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LC - Volume 7 - Issue 3

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Title: A Study of Values of Secondary School Students in Relation to Their Socio-Economic Status and Modernization
Abstract :

The future of any nation depends on its children. Values play an important role in shaping the character and personality of the children. The present study attempts to study the values of secondary school students in relation to their socio-economic status and modernization. The main purpose of the study is to compare the values of secondary school boys and girls, rural and urban students and government and non-government secondary school students. In this study normative survey method was employed. All secondary school students of district Haridwar constituted the population of the study. Two- stage random sampling technique was used to select a total number of 320 secondary school students from the government and non-government secondary schools of district Haridwar. Mean, S.D., ‘t’ test were used for the statistical analysis. The findings revealed that all the secondary school students had average level of values. They preferred social values most while religious value was least preferred by the students. Secondary school boys had higher religious, aesthetic, hedonistic, power, family prestige and health values while secondary school girls had higher economic value. Secondary school students of rural and urban area were found to differ significantly in religious, social, economic, hedonistic, power, family prestige and health values. There was found a significant difference in the hedonistic, family prestige and health values of government and non-government secondary school students

Title: Dyscalculia: Its Types, Symptoms, Causal Factors, and Remedial Programmes
Abstract :

The term dyscalculia comes from Greek and Latin which means “Counting badly”. The prefix “dys” comes from Greek means “badly” “calculia” comes from the Latin “calculare”, which means “to count” the word “calculare ” comes from “calculus” (the diminutive of “calx”, which means stone), Which means “pebbles” or one of the Counters on an abacus.Dyscalculia is a learning disorder that involved math. Those who are diagnosed with the disorder can either have problems of understanding the meaning of numbers, their qualities difficulty using mathematical symbols and concepts, and inability to apply mathematical principles to solve problems. People with developmental dyscalculia show signs of the disability from a young age a condition that causes the same symptoms later in life.Although math learning difficult occur in children with low IQ. Dyscalculia occurs in people across the whole IQ range. Dyscalculia is possibly caused by a miscommunication in brain involving the language and visual processing centers. Some believe that Dyscalculia is inherited while other think environmental toxins like lead paint can cause the learning disorders. Those who suffer from dyscalculia cannot understand the meaning of numbers and their quantities. Simple mathematical skills like knowing how to add, subject, multiply, or divide are difficult.Those who suffer from these learning disorders are usually skilled in reading and writing. They excel in the creative arts; they are unable to grasp the simplest of mathematical concepts. Usually dyscalculia is diagnosed when the sufferer is school age.

Title: Teacher Efficacy of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to Their Teaching Competency
Abstract :

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship between teacher efficacy and teaching competency of secondary school teachers. The study also examined the differences in teacher efficacy and teaching competency of secondary school teachers with respect to locale and gender. For this, 200 respondents from Gurdaspur city were selected. The results of the investigation revealed that no significant gender difference in scores of teacher efficacy and teaching competency. The study further revealed that there is significant difference in teacher efficacy and teaching competency of secondary school teachers with respect to locale. However negative relationship between teacher efficacy and teaching competency of secondary school teachers is found.

Title: A Study of Adjustment of Visually Impaired and Normal Students in Relation to Their Parental Behaviour
Abstract :

Adjustment is a process by which a living organism maintains a balance between needs and circumstances that affects the satisfaction of these needs. The aim of the study is to find out the level of adjustment of visually impaired and normal students and to compare it on the basis of parental behavior and to find out the interactional affect of types of students and parental behavior on the basis of adjustment. Normative Survey method was applied. 200 visually impaired students and 200 normal students were randomly selected from 10 Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools of Dehradun and Haridwar districts of Uttarakhand. ANNOVA Statistical technique was applied for data analysis. After interpretation of data it was found that normal students, have better Emotional, Social, Educational and Total Adjustment as compared to visually impaired students where as parental behavior does not significantly affect the adjustment of visually impaired and normal students. Types of students and parental behavior when joint together, are found insignificant in all the above mentioned dimensions of adjustment of visually impaired and normal students. It is suggested to Parents, Teachers, Curricula Makers, Counselors, Students, Society and Government that these all should be aware of the findings of the study and should maintain a favourable atmosphere by providing special facilities for visually impaired students so that they may increase their adjustment level and may feel the sense of security. It is our duty to bring these students into the main stream of the society so that they may feel the sense of security.

Title: Consumer Society in India: Some Reflections
Abstract :

In the current phase of globalization and changing economic scenario in India, it appears that the increase in money flow in the market is an artificial creation. The government also keeps on pumping money to save the industrialists. The ordinary people in any part of the world find it difficult; however, to comprehend the intricacies of the economics. However, with increase in salaries and easy availability of loans, they keep on purchasing the items which are of no use to them. This paper is an attempt to bring back the attention to the neo-marxist, critical theorists and post-modernist critiques of emerging market society in the world. An attempt is made to relate the theories to the current situations in India where the government claims the highest growth ratio but the Human Development Index and other indexes show the bitter truths of rising inequality, poverty and skewed development.

