Abstract :
A study was carried out to elucidate the ovarian antral follicular dynamics and the profile of certain biochemical components in ovarian antral follicular fluid of non-descript goats of Karnataka. Three hundred ovaries were collected from two to five year old healthy non-descript goats slaughtered at Civil Meat Processing and Production Centre, Bangalore during the months of September to December, 2012. The surface ovarian antral follicles were categorized into three groups based on the diameter as Group I (small, 1 to 2.9 mm), Group II (medium, 3 to 5 mm) and Group III (large, >5 mm) follicles. The follicular fluid was collected and pooled as per the different groups of follicles and it was analysed for the levels of glucose, total protein, albumin, total cholesterol, estradiol-17β, alkaline phosphatase and acid phosphatase activities. The results of the present study revealed that the number of medium sized follicles were significantly (P<0.05) higher compared to small and large sized follicles. The glucose content and acid phosphatase activities were significantly (P<0.05) higher in small follicles compared to medium and large follicles. Total cholesterol and estradiol-17β levels were significantly (P<0.05) higher in large follicles compared to small and medium follicles. The total protein, albumin levels and alkaline phosphatase activities did not differ significantly (P>0.05) between various groups of follicles. It was concluded that the findings of the present study on ovarian antral follicular dynamics and biochemical profile of follicular fluid could be useful for the scientists working on in vitro maturation and in vitro fertilization in goats.
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Infertility is a unique category of human functional disability, where the fertility disturbances of one partner may only become evident through the other partner’s problem, while optimal reproductive function in one partner may compensate for impaired function in the other. It is estimated that approximately 15% of married couples are infertile. Male factor infertility contributes to about 50% manifested as quantitative abnormality (azoospermia, cryptozoospermia and oligozoospermia), or as qualitative abnormality (asthenospermia, teratozoospermia and necrospermia) or both. Investigation of apoptosis in spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids in the testis has been done extensively and many apoptotic factors have been identified. Testicular apoptosis has been reported in human specimens, but its correlation with serum gonadotropins and testosterone levels is not clear. It is assumed that somatic cells can die in the apoptotic, the autophagic, or the necrotic way but the mechanisms involved in the sperm death are obscure and the biological significance of apoptosis in ejaculated sperm is yet to be elucidated. Thus the goal of this article is to identify and discuss common themes in mitochondrial function and the apoptotic pathway related to mammalian reproduction. Apart from this finding the correlation of apoptosis with serum gonadotropins and testosterone levels will also help in correlating the processes taking place in spermatozoa responsible for male infertility.
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The current experiment was conducted to determine the ovulatory response of Murrah buffaloes subjected to repeated therapeutic doses of FSH and PMSG+FSH in two successive periods. Three elite, multiparous, Murrah buffaloes, 80 to 120 days postpartum, were included in multiple-ovulation embryo transfer (MOET) schedule. The estrus was synchronized with one injection of prostaglandin. Superovulatory treatment was started from day 10 of induced estrus after ablation of dominant follicle of over 10 mm diameter, using 5.0 MHz convex-array intravaginal transducer using a B-mode scanner with aspiration assembly. Study was undertaken in two consecutive periods so each animal was treated with PMSG+FSH in first superovulation period and FSH on the Second period after short interval period (14 day cycle). For FSH treated, Folltropin was administered in a twice-daily descending dose schedule (0–5, 5–4, 4–3, 3–2, 2–2 ml; 20 mg/ml, total dose 600 mg of FSH. For PMSG+FSH treated, an injection of PMSG (1000 IU) was given in the evening of day 10 followed by dose 400 mg FSH and schedule as of FSH treated group from the evening of day 11. All donors received prostaglandin injection on day 13 in morning and evening. Donors were inseminated with frozen thawed semen of proven bull on Day 15 a.m. and p.m. and Day 16 a.m. Nonsurgical embryo collection was carried out on Day 5 post-insemination.
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A 5-year-old Holstein-Friesian cow was presented with a primary problem of difficult in parturition (Dystocia). This was the third calving for the cow. A disoriented foetus was palpated per rectum, and on vaginal examination the head of the foetus was palpated which was ventral to the body of the foetus. A caesarotomy (caesarean section) was performed which aided in the diagnosis of a shistosomus reflexus. The shistosomus reflexus was examined grossly and the features observed were exposed abdominal organs, malformed skeleton, improperly positioned limbs which were adjacent to the head. Scoliosis (u shaped or curved spine) and this severe spinal inversion resulted in the head lying in close approximation to the sacrum