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Title: Interventions for Organisational Development
Abstract :

Today a number of organisations are increasingly recognising the need for introducing organisational development initiatives in their enterprises to improve their functioning. Organizational development can be defined as a planned process of introducing change in an organization’s culture through the use of behavioural science technology, theory and research. To develop an organizational module, the management by objective (MBO) technique was used. This approach uses strategically planned objectives to impact managerial performance and effectiveness. The intervention developed using this technique has been divided into a 12 step module uniquely addressing to different dimensions of organisational development which impact work functioning. The first day of the training begins with two ice breaking exercises to introduce participants to each other and build familiarity. Next, an individual counselling session was kept to address the key issue and concerns of the employees. The last session of the day was Johari window - an interactive fun activity to gain insights about one’s potential and other’s perspectives about oneself; such activities tend to keep participants interested. For day two, the follow was to develop friendships and team work. The mine field activity and seek a peak activity aimed at enhancing interpersonal relationships by promoting helping behaviour in work place. This was followed by the back of the napkin game which promotes of the box thinking and collaborative effort. The last session of the day was a panel discussion to help employees gain a holistic understanding of organisational issues after hearing different expert opinions on it. Finally, the third day of the module started with a collective problem solving activity, followed by a conflict resolution exercise to teach employees manage work disputes. To ensure smooth flow of work, it is important that different departments/groups within the organisation synergies with each other; for this reason team role development exercise was employed. The module was ended with a final relaxation exercise after a tiring day of training.

Title: Benefits of Co-curricular and Extracurricular Activities to the Marginalized Children: Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions
Abstract :

This article explores co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and benefits in Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions. This paper describes the activities and benefits to students against the background of acquisition of skills for the 21st century. Teachers and students of residential schools are working day and night with a dedication to catapult the Society to the global map within six years. The society schools carved a niche for itself by its seamless experimentation and syncing with the emerging trends in the education space. The Residential schools are committed for the overall social, physical, educational and emotional well-being of the students. TSWREIS has brought out the academic calendar with a comprehensive framework on curricular and Co-Curricular and student-centric programs. Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activity may have an important role to play in the health and well-being of students. Many new academic programs, both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities were incorporated into the academic calendar and promoting a unique teaching and learning environment which empowers students. The residential campus life is vibrant, and the students benefit from a comprehensive range of curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The Society has introduced programs like Saturday Clubs, Language, DEAR Time, Diary Writing, Mirror project, Healthy Tuesdays, DEAP Time, Dramatics, Mock Programs, School garage, Community Out Reach Programs, Swatch Saturday, School museum, Moot Court, Mock Election and Youth Parliament. This study adopted a descriptive survey method to analyze the data collected through interviews and questionnaires from teachers and students and found there is a significant development in education achievement, cultural values and personality development.

Title: Strategies for Inculcating Life Skills in CBSE Schools of Varanasi City
Abstract :

Life Skills Education is a value addition programme for children and youth to understand self and enable them to analyze their capacity to enhance the function in most productive way so they empower efficiently in challenging situations. Life Skills include psychosocial competencies and interpersonal skills that help people make informed decisions, solve problems, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, build healthy relationships, empathize with others, and manage their lives in a healthy and productive manner. Life Skills are needed at all stages and phases of life, but it becomes important for children and adolescents because this is crucial stage on which future of individual depends. The Life Skills programme is a very important and integral part of the educational system worldwide. It is a school based programme where Life Skills are imparted in a supportive learning environment. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), India has introduced Life Skills Education as an integral part of its curriculum and provides guidelines for transaction of the ten core Life Skills. Though Life skills are often learned indirectly through experience and practice but it would be enhanced directly by implementing through a dedicated Life skills curriculum by using proper and suitable transaction methods. In school based programme to teach Life Skills in supportive leaning environment teacher’s role is very crucial. Teachers should be act as positive role models for students as Life Skills are better caught then taught. So it is significant to know what strategies teachers build to inculcate the Life Skills among students. The present paper focuses on the ten core Life Skills necessary for students and the strategies used by CBSE teachers at upper primary level of Varanasi City to transact and internalize these Life Skills among students. Survey method was used for the study. Sample consisted of 225 teachers teaching at upper primary level from 31 CBSE schools selected purposively. Content analysis was used to analyse data obtained from questionnaire prepared by reseacher, frequency and percentage were calculated. The findings provide information regarding strategies practiced by CBSE teachers would be helpful for designing Life Skills Training Module.

Title: Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society: Programs and Facilities Available for Students Empowerment
Abstract :
This article explores the programs and facilities available for student empowerment in Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions (TSWREIS) and quality based education to the marginalized children. This paper describes the professional development of students against the background of acquisition of skills for the 21st century. Teachers and students of TSWREIS are working day and night with utmost dedication to catapult the society to the global map within six years. The TSWREIS carved a niche for itself by its seamless experimentation and syncing with the emerging trends in the education space. Residential schools achieved 96.63% in SSC, 84.31% in Intermediate, and about 85% in Degree results in the academic year 2018-19. In 2019, 53 students got admission into MBBS, 20 in IIT’s, 48 in NIT besides getting admissions in professional institutions like Delhi University, Ajim Premji University, and TATA Institute of Social Sciences. Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TSWREIS) under the aegis of the Ministry of Scheduled Caste Development, Government of Telangana, has been passionately working to place the poorest among the Scheduled Castes in the prosperous orbit through quality education for the last 35 years. This society, with 268 institutions with about 1,50,000 students, has been providing quality education in English medium upto graduation. TSWREIS with 1, 49,680 students covers roughly 10% of cohorts among all SCs in Telangana. TSWREIS runs high schools, junior colleges, and degree colleges covering both arts and sciences. The society is girl-centric, with 175 institutions giving education to 1, 02,720 girls.
Title: Environmental Informatics and its Features, Functions and Stakeholders: A Comprehensive Overview
Abstract :

Environmental Informatics is an important interdisciplinary practicing field and rising in the recent past. It is the combination of Environmental Science and Information Science; and more clearly it is the applications of Information Technology in different aspects of Environment, Nature and Ecology. Information Technology applications are rising in different areas and environments and nature is no exception. There are numerous reasons in which Information Science or Informatics can be applied. And thus, indirectly in it applicable in other different areas viz. Geology, Geography, Climatology, Oceanography,Agriculture, Forestry,etc are also important stakeholders of Environmental Informatics. There are various places in which IT, Computing and similar technologies can be applied or task can be better, smoother and effective than the traditional systems. Apart from the traditional Computing and IT components many latest can get the benefits of Environmental Informatics. There are similar branches which are also alternatively useful in environmental management. This paper is a case study on Environmental Informatics including its features, types, role and stakeholders and functions, etc in brief.

Title: Depression among the College Students: An Empirical Study
Abstract :

The most common psychological problems of college students are depression. Today depression is the serious issue in the world. Every nation invest a lot of money to solve psychological problems, depression is one of them. Research survey on college student’s reports there will be 10 to 20 % of student population suffering from psychological problems (Stress, Anxiety & Depression). So those kinds of problems are creating a barrier on the way of all round development. Depression is a serious illness among the students and long time depression has the causes of mental disorder. The aim of this study was to measure the depression among the college students and find out the significance of difference between male-female, rural-urban, science-arts, Hindu-Muslim students with regard to depression. The aim of this study also finds out the significance of difference on the basis of social class, academic years and job satisfaction with regards to depression. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) was employed to measure the degree of depression and 160 students in arts and science streams were taken as representative sample of the whole population. The results presented that level of depression among college students and found that out of 160, 16.88 % students are Minimal Depression, 35.62% students are Mild Depression, 41.25% students are Moderate Depression and the percentage of High level of Depression is 6.25. It is found that there is significant difference exists between Rural and Urban College students with regard to depression. The study revealed that there is no significant difference exists between gender (Male & Female), religion (Hindu & Muslim) and Stream (Science & Arts) students with regards to depression. The study also revealed that there is no significant difference on the basis of social class, academic years and job satisfaction with regards to depression.

Title: Assessing Behaviour and Attitude of School Students towards Environmental Issues - A Case Study from Delhi, India
Abstract :

Environmental education has been introduced as a regular course in formal school education system following the directive of the Honourable Supreme Court of India. The research work aimed to assess the level of environmental awareness and the existing environmental friendly activities among the students of High Schools. The population for the study was the students of schools in Delhi covering IX and X class. This study is primarily based on field survey, wherein students responded to predefined questionnaire covering environment aspects. The survey was conducted during May 2019. A total of 160 students were randomly selected and students responded voluntarily. Questionnaire was compiled to assess student’s environmental behaviour, attitude, information sources and demographic information. It has been observed that students highly support the environmental attitude and have sound behaviours towards their actions effecting the environment. The study highlighted that many young minds adapted an environmentally friendly attitude and the green attitude is clearly visible in their actions.

Title: A Study of Child With Special Needs (CWSN) on Outcome Based Special Education
Abstract :
Educating every child is very essential, as they are the future citizens of a Country. A Child with Special Need (CWSN) may have a special educational need due to difficulty in learning. The outcome of educating the children with disability and learning difficulties with that of normal ones, represents the need for better developmental progress of CWSN. It reflects the need of special educators and paraprofessionals for CWSN. The paper aims at analyzing the CWSN and tabulated the different parameter associated with special education. The author designs a common standard KLMN SWASTIK MODEL to assist the special educators in bringing out their better proficiency for every CWSN and to the teachers of regular school as well. The proposed model gives positive directions in educating the CWSN for life by imparting to them basic life skills and possibilities for better outcome based on special education.
Title: Emotional Intelligence and Academic Stress among College Students
Abstract :

The present study was designed to study academic stress and emotional intelligence among college students. In order to conduct the study, six degree colleges of Jalandhar city were selected randomly. From these six colleges, 300 students were selected randomly for the study. The scale of emotional intelligence and academic stress i.e. Emotional Intelligence Scale (EIS) by Anukool Hyde, Sanjyot Pethe & Upinder Dhar (2001) and Bisht Battery of stress scale (BBSS) by Abha Rani Bisht (Almora) were administered on selected sample. Thus the data obtained was analysed using descriptive statistics. Relevant means, S.D’s, t values & 3x2 ANOVA were computed to draw the conclusions. The analysis of data significantly concluded that the students from science stream experience high stress as compared to students from humanities and commerce streams. Further it was found that emotional intelligence of students has got significant effect on their academic stress. The students with low emotional intelligence reported high academic stress as compared to the students with high emotional intelligence.

Title: Implementation Status of Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009 in Andhra Pradesh: An Empirical Analysis
Abstract :

The purpose of the present research is to examine out implementation status of Right to Education (RTE) Act 2009 in Andhra Pradesh. The study also embodied a sizeable primary data, which is collected by way of canvassing a questionnaire among selected respondents. The data was collected in public and private schools in two selected Districts of Andhra Pradesh. Based on the key indicators of elementary education, one dominated performed district and one meager performed district in Andhra Pradesh state were selected for sample of the study. According primary data analysis, the enrollment status is quite satisfactory under RTE regime while the pupil-teacher ratio is 1:11, which is not as per RTE norms. During RTE three is improvement in physical infrastructure and human resources, besides effective implementation of the Act is obligatory. The study reveals that majority of students responded positively regarding Teaching Learning – Quality Indicators and provisions. It is observed from the teacher’s response, majority of sample schools constituted School Management Committee and the schools management also satisfied with the functioning of School Management Committee. Majority of schools have held Parent-Teacher-Student (PTS) meetings and the frequency of PTS meetings is once in year. The RTE Act has met with success in achieving some of the goals with which it started in the year 2010. Many of the states have been successful in ensuring RTE recommendations. Besides the success of RTE Act, the present study has found gaps in elementary education after its implementation.

Title: Reservation Policy and Indian Society: Its Practical Obligation
Abstract :

Agitation over the implementation of Mondal Commission reservation policy in Indian states & union in education & jobs was also a reality in early nineties a section of the prominent Indian are against the reservation. Their opinion is that the present government must think seriously about reconsideration of reservation benefits enjoying by a section of Indian . After implementation of 27% reservation to the notified castes and communities in all religions, around 97% of all jobs and admission in educational institutions at the Central establishments for OBC has gone to 656 sub caste out of 2633 notified OBC castes under Central notified castes /classes. In the A & N islands the inclusion of the communities in the ambit of OBC reservation is something unique. The islands society is a casteless and classless society. Now granting of reservation for economically poor within the upper castes by 124th Amendment of Constitution has further diluted the caste discrimination. Those were strongly against the any kind of quota system are now agitating for reservation benefits i.e. quotas for “us” are always justified. Every section of the society wants to get the benefit of reservation by forgetting their caste hierarchy. However, the case of receiving the benefit of reservation by dominant class or upper castes would never eliminate discrimination of caste hierarchy from Indian society.

Title: An Assessment Tool of Competencies for Inclusive Teachers of Regular Schools
Abstract :

Students with diverse abilities are increasingly present in primary and secondary schools. The inflow of special need students in the mainstream schools is become a challenge for in-service as well as new coming teachers. A teacher must know how to deal and cope up with different learning needs. The importance of the tool was to explore the competencies (knowledge, skill, attitude) of inclusive teachers who are working with students with diverse abilities in regular classroom. The purpose of this research was to develop a tool to assess teachers’ competencies with respect to knowledge, skill, attitude. A total of 50 teachers from 5 schools participated. Result showed that developed tool was effective to check competencies required for inclusive teacher.

Title: Private Sector Participation in Water Supply and Sanitation in Urban Areas
Abstract :

The private vs. public debate is largely misleading for two main reasons. First, the obstacles to water and sanitation infrastructure development are largely unrelated to ownership. Private sector participation brings to light the tensions that the development of water infrastructure generates, tensions that remain largely hidden when infrastructure is kept closely in the public sector. In that sense, most recommendations to optimize private sector participation, including the OECD Principles, remain relevant tools to facilitate infrastructure development projects regardless of the partners.

Title: Personality Types, Anxiety and Stress among Young Adults
Abstract :

The aim of the study was to analyse the significant difference in the level of Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Anxiety and Stress in accordance to gender and how personality types are related to Anxiety and Stress. Personality is the dynamic organisation within the individual of those psychophysical system that determine his characteristics behaviour and thought (Allport, 1961). Stress is our responses to events that disrupt, our physical and psychological functioning (Lazarus & Folkman, 1984; Taylor, 1991). Anxiety is the increased arousal accompanied by generalized feelings of fear or apprehension (Baron, 1999). This study was conducted on 120 young adults aged 18 to 26 years, out of which 60 were males and 60 were females, through purposive sampling technique. The Neo Five Factor Inventory (Costa, 1978), Beck Anxiety Inventory (Beck, 1993) and the Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen, 1983) were used to collect data. Data were analysed using mean, one-way ANOVA and Pearson’s product moment correlation. Result proves that, there is no significant difference in Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Anxiety and Stress among young adults across gender. There is a correlation between Neuroticism and Stress among young adults. There is a correlation between Neuroticism and Anxiety among young adults. There is a correlation between Conscientiousness and Anxiety among young adults. There is a correlation between Anxiety and Stress among young adults.

Title: Online Education during COVID-19 and Future Concerns: Indian Perspective
Abstract :

An alarming event in human lives recently has been the sudden breakout of the novel corona-virus pandemic. This pandemic has made us feel that in-campus teaching can’t work in the current situation. The big shift, a shift in the use of technology which we have seen in teaching in recent times has become the trend. Thus schools have been converted into the digital space. Consequently, teachers started using different virtual platforms, social media and online meeting platforms without proper training, and institutional support. During the epidemic, education is going through different problems and unprecedented concerns. Multiple positive or negative impacts can be seen due to lockdowns which forced us to think about how we can strengthen the education system. This pandemic also exposed how we were under prepared to deal with such an emerging crisis in education. This paper highlighted the trends that emerged during the pandemic and the impact of Covid-19 on education. Also, various concerns related to online education are illustrated and suggestions for government, stakeholders, and teachers are also given.

Title: A Comparative Study of Academic Achievement of Traditional Classroom and Smart Classroom Technology in Relation to Intelligence
Abstract :

This paper focuses on comparing the effectiveness of smart classroom over traditional classroom in terms of academic achievement and its relation to intelligence.40 students of class VIII of age 13-15 years were selected, for the study and two groups were formed of 20 students each in experimental and control group. Experimental group was taught through Smart Board technology Classroom and control group through traditional classroom.The Jalota’s Group test of General Mental Ability was employed. The analysis of data was done by finding out the correlation coefficient between the intelligence and academic achievement and the “t-values” were calculated to be significant difference.The main findings of the study are that there is positive correlation between intelligence and academic achievement.When students studied through smart classroom technology it was found that academic achievement was better in relation to intelligence.

Title: Consistency in Academic Performance of Students across Semesters with Reference to their CGPA
Abstract :

The entire world is going through a completely new and strange situation due to COVID-19 pandemic which has thrown the system of higher education out of gear. Final year/semester students are anxious about whether examinations will be conducted or not. There are contradictory opinions about this from various sections and stakeholders. Hence, purely due to academic curiosity, the present study was undertaken to ascertain whether there is any consistency of average performance of students over different semesters with their final CGPA. For this purpose, 253 engineering students were selected randomly. The study adopted the ex-post-facto method. The data were analysed using the t-test. It was found that (a) When students are coming to the university from a junior college in their first year of engineering, they are new to the system and its requirements and need time to adjust to a new system. Hence, the inclusion of first year performance does not show any consistency with the final CGPA (b) There is a consistency in average performance of the entire sample of students considered from Semester 2 to 7 and 3 to 7 with their final CGPA since the average performance of semesters 2 to 7 or semesters 3 to 7 does not show significant difference with the final CGPA. Therefore, if final year examination is not conducted, then the university can declare results on the basis of consistency in the average performance of either semesters 2 to 7 or 3 to 7 (c) The average of semesters 1 to 7, 4 to 7, 5 to 7 and 6 to 7, does not show consistency with the final CGPA of the total sample of students and (d) It implies that consistency matters in average performance of students over semesters 2 to 7 or 3 to 7 vis-à-vis final CGPA.

Title: Elements of Research Based Pedagogical Tools for Teaching Science
Abstract :

Now-a-days computers and internet provides oceans of information to the learners at their fingertips. Therefore, to maintain the pace with the present generation of learner who are digital natives, the real challenge is faced by the teacher. The conventional role of teacher to provide information has shifted to a role of mentor or a facilitator. Teaching science with conventional method at Higher Education Institutes (HEIs) often involves lectures being given to a large group of students accompanied by practicals, workshops and with some independent study. But teaching science in the 21st century must include teaching them to think, acquire, solve the real life problem and make knowledgeable conclusions. It is important to inculcate the qualities like inquiry and critical thinking amongst students, as these skills are useful to students from school to career. Research-Based Pedagogical Tools (RBPTs) are research as a pedagogical tool to build an environment for the students which promotes learners to think beyond the textbooks and do some research to understand the concept in more concrete way. In this paper we will discuss about elements of research-based pedagogical tools for teaching science at higher educational institutes.

Title: Relationship between Teacher Effectiveness and Quality of Work Life
Abstract :

This paper is an attempt to present an analysis of Teacher Effectiveness and its correlation with the Quality of their Work Life. Educators (teachers) have been considered as an impetus for various social reformations that take place in a cohesion. Teaching,even today is a noble profession and teacher an epitome of nobility. With the new education policy announced by the Indian government, status of the teacher would further be reinstated as an esteemed and indispensable element of the society. Teachers play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the country and therefore it is important to empower them to carry out their responsibilities effectively. Teachers, being idolized by many, need to be effective, present high quality standards and set a benchmark for others to follow. The purpose of conducting this study was to know whether teacher effectiveness / ineffectiveness ameliorates the quality of their work life. Teacher Effectiveness means professional commitment and teachers’ sense of responsibility in executing instructions assessing her mental, physical and emotional health. Teacher effectiveness affects the quality of their work life which is considered – a process by which an organization responds to teachers need allowing them to design their lives at work. The present study used the correlational method to assess the statistical relationship between the two variables – Teacher Effectiveness and Quality of Work Life. The sample of 393 teachers from English Medium Schools of Greater Mumbai was considered for the study. The findings of the study highlights a significant low relationship between the variables Teacher Effectiveness and Quality of Work life.

Title: A Study on Role of Teachers in Enhancing and Minimizing Factors Affecting Employability Skills
Abstract :

Enhancing the employability skills is considered as the important; the question that arises is whether India is actually creating enough jobs for its youth. For the 104.62 million fresh talents likely to enter India’s labour market by 2022, the country would need to generate 8.1 million jobs annually. Failing to this objective will only add to the country’s increasing unemployment rate that reached 6.1% in 2017-18 fiscal, despite technological developments. Through this research paper authors want to explore the role of teachers with special reference to graduate students. This paper consist concept of employability, role of teachers in employability and factors affecting employability.

Title: Gender Disparity in Literacy: Districts Level Evidence from Selected States of India
Abstract :

India is a country with high gender disparity in literacy. As per Census 2011, overall literacy rate of India is 74.04% whereas the male and female literacy rate is 82.14% and 65.46% respectively. Among all states, Kerala is on the top, where as the state Bihar is on the bottom. In addition, the northern states especially Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan also show a clear picture of gender disparity in literacy. In Haryana, male literacy rate is 84.06% and female literacy rate is 65.94% respectively. In Punjab, male literacy rate is 80.44% and female literacy rate is 70.73% respectively. Further, in Rajasthan male literacy rate is 79.11% and female literacy is 52.12% respectively. This shows the high gender disparity in literacy among these states. Despite the number of efforts made at national and state level, the gender disparity in literacy still exist in Indian society. The present study is an attempt to find out the gender disparity in literacy at district level. The study is based upon Sopher’s method to calculate disparity in literacy. The study found leading and laggard districts in terms of gender disparity in education and suggests policy implications for centre and state governments.

Title: Integration of MOOCs Online Courses into Open and Distance Teacher Education in India
Abstract :

The present research was focused on studying the infrastructure facilities and human resource available for conducting NIOS D.El.Ed. Blended MOOCs Programme (2017-19), analysing its mechanism as well as studying the changes in the ODL D.El.Ed. programme due to integration of MOOCs online courses. The data were collected through structured interview with the coordinator of NIOS D.El.Ed. programme (2017-2019) at NIOS headquarter, coordinators of the regional centres and the students (in-service primary school teachers) and counsellors of the regional centres included in the sample. It was found that NIOS D.El.ED. Blended MOOCs Programme (2017-19) was conducted through direct counselling sessions, personal contact programme, school-based activities, workshops for practical work, SWAYAM MOOCs courses and SWAYAM PRABHA audio-video lessons. Many students of D.El.Ed. programme felt the online courses available on SWAYAM portalas an extra work and waste of time. Some of them opined that the course material on SWAYAM should have also been developed in as many regional languages of India as possible so that it could easily outreach Indian villages. The students, coordinators and counsellors, however, appreciated that SAWAYM is making rapid inroads into the near future in the field of open and distance teacher education. They were also of the view point that SWAYAM platform should be developed as Web 2.0 platform where students/participants would also have the opportunity to contribute to the development of quality course material.

Title: Educational Problems of Teacher trainees studying in District Institute of Education and Training (DIETs)
Abstract :

Since the very dawn of the human civilization, teacher occupied a pivotal place in the spectrum of education. A teacher is a nation-builder, social architect and torch- bearer of a society. Teaching profession is considered to be one of the noblest professions. The term in-service teacher education or continuing education in a broad sense includes all experiences and activities provided to the teachers and designed to promote personal and professional growth. The District Institute of Education and Training (DIETS) were first established on the recommendations of the National Policy on Education (NPE) 1986 for imparting training to the teachers at Elementary level. The Present study was undertaken to study the educational problems of DIET trainees and to evolve insights and mechanisms to mitigate these problems.

Title: Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society: Programs and Facilities available for Teachers Empowerment
Abstract :

This article explores the programs and facilities available for teacher empowerment in Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions (TSWREIS) and quality based education to the marginalized children. This paper analyses the professional development of teachers against the background of acquisition of skills for the 21st century. Teachers and students of TSWREIS are working day and night with the dedication to propel the Society to the global map within six years. The TSWREIS carved a niche for itself by its seamless experimentation and syncing with the emerging trends in the education space. Residential schools achieved 96.63% in SSC, 84.31% in Intermediate and about 85% in Degree results in the academic year 2018-19. In 2019, 53 students got admission into MBBS, 20 in IIT’s, 48 in NIT besides getting admissions in professional institutions like Delhi University, Ajim Premji University, and TATA Institute of Social Sciences. The National Curricular Framework of India (NCF) states clear expectations for teachers to move away from teacher-centred instructional approaches to student-centred teaching that involves children in active engagement through inquiry, questioning, debates, exploration, application and reflection, leading to theory building and the creation of new ideas. Teachers are the most significant influence on student learning. To produce good students, an institute needs to have good teachers, those who are continuously learning and enhancing their skills. Society is investing time and money in the development of their teachers. As teachers learn and augment their skills, they are more likely to be engaged in their jobs, engage better in the classroom.

Title: Mathematics Online Teaching-Learning Methods, Advantages and Challenges during Covid-19: A Critical Study on Teachers and Learners
Abstract :

Subject like mathematics required constant teacher-student 2F2 engagement. Teacher writes mathematics formulas on blackboard and explains step by step while students try to understand the complex metrics hidden in the formulas. Teacher also observes the facial expressions of students and clear doubts instantly. But during Covid-19, whole world is compelled to teach all subjects online. As of today many online platforms are available for mathematics, but the ground reality is, the majority of teachers and students not only prepared for online teaching learning but also not having the knowledge of online apps and software to use it. This study critically examines how online mathematics teaching-learning processes facilitated with available digital gadgets, used via internet without any proper training. Further examines what kind of challenges and advantages experience by online teacher-learner respondents. This study also gathered opinions about tailor made apps from teachers and learners those who have tried. The outcome of this research study indicates positive valid suggestions to improve online teaching-learning strategies as experienced by the different respondents. The study suggest that there is urgent need to develop and offer free orientation training programs by Digital India initiatives to primary, secondary, senior secondary and higher level students.

Title: Professional Development of Teachers
Abstract :

Teaching requires expertness which proliferates over the time. Professional development refers to skills and knowledge attained for personal as well as career development. Continuous professional development of teachers is the need of the hour because the students have to face the ever changing world. The knowledge domain, lifelong learning, pedagogy, information and communication technology, communication are the core areas which should be addressed through professional development programmes of teachers.For transacting the professional development programmes agencies like NCERT, State Education Departments, Centre of Advanced Studies in Education etc. undertake the responsibilities.

Title: Smartphone Application Values: An Assessment of University Students
Abstract :

There is an increase in the use of technology via smartphones among students in present times. Sociologically analyzing, physical objects, techniques, and artifacts are manmade capacities that are meant to make life practicable. Values and beliefs are the guiding principles decisive in day to day aspect of life. Also, they are non-physical capacities that contribute to shaping up the culture. This investigation assimilated these concepts into smartphone application values, that was designed to assess and examine values persuaded in using a smartphone application for university students. The objective of the study was to examine the difference concerning gender and subject stream for values namely, knowledge, economic, aesthetic, social, political, nationalistic, creative, and humanistic. The data were collected utilizing researchers developed Smartphone Application Value Assessment Scale.

Title: Mediocre output from Higher education system a problem emerging from school education system: A of education system in Government schools in Uttarakhand
Abstract :

Majority of the human resource for the effective working of the engine of growth of a country emanates from the higher education system of a country. But the falling quality of output from the Higher education system in India is presenting a major challenge and concern in front of the policy makers. Falling quality among the Higher education system can be judged by observing various major indicators some of which are, the inefficiency of Higher education system in generating employment opportunities and development of output which is not only poor in hard skills but also lacks soft skills which are essential for the growth and development of the human resource. To deal with this issue it is important to look at the root cause of the problem. The present study focuses on the root cause of such problems which apparently is hidden in the school education system in the country.

Title: An Approach to Professional Ethics Education for Pre-Service Teachers
Abstract :

Literature shows teachers face ethical quandaries bombarding them every day in theirprofessional life. Reports reveal unprofessional behaviour among teachers. To adequately deal with these challenges teachers must get trained in professional ethics.However, evidences suggest inadequate attention paid to ethics training in teacher education programs. The present paper makes an attempt to study professional ethics, its early habituation and proposes an improved case analysis as a suitable approach for delivering training in professional ethics tailored to teaching practices.

Title: Physical Activities of Students During Lockdown: An Exploratory Survey
Abstract :

No one in this entire world, including India had experienced a situation like lockdown which came up suddenly and took people unawares. Educational institutions too were badly affected by this. The researchers being teachers themselves were curious to know whether students undertake any physical activities during lockdown and if so, what type of activities were undertaken. For this purpose, an online exploratory survey was conducted on 403 college students using available sampling technique. It was found that (i) A large majority of the students do not have medical problems, (ii) A large majority of the students are either happy or indifferent towards lockdown, (iii) A large majority of the students do some kind of exercise during lockdown, (iv) Majority of the students do not do Yogasana, (v) About one-third of the students do some form of Pranayama such as Kapalbhati, Anulom-Vilom, Ujjayani, Sheetali and Sheetkari, (vi) Only one-eighth of the students work on treadmill and one-third of the students do weight-training during lockdown, (vii) About one fourth of students do meditation during lockdown, (viii) About half the students in the survey state that they have gained weight or may have gained weight during lockdown and (ix) In other words, it may be concluded that relatively fewer students are conscious about benefits of physical activities. Colleges need to prepare and motivate students for maintaining health through curriculum and co-curricular activities on a regular basis.

Title: Resource Utilization for Teaching Basic Science in Nigeria: Implications for Curriculum Innovation and Change
Abstract :

The role of resources in teaching and learning process in schools cannot be emphasized. As a developing country, Nigeria is striving to improve its education system for the knowledge era. Resource utilization, curriculum innovation and professional development courses are integral to improve educational practices as they empower teachers with knowledge and skills required for integrating education and society. Such moves and actions need to be guided with research. The education practices in Nigeria need to be sound and grounded. This paper is concerned with the importance of the use of resources for effective understanding of school science with special reference to biology. It identified necessary resources, constraints and how to select and use resources for effective teaching and learning of biology. The selection and utilization of any resources depends on the specific features of a particular topic. Therefore, different sets of resources and strategies are needed to teach different topics.

Title: Education for Sustainable Development
Abstract :

Sustainable development is the need to integrate social, environmental, and economic concerns so as to arrive at development paths which meet the needs of present generations, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Education for sustainable development is a vision of education that seeks to balance human and economic well-being with cultural traditions and respect for the Earth’s natural resources. It emphasizes aspects of learning that enhance the transition towards sustainability including future education; citizenship education; education for a culture of peace; gender equality and respect for human rights; health education; population education; education for protecting and managing natural resources; and education for sustainable consumption. Education for sustainable development has come to be seen as a process of learning how to make decisions that consider the long term future of the economy, ecology and social well-being of all communities. Building the capacity for such futures-oriented thinking is a key task of education. Education for sustainable development must explore the economic, political and social implications of sustainability by encouraging learners to reflect critically on their own areas of the world, to identify non-viable elements in their own lives and to explore the tensions among conflicting aims. Development strategies suited to the particular circumstances of various cultures in the pursuit of shared development goals will be crucial. Educational approaches must take into account the experiences of indigenous cultures and minorities, acknowledging and facilitating their original and important contributions to the process of sustainable development.

Title: Research Effectiveness: Some Introductory Thoughts to Share
Abstract :

Research is not only fact finding endeavour but research is a comprehensive, creative and continuous process which establishes true connectivity among various phenomena. It also helps us to generate new strategies of knowledge creation and advancement of knowledge that lead us to overcome a problem through rigorous inquiry. As such our common goal is that we must conduct an effective research in pursuit of original research works. Through this study the authors being experienced practitioners of research intend to suggest and share snippets of their thought regarding some important criterion of effective research. Obviously the writers have culled inputs both from primary as well as secondary sources. But basically this writing is the result of their collective thought exercise and the root of their views lay grounded in every day academic situation and interactions with host of young researchers.

Title: Impact of Learning ICT as a Subject on Secondary School Students’ Self-Regulation
Abstract :

Today technology is an inherent part of our lives. All the organizations have identified the importance of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). ICT playsan important role in improvement of educational sector too.ICT helps us in getting information from all over the world. It helps us to bring the world under one roof. Thus the students in the school need to be trained in ICT and its use. With this in view Government of Maharashtra in India introduced ICT as a subject for Std. IX students of Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Board in aided as well as unaided schools. This study deals with the impact of this newly introduced ICTsubject on Std. IX students’ self-regulation and its seven dimensions. It is an outcome evaluation study. 1041 students from 21 SSC Board schools from Greater Mumbai were the respondents. Comparison of self- regulation of students from different type of schools indicates that unaided school students are better in their self-regulation.

Title: Professional Commitment and Job Satisfaction among Secondary School Teachers
Abstract :

The teachers engaged in teaching at the secondary level play a very important role in the entire education process. Teachers deeply committed to their profession and content with their work tend to play a more constructive role in the lives of their students. The present study was aimed at investigating the professional commitment and job satisfaction of secondary school teachers and the relationship between them. The study was conducted on 98 secondary school teachers from Bareilly district. The Professional Commitment Scale for Teachers (PCST) developed by Ravinder Kaur, Sarbjit Kaur Ranu and Sarvjeet Kaur Brar and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (JSQ) developed by Dr. Pramod Kumar and D. N. Mutha were employed to collect data for the present investigation. Statistical measures of mean, S.D., t-test and Pearson’s product moment correlation were employed to analyze the raw scores so obtained and draw inferences. The findings of the present investigation reveal that while gender and length of teaching experience influenced the professional commitment of secondary school teachers, the type of school did not have any significant effect. Also gender, type of school and length of teaching experience were found to be significant factors which influence the job satisfaction of the secondary school teachers. The professional commitment and job satisfaction of the secondary school teachers was also found to be having a strong positive correlation.

Title: Scientific Creativity in relation to Cognitive Style and Achievement in Science of Secondary School Students
Abstract :

The aim of present paper was to study the influence of Cognitive Style, Achievement in Science and their Interaction on Scientific Creativity of secondary school students. Total 205 students of classes IX and X (mean age 14.8 Years) studying in schools affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education were taken as sample. Standardized tools, namely, Group Embedded Figures Test by Witkin, Oltman, Raskin and Karp (1971), Scientific Creativity Test by Majumdar (1982) were used to collect data. Marks of students from school records were taken as a measure of their achievement in science. The data were analysed using 2 × 3 Analysis of Variance. Field Independent Students had significantly higher Scientific Creativity than Field Dependent Students. Also, Students with High Achievement in Science had significantly higher scientific creativity than students with Low Achievement in Science.

Title: Education of Nobility: An Unique Life of the Court as its Foundation in Heian Japan
Abstract :

Schools as institutions of education were first established in Heian Period (794-1185). In the capital a college termed daigaku, and in the provinces provincial schools called kokugaku, were set up. The nobles studied poetry and music following the pattern of study of T’ang China. The system of schools based on T’ang system and the schools of the capital were very well organized for the children of the nobility. It appeared that the education of the nobility took an extremely classical form based on Chinese classics. This article deals with various aspects of Heian education system characterized by Chinese and Japanese classics. The main objective of this paper is how the education of nobilities played an important role in unique life of the court noble that had the power to govern and how the education of the nobility was unique in having the life of the court as its foundation.

Title: A Study of Problems of Teacher Educator in Self-Finance College of Education During COVID-19 Pandemic Situation
Abstract :

A main objective of the present study was to know the problems of Teacher educator of Self-Finance college of Education during COVID-19 Pandemic situation. COVID-19 pandemic seems to be having a huge impact on Indian education system. The study was taken following objectives: 1. To study the Academic problems of Teacher educator of Self-Finance college of Education during COVID-19 Pandemic situation. 2. To study the Financial problems of Teacher educator of Self-Finance college of Education during COVID-19 Pandemic situation. 3. To study of problems regarding admission procedure of Self-Finance college of Education during COVID-19 Pandemic situation. 4. To suggest expected changes in Teacher Education. Sample consisted 100 teacher educators. Problem Scale (PS) was developed by investigators themselves. Survey type research method was used. Data were collected from sample by Rating Scale. Collected data were analyzed by statistical technique percentage and frequency. Finding revealed that many problems are faced by teacher educator of Self-Finance college of education during COVID-19 Pandemic situation.

Title: Study of Self-Concept, Classroom Environment and Parental Involvement as Predictors of Academic Achievement of Malayalam and English Medium Secondary Level Students
Abstract :

The present study was conducted to find out the role of self-concept, classroom environment and parental involvement in the academic achievement of Malayalam and English medium secondary level students. The sample for the study was collected from various schools of Malabar region in the state of Kerala. Sample consists of 600 secondary school students who pursue education in Malayalam and English medium schools of which 300 are Malayalam medium students and 300 are English medium students. Different standardized tools were used to measure the self-concept, classroom environment and parental involvement; and the score of annual examination was taken as the indicator of academic achievement. Mean standard deviation, t-test, z-test and stepwise regression analysis were used for analyzing data. The study revealed that all the three variables significantly predict the academic achievement of the students for Malayalam and English medium groups. After classroom environment which is the highest predictor for both the groups, self-concept plays more important role in the prediction for Malayalam medium students whereas parental involvement plays more important role in the prediction for English medium students.

Title: Sociological Perspective of Changing Education
Abstract :

From the sociological point of view, education means the process of the development of the character and personality of the individual by means of the social life obtaining in social institutions. The situations that arise in society stimulate the powers of the child and this stimulation brings about his/her education. Besides being a process of bringing about certain modifications in the behavior of the child, education is also a means of bringing about certain changes in the life of the society itself. In other sense education is the process of ‘social learning’ which is the result of social interaction and which in turn produces social interaction. It is the educative process which depends on the individual learning and the changes in group behavior through social interaction. The field of education is constantly shifting in accordance with changing economic conditions, demographic data, technological advances, and political debates. These drivers change the ways in which educationists and policy makers must conceptualize and ultimately construct curriculum and assessment. Current education practices need to consider the possible ways that future educational systems can meet, address, and re-envision the concept of education into the next 50 years. This paper attempts to outline the changes in the ways we need to think about education, highlights the possible future conditions that these new ways of thinking create, and conceptualizes a future for education and testing that reconciles new realities with assessment practices.

Title: Preparing Inclusive Class for the Children with Special Needs during COVID -19 Crisis
Abstract :

Ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is served as an opportunity to re-think how emergency education planning can be inclusive of children with disabilities and the need for accessible and inclusive education. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread across the globe, schools are closed in 180 countries, leaving an estimated 1.5 billion children out of school. In addition, 80% of persons with disabilities live in developing countries where access to education is an ongoing challenge. The impact of COVID-19 is likely to be worse for people in lower socio-economic groups, and children with disabilities face an even greater risk of being left behind. In this paper some challenges, ways and strategies are discussed so that we can move the Post COVID-19 agenda forward to make education truly disability inclusive and easier.

Title: Anxiety among Adolescents in relation to their Socio-Economic Status
Abstract :

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship between anxiety and socio-economic status of adolescents of Amritsar city. The present study also examined the gender differences with respect to anxiety and socio-economic status among adolescents. For this, 200 respondents from Amritsar city of Punjab state were selected. The results of the study reveals no significant difference in boys and girls on all the measured variables i.e. anxiety and socio-economic status. The findings of the study further reveal no relationship between anxiety and socio-economic status.

