: Historical Overview of the Hungarian Labour Market
Abstract :
The Central Eastern economy went into a deep crisis after 1990. It became obvious that the structure of the economy built during the socialist era was not competitive enough to join the world economy. The changes after 1989 were accompanied by business closures, and high and continuous unemployment. As a consequence,
the standard of living decreased and social differences started to grow. Public opinion had to face what previously had been unknown: unemployment. This term became for many a concept with which “one has to live together”. The objective of this study is to introduce the informedness of the adult Hungarian population as to the current situation of the Hungarian labour market, 20 years
after the appearance of unemployment. The aim of the investigation was to map whether current prospective employees have enough information to manage themselves on the labour market and whether it is necessary to make up for this lack of knowledge during their school years. The investigation, based on 300 filled in questionnaires, reveals that the knowledge of adults is satisfactory as regards the labour market and employment policy, but on some questions, their knowledge is incomplete or incorrect.
Title: Leaving the Traditional Livelihood: A Case Study on Mawallis of Sundarban
Abstract :
The Mawallis are traditional occupational group in the local people of Sundarban. Wild honey collection is their main livelihood. They use most wonderful indigenous knowledge and technique to collect honey from the dense forest. It is their popular livelihood and income. Presently lots of issue affects their traditional livelihood.
They try to hold on to their profession but poor socio-economical condition compels them to change their traditional way of earning. Some external and internal social, economical and environmental pressures are responsible for this change. At the same time new generation does not give any positive response in favour of this
profession. So the tendency is very clear that it will change in near future. In this study, I try to find out the responsible socio-economical conditions of present scenario behind the changing patterns of traditional livelihood of mawallis community.
Title: Evaluating Self-help Groups: A Village Level Analysis
Abstract :
Self-help groups have become very significant in promoting savings and income generating activities in Indian villages. The rural district of Birbhum has numerous such SHGs working successfully. The paper has focused on some such SHGs and tries to analyse their success and factors behind their success. The paper utilizes village level data to evaluate the self –help groups to bring out the situation in the district of Birbhum. The paper also analyses the scope for social work intervention in the process of formation and functioning of the groups.
Title: Status of Health Security of the Forest Dwellers of Assam
Abstract :
Forests, the important renewable resource on the earth have gradually been transformed to a non renewable resource mainly by the individuals in the urge of a better life. Generally the socio economic impacts of forests are pushed backward by its ecological effects. As a result of this a special group and their lifestyle also
remains in periphery. Their ineffectiveness in organization of the demands for protection of the specific forests based culture has left them in a situation where on the one hand they are not getting the modern facilities which the government guarantees them and on the other hand they are unable to practice their traditional ways of lives. Medicinal plants constitute important NTFPs on which life of the people living in the adjacent areas of forests depend to a great extent. With the depletion of the plants with medicinal values, status of health of those people has come under severe threats. The present study is an attempt to examine the role of medicinal plants in the lives of the fringe villagers of Kaziranga and Manas National Park of Assam, two important World Heritage sites of the state.
Title: Information Science: Interdisciplinary Characteristics, Indian Educational Scenario emphasizing Growing Trends in West Bengal
Abstract :
India is a leading country for many perspective as far as education is concerned, India is also a leading country; not only in Asia but also in the world. India has so many educational institutes such as universities, research centers, colleges, schools, training centre, and so on. such university and educational institute offers so many
courses and so many subjects including interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary subjects. However, in so many subjects India is still in growing stage out of which Information Science is an important subject. India is a big country constituted with near about 28 states and other central Union Territories. West Bengal is a leading state in many perspectives and even in Information Science education too. This paper is also talks about Information Science and its several aspects including nature and characteristics or Information Science; its uses and importance in several sectors. Paper also illustrates Indian higher education at a glance in very brief manner.
Title: Social Marketing
Abstract :
Social marketing is globally recognized as a key strategy for improving access to a wide range of products and services that directly and positively influence the outreach and coverage of health care. From conceptualizing product development, testing and targeted communication to consumer research and market segmentation, social marketing looks at the provision of health care products and services not as a medical problem but as a sociological issue and marketing challenge. Precisely, social marketing in the health sector seeks to introduce changes in health seeking behaviour of the target audiences by creating access to and increasing the demand for products and services. (National Strategy for Social Marketing (2001)).