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TL - Volume 8 - Issue 2

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Title: Content Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2018
Abstract :
Title: Learning Styles of Undergraduate and Post-graduate Students
Abstract :
The present study has been done to find out whether students studying in B.A. part II, B.A. part III and M.A. previous differ from one another on various learning styles. Sample for the study consisted of 180 students. 60 students were selected from each of the three classes. Learning Style Inventory constructed by the investigator was used to measure eleven learning styles. One way Analysis of Variance and LSD Test were used to analyze the data. Results revealed that- as compared to students of B.A. Part II and B.A. Part III, students of M.A. previous give more preference to various learning styles, students of B.A. Part III give more preference to reproducing specially verbal reproducing learning styles than students of B.A. part I, and students of B.A. part II and III have equal preferences for enactive, figural, verbal, reproducing and constructive learning styles.
Title: The Value of Anthropology to Counselors
Abstract :
Social-cultural anthropology has dealt with mankind from so many different angles and with such a variety of approaches that it is understandably difficult to get a handle on what exactly an anthropologist does. Nowadays anthropology goes everywhere where people are acting and making sense of these actions. If any human grouping is fair game for anthropological study, this of course multiplies the possible fields and questions for study to an infinite degree. An unavoidable consequence of the growth of any discipline is that we find some fragmentation, with scholars divided according to schools, research issues, geographic areas of specialization, theoretical orientations. With all of this riotous diversity, as anthropological insiders we somehow—and not without difficulty—identify a common thread in the discipline in its status as the science of culture. The fact that anthropology is not widely taught as a discipline in the standard high school curricula in most countries adds to the aura of mystery and misperception among the general public. Especially through the ethnographic method, anthropology created tools for studying and understanding the seemingly strange actions and conceptions of Other peoples.
The starting point for this discussion is to take four concepts from anthropology, the study of people in cultures, and to apply these to highlight areas in counseling. The four concepts are emic, etic, culture and culture-bound. This discussion takes the notion of cross-cultural counseling and states that when a therapist and client meet there is a cross-cultural communication taking place; regardless of the racial educational or socio-economic similarities between the two parties. The author wishes to highlight some areas in counseling where greater awareness is required to create a holistic counseling philosophy and to improve the ethics, power sharing, efficacy and appropriateness of therapy.
Title: Impact of Self-assessment Exercises for Class IX Students in terms of Self-concept
Abstract :

Positive self-concept along with suitable planning is essential for an individual’s thinking to enter in a specific stream for better chance of reaching destination. The emphasis is on the nature of student’s thinking to identify own strategies to improve understanding as well as self-concept. Positive concepts towards own capabilities, beliefs and efficiency can be visualized by observing own performance in simulated circumstances. From this point of view, the researcher conducted the present study. The objective was “to compare mean pre and post self-concept scores in the group treated through self-assessment exercises for class IX students”. Hypothesis of the study was “there will be no significant difference between mean pre and post self concept scores in the group treated through self-assessment exercises for class IX students”. The random sampling technique was used to select schools. Thirty eight students were exposed to self-assessment exercises after seeking permission from Son India School, Indore (M.P.). The Children’s self-concept scale developed by Dr. S. P. Ahluwalia and Dr. H.S. Singh (2012) was administered for data collection. It employed pre test- post test single group design. The collected data was analyzed by calculating the mean, SD, r and ‘t’ value. The findings indicate that the mean self-concept scores at pre and post-test stage of students treated through self-assessment exercises differ significantly. As a result, self- assessment exercises were found to be effective in terms of self-concept. In the previous researches, researchers also reported significant improvement in the academic and non scholastic performance of students after the practice of self- assessment. Self-assessment is a stepping stone to proceed in all the spheres of life. It needs not to be considered as an assessment, but instead as an essential competence for self-regulation. It is an advice for improvement without any comparisons with other pupils. It requires proper exposure which has never been provided by prior education system to develop the self-assessment skills. This paper is an attempt to bring self-awareness in the learners for transferring it to real life experiences and actual practices.

Title: Significance of Cloud Computing in Distance Learning
Abstract :

As we are aware of the fact that this era is technology driven. In this era nobody can survive without the knowledge of computer. Due to computers coming the use of distance courses in learning is growing exponentially. To better support faculty and students for teaching and learning, distance learning programs need to constantly innovate and optimize their IT infrastructures. The new IT paradigm called “cloud computing” has the potential to transform the way that IT resources are utilized and consumed in education and is expected to have a large impact on educational computing during the next few years. It is a paradigm shift in terms of scalability of computing power, economy of operations, efficient use of computing resources, and green computing. It is the only possible way forward as it is going to democratize and harmonize the computing and IT based services and access. This Cloud is not only going to shower applications but also reduce & remove the dependence on the resources to run them as per need while also make all constrains of hardware ownership & software license a matter of bygone era. The paper titled “Significance of Cloud Computing in Distance Learning “is divided into four major parts, i.e. (Meaning of Cloud Computing, Cloud Deployments Models, Using cloud computing in Distance Learning, Selecting the appropriate strategies for adopting a cloud computing for any Distance institution) each part is discussed independently followed by the conclusion.