Title: Termination of Cyber-Sexual Harassment and Abuse with Teenagers using Artificial Intelligence
Abstract :

With the rapid pace of lives transforming by the means of innovative technologies being introduced into our lives, the rate of people willing to abuse technologies is increasing as well. The motive of method being introduced by me in this paper is to monitor textual conversation of underage adolescents on social media platforms and creating alerts (if found a case of sexual harassment/abuse) through an application. In the proposed method I will be concentrating more on the algorithm used in an application for the classification of textual messages (to provide new insights towards chances of tackling cybercrime) rather than the development of application itself.

Title: Assessing the Science Laboratory Learning Environments at the Senior Secondary Level in An Indian School
Abstract :

Learning science can be made more interesting by providing the students hands on experience through experimentation and project work etc. This is especially true for science laboratories where students get a chance to test their ideas and learn difficult science concepts by performing experiments. Science laboratories have become a very important part of learning science in schools and thus students’ perceptions of their science laboratory learning environments would provide valuable insights as to how science laboratories can be further improved and the right kind of environment is created that fosters learning. This study, which is the first of its kind in India, reports the use of the modified form of Science Laboratory Learning Environment Inventory (SLEI) for assessing the students’ perceptions of their learning environments in General Science laboratories. Analysis of data of 460 students from higher secondary classes i.e. grades 10th to 12th provides evidence for the reliability and validity of the questionnaire for use in Indian school settings. The same data is also used for studying gender differences and the associations between students’ perceptions of their science laboratory learning environments with their attitude towards science.

Title: Use of Worksheets to Develop the Skill of Using Geometrical Instruments
Abstract :

Geometry, a branch of Mathematics develops the reasoning and logical thinking power of the child. Nearly every curriculum advisory body gives strong support to the inclusion of informal Geometry in early instruction. But the picture of Geometry is imprecise in relation to learning. In order to fulfil the objectives of Teaching of Geometry, it must be given utmost importance and this can be achieved by developing the Skill of using Geometrical Instruments in an appropriate manner in the learners. The present study titled ‘Use of Worksheets on developing the Skill of Using Geometrical Instruments’ is an experimental study. The population of the study constituted all the students of the Standard Eight of Mangaluru Taluk. Randomly selected sixty students were the sample of the study. An Instructional material consisting of worksheets and lesson plans on the use of commonly used Geometrical Instruments by the students of Standard Eight was prepared by the investigator and was validated. An Achievement test and an Observation Schedule was constructed and validated to measure the Skill of using Geometrical Instruments. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics namely, mean, median and Standard Deviation. Inferential statistics ‘t’ test was used to test the significance of the difference between the means of scores. Hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that there is a significant effect of Use of Worksheets on developing the Skill of Using Geometrical Instruments.

Title: The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act (RTE): A Case Study of its Functioning in Delhi, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab
Abstract :

This article presents the findings from case study research that was conducted into how the child-centred education policy incorporated within RTE, enacted in India in 2009, is functioning. Interviews were conducted with teachers who worked at different schools in New Delhi, Noida (Uttar Pradesh) and Amritsar (Punjab) with the analytical aim of gaining insights into how the RTE provisions are functioning from their perspectives based on their daily teaching practice. The findings show that the functioning of seven out of eight of the child-centred education provisions of RTE as well as the new role of the Indian teacher as ‘facilitator’ is problematic.

Title: Role of Teacher Leaders in Higher Education
Abstract :
The teachers in higher education have to impart not only knowledge but also inculcate good values among the students. They have to pay their attention not only on brilliant students but on poor students also. Teachers should act as philosophers also. They have to mould the personality of the students and motivate them towards the bright future. In other words every student should be made as a career oriented one. Besides these, teachers have to provide counselling whenever the students have physiological, psychological and sociological problems. Because teachers are next to parents. Thus, the role of teachers in higher education is a challengeable one. At this juncture a study in this regard has been undertaken. The term academic leaders refer to the teachers. These Teachers even though differ from corporate leaders have to fulfill the expectations of the students, that is consumers. A judgement delivered by a District consumer forum in Andhra Pradesh against the National Institute of Fashion Technology has clearly spelt out that the students are defined as consumers under the Consumer Protection Act. These academic leaders are rendering their services to the student community (consumers) to a greater extent by shaping the personality of the students, imbibing good culture among them, pinpointing the right path for their bright future. Even though allegations are levelled against the teaching community. At this juncture it is necessary to elicit the opinion of the students community on the teacher leadership style. Keeping this in mind an attempt is made in this article to assess the pulse of the students community towards the teachers. For this purpose the study has been conducted among 100 students of different colleges located in the Kanchipuram Taluk. The primary data have been collected with the help of structured questionnaire adopting convenience sampling method. In order to make the study more efficient and effective, trained investigators have been appointed to collect the relevant data from the students community. The collected data have been processed and analysed with the help of SPSS package. The data have been analysed with the help of simple percentage. Also Chi- square test has been used to prove or disprove the relationship between different teaching learning variables. The authors believe that the findings and suggestions given at the end of this research work will be fruitful for the college administration, the academics, both the state and central governments, students and also the members of the public.
Title: Problems Faced by Teachers During the Pandemic for Teaching: An Exploratory Study
Abstract :
The surge of COVID-19 pandemic has put education sector to a new phase of online mode of teaching and learning. The sudden shift from traditional mode of teaching and learning has put forth both problems and challenges in front of all stakeholders. In this crucial situation, the present study aimed to examine the perception and problems faced by the secondary school teachers of Ranchi district of Jharkhand state, India. Survey method was adopted to carry out the study and self-developed questionnaire wasused to capture data. Secondary school teachers of Ranchi district were considered as population and 28 teachers from five secondary schools of Ranchi district were selected as sample randomly. The study found that 79% teachers opted for offline classes over online classes, 36% teachers found their home environment not much suitable, 39% found that not much interaction could happen during online classes, 54% teachers were spending 1-3 hours in online classes, 50% teachers felt that sometimes it takes great effort for teachers to explain simple concepts/chapters in the online class, 50% teachers were feeling that sometimes it is difficult to complete the syllabus due to online studies, 47% teachers found online teaching during pandemic is slightly stressful, 39% teachers found it little difficult sometimes to connect with individual students through online teaching, 75% teachers felt that they faced difficulties in delivering lesson in online class and 32% teachers always felt uneasy due to too much use of mobile phone/laptop/tablet. It concludes with highlighting the support from government, parents, institutions, teachers and educationists required to make online learning more accessible and effective.
Title: Mo School Abhiyan in Odisha: Towards Development of School Education
Abstract :

Development of infrastructure is the basis for quality education, whereas holistic development needs a compilation of social, emotional, economical aspects that can bring change in the existing scenario of school education. ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ in Odisha is an innovative project to boost the school education with the help of contributions from alumni of any school with which they have some emotional attachments. Quality education needs investments which strengthens a society’s wealth and growth, where individuals can improve their own personal efficacy and productivity. In ‘Mo School Abhiyan’, the contributors have the freedom to support the school education by any means they could with ease. This platform is the first one of its own kind and received extensive support from multiple stakeholders for the holistic development of School education in Odisha. This article outlines the concept, genesis, objectives, achievements of the programme, improvements in school education, and responses from stakeholders on the introduction of ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ to the system. The impact of ‘Mo School Abhiyan’ on the school education ecosystem of Odisha is described. At last, it outlines some of the emerging challenges and suggestions to achieve the goals of the project.

Title: To Ascertain Factors of Learning Objectives Facilitating Quality Education Factor Analysis and Modelling the Relationship Among the Factors by Regression Model
Abstract :

The relationship between learning objective of online learning acquired by students and learning outcome achieved by them is studied through understanding the association 24 factors in learning benefits and learning satisfaction. Learning objective under the research were assumptions or statements which are expected to be achieved by a student or learner at the end of a course or unit or qualification. They can be consequences a student or learner must know, evaluate and be able to exhibit after completion of a process of learning. Association of factors were studied through Exploratory Factor Analysis with principal component with 173 respondents of students with Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy value of 0.932 and Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity giving 0.00 sig. value. The Cronbach’s alpha is 0.995, which indicates a high level of internal consistency in the variable of study to understand online learning among students. After the rotation and extraction of fixed 3 factor component, given by scree plot and Varimax with Kaiser Normalization, F1 factors are derived comprising of 12 factors. These 12 factors were studied through linear regression model assuming these 12 factors as independent variable on dependent variable significant benefit in online learning. The model summary gave the values of R = 0.665, R Square = 0.443 and Adjusted R Square = 0.401 with ANNOVA significant value = 0.00. With the backward regression applied of range of 0.05 to 0.51, there were 8 excluded factors.The regression equation can be predicated as follows:-Y (Significant benefit in online learning) = a (Constant) + b1 (Coefficient of Better Learning retention) × 1 (Better Learning retention) + b2 (Coefficient of Cost effective score) × 2 (Cost effective score) + b3 (Coefficient of Helps to increase interest) × 3 (Helps to increase interest) + b4 (Coefficient of Learning on own’s pace) × 4 (Learning on own’s pace) + b5 (Coefficient of Mobility and ease of use of online learning tools) × 5 (Mobility and ease of use of online learning tools).

Title: Contents Vol. 11, No. 1, April 2020
Abstract :
Title: Overview of Curriculum Development Stages
Abstract :

Curriculum development is a need in all educational institutions. At all level some common stages were adopted by many curriculum developers to develop curricula. Here in this paper an attempt has been made to overview some of the stages and provide innovative suggestions which could be useful for developing curricula. In all the stages, adequate steps were provided to enable the curriculum developers to strategize learning experiences in order to achieve the needs of the learner. It is possible for the curriculum developers to make the education system work through given curriculum. Since it is a systematic process, the developers ought to involve some key stakeholders from the grassroots. Involving teachers, parents and learners in the process may be useful to give adequate inputs to develop effective programme.

Title: Effects of Using ICT in Professional Development in Pakistan
Abstract :
The amalgamation of ICT in education has recently become one of the priorities of the Department of Education in all the provinces of Pakistan. The policymakers have been started emphasizing the use of ICT for training school managers to develop their professional skills. Hence, this study determines the effects of the use of ICT in professional development programs. The design of this study is quantitative, and nature is experimental with pretest-posttest designs. This study was conducted on public sector educational mangers who attended the professional development program. The Intact group is the adopted sampling technique, which is one of the non-probability sampling procedures. An achievement test is the research instrument that is used as a pretest and post-test. The results of the pretest and post-test are compared by employing paired sample t-testusing SPSS. The findings of this study explore the significant positive impact of the use of ICT on managers; motivation for learning, and their skill development.
Title: Reflective Teaching as a Strategy for Effective Instruction
Abstract :

The challenges of 21st century skills require equipping children with essential dispositions and reflective skills as a relevant dimension of education. Reflection is a valuable skill that can produce considerably high level learning and is also very important to the planning process. It includes describing, analyzing and evaluating our thought-process, assumptions, beliefs and actions. Reflection is a significant human activity in which facilitator and practitioner revisit their experience, ponder it and evaluate it. Different academicians identified different types of reflections to strengthen their teaching practices but, they unanimously suggested that reflective teaching practices are inevitably vital to effective instruction. One can start reflective teaching by asking ‘what and why’ questions. Refl ective teaching is an approach that enables teachers and teacher educators to understand how they use their knowledge in classroom situations and how they combine theory and practical in a more effective manner. A reflective teacher can get input from different sources such as senior faculty members, students, colleagues to improve his/her teaching by using reflection. This paper provides some insights on few moot questions such as, “what is reflection”, “what is reflective teaching”, “why is reflective teaching important”, “why should teachers be reflective”, and “what is meant by being a reflective teacher”?

Title: Contents Vol. 10, No. 3, December 2019
Abstract :
Title: A Study of Self-Efficacy among Secondary School Students in relation to Educational Aspiration and Academic Achievement
Abstract :

The aim of the present study is to probe self-efficacy, educational aspiration and academic achievement among secondary school students. In sample selection, random sampling was exercised and final sample comprised 106 boys and 104 girls of IX class of two Government senior secondary schools of Directorate of Education, Delhi. Self-Efficacy Scale (Singh & Narain, 2014) and Educational Aspiration Scale (Sharma & Gupta, 2015) were administered as standardized tools for data collection. Summative Assessment-I scores were used as academic achievement scores. The collected data was analysed by employing t-test and Karl Pearson’s Product Moment Coefficient of Correlation (r). It was found out that girls had statistically significant higher scores in self-efficacy, educational aspiration and academic achievement than boys. A statistically significant positive correlation was found between self-efficacy & educational aspiration, self-efficacy & academic achievement and educational aspiration & academic achievement of secondary school students.

Title: Anthropocentrism versus Ecocentrism: An Ecocritical Analysis of the Selected Poems of Robert Frost and Elizabeth Bishop
Abstract :

Nature poets, Robert Frost and Elizabeth Bishop, are concerned with the natural world and the human world. Anthropocentric and Ecocentric outlooks are explored here in terms of their dominant behaviour towards environment. This paper analyzes that: To what extent do these poets go beyond the anthropocentric world to reach the ecocentric world? And do both the poets create a sympathetic attitude towards the natural world of flora and fauna? Or do they have different outlooks of perceiving nature? The dealing of these poets with environmental degradation can reveal the inherent politics of anthropocentric ideology. Moreover, their poems are concerned with the relationship of the humans to the land and other creatures of the earth and also reveal the interaction and contact between the man-made/ materialistic/ human and natural/ non-human world. So, the focus is on how both the poets depict, present and use the natural scenario and natural world in their poems in order to depict the relationship between the human and non-human world.

Title: Emerging Positive Psychology: A Study on Optimism, Life Satisfaction and Counselling Process
Abstract :

Positive Psychology is one of the newer fields to emerge in the realm of psychology. Two of its major components: Optimism and Life Satisfaction are redefining perspectives on psychological science and counselling today. Optimism can be understood as a stable tendency to believe that good rather than bad things will happen in the future. Optimistic individuals tend to have positive presumptions about people and situations in life which influences individual’s actions and thus with growing life experiences, such individuals lead a more happy, fulfilling and satisfying life. Life satisfaction can be defined as an individually-oriented way of reporting their well-being or welfare through a series of life episodes. The current study aimed to study a relationship between optimism and life satisfaction and to see if any gender differences exist. For this study, a sample of 168 young adults aged between 18-25 years were selected via purposive sampling method. The questionnaires administered to these participants were the Life Orientation Test (R) and Satisfaction with Life Scale. A Pearson Correlational design was used to compute the results. The results of the study revealed a significant correlation between Optimism and Life Satisfaction indicating that the ability to have a positive outlook towards the future can induce positive thoughts leading to actions and finally a positive, happy and satisfied life. In addition, the gender difference revealed a significant difference between males and females with males being more satisfied as compared to females. The study may aid in counselling processes by helping counsellors predicts client behaviours, plan assignments based on optimistic predispositions and help clients develop these competencies to lead a happier life.

Title: Functioning of Eklavya Model Residential School, Rayagada, Odisha
Abstract :

In school, infrastructure development is an important aspect that needs to be taken into account. The term infrastructure is comprehensive, and several elements are included in it. These include playgrounds, library facilities, laboratories, computer centers, technology, machinery, tools, equipment, and so forth. The members of the educational institutions need to invest resources to bring about infrastructure improvements. The study aimed to investigate the current status of the availability and utilization of infrastructure in Eklavya Model Residential School. The investigator purposively selected one Eklavya Model Residential School at Rayagada in Odisha. This school provides quality education to merit-based tribal students, especially in tribal areas. The researcher has followed the purposive sampling technique for selecting the key informants of the case. The researcher used the classroom Observation Schedule, Questionnaire, checklist, and interview schedule for data collection. The data was analyzed by applying both quantitative and qualitative techniques, i.e., percentage; thick description. The study revealed that the infrastructure facilities are available as per the guideline of Eklavya Model Residential School.

Title: Comparative Study on Adjustment Ability of Special and Normal Adolescents
Abstract :

This paper is concerned to the comparative study on adjustment ability of special and normal adolescents. The present study out of 22 districts of Punjab, one district Ludhiana was selected randomly. The present study, out of 22 districts in Punjab, only one district Ludhiana was selected randomly. Thereafter, 20 special students and 20 normal students of secondary school were selected on purposive basis from that district. A standardized tool was used for the present investigation: Adjustment inventory for school students by A.K.P. Sinha and R.P. Singh (1993) was used by the researcher for collection of Data. The data were analyzed statistically by using Mean, SD and ‘t’-ratio.

Title: Project Based Learning: An Informal Way of Meaningful Science Education
Abstract :

The purpose of this study was to investigate the enhancement of learning skills in students that chose science as a carrier subject using project-based learning (PBL). Eighty students (n=80) were analysed during the project designing, it’s execution and finally it’s presentation. Participants were grouped in two teams of 5 each such that one focusses on developing experiments and other on it’s technical part. The projects were assigned to each group taking into consideration it’s feasibility in school laboratory. Questionnaires that included items to measure i.e., ease of learning subject matter, teamwork, and developing communication skills were used to evaluate students’ improvement before and after the intervention. The students were also assessed to evaluate the effectiveness of intervention on a 5-point Likert scale (1 indicating an extremely negative rating and 5 an extremely positive rating). For the data taken from the closed response questions in the grid, we calculated the average. This study revealed that PBL significantly improved ease of learning, teamwork, and communication skills in school students. PBL proved to be beneficial and effective way of science education and inculcated managerial and professional skills in school students.

Title: Influence of Self-concept, Classroom Environment and Parental Involvement in the Academic Achievement of Boys and Girls in Secondary Schools
Abstract :

The present study was conducted to find out the role of self-concept, classroom environment and parental involvement in the academic achievement of Boys and Girls in Secondary Schools. The sample for the study was collected from various schools of Kozhikode district in the state of Kerala. Sample consists of 600 secondary school students who pursue education in Malayalam and English medium schools of which 314 are boys and 286 are girls. Different standardized tools were used to measure the self-concept, classroom environment and parental involvement; and the score of annual examination was taken as the indicator of academic achievement. Mean standard deviation, t-test, z-test and stepwise regression analysis were used for analyzing data. The study revealed that all the three variables significantly predict the academic achievement of the boys and girls. After classroom environment which is the highest predictor for both the groups, self-concept plays more important role in the prediction for boys whereas parental involvement plays more important role in the prediction for girls.

Title: Perception of Teachers and Resource Persons Towards Utkarsha: An Analysis
Abstract :

The changing scenario of education is demanding quality in all aspects at all level of learning improving both teachers’ and students’ performance level to an extent so that they can accumulate, adapt and address the global changes directing towards education. Education at secondary level being a transition period of education and an era of addressing new challenges, the quality factor has become essential. Teachers acting as a catalyst to boost the performance of students through training with new knowledge and skills. An attempt has been made through this study to explore about an in-service training programme of Odisha meant for secondary education which aims to improve the learning level of students by training the teachers for each subject. Following a descriptive survey design with a sample of 40 teachers and 5 resource persons involved in the training programme, the study has been undertaken to find out the perception regarding the professional development which is the alternate aim of the programme. Mixed method approach has been followed to analyse the data collected through a questionnaire and an interview schedule. The study found a positive response towards the programme in the aspect of professional development but some constraints like lack of time, improper planning and supervision are found creating hinderance in the success of the programme. Further studies in a comparative approach with other innovative programme as well as evaluative study on the programme from all participants’ perspective are recommended.

Title: A Study of Professional Commitment among Secondary School Teachers in Relation to Self-Esteem, Gender and Length of Service
Abstract :

This paper is related to the professional commitment among secondary school teachers. The purpose of present research was to study the relationship between professional commitment and self-esteem of secondary school teachers. Survey method is adopted for the present study. A sample of 136 secondary school teachers (63 Male & 73 Female) was selected from the Aligarh District of Uttar Pradesh. Self-esteem questionnaire developed by Dr. Santosh Dhar and Dr. Upinder Dhar is used to assess the level of self-esteem. Professional commitment questionnaire developed by Ravinder Kaur, Sarbjit Kaur Ranu and Sarvjeet Kaur Brar is used to assess the level of professional commitment of teachers. Mean, SD, t-test & correlation techniques are employed to analyze the data. Significant correlation was found between professional commitment and self-esteem of teachers. However, no significant difference was found in the professional commitment and self-esteem of male and female teachers. Also, there was no significant difference in the professional commitment and self-esteem of teachers having less than 10 years experience and teachers having more than 10 years experience. Therefore, it is better to enhance self-esteem of teachers to ensure higher level of professional commitment.

Title: Effects of Self-concept Transformation Package on Secondary School Students’ Attitude in Quantitative aspect of Economics in Central Zone, Plateau State, Nigeria
Abstract :

This study investigates the effects of self-concept transformation package on secondary school students’ attitude toward quantitative aspect of Economics in Northern Senatorial Zone, Plateau State, Nigeria. This study used a quasi-experimental research design the non-equivalent control- group design. The population of the study consisted of all the 9,597 senior secondary two students (SSSII), in the 210 secondary schools in the study area. Multi-Stage Cluster sampling techniques was used for this study The sample size consisted of 105 economics SS2 students from intact classes of the four sampled schools. The experimental group was made up of 30 males and 20 females while the control group was made up of 29 males and 26 females. Therefore there are 50 and 55 students in the experimental and control group respectively. Multidimensional Self-concept Scales (MSS) and Quantitative Economics Attitude Scale (QEAS) instruments were used for data collection. The t-test of independent sample and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to analysed the data with the aid of statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 23 was used for the analysis. The finding indicated that; the pretest mean scores of Experimental group was not statistically significant different from the pre-test attitude mean scores of control group, the post-test mean scores of Experimental group was statistically significant different from the pre-test students’ self- concept mean scores of control group and there is significant effect of gender on students’ attitude toward quantitative Economics. The study recommended that parents as well as economics teachers should encourage the students to develop positive attitude towards quantitative economics. Economics teachers should direct more attention particularly to female students among other recommendations were made.

Title: Regulation and Higher Education: The Imperative
Abstract :

This paper delves into regulation and higher education in India, through three phases: a loosely regulated transitory phase from British India to independent India; a phase of strong regulation by the state in post-independence India; to a dispersed yet still not so easily discernable phase of regulation post-1986 till date. In the wake of rapid changes in higher education, the paper considers it an imperative on the part of the state to play a more pro-active role in regulation of higher education.

Title: Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement: A Study at +2 Level
Abstract :

The present Research aimed at studying the Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement of +2 students. The sample constitutes 400 +2 student studying in junior colleges located in Warangal district. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample. Descriptive, inferential and correlational statistics techniques were used for analyzing the data. The findings emerged out of the present study suggests that in choosing a career both men and women where Emotional intelligence. There is no significant correlation between emotional intelligence and academic achievement of +2 students.

Title: Education in North-Eastern India: A Study of Supply and Demand in Secondary Teacher Education
Abstract :

Educational development in North Eastern India has been comparatively stagnant for decades, but recent initiatives of the central government with the help of special ministry for North eastern India have given new hope for the rapid development. Development not only in the education sector, but across the sectors has been registered during the last decade. Teacher education scenario is different in northeastern India compared with the rest of the country in term of trained and untrained teachers in the schools. Therefore, the supply and demand of teacher educators and school teachers are different in this region. Here, in this study an effort has been made to analyze the statewise supply and demand of school teachers and teacher education in the light of additional demand due to Right to Education, SSA and RMSA.

Title: Professional Legal Education in India: Challenges and the Way Forward
Abstract :

Indian Higher Education is in a continuing process of changes in orientation & methodology. Globalization has profound implications for the future of higher education in India particularly to the legal education. Inevitably, the need for raising academic standards, creating a better research environment, developing sound infrastructure, creating better career opportunities, and promoting professional advancement of academics are all central issues for formulating the necessary policies for higher education in Legal fraternity. Legal education have went through many reforms after independence but still have to do a lot for competing with international legal education. Through this paper author have evaluated the higher education in legal studies, challenges to it & way forward.

Title: School Education in West Bengal and Kerala: A Comparative Perspective
Abstract :

Both West Bengal and Kerala have significant influence in socio-economic and political field of India. Therefore a comparative study of the status of school education between these two is very significant in Indian context. The objective of the study was to comparatively analyse the status of school education of West Bengal and Kerala in terms of school profile, school infrastructure, teaching and non-teaching staff for the period of 2016-2017 based on DISE data. The study explored interesting aspects of the status of school education in both the states. It made some important suggestions for the stakeholders.

Title: Teachers Trainees and Metacognitive Strategies
Abstract :

Metacognition and Learning styles are significant factors that influence learning. Learners exhibit different learning styles that influence the way they make sense of the learning experiences. Metacognitive strategies are the set of some executive techniques of cognition which are consciously used by learners to achieve a specific learning purpose. The present study has made an attempt to explore the relationship among Learning Styles and Metacognitive Strategies of Teacher Trainees and determine the Learning Styles as positive predictor and contributor for Metacognitive Strategies of Teacher Trainees during their training programme. The data have been collected by using random sampling techniques, through administered the tools, Metacognitive Strategies scale, (self-made) and Learning styles Questionnaire (Developed and standardized by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford (1986) from 120 teacher Trainees from four teacher training Institutions affiliated to different universities of Odisha and recognized by NCTE. The collected data were analyzed using Product moment coefficient of correlation (r) and Regression analysis. The results of the study reveal that metacognitive strategies metacognitive strategies of teacher trainees are positively related with their Activist, Reflector, Theorist, Pragmatist Learning Styles, further, Theorist and Reflector learning styles are the strong predictors and contributors of planning, monitoring and evaluation Metacognitive strategy, and Theorist and Pragmatist learning styles are the strong predictors and contributors of Organizing Metacognitive strategy of teacher trainees of teacher trainees.

Title: Outcome Based Education (OBE) is Need of the Hour
Abstract :

Educational objectives are soul for any educational Programme and it is the prime pillar for sustainable socio-economic development. The holistic educational objectives need to changes according to the social change. To achieve the holistic educational objectives the educational opportunities were decentralized; as a result worldwide the rate of literates and the percentage of educated people are increased; especially in India was successfully achieved elementary, secondary, and higher education too. Further, the new education policy-2020 insisted to increase the enrolment ratio in higher education from 26.3% (2018) to 50% by 2035. Along with the objectives of increasing the quantitative students’ enrolment percentage in higher education, it is the need of the hour to insist on outcome-based education (OBE) for holistic development. Keeping these as a background the researcher intended to describe the OBE as a need of the hour.

Title: Higher-Order Thinking among Professional Students of Punjab in Relation to Gender and Course Experience
Abstract :

Professional education includes specialised training by incorporating enhanced knowledge and skills necessary for responsible entry into professional practice. It is designed to impart students with the competencies to be evaluative, creative and innovative. This is the base of higher-order thinking skills-- critical thinking and self-regulation. Thus, the present study was carried out with an aim to investigate higher-order thinking in terms of critical thinking and self-regulation among professional students of Punjab in relation to gender and course experience. The data were collected via the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) and Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ). MSLQ and CEQ items were administered through a survey on a sample of 200 undergraduate professional students (95 Males and 105 Females) pursuing professional courses at Punjabi University, Patiala. The data were analysed using the two-way analysis of variance. The results revealed no statistically significant gender differences in critical thinking and self-regulation of professional students of Punjab. Also, it was found that the professional students having low and high level of course experience did not differ significantly in higher-order thinking i.e. critical thinking and self-regulation. Thus, it may be concluded that gender and course experience, neither independently nor conjointly, explain critical thinking and self-regulation of professional students of Punjab. However, it may be pointed out that professional students have shown moderate level of critical thinking and above average level of self-regulation. In other words, higher-order thinking skills among professional students need to be explored further for its causation and enhancement.

Title: Impact of Internet Addiction on Academic Performance of Post-Graduate Students
Abstract :

The Covid-19 situation has significantly disrupted normal activities globally. During this pandemic, people around the world are facing many mental health problems. Particularly excessive use of internet may become a serious problem among teens. The aim of this study was to study the impact of internet addiction on academic achievement of postgraduate final year students studying in govt college, Sundargarh during Covid-19. The study also focuses on the gender difference, correlation between internet addiction and academic achievement and level of internet addiction of Postgraduate final year students. For collection of data, a sample of 48 final year postgraduate students consisting of 24 male and 24 female were selected purposively. Standardized Internet Addiction Test (IAT) developed by Young was administered for their responses and CGPA scores for the previous semester were collected and analysed using both inferential and descriptive statistics like mean, SD, correlation, percentage and t-test. The results of this study indicated that internet addiction has negative impact on academic achievement of postgraduate final year students. Results also shows that there is no significant difference in internet addiction of postgraduate final year students in relation to their gender and correlation between internet addiction and academic achievement of postgraduate final year students is weakest negative correlation.

Title: Contents Vol. 11, No. 2, August 2020
Abstract :
Title: Ph.D. in Information Assurance: An Indian Context—A Policy Framework Based on UGC Regulation
Abstract :

Information Assurance is an emerging field in Information Technology related subjects and responsible for the privacy and security. Information Assurance is broad and interdisciplinary than Information security, Information Technology security. And IT Security consist with few areas viz. areas of Web Security, Database Security, Network security and latest Cloud Security, Mobile Security, Multimedia Repository Security etc. The theories as well as practice of collection, organization, assuring and managing of information and knowledge are the core of Information Assurance field. Information Assurance deals with two sides viz. technological and manual information security and privacy solutions. Information Assurance is dedicated to the uses, processing, storage, and transformation of information with proper practice and principles. Information Assurance as a field of study available in developed countries. In United States itself it is available as Certificate, Diploma to Bachelors, Masters Program and even Doctoral Program. In US and many western countries availability of super specialty areas program i.e. the emerging and sub field of IT become common and important. Similar to this approach, Information Assurance is also available as a Doctoral Program. In India, academic program/ major in the sub fields and emerging areas of Information Technology is little rare and also in Doctoral program. Though the Ph.D. in Information Assurance has huge potentials. The paper highlighted the potentiality of Ph.D. in Information Assurance with model curricula based on Indian Ph.D. regulation 2016.

Title: Educational Empowerment of Rural Women: A Study of Punjab Village
Abstract :

Equal access to educational opportunity is a basic human right essential to well-being. Educational gap at attainment levels between male and female and further between female of rural and urban have been remained as focus of research. This paper is based upon the study of a Punjab village to assess the educational empowerment of rural women residing in that village. The study has been carried out on a sample of 200 women identified and designed as rural women in the age group of 20 to 50 years. Semis structured interview schedule, field notes along with observation were the techniques used in study. The findings of the study reveal that rural women have very low level of education. Among all social groups, scheduled caste women are at margin level. Poverty in the family and non-availability of the school in village has been emerged as major cause behind educational deprivation of rural women. Empirical finding have shown that increase in educational level among rural women, their family income enhances. It is suggested that education is pertinent domain to make women empowered and self-reliant. Efforts should be made through different ways to make women educated and self-dependent. Ensuring educational opportunity to all is essential for more than one reason.

Title: Academic Self-concept and Academic Performance among Pre-Service Teacher Trainees
Abstract :

Academic self-concept is helpful for the students to evaluate their potentialities and bring out the students to be successful in their academic world. This study investigates the impact of self-concept on academic performance of pre-service teacher trainees. For data collection, a sample of 100 pre-service teachers consisting of 50 male and 50 female were selected randomly. Standardized Academic Self-Concept Scale prepared by Liu, Wang and Parkins (2005) was administered to collect data on self-concept. Scores secured by students in their academic examination considered as academic performance. To analyse the data, different descriptive statistical methods like mean, sd, correlation, t-ratio were employed. Analysis showed a negligible positive relationship between academic self-concept and academic performance. The study confirmed that self-concept has no impact on academic performance of pre-service teachers. In addition, findings also revealed no gender difference in academic self-concept among pre-service teacher trainees.

Title: Status and Issues of Digital Literacy of Secondary School Teachers
Abstract :

Digital devices and applications are widely using by the schools . Various committees and commissions have also emphasized to use digital technologies in educational field. Nep 2020, NCTE regulation 2014 has also emphasized on digital literacy and applications of ICT in the teaching learning process. Government of India has launched the various programmes like digital India campaign, e-pathshala, NROER, Swayam, Swayamprava, NDL India etc. For facilitating he use of ICT in education sector. The present study is intended to find out the status and issues of digital literacy of secondary school teachers in Odisha. For conducting the study descriptive survey method was used over 40 secondary school teachers in Odisha whose were selected through purposive sampling technique. Data was collected through a self developed questionnaire and collected by the help of google form and telephonic interview. The collected data were analyzed by using frequency and percentage and accordingly conclusions were drawn. The study found that majority of teachers can change screen brightness and contrast, minimize, maximize and move window screen, use search command to locate a file and download and install applications in their devices. Most of them are aware about computer hardware devices and able to operate those. They are using digital technologies for searching, sharing and collecting data for educational practices. Google meet is popularly used as online teaching application. They suggested to improve the situation by providing in-service training programs, appointing sufficient computer teachers and providing sufficient infrastructure for digital learning.

Title: Adaptability and Awareness of Augmented Reality in Teacher Education
Abstract :

As an emerging technology, Augmented Reality has a huge potential for the educational field. Teacher education is the root of all other professions so the current study was intended to explore the resources available in the teacher education institute and the awareness about augmented reality among the teacher educators and pre-service teachers. The data was collected by two self-developed questionnaires i.e. Resources Availability and Awareness Questionnaire for Pre-Service Teacher & Resources Availability and Awareness Questionnaire for Teacher Educator, the result revealed that the teacher education institutes of Odisha and the TEs & PSTs have adequate resources to use augmented reality in the classroom but the awareness level among them found to be very low.

Title: Contents Vol. 10, No. 2, August 2019
Abstract :
Title: A Study of Perceptual Learning Styles with Academic Achievement in Private Higher Secondary Schools in Aizawl City
Abstract :

Individual learning styles depend on cognitive, emotional and environmental factors, as well as one’s prior experience. In other words, everyone’s different. It is important for educators to understand the differences in their students’ learning styles, so that they can implement best practice strategies into their daily activities, curriculum and assessments. This study was undertaken with the objective to find out if there is a relationship between the students learning styles and academic achievement of private higher secondary schools in Aizawl city. The scale used for this study is Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire constructed by Joy Reid (1984). The data from the present study is collected from 2 Private Higher Secondary schools. The sample consists of 192 students, with 96 each from Oikos Higher Secondary School and Providence Higher Secondary Schools. Findings showed that there is no correlation between the academic achievements and the scores on different learning styles of the students. A particular learning style does not have effect on the marks of the students.

Title: Research Trends in English Writing Skills: Analysis, Insights and Reflections
Abstract :

English writing skill is one of the most important skills of English language as it is an integral part of life and the social need of the contemporary society. Today it is considered to be every individual’s need to master English writing skill because it helps in assessing ones progress made individually, socially, culturally, philosophically, scientifically and through all sorts of behavioural activities. Though English writing skill was not the one which was on limelight in India since decades and not mentioned by any educational committees explicitly, yet there were few references made about the importance of writing skills by few educational commissions and reports such as NCF, (2005) and NCERT Synthesis report, (2012). These reports emphasised in inculcating English writing skills as an integral part of the curriculum by teaching this skill using different methods of teaching and appropriate instructional materials. Though there had been drastic changes in the text books, syllabus, curriculum and teaching methodologies from time to time, yet there found no much changes in the teaching and learning method of the English writing skills. During every time frame there were scholars and researchers who showcased the underlying negligence shown towards this skill in their various studies, yet teaching of writing skills found no much changes. Hence, this paper is a sincere effort to reflect on the trends in the English writing skills to identify the reasons for the low attainment of the learners in writing skills that has been hindering learners to master proficiency in English.

Title: Statistical Analysis of Social Media and its Impact on Academic Performance of Different Age Group Students
Abstract :

The limits between on-line and “genuine world” networks are quickly decaying, especially for the age of youngsters whose lives are infested by web based life. For this age, internet based life trades are an essential methods for correspondence, social commitment, data chasing, and perhaps, a focal segment of their character and network building. Teacher of psychiatry at UCLA, Dr. Gary Small, proposes these advanced locals—youngsters naturally introduced to a universe of PCs and PDAs, content informing, and tweeting—spend, by and large, over eight hours daily presented to computerized innovation, and may encounter generally unique mental health that favors steady correspondence and performing multiple tasks (Prensky, 2001). Given these real factors, postsecondary teachers should start to genuinely investigate the possibility to purposefully and deliberately saddle the intensity of these progressive changes in innovation use to all the more likely serve the requirements of understudies to improve their prosperity. Determinants of Acquiring Good results in Academics (for all age groups) analysis revealed that out of 7 explanatory variables 5 explanatory variables are significant at different probability levels. The coefficients of independent variables viz., student studying class and number of hours spent in study are significant at 10 percent probability level and also they indicate that increasing class level and number of hours spent in studying increase the performance of academics of children in the study area. Another two coefficients of variables namely number of hours spent in Internet and number of hours spent in Tuition are significant at 5 percent level. It also tells that the hours spent in either tuition or internet impacts positively. The other variable coefficient i.e., parent’s education is significant at 1 percent level. It reveals that parent’s education influence on children academic performance.

Title: Reimagining the Role of Science Education in Development of 21st Century Learning Skills with Reference to NEP 2020
Abstract :

The world is growing with a faster pace in the 21st century due to rapid development of science and technology. It has brought a paradigm shift to the lifestyle and social processes as a whole. Changing scenario has brought more challenges to live in. Preparing students to live and face the world in the 21st century is challenging and daunting. Acquisition of different skills and knowledge as well as interdisciplinary approach towards the world are needed to the students to keep in pace with world. The present study draws and reviews on the policies with specific reference with National Curriculum Framework 2005 (NCF 2005) and National Education Policy (NEP 2020) to explore the role of Science Education in development of 21st Century Learning Skills which have been recommended with the intent to prepare the learners to face the challenging world. Transforming the 21st century education is an attempt to change the world and face the upcoming challenges posed by the world. This dynamic recommendations made by both the policies, if integrated and implemented properly with the same intent and spirit, it can do wonders. And education can be the powerful weapon which can be used to change the world and face the world as well.

Title: Impact of Problem Solving Ability and Self-esteem on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students
Abstract :

The paper examines the Impact of Problem Solving Ability and Self-esteem on Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students. Samples of 400 Secondary School Students were selected through random sampling technique. Survey method was employed to collect the data. The schools are responsible to develop scientific attitude among the students so that they may solve their problems independently for better adjustment in the future complex society. An adolescent lacking Self-esteem appropriate to normal personality, experiences insecurity because he fails to perceive in himself those qualities that are necessary to cope with the exigencies of the world or he/she will also be depreciated of his/her achievements as they surpass their self-image. In this regard, the researcher felt the need to study the Academic Achievement with its interaction on Problem Solving Ability and Self-esteem. The tools included A Four Point Rating Scale on Self-esteem with five components was prepared and validated by the Researcher. A Problem Solving Ability Test with four components was prepared and validated by the Researcher. With the objective to find the Main and Interaction effect of Problem Solving Ability and Self-esteem on Academic Achievement among the Secondary School Students, the major findings concluded, Self-esteem has a significant effect on Academic Achievement. Academic Achievement of Students with High Self-esteem is significantly greater than students with Average and Low Self-esteem. Academic Achievement of Students with Average Self-esteem is significantly greater than students with Low Self-esteem.

