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In the current world, the internet has become an indispensable part of everyone’s life. In the field of education too, the internet is being used widely. But, on the contrary, there are people and even teenagers who use the internet only for communicating with others through social networks. It is a real fact that the internet is a boon in technological development, but when the social networks are considered, they are becoming a curse for the younger generation in the past years. This is an attempt to examine the effect of social media on the academic life of students through this study. Annamalai University students were used as the sample population of the study. The technique adopted to select the sample was convenient sampling and the sample size was 100. The data collected was analyzed with the help of regression. 48% of the variance regarding the academic performance is accounted for by the statements of social media according to the findings of the study. There is a significant connection among social media and academic performance, as the result explains.
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Many organizations are working towards sustainable environment practices in their professional and personal livelihood for making country the best. Efforts are put to facilitate these prevailing conditions by balancing moral, social, economic and environmental challenges. People are facing many challenges in their daily routine to habituate themselves towards unhealthy practices in every aspect of living. Certainly, it is essential for educating young minds by broadening the awareness on sustainability. By implementing sustainable development into the graduate curriculum across universities addresses problems of various disciplines such as political science, sociology, geography, economics, ecology and environment sciences. This article proposes to introduce sustainable development as a core course curriculum. Various areas of study are given as elective papers with multiple themes and students need to implement these practices as a capstone project by the end of the term
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The Coronavirus outbreak came to light on December 31, 2019 when China informed the World Health Organization of a cluster of cases of pneumonia of an unknown cause in Vouhan City in Hubei Province. Subsequently the disease spread to more provinces in China and to the rest of world. The WHO has now declared it a pandemic. In view of the global pandemic Covid-19, NCC cadets are doing vital task of spreading awareness in the state. Men and women officers are participating excellent services in this battle against corona. They are serving with local administration. They have been mostly deployed around their home area. NCC officers to make NCC wing more popular among the students to instill the spirit of discipline and sense of duty in them so that more number of youth join the NCC. This will also boost the spirit of service. NCC cadets are working as a corona warriors in 550 districts. Adrift 47,000 NCC cadets have been enrolled as a warriors in our country. The main objective of this study that NCC cadets are secular and disciplined citizens of the nation at this time and their objective to help public and administration wherever required. And there are more cadets are signing up to be corona warriors in India. The NCC Network is spread through out the country. And during this pandemic situation, we use Online Research Methods (ORM) for data collection. This is very helpful method in this crisis. The NCC in many ways, as stated, is a silent revolution committed to the empowerment of youth and is making invaluable contributions towards nation building and to security in substantial measure.
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Principles of learning are beliefs, tenets or axioms that guide the instructional process. Following are some general principles of learning. Teaching is not mere telling it is that which promotes learning and which guides, corrects, reinforces and evaluates learning. Active participation of the student in the teaching learning process is a prerequisite for learning. Similarities between instructional event and actual tasks in jobs lead to greater transfer of learning. Learners differ in the way in which they learn and the rate at which they learn. Learners are to be encouraged to continually evaluate past learning and assess their own needs for future learning.
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The present research paper is an attempt to explore the situation of education of children with special needs in India during ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The researcher used snow ball sampling technique to collect information from 83 parents living in different parts of India through telephonic conversation as well as personal interview. The results highlighted the pitiable educational conditions of children with special needs in ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The parents of such children were feeling helpless to cater the educational needs of their children. The results also highlighted the unpreparedness of schools to fulfill the educational necessities of children with special needs
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Information and similar facets such as Data, Content, and Knowledge are also important in almost all types of organizations and institutions. There are specific divisions and units in the organization in the current age with a special focus on Information Technology. System consists of interrelated and connected various parts and objects. It can also be considered as a combination of the tools or some sub systems. In Information Systems different tools, components, and subsystems are connected to the information related activities. Information Systems can be treated as an electronic system responsible for information management in different kinds of organizations and institutions. An Information System can be technological or manual viz. deals with Computational information activities and also Manual Information activities. Information Systems in the context of the organization and with the view of IT and Technologies can be Executive Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, etc. However, these can be considered as traditional types of information systems. Information Systems further can be classified based on other criteria. This paper is a theoretical one and discusses regarding the information systems with the foundation, basic types, emerging types, etc.
