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Formal and informal both seed systems prevails in the country to supply the seed to the farmers. Formal seed systems are deliberately constructed, involving a chain of activities leading to clear products (Certified seed of notified varieties). In an informal seed system, farmers themselves produce, disseminate and access seed directly from their own harvest, through exchange and barter among friends, neighbours, relatives and through local grain markets. The present study was taken with the objectives to study the contribution of formal and informal sectors and also contribution of public and private sector in the total seed supply to the farmers in the country. The study is based on primary as well as secondary data. The primary data was collected from 9800 farmers from 126 districts of 23 states. The results of study showed that breeder seed production in the country has increased from 0.94 lakh quintal to 0.99 lakh quintal, foundation seed production has increased from 9.60 lakh quintal to 18.00 lakh quintal and certified / quality seed has increased from 250 lakh quintal to 399 lakh quintal during the period 2008-09 to 2018-19. The average size of land holding of surveyed farmers was 2.36 ha while average size of land holding at National level is 1.08 ha. The analysis of secondary data showed that contribution of formal and informal sector in Indian seed domain was 54:46 for field crops, 64:36 for cereals, 29:71 for pulses and 44:56 for oilseeds crops. The overall contribution of formal seed sector has increased from 45 per cent to 54 percent during the year 2016 to 2018. The analysis of primary data showed that ratio of formal and informal seed sector was 64.20:35.80 for field crops 67.10:32.90 for cereals, 57.20:42.80 for pulses and 52.30:47.70 for oilseeds. Among different class of seed, highest share was of the TL seed (29.80 per cent) followed by certified seed (27.50 per cent) and foundation seed (6.90 per cent) for field crops. Higher share of formal seed sector in total seed supply of field crops show the concentrated efforts of public and private sector in seed supply. The findings of the present study is crucial for future planning towards quality seed supply through formal seed sector.
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This paper reflects the status of food security at different levels – global, country (India), and state (Odisha) based on the secondary sources of data and information. It tries to find out feasible and sustainable measures to ensure food security for all at the country and state level. Also, the paper diagnoses the relationship between food security and sustainable agriculture, exclusively. Our learning is that despite sustained economic developments, poverty reduction and targeted policy efforts, there has not been substantial progress in reducing food insecurity and malnutrition over the last decade and at all levels in terms of comparable socio-economic indicators. Food-grain production has slowly gone up, but the rising population (at country and state level) has made per capita food-grain availability lower. The paradox of food insecurity could be in the inherent flaws in the existing policies and implementation bottlenecks together with the weak public distribution system (PDS) including lack of required infrastructure to safely store and distribute food grains. Hence, to ensure food security for all, strategically designed programs need to be implemented with a strong monitoring system, creation of required rural infrastructure (roads, transport, market, communication, cold storage, grain banks, etc.), strengthening PDS, controlling rapid population growth, ensuring education for all etc.; besides developing and implementing precision agriculture technologies.
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“NITI Aayog” of India is a new institution structured in January, 2015 as replacement of the Planning Commission. It provides different public services through its various Vertical. Main initiatives of NITI Aayog include: public administration reforms and enhancement of administrative efficiency of government programmes, facilitating centre-state and inter-ministerial coordination for governance, and to provide best repository practices to aggravate developmental agenda. NITI Aayog can replace the one-way Centre-to-State flow of policy through ‘cooperative federalism’. It recommends various policies and their implementation is regularly executed by all State Governments. Of course, the NITI Aayog is a distinguished ‘think tank’ that has a good strategic vision and expertise with responsibilities to provide advice to the Government. Hence, the NITI Aayog by giving more control to the States, aims at avoiding top-down approach to policy making and tries to give it a bottom up approach.