Title: Personal Competencies for Effective Teaching: A Review Based Study
Abstract :
In the present scenario, management education and managerial skills are required in every sphere of life. However, the halo attached to the management education in India has sharply faded. There is a need for
change in the character and structure of management education. Teachers play an integral role in business schools to produce effective management professionals. Nowadays, there is less emphasis given to jobs as
the building blocks of an organization; instead, increased attention and focus is on employee competence. In a business-school teacher plays the most important role hence teacher’s competence becomes crucial
for effectiveness of the business-school. The research paper is a review based study identifying personal competencies required for an effective teaching in business schools according to the changing scenario.
Teachers can lend a distinct touch to profession by these personal competencies. This will in turn lead to better students and a better society.
Title: Contents Vol. 10, No. 1, April 2019
Abstract :
Title: Role of Value Based Education in Reducing Juvenile Delinquency at School Level
Abstract :

With the inception of modern technology and the social media throw a negative impact on the whole Indian society as well as in the all- round development of the adolescents. In the absence of adequate supervision, the habit of mobiles, television and the internet is enhancing the stress, jealousy, depression and quick response among teenagers. According to National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) the rate of crime under registered cases against juveniles in conflict with law has been increased to 89.28 per cent from 2005 to 2016. NCRB also reveals that the number of rapes by juveniles has been increased to 143 per cent from 2002 to 2012. The physical development of children is happening but they do not have the knowledge of their essential rights, values, ethics and humanity. There is a great need to stop or decrease the juveniles’ crime in India. The Value based Education and school environment influence the proper development of the children. In this research article the researchers focused on the implementation of value based education at school level. The engagement of co-curricular activities and VBE at school level develop the ability of freedom of self expression, self confidence, co-operation and universal brotherhood. The researchers also described the factors affecting the juveniles’ development. Media, Peer Influence, Exclusion from Society and Family are crucial and responsible factors of juveniles’ mental, social and educational development. Teachers’ aptitude regarding VBE is the important factor for changing the behaviors of juveniles.

Title: Academic Anxiety: An Overview
Abstract :

Academic anxiety can have a negative effect on a student’s academic performance. Teachers and parents can learn to recognize the signs of anxiety in school students. If teachers and parents help students to learn to control anxiety early, more serious academic problems related to anxiety can be avoided. Anxiety can become more detrimental over time. If academic anxiety is identified on time it helps to improve the performance of students so it necessary to know more about academic anxiety. This paper elaborates in detail about the components of academic anxiety & way to reduce academic anxiety in detail.

Title: A Study of Intrinsic Leisure Motivation among Prospective Teachers in relations to their Academic Achievement
Abstract :

Teachers are the prime agents in bringing about social change. This huge responsibility is resting on teachers’ shoulders, and as a result, it makes this profession a very demanding career. Even teachers require leisure-time. They need to be recreationally motivated, which includes fulfilling personal goals such as the need for affiliation, liberation from stress or the boredom of daily routines, and the pursuit for a challenge. For this study, the tool used was the Intrinsic Leisure Motivation scale (ILM) developed by Ellen Weissinger and Deborah L. Bandalos (1995). The sample of the study consisted of 92 prospective teachers from Aligarh Muslim University. The analysis revealed that the Intrinsic Leisure Motivation of prospective teachers had scores above the average. Intrinsic Leisure Motivation sub-dimensions like self-determination, challenge and competence had almost the same highest mean while commitment had the least mean. A significant difference was found in favour of prospective male teachers in the Intrinsic Leisure Motivation (on sub-dimensions like self-determination, commitment and challenge). Another finding of this study was that no significant difference was found in rural and urban prospective teachers’ mean scores. Lastly, the sample under study did not share a meaningful relationship between Intrinsic Leisure Motivation (with its respective sub-dimensions)and academic achievement. The educational implications have been drawn and discussed, according to the findings, in the research paper.

Title: Contents Vol. 11, No. 3, December 2020
Abstract :
Title: Construction and Standardization of Achievement Test in Educational Psychology
Abstract :

Conceptual and research based literature related to achievement test construction and educational psychology topics were studied thoroughly for developing Achievement Test in Educational Psychology. The preparation and standardization of the Achievement test consisted of four major phases such as planning, construction, evaluation and validation. In present investigation one hundred MCQ items were prepared by the researcher which was reviewed by experts in the field and then first draft of the achievement test was ready for tryout. For pilot testing, the test was administered on representative sample of 80 pupil teachers of different institutions keeping in mind that they should have knowledge of test content and they must have gone through the content earlier. Achievement test having 67 items with four options each was given to participants and scoring was done with the help of scoring key. Difficulty Value and Discrimination Power of the test calculated. This test has a value 0.936 (Cronbach Alpha) for test consistency. Researcher also used Split-half method to establish the reliability of the test.

Title: A Study of In-service Teachers’ Attitude Towards Gender Discrimination
Abstract :

This research paper is based on the research study of the investigator on the attitude of in-service teachers towards gender issues, namely, gender roles, gender stereotypes and gender discrimination. For the study, the researcher conducted a descriptive survey among 312 teachers teaching at secondary level in the schools of Delhi. Self-developed attitude scale and interview schedule were employed for the collection of the data. The data collected was systematically categorized, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted. The study revealed that none of the teachers has studied about ‘gender’ as a complete subject, however, majority of them were interested in knowing more about gender issues. Further, it was also found that the teachers discriminated among girls and boys when it came to assigning tasks or activities to them. Some positive trends in their attitude were also revealed.

Title: Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan in Punjab: Problems and Suggestions
Abstract :
Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) is a scheme sponsored by central government of India in order to provide quality and secondary education. The scheme was launched by Government of India in 2009. The Scheme mainly aims at enhancing access to Secondary education and to improve its quality. It aims to augment the enrolment rate to 90% at secondary and 75% at the higher secondary stage, by providing a secondary school within reasonable distance of every home. The Scheme also focuses on removing barriers of gender, socio-economic and disability in order to provide universal access to secondary education in all secondary educational institutions. The present study intends to examine the problems and issues of RMSA in Punjab. In the present study, various guidelines of Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) has been studied to know the status of the scheme and how far it has been successfully implemented secondary schools in the state of Punjab. It has been found that many infrastructure facilities were not available for both students and teachers in the secondary schools of Punjab. The scheme aims to provide value education to the children belonging to rural areas by setting up of Model Schools as a standard of excellence at block level at the rate of one school per block. The objectives of the scheme are: (1) To have at least one senior secondary school of good quality in every block. (2) To have a progressive role for increasing quality of secondary education. (3) To suggest new innovative in curriculum and teaching process. (4) To be a model in infrastructure, curriculum, evaluation, and school governance.
Title: Innovative Practices to Rejuvenate Post Flood Kerala – Role of Prospective Teachers
Abstract :
The state of Kerala, God’s own country, was the role model in terms of development for all other states of India and for the whole world. Kerala model of development was studied and discussed worldwide by economists and policy makers. The development of Kerala was contributed by the whole hearted participation of Government, administrators and people of Kerala putting their heads and hands together. But, the unprecedented rainfall in 2018 led to massive flood causing death, displacement and destruction in all fields which may take years to rebuild. The destruction affected all fields of life including agriculture, shelter, health care, sanitation, transportation and education. Government, non-government organisations and common people of Kerala stood hand by hand to get rescued from the terrific and drastic situation. In this period of small relief, we have to think and work hard to rebuild our state to its pride and glory. This is the right time for higher education institutions and students to pay their homage to their mother land and fellow beings. The teachers should be the light bearers for the future generation and the prospective teachers can train themselves making use of this circumstance to manage disastrous situations in a timely manner. Here in this paper, we discuss about the role of prospective teachers in rebuilding the post flood Kerala. Here some suggestive innovative practices to rejuvenate the post flood Kerala in various sectors like infrastructure reconstruction, psycho-social support, health and sanitation, education, agriculture and beautification are detailed. Stakeholders have to take measures to practice these suggestive measures to rejuvenate our state.
Title: Effective Use of ICT in Teacher Education for Inclusive Environment in Classroom
Abstract :
The increasing awareness and growing emphasis on making “Education for all” a realizable dream has made the classrooms of twentieth century necessarily inclusive in nature where an attempt is made to teach the children with different abilities and varied cultural, economic and family backgrounds under the same roof and with equal access to facilities and opportunities. To address to such diversity in an equitable manner, technology is undisputedly playing a significant role. It is making the teachers equipped to handle day to day classroom situations in a better way through ICT tools and devices that have built and provided platforms to remove barriers (physical, technical, cultural, psychological etc.) to facilitate complete development of children. With technological advancements and increasing use of various digital resources, the various aspects of education such as teaching, learning, evaluation and feedback becomes far easier and quicker as compared to the traditional approaches. With the advent of specialized tools for the disabled or children with special needs as well as a wide range of apps and softwares, the services reach uninterruptedly to various strata of the society with ease. The current paper reflects on the integration of various technological tools and approaches in our classrooms for a more inclusive environment so that a teacher can cater to individual educational needs of children. The potential of ICT in providing access for all learners including the ones with special needs and ability to access the general education curriculum is being discussed in this paper. The objective of the paper is to make the teachers aware about how amalgamation of ICT can be done in classroom learning for better addressing of the problems of the students for them to overcome their inabilities.
Title: Understanding Access to Housing, Drinking Water, Electricity and Sanitation by Scheduled Tribes in Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Abstract :
Housing, drinking water, electricity and sanitation are important basic needs of human for a dignified living in modern era. Development and implementation of these provisions plays not only vital role for the socio-economic betterment but also secure them from important public health, pollution and security  problems in tribes especially women. Tribes residing in eastern U. P. are still very poor in possession of these facilities in spite of the Government’s commitments to improve their backward status through special constitutional provision. Present article analyzes the housing, drinking water, electricity and sanitation facilities available to Scheduled Tribes in eastern U.P. and explores possible strategies for improvement. Most of ST families still live in jhuggis (43.9 per cent), only 27.12 per cent have both tap water supplies and electricity, mostly (92.15 per cent) use hand pump for drinking water out of home, 77.4 per cent of STs do not have latrine facility inside the premises and unsatisfactory sanitation in surrounding.
Title: Educational Backwardness of ‘Teli’ Caste in Jammu Region: Exploration of the Factors Behind
Abstract :
The word Tel means oil (cooking oil) and Teli means person dealing with manufacture and sale of cooking oil in Urdu. The word Teli comes from Tel, which means oil in Marathi, Hindi, and Oriya languages. Traditionally, the Teli are an occupational caste of oil-pressers and the name Teli is given to them because of their profession of “Making Edible oil”. In old times, these people had their small oil mills known as Kolhu or Ghana driven by blindfolded oxen around the mill to make or extract edible oil from oil seeds
like mustered and sesame. Teli caste is one of the most backward classes (as per Mandal commission) in the Jammu region of Jammu And Kashmir State. Their plights were never heard or addressed even after more than six decades of independence due to underrepresentation in both the houses of state legislature. Hence the investigator felt the need to explore the area which is yet to be explored. In this way efforts were made to study various reasons behind the educational backwardness of the community and to
suggest remedies to improve their educational conditions. The sample for the present study comprised of the 15 community representatives selected by following snowball non-random sampling technique. All the representatives were interviewed to deeply understand and analyse the factors responsible for the undertaken phenomenon and to suggest remedies for the same. Community representatives revealed number of social, economic, educational factors which are collectively responsible for the educational backwardness of the community and also suggested suitable solutions or remedies for the same.
Title: Pedagogy of Value Education in the Light of Teachings of the Bhagavad Gita
Abstract :
This paper is the outcome of a doctoral level research study by the same title and brings forth an indigenous model for value inculcation among the youth in a very systematic way. It points to a very significant pathway for inspiring excellence though educational inputs and evolves a design for value education through real life experiences or experiential learning for the students. Analyzing the various layers of personality of the learner and addressing each aspect of the developing personality of the learner at the appropriate juncture, this approach based on the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita inspires the learner to see the reality for himself/ herself and makes him/ her capable of carving out his/ her own path to righteousness (Swadharma) according to the innate nature or Swabhava, thus leading to a journey in excellence for each movement of life as an offering to the presiding deity or the revealed divinity within each individual. The eleven steps suggested here come out as the eleven cardinal principles of education for righteousness and incorruptibility, the twin pillars of an ideal human life rooted deeply in values. These values are then the guiding lights for a life committed to self knowledge manifesting the divinity within in each and every action for the joy of existence
and the glory of God. Such a life, the author asserts becomes the life modelled to excellence and becomes an inspiration for the race for the ages to come. The present juncture of human history demands such a radical approach to value education as the stories and parables have failed to have deeper impact for value education. 
Title: Emotional Maturity: A Study of Secondary School Teachers
Abstract :

This research paper assesses the teachers’ emotional maturity among government secondary school teachers in Jammu division. The main objective of the paper is to find whether teachers differ in emotional maturity in relation to their gender, qualification and locality. For this, a sample of 200 teachers was selected through multi-stage probability sampling technique employing survey method. Teachers’ emotional maturity scale as developed by investigator was used for the collection of data. The findings revealed that there are no gender differences in emotional maturity among teachers. Besides this there are no significant differences in emotional maturity among teachers in relation to their qualifications and locality.

Title: A Study on Interrelation of Educational Aspiration with School Environment of Secondary School Students
Abstract :
The present study was undertaken with the purpose of studying educational aspiration of secondary school students in relation to their school environment and to find out the difference in educational aspiration and school environment of secondary school students on the basis of locality. This study was conducted on a sample of 400 students studying in secondary schools of Kashmir division. The result shows that there exists no significant difference between rural and urban secondary school students in their educational aspiration. However there exists significant difference between rural and urban secondary school students in their school environment. Further the results indicate that there exists a positive significant relationship between educational aspiration of secondary school students with school environment.
Title: Government Expenditure on Education: A Study of Centre and States in India
Abstract :
Since the Global Recession which originated in US and, had its impact on the countries across globe including India, there is a growing tendency of the governments to cut back public expenditure. This phenomenon is referred to as “shrinking state”. The present paper discusses the trends in the public expenditure on education at various educational levels. It tries to determine the link between expenditure on education by the States and Centre and their respective GDP. The findings of the paper suggests that there is a negative correlation between the expenditure on education by the State and the respective state gross domestic product (SGDP) at nominal price whereas in case of gross domestic product (GDP) and total expenditure on education in India there is no such relationship. Moreover, the total budgetary provision on expenditure on education is declining although the total budgetary outlay of the Union Government is increasing in absolute terms.
Title: Study of Scientific Attitude in relation to Science Achievement Scores among Secondary School Students
Abstract :

In science education, teaching methodologies focussing on developing scientific attitude among students facilitate them in scoring academically high and thus scientific attitude may work as determinant of academic performance of students. A descriptive survey was conducted on 208 students of secondary school students in Delhi. The data analysis showed that there was gender difference, in the favour of girl students, with respect to scientific attitude and science achievement scores. A significantly positive co relation between scientific attitude and science achievement scores of students was found. Interaction effects also supported these findings.

Title: Construction and Standardization of Mathematics Achievement Test for IXth Grade Students
Abstract :

In the present article multiple choice questions (MCQ) type Mathematics Achievement test is constructing according to blue print. The Construction of test items is an important phase in the development of a test as the reliability, validity of the test depends upon the test items. The discriminative Index find out the difficulty value of each item. The nature of questions for achievement test consisted of matching type and multiple choice questions. This achievement test is constructing for Geometry content of Mathematics for IXth grade student.

Title: Hill Agriculture and Livelihood Security: An Economic Analysis of Cost and Return Structure for Cultivation of Mustard Crop in Jammu District of J&K (UT)
Abstract :
A study was conducted in the Jammu district of J &K (UT) where R.S. Pura and Bishnah development blocks were selected randomly out of 20 development blocks falling in the district. The mustard crop is among the oldest cultivated plants in Civilization. Biologically, the mustard plants belong to Cruciferae and under the genus Brassica. The primary data on cost and returns were collected through the survey method by personally interviewing the respondents with the help of a pre-tested questionnaire. For computing the cost and returns, the concepts issued by Commission on Agricultural Costs & Prices (CACP) were used. The per hectare total cost of cultivation of mustard crop was worked out to be ` 33746.34,` 36975.67 and ` 37678.76 on marginal, small, and medium farms, respectively, with an overall average of ` 36523.75 per hectare. The per hectare gross returns for mustard cultivation on marginal, small, and medium farms were ` 46094.05, ` 51235.01 and ` 64747.22 resulting in a cost-benefit ratio of 1:1.50, 1:1.52, and 1:1.89, respectively, over cost C2. Overall, on all farms, the per hectare gross returns were ` 53953.98 with the cost benefit ratio of 1:1.72 over the exact cost.
Title: 5E Approach of Constructivist on Achievement in Mathematics at Upper Primary Level
Abstract :

Constructivist approach is based on the belief that learning occurs when learners are actively involved in a process of knowledge construction as opposed to passive receiving of information. According to constructivist teaching, learners are the makers of their knowledge. The theory of constructivism is an approach to learning suggesting that children must construct their own understandings of the world in which they live. The present study aims to find the effectiveness of 5E approach of constructivist on achievement in mathematics of upper primary students. The present study was a quasi-experimental study, wherein a control and experimental group were employed. The 5E learning model include Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate, Which has been applied to experimental group and conventional teaching was used in the control group, a sample of 70 (35 students in experimental and control group respectively) students were selected by using the purposive sampling technique. The results of the study revealed that teaching through the 5E approach of constructivism is effective in enhancing achievement in mathematics of upper primary level as compared to traditional method.

Title: What is Worth Teaching?: Analytically Looking at Textbooks
Abstract :

This paper discusses the dominance of textbooks within classroom teaching in India. In the history of Indian education in the post-independence period, since as early as 1952, various education commissions and policy frameworks have expressed concern over textbook dominance within Indian classrooms. But the education system still relies heavily on textbooks for ‘educating’ its students. National Curriculum Framework 2005 establishes the need to make learning meaningful for children by actively engaging them within the classroom. But with consistent domination of textbook reading as the only method of classroom teaching, actively engaging children remains a challenge. The paper discusses how choosing textbooks that create opportunities for actively engaging students can be a step towards developing a link between textbooks and active participation of children within classroom processes. It further suggests certain parameters for looking at texts in an analytical manner and also provides an example by analyzing a text on the parameters that are suggested.

Title: The Role of Diet, Ethics and Behavior for Character Development
Abstract :
Diet, ethics and behavior are the major ingredients for character development. Mind is balanced when these ingredients are amalgamate in body proportionally. The development of character is based on balanced mind. Therefore, these ingredients are extremely necessary. A good character is necessary for making a person humane. There is a popular phrase- “If wealth is lost nothing is lost, if health is lost, something is lost and if Character is lost, everything is lost. So a person has moral values and ethics in his/ her character. This paper depicts and delineates the development of character by the diet, ethics and behavior.
Title: Functioning of Unitary University: A Perspective of India
Abstract :

Unitary universities in India have relatively more freedom in their functioning as compare to affiliated universities. Besides a general perspective of unitary universities in India, the main focus of this paper is on the nature of the functioning of Ravenshaw University particularly in the context of its autonomy and accountability. This study found that Ravenshaw University has evolved as the first higher education institution in the State of Odisha to fulfill the needs and inspirations of its people mostly located in Eastern India. So far as academic autonomy and accountability are concerned, as a unitary university, it has demonstrated stability with persistent efforts in the given array of constraints posed there in taking the responsibility of teaching, research and extension activities and has earned credits among people. In the context of administrative and financial autonomy, the University is restricted and found to be grappling in the matter of staffing and allocating funds for the creation of various teaching-learning support systems, welfare services including providing financial support to needy and meritorious students. However, irrespective of the positions and nature of works carried by the university functionaries and university as a whole it claims to be held accountable to all stakeholders and takes an important place in Eastern India with restricted freedom and limited supports in hand.

Title: Reflections on School Based Evaluation: Policy Perspectives and Researches
Abstract :
Evaluation is an important part of school curriculum, which aims at giving feedback to the students for improving their performance. However, there have been changes in the curriculum from time to time, this implies a parallel modification in the evaluation practices also. In India, there have been recommendations given by various educational commissions and committees, for reforming evaluation or examination patterns. The implementation of these reforms should be supported by research studies,
so that the advantages and drawbacks of these reforms can be found at a small scale on experimental basis and then the strategies for removing the drawbacks are made, such that the effective implementation of
the reforms can be done on the large scale. So, it is important to find out the role of research studies in implementation of exam reforms as given by various educational committees and commissions at different
time periods and the lacking points therein. However, critical review of the research studies in the light of the recommendations given by the educational commissions at different time periods would not only
help in finding out the good practices and loopholes in the studies during that period but will also help in developing the insight for future reforms. This paper is a humble effort to reflect on the research findings from the researches mentioned in the educational surveys, on school based evaluation in comparison with the recommendations given by educational commissions and committees like Secondary Education Commission (1952-53), Education Commission (1963-64), National Policy on Education (1986), Plan Of Action (1992), National curriculum Framework (2000) and National Curriculum Framework (2005) for exam reforms and evaluation practices.
Title: Women Rights Work as a Catalyst to Words Change and Empowerment
Abstract :
Empowerment of women donates acquiring the power to think acting freely, developing a sense of self worth, a belief is one is ability to make desired changes and the right to control one is life exercise choice, and fulfilling their potentiality as equal members of society.
An empowered woman is one who is vested with the power to think and is imbued with the consciousness of self worth. The women rights geared to create awareness to infuse self respect among women. The women may further be educated to resists encroachment on and avoid compromising their self respect, self-steem and that they should be proud at being women. The task of women empowerment is not to cut down Jungles but to irrigate deserts.
If you educate a man you educate an individual, however, if you educate a woman you educate a whole family. ‘Woman empowered means Mother India empowered’ has rightly been said by Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru on the eve of Independence. We are now living in a democratic country and all the citizens, male or female, in such a country have the right of equality according to constitutional provisions. The same is also applicable in concerning the education of a girl. Today in India there are many Schemes and Acts in practice which is for the all-around development of girls. Education is the major issue. All Acts and schemes are useless if the beneficiary is not literate and not able to know. Only an educated girl can fight for her rights. Before making so many other schemes and providing facilities, we have to make sure that the girls, for whom schemes/programmes are made, can access the existing provisions. It is possible and easier for a well aware and educated girl to access her rights. Education should be a priority for girls. Recently Central Government as well State Governments have introduced many schemes for the improvement of girl’s education. Some of them are: `Dhanlakshmi scheme’, `Bhagyalakshmi scheme’, tadli scheme’, ‘Rajlakshmi scheme’, ‘Rakshak scheme’ etc. After RTE Act, 2009 a positive attitude has been noticed in the Indian society, particularly in Rural areas regarding girls education. The role of media and information technology cannot be ignored in this regard to promote and popularize the expanded outlook of people. It is the right of a child (girl or boy) to get education. Between the age group of 6 and 14 years the elementary education is completely free for each child. There are also some special schemes for the single girl child. For the girls in higher education, there are some other schemes too. In this paper the focus is on how girls can be empowered by education and to analyse the role and impact of RTE to enhance girls education after the execution of Children’s Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. This paper also analyses the impact of various means for communication, Films, Television and Information Technology to enhance the empowerment of Girls through Education in India in post-RTE era.
Title: A Study of Adjustment among Government and Private Secondary School Teachers
Abstract :

The main objective of this paper is to compare the adjustment among government and private secondary school teachers. A sample of 105 secondary school teachers (55 governments and 50 private) was selected through stratified random sampling technique. Mangal Teacher Adjustment Inventory (MTAI) developed by Dr. S.K. Mangal was used for the data collection. Mean, SD and t-test were employed to analyze the data. The study revealed that government secondary school teachers possess significantly better adjustment than their private counterparts. There is no significant difference between the adjustment of government male and female secondary school teachers. The study also found that there is significant difference between adjustment of private male and female secondary school teachers. However, there is no significant difference between adjustment of government and private female secondary school teachers.

Title: A Study of Mental Health and Social Adjustment of Senior Secondary Students
Abstract :

Adolescence is a period of transition from childhood to Adulthood which results many developmental changes in the adolescents. Mental Health of the adolescents and their social adjustment plays an important role in the society. The main aim of the present study is to explore the mental health and social adjustment of the senior secondary students of Delhi. Moreover an attempt is made to elaborate the relationship between mental health and social adjustment of adolescents. Descriptive survey method is used for the present study. The sample of the study consisted of 100 male students and 100 female students (total 200 students were randomly selected) from the senior secondary schools of Delhi. The researcher used Mental Health Battery of Arun kumar Singh and Alpana Sen Gupta’s and Social Adjustment Inventory of Dr. R.C. Deva for the sample subjects. The findings reveal a positive significant relationship between the Mental Health and Social Adjustment in the adolescents.

Title: Effectiveness of the Accelerated Learning Programme on Secondary Level Students
Abstract :

The Free and Compulsory education Act 2009 was first enacted on August 29, 2009 after India gained independence. The implementation of this law started from April 1, 2010. This law created a different awareness about education in the country. Section 16 of the Act, Chapter 4, provides that a student should not be kept in a class for more than one year, as well as special attention on ‘continuous comprehensive evaluation‘ and ‘Remedial teaching’. However, this section was misinterpreted and used wrongly. The aim behind this section was to make students capable to achieve the competencies as per the standards in the same academic year with the help of remedial teaching methods. As a result, it has adversely affected the basic learning abilities of the students entering class 9 to 8. Students in class 9 remained raw in the basic abilities. It causes the poor academic performance and increased the drop out rate at the secondary level. As a measure of this, the School Department of the Government of Maharashtra had adopted the paradigm of ‘ Accelerated Learning Education ‘ for the development of basic learning abilities for students in class 9. This paradigm was implemented on an experimental basis in Aarey Colony School. Researcher has come to the conclusion that the study of the effectiveness of this paradigm helped to strengthen the basic learning abilities of the students.

Title: Nai Talim and Education towards Sustainable Development
Abstract :

Sustainable development is central to 2020 Millennium goals of development. It is the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs- World Commission on Environment and Development Report (1987). It is a process for meeting human  development  goals while maintaining the ability of natural systems to continue to provide the natural resources and ecosystem services upon which the economy and society depend. The goals and targets of sustainable development envisage a society free of poverty and economic dependence on others, free of prejudice and irrational thinking, free of fear, discrimination, injustice, intolerance and violence and also free of insensitivity towards different forms of life and the environment. A society where the economic, academic, social and environmental needs of the present generations are so balanced that the needs of the future generations could be met with the same success. Now the question arises whether is our school education system capacitated to meet the demands of a sustainable society. Does it develop children as responsible and informed citizens with required knowledge, skills and values to participate effectively in sustainable development of the society? In this regard, Mahatma Gandhi’s Nai Talim seems to be relevant and could be a successful alternative for education towards sustainable development. It stresses on indigenous scheme of education with due regard to the creative and constructive capacity of children and the needs of the locality. Hence, it is sought that Nai Talim system should be revisited and researched. The present paper describes how Nai Talim system could be a vital alternative for development of a just and sustainable society? It also highlights the possibilities of reframing the mainstream education around basic tenets of Nai Talim in terms of school curriculum, pedagogic and assessment practices, co-scholastic activities, school climate, school management and innovations.

Title: How does Academic Self-Handicapping Relate to Achievement in Mathematic?: A Small Scale Study among Indian School Chult
Abstract :
Many research revealed that Self-Handicapping is associated with the students’ personal motivations, academic achievement, global self-esteem and certainty of self-esteem. This study is designed to find out the relationship between Self-Handicapping, and Achievement in Mathematics of learners of chult age (adolescence). Using Multi-stage cluster sampling 204 secondary school students of Thiruvananthapuram educational sub district were selected for the study. Participants were directed to fill in the self-reported Self-Handicapping Scale; the Achievement score in Mathematics were taken from the school records. Data has been analyzed with SPSS-16th version. Students of chult age have a moderate level of Self-Handicapping and High level of Achievement in Mathematics but there is a negative low relationship between Self- Handicapping and Achievement in Mathematics. This study disclosed that self-Handicapping and achievement in Mathematics are correlated. Thus, a positive variation in Self-Handicapping will make a corresponding decrease in Achievement in Mathematics and vice-versa
Title: Study of Environmental Awareness among Adolescents in Relation to their Scientific Attitude
Abstract :
The study examined environmental awareness among adolescents in relation to their scientific attitude. The sample in the study was 482 adolescents from schools of S.A.S. Nagar, Sangur & Mansa and were
selected randomly. The descriptive statistics such as mean, median, mode, S.D., skewness, kurtosis and ANOVA were used to analyse the data. The results revealed that there was no significant mean difference in environmental awareness in relation to gender and caste but location had significant effect on environmental awareness among adolescents. Environmental awareness was positively and significantly correlated with scientific attitude in total group and in sub-groups such as male group, female group, rural adolescents, urban adolescent, in Schedule caste (SC) and among general category adolescents. The correlation between environmental awareness and scientific attitude among was positive but not
significant among Backward class (BC) adolescents.
Title: Online Teaching During COVID-19: An Opinion Analysis of Student-Teachers
Abstract :

In the pandemic situation, students of all stages of education are facing number of problems to get education through online mode. If we talk about the teacher training institutes, the main purpose is to develop certain competencies among student- teachers to become good teachers through practical situation. Providing practical platform is impossible in this uncertain situation. Hence, to minimize the effect of this pandemic, online teaching learning process is continuing in every institution. But, sudden shift of teaching-learning process arises many questions in the mind of investigators such as how fare this online learning helpful for enhancing knowledge and skills among the student-teachers, what will be the opinion of students-teachers towards this teaching environment etc. To search the above curiosities the present study is conducted. For analyzing the opinion of student-teachers, total 150 student-teachers randomly selected from teacher training institutes of Odisha. The finding of the study revealed that student-teachers have favorable opinion towards online teaching during COVID-19 and there is no difference between the opinion of male and female student-teachers towards online teaching. Regarding the problems faced by students during online teaching are technical issues during online class such as connection issue, audio quality, video clarity etc., they are not able to afford a smart phone and its maintenance; and sometime they face health issues like eye pain, headache, fatigue etc. The study also suggested that teacher educators should try to minimize the issues face by students to access online teaching and should organize technology friendly program where the educators teach them how to use effectively online learning platform along with how to access e-material for their study.

Title: Privatization and Quality in Teacher-Education: A Study of Policies and Practices
Abstract :
The neo-liberal policies in early 1990s have led to several drastic changes across the sectors in India. Education in general and teacher education in particular have also received gradual attention by the private sectors. However, privatization in professional higher education received early attention especially in the Engineering sector, ITs and Management education sector, whereas privatization in teacher education sector received late attention especially after 2000-01. Universalization of school education with the largest educational programme, i.e. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (2001) gave rise to an increasing demand for teacher education programmes in India. Increasing private self-financing teacher education institutions during early of last decade (2002-03 to 2007-08) posed a larger threat to the quality of teacher education in India (SBCR-MHRD 2008, Siddiqui 2009, JVCR 2012 & Pritam 2009). Various reports, committees and commissions negatively identified privatization and its correlation with quality education in the last decade. As a result, NCTE on Justice Verma Commission Report 2012 made an attempt to reform entire teacher education policy, its curriculum and respected deliberations. This paper attempted to gaze into the increasing gap between policies and practice in education in general and, particularly in the teacher education sector with special emphasis on the role of privatization in policy making and vice versa. It further supplements the increasing gap between policies and practices in teacher education with the empirical data related to privatization, quality concerns, and practices of Norms and Standards of NCTE in self-financing teacher education institutions.
Title: Social and Educational Problems of Gujjar Students: A study
Abstract :
The present investigation is related to the social and educational problems of Gujjar Students of Jammu district of Jammu and Kashmir State. While developing the framework of the investigation, the suggestions from various experts were taken into account for better results. It was considered that the proposed investigation be confined to an area which is getting urbanized under the impact of modernization. On the basis of demographic conditions and the situation of tribal population of Gujjars, the researchers conducted a survey of various surrounding areas in the neighborhood of Jammu. The rationale of the study is to discuss the social and educational problems in the society of Gujjars in Jammu District of J&K state. Nomadic Gujjars occupy a large portion of state population of J&K state, whereas in adjoining states they show very small part of state’s population. This huge population of the Gujjars, even after the seven decades of freedom of India seems neglected and deprived. It cannot be believed that a millennium has gone by, without even remotely touching the Gujjars community especially regarding their social and educational development. The paper uses secondary data from the Census of India, and from different reports of the state and central governments. For this study, primary data related to social and educational problems have also been collected through survey. Data were collected through stratified random sampling technique from different parts of the Jammu districts from the state. In the present paper researchers tried to find out the social and educational problems of Gujjar students. An attempt has also been made to give suggestions to overcome the social and educational problems faced by the Gujjar students.
Title: Mobile Addiction and Mental Health of College Students
Abstract :

Now-a-days, it is commonly observed that with the advancement of mobile phones, there is an increase in number of cell phone users, especially young adults. They are using mobile phones very frequently for day to day activities. Keeping in view this thing, it is important to study the effects of mobile phone exposure on mental health of students.The study was conducted on a sample of 100 college students of rural and urban areas of rewari district. Mobile addiction scale developed by Dr. A.Velayudhan and Dr. Srividya and Mental health scale by Pramod kumar were used for data collection. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean, S.D, correlation and t-test. The main finding indicates that there is very low positive correlation between mental health and mobile addiction.

Title: Expansion and Disparities in Higher Education in India: The Neo-Liberal Impact
Abstract :
In this era of technological advancement higher education has a very important role to play. Higher education in India is going through an important transition. After the adoption of new economic policy in 1991 there are many changes happen in the political and economic set up of the country which has its impact on the education sector also. This post reform period has put the state back and pushes the private sector in the field of education especially in the higher education. There is huge expansion of higher education institutions since last two decades which are mainly due to private institutions and deals with the professional and technical education. The high cost of education in these private educational institutions is a major concern to the access and equity in higher education. This leads to many disparities like regional disparities, gender disparities and inter-state disparities to access higher education. This paper is based on the secondary data collected from the All India Survey of Higher Education Report. The first part of the paper deals with the expansion of higher education in terms of institutions and enrollment which highlights how the privatization and commercialization have lead to the expansion of higher education institutions. The second part of the paper deals with the impact of privatization on higher education which highlights how this huge expansion leads to exclusion due to high cost of education and also discuss the threats of privatization in higher education in terms of various disparities related with region, gender etc.
Title: Development of Critical Thinking Skills in English Language Classroom through Dialogue Method
Abstract :

Thinking is one of the important characteristics of human beings. It is an act which separates human beings from other species on the planet. Thinking skills are one of the most important areas to be worked upon which is the current need of the society. But classroom teaching learning is still unable to inculcate higher order thinking skills among our students. Higher-order thinking involves the learning of complex judgmental skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. Higher-order thinking is more difficult to learn or teach but also more valuable because such skills are more likely to be usable in novel situations (i.e., situations other than those in which the skill was learned). In the present paper focus is on development of critical thinking skills. The paper summarizes the theoretical underpinnings for dialogue and points out the benefits that genuine dialogue can bring in teaching learning process. On the basis of above theoretical background and findings, Dialogue as pedagogy can be considered fruitful in English Language Classroom for the inculcation of Higher Order Thinking Skills i.e. Critical thinking skills in the students. We need to invest in our English language classrooms the dialogue method so that we can have a foundational relationship of understanding, a common ground, and a capital of collective acumen and vision that enables us to address the questions which we are facing in the present era. Dialogue is a necessary and a powerful tool in the hands of teacher for cultivating critical thinking skills among our students. An important feature of Dialogue is that it crafts a community-based culture of teamwork and shared leadership.

Title: Evolution of Educational Movements in India: Through Historical Perspectives
Abstract :
The development of education is a continum,which gathers its past history into a living stream, flowing through the present into future. It is essential to see the historical background of educational development understanding the present and visualize the future. The history of education in the Indian subcontinent began with teaching of traditional elements such as Indian religions, Indian mathematics, Indian logic at early Hindu and Buddhist centres of learning such as Taxila and Nalanda before the Islamic era. Islamic education became ingrained with the establishment of the Islamic empires in the Indian subcontinent in the Middle Ages while the coming of the Europeans later brought western education to colonial India. A series of measures continuing throughout the early half of the 20th century ultimately laid the foundation of education in the Republic of India. Hence, the present paper aims to briefly look at educational developments from the ancient 2nd millennium BC to the modern period. The development of the education system in India can be broadly divided into four periods. While discussing about the periods, a brief attempt has been made to see the evolution of education from 2nd millenium BC to the modern period, focus is made on the movements of education, the phases of National Education Movements, the role of state (king), religiousheads, institutions and people and its accessibility to the larger community.
Title: Blended Learning: A Student Perspective of Cluster University of Jammu
Abstract :

Technology plays an important role in every aspect of our lives and has certainly impacted the way we live. There has undoubtedly been a revolution in the education system through the gift of technology. A mix of technology with the conventional education system is a great combination if used with right reason and vision. This paper aims to observe the inclination of students towards blended learning. For this purpose, a student survey was carried out in Cluster University Jammu, to unveil the significance and effectiveness of blended learning as a mode of education. It was concluded that the students prefer blended learning over the conventional learning that provides great possibility to enhance the learning outcome of the students. The study proposes to infuse blended learning in education system to enhance the quality of education.

Title: Contents Vol. 12, No. 2, August 2021
Abstract :
Title: Use of Social Media in Teaching-Learning Process in Internship Programme: Perspective of Secondary Level Pre-service Teachers
Abstract :

Social network is an online community that brings people with common interests, activities, experience. It is a forum for sharing news, photos, videos and events. It provides information about people and their social links. Elison (2007) defined social network sites as public web-based services that allow users to develop a personal profile, identify other users with whom they have a connection, read and react to posting made by other users on the site, and send or receive messages either privately or publicly. With the change in time, there has been a paradigm shift in the field of technology. Technology has become the substantial medium of interaction in the social world today. In the last few years, the web has evolved from a unidirectional information transfer tool to a bidirectional information sharing, interactive and participatory centre. The development of Web 2.0 leads to the emergence and proliferation of social media. Increased broadband availability, improvements of software tools and development of more powerful computers and mobile devices have been the important factors for the rapid growth of social media. In the present time, social media influences how we live, how we work, and now more than ever, how we learn. The present study has explored the use of social media in teaching and learning process during school internship programme. For the present study qualitative research approach was followed to collect data by using a self-constructed interview schedule. In this study, face-to-face mode of interview between the researcher and the sample or participants was employed. Population for the study is two years B.Ed. final year students of RIE, Bhubaneswar, from which 24 students were purposively selected as sample for the study. The participants comprised of 12 students from B.Ed. science and 12 students from B.Ed. arts, from which six were male and six were females in both cases. It was found that, almost all the participant answered about Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Google Scholar, We Chat, Line, Skype, Wikipedia, Blogs, LinkedIn, Google plus and Flickr. Participants used YouTube, Wikipedia, Blogs, Google plus, Google Scholar for teaching and learning processes. Social media enhanced the teaching learning process up to a great extent like receiving and sending information, using as an engagement tool, improving collaboration with peers, teachers and improving linkage with outside world as revealed from their views. Social media helps in providing a better learning environment and platform to students to learn more easily in better and smoother way. The paper lists educational implications based upon findings.