Title: Barriers to Effective Curriculum Implementation
Abstract :

Teachers are central to whether a curriculum is delivered consistently, effectively, and with efficacy to enable the support of student progress and growth. Understanding the barriers to complete implementation of a new curriculum could provide education administrators with tools to address teacher concerns and could provide vital training for successful implementation. To ensure that curricular innovations are implemented with fidelity, instructional practices should be aligned to the specific learning goals provided in the curriculum. Curricular implementation encompasses different components, including the delivery of the curriculum through resources and instructional practices. To implement curricula with fidelity, instructional practices must align with the curriculum as well as support the individual needs of the students. In addition, teacher preparedness for curriculum implementation plays a vital role.

Title: RTE Act 2009 : A Boon for the Education of Deprived
Abstract :

‘Education’ is the right of all. In this process the most strengthening step is RTE Act 2009 which ensures the enrollment, retention and completion of primary education of the children of the age group 6-14. The act provides special provisions for the drop-outs, 25% reserved seats in private educational institutions and Neighborhood Schools. The Act also focuses on certain minimum physical resources for a school. But it is not an easy step to take on in the progress of our nation. Some major challenges in this regard are financial challenges, lack of schools and its proper infrastructure, lack of qualified teachers, lack of quality in education, while enforcing 25% quota for deprived section, backwardness of society and many other. Therefore, for the proper execution and successful implementation the efforts of National Commission for Protection of Childs’ Rights (NCPCR) at central level, State Commission for Protection of Childs’ Rights (SCPCR) at state level and different civil societies should put together to prove the act a real boon for deprived. Thus, the research paper is an attempt to analyze the major educational provisions, challenges and role of authorities in the successful implementation of RTE Act 2009 with the special focus of educationally deprived.

Title: Sociolinguistic Contexts in Education with Particular Reference to the Transfer of Indianisms in Indian English
Abstract :
Since the arrival of English in India, it has been establishing itself toward gradual development. In its long sojourn on our native soil, English has indianised itself considerably. Under the above title of this paper, I discussed some of the features of this Indianisation. Till now a vast body of literature has been written in English. I am also concerned about the role of English, vis-à-vis the ‘Indian’ languages in the post-independence era. Since, the establishment and development of English in India, English has been used as a second language (L2) rather than as the mothertongue or a native one (L1). Hence, there are bilinguals and sometimes multilinguals responding to an Indian context. English functions in the sociolinguistic setting, used as a link language both intra-nationally and internationally and is used in Indian English writings. In fact, it has won international accolades in this field. The transfer of indianisms in Indian English involves in two ways: a translation of an Indian item and a shift based on an Indian source item. Translation is an establishing equivalent or partially equivalent formations in Indian English from the formation in Indian languages. The shift is usually an adaptation of an underlying formal item of an Indian language which provides its source.
Title: A Comparative Study of the Awareness Towards RTE Act 2009 Among the Primary Teachers
Abstract :

In the present study, there is an effort to compare the awareness towards RTE Act 2009 among the primary teachers of Banda District. In this research study, 60 Teachers (20 teachers each of General, OBC and SC category) have been selected randomly. Survey method is used for this study. Self constructed ‘RTE Act 2009 awareness scale’ is used to measure the awareness towards RTE Act 2009 of the teachers of Primary schools. T-value and F-value is used to find out the significance of differences of means. And resultantly it is found that the teachers of General category are more aware about the RTE Act 2009. And the teachers of the OBC category are less aware to the teachers of General Category but more aware to the teachers of SC category. The teachers of the SC category are least aware regarding to RTE Act 2009. And in the context of the gender, the male teachers are more aware than the female teachers.

Title: Need of Value Oriented Education
Abstract :

Values are affectively-laden thoughts about objects, ideas, behavior, etc. that guide behavior, but do not necessarily require it. We are covering values as part of the affective system. However, once they are developed they provide an important filter for selecting input and connecting thoughts and feelings to action and thus could also be included in a discussion of the regulatory system. Value Education refers to planned educational actions aimed at the development of proper attitudes, values, emotions and behavior patterns of the learners. Value Education is the education that is concerned with the transformation of an individual’s personality. Education for peace and for a culture of peace is being globally accepted and adopted by the nations, and more so by the education systems worldwide. The implications and imperatives need to be understood in right perspectives. In India, the social cohesion, adherence to moral and ethical values and commitment to the society have been the hallmarks of socio-cultural ethos. The need to sustain this ethos in the emerging context has been highlighted in the reports of various committees and commissions on education.

Title: Empowerment of the Socially Disadvantaged Groups
Abstract :
The Socially Disadvantaged Groups include the Scheduled Castes (SCs), the Scheduled Tribes (STs), the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and the Minorities. According to the 1991 Census, SCs account for 138.23 million (16.5 percent); STs 67.76 million (8.1 percent); and Minorities 145.31 million (17.2 percent). As regards OBCs, it is difficult to quantify the size of their population in the absence of the Census data. However, according to the estimates by the Mandal Commission in 1993, the OBCs constitute 52 per cent of the country’s total population. Some of them may belong to the categories of SCs and Minorities.