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Among the uncontrollable elements of international marketing cultural forces are in the focus of the present paper. In the globalised world it is not enough to be familiar “only” with the geographical, economic, legal, infrastructural, social, etc. environment of the partner country. We should not forget, that we, people are different. This difference originates from our culture. Practice often proves that geographical closeness of the foreign market does not always equal to cultural closeness. It may happen that our product, because of cultural reasons, can be more easily sold in a faraway country instead of in any of our neighbouring countries. But what do we mean by culture? How can we define it? How it is build up of? How it works? How can it cause so extreme differences and sometimes unexpected similarities between people? Building on the research of recognised scientists we are investigating the origin of cultural differences and similarities.
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The study was undertaken to evaluate comparative analysis of media reach and its effectiveness in rural area of Punjab. One hundred respondents were interviewed randomly with a pre-tested questionnaire. The data were analyzed by one way ANOVA and differences in mean were assessed by using Turkey-b. The study revealed that television, radio and newspaper were accessible to 99%, 73% and 66%, respectively of the respondents with significantly (p<0.05) higher availability of television. The use of television for watching news, serials and agricultural programmes were significantly (P<0.05) higher where as radio has upper edge (p<0.05) in case of music listening. The 56% respondents thought mass media impacted both negative and positive on social and cultural values. About 60% (P<0.05) rural respondents considered television was most satisfying media while 15% felt it was radio, 19% voted for newspaper while 6% opted for internet . Therefore, from the present study it may be concluded that television is quite popular, effective and most satisfying mass media in rural area of Punjab.
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Since the SEZ policy was announced in 2000, there has been a continuous effort made for the improvement in the export performance. The Special Economic Zone scheme was also upgraded through a revision in the Export-Import Policy of 1997-2002 and the Special Economic Zones Act was passed in 2005. However, it was the enactment of the SEZ Act that provided a major push to the SEZs’ export performance and the SEZ policy for the increased exports. Export growth is necessary to offset the deterioration in the balance of payments. Through the establishment of Special Economic Zones export is increasing considerably. Therefore, there is a need to understand the contribution of Southern SEZs towards India’s Trade. In this background, the present paper analyses the Trade performance of Special Economic Zones of Southern India, focusing on Karnataka and Kerala SEZs. With the help of the collected sources of data it examines the export – import trade of Karnataka and Kerala SEZs and their contribution to Indian exports.
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Education as a means of advancement of capacity, well –being and opportunity is uncontested and more so among communities on the periphery. In India, marked improvements in access and to some extent in quality of education in tribal areas have occurred and stem from various government and non-government initiatives. However, the number of out-of-school children continues to be several millions mainly due to lack of proper infrastructure, teacher absenteeism and attitude, parental poverty, seasonal migration, lack of interest and parental motivation etc. The scenario of tribal education is no way different than other states in Jammu and Kashmir. In Jammu & Kashmir the overall literacy rate of the Scheduled tribes as per the census 2001 is 3.7percent which is much lower than the national average of 47.1percent aggregated for all S.Ts. Though various efforts have been made by the government for the development of education among tribal communities but much more still needs to do. In this paper an attempt has been made to explore the existing educational status of two prominent tribal communities of Jammu and Kashmir- Gujjars and Bakarwals. The study has been conducted in five tribal villages of district Anantnag. 124 households were selected with the help of stratified sampling for the survey. The study apart from presenting the existing educational status of Gujjars and Bakarwals in the area also provides suitable recommendations for the development of education among these tribal communities.
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Based on empirical study, this paper plans to highlight the consequences of agricultural work participation upon reproductive behavior of tribal women analyzing the fertility pattern of 390 sample numbers of Deori and Mishing women of North East India. While analyzing the reproductive behavior of sample women, the agriculture related impact factors on fertility have been considered. Rank correlation and logistic regression have been used as analytical tools. The study has been completed in four sections: section-I deals with the paradox, section –II covers the literature reviewed, section-III includes research methodology & limitation of the study and section –IV has been devoted for discussion of analytical results and conclusion. The findings show that neither the agricultural farm size, nor the paddy farm size has any significant correlation with the reproductive health behavior of ever married women of the sample family.
