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LC - Volume 6 - Issue 1

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Title: Self-esteem, anxiety and family climate for school going boys and girls in Haryana state
Abstract :

Many researches are being conducted in the area of parenting, self esteem, Anxiety and the impacts of Family Climate. For people of all ages, the development of full human potential is enhanced through self-esteem. Self Esteem is the perception of one’s own intrinsic worth, based on thoughts, beliefs, and life experiences. Anxiety whereas can be defined as overwhelming sense of apprehension or fearfulness- Marked by physiological signs, sometimes referred to as autonomic signs. The present study “A study of Self-Esteem, Anxiety and Family Climate for School Going Boys and Girls in Haryana State” tries to find out comparison between boys and girls for three variables i.e. Self-Esteem, Anxiety and Family Climate. The Sample of 150 students of grades six to ten was chosen because the children grow up in the way their parents brought them up. The results of the study show that Boys and Girls significantly differ for Anxiety and Expectation (A subscale of Family Climate Scale). All the other variables of the study have shown insignificant results.

Title: Food Security and Agricultural Production in West Bengal
Abstract :

The article deals with the issue of food security in West Bengal. West Bengal is one of the major food producing states, especially rice. The state has attained an impressive growth in agriculture due to some radical policies. Yet, news of starvation and hunger and death in some parts of West Bengal is frequently reported. The present article is a contribution to the formulation of policies and adoption of measures to eliminate hunger, starvation and to provide food security to the people of the state.

Title: Higher Education in India: Challenges and Government’s Initiatives
Abstract :

Higher Education stands as one of the pillars of success of any nation. So it becomes necessary to understand the pros and cons of Higher Education system of any country. Therefore, the present paper purports to finding out the specific challenges which is evident in the Higher Education system of India and Government’s initiatives to fight the existing challenges. Secondary data was used to infer the current scenario of Higher Education in India. It was found that the contribution of National Knowledge Commission (NKC), University Grants Commission (UGC), Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) is enormous in addressing various aspects of Higher Education in India. In spite of many efforts by the Govt. of India to harness the education system, there is a huge gap between the policies initiated and their implementation which is demanding innovate approaches and models to ensure quality education.

Title: III Criterion of NAAC Research, Consultancy and Extension : A Case Study of School of Education, DAVV, Indore
Abstract :

The life of the individuals and the nation cannot be uplifted without Quality Higher Education. With the sole objective to give a helping hand to the Institutions to improve the Quality of Higher Education, NAAC has designed the seven criterion system for the assessment and accreditation procedure. This research paper deals with III criterion of NAAC out of the seven criteria. It is a Case Study of University Teaching Department in which the researcher studied all the six key aspects under the III Criterion – Research, Consultancy and Extension. This criterion seeks information on the policies, practices and outcomes of the Institutions with reference to Research, Consultancy and Extension. The reason to choose this criterion is that NAAC provides 35% of weightage to it, for Autonomous Colleges. It throws light on the efforts and strengths of School of Education (SOE) to promote a research culture. It’s Quality of Research and Extension Work is known all over the Nation which distinguishes it from the other Institutions in the country and makes it an ideal symbol for the other Teacher Education Institutions. The authors have outlined all the policies and practices carried by the Department by categorizing under the six key aspects of III Criterion.

Title: Turnaround strategies for classroom and school management in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Abstract :

Education has been seen as an indispensable process of cognitive, affective and psychomotor development. However, there have been a drastic fall in the standard of education in Ekiti state known as “fountain of knowledge” and Nigeria at large. The way and manner in which the school as well as the classrooms are being managed determines the quality of students produced in the school system. This exploratory paper therefore examines the trends in the finance of education sector as well as the strategies for turning around classrooms and school management in Ekiti state. Some recommendations were made which include democratizing decision making in the school by involving staff and students in decisions concerning them in the schools, prevention of social conflict by being cordial with leaders of the school community.

Title: Awareness of teacher about the maintenance of equipment of D.H.H. (deaf and hard hearing)in primary education
Abstract :

Education is the backbone of the country and only those country will progress which will contribute maximum to the benefit of it. Primary education is the grass root level of any educational system. It is the foundation of the higher education. The educational policies of independent India were based on those principles and were committed towards the achievement of universal elementary education. It stressed on the need of inclusion of disabled children in the educational system to achieve the goal of “education for all”. The implementation of the Act signifies a shifting from the belief that children with disabilities should be educated in segregated special school to the belief that children should be included.The present study mainly involved through survey method. The Data were collected through Allahabad district. The sample were selected from random process through inclusive school of 40 male teachers and 50 female teachers. Data will analyzed by using parametric techniques. The result showed that commitment of Government i.e. Education all is not being sufficient translated into action, that assures inclusive education for all.