Title: Teachers Working and Awareness towards Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan: A Study of Madarsa in Varanasi City
Abstract :

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (S.S.A) is government of India’s flagship programme for achievement of universalization of elementary education (UEE) in a time bound manner as mandated by 86th amendment to the constitution of India making free and compulsory education to the children of 6-14 years ago group, a fundamental right. The programme seeks to open new school in those habitations which do not have schooling facilities and strengthen existing school infrastructure through provision of additional classrooms, toilets, drinking water, maintenance grant and school improvements grants. The main objective of the study is to examine the awareness of prospective teachers towards Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan with the respect of following variables- Gender, Inhabitation, Stream, Category and level of education. Descriptive survey method of investigation was used in the study. A sample of 100 teachers (male & female) selected randomly from Madarsa of Varanasi district. Questionnaire was used to collect data (developed by-Miss Nimisha Ojh) for knowing the awareness of Madarsa teachers towards Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan. The collected data was analyzed with the help of statistical techniques of mean, S.D and t-test. Hypotheses were tested on 0.05 level of significance. Findings of the study revealed that there is no significance difference among prospective teachers towards quality and access of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan with the respect to gender (male and female) and stream (science and humanities) but significant difference among prospective teachers towards quality and access of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan exist with the respect to inhabitation (rural & urban) and level of education (graduate & undergraduate).

Title: Computing & Information Related Degrees Worldwide & India—An Analytical Policy Research
Abstract :

Education and its solid dissemination including Technologies are responsible for the development in different perspective. Technological Studies are important name for solid business solutions and development. There are many problems, obstacles facing by the institutions and systems within developing country. New academic innovation and research Information and knowledge dissemination lead valuable role for reaching Knowledge Economy. Industrial needs and right availability of human resources with proper manpower is the need of hour. Computing previously treated as most valuable name in knowledge world but the gradual development later created another nomenclature and fields with Information. It is an important fact that subfields of Information Sciences and Technology are emerging rapidly due to its need in different sectors. Universities and Educational institutions are around the world moving towards interdisciplinary research. Indian educational institutions and academics are also become dynamic and offering several areas of study which are applied, non-traditional and interdisciplinary. This paper is conceptual in nature and provided information on computing and informatics programs in the field with international look and emphasizing Indian context in brief manner. The paper also highlighted few emerging areas which developed in recent past.

Title: Effect of Family Climate on the Adjustment of Children with Special Needs
Abstract :

The present research work was undertaken to study the effect of family climate on the adjustment of children with special needs. For this purpose, sample consisting of 75 children with special needs was drawn and descriptive survey method was followed. It is indicated by the findings of the present study that family climate has significant impact on the school adjustment of the children with special needs. The study also stressed on the fact that there should be a healthy and productive environment in families, schools. The study further discusses that parental involvement has beneficial effect on school adjustment of the children with special needs.

Title: Compassion Towards Animals: A Study with Special Reference to Offence of Bestiality in India
Abstract :
Human beings are one of the higher animals in whom the sexual instinct is sensitive, highly developed and varied in its manifestations. With the development of civilization, the sex instinct has steadily risen to higher levels of expression. In modern so called civilized societies,physical and moral degeneracy are the common attributes. Different paraphillia have existed since ages. People have recurrent intense sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies involving either non-humans (e.g.-animals, corpses) or particular humans (e.g.- children, aged etc.). In recent times, various incidents of sexual abuses against the animals have cropped up in India. The present paper highlights some of the incidents and the relevant legislative provisions. The paper urges the need for stronger provisions in case of such offence and sensitization in the society as well. The study is desk based research. It is limited to specific rights of the animals. “The idea of Humanity is no longer confined to man; it is beginning to extend itself to the lower animals, as in the past it has been gradually extended to savages and slaves”.1
Title: Harmful Practices Affecting Child Rights Across Cultures: Reflections over Asian and African Countries
Abstract :

Harmful practices across the culture are not a new phenomenon. It has its roots in centuries ago. Many initiatives have been taken across the world to protect children/ girls from these malpractices. UN General Assembly 1954 reflected on laws and practices related to family and Marriage. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is a milestone document in the history of human rights. While taking into consideration the health of the women, traditional practices that affected their health was discussed in the commission on human rights 1984. This UN convention on child rights affirms the full development of the personality of the child and asserts to have a healthy family environment, an atmosphere of happiness and protection of children from all forms of violence across the world. The aim of this conceptual endeavour is to reflect on harmful practices practised across cultures, especially in Asian and African countries with respect to violation of child rights. Data has been gathered from various governmental and nongovernmental reports, research papers, articles and surveys. The analysis in the study is done on the basis of secondary sources of the data. Data with respect to harmful traditional practices across cultures and violation of child rights is presented from secondary sources. It has been found that many traditional harmful practices such as Corporal punishment, grotesque practice, branding of the child, Acid attack, binding of newborns and infants, bloodletting, Breast Ironing, and genital mutilation. Bleeding and cupping, male circumcision, milk tooth extraction, tattooing. Cauterization, cupping and scarification, Use of the cradle, Early and forced marriages, and Dowry and bride prizes are prevalent.

Title: Emerging Concerns in Pre-Service Teacher Education
Abstract :

It is a well known saying that a teacher is the national builder. To be able to discharge such a high responsibility, it is very necessary that the teacher must become conscious of his role towards society. His behave should indicate his attempt to do his job properly. His personality must reflect characteristics of a good citizen, dignity of the individual, rights and duties etc., so that he may transmit the same to the younger generation. The above said facts express the dire need of teacher-education. This is the reason that teacher education is considered as an integral part of education system and improvement of its major objectives. Without providing the quality teachers, free and compulsory education cannot be shaped properly. So that, after independence the importance of teacher’s education was given the sole priority. Even today after 70 years of independence, teacher’s education is a major challenge for us. Teacher education is perhaps more confronted with how to negotiate and significantly address the world of teaching-learning than merely dealing with duties, responsibilities and classroom assignments. It is now at the fork of fullness of vision in a fascinated world of immediate gain in every endeavour and worries and frustrations in fruitless teaching sans joy, sans freedom and creative adventure. As a consequence, the challenges of teacher education today for addressing tougher ones of tomorrow remains a far more thrilling adventure to be more worthily undertaken. Hence, this paper tries to explore the basic concept, professional skills, norms and regulations, Issues and problems of teacher education, commissions attempt, individual initiatives and role of various agencies.

Title: Influence of Self-concept and Classroom Environment on the Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students - Exploring the Gender Factor
Abstract :
The present study was conducted to find out the role of classroom environment and self-concept in the academic achievement of boys and girls in Malayalam medium secondary schools. The sample for the study was collected from various schools of Kozhikode district in the state of Kerala. Sample consists of 300 secondary school students of which 162 are boys and 138 are girls. Different standardized tools were used to measure the classroom environment and parental involvement; and the score of the annual examination was taken as the indicator of academic achievement. Mean standard deviation, t-test, z-test and stepwise regression analysis were used for analyzing data. The study revealed that both the variables significantly predict the academic achievement of boys and girls. Classroom environment is the highest predictor for both the groups and self-concept follows it in the prediction.
Title: Influence of Media in Incitement of Violence and its Effect on Student Education
Abstract :
This study was aimed to pursue the avenue of influence of the media in inciting violence and other such negative emotions and their impact on the realm of education. This study was directed at one hundred and thirty student participants of different age groups, natives, and fields of study. All the students assessed, gave anonymous data with consent. The questionnaire was self-developed, approved by professors, and scores were indexed to percentage value. The findings of the study revealed that media did incite fear and violence through their content and hampered the emotional balance and educational experience of students with the same. The study also concluded that a governing body must be formulated to check content provided by the media.
Title: Status of higher education and education loan in India with special reference to Punjab
Abstract :
Economic growth of every country to a great extent depends upon education level of the country. Higher education enrolment ratios and higher GDP per capita are strongly correlated. India’s higher education  system is the third largest in the world and is rapidly growing over the years. But unfortunately, there are several issues and challenges like access, equity, efficiency and excellence in higher education which has to be tackled efficiently (Prakash, 2007). Out of these, access can be achieved only if higher education is affordable to all. To make it accessible and affordable, IBA (Indian Bank Association) prepared a Model Educational Loan Scheme in the year 2001 which was recommended to banks for implementation by Reserve Bank of India. This education loan scheme is gaining popularity now a day. With this background, the paper discusses the status of higher education and education loan in India with special reference to Punjab. Data shows that higher education institutions and enrolments are increasing with time and in line with this, percentage of education loan is also growing.
Title: Assess the Awareness, Need, Preference of the Rural People Towards Insurance and Investment Schemes in Nizamabad District of Telangana
Abstract :

The present study was undertaken in Nizamabad district of Telangana to assess the awareness, need, preference of rural people towards Insurance and Investment schemes. Primary data collected from 100 respondents in five villages (Mosra, Govuru, Chinthakunta, Chandur and Varni) of Nizamabad district through well-structured questionnaire. For analysis Descriptive statistics used such as averages, percent analysis. The study revealed that awareness level in rural areas on rural insurance and investment schemes, in case of insurance 53 per cent, in case of investment 47 per cent. Govuru respondents have more awareness on rural insurance and investment schemes (65 per cent and 55 per cent) than Mosra, Chinthakunta, Chandur and Varni respondents.

Title: Self-concept of Elementary School Students in Relation to their Social Competence
Abstract :
The present study aimed at exploring the relationship between self-concept and social competence of elementary school students. The research population was male and female elementary students of Panipat city. The subjects selected through random sampling method including 120 students (60 male and 60 female students). Data was collected by using standardized tools i.e. Social Competence Scale by Shukla & Shukla (1992) and Self-concept Rating Scale by Deo (1998). The results of the study are;
most of the students are having below average level of self-concept, there is no significant difference between the mean scores of self-concept of girls and boys, most of the boys are having average level of social competence but most of the girls are having below average level of social competence but there is no significant difference between their mean scores of social competence. To study the relationship between self-concept and social competence of elementary school students, product moment correlation
was calculated. The result indicates that there is no significant relationship between self-concept and social competence.
Title: Effectiveness of newspaper in education (NIE) program on the student performance
Abstract :

Newspapers have been the most important tool in shaping the growth and development of any society in the modern world.The newspaper industry of any country for that matter spreads knowledge and awareness amongst the people by propagating itself as a medium for a wide area of topics such as politics, sports, social issues, medicine, entertainment, advertising and marketing, and more recently in education as “Newspaper in Education (NIE)”. This study presents the effectiveness of Newspaper in Education (NIE) program and the impact on student performance with special reference to schools in Karnataka. 15 schools have been selected for the study comprising sample with students of Middle school (6,7) and High school (8, 9 and 10). NIE programs of three leading newspapers viz. The Hindu, The Times of India and Deccan Herald have been considered for the survey. A questionnaire containing 20 questions on the NIE content, delivery method, perceptions about NIE, academic performance and the areas of improvement was administered among the sample containing 200 students of Middle school and High School. Survey results were subjected to statistical analysis. Survey results indicated that two of the newspapers viz. Deccan Herald and The Times of India have similar NIE content and the delivery model, while, The Hindu has different delivery model. Analysis of responses to questions based on perceptions and the academic performance indicated that there is a significant increase in the general knowledge and skills in middle school students than the High school students after the introduction of NIE in schools. Areas of improvements in terms of NIE content and delivery method is discussed in this paper. This is the first report on effectiveness of NIE program on student performance from India.

Title: Leadership in Government High Schools Under Rmsa Scheme of Eastern Uttar Pradesh: An Exploratory Study
Abstract :
Teachers are known to be intellectual individuals who continue to teach students in classrooms and have an influence that extends beyond the periphery of classroom space. Leadership is one of the desired qualities of a teacher and the Principal is portrayed as the school leader. Hence, it is imperative to understand the conception of ‘leadership’ among the school principals. This research study aims to explore the issues and challenges of school leadership among the principals of Government High Schools (GHS) under the RMSA scheme (which is now an integrated part of Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan) in Eastern U.P. The rural areas like Eastern U.P. tend to have the scope of improvement in secondary education and schemes like RMSA promote the access, equity and quality of secondary education. Yet, the quality secondary education in Eastern U.P. is affected by various factors and the conception of leadership of principals plays a significant role in quality attainment of secondary education. The research is qualitative in nature. The purposive sampling was opted. Observations of schools and online consultative meetings held with the principals and teachers of GHS of Eastern U.P. Narrative analysis has been done. Findings suggest they faced
challenges due to lack of human and material resources which led to adopting different leadership styles. It was concluded that there is a gap which exists between the ideal conception of leadership qualities and ground realities in the context of Eastern U.P. as the principals were not able to access the required resources which also affect their personal-social interaction towards the goal of holistic development.
Title: Study of Home Environment and Adjustment among Adolescents of Working and Non-Working Mothers
Abstract :

The present study investigates study of home environment and adjustment among adolescents of working and non working mothers. In order to conduct the present study descriptive survey method of investigation was followed, stratified random sampling technique was used for selecting the adolescents of working and non-working mothers. The data comprised 200 adolescent students of which 100 student were of working mothers (50 girls + 50 boys) and 100 adolescent students were of non-working mothers (50 girls + 50 boy). The tools used for present study were (1) Adjustment Inventory by V.K Mittal (1974). (2) Home Environment Inventory by Dr. Karuna Shankar Mishra (1989). The findings of the study revealed that adolescents boys and girls of working and non-working mothers do not differ with regards to their home environment. It was also found that adolescent’s boys and girls of working and non-working mothers do not differ with regards to their adjustment. Further it has been found that there exists a statistically insignificant impact of home environment on the adjustment among adolescents of working and non-working mothers.

Title: Effect of Yoga on Stress and Academic Performance
Abstract :

Yoga is part of normal culture nowadays, with main medical centers, community healthcare centers, and neighborhood yoga studios offering yoga as a mind-body practice to support health and healing. In the India, so many individuals now practice yoga, Although yoga has existed in various forms for around 2500 years, the phenomenon of “yoga for health” is a feature of more modern yoga. Yoga is usually accepted as an ancient tradition that incorporates postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and moral and moral principles in spite of its growing popularity among people of all ages to promote overall health and fitness, little is known about the use of yoga among youth, especially urban youth. Preliminary quantitative studies have found support for yoga programs improving mood, decreasing anger, depression, and fatigue, improving stress resilience, and reducing problematic physiological and cognitive patterns of response to stress such as rumination, intrusive thoughts, and emotional arousal.

Title: School Education in Jammu and Kashmir: Issues and Concerns
Abstract :

Education should remain always in a constant flux. However, the change should come at gross root level rather at surface level. Knowledge market demands that educational issues need deliberations intellectually and publicly rather to put it simply at common sense approach. School education in Jammu and Kashmir has many issues and challenges at gross root level. In this conceptual paper, we have attempted to map out those problems along with suggestions from structural perspective.

Title: Attachment and Detachment: Indian Philosophical Perspective
Abstract :
The present study attempts to ascertain the importance of Eastern concepts in enhancing happiness and well-being in one’s life. The focus of this paper is on attachment i.e. state of being personally attached, having affectionate regard or attachment to a cause. On the opposite pole, is Detachment, i.e. an indifference to worldly concerns, aloofness and freedom from bias and prejudice. While both these concepts are poles apart, a balance of both is considered essential and ideal by various religions and psychologists. The teachings and principles of attachment and detachment are therapeutic in nature since they’re so closely related to emotions and guide one’s behavior. Thus, this study is in a growing line of research that attempts to draw relationships between core beliefs of Indian philosophy and happiness.
Title: Craft Based Pedagogy in Science Education: A Solution through Nai Talim for Sustainable Development
Abstract :
Nai Talim is being revisited by the educationists particularly science educators to seek out a solution for sustainable development. It has an inbuilt strategy of craft based pedagogy which can be employed as a prelude for science teaching and learning to foster required knowledge, skills and values in the students to become aware and sensitive towards the problems related to sustainability of life. Craft based pedagogy enables them to prepare models and charts made up of waste materials or natural resources utilizing indigenous knowledge of various occupations including agriculture, gardening, spinning, metal work, wood work etc. as well as indigenous strategies of wild life conservation for learning various science concepts. They get directly or indirectly engaged in protection of the environment, promotion of the indigenous occupations encouraging sustained economic growth and maintenance of harmony in their physical and social life. Thus, they develop as responsible citizens having awareness and sensitivity towards natural resources, indigenous culture and knowledge, waste management and wild life. This paper illustrates craft based pedagogy as an essential part of Nai Talim and explicates its features and phenomena in science teaching and learning. It draws attention to the ways the students can be engaged in the activities for sustainable development through craft based pedagogy for learning science concepts.
Title: Impact of Socio-economic Status on Academic Achievement Among the Senior Secondary School Students
Abstract :
In the present study, the researcher intended to examine and explore the impact of Socio-economic Status on Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School Students. The investigator used descriptive survey research method for the present study and selected 170 Senior Secondary School students as a sample population from four Secondary schools by using Simple Random Sampling Technique. Socio-economic Status Scale (SESS) developed by Kalia and Sahu (2012) was used for data collection regarding student’s Socio-economic Status and previous annual marks of the students considered as Academic Achievement of the students were collected from office record book. The researcher analysed the data by applying Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient and t-test as statistical techniques with the help of IBM SPSS 20.0. The findings of the study showed that there is positive correlation exist between Socio-economic Status and Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School students, it also highlight that significance difference is present among different SES group in their Academic Achievement. It further revealed that there is no significant difference between male and female students in their Academic Achievement.
Title: Play: World of Children
Abstract :

Play is referred to as the language of children because they can communicate their thoughts and feelings in ways that they express verbally. The impulse to play is innate and its characteristics are fun, uncertainty, challenge, flexibility and non-productivity. All children have the right to play regardless of ability, ethnicity, or gender. Play can happens indoors or outdoors, with or without the oversight of adults, in everyday spaces, in environments designed for play and in places chosen by children. The right to play is child’s first claim on the society because it offers an excellent opportunity to ensure that all children in an area of all ages, gender, and abilities, participate in fun activities. This paper deals with the comprehensive overview of play, types of play and benefits from different angles. Play is focal point to the early year’s foundation stage and seen as a key way in which children learn and develop. It helps a child to develop physical skills, cognitive concepts, language and social skills. It is performed for no external goal or reward, and is a fundamental and an integral part of wholesome development not only for particular children but also for the society. The broad category of activities that are covered by the term play include swinging, chasing, climbing, sliding, running, dancing, clay modeling, building with blocks, dressing up, and role playing. Everyone has a responsibility to ensure that children are able to play every day and have quality play environments in which to play.

Title: Are the Pre-service Teacher Training Degree Courses Preparing Teachers for Addressing the Needs of Inclusive Classrooms?
Abstract :

The pre-service teacher education degree course or B.Ed. is one of the most sought after pre-service professional course. Pre-service teacher education degree courses prepare an individual for working as a:• Subject teacher for teaching English, Hindi, Mathematics, Social sciences etc. after completing B. Ed• Special education teacher for talking care of special educational needs of students who have difficulty in seeing, speaking, hearing, social interaction etc, after completing B. Ed. special education• Physical education teacher after completing Bachelor in Physical Education (B. P. Ed)

Title: Stress Management among Teachers: The Bhagavad Gita’s Approach
Abstract :

Education is insurance, it gives us guarantee for comfortable and dignified life. It is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, values and beliefs. In fact it is the most potent tool for the complete development of individual and the society. It is well known that quality of a nation depends upon the quality of its citizens. The quality of the citizens depends upon the education system. As education is imparted by teachers and if the teacher is capable, energetic and mentally healthy, it is good for the school and a matter of joy for the society as well. In today’s world as nobody is stress free, teachers are also human being they also suffer from stress. Stress is a very serious problem if it crosses its limits. It is a feeling of emotional or physical tension and may cause several other problems among teachers, if it is not tackled properly on time. Holy books such as The Vedas, The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, The Quran and The Bible are considered as ocean of knowledge as the wisdom spelt out in them are the new rays of hopes which are essential to face the modern life problems especially stress. Like other religious books The Bhagavad Gita is referred as one of the important book which has bearing on education. The present paper is an humble attempt to find the implication of Bhagavad Gita in the present scenario of education in tackling stress among people in general and teachers in particular.

Title: An Empirical Study of Emotional Intelligence of Post-Graduate and Undergraduate School Teachers of Delhi
Abstract :
Emotional Quotient or EQ, popularized by Danial Goleman, a much talked about term in present scenario has already proved its importance in different aspect of human life. The place of teacher as nation builder
has been very well established. The present study was taken up to find out correlation between emotional intelligence of teachers and various components of emotional intelligence. The framework within which
the research was conducted was basically descriptive in nature and the sample under study comprised of 100 school teachers (both trained graduate teachers and Post graduate teachers) from different private
and government schools of Delhi. The results showed that Emotional intelligence level of teachers’ has high positive correlation with: awareness of self and others (.755) and Interpersonal management of teachers (.757); moderate positive correlation with Professional Orientation of teachers (.539) and low positive correlation with Intrapersonal management of teachers (.163). The results also show that the teachers have low awareness of self and others and they also lag behind in Interpersonal management.
Title: Future Classroom with ICT Tools
Abstract :

This paper focuses on the Future Classroom. It shows the whole process of building the classroom of the future from a normal classroom. It points out the problems and questions arising during the realization of the project, highlights the benefits of some ICT tools and shows the main lines of research running in connection with this issue. The main aims of the paper are: (1) to build an Ideal Classroom for the 21st century, (2) to integrate multimedia learning environment into teacher-education, (3) to test the efficiency of the newest ICT tools in education (4) to develop curriculum materials for different ages to foster deep understanding and to motivate students through bringing real-life problems and new directions of teaching methods to school. Flexible furniture and technology is also a perfect environment for students to obtain the skills they will need in the real-life knowledge-based digital world.

Title: Personalised, flexible and blended learning features of moodle-LMS
Abstract :

The present paper reflects on employing engaging and interactive online learning environment of Moodle-LMS platform for improvising e-learning and traditional face to face mode of learning by integrating the features of personalised, flexible and blended learning with them. It elaborates the utilities of Moodle-plugins offering these features of learning. It also states the benefits, challenges and possibilities of integrating Moodle with mainstream school and higher education.

Title: Compliance of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation in RTE Act: A Reality Check of Pratibha Parv in Elementary Schools of Old Bhopal City
Abstract :

Every year MP government spends roughly 8-10 crores of rupees to organize three day festival of excellence called Pratibha Parv. The document of Pratibha parv indicates that there is increase in quality education in schools of MP. But NAS and ASER report along with NUEPA report of 2013 tells a different story. In fact, NUEPA study indicates that MP government slipped to 28th position in educational index. Pratibha parv started to improve the quality education both in infrastructural as well as in teaching-learning process. Document of Pratibha Parv indicates towards the CCE as mentioned in RTE. But when the conduct of Pratibha Parv especially at school level was observed, picture was different from what is portrayed. This small qualitative research conducted by the investigators was during the Pratibha Parv. In the name of comprehensive assessment, records were not only properly generated but also not being used properly for the benefit of the students. There were some suggestions in regard to the study which might prove beneficial for the students as well as for government especially when Non-detention policy would be removed.

Title: Pygmalion effect: fostering performance among adolescents
Abstract :

This paper provides a comprehensive overview of self-fulfilling prophecy in context of education (teaching and learning). The prophecy in form of Pygmalion effect has the ability to boost performance through communication of high expectations. Though the concept is decades old, yet holds utmost relevance in prevailing ethos and so it becomes vital to harness the Pygmalion effect and the efforts can be done by educators by being motivating and acting as a role model for students, praising the efforts done by students, reinforcing their talent, hard-work and by taking pride in students achievements. Thus, incorporating the principle of Pygmalion effect perhaps can bring out more potential of the students, without which their psycho-social development is curtailed.

Title: Effects of Motivation Package on Secondary School Students Attitude towards Solid Waste Disposal in Jos North, Plateau State
Abstract :

The problems of solid waste disposal such as odors, pest infestation, community littering, and devastating effects on environmental health are serious in our secondary schools. This study investigated the effects of motivation package on secondary school students’ attitudes towards solid waste disposal in Jos North, Plateau State, Nigeria. This research used quasi-experimental research with a non-equivalent group design. The subject of the research is all SSII Geography students of public and private senior secondary schools in Jos North Local Government Area. The stratified sampling and simple random sampling techniques were employed for the study. The sample includes 43 geography SS2 students from intact classes of the four sampled schools. The experimental group was made up of 8 males and 12 females while the control group was made up of 11 males and 12 females. Therefore there are 20 and 23 students in the experimental and control group respectively. The Students Attitudes towards Solid Waste Disposal Questionnaire (SATSWDQ) was used. The t-test of the independent sample was used to test hypotheses 1 and 2, while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test 3 and 4 respectively. The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 23 was used for the analysis. The findings show that there is no significant difference between the experimental and control group pre-test solid waste disposal attitude mean score, there is a significant difference between the experimental and control group post-test solid waste disposal attitude mean score, there is a significant effect of school type on student attitude mean scores toward solid waste disposal and there is a significant difference between boys and girls on post-test attitude towards solid waste disposal mean score. The study recommended training and re-training of geography teachers through a series of workshops, seminars, and symposia on Environmental Motivation Package and Female and male students should take part in Green club to promote their knowledge and attitudes toward solid waste management among other recommendations were made. hypotheses1 and 2, while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test 3 and 4 respectively. The statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 23 was used for the analysis

Title: A Comparative Study on Empowerment of Tribal and Non- Tribal Girl Students in Rural Area
Abstract :
This study was conducted in Khowai district of Tripura by selecting six blocks (6). The sample Population of this study includes 90 tribal and 90 non-tribal girl students of class -IX and class – X in rural area of KhowaiDistrict of Tripura. Data was collected by administer of “Adolescent girl empowerment scale (AGES)”. It was found that, the empowerment of Tribal non-Tribal girl student is significantly differing from each other. It focused that the Non-Tribal girl students are more empowered than Tribal girl students. This study indicates that government should take a special care for woman development and empowerment, especially for Tribal girl student empowerment. School should provide various co-curriculums activates and social activities, give ample opportunity to participate girl students to those programme which may enable them to develop the social, political, and legal awareness, especially for Tribal girl students.
Title: ICT@Schools Project and its Implications on Government Schools Students of Bihar
Abstract :

Information and Communication technology has been the latest buzz in modern educational setup. The enormous benefit of using computers in teaching and learning is all known to us. It is the potential of it thus which has resulted in the framing of Policy on Information and Communication Technology in School Education by the Department of School Education and Literacy under MHRD. ICT@School scheme is one such policy of Government of India to provide ICT facilitated teaching learning support to government schools in India. Bihar has been also a part of this scheme and this scheme has been implemented in more than 1300 schools of Bihar in the span of 10 to 12 years. This paper reports on the findings of the status of implementation of this scheme basically on the students. The data has been collected from 1551 students from 87 schools of selected districts of Bihar where this scheme was implemented. The findings revealed very poor conditions of ICT Lab in terms of its availability for the students. The boys and girls of these schools have equal perception and pattern of using ICT with respect to different indicators on ICT usage. The students seldom gets chance to use ICT Lab due to the factors such as unavailability of computer teachers, dysfunctional computers and accessories, lack of internet connection and theft or lost equipments.

Title: Relationship between Academic Achievement and Successful Intelligence of Adolescents
Abstract :

This study was conducted to find the relationship between academic achievement and successful intelligence of adolescents. Academic Achievement of adolescents was also studied in relation to dimensions of successful intelligence- analytical intelligence, practical intelligence and creative intelligence. Descriptive method was used in this study. The study was conducted on a sample of 800 students of +1 class taken randomly from schools of Jalandhar and Kapurthala affiliated to Punjab School Education Board, Mohali. Scores of students in annual exams of matric were taken as the mark of their academic achievement. Successful Intelligence scale was constructed and standardised by the investigator. The analysis of data was done by using Product moment correlation. Mean, standard deviation, coefficient of skewness and coefficient of kurtosis were also calculated to know the nature of the data. The results of the study are that there exists a positive, low but highly significant relationship between academic achievement and analytical intelligence of students. There exists a positive, low but significant relationship between academic achievement and practical intelligence of adolescents. There exists a positive, low but significant relationship between academic achievement and creative intelligence of adolescents. There exists a positive, low but significant relationship between academic achievement and successful intelligence of adolescents. The results indicate that efforts should be directed to develop analytical intelligence ,practical intelligence, creative intelligence which all together will lead to the development of successful intelligence that will result in enhancing academic achievement of adolescents.

Title: Comparative Study of Teaching Learning Processes between Normal and Hearing Impaired Learners
Abstract :
Learning processes are important and integral part for acquiring education in a person and proper learning largely depends upon the teaching methods that should be purposeful. However learners being categorized as normal and disabled, the teaching learning processes should vary and suit the needs of their educational goals. In this article an attempt has been made to compare the teaching learning processes in normal learners and learners with hearing impairment. A sample of 40 students was taken from 2 different schools to study the difference in their learning capacities and teaching processes.
Title: Awareness about Information and Communication Technology among Secondary School Teachers of Ajmer District, and its Role in their Professional Development
Abstract :

Information and communication technology (ICT) is one of the important tools in promoting education at all level. ICT has changed society into information society & facilitating every sphere of social and economic life. Impact of ICT has been evident in all socio & economic sectors such as banking and insurance, administrative setup, postal services, biomedical, health & trade etc. It has spreader all walks of life & made life easy and comfortable. Education is one of the important areas which have been greatly influenced by the application of ICT in a very impressive & successful manner. ICT has entirely changed the working style of teachers & of the school. Teachers are expected to teach in an inclusive manner. Keeping in view the educational needs of special children with the appropriate use of ICT. This paper is an attempt to explore the perceived role of ICT in the effective professional development of secondary school teachers and their awareness towards the use of ICT in imparting quality education. Further the paper highlights the important surveys, finding in respect of ICT. The paper has critically analyzed the challenges being faced by the secondary school teachers in their professional development.

Title: Educational Inclusion by Facilitating Access of the Girls at Margins: Exploring their Enrolment status in KGBVs of Jammu Division
Abstract :
Jammu and Kashmir is one of border state of India lies in the extreme North of India which has suffered a lot in education sector since past 27 years due to armed conflict. The girls’ education has been poorly affected by the violence during this period. Besides violence, there are various other aspect like physical topography of the region, conservatism, attitude and orthodox thinking of the parents, lack of proper educational infrastructure lack of guidance, illiteracy of parents have also impeded female literacy in
Jammu and Kashmir. Girls’ education has come under sharp limelight under Sarva Shikha Abhiyan (SSA) which is a centrally sponsored flagship scheme for the universalization of elementary education.
Under SSA, a scheme of providing residential schooling facilities to the girls known as Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalayas (KGBVs) has been started. It is a scheme for setting up residential schools at elementary level from (6th to 8th class) in Educationally Backward Blocks (EBBs) for out of school girls belonging predominantly to the SC, ST, OBC and minorities and below poverty line or physically challenged categories. Where students can acquire both academic as well as vocational knowledge. The
primary concern of the present paper was to explore enrolment status of KGBV of Jammu division and the secondary concern of the same was to find out whether the KGBVs’ of Jammu division are fulfilling the purpose mentioned in the framework i.e. educational inclusion of marginalised girls.
Title: Student Teachers Perception towards the Restructuring of Teacher Education Programmes
Abstract :

According to revised norm of NCTE (2014), the structure of teacher education programmes were revised on different dimensions. It insisted on two years long duration of B.Ed. and M.Ed. and gave emphasis on gaining learning experiences in composite institutions. It also dealt with introduction of four year integrated B.EI.Ed and B.A.B.Ed. and B.Sc.B.Ed. programmes. At masters degree level it introduced B.Ed.M.Ed. integrated programme and brought the entire teacher education system into fold of Higher Education. The present study has focused on exploring views of student teachers towards curriculum reform in various teacher Education Programmes. Population for the study covered all the Teacher Education institutions of Odisha. The sample of the study consisted of 200 students of two teacher education Institution of Odisha such as RIE, Bhubaneswar, (40 B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed., 35 B.Ed. and 20 M.Ed.) and Radhanath IASE, Cuttack, (50 D.EI.Ed., 35 B.Ed. and 20 M.Ed.). The Researchers used self-made questionnaire for data collection of the study. Data were collected with the help of a questionnaire. The components of the tool consisted of different areas of reforms such as duration, composite institution eligibility, time table, teaching strategies, teacher and learner centered activities, project and assignment activities, evaluation and assessment of teacher education Institution. Data were analyzed descriptively. It was noticed that a large majority of M.Ed students gave high opinion about different items covering components of reform in teacher education. A large majority of B.Ed. and B.A.B.Ed./B.Sc. B.Ed. programme students gave favorable opinion about time duration. This is concluded that as a whole the student teachers perception towards restructuring of teacher education programme is favorable but critical on some point. As a whole, the teacher education students have expressed positive opinion about structural reforms in teacher education introduced as per NCTE regulation, 2014. The opinion of student teachers are supportive to strengthening reform in the teacher education institutions of Odisha state.

Title: Impact of Mental Health on Emotional Intelligence of B.Ed. Students
Abstract :

The present study was to investigate the impact of mental health on emotional intelligence of B.Ed. students. 200 students, both science and non-science students, studying in education colleges of Faridkot district formed the sample for the present study. The tools used for collecting the data were first Mental Health scale by Parmod Kumar and Emotional Intelligence scale developed by Anukool Hyde. Data were analysedusing ‘t’ test. No significant difference was found between science and non-science students of B.Ed. with regard to their mental health and emotional intelligence. Significant difference was found in impact of mental health on emotional intelligence among science and non-science students of B.Ed.

Title: Predictors of Academic Performance: Emotional Intelligence and Stream among Graduate Students
Abstract :

The present study is aimed to evaluate the predictors of Academic Performance. In this study, Emotional Intelligence and Stream are the forecasters of Academic Performance. This research was carried out on a sample of 207 students enrolled in the graduate courses of Aligarh District. A standardized scale was used to collect data which were analyzed using Product moment correlation (r), t-test, ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The final year marks of the Graduate students were taken as the measurement of Academic Performance of the students. The results reveal that there is a significant positive correlation between Emotional Intelligence and the Academic Performance. Their gender does not much influence the students’ Academic Performance, but Girls’ Academic Performance is better than that of boys. Girls have higher Emotional intelligence rather than that of boys. There is no significant difference in Academic Performance and Emotional Intelligence between Arts and Social Science Students, while there exists a significant difference in Academic Performance and Emotional Intelligence between Arts and Science Students and Social Science and Science Students. It confirms that Emotional Intelligence has a great significant positive impact on Academic Performance while Stream has a minimal role in predicting Academic Performance.

Title: Contents Vol. 9, No. 3, December 2018
Abstract :
Title: Deconstructing the ‘Rural Space’ of Rural Teachers: Implications for Teacher Education
Abstract :

There is a complex interconnection among the issues and concerns that affect the professional learning of rural teachers in India. The complexity can be conceptualized under ‘rural space’ bringing together social, cultural, economic, political and demographic dimensions of rural setting. The dimensions are in a continuous interaction with the process of teaching-learning in rural schools and tacitly shaping the professional identity of rural teachers by creating challenges as well as scopes in their profession. Therefore, the questions such as how rural teachers construct their professional role in a ‘rural space’ and how the complexity of ‘rural space’ contributes in their professional preparedness for rural transformation are needed to be explored. The main argument of this paper is that there is a need to establish the identity of rural teachers with reference to their diverse rural space. The paper basically attempts to discuss the complex notion of ‘rural space’ from the view of rural teachers by collecting extensive data from the field. The paper is informed by the primary source data, gathered through questionnaire tool and narrative inquiry method. The data is collected from the rural teachers of Bihar. Qualitative analysis of data is done as per the purpose of the paper.

Title: Understanding Teachers’ Perspective of Inclusive Education for Children With Special Needs (CWSN)
Abstract :

The aim of the present study was to explore teachers’ opinions towards inclusive education in Chandigarh and to gain more knowledge about the factors that may influence the implementation of inclusive practices in a school system. Data has been collected from 65 primary teachers selected randomly from 10 government primary schools of Chandigarh. It was found that many of the teachers had opine that Children with severe disabilities should be educated in special or separate settings and special education teachers are trained to use different teaching methods to teach students with disabilities more effectively but at the same time most of them also agreed that Inclusive education is likely to have a positive effect on the social and emotional development of students with disabilities. Qualitative analysis of the open ended questionnaire along with Focus group Interview with teachers regarding the education of children with special needs revealed that they are quite ready for educating CWSN in regular classrooms but they face various barriers and challenges that impact the teaching and learning of these children in general classrooms.

Title: A Study of an Adjustment of Prospective Teachers in Relation to Introversion-Extroversion
Abstract :

The present study attempts to explore how the introversion and extroversion nature affect the adjustment of pupil teachers. As the failure and success of the teachers in their profession also depends upon their adjustment. This was an empirical research with a sample of 120 prospective teachers who are getting training in three colleges of education affiliated from M.D. University, Rohtak that are selected randomly from Rohtak city of Haryana. Descriptive survey method was used. Adjustment of prospective teachers was assessed by using Adjustment Inventory for College Students (AICS) developed by Singh & Singh and introversion-extroversion nature of prospective teachers were assessed by Introversion-Extroversion Test developed by Aziz & Agnihotris. Statistical techniques i.e. mean, S.D. & ‘t’ test was applied to find out the significance of difference between means. The results indicated that there was no significant difference in adjustment of male and female prospective teachers as well as married and unmarried prospective teachers. Further, the results also indicated that there was no significant difference in adjustment of extrovert male and extrovert female prospective teachers. There is no significant difference in the adjustment of introvert male prospective teachers and introvert female prospective teachers. While no significant difference was found in adjustment of extrovert male prospective teachers and introvert male prospective teachers. There was significant difference was found in the adjustment of extrovert female and introvert female prospective teachers.

Title: Values and Personality traits of Aided and Self- Finance Teacher-Educators
Abstract :

In the present paper researcher tried to differentiate the two groups (Teacher-Educators of aided college and Teacher-Educators of self finance college) on Values and Personality traits. The two groups were framed by random sampling and compared by using t test. Out of six values it was found that both the groups were either similar or partly on same tune on most values excepting the religious and social values but they were different on personality traits.

Title: Effect of Socio-Demographic Variables on Values of High School Students
Abstract :

The main aim of this paper is to present the correlation between value education amongst high school students and the socio-demographic factors like gender and father’s occupation. The objectives of this paper are: (1) To study the relation in values among high school students, (2) To study the difference in values among high school male and female students and (3) To study the difference in values among high school students of government employed, private employed, self-employed and unemployed fathers. For the same, primary research was conducted through psychological tests amongst 450 high school students of which 225 students were female and 225 students were male. The paper reveals that while gender does not affect the values, however, the difference in the values amongst the students prevails. The paper also suggests statistically significant difference in the values of children of government employed and self employed fathers.