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A critical component of blended learning is that technology is combined with face-to-face instruction to enhance learning for students. Without this essential component, blended learning would be no different than when a teacher projects online curriculum to the entire class on a whiteboard. A blended learning methodology enables students to utilize technology to learn in a way that best meets their needs while in an environment that encourages creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving. The focus on how technology is used in a blended learning approach is critical for separating it from being a technology-rich classroom. Blended learning is an instructional approach that enables teachers to have more time to personalize learning for their students. Learning is personalized so that students in a blended learning environment have some control over the pace of their learning.
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Inclusion is not an experiment to be tested but a value to be followed. All the children whether they are disabled or not have the right to education as they are the future citizens of the country. In the prevailing Indian situation resources are insufficient even to provide quality mainstream schools for common children, it is unethical and impracticable to put children with special needs to test or to prove any thing in a research study to live and learn in the mainstream of school and community. Inclusive education (IE) is a new approach towards educating the children with disability and learning difficulties with that of normal ones within the same roof. It seeks to address the learning needs of all children with a specific focus on those who are vulnerable to marginalization and exclusion. It implies all learners – with or without disabilities being able to learn together through access to common pre-school provisions, schools and community educational setting with an appropriate network of support services. This is possible only in flexible education system that assimilates the needs of diverse range of learners and adapts itself to meet these needs.
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Placing students’ learning requirements as the central focus of the work of a school was conceptualised almost half a century ago by John Dewey, and with the diffusion of various technologies into classrooms, notions of child-centred learning are being revisited. In the 21st century, vendors are well aware that technologies such as the Internet and mobile phones are highly valued and fashionable to young people, and as such are very important to children’s and young people’s self-perceptions, identity and the practicalities of their lives
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The present study aims to explore the adoption and benefits of MOOCs among the faculties of selected engineering colleges in Karnataka. A descriptive research design was deployed for the study. Two hundred copies of the structured questionnaire were distributed to collect data from the faculties of four reputed engineering colleges affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi. It was found that only 67.62% of faculties were aware and hooked on the MOOCs platforms. 38.30% of the faculties made use of MOOCs for gaining knowledge, 25.53% for conducting research and 22.34% to publish contents. The study found the positive impact of MOOCs on the knowledge and carrier prospects of faculties. Lack of time and interest were the major hurdles cited by the participants in adopting MOOCs. The study provides valuable insights into the faculties of Indian higher education institutions to make use of MOOCs technology for a better experience and output for teaching and learning and also to overcome the challenges in adoption.
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This introductory article explains the coverage of this book, which is about the philosophical aspects of education. It explains that the philosophy of education is the branch of philosophy that addresses philosophical questions concerning the nature, aims, and problems of education. The book examines the problems concerning the aims and guiding ideals of education. It also explores the problems concerning students’ and parents’ rights, the best way to understand and conduct moral education, and the character of purported educational ideals
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This paper is based on the findings out of a case study conducted to make in-depth study to determine the impact of training programme in terms of changes in the classroom practices of teachers and to study the perception of elementary school teachers about usefulness of in-service training programme in terms of teaching skills, methods of transaction, use of TLM, pupil teacher interaction, interaction among peers and students evaluation. The study was a case study and delimited to one elementary school situated in Puri district. The key informants were the teachers and students of the school. The dimensions of the study covered as teaching skills, methods of transaction, use of TLM, pupil teacher interaction, interaction among peers and students evaluation. The school was selected through purposive sampling technique. All the entire teachers of that school were the informants of the study. Students of Class VI and VII in groups of 8 to 10 were selected as the student participants in FGD. Incidental sampling technique was followed in selection of these key informants. Tools such as: interview schedule for the teachers, classroom observation schedule and guidelines for focus group discussion were used for data collection. The results revealed a significant positive effect of in-service training on the teacher and in students’ participation, conduct group work in the classroom during lesson. Teachers follow continuous and comprehensive evaluation practices such as unit test, monthly test, half yearly test and annual test. As per the pupils the teachers do not administer the weekly and surprise test in the class. The teachers ask questions only after the completion of the lesson.