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JAR - Volume 13 - Issue 4

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Title: Contents
Abstract :


Title: Performance of Poultry Farmers in the Agricultural Sector: A Case of the Poultry Farmers in the Municipality of Odiongan, Romblon
Abstract :
The results of this research describe the perceptions of poultry farmers regarding their level of satisfaction with the availability of transport, land, interest, feed supply, market, foundation stock, finance, water, and pricing body by presenting the relationship between each of the selected societal characteristics of the poultry farmers and their perceptions of the performance of the poultry industry. The analysis revealed that market conditions and financing decisions were outstanding to poultry growers. Furthermore, the findings resulted that poultry producers lack the required production capabilities. These abilities include the competence to establish and maintain an appropriate temperature, timely disease detection, timely stress detection, timely stress reduction, timely disease eradication, and timely categorization of death caused by feed/nutrition. The study emphasizes the need for local poultry farmers to consider participating in a program of exchanging highly skilled experts with neighboring areas to give poultry extension officers and poultry farmers the knowledge and skills required to manage a modern poultry system.
Title: Berberine as an Efflux Pump Inhibitor against Quinolone Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
Abstract :
The emergence of antibiotic resistance has led to the search for novel strategies that can overcome this issue. In this connection,
the plant secondary metabolites play a crucial role in combating the resistance. This study was undertaken with an aim to assess the resistance modulating potential of berberine as efflux pump inhibitor against quinolone resistant S. aureus isolates from bovine mastitis. The antibacterial activity of berberine was evaluated using broth microdilution assay. The interaction of berberine with the antibiotics under study was assessed by checkerboard assay. The resistance modulating potential of berberine was appraised by real time quantitative PCR. The broth microdilution assay revealed that berberine has a weak antibacterial activity. When used in combination with quinolone antibiotics, berberine could lower the MICs of the antibiotics. The relative gene expression study pointed out that berberine act as an efflux pump inhibitor down regulating the expression of norA and norC efflux pump genes. The study concluded that plant metabolites can be used as potential candidates in reversing the antimicrobial resistance.
Title: Therapeutic efficacy of N-Acetylcysteine Against Cisplatin Induced Acute Kidney Injury in Wistar Rat Model
Abstract :
Acute kidney injury (AKI) refers to a clinical syndrome characterized by rapid loss of renal function, which may further aggrevates into chronic kidney damage (CKD) or even end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Recently, the term ARF (Acute Renal Failure) has been replaced by Acute Kidney Injury. Cisplatin is a platinum containing drug widely used as chemotherapeutic agent with dose-limited nephrotoxicity. The present study envisaged the evaluation of therapeutic potential of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) in wistar rats against acute kidney injury induced by cisplatin. This study comprises of three groups: Group I: Heathy control group, Group II: Positive control group (Cisplatin only), Group III: NAC treatment group (Cisplatin+N-Acetylcysteine group). Oxidative stress indices like glutathione (GSH) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) were estimated in tissue homogenate sample with the help of commercial available. Renal injury was assessed via estimation of serum creatinine and urea level. Kidney tissues were collected for histopathological evaluation at the end of the study on day 28th. The mean value of GSH was significantly (P< 0.05) higher in Group III in comparision to Group II in kidney tissue homogenate. MDA value was significantly (P< 0.05) higher in Group II and lower in Group III and Group I. BUN and Creatinine levels were significantly higher in Group II as compared to other two groups. Group II rats were showing severe histopatholohical changes in kidney tissue as compared to group III. Therefore, this study can conclude that NAC can alleviate AKI induced by Cisplatin and has a good therapeutic potential against cisplatin nephroprotoxicity.