Title: Integrating Information and Communication Technology with Pedagogy: Perception and Application
Abstract :
Information and communication technology (ICT) is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate and to create, disseminate, store and manage. Its integration with pedagogy may widen and intensify areas and scope of quality teaching-learning. With these presumptions in view the present researchers sought to ascertain if the serving teachers have been utilizing the ICT by integrating it with their ways of teaching. As we know a paradigm shift in the teaching process may be brought about mainly in two areas, viz; in the teacher’s role of teaching and (2) in their role of helping the students learn. The technology is expectedly used for supporting new pedagogical methods by accessing remote resources, enabling collaboration, extending educational programs and developing skills for the workplace. In the overall scheme of things, teachers remain central to the learning process. So it is worth ascertaining if the school teachers have appropriate access to ICTs? Do the teachers make use of ICT for knowledge construction such as ICT based lesson planning? What is the discernable impact of the use of ICT on teaching style? What, if any, are the obstacles in utilizing ICTs in the process of teachers’ and students self-learning? Are the teachers being given necessary motivation and incentives to participate in professional development activities?
Having adopted qualitative method, a survey was conducted among the students of Teacher Education of Maulana Azad National Urdu University who passed out during the last ten years and have been serving in different types of schools, mainly Government schools, in the states of Madhya Pradesh, U.P and Bihar. The results speaks that the in-service teachers have either no access to the ICTs or the required equipments/apparatuses which are not available as per need or not available at all. Secondly, use of ICT is rather discouraged on various pretexts and lame excuses. In the ultimate analysis, the teachers’ knowledge of the ICT plus pedagogy has been eroding with the passage of time. The situation demands immediate and radical reworking of the whole scheme with ground realities as prime factor in focus.
Title: Prisoners Education in India: A Case Study of IGNOU with special reference to Haryana
Abstract :

The prison system is expected to reduce crime rates not only by reforming criminals but also by discouraging the general public from behavior which is punishable by imprisonment. The prison system is also expected to make life unpleasant for people who, by their crimes, have made others’ lives unpleasant. Finally, society wants to reduce crime rates. The prison system in our country has now been improved much. In general, effects of imprisonment are the nature of the progressive weakling of mental powers and of a deterioration of the character in a way which renders the prisoners’ life fit for useful social life and in consequence they are no more liable to reconviction. Our enormous investment of time, energy and money for reformative or rehabilitative prison model has been demonstratively successful in preventing and controlling recidivism among prisoners. But in previous time the prison condition was not so good. Now, in Indian prison the caring of the prisoners are better and even improved as we compare with the ancient time. Many steps are being taken in India for prison reformation and one of the big steps is introducing education for prisoners. For this, the education system and its all facilities have been combined with the prison system so that the prisoners may get the education and engage themselves in a productive work for their livelihood and finally live their life respectfully when they come out from the prison. Through education the prisoners can also learn the socialism and learn how to behave with the people living in society. This approach expressed a definite attitude towards human beings that they are modifiable for the better if given the proper opportunity. But many Criminologist, psychologist and sociologist believe that the ways in which inmates adopt to prison life have simplifications not only for the institution and society but also for the future of the prisoners. Thus, through education the reformation in India may be possible and also by the proper management and caring of the prison and prisoners in Indian prison system. Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) has taken initiative to educate the Jail Inmates in Jails (Sudhar Grah) free of Cost across the country in the year of 2010. It aimed at fulfilling the learning needs of both literate and semi-literate prisoners. Data of IGNOU Regional Centre Karnal Haryana reveals that total 4131 Jail Inmates for Fresh admission (3435) and Re-registration (696) were admitted in various Jails from the year 2011 to 2017 having Fresh 83.15% and Re-registered 16.84%, in which ratio for male and female was 3388 (98.63%) and 47 (1.36%) for fresh admission. Maximum fresh enrolment (693) was in 2015 whereas minimum (280) in 2012. However, maximum Re-registration (161) was in 2017 and minimum (69) was in the year of 2012 under Regional Centre Karnal.

Title: Teacher Education in Arunachal Pradesh: Status and Strategies
Abstract :

Arunachal Pradesh is one of the states of India where most of population is tribal. The formal system of Education started very late in the State in comparison to other states of India and North East. The first middle school stared in 1961 and the first college in 1964. Teacher play a key role in development of Education so teacher education need to strengthen in the state and new teacher education institutions should be open to cater the need of the region. Now Education is necessary for all round development of individual and society. So, in Teacher Education programme inclusive Education, citizenship, language development, sustainable development, Physical education, value Education etc should be included. Functioning and practices of Teacher Education institutions should also be revived to ensure quality in schools. The present paper is an effort to highlight the development of teacher education in Arunachal Pradesh; analyzes its present status and suggest some strategies for making it relevant in the present context.

Title: Book Review
Abstract :

Azaadi Mera Brand

Title: The Comparative Analysis over Women Education via Tagore and Gandhi
Abstract :

The concept of education in Indian context is always considered as the source of enlightenment and authority which changes and enables our country for advanced and collaborative development of our physical, mental, and intellectual faculties. Equality for women is a central social requirement. Women play an important part in the growth and evolvement of family. Women education is now regarded as the backbone of India’s social and national development. In this paper I am going to discuss the multiple visions of Tagore and Gandhi towards women education. Tagore was one of the greatest followers of women education. And Gandhi was also the supporter of women education. The present paper discusses the importance of women education in India. The vision of Tagore and Gandhi towards women education has been restrained the contribution of both philosophers regarding women education a comparative study. In today’s context their observations on women education are of utmost importance.

Title: Popular or Passive Revolution? : Mapping Debates on the Nature of Indian State
Abstract :

The omnipresence and omnipotence of the state clearly indicates that it conditions human life almost all the time. The state is also the central player in the project of development and nowhere is it more critical than the developing countries. Though serious attempts have been made to understand the state, particularly the post-colonial state, there is no necessary agreement on what constitutes the nature of state. In this context, this article aims to map the various theories around the class character of the Indian state especially since the NEP was implemented.

Title: Study of Interest of Xth class students towards Vocational Courses in relation to their Gender and Locale
Abstract :
The present study is related to interest of school students towards vocational courses in relation to their gender and locale. Descriptive Survey Method was used by the investigator. The purposive random sampling technique was used in the study. 10 Govt. Senior Secondary School were selected randomly from that district of Fatehgarh Sahib (Punjab). The samples of the study comprised of 100 Xth class students (50 Boys and 50 Girls) were selected. To analyse the data in terms of statistical techniques-Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and t-test. The major finding of the study revealed that 57% of Xth class students have extremely high interest towards vocational courses, 32% of students have extremely low interest towards vocational courses and only 11% of students have moderate interest towards vocational courses. There is a significant difference in the interest of boys, girls and Rural, Urban of Xth class towards vocational courses.
Title: KGBV Residential Programme of Girl Children: Effectiveness of Life Skill Training Programme on Well-being
Abstract :

Cut throat competition is the hard reality and survival of the fittest is the mantra to live in this world. In this situation those persons, who can handle intrapersonal and interpersonal relations very well, they are successful. In this context, life skill education has become the essence to survive. Life skill education provides individual the strength, courage, and power to become resilient against the extremities of the world. From 1990s onwards WHO, UNICEF and other international organizations are working on it and able to identified ten psycho-social skills that an individual requires to survive. These skills are more relevant for children and adults belonging to marginalized and deprived sections of society as they are often being exploited either physically, sexually or mentally. It has been found out in researches that marginalized sections of society are most vulnerable to all kinds of exploitation and abuses. In this context, KGBV girls who belong to the most downtrodden sections of the society are being given training on life skill education. A research was carried out on two set of KGBV girls one who received training on life skill education from the master trainer (teachers) and other group who did not. A total of 240 students were taken as sample. A well being scale developed by Margaret Kern et al. called EPOCH was used in present research to see the effectiveness of the training programme. It was found out that group which received training on life skill education had significantly higher mean score in all the dimensions of EPOCH well being scale than those who didn’t. This indicates life skill education training programme has positive impact on the well being of children.

Title: Environmental Pollution: Problems, Concerns and Initiatives in the Context of Global Scenario with Special Reference to India
Abstract :

Pollution affects not only the human health but also affects on environment. National development is also disrupted by the effect of environmental pollution. About one million people die each year because of water pollution and this is still largely because of traditional form of pollution which results from human dirt. It is estimated that at least 1 lakh people die each year from urban air pollution. Thus, at least one million or more will continue to die from pollution each year in India. This figure will rise to probably 2-3 million in a year with increasing the number of population. India takes some valuable steps to control the pollution. Some NGOs are playing very crucial role in order to reduce the environmental pollution. Along with these, few Educational institutions also have taken an important place through ensuring various programmes in the field of reducing environmental pollution. The present paper attempts to address the problems which originated due to the environmental pollution and also tries to focus on the role of educational institutions, NGOs and government in order to control this problem.

Title: Student Teachers’ Perception Towards Curriculum Reform in Teacher Education Programme in Odisha
Abstract :

According to NCTE document National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education (2009), the curriculum of teacher education is broadly dealt under three areas, viz; foundation of Education, curriculum and pedagogy and school internship. The foundation of education includes learner studies, contemporary studies and educational studies. Curriculum and pedagogy deal with curriculum studies, pedagogic studies and assessment and evaluation studies. According to revised norm of NCTE (2014), the curriculum of teacher Education broader focus on two years long duration of B.Ed. and M.Ed. and give emphasis on relevant learning experiences involving engagement with the field and Internship programmes. In this study the student teachers perception towards curriculum reform in various teacher Education Programme (B.Ed, M.Ed & D.EI.ED) have been studied. Population for the study is taken from Teacher Education institutions of Odisha. The sample of the study consisted of 300 students of teacher education programmes offered by RIE, Bhubaneswar (50 B.A/B.Sc. B.Ed., 50 B.Ed. and 50 M.Ed) and Radhanath IASE, Cuttack (50 D.EI.Ed, 50 B.Ed and 50 M.Ed). Data were collected with the help of a questionnaire. The components of the tool consisted of different areas of curriculum, viz; Perspectives in Education, Curriculum Pedagogic studies and Practicum and school Internship. Data were analyzed descriptively. It was noticed that a large majority of M.Ed students gave high opinion about different items covering three components of curriculum. A large majority of B.Ed. and B.A./B.Sc. B.Ed. programme students gave favorable opinion about curriculum reform. Similarly, a large majority of D.EI.Ed. Students expressed positive views about different areas of few teacher education curriculums. This is concluded that the curriculum reform in teacher education has been appreciated by the student teachers. Hence, appropriate steps must be taken to stabilize teacher education curriculum in view of making it more realistic and relevant to teaching learning system.

Title: A Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Teaching Mathematics through Conventional & Vedic Mathematics Approach
Abstract :

Vedic mathematics is the name given to the ancient Indian system of mathematics that was rediscovered in the early twentieth century from ancient Indian scripture namely Atharvaveda. The study was intended to compare the effectiveness of teaching mathematics through conventional and Vedic mathematics approach in the terms of students’ achievement in mathematics. In this experimental study, pretest-posttest equivalent control groups design was used having randomly selected sample of 30 students in each group from BKT Inter College, Lucknow. The study covered the major topics of UP Basic Education Board class VIII mathematics syllabus viz., square, square-root, factorization of algebraic expressions and simultaneous simple equations. Mean, standard deviation, t-test and effect size were used for analyzing the data collected through self-made Achievement Tests in Mathematics (ATM) as pretest and posttest. Students’ achievement in mathematics of experimental group on posttest was significant over that of control group. No significant difference was found between male and female students in each group on posttest. Effect size was calculated as Glass’ Δ which was 0.902. Thus the Vedic mathematics approach is found highly effective for enhancing the students’ achievement in mathematics as well as that of male and female students equally.

Title: Spirituality and Positive Psychology: Are they Related?
Abstract :

The present paper reflects on the concepts such as faith, hope, belief, gratitude, forgiveness and humanity one witness being connected to God or some higher power. None of us has survived without these above stated notions in one’s life; therefore it would be right to say that positive psychology has existed in one form or the other since time immemorial. It can be traced back to our ancient epic Bhagavad Gita which embodies the finest principles of positive psychology for people of all ages. Thus, it can be said that spirituality maps similarity with positive psychology. Since there are many parallels between positive psychology and spirituality that leads to compare the two and explore what can be imbibed from one another which can eventually aid to deal with plethora of upcoming issues.

Title: Scientific Aptitude among English and Urdu Medium Secondary Level Students
Abstract :

This paper intends to compare the scientific aptitude among the Urdu and English medium secondary level students. A sample of 178 students (90 English medium and 88 Urdu medium) was selected through stratified random sampling method from the 10 secondary schools of Hyderabad City of Telangana State, India. For the sake of data collection, Scientific Aptitude Test Battery (SATB) developed by Agarwal & Aurora was used. The mean, SD and t- test was employed to analyze the data. The result revealed that English medium secondary level students possess better scientific aptitude than Urdu medium secondary level students. There is no significant difference in the level of scientific aptitude among the English and Urdu medium female secondary level students. The study also found that Urdu medium female students possess significantly better level of scientific aptitude than their male counterparts.

Title: Teacher Education: Implications to Address Quality Crisis
Abstract :

The central core of the successive progression of any nation depends of its socioeconomic development which in turn depends on value based quality education keeping in view to transform and enrich learners to adjust, sustain and perform democratically in modern time for creating beautiful niche and live life aesthetically. It is indispensable to imbibe 21st century skills, professional and vocational awareness, scientific aptitudes with application edge of technology and modern gadgets and soft –wares in addition to fundamental linguistic, mathematical and other competencies. It is pertinent to point out that all this knowledge, skill and affective domain based development depends on competence, merit, potential, skills and multifaceted quality of prospective teachers. Further, teachers play important role to develop human resource potential which is backbone of knowledge based economy extremely significant for developing country like India which believes in notion to be superpower by 2030. The quality of teacher education depends on programmes, policies and practices of teacher education Institutes. Further, it also depends on norms and regulations recommended by NCTE Delhi, UGC, Delhi and respective universities, SCERTs and educational Boards in states. The quality also gets affected by levels, quality and effectiveness of governance, systems and how well teacher education Institutes abide the norms laid down by NCTE and other regulating bodies. Resent paper investigates the scenario of private teacher education players in Haryana and the drastic conditions leading to depletion of quality in teacher education in varied areas. Present study may be implicated to address the perpetuating quality and the steps needed to be taken to reform, restructure and rejuvenate the quality crisis in India in general and Haryana in particular where only 2.5 to 3 per cent prospective teachers pass in CTET conducted by CBSE Delhi almost above than 90 percent belonging to private teacher education colleges, questioning the reliability of degrees and diplomas possessed by them bearing nomenclature of B.Ed., D.Ed. and so forth given by reputed universities at state and central level.

Title: Perceived Stress in Relation to Pedagogy, Practice Teaching, Teaching Aids and Generic Stress among Prospective Teachers
Abstract :

This study examined the relationship between Perceived Stress and its different dimensions (pedagogy, practice teaching, teaching aids and generic stress) among prospective teachers. It is hypothesized that perspectives of perceived stress among prospective teachers are determined by stress generated teaching pedagogy, practice teaching, teaching aids and generic stress. Perceived stress and its different dimensions revealed a positive linear relationship. A quantitative approach was selected to explore this relationship. A survey was conducted with 300 prospective teachers from colleges of Education in Haryana, in order to find out the sources of stress through random sampling. Research instrument to measure perceived stress is prepared by researcher himself. By applying factor analysis on different statements related to pedagogy, practice teaching, teaching aids and generic stress, validity and reliability is determined with careful manner. Correlation and regression analyses revealed strong positive correlations between perceived stress and its predictors. Results revealed an essential significant effect of gender and marital status on perceived stress & levels of stress among prospective teachers. It is explored that female prospective teachers have reported more perceived stress and level of stress than male prospective teachers.. Married prospective teachers have high perceived stress and levels of stress as compared to those from unmarried prospective teachers. Suggestions and directions for future investigation are discussed.

Title: A Study of General Intelligence among Degree College Students
Abstract :

The present study explores the general intelligence level of degree college students. It also compares the general intelligence of students in terms of the type of management of the college (govt./private), locality of the college (urban/rural), the stream in which students study (science/arts) and the gender (male/female). Data was collected from a representative sample of 625 students from different degree colleges of Punjab. Test of General Intelligence for College Students by Misra and Pal was employed to conduct the study. T-test was used to analyse the data. The results of the study are: (a) Significant difference exists in the general intelligence of govt. and private college students, govt. college students scoring higher than the private college students. (b) There is significant difference in the general intelligence of urban and rural college students, urban college students showing higher score than their rural counterparts. (c) Science students show higher general intelligence than the arts students. (d) Male and female students do not differ significantly on general intelligence scores.

Title: PRE. Ph.D. Coursework- The Part and Parcel of Ph.D. Programme
Abstract :

Research in education, as in other filed is a search for the truth; rather for better understandings of educational process. Knowledge acquired through research is of highest order. Educational research can no longer be considered to be in infancy. It has undergone nurturing during the last six decade, since the first thesis accepted in Bombay University. But in spite of this it has not been able to make strong impact on the education system. There is a strong case for looking afresh at the programme and practices of education research. The paper throws light on the quality concern issues in educational research and the measures taken by UGC through regulation for standard and procedure for standard and procedure for the award of Ph.D programmes. The paper overhauls the UGC initiative to counter quality concern, which came into effect in gazette (11th July, 2009) but many universities and institutions are not implementing the same. They are still doing the doctoral registration through the older rules and earlier procedure. The UGC recommendation of Pre-Ph.D. coursework of one semester before the commencement of the doctoral work will certainly help to improve the quality of educational research. But UGC offer just the guideline of coursework not the whole conceptual framework, which is left on individual university. The result in Pre-Ph.D. coursework in not being carried out in the same spirit, as it was meant for

Title: Effect of Yogic practices on stress among adolescents
Abstract :

The study was designed to study the effect of yogic practices i.e. pranayamas and meditation on stress among adolescents. For the present investigation only two dimensions of stress were taken i.e. frustration and conflict. 100 respondents (50 boys and 50 girls) of X grade from Amritsar city were randomly selected and divided into two groups i.e. experimental and control group. Intelligence test was administered to form equivalent groups. The research instrument included pre-post Abha Rani Bisht Battery of stress. Data collected was used for analysis using statistical measures. Findings reveal that pranayamas and meditation contributed in significant reduction in the level of frustration and conflict in the experimental group as compared to the control group.

Title: Self-assessment of Achievement: Some Theoretical Considerations
Abstract :
We find Self-assessment occupying increasingly greater place in the process of assessment and accreditation of the educational institutions at national level as well as in the context of individual performance appraisal at the institutional level. The domain of student learning and scholastic achievement, however, remain outside the purview of the practice of self-assessment. Consequently, the students lack opportunities to learn the nuances of the self-assessment technique and reap its potential benefits for enhancing their learning. The present paper tries to clarify in brief the concepts associated with the practice of selfassessment, its nature, types and accuracy of self assessment and factors affecting it.
Title: Challenges in Providing Free Education in Self-Financed Schools: Case Study of Sai Educare Vidya Pratishthan
Abstract :
This paper is based on the outcomes of a case study based on a school run by a trust, i.e. Sai Educare Vidya Pratishthan, situated at Village Khalui (near Salet Godam) in Khaniyara Panchayat of Kangra district in Himachal Pradesh. The major aim of the study was to explore the quality of Education in this residential school known as Sai Educare Vidya Pratishthan meant for weaker sections of the society. One of the objectives of the study was to make an in-depth case study of selected school so as to explore the grass root realities of school pertaining to the major variables under investigation, e.g. teaching learning process, social and physical environments of school, infrastructure, daily-life activities, teaching workforce and barriers in running schools at its own. Sai Educare Vidhya Pratishthan, situated about 17
kilometers away from the district headquarters which is selected for case study. The paper reflects the state of education in this School and reveals many facts pertaining to the variables under study that have immense implications for the major stakeholders of elementary education in the area, including teachers, school administrators/ supervisors, parents, community members and Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Authorities.
Title: Future Possibilities in Implementing the WEB 2.0 Technology in Higher Education: A Comparative Study
Abstract :

The perception of the respondents about the future possibilities in implementing the Web2.0 technology in higher education are studied and compared. The responses of teachers and students from science background from four different faculties of five universities are collected. For the purpose of study, the three dimensions are taken i.e. Implementation strategies; Educational benefits; the Barriers and the challenges faced w.r.t WEB2.0 technology and analysed through self developed 5 point likert scale with 26 items is used. The sample size is 220. The means are calculated and the each group is compared with Faculty of Education. For comparing the t-test is conducted at 0.05 confidence level. The lack of awareness is the major issue in using the technology.

Title: Science teachers usage of e-learning in southern Nigeria
Abstract :

This paper examines the role and use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), notably E-learning for effective science education. E-learning is globally accepted as one veritable tool for attaining access, equity and quality in science education. The paper states the need for effective use of ICT by science teachers in maintaining and controlling according to policies laid down for sustainable science curriculum. The study adopted a descriptive survey technique. A total of 600 science teachers were selected from a total population of 1,600 in the Southern States of Nigeria. Some research questions guided the study. The science teacher has to plan in his capacity as an educator in ensuring effective instructional services. The paper highlights various ICT resources that can be used for effective and efficient integrated science curriculum. It also states some of the benefits and challenges of the use of ICT in Science education. It is the contention of this paper that though using ICT for integrated science curriculum development may seem difficult, it is imperative to take advantage and invest in these ICTs to deal with the huge pressure faced in the country’s educational system. The remarks the need for infrastructure and how political will push ICT ahead.

Title: Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) as remedial teaching on diagnostic test of learning disability (DTLD) for fifth grade students
Abstract :

A experimental study investigated whether computer-assisted instruction package (games/simulations) as remedial teaching for learning disabled children among fifth grade students and whether computer assisted instruction help equally both boys and girls. The study adopted the pre-test-post-test-control group design. Simple random sample of sixty four students were drawn from seven schools in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India. The researcher developed computer assisted instructions package (game/simulations) for learning disabled children which was used as an instrument for experimental group while control group were exposed to traditional teaching method. The instrument for data collection was Diagnostic Test of Learning Disability DTLD Test. The t-test statistics was used to analyse the hypothesis. The findings revealed that experimental group performed better than the control group. The study found to be computer assisted instruction method was better than traditional method on fifth grade learning disabled students (boys and girls).

Title: Dynamics of India as an Emerging Destination for International Students
Abstract :

India has been well-recognised as a source country, sending large number of students to different educational hubs around the world. Contrary to this, the present paper argues that India is an emerging educational hub in the South Asian region. Secondary data (Right to Information and All India Survey on Higher Education), in addition to policy documents of different ministries are analysed to make sense of macro trends in inward mobility of international students into India. The trend in international students in India has had its ebb and flow, but India has emerged as an important destination country for international students in South Asian and Southeast Asian region. Other major findings of the paper are as follows: Africa is emerging as an important source of international students. Within Africa, share of North, West and Middle Africa is rising, and the share of East Africa which traditionally sent higher number of international students has fallen; there is an important chuck of international students who are more influenced by the idea of socio-cultural exploration and personal development; there is a huge underreporting on international students from developed nations and Asian countries, including, Europe and North America. The paper concludes that at present India seems to adopt the strategy of mutual understanding and capacity building, and sees it as an opportunity to maintain its influence in not only South Asian1 and African region but also in developed regions around the world.

Title: Investment in South Asia’s Human Capital: Ensuring the 2 Qs for a Demographic Dividend “Investing in people is investing in inclusive growth” World Bank (2018)
Abstract :

South Asia region is experiencing rapid demographic transition with growing population, rising inverse dependency ratios and improved human development indicators. While the growing reserve of youth population - termed as ‘human capital’ is a good indicator for economic progression, it has not been capitalized effectively in order to realize a qualitative demographic dividend. Neither has the region utilized its manpower in spearheading its growth and development. On the basis of emerging theoretical underpinnings, this paper aims to examine existing challenges and suggest measures for progressive development of human capital - qualitatively and quantitatively. It emphasizes enhanced investments in South Asia’s young demographics and working age population to realise a favourable demographic dividend that in turn enables all round development of the region. The views are supported by current data and studies on the subject.

Title: Understanding Dimensions of No Detention Policy of India
Abstract :
The paper attempts to identify the various dimensions of the No Detention Policy and explores whether or not the existing policy and its resultant activities and services continue to be effective and efficient in helping children and their education. While analyzing No Detention Policy, certain issues were raised on the continuums regarding the motives of the policy and its adaptability in the existing system of education. On the basis of the content analysis of policy and its various ordinances, five major comparative dimensions (viz. Quantity Vs. Quality, Attendance Vs. Achievement, Planning Vs. Implementation, Holistic Vs. Parts and Assessment Vs. Measurement) were thematized
which depict practical implications for the policy makers who have to make strategies and decisions in order to cater this policy in a cogent
and systematic manner.
Title: Procrastination, Stress and Academic Achievement among the B.Ed. Students
Abstract :

Procrastination can be a chronic problem for the students who usually enjoy spare time, too much involved in co-curricular activities and have long term deadlines. It can leads to their low grades in academics and can increase the stress level among them. This can cause problems in their career as Procrastination prevents students from reaching their goals. A sense of discomfort can also be inculcated among students, as things start accumulating. Due to Procrastination, students could always be wedged in problems and feel stressed also. The main objective of the present study is to explore whether there is a relationship exists between Procrastination, Stress and Academic Achievement among B.Ed. students of the GGSIP University. The researcher has collected data through the self-constructed Procrastination and Stress Scale which were administered on a sample of 100 B.Ed. students. The results of the study highlighted that there is a significant positive correlation among Procrastination, Stress and Academic Achievement exists among university students. The results of the study have significant implications about the prevention of Procrastination, reduction in stress and counselling of students in the colleges and in the universities.

Title: Classroom Management in Relation to Professional Commitment of Secondary School Teachers
Abstract :

Teachers play very important role in managing classroom activities and use strategies to ensure that the classroom provides a context to support and facilitate learning. In today’s classrooms teachers must possess high degree of professional competences so that they can manage their classes efficiently and students get the maximum gain from their schooling. So, in the present study the investigator tried to explore the relationship between classroom management and professional commitment among secondary school teachers. Data was collected from 500 secondary school teachers by using classroom management scale by Neerja Gautam (2011) and Professional commitment scale by Dr. Ravinder Kaur, Sarvjit Kaur Brar and Dr. Sarabjit Kaur Ranu (2013). Results of the study revealed positive and significant relationship between classroom management and professional commitment.

Title: Exploring the Relationship between Cognitive Style and Learning Style with Academic Achievement of Elementary School Learners
Abstract :
Learning at elementary classes is a crucial time as it lays a foundation for future learning. Yet, the universal achievement is still a far reached goal. Although many variables have been identified that hinders the low achievement among learners at this stage. In an attempt to explore how learning styles and cognitive styles affect the learning and nature of relationship these styles have with the achievement of learners. The data from the research indicates that there is a link between cognitive style and learning style which also determines the achievement of learners. The results from the data indicate that the learners having field dependents and field independents (cognitive style) have different learning styles. Since, the leaners differs in their cognitive style, therefore if an attempt is made to identify them will improve the learning. It is also argued that by supplementing the curriculum transaction with the awareness of cognitive and learning styles, the teachers can help their learners to reach the desired learning levels.
Title: Integrating Environmental and Science Education: Issues and Possibilities
Abstract :

The paper attempts to pursue critical reflection of the linkages between Science Education and Environmental Education (EE) and examines the challenges and possibilities of integrating and broadening science education using perspectives from environmental education. Although the pedagogical and epistemological conflicts between the two disciplines are often debated, it is argued that both the subjects have much to contribute to each other in terms of offering different perspectives and in creating a somewhat broader goal for science in the curriculum that encompasses interdisciplinary approach central to EE. Finally, the paper attempts to elaborate socio-scientific issues presented in the current science curriculum through epistemic and educational lens to highlight the lacunae in the existing science textbooks.

Title: A Study of Teaching Effectiveness of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to their Sense of Humour and Socio-economic Status
Abstract :

The study has been conducted on 100 secondary school teachers of Rohtak Distt. Random sampling technique was used. The data was analyzed statistically by using mean, S.D. and Pearson co-efficient of corelation. This study primary aims at studying Teaching Effectiveness of school teachers in relation to Sense of Humor. The present study shows a positive correlation between Socio-Economic Status and Sense of Humor of secondary school teachers. A positive correlation of 0.199 was found between Teaching Effectiveness and Sense of Humor of secondary school teachers. On the other side a positive correlation of 0.2427 was found between the Teaching Effectiveness and Socio-Economic Status of secondary school teachers. It means if the Socio-Economic Status of secondary school teachers is increased, the Teaching Effectiveness of secondary school teachers is also increased. The present study also found a positive correlation (0.2378) between the Sense of Humor and Socio-Economic Status of secondary school teachers. In simple words if the Socio-Economic Status of secondary school teachers will be increase, the Sense of Humor of secondary school teachers will also be increase.

Title: Contents Vol. 9, No. 2, August 2018
Abstract :
Title: Ethical Issues in University Teaching: Some Selected University Teachers’ Perceptions and Practices
Abstract :

The present study is aimed at investigating what the university teachers think about and what they practice on the ethical issues rose in the teaching process. To conduct the study, descriptive survey design was employed. A total of 90 teachers participated in the study and completed questionnaires. In the selection of the sample population, simple random sampling was used. The data were analyzed using percentage and central score-median. The results of the study unveiled that almost all teachers have positive or favorable perceptions on the ethical issues in teaching but the ethics in some of the teachers’ behavior and practices yet remains absent.

Title: Women, Education and the Society: Exploring Myths in the perspective of Educational Hopes and Discouragement Effect
Abstract :
The twentieth century can be recognized as an expansion of public education systems worldwide particularly in the context of developing economies like India. From 1947 to recent times, state plays a very fundamental role in developing national education system and society acts in response. The performance of national education system falls in question considering low literacy rate, high drop-out and low human capital index relative to other developing countries. There are various types of prevalent myths which justify the national education system and for the above indicators that society is responsible for it. Some of these are: people have a little interest and parental indifference plays a negative role in education attainment. Poor and illiterate parents don’t know the importance of education, as a corollary, students don’t pay attention in schools, colleges and university level education. According to Dreze and Sen(2002), these myths take the form of oversimplified, single-focus ‘explanations’ of the problem of educational deprivation in India. We tried to explore this in a different way by conducting interviews with women of various age groups with respect to their social and economic class in the village system. This study is micro empirical and qualitative in nature and tries to understand myths through interviews with women across economic and social class. Information is collected from hundred women and twenty young girls across ten villages of two districts Mansa and Bathinda. The ides of this paper is to
understand predominantly how women think about these prevailing myths about education. Because, we understand that in a patriarchal society, women act as subordinate to men who decide and organize household decisions. There is no say of women in the decision making about the education of her children in the family. The main finding of the paper is that women and girls are very much conscious about the meaning of education which helps to dispel the myths about education.
Title: Between Schooling and Education, Learning ‘Matters’
Abstract :

Importance of Education has always been accepted by one and all. Developmental graph of mankind, over the years, presents a testimony to the multi dimensional efforts of one and all in understanding the nature of education and devising ways and means to carry forward the process of education with an objective of equipping young ones with skill to lead happy life and contribute towards the welfare of society. Massive efforts have been invested, both public and private, in financing and managing the education systems to build up a human capital that reflects itself in shared prosperity. However, one is confronted with a paradoxical situation with impressive levels of industrial and technological progress, successful space missions and large mass of illiterate population living below poverty line representing two ends of the spectrum in India. Global acknowledgement and recognition of IITs, IIMs and other institutes of higher learning is a well deserved pride for India but existence of a multitude of ill equipped and impoverished primary schools is a reality too. World Development Report-2018 mentions that ‘In rural India, just under three-quarters of students in grade 3 could not solve a two-digit subtraction such as 46 – 17, and by grade 5 half could still not do so’ and emphasizes that schooling is not the same as learning. This paper attempts to put in perspective efforts geared towards schooling, available evidence to highlight the role of teacher and propose measures to act on the evidence in order to bridge the gap between schooling and learning.

Title: Evaluation of E-resources for its Authenticity
Abstract :

It is now a well known fact that integration of ICT with teaching-learning process enhances its quality and effectiveness in terms of incorporation of a variety of facts and data and increased collaboration among the students and that between the students and the teachers and hence their deeper conceptual understanding. There are plenty of e-resources available which may be utilized by the teachers and the students for discussion on the topics to be learnt. There are many e-resources which are highly contributing but still are some other resources which are less beneficial and may even impede the quality of learning. Now the questions arise- what are the criteria and strategies the teachers and students should adopt to evaluate the authenticity and effectiveness of the e-content to be used for learning and how the skills of evaluation of e-resources can be fostered in the students through the school curriculum. The present article explicates the criteria and strategies required by the students to assess the reliability of e-resources, especially in the subject of science. It also highlights the strategies utilized by the teachers and students of the so-called smart schools to identify and select the e-resources for learning.

Title: Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA): An Applied Science Program into a New Direction?
Abstract :
Computing and Information Technology become an important source and tool of development. It is responsible for the designing of IT and Computing infrastructure of different areas viz. Business, Healthcare, Transportation, Education and Training, Governance, and Administration etc hence the skilled manpower in this field (computing) is important and urgent. Computer Application is a study and research areas of applied nature. Before the development of domain Computer Application, the main popular and available subjects was Computer Science as far as Indian context is concerned. Although internationally as an applied branch Information Technology has emerged. In education and training segment during the eighties (1980’s) some of the Indian universities moved to offer ‘Computer
Application’ as an applied computing related branch as an alternative of substitute Computer Science (which was traditional, theoretical and mathematical) and initially Masters program has been started for diverse graduate with some logical/ quantitative skills. Gradually the same branch has been started in Bachelors level as well. Hence this paper is conceptual in nature and deals with the educational affairs of computing and information technology related field as far as India is concerned. This paper is highlights various emerging changes of Computer Application in this regard with reference to job potentialities and attempts to showcase the current situation in private universities in India with reference to Computer Applications (Bachelors) programs. Traditionally it is a common myth among a percentage of stakeholders that Computer Application is a program with Application concentration rather scientific and theoretical base. However, this paper tries to explore the future concept and dealing of Computer Application and allied fields in future.
Title: Socio-Economic Status of Dropouts at Secondary School Level: A Study of Sirsa Distr
Abstract :

Education regarded as a potential instrument of social change and national upliftment. The real education is given from primary and secondary classes because primary and secondary educations are the foundation of advancement of higher education. The step of universalisation of education has been taken to promote education for all at all stages (primary, secondary, and higher). Dropping out of children from secondary schools has been viewed now as a serious educational social problem after completing the primary education. Secondary education is a very important stage of education as it is the connecting link between primary and higher education. In this way dropout at secondary school level is acting as the main obstacle in the way of universalisation of education. The present study is a humble attempt to study the reasons related to socio economic status of dropouts at secondary school level. Such study will be helpful to solve the problem of dropout ratio at secondary level and through it our educational system becomes effective. The study was delimited to five government secondary schools of Sirsa district only.

Title: Developing Responsible Environmental Behaviour in Indian Adolescents: An Experimental Study
Abstract :

The present study aimed at developing Responsible Environmental Behaviour in Indian adolescents . A sample of 260 students of class IX studying in Private Schools of Patiala affiliated to CBSE, constituted the population for the study. The objective of the study was to find whether groups taught through Active Learning Programme and Traditional Teaching Method differ in mean gain scores on Responsible Environmental Behaviour by investigator for giving treatment to one of the two groups (Active Learning Programme group) and Responsible Environmental Behaviour scale developed and standardized by the investigator herself to collect the scores on Responsible Environmental Behaviour. The findings reveal that there exists a significant difference between group taught through Active Learning Programme and group taught through Traditional Teaching Method in the mean gain scores on the variable of Responsible Environmental Behaviour.

Title: Lifelong Learning and Learning for Life: As Envisaged by Grundtvig, Tagore, Gandhi, and Friere
Abstract :

Lifelong learning is designed to enable people, at any stage of their life, to take part in stimulating learning experiences, as well as developing education and training across the society. It implies that learning is a continuum which occurs every day, week, month, and year. The present paper explains what N. F. S. Grundtvig, Rabindranath Tagore, Mahatma Gandhi, and Paulo Friere meant by Lifelong learning and Learning for life with relevance to the present context. Lifelong learning has three broad constituent elements: Learning for life, Learning for livelihood, and Learning throughout life. The first one, learning for life is a Grundtvigian innovation of more than 200 years. The aim of this education, as visualized by him, should make neither education nor itself its goal but the requirements of life. It must take life as it really is and shed light on and promote its usefulness. Rabindranath Tagore and Mahatma Gandhi have thought about the three components of lifelong learning in a holistic way. Learning for life denotes learning which is essential for the human being, a learning that adorns life and makes it worth living. Tagore felt that to uplift the quality of life of rural community, the rural population should be brought within the circumference of formal, informal, and non-formal learning so that the people themselves could appreciate and enhance their own cultural traditions. Mahatma Gandhi experimented with the same thoughts when he came out with his concept of basic education. His scheme placed supreme importance on knowing through doing, which he visualized as craft-oriented. To Paulo Friere, ‘Conscientization’ is the most important aspect of education. Conscientization is a political-education process which enables the masses to overcome ‘false consciousness’. This is absolutely necessary for the oppressed masses to get rid of ‘Culture of Silence’. In today’s 21st century the concept of lifelong learning and learning for life are extremely relevant to keep oneself ongoing and meet the latest requirements of the technology driven society.

Title: Environmental Awareness among Teachers and Students of Higher Education
Abstract :
Environment is the pivotal point on which the universe exists. Hence, any change in this can lead towards the total destruction of earth in particular and universe in general. The present generation is facing those disasters that the past generations have done to earth. If this prevailing situation persists, the world will face a severe disaster in the near future. It is high time that we take some stern action towards protecting our mother earth. The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD) emphasized that Environmental education to be introduced not only as a part of school curriculum, but also in the teacher education curriculum in order to develop necessary awareness and desirable attitude towards environment and its conservation. The present study is to find out the environmental awareness of teachers of higher education who were undergoing the Orientation Programme (OP-123) at HRDC (Human Resource Development Centre), Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla and also from students of Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. For this, a questionnaire was prepared consisting of items pertaining to issues like atmosphere and climate change, biodiversity and forests, water, fresh water, oceans and seas, health and sanitation. It was found that teachers had high environmental awareness, whereas in the students’ category, only 64.28% of students showed a high awareness pertaining to environmental issues. The paper also includes suggestion for protecting the environment.
Title: Learning & Thinking Style as a Major Determinant of Academic Achievement among School Students: An Analytical Study
Abstract :

The present study was undertaken to study the effect of learning and thinking style on academic achievement of secondary school students. Academic achievement was treated as dependent variable whereas; learning and thinking style, locality and gender were treated as independent variables. A sample of 500 secondary school students was selected through multi-stage random sampling technique. Style of Learning and Thinking (SOLAT) test developed by Venkataraman (2011)[22] was used to measure learning and thinking style of students in terms of their hemisphericity functions of the brain. The obtained data were analyzed using Three Way ANOVA with 2×2×2 factorial design. Levene’s Test of Homogeneity of Variance was also applied to test the assumption of homogeneity of variance for ANOVA. Main effects of learning and thinking style, locality and gender on academic achievement of secondary school students were found to be significant. Significant interaction effect of learning & thinking style and locality; learning & thinking style and gender was reported on academic achievement of secondary school students. Further, no significant interaction effect of locality & gender was reported on academic achievement of secondary school students. Triple interaction effect of learning and thinking style, locality and gender on academic achievement of secondary school students was found to be significant. The findings of the present study has an implication for teachers that they should find out the dominant part of their students’ brains first and then use the appropriate classroom techniques, methods and tools according to them only then better and greater learning can be accomplished.

