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IJSS - Volume 11 - Issue 3

[<<< GO BACK ][ VOLUME 11 - ISSUE 3 ]

Title: Contents
Abstract :


Title: Editorial
Abstract :


Title: Association of Personality Traits with Emotional Intelligence of College-Going Boys and Girls
Abstract :

Personality can be explained as the distinctive and characteristic patterns of  thought, emotion and behavior that make up an individual’s personal style of interacting with the physical and social environment. As we see young people often face difficulty in managing day to day challenges at home, college and also in their relationships which make them unable to manage their emotions, behavior and ultimately seriously impact their personality. Having healthy emotional intelligence creates positive outcome in relationships with others and oneself and leads to sound personality and is considered as key to success in life. Therefore, the present study was conducted to identify the personality traits and emotional Intelligence of adolescent. Association between personality and emotional intelligence was also measured along with gender difference between college going boys and girls regarding personality traits. A sample of 200 students from four colleges of Chandigarh in the age range of 18-24 years was selected for the study. Scales administered were Big Five Personality Test and Emotional Intelligence Test. The data were collected and frequency and percentages were calculated and data were analyzed using appropriate statistical tools. Results revealed that majority of the students scored higher in agreeableness trait of personality followed by extra version. Significant and positive correlation was found between personality and emotional intelligence. Majority of boys and girls showed average emotional intelligence (63 % and 77 %) respectively. On the other hand, significant gender differences were found between boys and girls with regards to personality.

Title: Promoting and Backing Tribal Entrepreneurship in North- East India by the Virtue of Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan Vikas Yojna
Abstract :

Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan Vikas Yojna (PMVDVY), a Central Government initiative, aims to bring a paradigm shift in entrepreneurship by improving tribal livelihood and sustainably harnessing the wealth of the forest. Van Dhan Yojna is a tribal entrepreneurship market-linked development program that focuses on building tribal SHG clusters and developing them into Tribal Van Dhan Kendras. It also tackles major issues that Indian tribes confront, such as land/house ownership with no rights, MFP collecting limits, middleman exploitation, shift from natural sanctuaries and national parks, and absence in forest communities’ development. It is now used in 27 states. The current study depicts the image of PMVVY in the north-eastern part of the country. The North-East area has the most forest cover and unique natural resources. It promotes the notion of ‘Atma-Nirbhar Bharat’ as an important ‘Engines of Growth’ for tribal groups in the North-East. Collective efforts of tribes from forest product collection through value-addition have resulted in the tremendous achievement of PMVDVY in tribal regions of Northeast India. TRIFED’s ‘Aatmanirbhar Abhiyan’ program to make India self-sufficient, with the slogan ‘Go Vocal for Local Go Tribal–Mera Van Mera Dhan Mera Udyam,’ will help in the complete transformation of the country’s tribal economy.

Title: Adoption of Recommended wheat Production Practices in Faizabad District of Uttar Pradesh
Abstract :

Wheat occupies a pivotal place in Indian agriculture. Sustainability of scientific wheat cultivation practices must be ensured to attain the goal of agricultural sustainability. The study was conducted to determine the adoption of wheat production practices in Faizabad District of Uttar Pradesh, One hundred twenty respondents were selected randomly and descriptive research design was used. Findings of the study inferred that there 50.00 per cent wheat growers were having medium level socio-economic status whereas 41.66 per cent respondents were having low socio-economic status while 08.33 per cent respondents were having high socio-economic status. It was also revealed of the study 27.05 per cent respondents had low level adoption of improved wheat practices followed by 58.30 per cent wheat growers had medium level adoption of improved wheat practices, whereas 14.65 per cent wheat growers had high level of adoption of improved wheat practices. The sizeable numbers of farmers were having medium knowledge of wheat production technology perhaps due high extension contact and appropriate land holding. The findings were passed on to scientists and extension officials of the district for taking necessary steps to bridge the gap in adoption of wheat production technology. Government should take proper steps and appropriate extension strategies to be followed for improved wheat production technology, and storage for wheat production.

Title: Effect of Automation and Digitization on Occupational Stress in Automobile Industry
Abstract :

The automotive sector is changing as a result of disruption caused by industrial automation and digital technology. Companies can adopt the most recent business prospects linked to industry 4.0 in their organization, including those that deal with autonomous driving, automated manufacturing lines, the auto supply chain, big data, the Internet of Things, quality management, the environment, etc. The degree to which people are satisfied with their jobs plays a significant role in this process because workplace stress is a common source of it, particularly for those working on production lines. Numerous studies on job conditions and satisfaction using conventional methods have been done, but they differ from digitalized industries due to a variety of factors, such as job security and a lack of technological knowledge and training, educational requirements, robotization, supervision, anxiety, etc. Stress management techniques are more effective for highly educated and younger people. This study addresses the issue of job stress among engineers and technical workers in the Telangana automobile industry as a result of automation and digitization. One way that ANOVA is used to examine the stress factors responsible for the drop in level of job satisfaction is through the use of a structured questionnaire on a sample of 100 engineers and operators to study the factors affecting job stress in the automobile sector. According to the conclusion, technical operators are more likely to operate in a traditional workplace and less likely to adopt an advanced work environment, and they also report feeling more pressured and unsatisfied with their jobs. In order to improve productivity and competitiveness, which in turn improves services and job satisfaction, it is also necessary to implement suitable training programmes and digital technology adaptation strategies.