Title: Role of Pro-Polio Education, Attitude and Belief among Muslim Community and its Relation to Health Issues
Abstract :

Human beings are the most important resources. In order to develop the human resources, the pre-condition is to ensure their good health. Polio is a threat to it. The disease thrives primarily among the Muslim community. Human’s decision is guided by his /her attitude and belief. Comparison between different educational status groups of Muslim community people’s attitude towards polio was significant at 0.01 level, except that between the primary and secondary educated ones. The attitudinal difference between male and female Muslim community people towards polio was also significant at that statistical level. The female possess better attitude than their male counterpart. No definite relation was found between the educational level and belief in polio among the Muslim community people.

Title: Education and Social Capital
Abstract :

The relationship between education and social capital has been of great interest to the researchers over years, including, economists, sociologists, political scientists and educationists. The aim of this paper is to gain an understanding of the relationship between social capital and education. This paper starts with the theoretical perspectives on social capital and education, especially in the views of Pierre Bourdieu, James Colemen and Robert D. Putnam. The second section tries to explain the effect of social capital on education and the last section looks at the way education affects social capital. The paper suggests that the governments may fulfil the necessary condition of providing education but it will be less effective without sufficient social capital.x

Title: MSc Human Computer Interaction [HCI]: the Domain Beyond Traditional Green Web Systems–Indian Educational Context
Abstract :

Human Computer Interaction is a field that is concerned generally with Human Centric System and is concerned generally with making interface which has usability or user friendliness. Human Computer Interaction means interaction or affiliation with human or people with computer or machine. More clearly Human Computer Interaction is allows user to effectively and efficiently accomplish the task for which it was design and one that uses rate positively on opinion or emotional scale. Human Computer Interaction restricted on computer but it can be wider than that. Today it is actually nothing but the planning, designing and development of computer devices and system which are much more intelligent and interactive and known as pulse of human being. This paper is talks about so many aspect of Human Computer Interaction including need and possibilities of proposed MSc- Human Computer Interaction in Indian context.

Title: Influence of Parental Attention on the Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students of Expatriate Parents
Abstract :

The study was conducted to find out the influence of parental attention on academic achievement of students of expatriate parents. The sample for the study was collected from various schools of Malabar region in the state of Kerala. Sample consists of 600 secondary school students whose fathers are working abroad of which 312 are boys and 288 are girls. A self made tool was used to measure the parental attention and the score of annual examination was taken as the indicator of academic achievement. Students were classified into three groups based on the parental attention they get; namely high attention group, average attention group and low attention group. A comparison of percentage of achievement was done further. The study revealed that there is no significant relation between the academic achievement and parental attention among the secondary school students who are under the care and control of their mothers than that of their fathers.

Title: Global Land Deals and its Impact
Abstract :

Over the past decade, there has been a massive increase in large-scale land deals, often from public lands to the hands of foreign or domestic investors. Popularly referred to as ‘global land grab’, new land acquisitions are challenging the nature of both governance and government. It is inferred that ‘the state’ is often invoked as a key player in land grabbing but states never operate with one voice; rather we need to unbundle the state, to see government and governance as processes, people and relationships. To develop this approach, focus is on territory, sovereignty, authority and subjects not as static objects but as relationships in place, property, power and production. Understanding the dynamic nature of these relationships is critical for the highly variable form and content of large-scale land deals in different settings around the world.

Title: Education for Human Revolution
Abstract :

This paper attempts an understanding of the idea of education as developed in the writings of the three presidents of Soka Gakkai International and further dwells upon its relation with the concept of human revolution. The philosophy of education as encountered in these thought leaders and spiritual agents of change has much to do with basic processes of creating value in life and inspiring a chain of such meaningful actions which result in what has been called- the human revolution.

Title: Illiteracy Flagging India
Abstract :

India shares the highest proportion with more than one third of the world’s illiterates along with one fourth illiterate population at the national level. Illiteracy is one of the important factors which negatively affect the socio-economic development of society. The illiterate population is isolated and excluded from mainstream society. The present paper is an attempt to analyze the pattern of illiteracy across the Indian states. The study is based on secondary data extracted from the Census of India 2011- applying the diagram and mapping to present status of illiteracy at a regional level. The analysis of the pattern of illiteracy reveals that illiteracy is the highest among rural females while it is lowest for urban males. The gap between male –female illiteracy indicates that there is heterogeneity in rural females and homogeneity in urban males. Moreover, there is a regional imbalance in educational as well as in empowerment efforts.