Title: Contents
Abstract :


Title: Comparative Study of H.S.L.C Examination Result Between Private and Government Schools
Abstract :

This paper analyses students’ High School Leaving Certificate result between the private and government schools from the year 2005 till 2013 and investigate major factor(s) responsible for poor performance in the government school result. For collecting information on teaching-learning process a sample made up of 120 teachers and 70 administrators from 70 schools randomly selected from all the 11 districts of the state of Nagaland. Data were analyzed using simple percentages, mean percent, SD and variance and Z-test. Result analysis has been done on the basis of private and government schools; boys and girls; district wise and interview has been conducted among teachers and administrators. Results showed that pupils in the private schools performed better than the government schools. Private schools’ management system, teaching-learning process, evaluation procedures are found to be better than government schools. Therefore, it is necessary to bring improvement in government schools through constant automated monitoring system for which a Continuous and Comprehensive Management System (CCMS) model is forwarded. The CCMS will efface human manipulation and enhance efficiency in the administrative system through modern technology catering students, parents, schools, VEC, DEO/SDEO, School Directorate; a consistent automated monitoring system is urgent to restore better educational environment in government schools

Title: Attitude of Teachers towards the use of Technology in Teaching
Abstract :

Due to the extensive use of technology in every walk of life, the educational institutes are also supposed to prepare their students to be technology literate (Kalanada, 2005). It is due to this reason the use of technology in schools in general and in classrooms, in particular, has been increasing day by day. To reap full benefits from the use of technology in education the policy planners must give due consideration to all the necessary conditions and environments, directly or indirectly, related to the technology use. Many researchers in the field of education have explore the various factors that influence the technology use in education in one way or the other. The most prominent factors amongst the factors that affect the successful use of computers in the classroom is the teachers’ attitudes towards computers. The present study was, therefore, undertaken to examine the attitude of teachers towards use of technology in teaching. For the present research a sample of 100 school teachers was drawn from 10 schools of Nurpur and Jawali Blocks of Distt Kangra by using convenient sampling technique. A self developed questionnaire was used by the researcher for the purpose of data collection. The study found that about 25% of the teachers had only favourable attitude towards use of technology in teaching. No significant difference was found between attitude of teachers towards use of technology in teaching in relation to their gender and teaching experience.

Title: Occupational Stress and Job Performance among University Library Professionals
Abstract :

Occupational Stress refers to mental or physical tension or both, created and related to occupation and its environment. Due to technological changes all over the world, occupational stress has emerged as a growing concern for all working organizations including University libraries. Stress in library environment is not good for universities as it leads to decrease in quality of service delivery and job performance among library professionals. In the present study,descriptive survey method was employed to collect data from 301 library professionals working in central libraries of 24 universities of Punjab and Chandigarh. Questionnaire was used to measure the levels of occupational stress and job performance among library professionals. Statistical techniques like mean, S.D., t-test and ANOVA were used to analyze data and infer the results. Results of the study revealed that no significant difference was found in mean scores of occupational stress and job performance of library professionals on the basis of gender. A negative but significant co-efficient of correlation was found between occupational stress and Job performance among library professionals. The mean difference in job performance of library professionals with low and high level of occupational stress was found to be significant at .01 level.

Title: Combining Diverse Pedagogical Tools for Effective Teaching of General Biology to a Large Class Comprising of First Year Science and Engineering Undergraduates
Abstract :

Getting students interested in learning science and opting for a science-based career has always been a dream, despite the associated challenges in the form of dropout and attenuated student interest, for the university teacher. Secondly, in college or university academic curriculum, large classes often become a necessity to ensure uniformity in concept delivery. As a consequence, the best teacher strives to become something akin to an all-rounder, where the huge diversity concomitant with large crowds (classes) needs to be addressed to succeed. The present work was carried out to tackle the above challenges by introducing certain innovations in the teaching methodology. In the present study, the author experimented with the different fields from which analogies could be picked up to deliver relevant biological concepts; other pedagogical tools used were variety in language usage; student-teacher distance; colourful and pictorial slides with least text, musical concept summaries, drama, story, humor; interruption in lecture delivery was often done by asking questions of higher Bloom’s taxonomy levels from the students, and allowing them time for peer discussion. Clapping for correct answers was encouraged to break the monotony of sitting sedentarily in class. Analogy pertaining to a real life inspiring figure was deemed the most effective by student community. Among other pedagogical tools, questions from previous years’ exam papers were most effective. It was also realized that timing of the non-academic element (such as story or music) was important for effective lectures. The present study, although simple and small in scale, could help guide further classroom innovations where introduction of variety in the traditional lecture mode in biology (science) classes is the ultimate goal.

Title: A Comparative Study of Psycho-social Problems of School and College Women Teachers
Abstract :
The present study was conducted on a sample of 500 married women teachers teaching in schools and colleges in the state of Punjab, India. Data was collected with the help of Psycho-Social Problems of Educated Working Women Scale by Hundal (2002). The major findings of the study reveal that school and college women teachers do not differ significantly on psycho-social problems. Women teachers with age (<35 years and >35 years) do not differ significantly on psycho-social problems. School and college women teachers do not differ significantly on psycho-social problems due to interactional influence of category of teachers (school & college) and age (<35 years & >35 years).
Title: A Study of the Relationship Between Metacognition and Academic Achievement of Secondary Students
Abstract :
Present papers focused on the relationship between Metacognition andAcademic Achievement of C.B.S.E. Students of XI standard.
Metacognition is higher order thinking which is essential for meaningful learning. A sample of 84 students(Male & Female) of Meerut Zone was selected as the subjects for the study. Metacognition Inventory was used as a research tool which constructed Dr. Punita Govil. This Survey method was used for the study. As a result it was found that there is positive and significant relationship between Metacognition and Academic Achievement in C.B.S.E student of XI standard.
Title: Professional Burnout among Primary School Teachers in Odisha
Abstract :

The present study was explored to find out the burnout among school teachers. The objectives of the study were to explore the level of burnout among school teachers and to examine the burnout among school teachers. Survey method was conducted on a sample of 252 school teachers was chosen in Odisha. Teacher Burnout Scale by Prof. S. Sathiyagirirajan was used for data collection. Data was analyzed by using t-test. Result showed that the level of burnout among school teachers is average. Findings also indicated that there is no significant difference in burnout of school teachers based on locality of school and educational qualification and there is significant difference in burnout of school teachers with regard to gender, nature of school, major subject, type of school and years of experience.

Title: E-learning Shareable Content Objects: The Trainee Teacher Does It
Abstract :

The 21st Century teacher is required to augment and connect learning via innovative digital methodologies as digital technology can excite learners and even provide an engaging alternative vis-à-vis the conventional methodologies. This is a statement often uttered in education circles. The questions before us are: are our teachers inclined towards technology? Are they aware of a variety of technological tools that can be embedded in teaching? Are they be able to create their own learning objects? Unfortunately, largely ‘NOT’. This paper presents a classroom adventure wherein, B.Ed. teacher trainees created digital objects in the form a Shareable Content Objects (SCO).

Title: A Study of Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School Students
Abstract :
The present study is an attempt to study the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement of senior secondary school students. A total of 200 students of XIIth class from various urban and rural area government schools of Chandigarh were randomly selected for the present study. The students were categorized on the basis of their gender and 50 students each from both gender and locality (rural and urban) category respondent were surveyed. Results revealed that although gender had no effect on emotional intelligence but the emotional intelligence of students of urban area was greater than that of students of rural area. Analysis of relationship among emotional
intelligence and academic achievement indicated that there is positive and significant relation among emotional intelligence and academic achievement of the participants.
Title: Children with Specific Learning Disorder: Identification and Interventions
Abstract :

Specific Learning Disorder (SpLD) as a ‘Disorder’ has started attaining considerable attention recently because of the felt need to ensure timely identification and intervention for the betterment of the present and future suffering of such children. For achieving this purpose, better understanding of every aspect of SpLD is very essential for the teachers, as he/ she has the responsibility towards such students being specially able children and it is necessary to guide and train them in proper direction. While highlighting the need and importance of early identification of the students with specific learning disorder, this paper will focus on the various tools and techniques for the screening of SpLD; national and international level programs and policies and school based interventions that can facilitate the learning which can give wings to the dreams of such students.

Title: Decentralized Administration of School Education in Rural India: A Study of Rajasthan
Abstract :

This study is an attempt to study decentralization (both theoretically and conceptually) in the administration of school education in rural areas, with special emphasis on Rajasthan. It also studies the Panchayat Raj Act and its role in the management of the School education, changes in the organisation of the administrative chain of the education system in the third tier, that is the districts of the state. Qualitative methodology was adopted, in-depth study of present literature. Next section presents the Findings of the study, analyses the followed by the impacts of this new modified structure of the education department, its implementation, success, challenges ahead.

Title: Ensuring Learning in Slow Learners
Abstract :

Education is relevant only if we take care of our learners. Teachers must therefore be sensitive not to the covering of the curriculum but to the learning that has taken place in the transaction. Teachers cannot ignore the students who do not keep pace with the teaching-learning process. Some students do feel neglected and unwanted in the whole transaction of the school system. This category of students need to be taken utmost care and tackled in a manner that will produce better output from them. In the process, they will tend to realize themselves in a better way and develop positive attitudes towards themselves. The study thus has focused its attention on teachers in particular, their attitude towards slow learners and the efforts taken for them for their overall development.

Title: A Case Study of Student Unrest in Himachal Pradesh University
Abstract :

The present study investigated student unrest in Himachal Pradesh University, its causes and suggestion for solving the problems. For the purpose of the study 82 students were selected by using purposive sampling techniques. Descriptive survey method was applied for collection of data and non parametric data analysis technique was applied for analysis of data. It was found that Major causes of students’ unrest were Behavior of employees and transparency, placement services, educational problem. Most of students were in favor of Students Union election however they were not in favor of interference of political parties in the University campus. Male students were more in favour of student union election than female students. At the end study draws some conclusion, discussion and educational implications of further improvement.

Title: The Higher Education System in India: Role of Library and Information Resource Centres
Abstract :

Education is a process of learning through which a person can collect, compare, organize, and disseminate knowledge with an effective way to present oneself in front of society with a positive attitude. It helps a person to take decision, judgement and express his/her view. In this context Higher Education System is doing something in a broader aspect of the Inductive process (Specific to General way). It encourages one to develop knowledge for connecting with someone who stands to the other side of the boundary. The objective may be fruitful if we execute the process properly and it gives benefit to others. Further, the ambition of higher education is to widen the path of gen - y for research and innovative development. A few of supporting tools are playing an important role to carry forward the knowledge domain. One of them is Library and Information Services which facilitates scholarly communication by providing resources and services. One’s thinking ability contributes to innovative changes, to help navigate our society. Library and Resource Centres are basically rejuvenating, nourishing, and polishing the talent of end users by providing necessary academic documents.

Title: Accessibility and Facilitating e-Governance through Open Educational Resource Movement
Abstract :
In the existing period, one of the most significant phenomena that the people have experienced in most of the aspects of life is the revolution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi advocated, “Technology is a means to discover, learn, evolve and implement. Technology has a huge role to play in Minimum government, maximum governance Technology empowers the less empowered. If there is a strong force that brings a change in the lives of those on the margins it is technology. It serves as a leveler and a springboard….” Unlike traditional way, the Government of India is leading towards techno-friendly and increasing the use of technology for public administration for the governance of our country. Many governments across the world are laying great emphasis on delivering speedy and reliable service to citizens and businesses with the use of ICT. India is not too far behind; it has formulated e-Governance policy implemented programmes in different fields. E-Governance is a broader topic that deals with the whole spectrum of the relationship and networks within government regarding the usage and application of ICTs. Since education plays a significant and remedial role in balancing the socioeconomic framework of the country, it is necessary to incorporate uses of e-governance in education sector. Some Web 2.0 tools pressured new productivity in T-L processes. This paper has designed to measure the accessibility, sustainability & Quality of higher education through OER movement.
Title: Management of Public Expenditure on Education for Sustainable Economic Growth-A study of
Abstract :

Education plays an important role in the growth and prosperity of a nation and financial resources assume much significance in ensuring accessibility, equity and quality in education. Expenditure on education is an investment that can help foster economic growth. But, at present the education budget is declining day by day which is creating serious financial constraints in the working of education system. So, there is a need for effective and efficient use of financial resources. The present study attempts to concentrate on the management of public expenditure on education for sustainable economic growth in India. The data variables used in the present study are Government expenditure on education and Gross Domestic Product at real prices. The study period has been taken from post liberalization period i.e.1991-92 to 2011-12.CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) has been used to examine the growth of education expenditure by using log linear regression model. Ordinary least square regression has been used to study the impact of education expenditure on economic growth. Study found that the public expenditure on education increased remarkably but the rate of increase not necessarily kept pace with students’ enrollment and number of educational institutions. The regression results shows that increase in government expenditure on education has positive impact on economic growth which leads to sustainable development. So, there is a need to stress upon the central government, state government and planning commission to revise their thinking while making allocation of resources to education.There is a need for sustainable funding of education sector to maintain the sustainable economic growth.

Title: Education Outcomes & Child’s Work: A Case Study of Children in Slum
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This study attempts to map two of the most vital social processes among children in the contexts of Slum. The two social processes being working and Learning; without violating the legislative frameworks on child labour, children working inside the household as domestic labour or in the household enterprise is a dominant phenomenon in the urban centers observed among those whose household income is derived from the informal sector and have lower income levels. The working forms and time vary from context to context. Due to the enormity of the informal sector in India and efforts to curb the exploitation of children due to labour, focus inlaid on making and implementation of social policy addressing child labour. In this light, this study tries to study the nature and forms of work undertaken by children in the slum, which inhabits a significant percentage of urban population. These working processes, although well in legal bounds, are yet observed to affect the education of the child, thereby highlighting the graveness of the problem even in legitimized forms. Educational outcomes are chosen as a tangible indicator to make sense of the learning process occurring in the child. This study highlights how various components that constitute educational outcomes are affected by the work undertaken by the child.

Title: The School Prefects’, Responsibilities and Academic Work Performance in Public Secondary Schools in Nakuru District, Nakuru County, Kenya
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Prefects are student leaders elected or appointed and assigned administrative duties in schools. Besides their school responsibilities, prefects are expected to perform their academic work well and attain good grades in class tests and national examinations like other students. According to reports in Nakuru District Education Office, achievement in examinations of public secondary school students decline when they take up prefects’ responsibilities. Perhaps this may be due to the influence of school responsibilities on their academic work. This study sought to investigate the influence of school responsibilities on prefects’ academic work performance in public secondary schools in Nakuru
District. The study used the descriptive survey research design. Purposive sampling was used to select the 15 secondary schools that participated in the study. A sample of 15 deputy principals, 45 class teachers and 150 school prefects were selected using purposive and simple random sampling techniques. Three instruments; Deputy Head teachers’ interview guide (DHTIG), Class teachers’ (CTQ) and Prefects’ questionnaires (PQ) were used to collect data. The three data collection tools were validated by a team of four experts from the Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Educational Management, Egerton University. The reliabilities of CTQ and PQ were estimated using the Cronbach Alpha method. Their reliability coefficients were 0.70 and 0.73 respectively. Data were analyzed with the aid of the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.2. The study established that there were significant differences on prefects’ academic work performance by school responsibilities performance category. The study recommended that the teachers provide remedial teaching and academic counseling to prefects so that they can attain good grades in national examinations for entry to higher education.
Title: Effect of Adjustment on the Academic Performance of Urdu Medium Male and Female Secondary Level Students
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This paper makes an attempt to find out the relationship of adjustment with the academic performance for the Urdu medium male and female secondary level students. Sample of the study consisted of 336 Urdu Medium secondary level students (143 male and 193 female) selected by stratified random sampling procedure. Data were analyzed by using t-ratio and Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient (r) techniques. The major findings of the study indicated that the coefficients of correlation of adjustment with academic performance for both the groups are found to be positive and significant.

Title: Rights and Minorities: The Case of Indian Muslims
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Rights are inalienable in nature. They are the basic entitlement of every citizen in democracy. They guarantee the minimum basic need of an individual in a society. Rights have been recognized fundamental to every human being for their survival in society as well as in a nation. It is the guarantee of the State to provide and safeguard the rights of its citizens. Rights have been well documented in several International forums as well as in the constitution of countries. Minorities occupy a special place in any country of the world. India as a country believes in unity and diversity and boasts about its religious pluralism. Indian constitution has provided several safeguards for the minorities to bring them into mainstream and to protect them from arbitrary discrimination of the majority. Muslims in India are recognized as the largest minority and there strength is more than the total strength of all other minorities in the country. Despite such a sizeable share of the population, they are largely backward and poor in all aspects of development. This paper discusses the concepts of rights recognized at International forums as well as in the constitution of India, and discusses the prevailing condition of Indian Muslims despite all the safeguards and rights available to them.

Title: Creative Thinking of Secondary School Students in Relation to their School Type and Residential Background
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate the differences among male and female secondary school students studying in both private and government schools having different residential background on creative thinking. A sample of 300 students studying in secondary schools of Jammu city was randomly selected. The investigator had personally met the participants and administered the tool. Verbal test of Creative thinking by Dr. Kulwinder Singh (1981) was used for data collection. Mean, S.D and three way ANOVA were calculated to analyse the data. The findings revealed that there were no significant differences among male and female secondary school students studying in private and government schools coming from urban and rural areas on overall creative thinking and no interaction was found between gender and residential background, school type and residential background, and no interaction was found among school type, gender and residential background.
Title: A Study of Verbal and Nonverbal Creativity (Divergent Thinking) and Intelligence of 10th Class Boys of Different School Boards
Abstract :

We constantly need creativity and intelligence for new and better ideas to solve our problems. The main aim of this research paper is to find out the verbal and non verbal creativity of 10th class students to recognize, develop and act upon the divergent thinking and intelligence they already possess. They recognize and cultivate the inherent creativity in their own and with others classmates, they may identify characteristics of a creative person, develop creative thinking, problem solving and using creative skills using their basic elements of the creative process, examine qualities of a creative environment in real world settings.

Title: Internal Assessment as Visualized in Important Documents in India
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The introduction of internal assessment system has been in vogue since long at school stage and in certain professional courses, IITs, Agricultural Universities and private universities etc. But except for practical component, it has generally been absent in traditional academic universities. In 2009 University Grants Commission urged all the Vice-Chancellors to introduce the component of internal assessment in their universities as a part of examination reforms. As a result, nearly all universities in India have implemented internal assessment system in all the courses at undergraduate and postgraduate stage mostly in partial mode. In this context, it becomes relevant to know how the internal assessment has been visualized in important documents such as Reports of different Commissions, Committees, Policies, Working Groups as well as National Curriculum Frameworks, Important Workshops and Five Year Plans etc. This will help to have a mature understanding of the concept of internal assessment, to provid insight among researchers to study
different aspects of internal assessment and work out feasible and effective strategies for the implementation of the concept. The paper concludes that all the documents have strongly advocated the introduction of internal ssessment
component at all levels of education, though in varying degree. The external examinations have also been considered important. However, some documents recommend the use of component of internal assessment with caution or with a rider in order to discourage institutions and teachers from its misuse.
Title: Strengthening life skills through emotional intelligence education
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To cope up with the growing speed and revolution of advance life, our students require new life skills like the talent to deal with frustration and stress. In a broad way, approach related to life skills develops different skills in adolescents to build the necessary abilities for human development and to accept behaviors positively which assist them to effectively deal with the tasks of routine life. Life skills assist adolescents to transfer positively from infancy to maturity through the growth of social skills and emotional skills. Emotional intelligence is connected with having life skills. Emotional intelligence was considerably related with the skills of satisfaction of life, solve different problems, and to cope up with stress. The connection between life skills and emotional intelligence explored that high level of emotional intelligence was significantly correlated with high level of satisfaction with life, to cope up with stress, problem-solving, and lower stress. Children need social coaching and proper guidance as they learn appropriate ways of behaving and adapting to their own environment. Emotional literacy improves relationships, creates loving possibilities between people, makes cooperative work possible, and facilitates the feeling of community. So it is very helpful to develop life skills. It will take time to develop your emotional intelligence, but it will lead to maintainable change of behavior through whichyou will improve the way to manage yourself and learn the way you work with others. Research specifies that the people who are emotionally literate can do better in many areas of their lives. Emotional intelligence is a way of recognizing, understanding, and choosing how we think, feel, and act. So it is the essential for the society that our recent education system should be revisedwhile thinking about the increasing importance of emotional intelligence and consequently get benefits for our students, but only then if it is appropriately incorporated in our educational curriculum.

Title: Role of Teacher Educational Institutions in Developing Attitude of Student Teachers towards Science
Abstract :

There is a great need to identify and develop positive attitude towards science subject of student teachers. The time has come to increase our efforts to develop positive attitude towards science subject among teachers, student teachers and school children. This is an immediate requirement of the present day Here, the role of Teacher Educational institution is vital. This paper reports on attitude of student teachers towards science and the role of Teacher Educational institutions in developing it. The sample consists of 1080 student teachers of Madurai revenue district. A scale on attitude towards science was used to get the data from the student teachers. Percentage analysis, Mean, Standard deviation and‘t’ tests were used for analyzing the data. The results showed that there is significant difference in attitude towards science of Government Aided and Self Finance College student teachers.

Title: Relationship between Altruism and Emotional Intelligence among Adolescent Children of Working and Non-working Mothers
Abstract :
The purpose of our present study is to explore the relationship between Altruism and Emotional Intelligence among higher secondary students belonging to the children of working and non-working mothers and to examine the ability of emotional intelligence to predict altruism through this relationship. Descriptive method incorporated with survey technique follows to analyze the 300 sample of higher secondary students (age 17-18 years). Altruism Scale, adapted by the investigators and Bengali version (r=.79, p<.01) of the Schutte Self-Report Emotional Intelligence Test (SSEIT) are used to assess the Altruism and Emotional Intelligence of the students respectively. The findings of this study indicate that the adolescent girl children of non-working mothers are more altruistic than the adolescent boy children of non-working mothers. But there exists no such significant difference between them in respect of emotional intelligence. In the case of children of working mothers similar gender difference appears for
altruism and no difference appears for emotional intelligence. Adolescent girl children of working and non-working mothers together are more altruistic but not more emotionally intelligent in comparison to adolescent boy children. Again, working mothers’ adolescent girl children are less altruistic and possess less emotional intelligence in comparison of girl children of non-working mothers. One notable point is that adolescent children (boys and girls together) of working mothers are less altruistic as well as less emotionally intelligent than the adolescent children of non-working mothers. Further, the study divulges the fact that there exists a significant positive association between altruism and emotional intelligence of adolescent children. The group with low level of emotional intelligence shows lower altruism than the group with high level of emotional intelligence. The worked out regression equation reveals that Emotional Intelligence can function as the predictor of Altruism.
Title: Personality Hardiness of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to Work Related Stress
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This paper is an attempt to find out the relationship of personality hardiness with work related stress among secondary school teachers in the state of Punjab. Personality Hardiness Scale For Teachers (Kaur & Kaur, 2012) and Self-constructed and standardised Work Related Stress Scale For School Teachers were employed on a sample of 500 (250 male and 250 female) secondary school teachers randomly selected from Ludhiana, Hoshiarpur, Jalandhar and Gurdaspur districts of Punjab. The study reveals a negative and significant relationship between personality hardiness and work related stress among secondary school teachers.

Title: Self-efficacy of Women Teachers in the State of Punjab
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The present study was conducted on a sample of 500 married women teachers teaching in schools and colleges in the state of Punjab, India. Data was collected with the help of teacher self-efficacy scale constructed and standardized by investigator. The major findings of the study reveal that school and college women teachers do not differ significantly on teacher self-efficacy. Women teachers generally have average level (Fifty Four Percent) of teacher self-efficacy.

Title: Historicity and Status of Higher Education in India
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There are some common factors in the higher education system in India. Higher educational institutions in India are controlled and regulated by the Government. However, many major problems exist in the country such as high population growth, poverty, lack of funding, others economical and political parameters. In view of this, the paper studies the historicity of higher education in India. The paper finds that the present system of higher education of India has been growing rapidly after independence but as less comparative with western as well as neighbouring countries because status of Indians decides on the basis of economic and political parameters rather than education.
Title: Development of Metacognitive Skills in Science Student-Teachers Through Constructivist Approach
Abstract :
Metacognition and Constructivism is a related to each other because as we construct our knowledge at the same time we also develop awareness of construction of knowledge. Thus they are two side of the same coin. Researcher decided to study whether constructivist approach in particular 5 ‘E’ model provide opportunities to develop metacognitive skills in the science student-teachers studying in B.Ed. colleges of Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University, Patan. For studying this objective researcher used Mixed-Method design of Convergent Parallel design. Researcher used Case Study method and exploratory method of qualitative approach and pre-test post-test single
group design of quantitative approach. 10 science student-teachers were taught through 5 ‘E’ model and their classroom activity were audio recorded. After each lesson one of the student were interviewed and all student were writing the reflection essay. These three kind of data were then triangulated. Metacognitive skills Inventory were administered before and after the programme. The quantitative data were analyzed through Wilcoxon Sign-Rank Test. The programme was of 10 weeks. The analysis of data suggest that constructivist approach (5 ‘E’ model) definitely provides greater opportunity for the development of metacognitive skills and different characteristics of metacognitive skills find expression during each stage of 5 ‘E’ model.
Title: Education Policy in Bhutan: An Observation through the Lens of GNH and Sustainable Development
Abstract :

The word sustainable development and Gross National Happiness seem to be synonyms in the present context as many of the objectives of both the concepts are overlaps and similar. So in the context of Bhutan GNH policies are meant to achieve sustainable development. In the 1970s, the Fourth King of Bhutan, Jigme Singye Wangchuk announced “Gross National Happiness is more important than Gross National Product”. Since then Gross National Happiness [GNH] became the Bhutan’s development guideline where development is holistic, comprehensive and sustainable. In 2008, GNH become an official national objective to pursue of wellbeing and happiness of citizen through implementing GNH index in county’s development policies, plans and programmes. As Bhutan’s development is based on GNH index that focuses on nine domains, out of which Education is one of the important domain where 7.5% of the government budget are allocated in this sector. Therefore, this paper seeks to assess the role of education for successful implementation of sustainable development in Bhutan.

Title: Effectiveness of Project Based Learning (Constructivist Learning Approach) on Students Achievement in Science at Secondary Level
Abstract :

Project Based learning (PBL) is a student centered instructional approach used to promote active learning by involving students in investigation real world issues in a collaborative environment. It gives learner’s pace of learning, place and learner’s control of time. PBL is a innovative teaching method and it is based on constructivist epistemology and pedagogy. In this method, children construct their own knowledge with their own experiences. The main object of the present study is to examine the efficacy of PBL on educational achievement in science at secondary level. This research is based on Pre-test Post-test Control Group Quasi Experimental Design. In this study, one secondary school was selected with the help of simple random sampling technique. All 60 students of class 9th of that school were included in research and they were divided in to two equal groups. There were 30 students in experimental group and 30 students in control group. Researcher used self-made APAT (Air Pollution Achievement Test) for data collection. The Pre-test of APAT administrated on both groups before starting the experiment. After it, the learning opportunities were given to experimental group through PBL and to control group through traditional method to learn chapter air pollution of science subject for 16 days. When treatment was over, Post-test of APAT was administrated by the researcher. An analysis of data was done using both descriptive (Mean, Median, Mode) and inferential (t-test) statistics after collecting data. Hypotheses were tested on 0.05 level of significance. After analysis of data it is found that the educational achievement level of experiment group is more than the achievement level of control group. That’s by it is proved that PBL is more effective learning approach than traditional method to learn science.

Title: Career Choice Preferences among Rural and Urban Adolescents in Relation to their Intelligence
Abstract :

The present study investigates the career choice preferences among rural and urban adolescents in relation to their intelligence. The study consisted of 200 students of 10th class randomly drawn from four different schools of Amritsar district. Data was collected with the help of career choice preferences checklist by Bhargava and Bhargava (2004) and intelligence test by Raven, Raven and Court (2000) was used. The data obtained were analyzed statistically with the help of Mean, SD, t-ratio and correlation was used to arrive at the following conclusions: (i) There existed significant difference between the career choice preferences of rural and urban adolescents with respect to mass media and journalism, artistic and designing, science and technology, agriculture, commerce and management, defence, education and law & order. (ii) There existed significant difference between the intelligence of rural and urban adolescents. (iii) There existed significant difference between the dimensions of career choice preferences of adolescent boys and girls. (iv) There existed significant difference between the intelligence of adolescent boys and girls. (v) There existed significant relationship between the dimensions of career choice preferences and intelligence of rural adolescents. (vi) There existed significant relationship between the dimensions of career choice preferences and intelligence of urban adolescents. (vii) There existed significant relationship between the dimensions of career choice preferences and intelligence of adolescent boys. (viii) There existed significant relationship between the dimensions of career choice preferences and intelligence of adolescent girls. (ix) There existed significant and positive relationship between the dimensions of career choice preferences and intelligence of total sample.

Title: Multiple Intelligence among Low Vision Children – An Analysis
Abstract :

Educational system today aims to design a creative and effective interdisciplinary approach to teaching, learning, and assessment taking into account the intellectual gifts of each student (Diaz-Lefebvre and Finnegan, 1997). Learning takes place best when Educators try to know what helps students learn and then adjust teaching strategies to enhance the method of instruction. Students can learn from a combination of modalities, hands-on activities, oral and visual instruction and a combination of these methods. In 1983, Howard Gardner, a noted Harvard psychologist and educator theorized that there are multiple intelligences that dictate how children process and understand information. According to Gardner, all individuals possess, exhibit and perceive the world in eight different and equally important ways as verbal – linguistic, logical – mathematical, visual - spatial, musical - rhythmical, bodily – kinesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, naturalist but in a varying amount and combine and use them in different ways. Therefore every educator should assess their low vision child’s multiple intelligences to address their strengths and build upon their weakness. According to Gardner, “the broad spectrum of student and perhaps the society as a whole—would be better served if disciplines could be presented in a number of ways and learning could be accessed through a variety of means”. Thus the present study has been chosen by the investigator in order to know the Multiple Intelligence of children with Low vision.

Title: Adjustment Abilities and Environmental Knowledge among Higher Secondary School Students of Jammu and Kashmir
Abstract :

The main aim of study is to compare the adjustment abilities and environmental knowledge of boys and girls higher secondary school students of Jammu and Kashmir. A sample of 80 students (40 male and 40 female) was selected through simple random sampling techniques. Adjustment abilities scale by Sinha (2013) and Environmental knowledge questioner developed by the researcher used for the data collections. Average Mean, Standard Deviation, t- test and correlation used for statistical analysis. The study revealed that the boy’s students have higher adjustment abilities and environmental knowledge as compared to the girl’s students. And found there is a major difference of adjustment abilities among boys and girls higher secondary school students. The researcher further found that the significant difference in environmental knowledge among boys and girls students of Jammu and Kashmir. Adjustment abilities and environmental knowledge among higher secondary school students are negatively correlated to each other.

Title: Academic anxiety of male and female secondary school students in relation to their academic achievement
Abstract :

Academic anxiety has become one of the most debatable topics of present school education. Academic Achievement of students is very much depending upon the level of academic anxiety. Present research study was carried out on a sample of 204 (Male & Female) secondary school students. Sample was drawn from four Secondary Schools of Aligarh District, (U.P.)India by employing purposive sampling technique. Analysis was done by calculating Mean, SD, Pearson Correlation (r) and t- test. A very comprehensive interpretation was made in the light of previous studies. Findings of the study revealed that a negative significant correlation was found between academic achievement and academic anxiety of secondary school students. Moreover, no significant difference was found between academic achievements of high and low academic anxiety of male and female students. Further researches are suggested for more generalised results

Title: NGOs, Education and Tribes: An Empirical Study of Jharkhand, India
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Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a pivotal role in all necessary fields of the people, particularly those of the weaker sections of the society. It cannot be denied that some of the NGOs have been working for the cause of deprived people in almost all areas of deprivation, especially for their health and education. However, the maximum number of NGOs, the so-called non-profit organizations, has been involved in promoting their own interest rather than of the society. At this point, it is needed to examine the role of selected NGOs in tribal education from their viewpoints. This paper is based on study of the NGOs in imparting education to the tribal students.

Title: Critical Pedagogy in English Classrooms
Abstract :

This paper aims to understand and critically analyses the various underlying theoretical constructs to evolve a critical pedagogy of English in Indian classrooms language leaning is not an isolated process, it is an amalgation of multiple voices and multiple identities. These voices and identities are quite different from the ‘cultural values’ imbibed and inculcated through English. So critically pedagogy builds a bridge between L1 (Language 1 or Mother Tongue) and L2 (English) by giving space to multiple voices and multiple identities and transforming language learning into an agent of social change

Title: Impact of Education on Decision-making Ability of Women
Abstract :
Promotion of Women’s education has been one of the cornerstones of our educational policy. National policy on Education-1986 revised in 1992 took a broader view in underscoring the role of education in empowering women in order to overcome inequalities and disparities. The study was conducted taking
100 women of Bhopal city. Self prepared tool was used for collecting the data. It was found that the decision-making ability of educated women is more than uneducated women. Educated working women have more decision making ability then educated non working women.
Title: Teacher Education and Globalization: Implications and Concerns in the 21st Century
Abstract :
Education is a key to civilization and enlightenment and a source of wealth and power. It is the cornerstone of the growth and development of any country’s social economic and political institutions. Globalization is a qualitatively new phenomenon of multi-dimensional nature posing a variety of complex trends in the economic, social and cultural fabrics of all societies. No country can live in isolation without seeking impact of global trends and a change in all field of life.Teacher education plays a pivotal role in this era of globalization in shaping and reshaping the society and determining the quality of life in the community and the nation. Like all other professions, globalization is also affecting teacher education. This paper focuses critically at the globalization and teacher education: implications and concerns in the twenty first century. It unearths the state and extent of the effect of globalization in education and finally it suggest shifts to be explored in teacher education.
Title: Factors influencing vocational choice of senior secondary school students in Ilorin Metropolis, Nigeria
Abstract :

Vocational choice refers to an occupation, which a person has followed for a period of years in which he/she is generally recognized to have become fairly an expert through experience. Vocational choice decision making is not an easy task, yet at one time or the other, individuals are faced with the task of making a choice of career, preparing for it and start making progress in it. The study investigated factors influencing vocational choice of senior secondary school students in Ilorin metropolis. Two hundred senior secondary school students were randomly sampled from ten randomly selected senior secondary schools in the metropolis. A self-developed instrument titled “Factors Influencing Vocational Choice Questionnaire” (FIVCQ) was used to collect relevant data from the respondents. The instrument was developed on a 4 point Likert scale of SA, A, D, SD, which has subscales of parental, personal/social and school related factors within 10 items each. The instrument was validated, pilot tested and the reliability coefficient ascertained its reliability. The main finding of the study revealed that “Personal / Social Factors” was expressed to be the highest factor influencing senior secondary school students’ vocational choice. Other factors as expressed by them are “School and Parental Factors”. It was therefore recommended that school counsellors at all educational level should be trained to provide adequate and effective vocational guidance to students. And programmes like career day/week, vocational enlightenment programmes and other guidance programmes that are educative and informative should be sponsored in the school for students’ benefit.

Title: The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Academic Achievement of U.G. Students
Abstract :

The main objective of the present study was to examine the relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement of UG students. Academic achievement of the participants was measured through their annual examination results. In this research secondary data has been collected out of which we find out the correlation between emotional intelligence and academic achievement. A sample of 500 participants randomly selected from three universities situated at Varanasi (UP, India) was used. Four research hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Pearson correlation and t-test was applied to test the hypotheses. The present study is exploratory and descriptive in nature. The research method of the study is correlational. To find the significance of difference between the mean scores of male and female students on Emotional Intelligence scale and academic achievement; t-test was used. Further, t-test was also used to study the effect of high and low Emotional Intelligence on academic achievement. The study revealed that there is a positive relationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement. Female students scored high as compared to male students. This is considered important because of its impact in improving the academic achievement of students. The findings of this study may assist stakeholders in the education sector in developing a better understanding of the effects of emotional intelligence on the academic achievement of students.

Title: Attitude of Prospective Teachers towards Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL)
Abstract :

Education at the global level has seen revolutionary changes in recent times. This is mainly due to the digital revolution that took place around the world. This digital revolution has spread its tentacles in the field of education as well. The latest form of digital revolution in education is “Digital Game-Based Learning”. The main focus of the present paper is to study the attitude of prospective teachers towards the use of Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL). The study used descriptive survey method to collect data from 202 prospective teachers from teacher education institutes of Patna, State of Bihar, India. A self constructed DGBL attitude scale was used as the tool of the study. The results of the study showed a consistent pattern in the attitude of the prospective teachers toward DGBL exhibiting a favorable attitude. Also, no significant difference was found in the attitude of the prospective teachers toward DGBL on the basis of gender and academic discipline. However significant difference was found in the attitude of the prospective teachers toward DGBL with respect to their residential area.

Title: Development and Standardization of Attitude Towards Science Scale for Student Teachers
Abstract :
The present study is designed to construct an Attitude towards Science Scale for student teachers. An Attitude Scale was developed and
standardized by administering it on 100 randomly selected student teachers of Madurai Revenue District of Tamil Nadu State and conducting item analysis to eliminate the inconsistent items in a tool. The final form of Attitude Scale consists of 25 items classified into four sections namely – Personal confidence about the subject matter, Involvement with the subject, Usefulness of the subject content and Perception of teacher’s attitude. All the items of Attitude Scale are Likert-type with the five- point rating.
Title: Issues of Inclusive Education for the Underprivileged Students in India
Abstract :
The historical relevance of humanistic thoughts of Indian social and political reformers over the doctrine of the inclusive education practices is remarkably considered even in the contemporary India. Recognizing the holistic policy of inclusive education for the socially disadvantaged and underprivileged sections, the United Nation’s Millennium Development has been initiating the strategies to reduce social, economical and the global educational inequalities. Despite of huge efforts, India yet has not fully able to achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the deadline of 2015. Though the policy of inclusive education as a political strategy which partially adopted by Government of India since a decade, the social and educational development of the socially disadvantaged and underprivileged students are
lagged behind and always pushed them away from the mainstream academic development. Against the backdrop, this paper dealt with an issue of the inclusive education for different excluded groups such as the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, other backward castes, minorities, marginalized or deprived groups: handicaps, differently abled persons, senior citizens, beggars, homeless, victims of substance abuse, women, and different sexual orientations – LGBT groups. It has proposed debate and discussion for active inclusive policy of education for the excluded and underprivileged students in the light of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of 2030 and of the betterment of the human resource development
across the states of India.
Title: A Study on the Impact of Affective Learning Experience on Attitude towards Technology, Self-regulated Learning and Online Learning Behaviour among MOOC Learners
Abstract :

Different thinking functions, such as sensation, cognition, memory, consciousness, rationality, and pattern recognition, are significantly influenced by the affective learning experience. These different thinking functions and cognitive control are intricately connected to the learning processes and cognitive processing. In this research study, the researcher analyses the influence of the affective learning experience of MOOC learners on their attitude towards technology, online learning behaviour and self-regulated learning behaviour. For the study, MOOC learners were selected. A quantitative approach was adopted by the researcher in this study. The present research follows the descriptive method of the causal-comparative type. It was found that the affective learning experience of the learners influences their attitude towards technology, online learning behaviour and self-regulated learning behaviour.