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This Paper identifies the use and purpose of information by library users of Homeopathy University, Jaipur. The purpose of the study is to describe the data obtained from the Google Form techniques, Trying to obtain data for analysis of different aspect of difficulties faced by students in accessing library also statistical analysis of data for different aspects of accessing library. Maximum percentage of People accessing library were using library for referrals books and were getting majority of the books for reference. Satisfaction level with ambience and comfort of using library was assessed where more than 90% were satisfied.
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Cohabitation is an important phenomenon which is on the rise in the hectic and fast paced modern life, however, it exists on the sidelines of Indian society due to taboos attached to it. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon, three focus group discussions were conducted with 24 female college students (18-21 years) from Delhi-NCR. The results revealed that the participants were aware of the concept of cohabitation and its legal status in India. There was a lot of parental opposition and social stigma attached to cohabitation. Social media and cinema were considered to be the most important source of influence in understanding and actualizing such relationships. Partners also dealt with many problems like insecurity, harassment and lack of trust. Another unresolved issue was whether the couple should have children or not and the anxiety related to their future. But overall, cohabitation was perceived as a consensual arrangement with perks of a marriage without too many legal implications. In the future, a transformed scenario of marriage, as well as the choice of partners in terms of online dating and cohabitation may become popular.
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The paper entitled “An Empirical Study on Technology Adoption and E-Learning Management System of Agricultural Educational Institutes of Rajasthan” was carried out both primary as well as secondary data. Higher education is no longer defined by the practice of just sitting and soaking up information in traditional lecture halls. Instead, the development of new technology has made it possible to engage in the active building of knowledge in more virtual environments. These changes in the nature of the learning environment have an impact on the education of tomorrow’s business leaders. In spite of this, research on technology-supported management learning and its implications for management educators is splintered and uneven across study fields. The findings obtained in the disciplines of educational psychology, educational technology, higher education, and management education are organized and incorporated into this article via the use of a methodical technique that was developed specifically for this purpose. Because of this, we are able to get thorough overview technology-supported management learning.
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The paper entitled “A Study on Higher Agricultural Education Institutions’ Management of Educational Technology Systems of Rajasthan” was carried out both primary as well as secondary data. Colleges no longer stress passive classroom learning. New technologies help virtual knowledge-building. Such changes affect the training of future managers. Research on technology-supported management learning is inconsistent. This research combines educational psychology, technology, higher education, and management education. This gives a broad overview of technology-supported management learning. This research uses a questionnaire at three Rajasthan agricultural institutions.
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‘Public policy analysis’ is a large, extending intellectual enterprise which involves many academic disciplines, private research organisations and governmental agencies, each distributing a common matter with formulation, implementation or results of public policy decisions. Public policy is more concerned with politics than the public administration, and provides more technical processes for decision making. ‘NITI Aayog’ is a ‘think tank’ of GOI policy which aims to foster involvement and participation in economic policy making process by the States. It provides a critical directional and strategic input for the developmental process of India. Indeed, it focuses on the ‘cooperative federalism’, and promotes and authorizes demanding necessity for good governance which is people-centric, participative, collaborative, transparent and policy-driven. NITI Aayog gives suggestions to State Governments and GOI. ‘Skill Development’ is an important operator for decreasing the poverty by enhancing employability, productivity and continuous enterprises development and overall growth. The skills promote for higher productivity, and increased employment, income and development. With these views, therefore, this paper discusses on the significance of public policy analysis with special reference to NITI Aayog in the present scenario.
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Present paper examines methods and methodological concerns of few significant conceptual constructs based on inter-sectional variables like colonial history of tea plantations, feminization of workforce, political economy of displacement, issues of sustainable livelihood; gender, labour and identity crisis or gender, space & identity; and emerging feminization of underclass at the face of declining tea economy in North Bengal. Further, observational analysis post closure of tea gardens would be included to substantiate trend analysis from a feminists’ scholarship. It attempts to develop a theoretical discourse subsequently a tangible feminist framework keeping the gender- labour and displacement- livelihood issues at center space of the thematic dialogue.