Title: Meta-analysis of RNA Seq Datasets in Duck Lungs Infected with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses
Abstract :
The molecular mechanisms and hub genes identified for disease resistance in ducks against highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) infection show substantial variations between studies. This is mainly due to the limitations of small sample sizes owing to the huge cost of experimental infection and multiple other factors leading to the large variability of results. A metaanalysis can increase the statistical power for reliability and generalizability of previous studies to obtain more accurate results. Hence, this approach was used for identifying the molecular pathways and major hub genes responsible for disease resistance in ducks infected with HPAIVs. Meta-analysis using publicly available lung RNA seq datasets of ducks infected with HPAIVs, identified 339 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) (p-value cut-off ≤ 0.05); out of these, 214 genes were upregulated and 125 genes were downregulated. Network analysis of the DEGs suggests that infected ducks initiate a lower cytokine/chemokine response in comparison with control through the expression of anti-inflammatory effect genes (STATs, SOCSs and IL10) and a persistent antiviral immune gene expression through activation of RIG-I/MAVS/IFNAR1-dependent pathways in the lung. Further, genes such as STAT3, MYC, STAT1, MAPK11, RIPK1, SOCS3, SOCS1, and MYD88 were identified as the major regulators or hub genes responsible for disease pathogenesis in ducks. In conclusion, the powerful statistical meta-analysis approach led us to reveal molecular pathways and hub genes involved in the disease resistance mechanism in ducks infected with HPAIVs.
Title: In-silico Designing and Testing of Multiprotein Vaccine Construct Against Cow Milk Allergy
Abstract :
Cow’s milk allergy is a common diagnosis in infants and children, and it manifests as a hypersensitivity reaction to the allergenic
proteins in cow milk. Cow milk contains about 20 distinct protein components. The primary allergens are casein protein (alpha-s1-, alpha-s2-, beta-, and kappa-casein) and whey protein (alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin). There are several allergy treatments available, but they are just temporary. Developing a vaccine against milk allergy may appear utopian. Epitopes were found and exploited to build a multiprotein vaccine in this immunoinformatics study. Immunoinformatics techniques were used to predict T- and B-cell epitopes. Adjuvants were used to boost the vaccine’s antigenicity. The created vaccine design was shown to be soluble, antigenic, non-allergenic, and non-toxic.
Title: Mange Infestation and its Successful Treatment in Rabbits
Abstract :
Twenty two pet rabbits were brought to the VCC, IIVER, Rohtak with the history of itching, alopecia and inappetance during one year of course. Out of 22 animals, 14 were males and 8 were females between 6-18 months of age group. Upon clinical examination it was observed that the rabbits had pruritus, alopecia, hyperkeratosis and crust on both ears, face, limbs and back region of body. Mite infestation in all the cases diagnosed by skin scrapping. On microscopic examination, Sarcoptes species in 20 cases and Demodex species in 2 cases were observed. Treatment course includes chlorpheniramine maleate, enrofloxacin, ascorbic acid, multivitamin and ivermectin. Gross lesions faded out within 15 days and all animals shows uneventful recovery in 45 days of therapy.
Title: Histomorphological, Micrometrical Studies on the Ileum of the Guinea Pig (Cavia porcellus)
Abstract :
The present histological study was conducted on ileum of different postnatal age groups of guinea pig. Histologically the wall of the ileum composed of the four layers viz., tunica mucosa, tunica sub mucosa, tunica muscularis and tunica serosa. The shape of the villi in the epithelium was slender and finger like in the 0-2 week-old guinea pig where as tongue shaped in remaining age groups. Lamina propria composed of the loose connective tissue with Crypts of the Lieberkuhn. Tunica submucosa was made up of more number of collagen and reticular fibres and few elastic fibres in the wall of the blood vessels. Tunica muscularis was lined by the inner circular and outer longitudinal muscular layer. The mean height and width of the villi and height of the columnar cells and thickness of the tunica muscularis was increased as the age advanced in all the age groups studied.