Title: An Overview on Indian Diaspora in Africa
Abstract :
The Indian Diaspora, comprising People of Indian origin and Non-Resident Indians, as India itself, constitutes a heterogeneous and global community, representing diversity of forms, types, geographies and times of formation. It, therefore, requires diverse and distinct approaches to engage them and connect with India. The common thread that binds them together is the idea of India and its intrinsic values. Historically, the dispersion of people from India and the formation of Indian Diaspora communities is the result of different waves of migration over hundreds of years driven by a variety of reasons: slavery under mercantilism, indentured labour under colonization, and guest work programmes post colonialism. Contemporary flows from India are of two kinds: the first is the emigration of highly skilled professionals, workers and students with tertiary and higher educational qualifications migrating to developed countries, particularly to the USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This flow started after Indian independence and gathered momentum with the emigration of IT professional in the 1990s. The second is the flow of unskilled and semi-skilled workers going mostly to the Gulf countries and Malaysia, following the oil boom in the Gulf countries, mainly from Kerala and other south Indian states.
Indians have been visiting the African continent since ages. Despite age-old linkages, modern settlement of Indians in Africa is certainly linked with the colonial exploration of the continent.
Today, estimates on overseas Indians indicate sizeable strength of Indian Diaspora in the African countries as Persons of Indians (PIOs) as well as Non-Resident Indians (NRIs), a large number of Indians is residing as PIOs and NRIs in other part of world. Thus, Indian communities in Africa constitute 9.11% of the total strength of India Diaspora and they reside in 46 countries of Africa inhabiting all linguistic, cultural or geographical regions of the continent. These people faced great difficulties in finding resources, wealth, and place along with challenging climatic and physical conditions of the region. However, their hard work, commitment, courage, given a hand them to conquer the unfavorable conditions and stay alive there, away from their country of origin. This paper attempts to present some qualitative and quantitative characteristics of Indian diaspora with special reference to African countries.
Title: Global Cultures of Consumption and the Suburb: A Study of Changing Cultural Geography of three Urban Villages of South Delhi
Abstract :

The study attempts an understanding of the impact of the global on the local taking space as a mediator. Using a constructivist perspective it utilizes the already existing rich literature in cultural geography and documents re-negotiation of identities with the restructuring of the social and cultural universe of three villages of South Delhi. It proceeds through analysis of narratives obtained from inhabitants of the villages as well as from participants in the process of these inhabitants’ interface with the changing architectural and cultural landscape around their habitat. The arrival of consumerist cultures, media convergence and a world of hyper reality in the post-globalisation phase has given rise to deep conflicts and identity strain for these tradition bound village dwellers. In its final analysis, the paper highlights unique adaptive mechanism resorted to by those impacted with new currents of change and transition.

Title: Influence of Socio-Emotional School Climate on Level of Aspiration of Senior Secondary Students
Abstract :
Socio-emotional school climate of an educational institution is a bridging concept between pupil and the school in which they study and is the perception of the structure, process and values by the students. Level of aspiration can be defined as a person’s expectations, goals or claims on his own future achievement in a given task. Research reports that socio –emotional climate of an organization influences motivational level of an individual. Keeping in view the interdependence between socio–emotional school climate and level of aspiration a study was under taken to fulfill the objectives which are (i) to explore the perception of socio-emotional school climate of the senior secondary school students, (ii) to study the level of aspiration of the senior secondary school students, (iii) to find out the difference between senior secondary boys and girls in their level of aspiration and socio-emotional school climate (iv) to find out the relationship between socio-emotional school climate and level of aspiration of senior secondary school students. The study was descriptive survey in nature. Collection of data was done
from 300 senior secondary school students of Amritsar district of Punjab. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample. Data collection was done by using two standardized psychological tools. The study revealed that, socio-emotional school climate as perceived by the senior secondary school students does not influence their level of aspiration.
Title: Learning Difficulties of Secondary School Students with Low Vision in an Inclusive Indian Classroom
Abstract :
This paper is an attempt to analyze the learning difficulties of secondary school students with low vision in an inclusive Indian classroom. In this study, eight students with low vision from four different inclusive secondary schools of Jharkhand (India) were selected by convenient sampling method. In-depth interviews with them were conducted for collecting the data. A set of questions were prepared in advance by the researcher for conducting the interviews. The data collected were analyzed qualitatively. The responses of the questions given by the students were transcribed. All the transcriptions were examined thoroughly with a view to identify different themes that emerged out of participant’s responses to the questions asked in the interviews. This study reveals that secondary school students with low vision
in an inclusive Indian classroom face difficulties in reading, writing and taking class notes; difficulties in participating and performing in the class; and difficulties in preparing for and performing in the examinations.
Title: Classroom Practices in Rural Elementary Schools: A Case Study of an Elementary School in Odisha
Abstract :
It is observed that teaching by the teachers does not bear any impact on the students. The constructive approach becomes a dream. Hence, the achievement of the students lags behind in comparison to the private schools. Here, the investigators have conducted a case study of an elementary school of Odisha to assess the classroom practices of an elementary school. Majority of the teachers reported that they introducing the lesson, particularly with reference to the use of various techniques such as telling a story, asking questions related to the previous knowledge of the pupils and showing pictures, diagrams and models, even by engaging the students in different activities rather than stating topics directly introduce the lesson. The teachers also explain the topic with the help of showing different pictures, models, and
diagrams to the learners and cited appropriate example and used dictionary. While discussing with the students, they said that their only cited examples in order to explain the topic and they did not show any pictures, models, and diagrams to them. The same was also observed by the observed by the investigator. The paper will present details of the study.
Title: Globalization and India’s ICT Initiatives in Education: Challenges and Prospects
Abstract :
Government of India in recent years has taken a host of admirable policy initiatives in the education sector that could potentially transform the country into a knowledge haven. All these policy initiatives though try to induce a major social change or transformation in the educational sector of India, but there still remains a huge gap between the ‘Theory’ and the ‘Practice’.
This paper will try to give a holistic picture of the efforts that are being made to use ICT for education and also examine why in spite of all these efforts the technology is still on the peripheries of the Indian educational system. The paper will throw light on the challenges and problems that are being faced by the students and as well as the stakeholders in making virtual education a possibility in true sense. How can effective implementation of virtual education be attained so that the goal to enhance the socio- education use of IT to overcome the digital divide is achieved?
Title: Educational Rights of Children: Issues, Challenges and Solution: Journey of Independent India
Abstract :
Child rights assume great significance in a civilized society because children are human beings who have rights to safety, security and opportunities for full development. Human resource is important part of
any country and it can be developed through Education especially by strengthening the basic Education. Education is considered to be the way to lead towards progress and development of the individual. After independence of India constitution guarantee free and compulsory elementary education. On 15th of August 1947 India got freedom from British dominance. After independence India got opportunity to make the system/platform to give Education to the maximum population of the country, Indians get opportunity to make modification in the previous system and their Educational policies according to the need of the country. Starting from University Commission, Secondary Education Commission, and Hunter Commission, many other policies, programmes, Acts and commissions are establish but till now Educational rights of children are not fulfilled. They are denying their Educational rights in one and another forms. Starting from the family to school and from school to society they are discriminated and denied by one and another reason. The aim of the present paper is to consider the Educational rights of the children in context of Independent India. The present paper will reflect over the pitfalls remaining in the Education system of India which could be the reasons for violation of Childs Educational Rights. In this paper the researchers will try to find out the ways and means to equal Educational rights of all the children which are to be violated in India.
Title: Earnings Effect of Education in Nagaland
Abstract :

This paper attempts to study the impact of education on earnings in the state of Nagaland in India. The returns to education are derived through the Mincerian earnings function. The study found positive relation between years of schooling and income. Overall, income increases by 5.5 percent for each year increase in schooling. The rate of return to schooling is found to be highest for primary education at 17.2 percent, while that of secondary and higher education are found to be 6 and 7.5 percent respectively. Females have higher rate of return at 6.9 percent as compared to males at 2.8 percent. Similarly, urban workers have higher returns to schooling at 5.7 percent comparing to rural workers at 4.8 percent.

Title: Frustration among Adolescents in relation to Parental Encouragement
Abstract :

Man has many needs, drives, aims and ambitions in life and he continuously makes efforts to fulfill them. But in certain situations he faces a state of confusion and predicament especially when there are some blocks in the way. This condition is termed as frustration. There are many factors which help a person in coming out from frustration. One among these factors is the parental encouragement. The main objective of this study was to know the level of frustration among and also to study the relationship between frustration and parental encouragement of adolescents. The sample of the study consisted of 250 students of 10th class taken from 6 schools. Parental Encouragement Scale by Sharma and Frustration Test by Chauhan and Tiwari were used to collect the data. The study found that more than half of the adolescents have low level of frustration and nearly one-third have average level of frustration. Frustration level of boys is significantly higher than the girls. 40.4% of the adolescents are getting average level of parental encouragement. More of the adolescents are getting low level of encouragement from parents in comparison to those who are getting high level of encouragement. The study found that there is not a significant difference in the level of parental encouragement of the boys and girls. Frustration among boys is significantly related to their parental encouragement but it is not significantly related in case of girls.

Title: The Attitude of Teachers towards Activities Conducted under CCE with Reference to Teaching-Learning-Process & Classroom Environment and Role of Teacher
Abstract :

The education system in a country reflects the ethos, aspirations and expectations of a generation. Education gives positive thoughts, conducts and actions so that a man can develop himself with all dimensions of life successfully and become a satisfied person. The Report of the International Commission on Education for 21st Century to UNESCO referred to four planes of living of human individuals, namely, physical, intellectual, mental and spiritual. Thus, all round development as the stated purpose of education implies optimization of hidden potential of every child in the physical, intellectual, mental and spiritual planes. Evaluation is back bone of teaching learning process. Therefore Evaluation becomes a process for finding out how far the learning experiences are actually producing the desired results. As a result, it is possible to note in what respects the curriculum is effective and in what respects it needs improvement. In recent years, there has been a growing concern for improving the quality of achievement of all learners at school level. But this aim to improve learners’ quality and to universalize the improved quality is not being realized totally due to imperfect teaching learning processes and improper evaluation practices which are conventional and narrow in their scope. They stressed the point that the evaluation should be comprehensive in nature, wherein all learning experiences pertaining to scholastic, co-scholastic and personal and social qualities are assessed. It is a very well known fact that the evaluation practices carried out in schools aim to measure the knowledge and understanding outcomes of learners, neglecting the evaluation of skills and higher mental abilities. Therefore evaluation becomes very important to continuously revise and introduce such measures and schemes which will impact the mind, character and physical ability of the learner. Evaluation has remained a major irritant in the entire system of educational growth and development. It is the issue discussed widely but which could not be given a proper shape to solve the problems. All policy documents pertaining to Indian education stated that evaluation system in vogue was inadequate and required changes. This study is an attempt to find out teachers’ perception about the scheme of continuous and comprehensive evaluation, the problems they face while its execution and the suggestions that teachers want to give in making CCE effective and fruitful on ground realities.

Title: Management Techniques and Quality of Master Trainers in In-service Training Programme of Elementary Education
Abstract :

The quality of citizens of a country depends upon the quality of education. The quality of their education depends, more than any other single factor, upon the quality of their teachers. Teacher by means of in-service education revive his theoretical knowledge, refresh his experiences, develops a wider outlook and acquire new information and thus re-orients himself. In the absence of such refreshing opportunity he may relapse into professional illiteracy and fall into the old set of mind. On the basis of the above exigencies, the SSA envisages provisions for trained and committed teacher preparation. In the state of Odisha (India), Samarthya (2011-12) a state-level integrated in-service training package for teachers is being implemented by the School and Mass Education Department for different categories of teachers working in primary, upper primary and secondary level such as in-service teachers, newly recruited teachers, under qualified teachers, head teachers, teachers working at BRC, CRC and Block level. The study was conducted on stakeholders of elementary education such as 421 elementary teachers, 72 Master Trainers and 21 supervisory personnel with the help of questionnaires to assess the quality of programme management. The findings revealed that majority of the teachers, trainers and supervisory personnel (viz: BRC and CRC Coordinators) are satisfied with the management of in-service training programme organized for the teachers from time to time; and the quality of such programmes are at par with national requirements.

Title: Teachers’ Experience of using Tribal Children’s Language in Classroom: A Collaborative Learning Perspective
Abstract :
The dominant models of pedagogy involve a unidirectional process where children are mere passive receptacles. Mismatch between a child’s home and school languages further thwarts any possibility of bi-directionality. This paper is based on a study conducted in primary schools in the tribal blocks of Gajapati district, India, to explore the experiences of teachers while using children’s home language in classrooms and to examine if this results in a change in a collaborative model of pedagogy. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with teachers in Guma block that had 100% monolingual tribal students. Content analysis of the data revealed that only a few teachers were able to use the children’s home language to create a learning space that was reciprocal, recursive, and collaborative. The theoretical framework was drawn from the social learning theory of Vygotsky, and works on intersubjectivity and collaborative learning by Matusov and Rogoff.
Title: Effect of Constructive Learning Approach on Achievement in Mathematics in Relation to Self-efficacy
Abstract :
The present study investigates the effect of constructive learning approach on achievement in mathematics in relation to self-efficacy. The sample of 120 students of 9th class taken from two different schools of Mohali, affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. Instructional material based on constructive learning approach were prepared and implemented to the experimental group after pre-testing. The gain scores were computed after post-test for all the students. Self efficacy scale was also administered. The data was
analyzed statistically with the help of Mean, SD, t-ratio and Analytical Variance. A two way (2×3) Analysis of Variance was used to arrive at the following conclusions: (i) The performance of constructive learning approach group was found to attain significantly higher achievement scores as compared to control group, (ii) The performance of students with different self efficacy levels through constructive learning approach was found significant, (iii) No interaction effect was found to exist between the two variables.
Title: The Nature of Educational Reform and Change: From Teacher-centered to Student-centered learning
Abstract :

In the past, Indian educational system depends on didactic approach in teaching and learning that based on teachers’ instructions. However, in the era of globalization, educational system nowadays are progressing with regards to approach of teaching and learning at every level towards a more active and constructive education. This article examines traditional teaching approach paradigm which is teacher-centered and a new paradigm which is student-centered, in the context of Indian educational system, viewing from an Indian educational perspective. It finds that this new paradigm could develop more active learners who have acquired the skills of problem-solving, independent thinking, and autonomous learning.

Title: Contents Vol. 9, No. 1, April 2018
Abstract :

Contents Vol. 9, No. 1, April 2018

Title: A Study on Leadership Behaviour of Prospective Teachers
Abstract :

Leadership of a prospective teachers is an important topic in present times. The major aim of this study is to know the impact of gender, educational qualification and locality on the leadership behaviour of prospective teachers. A quantitative method used in this study. Trainee Teachers Leadership Behaviour Scale developed by the researcher was adopted to collect the data. The investigators carried out the study with 319 prospective teachers from 14 colleges of Murshidabad district, India. T-test was used to analyse the collected data. The findings of this study showed that gender and educational qualification has not shown influence on leadership behaviour but locality has shown significance influence on leadership behaviour of prospective teachers.

Title: Problem Solving Ability of the Adolescents in Relation to their Interest in Science
Abstract :

Problem solving forms an important ingredient of all scientific disciplines and it also constitutes an integral part of mathematics and science programmes at all level of studies viz. primary, secondary and upper secondary, almost everything that an individual does involves problem solving which is directed towards achieving a goal. The present study was designed to seek answers to three questions viz. whether there exist difference in problem solving ability and interest in science among boys and girls, and whether there exist any correlation between problem solving ability and interest in science. The results indicate that there is no significant difference in problem solving ability of girls and boys. The results also show that the difference in interest in science of girls and boys is significant. The coefficient of correlation between the problem solving ability and interest in science of the adolescents was found to be 0.494 which was found significant at 0.01 level of significance in the study.

Title: Barriers to Online Learning during COVID-19 Pandemic: Students’ Perspective
Abstract :
Prior to the upsurge of COVID-19 pandemic, the online teaching-learning resources were considered as additional e-learning aids that could enrich the teaching-learning experiences of the students as well as of teachers. However, the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has made online mode of teaching-learning an indispensable unit of education system. Globally the academic community has adopted online mode of learning for ensuring continued educational services during COVID-19. Despite numerous possibilities offered by online mode, the adoption of this method was not much smooth as many of the educational stakeholders were not much prepared for intricacies of the process due to which they faced many unforeseen challenges. In the light of the above changes witnessed by education system during COVID-19 pandemic, this paper predominantly highlights the challenges faced by students in continuing and acquiring education through online mode of teaching-learning. The challenges discussed in the present paper consider online teaching-learning process as a temporary solution instead of a substitute to conventional classroom scenario. Furthermore, considering online learning solutions as an indispensable and irreplaceable unit of the present teaching-learning scenario, the present paper is an effort to put forward some suggestions for overcoming the barriers to online mode of teaching- learning.
Title: Effect of Instructions in the Language Laboratory on English Pronunciation of Pupil Teachers
Abstract :
Good communication in English depends upon proper pronunciation. Proper pronunciation means reproducing the sound of the word through speech in such a way that any fluent speaker of the language would effortlessly know and understand the message. Improper pronunciation causes a breakdown in communication and requires more effort to understand. Poor pronunciation can cause a negative first impression. People who cannot pronounce English properly are often thought of as less literate or intelligent. Therefore teachers and learners
of any language must not neglect the spoken aspect of language while teaching and learning various skills. They should neither underestimate nor neglect the importance of correct pronunciation in development of language skills. But in our schools, we teach English as a knowledge subject and not as a skill. As a result, even after learning English for so many years students are not able to speak it properly. They don’t find themselves confident enough to use it in day to day life. Even our future English teachers are not good communicators in English language. In this study an attempt was made to study the effect of instructions in the language laboratory on English Pronunciation of Pupil teachers. The sample of the study was comprised of 33 pupil teachers of K.C. College of Education; Nawanshahr. Self prepared English Pronunciation
Test was used in this study. The students of experimental group were given instructions in Language Laboratory. On the other hand, the students of the Control Group continued with their Routine Activities of the classroom. This continued for 30 working days. The results of the study indicated that Instructions in the Language Laboratory were found to be superior to routine activities of classroom in improving English Pronunciation of pupil teachers.
Title: Study of Stress among Adolescent Students in Relation to Working Status of their Mothers and Family Environment
Abstract :
The present study is about the stress among adolescent students. Adolescence stage is stage of stress and strain and emotional upheavals. It is the period which refers to the development and adjustment during the transition period between childhood and adulthood. If the adolescent get the right path and right guidance they can be proved good citizens but with lack of proper and congenial atmosphere which is being provided by school, home, society etc they may become juvenile delinquents and further
becomes criminals. Family environment and Working Status of mothers have the important role in the life of adolescents. In order to conduct the study, stress was studied as dependent variable and working status of mothers was studied as classificatory variable. Family environment was studied as independent variable. 2*2 factorial design was employed on the scores of stress of adolescent students.
Title: A Profile of Psychological Well-being of Student: Teachers of Colleges of Education
Abstract :
The present study identified psychological well-being profiles in a sample of student- teachers from aided and unaided college of education. 100 student-teachers completed Carol Ryff’s (1995) Psychological Well-Being (PWB) scale. The present research is of a descriptive survey type. Profile analysis was applied to six indices from PWB scale: self-acceptance, purpose in life, environmental mastery, positive relations with others, personal growth and autonomy. The results show that a profile analysis shows a flat level of profile of the Psychological Well-being of student-teachers of both the groups. The study reveals that there is no difference in the mean scores of psychological well-being of student teachers of both the groups of college of education. On the basis of the items in the Psychological Well-being scale, it may be concluded that the dimensions of psychological well-being of student-teachers is substantial in magnitude.
Title: Study of Educational Effectiveness of Face-to-Face Mode and MOOCs in Blended Mode for Post-graduate students Belonging to Different Socio-economic Status of Teacher Education Program
Abstract :

Massive Open Online Courses emerged as a very popular mode of learning in 2012 and aims at providing unlimited participation by learners and their open access to educational material with the help of internet. For a developing and very diverse country like India, it is very difficult to provide equal access and equity based higher education to all the learners. Government of India has started its indigenously developed MOOC delivery platform known as SWAYAM for the MOOCs and other digital initiatives in this regard. The present research work was an effort to study the educational effectiveness of Face-to-Face mode of teaching and MOOCs in blended mode for the post graduate students of teacher education program belonging to different Socio-economic Status. Experimental method was used to study and compare educational effectiveness of the MOOCs in blended mode and face to face teaching on the post graduate students of Teacher Education program belonging to different SES. 3×2 Factorial design was used as a research design. Two-way ANOVA was used as a statistical technique. The findings revealed that MOOCs in blended mode are proved to be more effective from educational effectiveness in terms of educational achievement in comparison to face to face mode of teaching. Further the post graduate students from different SES achieved significantly different scores on the post test after the experimental treatment of teaching methods. The students taught with MOOCs in Blended mode belonging to High and moderate SES achieved significantly high scores on post test than the students taught with Face-to-Face mode of teaching from respective SES. The students belonging to low SES taught with Face-to-Face mode of teaching scored significantly higher than the students taught with Blended mode of teaching from respective SES.

Title: Professional Development of Employees in ODL Institution: A Case of IGNOU
Abstract :

Training and development is the fastest growing industry as a result of replacement of industrial workers with knowledge workers. An effective and sustainable organizational training produces significant results such as improved employees’ skills & productivity, enhanced retention & morale. Training and continuing professional development is an integral component of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system, which is characterized by division of labour where the teaching and learning is performed through use of media and technology. However, in contrast to the above, lack of appropriate training has been identified as a significant barriers in ODL institutions and there is an immense need of continuous professional development activities in these institutions. This study highlights the professional development activities for the technical staff of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) engaged in web-based application development. The study aimed to identify if the training outcomes could be utilised in the routine work followed by the barriers to implement them in the work environment. The results indicate mixed responses that knowledge and skills gained during the training were useful majorly for their learning and development, routine work, front-end and back-end activities. The barriers faced by the respondents to implement the learning gains in their work place were identified as pertaining institutional (unavailability of training, infrastructure and internet) and individual (lack of motivation and time). The ODL should plan and implement well structured trainings followed by mitigating the barriers to implement the knowledge and skills gained during the training.

Title: Creativity and Module with and without Jerk Technology in Terms of Achievement of B.Ed Students
Abstract :

The objective of this study is to find out the effect of treatment, creativity and their interaction on achievement in environment education by considering Pre. achievement in environment education as covariate. This study was experimental in nature and based on pre-test post-test parallel group design. There were two groups and two levels of treatment namely module with jerk technology and module without jerk technology. The sample for Study comprised of 60 student teachers (30 student teachers per group) of academic session of 2008-2009 of regular B.Ed. course of Government PGBT College, Ujjain. Study revealed that creativity significantly affected the achievement of students in Environmental Education. Higher creative students were found to be benefited significantly more than these of low creative students.

Title: Contents
Abstract :


Title: Student Attitudes and Approaches to Learning in a Science Classroom
Abstract :

Students’ attitudes and perceptions may influence their test preparation strategies. The type of assessment may also affect the preparation protocol.The goal of this action researchstudywas to examine the attitudes of students as they prepared to take an assessment and explore the relationship between student attitudes and their preparation for specific types of assessments. Multiple choice and essay examinations were chosen as the assessments for this study. The findings of the study indicate that students preferred multiple choice examinations. The findings also indicate that the students utilized an overall surface approach to learning in preparation for the assessments. However, students also indicated that they believed the essay examination was the more accurate of the two assessments and that grades on the assessments were more important than knowledge of the science content.

Title: Effect of Students’ Feedback and Teaching Position of Teachers on Attitude towards Teaching of Secondary School Teachers
Abstract :

The present study was aimed at finding the Effect of Students’ Feedback and Teaching Position of Teachers on Attitude towards Teaching of Secondary School Teachers. This study was experimental in nature. Sample was comprised of 102 Secondary School Teachers teaching in different five schools of Gurgaon city and students taught by them. In the Experimental group after taking students appraisal data of teacher effectiveness feedback was given to the teachers by the researcher. This Students’ feedback was comparative and non comparative overall and dimension wise. It also included suggestions elicited from the students on important aspects of their teaching. The present study revealed that Attitude towards Teaching was independent of Gender, Students’ Feedback and also of their interactional effect, when Pre- Attitude towards Teaching was taken as co-variant.

Title: Continuing Professional Development: Inevitable for Academic Excellence
Abstract :

Teacher’s work is undergoing rapid change: political, educational and social changes, and this means that teachers need more and better Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes in order to keep up with the changes and remain relevant in the teaching profession. The quality of teachers is of great importance, as changing needs place greater pressures on teachers such as having to deal with the challenge of large classes and learners of different characteristics. This raises the need for teachers to be supported more than ever before, hence the need to step up the CPD of teachers, which is an often neglected aspect in most of the developing countries like India.

Title: Rethinking Teaching-Learning Process : Classroom as a Platform for Gender Sensitization
Abstract :

The paper is based upon rethinking the teaching learning process in Indian Classrooms and attempts mainstreaming gender concerns not only within the classroom learning but also beyond such boundaries. The collaborative efforts at primary, secondary and higher level education may help in achieving the desired understanding of the power play that exerts pressure on a subject to perform gender as per conventions in a patriarchal setup. The paper reflects upon the various practices prevalent in schools and urges upon rethinking the existing teaching-learning process so as to be inclusive through such creative activities and practices which will not only sensitize students and teachers but will also open up a unique platform for re-socialisation of the parents and thereby mediate the bridging up of generation gap as well.

Title: Widowhood in Rural Setting: Problem’s and Prospective
Abstract :

Worldwide widow’s population figure estimated at 245 million with half of them living in extremely poverty. (Loomba Foundation Report,2010). India is a country with second highest population of 42.4 million. If on the one hand, a woman is at the peak of ladder of success in many spheres of public life, on the other hand, she suffers a silent social death everyday bound by the customs and traditions in the orthodox Indian Society. They are culturally, socially, economically and politically excluded from the mainstream of the society. The process of urbanisation, modernisation and globalisation have led to changes in economic structure, erosion of societal values and the weakening of social institutions particularly the norms of the joint family. This has made worst the position of the widows in a family and once she becomes a ‘burden’ of the family, no time is lost to eject her from the family environment. This research is focused on socio-economic problems faced by widows in rural areas of Himachal Pradesh. Fifty widows of different age groups were selected with the help of random sampling method. Interview schedule and observation method were also used. It is revealed that widows’ discrimination does not prevail across the nation. That is, this research did not deny the existence of traditional widows’ discrimination in some areas, but demonstrated that this phenomenon does not represent the whole nation, if we focus on the urban areas.

Title: Construction and Standardisation of Teacher’s Attitude Scale towards Constructivist Approach in Teaching (TASCAT)
Abstract :
The present study was undertaken to construct and standardize an attitude scale to measure the attitude of teachers towards constructivist approach in teaching. Initially a pool of items was framed by reviewing related literature, which was then given to experts for analyzing the content. After preliminary try out and item analysis was done, only items with ‘t’ value of above 2.77 were retained for the final form of the scale. The final form of the scale thus consists of 40 items. The reliability of the scale was ascertained by Karl Pearson split half method and Cronbach Alpha and it was found to be relatively high. Content validity and face validity was also ascertained. Norms was also established for the interpretation of the obtained scores.
Title: Mathematical Interest of VIII Standard Students:A Comparative Study
Abstract :

The present study was attempted to study the mathematical interest of VIII standard students with respect to their gender and area. A sample of 120 students (consisted of 60 boys and 60 girls studying in VIII class and belonging to rural and urban areas) was drawn from Government Schools of Una district (H. P.) by employing random sampling. Descriptive survey method was used to find out the mathematical interest of VIII class students. For the collection of data Mathematical Interest Inventory by Dubey was used to measure the mathematical interest of VIII standard students. For the analysis of data percentages were calculated to find out the percentage of student having varied mathematical interest and t-test was used to find out the significant difference between two groups. The results of the present study demonstrated that 61% students showed high interest in mathematics, 22% students showed above average interest in mathematics, 9% students showed average interest in mathematics, 7% students showed below average interest in mathematics, and 1% students showed low interest in mathematics. In total, it was found that total sample showed high interest in mathematics. No significant difference was observed between boys and girls on the variable of mathematical interest. Also, it was observed that rural and urban area students did not show any significant difference on mathematical interest. They showed same level of mathematical interest.

Title: Addressing Perception of Geoethics Through Geoscience Curriculum at IGNOU
Abstract :

Geoscience provides us with an overall understanding of earth’s physical environment and its finites besides a perspective on why and how things happen around us. It also attempts to find solutions for global environmental problems in relation to place and time. Geoscientists can play an important role in addressing these global challenges and disseminating knowledge and awareness in the society. Although Geoscience is the basic element of all natural sciences, it is limited to a few chapters in the geography and environmental science books at school level in India. Hence, children remain unaware about the internal and external processes operating within and on the earth’s surface and also the perception on geoethics as compared to their counter parts in the west. Unlike western world, our youth are perhaps less aware of implications of depleting and dwindling natural resources. Thus, it is a challenge for the educators to develop geoscience education programmes with a strong component and perspective on geoethics and sustainable development. The paper discusses the possible impact of geoscience education at IGNOU in developing graduates with an understanding and inclination on geoethics. Presently, in distance mode a wide range of programmes are being offered in subjects like environment, physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology except geology. Mega universities like IGNOU are at an advantageous position for offering geoscience education owing to its wide reach to cater to millions of learners. Keeping this in view School of Sciences at IGNOU is in the process of developing B.Sc. Courses in Geology after carrying out an extensive Need survey. The curriculum for bachelor degree programme, which includes the courses on physical and structural geology, petrology, mineralogy, environmental geology, hydrology, ore geology, remote sensing and GIS has been designed and developed with help of several eminent experts across India. The courses are expected to enhance understanding of the necessity to conserve our soil, mineral, water, fossil fuels and appreciate the concepts of geoethics and sustainable development.

Title: Academic Stress During Pandemic: A Case Study
Abstract :

One temptation of sharing the findings of the case studies related to academic stress may be to reveal both positive and negative aspects of students’ experiences. The main purpose of this case study was to examine the potential academic stress that the students were encountering during the pandemic. The investigator used the case study of five participants to bring out the challenging issues of academic stress into the limelight. The major concern was the non-availability of mobile device, smartphones, tablets, PC and laptop during their online classes’ timings. The internet connectivity issue is the most emphasized cause for not attending the online lectures. And the teachers are not flexible in taking online classes in the evening. Visually challenged students are facing impediments in the online teaching-learning process because the teachers are not sensitive to their educational needs. Those teachers who were practicing ‘inclusion’ in their teaching are not applying it in online classrooms. The students are unaware of how their online assignment submission and other academic activities are causing them to commit academic dishonesty in the form of plagiarism and collusion practices. The implications of the findings are also drawn out and discussed in this research paper.

Title: Learning Achievement of Tribal Students in Basic School Subjects
Abstract :
It is assumed that parental education and parental involvement are of great importance for better academic performance of the child. The study was undertaken upon 50 tribal students and their respective parents of Mayurbhanj District to know the role of parental education and involvement on learning achievement. It is revealed that there existed no significant difference between learning achievement of tribal students in basic school Subjects with respect to high and low parental education; high and low parental involvement.
Title: Effect of Exposure to Attractive Models on Social Appearance Anxiety among University Students
Abstract :
The present study aimed at examining the effect of exposure to media portrayed images of attractive models on social appearance anxiety among young adults. We also aimed at understanding the differences in social appearance anxiety, objectified body consciousness and romantic inclination in terms of romantic relationship status. One hundred university students (50 men and 50 women) were randomly assigned to experimental (exposed to attractive images of models) and control group matched for age and gender. Participants were also administered valid measures on romantic inclination, social appearance anxiety and objectified body consciousness. Results indicated that those who had been exposed attractive model showed higher level of appearance anxiety compared to the control group. Further statistical analysis showed that men have higher levels of romantic inclination and body objectification than women do. Analysis with regard to the relationship status revealed that those who had a recent break up in relationship showed higher levels of body consciousness and romantic inclination than the currently dating group and single group.
Title: Status Study of Infrastructure Availability in Government Degree Colleges of Uttarakhand
Abstract :

Before implementing any intervention program for raising basic facilities and standard in an education system, it is necessary to assess the baseline status of those educational institutions which would be covered under proposed scheme. With this objective in view, a preliminary survey was conducted to find out the status of infrastructure availability in 21 government degree colleges of Uttarakhand, covered under RUSA (Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan). The findings of the study reveal that government and concerning authorities are apathetic towards improving the status of higher education, especially in remote areas of the hilly state. After analysis of data it was found that government focuses more on announcements to open new educational institutions rather than their proper establishment, following norms and standards set by regulatory bodies. A large number of institutions established in the last 10-15 years are running in remote hilly areas with very low enrolment rate due to lack of infrastructure and teaching faculties.

Title: Cognitive preferences and academic achievement in students of science
Abstract :

The present study is an attempt to identify the cognitive preferences of secondary school science students and its relationship with academic achievement. For this purpose a ‘Cognitive Preference Test’ and an ‘Achievement Test in Science’ were developed and administered to 500 eleventh grade science students subsequent to their study of tenth grade science subject. The finding suggests that secondary school science students have a strong bias for ‘Principle’ and that their general order of preference is ‘Principle-Recall-Application-Questioning’. A strong dependence of cognitive preference orientation on ‘Academic Achievement’ in science was observed. High achiever group of students were found to exhibit a high preference for ‘Questioning’ and a strong discontentment for ‘Recall’ mode. Exactly an opposite trend of preferences among low achiever group has been reported, as having highest preference for ‘Recall’ and lowest preference for ‘Questioning’ mode.

Title: Creative Management as panacea for Teacher Education: Need of the hour
Abstract :

Teaching has been one of the oldest professions in the world and is most respected. The climate the institutions determine the overall outcomes of the institution. The present scenario finds that the teaching is one of the most stressful occupations. Thus, to keep the motivation of the employees in right earnest and getting their work to the expected efficiency, the principals had a major role to play. In this situation, the principals in the schools have challenges to control from various directions i.e. internal, external and from within organization. Herein, the creative management can help the principals to bring the institutions to desire level of expectations. This paper will dwell on the changing landscape of teaching sector through ages in India and suggest the ways of creative management.

Title: Effect of Activity Based Method on Achievement Motivation and Academic Achievement in Mathematics at secondary Level
Abstract :

The present study was conducted to examine the effect of the Activity Based method in Mathematics on Achievement Motivation and academic achievement. The sample comprised of 60 students of IXth class studying in private senior secondary school of Ambala city, Punjab. The tools used for conducting the present study were; Deo-Mohan Achievement Motivation Scale (n-Ach) – (1985), Self-prepared modules of Mathematics for selected five topics of IXth grade and Self-prepared pre-post Achievement test of Mathematics. The findings revealed that Students taught Mathematics through Activity based method differ significantly in Achievement Motivation as compared to the control group (Traditional Teaching method). Results also show that the students taught Mathematics through Activity based method differ significantly in Academic Achievement as compared to the Control group (Traditional Teaching method).

Title: Is Age factor drive Emotional Intelligence and Adjustments of Trainee Teachers? “A Study of Enrolled B.Ed. Trainee Teachers in different B.Ed. Colleges of Karnataka 2015-17”
Abstract :

Is age factor drive emotional intelligence and adjustments of a person getting formal professional education and training? This question is very common as we have seen that the trainee teacher’s emotional intelligence and adjustment has a lifelong impact on their profession, emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions, which is very important to adjust oneself in a new situation. In the present research tryout, the author have analyzed the emotional intelligence and adjustment among 400 B.Ed. trainee teachers studying in different B.Ed. colleges of Karnataka, these students are divided into two groups i.e. below 25 years and above 25 years of age respectively. The main purpose of the study is to find out age impact upon emotional intelligence and adjustment of B.Ed. trainee teachers with respect to the different variables.

Title: Socio-Economic Situation of Persons with Disability in Cachar District of Assam
Abstract :

This paper is an outcome of a study that was conducted with an objective to understand socio-economic situation of the people with disability living in Cachar district of Assam. An exploratory research design was adopted to gather information about education, income and occupation and further to understand the perception of the respondents on their present situation. For the study 50 numbers of respondents were selected by adopting convenient sampling method. Data on socio-economic status of the respondents were collected in respect of socio-personal information and economic status. Under the social background the respondents’ sex, age, marital status, education, caste, types of disability suffered and their causes are examined. In short socio-economic data showed that the majority of the respondents selected for the study are striving hard to get economic sustainability to enjoy quality life, food, cloth, shelter.

Title: Efficacy of ICT as a Transactional Pedagogical Strategy in Teaching of Science at Secondary Stage
Abstract :
There is a colossal debate about the role and extent of the information and communication technology (ICT) in transforming the science pedagogical practices. Improving Science Education is fundamental, indispensable, crucial as well as essential priority to elevate the levels of scientific literacy. Aiming at the improvement of quality and effectiveness of Science education making use of new ICT tools, in-class is clearly proved in different school levels and disciplines. The present study intends to find out efficacy of ICT as a transactional pedagogical strategy in teaching of science at secondary stage.
Via conducting experiment and using 2x2x2 factorial design it was divulged that there is significant effect of ICT based transactional pedagogical strategy and physical facilities on the academic achievement of students in science. Moreover the effect of treatment on the achievement of the students in science in relation to intelligence is striking.
Title: The quiet crisis in higher education: national and sub-national perspectives
Abstract :

This paper examines the emerging challenges facing the higher education sector in Odisha. Low overall access to higher education, glaring spatial and social disparities in enrolment, weak infrastructure, poor quality of education and research, chronic faculty shortage and downsizing of state funding have been identified as the major challenges. Policy changes concerning higher education and the practice of pravatisation have complicated the problems rather than solving them. Active state participation, effective implementation of positive discrimination policies and ensuring accountability at all levels have been suggested to undo the damages done to higher education in the state.

Title: Understanding Attitude of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Parents towards the Rights Related to Health and Care of the Children
Abstract :

Having good health is the rights of the every children. India is the country having largest number of the children in the world. As it has been rightly said that sound mind resides in the sound body is a valid concept. A good health of the children leads them to the path of progress in various fields like Education, sports and others. The aim of the present study was to know the understanding attitude of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes parents towards the Rights related to Health and care of the children. The researcher took the sample of 60 parents from rural area of district Udhampur of Jammu and Kashmir, which consist of thirty fathers and mothers. Self-made interview schedule was used in the study. The objective of the study was to know the awareness among the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled parents, so that some intervention can be given to meet the Health and care needs of the of the children. Self-made semi-structured interview schedule was used by the researcher for data collection. The analysis was made by using simple percentage method. This was the qualitative study which conducted to explore the understanding attitude among parents. The findings of the study reveals that most of the fathers and mothers gave favourable responses which means they are aware about rights related to health and care of the children. They have the positive and favourable attitude towards health and care of the children.