Title: Adequacy of Tertiary Education Curricula for Sustainable Development of the Graduating Students in Nigeria
Abstract :

Curriculum paradigm is among some other parameters which have participative roles to play in the global vision of sustainable development. In Nigeria case, despite the several reform measures towards sustainable development (SD), tertiary education curricula have been doubted in their viability to attend to sustainable development vision. On this premise, this descriptive survey investigated the adequacy of tertiary education curricula for sustainable development of the graduating students in Nigeria. Two research questions and one research hypothesis and guided the study. A sample of 525 tertiary institutions lecturers participated in the study. The instrument used had a reliability value of 0.79. The findings revealed that the tertiary institutions curricula in Nigeria are somewhat adequate (32.6%). Statistically significant difference was also recorded between university lecturers and colleges of education mean ratings of the adequacy of the curricula ( t-cal (3.39) > t-crit )1.92), while their responses on gender basis did not yield any significant difference (t-cal (0.47) < t-crit (1.92) The tilting responses observed in the findings of this study is a pointer to the inadequacies in the curricula which pose challenges to preparing graduating students for the global world advocating for sustainable development. The author recommends among others interconnectedness by collaboration/partnership among agents of sustainable development.

Title: Absenteeism among High School Students in Relation to School Climate
Abstract :

There is a strong relationship between school, teacher and student. Schools and teachers are meant for the development of students. Absenteeism of students occur due to such as school climate, motivation, lack of parental support etc. the higher the absenteeism, the lower the academics of students. The tool used in the present study is School refusal assessment scale standardized by Kearnel A. Christoper. The survey method was selected as it was found relevant for the present study. Stratified random sampling technique is followed in this study. The sample of the study consists of 300 high school students from Coimbatore city. The present study reveals that there exists a positive relationship between school climate and students absenteeism. Hence there exists a moderate correlation relation between absenteeism and school climate. In order to reduce the level of absenteeism with regard to school climate, necessary measures should be taken by the school authorities.

Title: Operational Land Holdings in India: Trend and Inequality Analysis (1995 – 2011)
Abstract :

As India is often termed as an agrarian economy and land is the fundamental means of production, therefore, it is of immense importance to study land distribution patterns, for better agricultural planning. A lot of research work has been done to study the after effects of land reforms, inequality in land distribution etc.The paper tries to look at various aspects of (growth in total number and area, inequality in the distribution) individually owned operational land holdings in India for a period spanning from 1995 to 2011. To look at change in individually owned operational land holdings (growth rate in terms of both total number and area under different size class) in India, for the above mentioned period. The paper analyses state wise the change in individually owned operational land holdings (growth rate in terms of both total number and area under different size class) for the above mentioned period, showcases level of inequality in individually owned operational land holdings (in terms of number and area) in India comparing 1995 to 2011, examines level of inequality in individually owned operational land holdings (in terms of number and area) for all states comparing 1995 to 2011.Various statistical, graphical and cartographical (ArcGIS) techniques have been used to analyse the data of Agriculture Census of 1995 and 2011, provided by Ministry of Agriculture, GOI. An attempt has been made to interpret the results precisely and specifically for different regions or states according to their policies, social climate etc. Comparisons between 1995 (20th century) and 2011 (21st century) is what makes the study of immense importance.

Title: Status of Inclusion of Children with Special Needs and Effective Teaching in Inclusive Classroom
Abstract :

Inclusion, right of Children with Special Needs, is an approach to educate students with special educational needs with non-disabled children, i.e., Inclusive Education. And therefore, the point here to think about is when we think about teaching in an inclusive classroom, what are our concerns? Do we have enough training? Do we get the support we need from school administrators or specialists? Does working with the children with special needs take time away from our other responsibilities? These questions are very common, and sometimes concerns are justified. The objectives for this study of concern are- (i) to study the status of inclusion of Children With Special Needs in schools of Indore city; and (ii) to suggest solutions for inclusion of CWSN in terms of awareness of teachers, school administration and effective teaching in inclusive classrooms. The sample will include the teachers of the schools in Indore city and a questionnaire will be used as a tool of study. The present study, therefore, will concentrate on the common concerns mentioned above, with a special focus on RTE-SSA (SarvaShikshaAbhiyan) policies and its status.

Title: Evaluation of Distance Learning Pedagogy
Abstract :

Quality of education has been an area of interest among many. Educational institutions aim at improving their quality of education. One way of improving quality is through gap analysis. This study has been attempted to ascertain the quality of education provided to Distance Education students. An analysis of students expectations based on 5 dimensions has been conducted. The study found that students of Distance education are satisfied with their contact classes and the quality of self-instructional material provided. Some areas where gaps were found included internal and external assessment.

Title: Promoting the Right to Education through Social Security System in India
Abstract :

Statistical data from the International organizations indicate that more than 57 million children were out of out of school in 2011. Globally, access to primary schooling has increased modestly in recent years. The right to education is a basic human right and a necessary piece of government social policy for the prevention and alleviation of poverty. In addition, one of the basic social security guarantees is providing access to education. Promoting the right to education through universal primary education cannot be achieved unless children are removed from child labour and are supported by social protection schemes. Studies have shown that if properly managed through social protection mechanism, education section improves all parts of the development of a country. In India, There are innovative policy and legislative approaches about improving universal education through social protection programmes. The question of the role of Social Security in promoting education system has been recently debated in International Law and Indian law field. However, these works have not adequately addressed this issue.This article will discuss the practical problems related to the extension to the right to education through social protection mechanism in India. It further examines the strengths and weaknesses of international standards and Indian social security system, and suggests ways and means by which better social protection of Right to education can be achieved.

