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No civilised & equitable society can tolerate the denial of their rights to its children & lay claim to being called just “child labour”, thus is a shur on all of us & our sensitivity. Child labour is a very common global problem. Across the globe, to a lesser or greater degree, visible or invisible, admittedly or otherwise child labour exists. India is one of the examples of a nation plagued by the problem of child labour. From the time of independence, India has committed itself to be against child labour. In Western Odisha 79% of its population depends on agriculture and nearly 48% live below the poverty line. It is obvious that children are compelled to work in hazardous occupations and became vulnerable to occupational hazardous & diseases. This article explain the magnitude, causes & consequences of child labour and steps taken by the Government to eliminate child labour in Western Odisha. Here an effort has been made to analyse the status of child labours as well as other labours in Odisha. Identification of the area of concentration of child labour & evaluations of dimensions of the problem has been made.
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NREGA, enacted in 2005, forms the basis of a massive employment guarantee scheme, implemented throughout India, with two main objectives – to enhance the livelihood security of people in rural areas, and to boost the rural economy. It complies the former by guaranteeing unskilled wage employment to the adult members of the rural households who have volunteered willing to do unskilled manual work. The present study is based on secondary data from MGNREGS website, which is the On-line official website & records of Ministry of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, Government of West Bengal and also Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. It reveals that the performance of Harirampur Block Progress Report during financial year: 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 & 2018-19 in terms of providing employment and generating assets to the rural households. Thus, this paper has critically analysed the progress of the programme for last four financial years. Analysis of data reflects that the programme has created huge employment opportunities in Harirampur block. It has also been successful in creating durable community assets as well as individual assets. The paper concludes with some suggestions for improvement for the both aspects.
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Recreating the past is difficult, film makers barely succeed in replacing the memory of the past vision with their own. This research is based on a comparative study on the elements of both versions of the movie ‘Umrao Jaan’ and its social elements. This research solely investigates the social acceptance of the character of Umrao Jaan borrowing from both the movies - Umrao Jaan: 1981 and Umrao Jaan: 2006, drawing a distinct comparison of both eras and the evolution of the character. The research represents a critical analysis of Bollywood’s visual interpretation of the character of Umrao Jaan. The idea is to portray the influence of visual culture over a social spectrum. This analysis highlights the social manipulation of the notions of the Indian women. The poetry and the songs from both the movies will be studied as symbolic elements that represent the shades of the character. The research defines the interpretation of the dilemma the character faces in the understanding of her dual identity as a courtesan and a woman. Even though Bollywood cultivates the ideal picture of a bold woman in the movie yet it fails to give it a new dimension. The research objectifies the reference of a puritan society as a symbol in the representation of the character in the movie. The element of beauty and femininity is studied as a complex association in the character’s role and the industry’s portrayal of the character. Romance is also studied as a major element that the movie has used to define the character.
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In essence, the conceptual framework developed in this study includes the Souharda Act paving the way for freedom in operations; governance structure based on transparency, accountability and rule of law; governance process founded on democracy; and organizational performance to be measured through financial performance and non-financial performance. In essence, the Act (Level 1) paves the way for governance structure and governance process representing as ‘hardware’ and ‘software’ (Level 2) should lead to ‘Organizational Performance’ (Level 3) in cooperative governance. Such organizational performance is identified to be reflected in ‘Financial Performance’ and ‘Non-Financial Performance.’ Though cooperative societies are ‘not-for-profit’ institutions or ‘service oriented’ institutions, the cooperative structure and process enveloped with ‘freedom’ should strive to achieve ‘Financial Performance’ that should result in sustainability of the cooperative institution in the long run. All these three levels of cooperative governance are inter-linked and any gap in any of these levels indicates low or no governance.