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IJSS - Volume 8 - Issue 2

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Title: Contents Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2019
Abstract :
Title: Primary Education in Japan and India:Its Problems in 21St Century
Abstract :

Educational problems of a country reflect and focus themselves on the human development of the children and young people who live there. Children and young people in Japan and India have many problems in the course of their growth which reflect the present state of economic and social conditions of Japan and India. In both countries so called bullying in schools, where some pupils or students, in groups, often use their strength to hurt weaker ones or to make them afraid. Home violence, school violence and the rejection of schooling are another. Making many strict regulations and sometimes having recourse to force, teachers try to govern the behavior of the students. Those restraints are likely to result in ill feeling toward the school and teachers and increase educational problems. In this article I have investigated the various problems and causes of primary education in Japan and India. The main objective in this paper is to study problems appear in primary education in Japan and India. This paper focuses on various problems in schooling in Japan with respect of others developed and underdeveloped countries.

Title: Assessment of Efficacies of Different Skill Development Training Methods Organized by Rathindra KVK, Visva-Bharati
Abstract :

Training is one of the basic intellectual investment needed for Human Resource Development and as well as empowerment of a targeted clientele. Training as a systemic knowledge and skill enhancement and rejuvenation technique has been widely accepted by the Development Support Workers all over the world from very ancient times. However, the efficacy of any Training Programme depends on a multiple of factors both intrinsic and extrinsic in nature. The Training Methods refer to a combination of various instructional media used for conducting the Training to achieve the learning objective efficiently and effectively. The selection of suitable Training Methods is largely influenced by the Training Objectives, Subject Matter handled, participants’ nature, resources availability such as Time, Location and Budget, Organizational considerations and Trainers’ capability. The choice of the Training Method will also depend upon whether the Training is intended to develop a general or specific level of knowledge and skill. The participants’ learning style, their experience and size of the group are also some of the factors that are to be kept in mind while deciding upon the Training Methods. Keeping this background in mind, the present author and Scientist of the Rathindra Krishi Vigyan Kendra has decided to evaluate the efficacy of different Training Methods for Skill Development Trainings organized by the Kendra in two consecutive years i.e. 2016-17 and 2017-18. Here, this will be relevant to mention that the Rathindra KVK itself utilizes various Training Methodologies in its skill development training programmes. So, evaluating the efficacy of various Training Methods is in dire need. This becomes more of importance as the selection of appropriate Training Methods is important for an effective learning of the targeted Trainees. The selected trainees are from the same Category i.e. Scheduled Tribe (ST) and marginal farmers. Six Groups of the selected Trainees, each of 10 (Ten) farmers in numbers have undergone the six different types of Training Methodology viz. (i) Lecture Method; (ii) Group Discussion Method; (iii) Case Study Method; (iv) Field Visits Method; (v) Demonstration Method and (vi) Experiential Learning Method on the same Skill Development Training Topic and Training programme i.e. High Value Winter Vegetable Cultivation in the Financial Years of 2016-17 and 2017-18. The Trainee farmers ranked the Training Methods according to their own perception on various aspects of performance indicators of different training methods. In both the above mentioned Years, the Experiential Learning Training Method holds the First Rank in all the Performance Indicator Parameters as well as in the overall performance for assessing the efficacy of the different Training methods distantly followed by Demonstration Method and Field Visit Method in the second and third places respectively. The Experiential training Method may be the most appropriate Training Method for Skill Development Training because it provides a kind of experience which may easily lead participant trainees from the point of participation to reflection, draw conclusion and identify application points through hands-on approach.

Title: The politics of Madrassa Education in Pakistan: Nexus with Militancy
Abstract :

Madrassas play a very important role in an Islamic society. Besides imparting education, these religious seminaries also provide basic necessities to the deprived sections of society in Pakistan. However, since 2001, the credibility of madrassa education has been put into question since it has been alleged that Madrassas have links with militant organizations. Though, small in number as compared to private and public educational institutions, madrassas do perpetrate intolerance and hatred towards other sects and religion. However, the other side of the argument perceive this as oversimplification and overgeneralisation of a complex phenomenon. According to them, madrassas do not necessarily perpetrate terrorism since they play a very important role in Pakistan’s religious and social life.

Title: Study on Controversial Advertising in India
Abstract :

In the era of globalization, everyone is in competition with others. The world of advertising is also not an exception. Controversy in marketing is nothing new. At any cost, advertisers want to attract the attention of the viewers towards their product. They are always looking for ways to do that. Some also get tangled into controversial issues either intentionally or not, which can harm their brand image. The goal is just one and single - to sell the product by hook or by crook. While some advertisers have undertaken controversial advertising campaigns which have been very successful, some have been damaging to the company. Overtly or covertly, the advertisers break ethical guidelines, challenge the norms set up by the supervisory bodies. When protest erupts, either the advertisers drop those advertisements form being broadcast for a temporary period or move up to the court to fight for their reasons. This research paper focuses on the violation of the advertising ethics in Indian advertising being practiced since many years and its effects on the audience and also to find out the loopholes in the controversial advertisements.

Title: Political Participation of Women in Tripura since Independence
Abstract :

The recent participation levels of women in formal politics in India reveal two positives that augur well. First, the upsurge among women voters that started in the 1990s reached the highest female turnout ever, so far, in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. Second, women’s participation in high-voltage election campaigns during the 2014 general elections also showed a substantial increase. However, the continued under-representation of women in legislative bodies and within the rank and file of political parties offsets the momentous gains made in the people-driven feminisation of electoral politics in India. Within a brief historical context identifying the beginnings of women’s electoral participation in India, the article presents a time series analysis of women’s voting patterns, showing that there have never been concerted efforts by political parties to mobilise female voters on any issue concerning women in either national or state level elections. Promises by political parties in their manifestos on gender issues remain clichéd and are conveniently forgotten after the hustings. India’s failure to pass the Women’s Reservation Bill is presented as the most telling testimony about lack of seriousness among political parties in taking better account of women’s increasing electoral participation.