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TL - Volume 7 - Issue 1-2

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Title: Contents
Abstract :


Title: School Education and Use of ICT: A Case Study of an Urdu Medium School Located in Central Dist. of Delhi
Abstract :

Today’s society is knowledge-based society. The countries would be in better state only if they would be able to get ICT leverage at greater extent. Recent National Policy on ICT for school education has very straightforward mandate to transform society into knowledge society by meaningful induction of ICT in education. Because, our millions of tiny minds are in the process of becoming citizen and potential Nation-builder whose fate is solely shaped in our classrooms. A teacher is an important agent of change and need be equipped with essential skills of ICT. This study provides an in-depth analysis of teaching and learning discourse of a three-century-old school where learners have opportunity to learn in Urdu medium. This piece of small investigation has been trying to focus over integration of ICT in many school subjects and its preferences over past practices. Besides this, study is also trying to gauge out obstacles faced by Urdu medium teachers in integration of ICT in their teaching and their immediate possible solutions, which is necessary to fulfill mandate of National ICT Policy aspirations from school education. The major findings of the study are: ICT enabled teaching simplifies complex learning, make learning permanent, easy to retain, recall, assess learning and also helpful to employ same in real life situation. Second, no previous exposure of ICT, age factor, administrative inertness, orientation of computer applications in English language were found as major obstacle to integrate ICT in teaching among Urdu medium teachers.

Title: Technologies for Smart Learning
Abstract :

Technology is everywhere and we depend on technology. In this digital era, the role of teacher and student has changed dramatically. Learners utilize new technologies to gain knowledge more comfortably, effectively and seamlessly. Technology is used to provide opportunities for students to apply knowledge in the real world context and engage in active participation, exploration and research. Smart learning is a new approach of learning used by teachers and students both in the classroom and outside of the classroom, in daily life. It is a new vision, where internet, laptops, smart phones, multimedia etc utilize in the process of education. Smart learning technology provides a learning platform to every learner universally. In Smart learning technology, learning is more connect to the real world; the learner is more active than teacher. M-learning, digital pedagogy, social media, MOOC, OER, Edutainment, Blended learning and flipped classroom are some of the examples of smart learning technology. This paper explains the smart learning approach, technology being used in it and its pros and cons.

Title: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning: An Introduction
Abstract :

Collaboration has always been the basic nature as well as requirement to survive on this earth. In the present scenario collaborative learning has changed its settings due to the presence of technology like computers, mobile devices online systems etc. computer supported collaborative learning is the use of computer device as a medium to establish collaboration as the central strategy in teaching-learning process. It is a great initiative to provide a rich experience in collaborative settings to enhance the learning process. To inculcate computer supported collaborative learning in our regular teaching learning practice it is necessary to modify the traditional setup and to train teachers to adopt such changes. This paper explores the theoretical concepts, basic collaborative techniques in computer supported collaborative learning environment and challenges in implementation of CSCL in teaching learning process.

Title: Technology Supported Education for People with Disabilities
Abstract :

The development of information society affects each & every aspect of people live. The technologies which are currently available and those which are about to come, having the potential to transform the entire educational system. Students with mild learning disorder can fulfil their educational activities through computer-based technology. Now there is also an adaptive technology, which enables students those are suffering from severe disabilities to take an active participation in the classrooms with their classmates who do not have disabilities. Any item, equipment or system that helps people with disabilities is termed as assistive technology. The purpose of assistive technology to makes things possible for disabled rather than fixing them. In the present paper, there is description of technologies, which enables the disabled student to perform their educational activities in a more possible manner.

Title: Big Data in Education and Learning Analytics
Abstract :
Due to increasing role of computers, the internet and digital data across many forms of human endeavor is the widespread uptake of the notion of “Big data.” Researchers and educators seem to explore the potential of technology to grab, analyze and utilize huge amount of data in increasingly powerful ways. analysis of educational data is not something new in the field of education but increasing interest towards the use of learning management system, collaborative learning electronic portfolio, moodle, intelligent tutoring system, gaming, sharable content object reference model
(SCORM), e-learning, m-learning, e-assessment, virtual worlds and augmented reality has fueled research in the field of Big data and learning analytics. Learning analytics is a field related to educational data mining. It describes attempts to use digital data about student’s background and learning behaviors in online contexts to monitor and predict student performance. This paper explores the concept of learning analytics, its dimensions, approaches and applications in detail it also describes the relationship between educational data mining, academic analytics and learning analytics.
Title: Issues and Challenges of Choice Based Credit System: Insights from University of Kashmir
Abstract :

In a bid to revamp higher education and bring all the Universities and Colleges under a single Umbrella of grading, learning and standards in the country, the University Grants Commission (UGC) in 2014 came up with a scheme called Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) with the directive that all Universities and other higher education institutions follow this program from 2015 onwards. The main intent behind the CBCS is to have the flexibility of choosing a course by students, as observed in many European and American Universities. The University of Kashmir has already introduced this scheme in its PG courses from the academic session 2014. The CBCS is a flexible approach to learning in which students have a freedom to choose inter-disciplinary, intra-disciplinary and skill-oriented courses making education broad-based and on par with global standards. The system is based on semester pattern and entails awarding grades rather than marks. However, during the implementation of this system in higher education institutions, there are many challenges which require attention and discussion in order to put it on the right track. Therefore the objective of the present paper is to find out issues and challenges of Choice Based Credit System.