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TL - Volume 5 - Issue 2

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Title: Assessment of Basic Computer and Internet Skills among Students in Rural Areas of Prakasam District: A Study
Abstract :

This paper presents the information about the computer knowledge and internet skills of the rural youth in Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh. Computer knowledge and internet skills are compulsory in the present work in particularly for the rural students who are pursuing degree and post graduation. The Internet can be known as a kind of global meeting place where people from all parts of the world can come together. The government departments, private companies and nongovernmental organisations are advertising the information in their websites, blogs and job search sites. Due to lack of internet skills, communication skills, computer knowledge the rural-urban poor youth are in back to get the jobs. Very les studies are available on the present issue. Based on the situation the present article has through a light on the issue. The objective is to assess the computer knowledge and internet skills among the rural students who are above Intermediate.

Title: Concerns of School in Nurturing Peace Education
Abstract :

These days we are living in a very disturbing society where violence, aggression and argument have become so common for no cause most of times. People are behaving very inhumanly. Most often these violence or conflicts occur due to misunderstanding and unknowingness of the facts. Hence, these misunderstanding and unknowingness posing new threats to our society. In this regard, learning to live with and in peace is prime concerns of peace education. Across the Education world, peace education is gaining attention in the policies and thereby, in the curriculum and syllabus of education. With the growing recognition and attention, school is being identified as a key role player in setting and facilitating peace education. In the beginning of the article meaning of peace is stated thereafter, it tries to differentiate between the concepts of Peace Education and Education for Peace. It also outlines the various role of school in setting of aims and objectives and implementation strategies of peace education.

Title: Doubts Over Efficacy Of No Detention Policy For Quality In Education
Abstract :

India’s flagship programme ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ (SSA) for Universalisation of Elementary Education has enhanced enrolment rate and retention of children in school. The country has now shifted its focus from retention to quality of education for improvement in children’s learning achievements. The UN recommendation has been reinforced in the provision of the Right of children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009, which came into effect in India on 1st April 2010, enshrining in law for the first time the rights of all Indian children aged between 06 and 14 years to free and compulsory elementary education regardless of caste, class, gender etc. The RTE act, though deserves due credit for laying down in fairly specific terms state’s responsibility towards education, it would be appropriate to examine the status and awareness on the part of schools and concerned authority to provide free elementary education to the children aging between 06 to 14 years of age ‘The No Detention Policy’ was brought in to provide elementary school children an environment free from fear, anxiety and stress to allow them learn and grow on their own pace as well as check the drop out rates. It, however, has turned out to be counter productive. It seems all is not well with the ‘no detention’ policy introduced under the RTE Act

Title: Sahaja: the pathway to the attainment of literacy and numeracy skill through reinforcement
Abstract :

The paper highlights the modalities of eliminating the learning gap among the learners. At the outset the learning gaps underlying literacy and numeracy skill were located among the learners of class V. Basing on the gaps a module titled ‘Sahaja’ was developed and intervention was extended using the module for a period of six weeks. On completion of intervention endline assessment was done and a comparison of the performance of the learners between baseline and endline was done and it was found that elimination of learning gap was observed to the extent of 75 %. Thus the interevention proved effective.

Title: Situational Analysis of Street Children in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh: A Study
Abstract :

The present article discusses about the situation of street children in Guntur City of Andhra Pradesh. Street child is ‘any boy or girl for whom the street has become his or her habitual house or source of livelihood’. UNICEF estimated that there are 400,000 street children are living in different parts of India with vulnerable conditions. Guntur is one of the growing cities in Andhra Pradesh. The researcher has selected Guntur City for research setting and collected the data from 42 street children on their socio economic and living conditions by using the purposive sampling method. The study found that the mean ages of the respondents’ are 14 years. About 82 per cent street children stopped their studies. The major work they are doing for their livelihood is collect old papers, cooli, begging, helper, hawker, shoe polishers, seller of flowers, etc. A small percentage of street children are, as reported by key Informants, involved in theft, snatching, pick pocketing, sex work, drug business, Informer etc. The study suggests that the Street children must be provided tender care and emotional support and good nutritive diet so that they are not exposed to occupational and health hazards. Street based education system should be developed for the street children up to mainstream them with other government schools. Given the knowledge on hazards such as HIV/AIDS, early pregnancies, abortion, substance abuse, school dropout, child abuse and related rights etc. Media should publish the success stories of restoration of street children with their family members.