Title: Analysis of Communication through Traditional Folk Media for Rural Development in Rajasthan
Abstract :

Exploratory and descriptive research on analysis of communication through traditional media for rural development was conducted. In this study Jaipur and Jodhpur districts in Rajasthan were selected purposively. The data were collected from 120 respondents using structured interview schedule and analysed using standard methodology. The finding of the documentation of traditional folk media resulted in collection of several folk forms including folk dances, puppet show, folk proverbs and folk drama and theatre etc. From the results it was revealed that folk media artists and development functionaries preferred folk songs (37.60), puppet show (29.22), folk theatre (28.70) and folk dance (20.68) in both districts based on the mean Garret score. Correlation among different communication attributes of folk media i.e. message and channel attributes exhibited positive and negative relationships at 0.05 level of probability. Content analysis of folk media songs resulted in their effective utilization in 11.26 per cent related to social relations, 7.26 per cent related to entertainment and 5.27 per cent related to agriculture and only 2.50 per cent related to health. As per results of the study the traditional folk media have great potential which can be effectively used for information dissemination and adoption of new technology. Different constraints were faced by folk media artist in their use of folk media for communication are perceived as management constraints, financial constraints, communication constraints, technological constraints and social constraints. Hence this study suggests that to maintain the folk culture government should initiate measures such as providing incentives to folk artists. As per results of the study the traditional folk media have great potential which can help the development functionaries to use them effectively for information dissemination and adoption of new technology.

Title: Analysis of the Level of Stress Among Rural Youth in Yavatmal and Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra
Abstract :

Youth are the future of a nation and the overall development of any nation depends on the regimented, active and competent strength of youth. An exploratory study with ex post facto design conducted with randomly selected 160 sample rural youth from two districts Yavatmal and Ahmadnagar of Maharastra recorded various responses on determining the level of stress caused by different stressors using appropriate statistical tool i.e. Rural Youth Stress Scale. Respondents distribution based on their overall stress level has resulted in 46 per cent of the rural youth have medium level stress (45.62 %) and around 27% of the respondent had high as well as low stress. District wise distribution of the respondents revealed that mean stress score of the Yavatmal district (102.16) was slightly higher than Ahmednagar (99.71) but not significantly different. 48.75% respondents from Yavatmal had medium stress score i.e. (95-109) with 26.25% respondents scored high level of stress and 25 % had scored low levels while Around 44 % of respondents in Ahmednagar had medium level of stress and 37.5 % and 18.75 % low and high levels of stress respectively. Around 39.62 % of the female youth had medium stress level as compared to males (45.79%). T value calculated from Independent samples test when compared to tabulated value, it shows no significance at 0.732 and 0.649 level of significance results in no significant difference between the mean stress level of male and female respondents. Results from Pearson correlation coefficient revealed that there was significant and negative correlation between the stress level and land holding, annual family income, and mass media utilization at 1 percent level of significance while strongly negative and significance correlation was found. So this study has resulted in overall understanding of levels of stress among rural youth in yavatmal and Ahmednagar districts of Maharashtra.

Title: Communication Sources Followed by Tribal Communities for Adoption of Improved Animal Husbandry Practices in Pali and Sirohi District of Rajasthan
Abstract :

The main purpose of animal husbandry information sources is to reach farmers who cannot be contacted personally by extension officers; in the shortest possible time. Location of the client and availability of time are the deciding factors for choosing information sources. The present study investigates the pattern of information sources utilized by tribal farmers for animal production technologies targeting 200 tribal farmers of Pali and Sirohi districts of Rajasthan. The findings revealed that majority of the respondents opined that scientists of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra and Pashu Vigyan Kendra were the best personal cosmopolite source. Among the localite sources, the input dealers were the top followed by fellow farmers. Among the mass media sources, training and demonstration units were the most important ones. It can be suggested that the access and availability of personal cosmopolite sources viz. scientists from KVK/SAU’s/ICAR be increased as they are competent and reliable. Similar the access to cosmopolite channels to be improved for effective transfer of technology to farmers.

Title: Participatory Democracy and Civil Society
Abstract :

For the true essence of democracy, its important that civil society is allowed to actively participate in decision making of the state machinery. Participatory democracy as a mode of conduct protects the rights of the citizens as ruling authority is responsible towards them and denial of that can result in change in authority. Democracy cannot be reduced to procedures only ,but the representative government should guarantee the protection of individual rights in the state. Individuals in the state should feel that they have effective participation in public life either by supporting or criticizing policies formulated by government.