Title: Detection of Anthelmintic Resistance in Goats of the North-Central Plateau and North-Eastern Coastal Plain of Odisha
Abstract :
Gastrointestinal nematodes are an important impediment in goat husbandry and the efficient management of these parasites is hampered by the development of anthelmintic resistance. The present investigation was carried out to determine the prevalence
and anthelmintic resistance in five districts of the two agroclimatic zones (ACZs, viz., NCP (north-central plateau) and NECP (northeastern coastal plain) of Odisha during a period of 6 months (January 2019 to June 2019). From two ACZs, a total of 526 faecal samples of either sex, different age groups, and breeds were collected and examined qualitatively and quantitatively in the laboratory. A questionnaire survey was conducted on usage of anthelmintics. The status of resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes against Fenbendazole was carried out by in vivo faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT) and in vitro Egg Hatch Assay (EHA) test. Out of the 526 faecal samples examined, 377 samples were found positive leading to an overall prevalence of 71.77%. The prevalence pattern of different gastrointestinal nematodes revealed a higher presence of Strongyle sp (63.30%) over Strongyloides sp (20.64%) and Trichuris sp (16.05%). Single infection (57.82%) was more common than mixed infection (42.17%). The survey revealed dependence of benzimidazoles. The results of the anthelmintic resistance study indicated benzimidazole resistance in NCP and NECP agroclimatic zones.
Title: Prevalence of Gastrointestinal Parasites of Goats in the Humid Climate of Puducherry
Abstract :
The study was carried out in various regions of Puducherry to determine the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in goats from September to December 2022. A total of 200 fecal samples, collected from 18 villages in and around Puducherry were analyzed and results revealed that 171 (85.5%) were sampled positive for gastrointestinal (GI) parasitic infection. The incidence of strongyle was highest with an average of 61% from all the samples collected. The parasitic infection was significantly higher in adults (31.5%) than in young ones (14%). Sex-wise analysis revealed a higher infection percentage in females (74.2%) than in males (25.7%). Lack of awareness of deworming and poor management had a major impact on helminth infection in the Puducherry region.
Title: Effect of Non-Genetic Factors on Productive Traits in Jersy-Sahiwal Crossbred Cows in Andhra Pradesh
Abstract :
The overall least square means of first lactation milk yield (kg), average daily milk yield (kg), first lactation length (d), fat (%), protein (%), lactose (%) and solids- not-fat (%) were found to be 2572.27±41.12, 8.42±0.13, 296.68± 3.46, 4.52±0.02, 3.47±0.01, 4.08±0.02 and 8.40±0.01, respectively. Location and age at sexual maturity had a significant effect on first lactation milk yield and average daily milk yield. Season of birth had significant effect on protein was non-significant on other components of milk. Year of birth had significant effect on protein and solids-not-fat but not on fat and lactose. Location had a significant effect on fat and lactose only. Age at sexual maturity had a significant effect on lactose and SNF whereas, fat and SNF were non-significant. Season of calving had a significant effect on lactose and SNF and had non-significant effect on first lactation milk yield, average daily milk yield, first lactation length, fat, protein, services per conception for second pregnancy and first service period. Year of calving had significant effect on first lactation milk yield, average daily milk yield, first lactation length, fat, lactose and SNF but non significant for protein, services per conception for second pregnancy and first service period were non-significant. Heritability estimates of first lactation milk yield, average daily milk yield, first lactation length, fat, lactose, protein and SNF were 0.44±0.10, 0.20±0.10, 0.15±0.02, 0.09±0.06, 0.04±0.06, 0.13±0.11 and 0.06±0.11, respectively.