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This study aims to reflect the Pessimism in the poet: Thomas Steearns Eliot’s poem “The Waste Land” in which he represented both an assessment of the World situation in the time of World War I as he felt it to be, and a creative transformation of the world that is observed in the final section of the Poem.The Poem “The Waste Land’’ is divided into five sections under the title of :(I) The Burial of the Dead. (II) A Game of Chess. (III) The fire Sermon.(IV) Death by water and (V) What the Thunder Said.Each section is discussed and analyzed and then the researcher draws a conclusion that Eliot is:Not always pessimist.Eliot’s poem shows the society during the World War 1.
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The present study was carried out to evaluate the pre-school education and supplementary nutrition ration components of Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) in Barnala district of Punjab. The results revealed that a majority 60% of AWWs faced different problems in organizing pre-school education activities and about 63.33% of the AWWs did not receive help from the Supervisor at all for organizing pre-school education activities at AWCs. It was found that only half Anganwadi workers were getting regular SN ration in time. Combining the entire three ICDS project, it was found that a high majority (76.66%) of AWWs did not distribute SN ration 300 days in a year as per national norms. Only 45.42% of the total beneficiary children were enrolled in register of AWWs for pre-school education and supplementary nutrition ration. It is recommended that vigorous campaigns need to be launched by the Government using T.V., drama, folk songs, theater and other media to create awareness especially amongst the rural population about the long term benefit of the pre-school education and supplementary nutrition rationprogrammeof ICDS scheme.
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The main objective of the study is to analyze the impact of irrigation on rural poverty across districts in India. The secondary data from different sources have been culled using descriptive cum regression analysis. The statistically significant inverse and strong relationship between irrigation and rural poverty has been pointed out not only from descriptive analysis but also regressions which is expected in this study. The important finding of the study is that irrigation infrastructure is more pronounced as lag variable in determining rural poverty than as normal variable.
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Urban and peri-urban agriculture provide income generation to urban poor and making the cities more sustainable. In Mumbai Metropolitan Region, UPA activities play a major role in supporting people’s life. A wide range of agricultural production systems with maximum utilization of resources can be seen in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). Migration is an acute issue in MMR and UPA production plays a vital role in supporting migrant people and reducing urban poverty. Marketing of agricultural commodities is very easier inside the MMR with a well connected network of wholesalers, retailers and street venders. With the help of a baseline survey as well secondary data, this paper tries to reveal an overview of UPA production in association with migration. Migration patterns among various UPA production systems were identified and studied. Like all other informal sectors, the role of UPA in supporting migrant people in MMR should be studied in detail to find out its contribution to employment and economic growth.
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One of the Public Distribution System schemes namely ‘Antyodaya Anna yojana’ (AAY) has been implemented in India from the end of the year 2000. This scheme ensures‘food security’, to create a hunger free India and to reform and improve the Public Distribution System so as to serve the poorest of the poor in rural and urban areas. Various reports and estimates reported around 5% of population of the country are unable to get two square meals a day throughout the year. This scheme proposed to cover poorest of the poor by supply of food grains free of cost and other important commodities on subsidized rates. Over a period of time, the performance of the scheme has been improved due to evolving various monitoring mechanism and other vigilance committees. Even though, the criticism of the various civil society organizations and reports of press on the status of implementation of the scheme by the different states brings out number of problems in the identification of beneficiaries and distribution of benefits. In this context, a study on the impact of the AAY programme on the food security of the poorest of the poor was conducted to bring out various untouched issues on the status of implementation, ability of the distributing agencies, problems faced by the implementing agencies and beneficiaries. The study was carried out in the states of Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand in India. This article brings field realities of the functioning of the scheme.
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This paper examines the current Ukraine wheat export condition after Russian- Ukrainian military confrontation. The political conflict in Ukraine and the recent military intervention of Russia in Crimea is raising concern full effect of the events there is still uncertain, but some hints can be seen in the wheat market by analyzing the trend and pattern of Ukraine wheat export. Crimea is extremely important as it is where most of Ukraine grain exported by ship from its ports of the black sea. European Union (EU) is a significant trading partner of Ukraine but geopolitical tension adversely affects the wheat trade from black sea, which threatens Europe breadbasket. This study also highlights an index of export intensity to analyze the intensity of existing trade for the period 2011-2014 between Ukraine and EU countries. The result show export has intensified over the years, but this year low trade intensity