Title: Effect of pre-treatment follicular size on reproductive response of dairy heifers after PG2α induced estrus and GnRH administration on the day of artificial insemination
Abstract :The present study was designed to investigate the influence of pre-treatment follicular size on the reproductive response of dairy heifers after PGF2á injection and GnRH administration on the day of artificial insemination (AI). After transrectal ultrasound examination, fifty-two dairy heifers bearing corpus luteum (CL) were selected and divided into three groups: Group I (n=19) with small follicles (2-5 mm); Group II (n=18) with medium follicles (6-9 mm) and Group III (n=15) with dominant follicle (10-12 mm). <br><br>Each group was administered 500 mg PGF2 α immediately after ultrasound examination (Day 0) and 100 µg GnRH at the time of AI,performed 80 hours after PGF2α injection. A second ultrasound examination was done early morning on Day 3 (72 h) after prostaglandin treatment and presence of a pre-ovulatory follicle and clinical estrus signs were recorded.
Abstract :The present study was designed to investigate the influence of pre-treatment follicular size on the reproductive response of dairy heifers after PGF2á injection and GnRH administration on the day of artificial insemination (AI). After transrectal ultrasound examination, fifty-two dairy heifers bearing corpus luteum (CL) were selected and divided into three groups: Group I (n=19) with small follicles (2-5 mm); Group II (n=18) with medium follicles (6-9 mm) and Group III (n=15) with dominant follicle (10-12 mm). <br><br>Each group was administered 500 mg PGF2 α immediately after ultrasound examination (Day 0) and 100 µg GnRH at the time of AI,performed 80 hours after PGF2α injection. A second ultrasound examination was done early morning on Day 3 (72 h) after prostaglandin treatment and presence of a pre-ovulatory follicle and clinical estrus signs were recorded.
Title: Ultrasonic monitoring and biometry of ovaries and ovarian structures during superovulation following transvagianl
follicle ablation in Murrah buffaloes
Abstract :
Abstract :
Five Murrah buffaloes were studied ultrasonographically to record the biometry of the ovarian structures and superovulatory response during superovulation (SOV) following follicle ablation. Transvaginal ultrasound-guided follicle aspiration / ablation (FA) was done at the middle of the oestrous cycle (day 10) on follicle of over 10 mm diameter, using 5.0 MHz convex-array intravaginal transducer using a B-mode scanner. The animals were simultaneously subjected to superovulation with either FSH
(Folltropin V) or FSH+PMSG. Ovarian size and ovarian structural changes of these five superovulated buffaloes were monitored on a) the 10th day post estrus (Day of Follicle Ablation and start of superovulation protocol,)
b) 3rd day post FA+SOV (the 3rd day of superovulation programme) and c) 6th day post FA+SOV (Day before Flushing).
Title: Fetotomy a resolution to dystocia in a mare — A case report
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Abstract :
Dystocia in mare is perhaps one of the most challenging conditions faced by
equine practitioners. Malposture of long foetal extremities is a major cause of
dystocia in mare (Frazer, 2001). Incidence of dystocia was 4% in thoroughbred mares; percentage of anterior, posterior and transversepresentations was 99, 0.9 and 0.1, respectively. Procedure of Fetotomy is not easy as in cow due to longer equine birth canal impediment poses by rapidly detaching foetal membranes (Fraser, 1997). Incidence of dystocia in mare has been much less documented than cattle.
Title: Serum biochemical profiles and body condition score in crossbred cows affected with postpartum anestrum
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Abstract :
A total number of 80 postpartum anestrus crossbred Frieswal crossbred cows were evaluated for body condition score (BCS). The moderate (2-2.5); good (3-3.5) and fat (4-4.5) BCS were 10.00, 82.50 and 7.50 per cent,
respectively in Military Dairy farm, Hyderabad. The serum calcium, phosphorus,
cholesterol and glucose profile in cyclic vs. postpartum anestrus cows were 14.53 vs.9.78;7.88 vs.6.20; 140.58 vs.94.35 and 70.25 vs.52.25, respectively. The serum biochemical profiles were significantly lower in postpartum
anestrus cows.
Title: Effect of diluent supplementation with garlic extract on semen quality of cocks during liquid storage
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Abstract :
This experiment was designed to examine whether garlic extract (GE) supplementation could improve rooster sperm motility, viability, and morphology during in vitro storage for different periods (24, 48 or72 h). A total of 42 White Leghorn roosters, 22 – wk old randomly divided into 6 experimental pens (7 roosters each) were used in this study. The experimental
groups were as follows: T1 = fresh , undiluted semen ( control ); T2 = semen diluted 1:1 with Lake diluent ( LD ) alone; T3 = semen diluted 1:1 with GE alone, while T4, T5 and T6 represented semen samples diluted 1:1 with
LD and supplemented with 1, 2 and 4 ml GE / 100 ml of diluent, respectively. Results denoted that semen incubation for 24, 48 or 72 h at the refrigerator temperature in the absence of GE(T1) was associated with a significant (p<0.05) decrease in the mass activity and individual motility, and significant (p<0.05) increase in the percentages of dead spermatozoa, abnormal spermatozoa and acrosomal abnormalities.
Title: Management of urinary bladder eversion and perineal laceration in a mare: A case report
Abstract :A 9 year old Arabian mare was referred to Al Qattara Veterinary Hospital Al Ain, United Arab Emirates with a complaint of hanging of an unusual large mass from the vulva. This mare had unassisted foaling 17 days earlier and a first degree perineal laceration that occurred at foaling was repaired surgically. The mare showed several bouts of colic during the past 10 days and urine was dribbling from the everted mass. The case was diagnosed as eversion of urinary bladder with first degree perineal laceration. The everted mass was replaced back under mild sedation with xylazine and epidural anesthesia. The 1st degree laceration was repaired surgically. The mare had an uneventful recovery.
Abstract :A 9 year old Arabian mare was referred to Al Qattara Veterinary Hospital Al Ain, United Arab Emirates with a complaint of hanging of an unusual large mass from the vulva. This mare had unassisted foaling 17 days earlier and a first degree perineal laceration that occurred at foaling was repaired surgically. The mare showed several bouts of colic during the past 10 days and urine was dribbling from the everted mass. The case was diagnosed as eversion of urinary bladder with first degree perineal laceration. The everted mass was replaced back under mild sedation with xylazine and epidural anesthesia. The 1st degree laceration was repaired surgically. The mare had an uneventful recovery.
Title: Ovarian follicular dynamics during estrous cycle and its aberrations during certain reproductive disorders in buffalo
Abstract :Ovarian follicular development in the species follows a wave dynamics involving mostly 2-wave or 3-wave cycles. Although there are still large gaps in our understanding of the etiopathogenic mechanisms underlying reproductive disorders in buffalo, available literature suggests alterations in ovarian dynamics at one or more stages of follicular development. This article gives a brief account of the ovarian follicular dynamics during estrous cycle and aberrations associated with certain reproductive disorders in buffalo.
Abstract :Ovarian follicular development in the species follows a wave dynamics involving mostly 2-wave or 3-wave cycles. Although there are still large gaps in our understanding of the etiopathogenic mechanisms underlying reproductive disorders in buffalo, available literature suggests alterations in ovarian dynamics at one or more stages of follicular development. This article gives a brief account of the ovarian follicular dynamics during estrous cycle and aberrations associated with certain reproductive disorders in buffalo.