Title: Effects of Elephant Foot Yam (Amorphophallus peoniifolius) Flour on Proximate Compositions and Sensory Attributes of Duck Meat Nugget Under Refrigerated Storage
Abstract :
The present study was conducted with an objective to improve the quality of duct meat nugget incorporated with elephant foot yam (EFY) flour at 2.5% (T1) and 5.0% (T2) and different quality parameters were studied as compared to control (without any EFY) on the day of processing. The moisture and protein contents of duck meat nuggets were significantly (P˂0.01) different between the groups. The control product showed significantly (P˂0.01) lowest and T2 showed highest protein content. The treated groups did not show any significant variation in fat and total ash contents of duck meat nuggets. Dietary fibre content of T2 was significantly (P>0.05) higher among the treatment groups. Total phenolic values of T1 and T2 were significantly (P>0.05) higher than control. There was a significant (P<0.01) effect of test ingredients on pH values of duck meat nuggets. The TBARS value of T2 was significantly lower than T1 and control. The treatment groups (T2 and T1) showed significantly (p<0.01) lower total plate counts (TPC) as compared to control. Except appearance, other sensory attributes were significantly higher (P˂0.01) in EFY incorporated duck meat nuggets compared to control. T2 T1 and showed highest score of overall acceptability as compared to control. The results concluded that incorporation of 2.5 % and 5.0% elephant foot yam flour improved the total protein content, dietary fibre content, physicochemical, microbiological qualities up to 12 days of refrigerated storage and but the nuggets were sensorially accepted and were on the border line of acceptance up to 9 days of refrigerated storage.
Title: Sire Evaluation by Least Square Analysis for First Lactation Traits in an Organised Herd
Abstract :
The first lactation records of 480 crossbred cattle sired by 41 sires were studied to estimate the average breeding values of crossbred daughters in order to rank the sires based on the estimated breeding values. First lactation traits included were age at first calving (AFC), first service period (FSP), first calving interval (FCI), first lactation period (FLP), first lactation milk yield (FLMY), first lactation 305 days milk yield (FL305DMY), first lactation peak yield (FLPY) and first lactation days to attain peak yield (FLDAPY). The Least squares method (LSM) was used to obtain the estimates of breeding values. The estimated breeding values (EBVs) of sires showed genetic variation between sires for first lactation traits. The estimated breeding values (EBVs) for first lactation traits ranged from 1143.24 days to 1408.33 days. The accuracy of LSM was judged by using Pearson’s (product moment) correlation and Spearman (rank) correlation methods. The product moment correlation and rank correlation among the EBVs of sires for various first lactation traits were statistically significant for most of the first lactation traits suggesting that LSM method was accurate and efficient in evaluating as well as ranking the sires for first lactation traits.
Title: Morphological and Morphometrical Study on Oesophagus of Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica)
Abstract :
Present study was conducted on esophagus of seven adult Japanese Quail. The oesophagus of Japanese quail was thin walled distensible tube comprised of three distinct segments namely precrop oesophagus (cervical part), crop and postcrop oseophagus
(thoracic part). The crop was in the form of a rounded structure at the level of thoracic inlet, that bulged further ventrally to the right and lied against the pectoral muscles. The postcrop oesophagus was relatively longer, wider and more distensible as compared to precrop oesophagus. The interior of oesophagus presented longitudinal mucosal folds which were prominent in precrop oesophagus and crop as compared to postcrop oesophagus. These muscosal folds were longitudinal in precrop oesophagus and were wavy in crop.
Title: An Insight into the Clinico-Epidemiological Profile of Mastitis in Dairy Animals: A Retrospective Analysis
Abstract :
This retrospective study investigated the clinico-epidemiological characteristics of mastitis in dairy animals at TVCC, DUVASU, Mathura. The study analyzed medical records from June 2021 to May 2022, focusing on dairy animals diagnosed with clinical mastitis. Data on animal demographics, clinical presentation, and antibiotic usage were extracted and statistically analyzed. The prevalence rate of clinical mastitis in the hospital was 10.269% (2600/267), with cows being the most affected species, followed by buffalo and goats. Udder swelling and hot redness were commonly observed udder abnormalities, while teat blockage was a frequent teat abnormality. Clotted milk was consistently found among milk abnormalities during the study period. These findings provide valuable insights into the clinico-epidemiological characteristics of mastitis in dairy animals. The study emphasizes the importance of proper diagnosis and targeted treatment for effective management, and it can contribute to the development of preventive measures and control strategies to reduce the impact of mastitis on animal health and dairy industry productivity.
