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LC - Volume 8 - Issue 1

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Title: A Study of Interest Factor of Secondary School Students About
Abstract :

Education has a great role in individual’s process of growth and development. Man as a total is equal to reorganized and reconstructed life experiences of him. It is impossible to imagine life status at this time without science. Science learning is indispensable part of school curriculum. And without practicability values science is a fiction. In science learning students’ participation is must. Generally it has come to observation that science learning requires scientific attitude. It becomes interesting when it ensures students participation. This study aims to know the interest of secondary school going students about science subject. Researcher used survey method of research in this study. Random sampling technique was used in this study.GSS School Kothi rural and GSS school Ghumarwin urban Bilaspur HP were selected for study.Thirty two students (Boys) and Thirty two students (Girls) each were taken as sample from each school.The total size of the sample was one hundred and twenty eight. The researcher used a self developed scale. Questionnaire developed carries fifty one questions which are to be rated on five point scale like strongly agree, agree ,neutral, disagree and strongly disagree. Data was analyzed with t-test for comparison and percentage was caluculated.Results show that students are actively interested in science subjects. They consider it most important for their life. They show an interest to science related articles. They differ in interest for science subject with respect to rural and urban background.

Title: A Comparative Study of Teaching Effectiveness and Adjustment to Teaching Profession of Govt. and Privately Managed Secondary School Teachers
Abstract :

The present study was undertaken to compare teaching effectiveness and adjustment to teaching profession of Government and privately managed secondary school teachers. A sample of one hundred and fifty secondary school teachers were randomly selected by the researcher. Seventy five privately managed school teachers and seventy five government managed secondary school teachers of ninth and tenth standard classes were selected from Mathura District of Utter pradesh.This study shows that a significant difference exists between teaching effectiveness of Government and private school secondary teachers.

Title: Role of ICT in E-governance and Rural Development : An Indian Scenario
Abstract :

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) play a key role in development & Economic growth of Rural India. A large number of rural e-Governance applications, developed as pilot projects were aimed at offering easy access to citizens services and improved processing of government to citizen transactions..This paper presents a brief review of the technologies, the rural ICT projects and the issues associated with the use of ICT for rural e-governance applications.

Title: Cooperative Learning: An Innovative Strategy to Classroom Instruction
Abstract :

Innovation and reform are the two key factors in the development and progress of any education system and its practices and processes. New strategies of teaching and learning are being thought and practiced as most important inputs to bring about qualitative improvement in the education. Cooperative learning is one such approach which makes the students to learn as group to maximize their own and each others’ learning. The focus of this strategy is on inter- personal exchange of opinions, intellectual challenge, critical thinking, higher level reasoning-the skills which are highly valued in the age of globalization. It is being increasingly felt that thinking process of students is being suppressed by competitive learning environment prevalent in schools. The cut throat competition encourages negative interdependence. The school curriculum has to aim at not only enabling learners to acquire knowledge. The development of intrinsic values and emotional intelligence of learners are equally important. The cooperative learning helps in all round development of personality if applied systematically.

Title: Different Aspects of Emerging Trends of Indian Education
Abstract :

Our country India belongs to a third world country. So in a country like India education has to play a crucial role in social transformation, social change, and national development. But for that we have to accept the current trends and development as well as new innovations in education. The present area in Indian education is very significant and crucial both in terms of quantity and quality. The existing political, social and economic structures have their impact on education as they give rise to educational problems. On the other hand new educational policies and technological advancement and development has posed new challenges and encountered with new problems in re-orientation and re-organization of education at all levels.

Title: Role of Information and Communication Technology in Teaching Learning Process
Abstract :

Information and communication technologies (ICT) have become commonplace entities in all aspects of life. Across the past twenty years the use of ICT has fundamentally changed the practices and procedures of nearly all forms of endeavors within business and governance. Within education ICT has begun to have a presence but the impact has not been as extensive as in other fields. Education is a very socially oriented activity and quality education has traditionally been associated with strong teachers having high degree of personal contact with learners. The use of ICT in education lends itself to more student centered learning setting and often this creates some tensions for some teachers and students. But with the world moving rapidly into digital media and information, the role of ICT in education is becoming more and more important and this important and this importance will continue to grow and develop in the 21st century .

Title: A study of role of SMC as mentioned in Right to Education Act, 2009 among Municipal Corporation Primary Schools of Delhi.
Abstract :

The present article is an attempt to study the role of SMC members in the implementation of Right to Education Act, 2009. The study is descriptive survey.The data was collected from SMC members of Municipal Corporation Schools of Delhi. A questionnaire comprising of closed ended and open ended questions was prepared for studying the role of SMC members in the implementation of RTE Act. The data collected was systematically tabulated and was analysed qualitatively. The findings of the study show that the provision of SMC is not functional in the investigated schools. There is lack of awareness among teachers, parents and SMC members regarding functioning of SMC.