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TL - Volume 4 - Issue 1

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Title: Motivational factors and teachers job attitude with respect to Herzberg motivation-hygiene theory
Abstract :

Motivation is an internal state or condition that activates behavior and gives it direction; desire or want that energizes and directs goal-oriented behavior; influence of needs and desires on the intensity and direction of behavior. Motivating employees and driving their energy towards organizational goals have been a major question for managers. Many theories have been given to understand motivation, one such theory is Herzberg’s two-factor theory, which casts a new light on the content of work motivation. This paper discusses and compares effect of achievement , recognition and challenging work , increased responsibility etc on job attitude of male and female employees.

Title: Revisiting Integrated Science Education in Rural Southern Nigeria: Perspectives on Teacher’s Job Status and Satisfaction
Abstract :
The main purpose of this study was to find out the factors affecting career and professional development in science education in the rural Southern Nigeria. Five specific objectives were drawn for the study: (1) To identify the status and quality of science education teachers in these areas (2) To examine the condition of service of these science education teachers. (3) To find out factors affecting their career development (4) To explain the main factors affecting these teachers in their professionalism
(5) To propose ways of enhancing science education teachers career development. The study uses 300 post primary school science education teachers, randomly selected from 30 post primary schools in the Niger Delta region of Southern Nigeria. The researcher used questionnaire as the main instrument for data collection and also interacted with these teachers both males and females. The study indicated among others, that science education teachers in the Region faced the problem of lack of science equipment and laboratories/infrastructure in their schools due to remoteness of some of these schools, environmental problems, community oil company conflicts and socio-cultural factors that hinders science education teachers motivation consequently, the low and delayed salaries and allowances that has resulted in the low esteem and status of science education teachers job status and career satisfaction
Title: ICT-Based Education: A Paradigm shift in India
Abstract :

Information and Communication Technologies are today playing a very important role in transforming the mode of imparting education. Education at all levels has been significantly impacted by the tremendous innovations in ICT especially in the field of telecommunications and multimedia applications. A few decades ago, technological devices like radio, television, film strips, OHP, audio and video cassettes were used to make teaching effective and enhance learning. But now a days, teaching and learning has been enhanced by a vast array of ICT based technologies in the form of interactive radio, teleconferencing, web based and satellite based services. ICT provides opportunities to access an abundance of information using multiple information resources and viewing information from multiple perspectives, thus fostering the authenticity of learning environments. The world in which we live is changing rapidly and the field of education is experiencing these changes in particular as it applies to media services. The old days of an educational institution having an isolated audio-visual department are long gone! The growth in use of multimedia within the education sector has accelerated in recent years and looks set for continued expression in the future. The present paper focuses on integration of ICTs in educational system in India and highlights on present educational scenario. This paper is an attempt to draw attention on policies implementation regarding ICT integration and effectiveness of teaching-learning environment.

Title: A Comparative study on the Teaching Competency between Novice and Veteran Teachers in the Teaching Learning Process of Secondary School of Bilaspur City Chhattisgarh
Abstract :

Education in the broadest sense of the term is meant to aid the human being in his/her pursuit of wholeness. Wholeness implies the harmonious development of all the potentialities God has given to a human person. Researcher has taken variable teaching competency on teaching of novice and veteran teacher. The teacher acquires that knowledge through his continuous efforts and learns presentation during their training which determines his effectiveness. This research study is mainly of an exploratory nature. It is a comparative study of teaching competency between the Novice teachers’ (whom are new in teaching profession with the idea of new generations & their demands & E- technology, ICT and practice of new methods and trends in teaching-learning process) and Veteran teachers’ (whom are having plenty of years of experience in the teaching-learning process and pedagogy) of Secondary school (Government and Private both with the Affiliation of CBSE) of Bilaspur city.