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A purpose of secondary (High School) education in Nigeria is to prepare students for tertiary level education though not everybody that graduates from this level of education actually proceeds. Continuous Assessment is the educational policy in which students are examined continuously over most of the duration of their education, the results of which are taken into account after leaving school. It is often proposed or used as an alternative to a final examination system. It can also be looked at from micro and macro levels. At the macro level assessment is designed to collect information for purposes of certification and very often school assessments are integrated into results obtained for deciding on quality of performance in the examinations conducted by the examination boards external to the school. At the micro level assessments are conducted at the school level and these have been variously described as continuous assessments and school-based assessments. These assessments are used for determining progression from one class to another. The methodology employed in this study was derived from books, journals, archives, newspapers, reports, and the internet. This paper would attempt to show how well this has been done by highlighting the implementation mode, advantages of continuous assessment, problems, lessons learned and future directions in classroom assessments.
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The advent of information and communication technology (ICT), i.e. e-government has introduced an array of options of accessing government services and information on citizens’ own terms. These terms include citizens’ expectations of availing 24x7 services from anywhere through multiple channels at their convenience. To ensure more access to government services and information, Bangladesh, like other governments of the world, has taken several measures to implement e-government and in 2009 introduced the theme of ‘Digital Bangladesh’ (DB) integrating all the measures and initiatives of e-government under a single vision. One of the key objectives of DB is to ensure the technology-based delivery of services at the doorsteps of citizens especially to reach the unreached. In this context, the paper enquires about the emerging form of public service delivery network under the theme of DB particularly focusing on the strategic components like self-service web portal, Public Information Centers (PIC) installed at different administrative levels and cell phone-based applications. It also attempts to pinpoint the challenges that pose obstruction to the smooth realization of the initiative. The study concludes that in spite of the challenges the taken strategies play a seminal role in making the public service delivery more efficient and effective and thereby achieving the purpose of citizen outreach effectively.
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Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) was the youngest son of Debendranath Tagore, a leader of the BrahmoSamaj, which was a new religious sect in nineteenth-century Bengal and which attempted a revival of the ultimate monistic basis of Hinduism as laid down in the Upanishads. He was educated at home; and although at seventeen he was sent to England for formal schooling, he did not finish his studies there. In his mature years, in addition to his many-sided literary activities, he managed the family estates, a project which brought him into close touch with common humanity and increased his interest in social reforms. He also started an experimental school at Shantiniketan where he tried his Upanishadic ideals of education. From time to time he participated in the Indian nationalist movement, though in his own non-sentimental and visionary way; and Gandhi, the political father of modern India, was his devoted friend. Tagore was knighted by the ruling British Government in 1915, but within a few years he resigned the honour as a protest against British policies in India.
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Adjustment is a process by which an individual varies his behaviours to maintain balance between his needs and environment. Intelligence is one among those factors which influence the adjustment status of an individual. The objective of the study was to know the adjustment status and intelligence level of college students and also to know the relationship between the two variables. The study concluded that most of the students either have average or below average level of adjustment and most of the students are average or above average intelligent. Above average intelligent students have better general, home, health and educational adjustment but in social and emotional areas of adjustment, both the above average and below average intelligent students are equally adjusted. Intelligence has shown a significant relationship with adjustment.
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The Kashmir Issue has been boon of contention between India and Pakistan since 1947. It has not only posed serious security threats but has also resulted in the creation of a genre of Separatist leadership in Kashmir. Azam Inqilabi is one of the most senior Separatist leaders who has played a pivotal role in the rise and growth of Kashmir militancy. The present paper aims to delineate in detail the political ideology of Azam Inqilabi.
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Tourism is world’s largest industry without making smoke. It occupies one in nine global jobs and contributes 10 per cent to the world’s Gross Domestic Product. It is a dynamically developing area of external economic activities. It affects different other sectors of the economy through its high growth and progress rates, substantial amounts of foreign currency inflows, infrastructure expansion and introduction of new management and educational experiences. Consecutively it adds positively to the social and economic development of the country as a whole. Its actual and potential economic impact is amazing. So this paper is an attempt to measure the economic impact of tourism in India. Currently a lot of measures are there to measure the impact. The important measures are Input-Output Method, Multiplier Method, Economic Impact Assessment Scale, Tourism Satellite Accounts Method, Impacts of Visitor Spending Method and Computable General Equilibrium Model. In this study the author is using the Visitor Spending Method.
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It has been observed in several studies that lots of deprived communities are remote by distance, terrible road conditions, lack of or bust bridges and scarce transport. These conditions make it difficult for rural people to get their sell to market and finding jobs to place of work, to grip health emergencies, to admit children to school, and to obtain public services. In view of this, an attempt has been made in this study to consider the impact of rural roads on income and employment of the households in West Bengal. It has been found that better roads and railway systems lead to access and opportunities leading to diversified livelihood and accordingly diversified income are generated. The study also reveals that there is both quantitative and qualitative divergence in employment of the households between near and away from main road & rail station. The area which has high road and high population density positively influences the educational level too. Better access to education is materialised due to proximity of main road and rail station. The Gini coefficient is higher in case of those households who are near to main roads and rail station as well as a high Simpson index reflecting a diversified rural livelihoods mainly because of better access in income niche and implying a variation and heterogeneity in income.
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JSSK is a Central Government Sponsored Karyakaram implemented in Himachal Pradesh. It has been started to provide better health services to pregnant mothers and children up to one year of age, to reduce maternal and infant mortality rate. However, it has been observed that about one-third of beneficiaries were not aware about this Karyakaram. In public health institutions (Hospitals) buildings were quite old; require repair of ante natal, postpartum and children wards including toilets. It has been found that the satisfaction level is better in relation to supporting services of the hospital specifically with the availability of transport i.e. National Ambulance Services (108), especially among the attendants of infants. However, there is enough scope to improve services, like housekeeping, drinking water, waiting and resting area for the attendants.