Title: Role of ICT in Professional Development of Teachers
Abstract :

The most striking and latest innovation in the field of education is the integration of Information and Communication technology in education. The educational institutions, administrators, and teachers should cope with the suddenly increasing demand for information and skills. One cannot depend on only the same big blackboards, an overhead projector and video-graphed concepts as either because the transaction of curriculum is poor or the tools used in its transition lack application and skill. Technological resources that are available for teaching and learning specially include computer hardware and software, in addition to the growing range of peripherals, which include video, CD-ROM and electronic communication media. The rapidly changing nature of computer technology continues to expand the range of resources available for any subject- specific learning. Educators must be imaginative, flexible and willing to renew their vision of teaching and learning if they are to fully realize the potential of educational technology.

Title: Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Self-Concept of OBC Students at Different Level of Socio-Economic Status
Abstract :

The present investigation is an attempt to study the influence of Emotional Intelligence on self-concept of OBC students of secondary level with respect to their socio-economic status. Emotional Intelligence is a human being ability to control and manage their emotion accurately. A sample 471 OBC students of secondary level of Meerut Zone (U.P) was selected to collect the data. Mangal Emotional intelligence inventory and self-concept measure was used as research tool. Ex-post-facto method was used for the present study. As a result it was found that there is significant difference between self-concept high and low Emotional Intelligence group of OBC students and significant result obtained at different level of socio-economic status.

Title: Changing Pattern of Population Growth of Thalisain Block, Pauri District, Uttarakhand
Abstract :

The population is very important component of any region, which determines the level of socio-economic development and environmental degradation in an area. It has been one of the most important subjects of study for social scientists including geographers. The identity of any region is known by its people who lived with its territories. The word ‘Population’ invariably brings to one’s mind varied images, problems and solutions. The present study is an attempt to assess the changing pattern of population growth of Thalisain block. The information are taken from different sources of secondary data and the main source of data for analysis is from the censes hand book and Garhwal Gazetters. Thalisain development block of Pauri district is the area of interest and is extended from 29o54’30” to 30o10’0” N and 78o54’0” to 79o13’30” E, measuring 35km in length and 49km in width. The area is completely rural and covers 584.km2.

Title: Barriers to Sustainable Industry Institute Partnership and Remedial Measures
Abstract :

The agenda for a robust IIP (Industry Institute Partnership) is well laid out by experts from both Industry and Academia with innumerable benefits for the stakeholders.For the Institute, a few benefits may be an improved curricula, specialized industrial training and projects for UG/PG students,consultancy/R&D, revenue generation and placements. For the industry, the benefits may be the availability of full-fledged engineers to take up challenging tasks in the industry, need based training for its employees and enhancement of business to name a few. Though the agenda is clear, the challenge seems to lie in the implementation phase of a specific program or project, where many pitfalls/bottlenecks pose a threat to the success of the program. An attempt has been made in this paper to highlight a few barriers to effective implementation of plans/ strategies like resource constraints, human factors, factors external to both the partnering organizations etc. The paper will also discuss the remedial measures to be meticulously carried out for removing these bottlenecks for realizing the objectives of a program/project.

Title: Quality Assurance in School Education
Abstract :

The concern of any parent today is to make their children realize their dreams in life. The race for a good education starts the day the child enters in the school. With the economy becoming global year after year and parents attaching more importance to quality education, the competition to secure a seat in the best schools has become even more severe. Schools, therefore, should allow early acquisition of life skills within a complex learning environment. To be successful, teaching and learning – and the learning environment in the school – must be coherent. This requires a capacity-building process, which permeates the whole school life and aims to achieve a wide range of governance including knowledge, skills, values and dispositions.   Large numbers of researchers have viewed school quality in terms of the learning outcomes of students exhibited in form of cognitive achievement, which has been identified as the major explicit objective of all schools. Hence, it is the students’ cognitive achievement that is most often taken as an indicator of school quality. The NPE 1986 envisaged that teaching staff would be responsible for academic standards and providing academic leadership to ensure better performances by schools. School authorities, therefore, must adopt a proper quality assurance mechanism, monitor quality continuously with respect to different identified indicators and initiates appropriate actions to achieve the goals. Such an approach will help the management and the teachers to become aware of their responsibilities with regard to establishing quality in their management and teaching functions.

Title: Open Source Software Vis-à-Vis Cloud Computing: Healthy Requirement for Social Development: A Brief Case Study
Abstract :

Cloud Computing is one of the important computing platform in today’s age which is responsible for virtualization of several Information Technology product which including hardware, software, application, packages, utilities and operating systems. The developments of Information Technology rejuvenate by the application of Cloud Computing application and promotion. Practically Cloud Computing is a consortium based computing service, in which most of the cases, a service provider build all the facilities and provides services of software, hardware, and others to the remote based organization and institutions. This paper is briefly discuses about the Open Source Software dedicated to cloud platform creation and promotion in very simple manner.