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TI - Volume 11 - Issue 2

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Title: Contents Vol. 11, No. 2, December 2021
Abstract :
Title: A Study on Different Diagnostic Approach for Early Recognition of Canine Pyometra
Abstract :

The study aimed to evaluate ultrasonographic findings, radiography, and blood profile in 24 bitches presented for treatment of pyometra. Clinical symptoms such as anorexia, vaginal discharge, depression, polyuria/polydipsia, vomiting, and abdominal distension were seen. Among these various types of diagnostic approaches, ultrasonography a powerful tool for the early detection of uterine abnormalities. Before any clinical alterations could be noticed, ultrasonography allowed the diagnosis of pathologic abnormalities. Pyometra must be identified, diagnosed, and treated as soon as possible to achieve a successful outcome.

Title: Dystocia due to Twin Fetus in Bovine: A case report
Abstract :

A nondescript cattle was reported to dystocia with twin foetus that cause the impaction of maternal pelvis, after lubrication and obstetrical procedure per vaginal both fetus was expelled live with no complication.

Title: Therapeutic Management of Prolonged Postpartum Anoestrus in a Crossbred Jersey Cattle without Hormonal Intervention: A Case Report
Abstract :

The present case study discuss about the therapeutic management of prolonged postpartum anoestrus in a crossbred Jersey cattle without any hormonal intervention. A three and half years old cattle having approximate 250 kg body weight was presented to an animal health camp held on Burdhaman district in West Bengal state (India) with a history of postpartum anoestrus. According to the cattle owner the animal hasn’t shown any symptoms of estrus cycle even after five months of first calving. On per-rectal examination the animal failed to reveal distinctly palpable corpus luteum in the ovaries with apparently normal uterus. In this case, at first the cattle was dewormed then managed with supportive therapy by giving vitamins and minerals supplements. For better result ovarian massage was given also. The owner informed that animal came to heat after one month of treatment and now the animal is three months pregnant after conceiving through artificial insemination.

Title: Successful Uterine Detorsion and its Therapeutic Management in a Doe
Abstract :

The present case describes successful uterine detorsion and its therapeutic management in a non-descript goat.

Title: Studies on Haemto-biochemical and Physiological Parameters in Canine Pyometra
Abstract :

Canine pyometra is an acute or chronic polysystemic diestrual disorder mainly of mature nulliparous bitches. In this retrospective study, an attempt was made to analyse the physiological and haemato-biochemical parameters of a total of 22 affected bitches attended at Sneh Vet lab and Clinic Bhadra, Bhiwani, (Haryana). The findings revealed pyrexia and tachycardia with normal respiration rate in most of the pyometra affected bitches. Amongst the haemato-biochemical parameters, there were reduced levels of haemoglobin, packed cell volume and total erythrocyte count, along with severe leucocytosis, neutrophilia with shift to left, lymphopenia, eosinophilia and elevated BUN and serum creatinine in the bitches affected with pyometra suggesting bone marrow and renal damage. However, the mean values of mean corpuscular volume, mean corpuscular haemoglobin as well as serum ALT and AST were within the normal range, confirming normocytic normochromic anaemia without liver dysfunction.

Title: Comparing the Clinical Efficacy of Mifepristone and Misoprostol Treatment Protocol for Induction of Parturition in Bitches
Abstract :

Successful management of parturition induction is a challenging task in canine. This study made to assess the efficacy of antiprogestagen mifepristone and prostaglandin misoprostol in induction of parturition in bitches. Total of 11 pregnant bitches with gestational age of more than 62 days confirmed by ultrasound scanning and not showing any sings of initiation of parturition were selected. Induction of parturition was initiated by mifepristone (3 mg/ kg b wt PO) twice a day or a combination of mifepristone (3 mg/kg b wt PO) and misoprostol (200 μg for < 20 kg, 400 μg for > 20 kg b wt, i/vg) 12 h after second dose of mifepristone. The combination of both drugs mifepristone and misoprostol was more effective for parturition induction.

Title: A Review on Traditional and Recent Approaches for Predication of Breeding Soundness Evolution in Bull
Abstract :
The breeding soundness examination (BSE) predicts about bull’s potential to get cows pregnant. To identify a bull’s potential fertility, breeding-soundness examinations are frequently used in the beef industry. Bull BSE is a simple, cheap, and essential tool for a cow-calf operation. BSE enhances risk management, strategic bull use, herd fertility, and economics. It is carried out to determine a bull’s libido,and reproductive status, and to test for different genital diseases. Based on the BSE bulls are given one of three classifications: “satisfactory,” “unsatisfactory,” or “classification postponed”. Accurate Semen evaluation is an important factor of the BSE. Competent physical/reproductive exams and appropriate semen evaluations can contribute greatly to the fertility and economics of individual herds as well as understanding of factors which affect fertility