Title: Study on Effect of Hydroponic Maize Fodder on Performance of Bengal Goat
Abstract :
The objective of that trial was to explore the effect of hydroponic maize (HM) feeding on the performance of Bengal goat. A total of 18 nos. of Bengal goats were divided into two groups used in a feeding trial. The Control group was fed a total mixed ration diet while the goats of the second group were fed similar ration except that maize grain was 100% replaced by HM for 70 days of feeding trial. Goats were fed ad libitum feed and fresh water twice daily. Daily feed offered and feed refusals were measured, while the body weight gain was recorded weekly, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) was determined. Results of the trial interpreted that HM had a positive effect on feed intake, final body weight, total weight gain, average daily gain, and FCR on Bengal goats when compared with the goats fed with Control diet. Thus, it can be concluded that feeding of hydroponic maize fodder with concentrate improve the DM intake, feed conversion ratio and growth performance of Bengal goats in terms of body weight gain.
Title: Relationship between Passive Immunity and Health Status of New Born Cattle and Buffalo Calves
Abstract :
The aim of our study was to evaluate association between failed transfer of passive immunity (FTPI) and health of bovine calves. A prospective study on seventy four (Cattle - 18 and Buffalo - 56) new born calves was planned to evaluate the impact of passive immunity on morbidity and mortality in first two months of life. Serum total protein (STP) in g/dl between 24-48 hrs after birth was kept as standard for passive transfer. Based on levels of STP (g/dl) the calves were classified as having excellent (STP > 6.2 g/dl), good (STP = 5.8-6.1 g/dl), fair (STP = 5.1- 5.7) and poor (STP <5.1 g/dl) passive transfer. The calves were monitored for occurrence of disease especially neonatal calf diarrhoea (NCD) and mortality upto 60 days of age. The occurrence of FTPI was significantly (P<0.05) higher in buffalo as compared to cattle calves (11.1 % vs 37.5 %). Nili ravi breed of buffalo had higher odds of having FTPI as compared to murrah. With respect to disease occurrenc  the onset of NCD was delayed in calves without FTPI as compared to calves with FTPI. The odds of NCD in buffalo calves with excellent passive transfer (STP > 6.2 g/dl) was significantly (P < 0.05) lower as compared to calves with poor passive transfer (STP < 5.1 g/dl). The study concluded FTPI was higher in buffalo calves in comparison to cattle calves reared under same management system. The odds of mortality was higher in buffalo calves with poor passive transfer (OR = 1.2 ; 95 % CI = 0.27-5.24) as compared to calves with excellent passive transfer. Efficiency of passive transfer was found to influence NCD and mortality in new born calves. 
Title: Socio-economic Analysis of Local Goat Farmers of Northern Hills of Chhattisgarh
Abstract :
An investigation was undertaken to assess the socio-economic status of the 140 goat farmers of the three districts namely Surguja, Surajpur and Balrampur districts of the Northern hills of Chhattisgarh. The present investigation revealed that goat farmers were mainly from the male domain (58.57%) whereas, only (41.42%) were female and (62.85%) majority of the goat farmers belong to the middle age group followed by the old (20.00%) and young (17.15%) age groups. About 97.14% of the household head were married and of the goat farmers had a joint family. Nearly, 60.71% of goat farmers possess medium-sized families (5-8 members), followed by 21.43% having large families and 17.86 % having small families. More than half of the goat farmers belong to the Schedule Tribe category, followed by Other Backward Class, Schedule Caste and General category. The frock size ranged from 5 to 37 numbers. Goat farming was mainly dominated by small and marginal farmers. Agriculture is the primary occupation in the studied area. The majority of the goat farmers were illiterate and that goat farmers of the Northern hills of Chhattisgarh were not received any type of training, loan, and benefits from the government scheme regarding goat farming.
Title: Exploring Ethno-veterinary Practices for Livestock Diseases: A Survey-Based Approach
Abstract :
The current study explores the ethno-veterinary practices adopted by rural farmers and examined their socio-dynamic profile. A total of 183 plant species belonging to 158 genera and 70 families were identified. Among these, 165 were dicotyledons, 17 species belonged to monocotyledons, and one was classified as a pteridophyte. Within the studied plant families, Euphorbiaceae had the highest representation with 14 species (7.65%), followed by Fabaceae with 12 species (6.56%). Apocynaceae, Lamiaceae, Malvaceae, and Solanaceae each had 7 species (3.82%). Asclepiadaceae, Asteraceae, Liliaceae, and Mimosaceae had equal representation with 6 species each, accounting for 3.28% of the total species. Annonaceae and Rutaceae exhibited the lowest representation among the families, each consisting of 5 species, representing 2.73% of the total. The plant habit encompasses various categories, including climber, shrub, tree, herb, and lian. A diverse range of plant parts were utilized, such as aerial parts, leaves, bulb, clove, corn, flower, fruit, latex, leaves, oil, pod, pulp, rhizome, root, root bark, seed, steam, steam bark, tender shoot, tuber, and whole plant. Trees ranked as the most frequently utilized species, followed by herbs, shrubs, and climbers. Out of the respondents engaged in the practices, males were 325 while females were 480 with a percent of 40.37 and 59.63, respectively. The age groups with highest perception of ethno-veterinary practices were 61-70 years followed by 31-40 years and 51-60 years age group. Further most of the positive respondents were with primary education followed by medium education and illiterates.
Title: Antiproliferative Effect of Methanolic and Aqueous Extract of Duranta erecta in C127I Cell Line
Abstract :
The Phytochemicals and their derivatives found in plants are most promising alternatives to improve treatment regimens in cancer patients with less adverse effects. Methanolic and aqueous extracts of D. erecta were assessed for their cytotoxicity in C127I cell line by 3-(4,5-dimethyl thazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay at concentrations of 320, 160, 80, 40, 20 and 10 µg/mL and the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) was calculated using Graph Pad Prism 5.0. Doxorubicin was used as positive control. Dose dependent reduction in cell viability was noticed when the cells were subjected to different concentrations of the extracts. The IC50 of the aqueous and methanolic extract of D. erecta were 41.58 and 44.66 µg/mL respectively. The cells were seeded in 6 well plates at a concentration of 1×105 cells/mL and were treated for 24 hours with methanolic and aqueous extract of D. erecta at concentration of IC50. The cells were trypsinised and subjected to Acridine orange – Ethidium bromide staining (AOEB) staining detected nuclei of normal cells stained by AO penetration which dyes green via attaching to DNA, EB, on the other hand, dyes the nuclei of late apoptotic and necrotic cells red and the result shows that D. erecta and doxorubicin induced apoptosis in a dose dependent manner. In conclusion, this study established that the methanolic and aqueous extract of D. erecta induces apoptosis in cancer cells in a dose dependent manner could be developed as a lead molecule for cancer management after conducting clinical trials in vivo and human subjects.
Title: Assessment on Risk and Uncertainties Among Poultry Farmers in Corcuera, Romblon, Philippines
Abstract :
Poultry farming is known widely all over the country, especially since it is considered a source of income for Filipino farmers. This study was a descriptive method to assess the practices of poultry farmers in eliminating risks. The socio-demographic profile of the respondents comprises 50% male and 50% female, with a total of one hundred respondents (100) age ranges from 51-60 years old, and 70% of them were married. Household size has 4-7 members, source of income of respondents was in the poultry industry; 95% of respondents have an average income of P5000-10000 monthly. 47% of the respondents are elementary level (84%), they engaged in farming for five years and above, and 83% of the respondents raised native chicken as their source of income. Most of the respondents agreed on the different risks in managing poultry this is the following; environmental risks, production risks, health risks, market risks, and financial risks. Determinants are; disease outbreaks, poultry facilities, veterinary care, supply of electricity and water, inadequate knowledge of poultry raising, and high feed prices. Most respondents stated that; management and strategic intervention will be applied in managing small-scale poultry. Such interventions stated are; promoting the quality of poultry products, maintaining poultry health and sanitation, having strong communication and coordination between all those involved in poultry veterinary service, having personal savings, investing in quality feeds, and biosecurity obtained.