Title: Forced Displacement and Resistance: A Study of Lanjigarh Project, Odisha
Abstract :
Since independence, India has been undertaking development projects to improve the quality of life through ‘planned development’ in successive Five-Year plans but some of them have brought adverse effects through displacement from original habitation due to large-scale land acquisition. All projects which includes industrial, mining, irrigation and infrastructural projects, farmers are resisting for land diversion and acquisition because it lads to their miseries, deprivation, joblessness, rehabilitation problem and resettlement. The main issues involved in land diversion process are fixation of compensation for acquisition of land, displacement of families and their rehabilitation at a secured place and employment of farmers. Development-induced displacement has brought severe socio-economic and environmental problems. For several decades, development projects in India have expropriated and forcibly displaced scores of people, without giving them the protection that a formal policy and legislation of development-caused displacement and resettlement should give to all citizens. The only existing relevant law has been the Land Acquisition Act (LAA) from 1894, which prescribed only how land could be expropriated with payment of compensation, but contains nothing about people’s entitlement to bring resettled and rehabilitated. In this connection the paper delineates about the Dongria Kondh a primitive tribal communities in south-west Odisha in eastern India, are at threat from the expansion of an alumina refinery and new bauxite mining project. Effectively kept excluded from the decision-making process, their land is to be used for other’s profit. They have already suffered deprivation of their rights to water, health and environment, because of pollution and poor waste management by the refinery. The mining project will be located on the traditional lands of the Dongria Kondh, an Indigenous endangered community who now face the fear of losing their way of life, sacred hills, rights to water, food, livelihoods and cultural identity. This paper will discuss India’s needs not only for a strong policy on population displacement, resettlement and rehabilitation, but also for enacting firm legislation, compelling for government agencies and for private sector corporations and programmes.
Title: An Integrative Review of Students’ Goal Orientation, Motivation and Achievement
Abstract :
In recent years, numerous research studies have empirically examined students’ academic motivation from the perspective of goal orientation construct. This construct has emerged as a useful framework for understanding students’ motivation for, and engagement in schoolwork. However the conceptual framework is not uniform evolving from undimensional towards multidimensional ones. This paper has reviewed the classic and reformulated versions of this construct. Goal Orientation construct and its influence on students’ achievement, looking at assumptions, empirical evidences, inconsistencies and development of research in these years. Finally it evaluates implications in carrying some of these
insufficiently verified principles into educational practices.
Title: Study of Academic Performance among College Students in Relation to Student Alienation
Abstract :
Student Alienation is a condition with in the minds of human beings that starts behaving in different manner when they are unable to cop up with the social environment. The present paper is a genuine attempt to study the Academic Performance in relation to Student Alienation. In the present study
descriptive survey method was employed on a sample of 150 college arts students of second year degree course from govt. degree colleges of Jammu District. Student alienation scale prepared by Dr. R.R. Sharma
(1988) was employed for collecting the data of student alienation and for academic performance previous class result record was used. The collected data was analyzed with the help of critical ratio. The results of
the study showed that students who are highly alienated shows significant differences in their academic performance and same results were also indicated by highly alienated female college arts students of second year degree course.
Title: Challenges Faced by Students with Illiterate Parents: Insights from Teachers – An Interview Study Using Thematic Analysis
Abstract :

Although, the education system has done some work in the field of education for children with disadvantaged backgrounds in India, it has its own share of shortcomings. This paper qualitatively analyses the challenges of children with illiterate parents in private schools in India under the 25% reservation for the underprivileged through (RTE Act of 2009). Insights were gathered through semi-structured interviews with experienced teachers from an English medium private school in Dehradun, India. Themes identified through thematic analysis were irregularity at school, inferiority complex, parents Illiteracy, additional academic assistance and the pandemic challenge. These findings emphasize that the capacity of disadvantaged parent/caregiver to provide a wholesome, nurturing and conducive environment is highly challenging in a country like India. The challenges include a combination of poverty, lack of education and skills, as well as social isolation. This paper suggests areas for policy implementations and areas for future research.

Title: Techniques of Vocabulary Competency in English Language Learning
Abstract :

In this paper I present an approach for effective ways of learning vocabulary. I apply relational learning for defining the context-- free grammar including leaning active and passive vocabulary. I introduce various methods of leaning vocabulary. In the context of hand on-based learning captures multiple approaches for the efficient parsing of word parts are introduced. Various means for defining of the syntax of sentence structures have been proposed. It is brought to distinguish the approaches by functional English unification-based grammars, and specifications based on the definition of context-free learning.

Title: Quality education in higher learning under– multi-lingual society in A&N Islands
Abstract :

Today education is a selling commodity, like other goods /things in the markets. The globalization of education has opened the door of exchange of education opportunity and value across the boundary of the countries .The Indian education has been extended overwhelming over last few decades .As a result, from school to universities, the number of institutions has been increasing like mushrooms. Education becomes a profitable business for investors .It’s right to say investors in education may call promoters, who promotes education and get profits from markets of students. Therefore , a group of people from all walk of life in the society invested their money ,power or position to set up educational institute under the banner of trusty, foundation or charity .Specially , professional colleges in the line of engineering, medical , management are coming up even in the interior areas. India’s diverse socio-cultural ethos and lingua-franca have introduced education in any dimensions. Language base education leads by state and religion created different kind of culture of educational atmosphere within campus .The multi-lingual education leads a mixed atmosphere in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands education and its basic philosophy. This multi-community linguistic society leads a unique and different kind of academic atmosphere in islands education system both in schools and higher learning institutions. Multi-lingual education in a single campus faces a number of challenges, which affected the student’s unity and also disintegrated the professional atmosphere of the faculty. The socio- cultural multi-dimension aspects put the hardship for maintaining the disciplines of the students .Restriction on medium of instruction is giving a tough challenge to refreshers, who entering in the higher learning campus .Students fresh out of school need a period of academic thawing in terms of academic atmosphere, medium of instruction new approach of analysis of new curriculums under degree courses

Title: J. Krishnamurti’s Right Education
Abstract :
Krishnamurti was not an educator in the narrow or formal sense of the term, his concern for what he considered ‘right education’ was clearly
not an attempt to provide temporary solutions to society’s problems or seek to correct them through merely educating people to read or
write. Krishnamurti has been described as a ‘revolutionary teacher who worked tirelessly to awaken people—to awaken their intelligence,
to awaken their sense of responsibility, to awaken a flame of discontent’, and this commitment to awakening the consciousness of people was undoubtedly based on a ‘strong moral passion’.
Title: Contents- Volume 8 Special Issue
Abstract :

Contents- Volume 8 Special Issue

Title: Attitude of Secondary School Students towards Alcohol and Drugs in Relation to their Parenting
Abstract :

The present study aimed to find out the role of parenting in formation of alcohol and drug attitude among secondary school students of district Faridkot of Punjab state. The data was collected from 300 respondents randomly selected from 10 secondary schools by using standardized questionnaire related to alcohol and drug attitude and parenting. Findings indicate boys were more inclined towards alcohol and drugs as compare to girls. Further, urban students showed more positive attitude towards drugs than rural. Also, the researchers found minutely negative coefficient of correlation between parenting and alcohol and drugs attitude which may conclude as negative parenting may leads to positive attitude towards alcohol and drugs.

Title: Developing Relationship Skills among Students: Role of Story Telling
Abstract :

Stories through films, fiction, drama or true life description engaged and fascinate through memories. Stories engross emotions in brain experiences of storytelling help in recognition of lost experiences. Keeping in view the significance of stories present paper is an attempt to identify and recognize the role of storytelling in developing socio-emotional skills among school students. For the present study the researcher adopted quasi-experimental method as action research with single group design. In the present study self made questionnaire is used for data collection from the sample of 23 elementary school students through convenient sampling method. The findings of the study revealed story telling is a good tool to develop relationship socio-emotional skills among students of elementary level. The researchers found intervention programme help in developing interpersonal relationship among elementary school students.

Title: Upper Primary School Students Health and Awareness of Yoga as a Cure: An Exploratory Study
Abstract :

Awareness and ignorance are two faces of the same coin and awareness leads to making of healthy choices. The awareness about health of school students is the key to formulating strategy to achive better environment for teaching and learning. The present study was conducted on the students of upper primary school of Delhi to know the health and awareness regarding yoga as a cure for many ailments like back pain, neck pain, respiratory problems etc. The data was collected from a upper primary school situated in South-Delhi. The Primary school with sample consists of 83 students, 46 female and 37 male. The data was collected through closed end questionnair. The content of the questionnair was validated through expert consensus. The male students suffer more as compared to female students due to back or neck pain. On the contrary, female students are greatly affected by respiratory problems at upper primary level of school education. Class 8th students have better awareness of “yoga as cure” for many diseases among upper primary level students. The awareness of “yoga as a cure” for many diseases is higher in girls than boys of upper primary schools.

Title: Attitude of College Students towards Voluntary HIV/AIDS Testing
Abstract :
The major purpose of this research was to investigate the attitude of college students towards voluntary HIV/AIDS testing. The data were collected on 200 (100 male and 100 female) college students by employing purposive sampling technique. To collect the requisite data for present study the investigator used an attitude scale towards voluntary HIV/AIDS testing developed by Vishal Sood and Arti Anand. In order to study the objectives of the present study, the investigator used the statistical technique of t-test. The
outcome of the research investigation revealed that there is no significant difference in the attitude of male and female, arts and science, boys science and boys arts, boys science and girls science and boys arts and girls arts college students towards voluntary HIV/AIDS testing. Further, the study also concluded that there is significant difference in the attitude of girls science and girls arts college students towards voluntary HIV/AIDS testing.
Title: Metacognition in Relation to Learning Environment as Perceived by Students of Different School Types
Abstract :
The study aimed at ascertaining correlation between metacognition and perceived learning environment scores of students. Comparisons were made between students studying in different school types i.e. SSC, ICSE and CBSE schools. Results revealed that CBSE students possessed better metacognition and they also perceived their learning environment more
favourably than SSC or ICSE students. A significant, direct, positive correlation was found between total metacognition and total learning environment scores. Component wise analysis revealed task orientation component of learning environment to be a strong and significant predictor of all the components of metacognition for SSC and ICSE students.However task orientation predicted only subtask monitoring and evaluation components of metacognition for CBSE students. The study highlights the need for a conducive learning environment for supporting students’ metacognition.
Title: Supporting Inclusive Education Through ICT Implementation: An Intermediary Role
Abstract :
Access to equal information and knowledge has become a social requirement and a fundamental aspect of human rights. Rapid developments of ICT bear huge potential of improving the quality of education for successful developments of students with special educational needs by advancing their social integration and increasing learning, as well as accessing learning. Moreover, effective use of ICTs can support a high quality training of teachers in the field of special education. The present study addresses the inclusive school principals and special education teachers’ attitudes towards ICT in their educational fields. The results show that there is a great need of using ICT learning environments for training school staff and improving the quality of education for disabled children. It is suggested that ICT can play an important role to improve learning quality and develop effective teaching and learning strategies that contribute to disabled children’s engagement in their learning process.
Title: Effect of Feedback on Accuracy of Self-assessment of Achievement in Chemistry in the Context of Self-confidence and Bias of Eleventh Graders
Abstract :

Results of inaccurate Self-assessment by candidates in today’s competitive world are frequently disastrous for them. Self-assessment does not always happen totally in isolation. It is partly influenced by the feedback aspirants receive from their peers or external experts in the form of teachers, parents and tutors at coaching centres. Accuracy of Self-assessment varies in different students, presumably because of differences in personality characteristics. It is interesting to understand the dynamics of this influence through research. The present study is precisely an attempt in this direction.

Title: Factors Influencing Students’ Academic Performance in Mathematics
Abstract :
This paper attempts to compare students’ academic performance in mathematics on the basis of their level of mathematics anxiety. Moreover, students’ IQ and SES are known to influence their academic performance in mathematics. Hence students’ IQ and SES are included as control variables whose effect from academic performance in mathematics was removed statistically and then it was compared on the basis of the level of students’ mathematics anxiety was studied. The participants of the study included 703
students of standard 8th from S.S.C board schools. Mathematics anxiety was measured using Mathematics Anxiety Scale (MARS-I) by Karimi (2008).Students’ final examination marks in mathematics subject were considered as academic performance scores of mathematics. Results indicated that there is a significant difference in academic performance of students by mathematics anxiety. There is no significant difference in academic performance of students by mathematics anxiety when an effect of IQ has been removed statistically. This implies that the difference in students’ academic performance in mathematics on the basis of their mathematics anxiety arose on account of their IQ rather than their mathematics anxiety. There is significant difference in academic performance of students by mathematics anxiety when effect of SES has been removed statistically. It may be concluded that the academic performance of students with low mathematics anxiety is significantly greater than that of students with moderate mathematics anxiety after controlling for their SES. The findings of the study would enable teachers to develop programmes to facilitate academic performance of students from different SES backgrounds and with different levels of IQ.
Title: Translating Quality Management Principles (ISO 9000:2005 and 9004:2009) for Open and Distance Education Institutions
Abstract :

The ISO 9000 series defines quality management system standards applicable in the product market to address the customer satisfaction, increasing market share, revenue generation, sustenance of product and research & development for further improvement in marketing and brand recognition. The eight basic principles derived, based on the experiences and knowledge of experts and practitioners, for quality management and quality assurance, are responsible for development and maintenance of ISO 9000 standards (ISO 9000:2005 & 9004:2009, 2005, 2009). In this paper, we have discussed how this experience and knowledge on quality management and assurance be translatedwith appropriate contextualization foropen and distance education institutions, which impart education ‘with a difference’.Can the principles be used by education providers to devise a framework to transform university system towards learner-oriented effective and assured quality learning? We have made an effort to suggest quality parameters fordelivery of education through ODL mode.

Title: Teacher Efficacy of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to their Teaching Competency
Abstract :

The purpose of the present study is to investigate the relationship between teacher efficacy and teaching competency of secondary school teachers. The study also examined the differences in teacher efficacy and teaching competency of secondary school teachers with respect to locale and gender. For this, 200 respondents from Gurdaspur city were selected. The results of the investigation revealed that no significant gender difference in scores of teacher efficacy and teaching competency. The study further revealed that there is significant difference in teacher efficacy and teaching competency of secondary school teachers with respect to locale. However negative relationship between teacher efficacy and teaching competency of secondary school teachers is found.

Title: The Enrichment of Teaching Techniques in a Professional Career
Abstract :
Professional development is an ongoing endeavour for the faculty members, who are teaching to professional students. It is never too late to learn or improve oneself. What is taught? How is it taught? are inextricably linked and very much dependent on each other. The faculty should know the teaching techniques to deliver their content and meet the requirements of the targeted students. Content matter should be updated, stands as an example of practical application, change according to the emerging technologies.
Title: Quality education in higher learning under– multi-lingual society in A&N Islands
Abstract :

Today education is a selling commodity, like other goods /things in the markets. The globalization of education has opened the door of exchange of education opportunity and value across the boundary of the countries .The Indian education has been extended overwhelming over last few decades .As a result, from school to universities, the number of institutions has been increasing like mushrooms. Education becomes a profitable business for investors .It’s right to say investors in education may call promoters, who promotes education and get profits from markets of students. Therefore , a group of people from all walk of life in the society invested their money ,power or position to set up educational institute under the banner of trusty, foundation or charity .Specially , professional colleges in the line of engineering, medical , management are coming up even in the interior areas. India’s diverse socio-cultural ethos and lingua-franca have introduced education in any dimensions. Language base education leads by state and religion created different kind of culture of educational atmosphere within campus .The multi-lingual education leads a mixed atmosphere in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands education and its basic philosophy. This multi-community linguistic society leads a unique and different kind of academic atmosphere in islands education system both in schools and higher learning institutions. Multi-lingual education in a single campus faces a number of challenges, which affected the student’s unity and also disintegrated the professional atmosphere of the faculty. The socio- cultural multi-dimension aspects put the hardship for maintaining the disciplines of the students .Restriction on medium of instruction is giving a tough challenge to refreshers, who entering in the higher learning campus .Students fresh out of school need a period of academic thawing in terms of academic atmosphere, medium of instruction new approach of analysis of new curriculums under degree courses.

Title: A Study of the Value among Prospective Teachers (B.Ed Students)
Abstract :

Values are a precipitate of behaviour. They are established predispositions of behaviour. They are what is attractive to a person, they operate as criteria for making judgment between alternative cause of action and they directly influence the quality of the person’s behaviour and decision as a rule, the person adopts those values which help him to achieve the ends he desires and which are at the same time sanctioned by the group with which he is identified, his values are thus influenced by and are reflections of his personality. The main purpose of the research was to study the value of prospective teachers as they are the future teachers and many at times become the role models for their students. The researcher took 100 prospective teachers from two colleges of education under C.C S University. The sample was selected using random stratified sampling method. Teacher values inventory by Dr. (Mrs.) Harbhajan. L. Singh and Dr. S.P. Ahluwalia were used for the study. The analysis and interpretation of the data was done by calculating the Mean scores of the values and assigning ranks to those scores. The major findings of the study were: Male and female prospective teachers differ in their value and its Dimensions. The Male prospective teachers gave first preference to Aesthetic, Social, political, and theoretical value and female prospective teachers prominence to overall value, Religious and economic values.

Title: Revisiting Ideas of Assessment through the Work of Alfred Binet
Abstract :

This paper examines the work of Alfred Binet, best known for the invention of the Intelligence Quotient (IQ) scale with respect to his ideas on the assessment of various attributes of children. This exploration is anchored in an analysis of his final work ‘Modern Ideas of Children’, published in 1911 and which was a review of thirty years of his own experimental work in this area. His understanding of ‘modernity’ in the field of pedagogical sciences was tied to a faith in the application of the scientific method (systematic observation, measurement and experimentation) to reveal the ‘real’ nature of human beings. This is reflected in his consistent engagement with the question of what aspects of a child’s being are measurable and under what conditions. In his perspective the teacher had to play a critical role in the assessment of a student’s potential and his work was an attempt to demonstrate how the teacher could use the scientific method within the context of the classroom to improve his or her pedagogy. Equipped with the right diagnostic tools and methods, he envisioned the teacher as playing an important role in ameliorating social problems such as poverty. These insights continue to be relevant a century after the first publication of Binet’s work.

Title: Productivity, Work Values, and Teaching Effectiveness of Science Teachers in Capiz State University
Abstract :

This study was conducted to determine the teaching effectiveness, productivity, and work values of Science teachers in Capiz State University for the School Year 2014-2015 to shed light on the long- debated question of whether performance in one area enhances performance in the other, or so. It is a well-known idea that effectiveness, productivity and work values are interrelated, which could lead to the improvement of educational standards because they help boost students’ ability to become knowledgeable, productive and responsive individuals. This survey-correlation study was conducted to a total population of 35 Science teachers, 24 administrators, and 375 randomly selected students from 9 of the 10 campuses of Capiz State University. There is no significant difference in the teaching effectiveness of science teacher according to the level of their productivity. Furthermore, science teachers were found to be effective at work regardless of their work values. Productivity, work values, and teaching effectiveness were not significantly related to one another.

Title: Reflective Teaching of Secondary Teachers in relation with their Attitude towards Action Research and Some Other Variables
Abstract :

Reflective teaching and action research are the very important component of qualitative teaching-learning process. The main purpose of action research is to explore the new knowledge and strategy to sort out the immediate as well as local educational problems and to ensure the quality of education, and on the other hand reflective teaching is considered as the core ability to be a successful as well as innovative teacher. Action research is considered as an important tool of reflective teaching too. Reflective teaching and conduction of action research to solve the immediate problems are associated with each other in their aim and creative as well as scientific way of work. An individual can only make focus on the process of research if he/she motivated enough to do so and have positive attitude towards it. This study was conducted to know the relationship between reflective teaching and attitude towards action research of secondary teachers. To know the effect of their service condition and types of associated school of secondary teachers were other objectives of the study. The findings of the study showed a positive relationship between reflective teaching and attitude towards action research of secondary teachers. A significant effect on the level of reflective teaching and attitude towards action research was revealed from the study.

Title: Energy Crisis & Consumerist Culture: Applying Sociological Perspectives
Abstract :

Every year we celebrate December 14 as World Energy Conservation day, however the deliberations in academic and diplomatic discussions have not yielded the desired results in terms of conservation of energy resources in the world. On the other hand, the energy requirements of the world are supposed to rise in future and so is the need for efficient use as well as conservation of the available resources of energy. The amount of energy to be used, the type of resources to be harnessed and the pattern of unorganised or organised distribution of the energy are largely determined by the culture of the societies. The argument put forth in this research paper is that the rising consumer culture in modern societies is leading towards reckless use of energy resources. There is a dire need for refocusing on the critical theories that target the capitalist model of development and try to understand the forces which undermine the critical thinking skills of the individuals. The goal of energy conservation is very difficult to be achieved in the culture of consumerism. This article thus questions the energy scenario of the world based upon the Conflict and Critical perspectives in sociology.

Title: Impact of Technology on Student’s Way of Perceiving Information
Abstract :
There are several reasons to justify to study technology and more than ever, today, it does makes sense to ponder over an imperative question i.e. how or whether technology affects the student learning perception of information in classrooms. Technology has the potential to engage students in meaningful learning, where students actively process and interpret the information through use of different technological modes such as e-journals, e-books, online libraries. In order to improve the prevailing teaching and learning process it is necessary to utilize the maximum technology based learning. Thus, keeping present scenario in mind, the current study was undertaken to find out how students can improve their academic pursuits with latest information technology materials and usage of advanced teaching-learning materials.
Title: Priming Pre-Service Teachers for Managing Students’ Behaviour in the Classroom: An Indian Study
Abstract :
Priming pre-service teachers in identifying behavioural issues in students and their management in the classroom is important, especially prior to be on-job. Mock classrooms, if created optimally, would assist them to practice the solutions using required skills of a 21st century’s teacher. Such practices, with time, motivate and make them confident in handling issues that may arise in the classroom. This paper describes how from a mock classroom, various issues have been identified and their corresponding solutions knitted. The study concludes that interpersonal communication through rapport building facilitates a seamless connection between the teacher and a student. Rapport Building is pivotal in handling most of the behavioral issues in a classroom for all the levels of study, such as the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP).
Title: Approaches to the Development of Moral Structure among Students: A Case Study of Neo-Humanist Schools
Abstract :

The present study explored the dimensions of morality in Neo-humanist Education. The research is designed to investigate how the philosophical perspectives of Neo-humanism are realized in practical field. The study focused on the approaches adopted in Neo-humanist Schools for enhancing morality among children. In order to validate data, both philosophical perspectives and empirical investigations are undertaken by the researcher. Three schools from North Bengal based on Neo-humanism principle and ideology are selected using purposive sampling techniques. Case study method is adopted to undertake this research with observation and semi-structured interview as tool. Data are collected from students, teachers and parents and analyzed qualitatively. The study found that the curriculum of Neo-humanist School is designed for early intervention of moral development among students. It is also found that the interactional approach in resolving conflict and improving interpersonal relationships are highlighted in school curriculum. Thus, the mature moral orientation in childhood initiates the development of moral structure or conscience. Some empirical evidences are also included here to support this study.

Title: Effects of Constructive Instruction on Students’ Academic Achievement at Elementary School Level
Abstract :
The major purpose of the study was to find out the effect of traditional and constructivist instructional methods on students’ learning achievement in the subject of social studies. It was an experimental study and for this purpose the
researchers developed lesson plans for teaching of social studies. These lesson plans were tested through practical teaching within 8th grade level class by comparing it with teaching of same level group through traditional instruction.
The data for the study was collected through administration of teacher made achievement test (TMAT) (pre and post setting of experiment). The major finding inferred from the study was that constructive instruction was more conducive for enhancing learning achievement of students than traditional instruction.
Title: External influence, policy transfer and national ownership: A case on primary education of Bangladesh
Abstract :

This paper aims to explain ‘how the development partners have worked to transfer policies in primary education of Bangladesh’, followed by an assessment of national policy ownership in context of external policy influence in the sector. The external development partners’ mode and nature of the policy influence has taken the form of ‘emulation’ in primary education sector. Emulation entails making, by the development partners, the funds and policy ideas available for reforms in educational development projects and programmes. They have tried down various modalities and by the way they have consolidated their position in directing primary educational development by introducing sector-wide approach. Together with this, they have imported many reforms from the outside in the education system. Empowering schools to prepare school improvement plans within the second primary education development program is an example of external policy transfer. This raises questions about government’s leadership in educational development policies. Lack of national policy ownership weakens ministerial accountability to the government or the parliament. National capacity constraints, uncertainty of national education policy, and resistance of the domestic interest groups to local reforms are some of key bottlenecks towards promoting national stewardship in policy domain.

Title: Level of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies among Bachelor Science Degree Students
Abstract :

The present study is an attempt to assess the Level of Self-Regulated Learning Strategies among Bachelor Science Degree Students with Different Combination of Subjects who affiliated to University of Mysore. Convenience sampling technique was used to select the Colleges in Mysore city. Proportion random sampling technique was used to draw final year from different types of colleges giving representation to their Gender and Different Combination of Subjects. Totally 254 Students were selected according to the table of Krejcie and Morgan. The Motivational Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) was employed to assess the Level of SRLS in total and component wise. Descriptive statistics have been employed to analyze the data descriptively. The findings indicated majority of Students have exhibited average Level of SRLS in total and in all its Scales.

Title: Understanding Discourse; from Theory to Method
Abstract :

Critical discourse analysis presents a paradigmatic shift in the ways many scholars envisage studies related to critical linguistics, education, health, politics and cultural studies from past 15 years. Norman Fairclough has been the most influential figure in presenting a coherent framework of analysis for same. The paper attempts to present related theoretical and methodological presumptions of the theorist aiming to infer a coherent and rationalized understanding of CDA. The paper first introduces the term discourse and its conceptualizations as done from the perspective of attempting a social analysis. Then after by explicating a link between language and power the paper presents different discourse analysis schools that are present in academia. Then the paper introduces CDA as a perspective from Norman Fairclough’s point of view and reflects on its potentialities as a tool for critical social analysis. In the same pursuit the paper also evaluates its difference from critical linguistics and post structuralism. Finally the paper attempts to conclude by quoting the criticisms of CDA and framing a response to them on the basis of the discussions done during the paper.

Title: Employability Gap? An Assessment of Business School Students in Maharashtra
Abstract :
Around 90,000 students appear, each year, for the Maharashtra State Common Entrance Test (CET) conducted by the Directorate of
Technical education (DTE), the educational authority of technical education in Maharashtra, to get an admission into an MBA college in Maharashtra but only around 35,000 students graduate each year with a coveted Master of Management Studies (MMS) degree in the hope that it would land them a high paying job in a top organization. But are these students really the crème de la crème of management education? Are they well equipped with the business knowledge, skills, and attitude (KSA) that today’s competitive environment demands? Many corporates seem to disagree, citing fundamental problems within the management education system. This paper will look into these problems which have created an employability gap among management students and would provide answers on how these problems can be tackled across the three main streams of business education-Human resources, Marketing, and Finance. Later, the paper will provide insights into how the structure of management education in Maharashtra can be strengthened. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews that were conducted with the following principal actors in management education: Current management students, management students who have completed a year in an organization, faculty from business schools across Maharashtra, recruiters who conduct campus placement interviews, and, finally, functional managers to whom these students would report to at work. The paper has huge implications for the management educational authorities and business schools in Maharashtra, India.
Title: Information Science: A Potential interdisciplinary field with Historical Perspectives and Future Potentials
Abstract :

Information Science is one of the important term in this new millennium. Information Science is applicable in so many sector and domain and departments. As Information Science is a mainly deal with information activities; such as collection, selection, organization, processing, management and dissemination and thus it is needed each and every where; directly and indirectly. Information Science is most interdisciplinary field and combines with so many other domain and discipline for better information processing and management. Virtually, the perception on Information Science differs generation wise or according to the age. Today Information Science is treated as most important domain of Applied Science but earlier it is also treated as domain of Social Science and describes various characteristics of this domain with changing scenario. Information Science and various perceptions on this domain is also illustrated in this paper in brief manner.

Title: Teacher Stress in Relation to Creative Management, Institutional Performance and Gender of College Principals in Teacher Education Institutions
Abstract :

The present study was conducted to study the teacher stress in relation to creative management and institutional performance in teacher education institutions. In order to conduct present study 450 teacher educators with doctorate degree and without doctorate degrees, with different levels of experience were selected from 45 selected colleges of education taking 10 teachers from each institution were selected randomly. Institutional Performance Scale & Creative Management Scale prepared by the investigator and Teacher Stress Questionnarie (Otto (1983) and Adapted by Max Smith and Sid) were used as tools for the present study. The findings of the study revealed that in good performing institutions, teacher educators experience significantly less stress related to students and physical conditions, time pressure and lack of reward and recognition except conflicts than their counterparts in poor performing institutions. Teacher educators of the colleges with female principals were more stressed due to conflict, students & physical conditions and lack of reward & recognition except time pressure than those in the institutions with male principals. Female principals of institutions with poor performance has significantly higher teacher stress than colleges with male principals of institutions with good performance, colleges with male principals of institutions with poor performance and colleges with female principals of institution with good performance. There is a negative relationship between creative management and teacher stress.

Title: Mental Health: An Evocator of Emotional Competence of Prospective Teachers
Abstract :
Affective domain of behavior is of paramount importance for the well being of an individual. Emotions, an important construct of this domain play significant rolein the over-all development of a person’s personality, character and general well-being. To handle the emotions cautiously and making the balance in complicated situations depicts emotional competence of a person. This paper reports on mental health as an evocator of emotional competence. The purpose of the present investigation was to study the mental health as an evocator of emotional competence of prospective teachers with respect to social category, gender and their interactional effect. The sample comprised 200 students of educational colleges of district of Rohtak in the state of Haryana. Scale of Emotional Competence Scale (SEC) by Sharma and Bhardwaj (1998) and Mental Health Battery (MHB-ss) by Singh & Gupta (revised in 2008) were administered to ascertain the mental health as evocator of emotional competence of prospective teachers. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data. The findings of the study revealed that prospective teachers
belonging to general and reserved categories were found to be significantly different in their emotional competence where as total score obtained by general category was higher than their counterparts. Male and female prospective teachers were found significantly different at 0.05 level of significance in their emotional competence where as male prospective teachers were better than female prospective teachers in their emotional competence. A significant difference was also found in the level of mental health of prospective teachers. It was concluded that interaction effect of type of social category *gender, type of gender * level of mental health and type of social category * level of mental health of prospective teachers came out to be significant but the interaction among three variables was not found significant at any level of significance.
Title: Self-concept of Visually Impaired and Normal Students in Relation to their Socio-economic Status
Abstract :

Self- Concept is an important factor related to the achievement of every individual. For ages, educators have held that formation of self-concept is one of the aim of education and in some instances, the primary aim. It includes what people come to know about themselves through experience, reflection and feedback from others. On the other hand the other factor that acts upon the personality development is socio-economic status. The social and economical condition of the family has a direct effect in the upbringing of a child. The aim of the study is to find out the level of self-concept of visually impaired and normal students, to compare it on the basis of socio-economic status and to find out the interaction effect of types of students and socio-economic status on the basis of self-concept. Normative Survey method was applied and 200 normal and 200 visually impaired students of classes VI to XII were selected randomly from total 10 Secondary and Higher Secondary Schools of Dehradun and Haridwar districts of Uttarakhand. ANNOVA statistical technique was applied for data analysis. After interpretation of data it was found that normal students have better self-concept at every dimension i.e. Social, Physical, Temperamental, Educational, Moral, Intellectual and Total as compared to visually impaired students, whereas socio-economic status, when joint together are found insignificant at all the above mentioned dimensions of self-concept of visually impaired and normal students. It is suggested to Parents, Teachers, Curricula Makers, Counselors, Students, Society and Government that they should be well aware to the findings of the study and should take appropriate steps to increase visually impaired students’ self-concept so that they may cope with the society with their maximum output.

Title: Digital Pedagogy in Teacher Education: A Need of the Hour
Abstract :

Digital pedagogy can be defined as a use of electronic elements to enhance or to change experience of teacher education. The simple use of PowerPoint in the classroom to the Khan Academy’s exhortation to “flip the classroom,” and the massive growth of Open Online Courses (MOOCs), all are included in digital pedagogy. Apart from these, digital pedagogy also include blogging assignments, the use of social media in the classroom, “forking” syllabi with GitHub, and engaging students to use digital tools to test ideas. Therefore, digital pedagogy is no less than an attempt to use technology for changing teaching and learning in a variety of ways. Academic interest in digital pedagogy has taken its own toll. Digital pedagogy centred journals such as Hybrid Pedagogy and the Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy was launched in 2011. Paul Fyfe argued that a simple incorporation of a tool in a lecture, without any reflection on how the lecture from itself should evolve, is pretty much the same as a lecture without tool. This paper tries to define digital pedagogy in a broad way.

Title: Issues and Challenges Facing Educators in Perspective Era
Abstract :

Now teaching is recognized as one of the most challenging and respected career choices, absolutely vital to the social, cultural, and economic health of our Nation. I would like to explain how teachers role are change in perspective era. Teachers’ role differs from the old show-and-tell practices. Teachers description their professional aims and needs for the future. We are going to look at teachers changing role in the 21st century. The teacher’s new role is inevitable. It is the challenge of modern times and social needs. In their new role, teachers should support both the students and their parents. Teachers should act as guides for their students and direct them in their individual processes of development, taking into reflection the challenges of the globalisation development. The rapid changing world of the early 21st century communal education is also changing. As part of the changes the role of schools and education will also be different both in the educational system and in the society. Together with them the role of teachers will also change. In my Article, I am explored how the novel communal challenges and demands towards education and teachers change schools into institutions with modern aims and social contracts. We are going to describe the distinctive features of professional teachers.

Title: Well-being as Health Promoting Behaviour: Positive Psychology Perspective
Abstract :

The present study addresses to an imperative fundamental goal i.e. everyone wants to live in happy, healthy and fulfilling ways. Health and well-being do not belong to books and newspapers rather it belongs in our everyday life, where it can matter so much. Cultivating its components should be an important goal for all- parents, educators, citizens and in particular youth as these goals are fundamental human desires and rights. Hence, within vicinity of Positive psychology, the first generation of research arrived as an identification of authentic happiness theory (the pleasant life, the good life, the meaningful life). The second generation of research draws closer to the notion of well-being as it refers to both, a person’s state of happiness and health. Thus, the present study is at an advanced league of the second generation of research where in an effort is made to reflect and utilize positive psychological tools i.e. positive belief, positive education and positive nutrition which if cultivated and imbibed would help pave way towards health promoting behaviour, life satisfaction and well-being.

Title: Career Priority and Motivation for Achievement of Female Academicians: The Work-Family Conflict
Abstract :
The relationship between work and family seeks attention within the last 20 years in relation to the significant changes that occur in the workforce resulting in changes in family structure and the nature of the work. Professionally aspiring women, on the other hand, were much less likely to choose a familyaccommodated pattern; they were more likely to choose one of the career-centered life styles. Changes to the family and the working environment are caused by both the increasing participation of women
in the workforce, as well as the growing number of married couples having dual income. The pattern of dual earning families began to replace the traditional family pattern as the dominant family model, thereby causing a shift in family models. This literature study aims at exploring this in Indian context. This paper attempts to address the challenges for career women in teaching profession and the family dynamics that act as performance constraints.
Title: Secondary Education in India: An Analysis of Status and Accessibility
Abstract :
Educational development is a mean to achieve overall development in a country. It is a well-known fact that the human resource development cannot be possible without ensuring the spread of education among the masses. Secondary education serves as a link between the elementary and higher education, and plays a very important role in this respect. This paper explores the status of secondary education in India. It briefly presents the provisions made under schemes like RMSA for strengthening the secondaryschools in Indiatill the end of 11th five year plan.Though access in terms of availability in secondary schools is satisfactory, picture of provision of facilities in the secondary schools is bleak. Although enough number of teachers are available in secondary schools yet pupil teacher ratio is quite dismal. Further, the availability of trained teachers in secondary schools are the big issue.All data used in it have been taken from Secondary Education Management Information System (SEMIS) for the year 2009-10. This paper is divided into three sections. Introduction and development of secondary education is discussed in first section. In the second section access to Secondary Education is discussed. The third section embodies concluding remarks and policy implication.
Title: The Personal Professional Development of Pre-service Teachers: A Study of Narratives
Abstract :
Understanding the process of the personal and professional development of pre - service teachers is significant in exploring their potential for self-growth and evolution into reflective practitioners. The present study embarks on a thematic analysis of the narrative texts of the reflective journals of six pre-service teachers who were placed in the same school for their internship. The framework in which the analysis has been done focuses on three dimensions: (i) engagement with learners (ii) transaction of the teaching learning processes; and (iii) self concept as a teacher. The findings of the study emphasize two important aspects: the role of reflection in the personal professional development of prospective teachers and the need for a paradigm shift from a uniform, institution-built approach to teacher development to a context related, flexible and reflection oriented mentoring approach that acknowledges the voices and experiences of the evolving teachers.
Title: Status of Reading Technological Devices for Students with Visual Impairment in South Zone of Delhi’s Inclusive Schools
Abstract :
A sighted student read text books or novel or magazine or comics etc. in his daily life as per his choice, means he can read independently whatever he wants to read. But a student who has lost his vision cannot read as per his/her choice due to his/her limitation to see. For example if a student with visual impairment wants to read comics ‘Chacha Chudhary’ then s/he would be unable to read it himself, s/he needs help of other sighted student who read it for him. So for day to day reading purpose student with visual impairment totally depends on sighted student, which is the major barrier for inclusive and independent society. Technological devices are instrument to reduce the limitation of these students, and empowered them to do work easily, gain knowledge and enjoy during leisure time. These devices are also playing an important role in education of students with and without disability; it has changed the entire scenario of education of these students. For students with visual impairment, the importance of technological device is more than sighted students, because it reduces the limitation of vision loss and helps them to learn as par sighted students. To get the benefit of the technological devices, availability is the first most important criteria. Since many researches (Hosmer, 1995; Rocklage, Gillett, Preschong, & Delohery, 1995; Parette et al., 2006; Judge, Floyd, & Jeffs, 2008; Matzen et al., 2010) have proved that technology is an important vehicle for inclusive education and its availability for students with disabilities improve their performance and they take full advantages of education. Hence the question arises that are the reading technological devices for students with visual impairment available in schools? To find out the answer of this question this topic was selected for the study. The study was conducted in the Government funded schools of south zone of Delhi. The glimpse of the study is as follows:
Objective: The objective of the study was to find out the status of reading technological devices for students with visual impairment in south zone of Delhi’s inclusive schools.
Method: Descriptive survey method was used to collect data with the help of Checklist cum questionnaire schedule. The sample of the study was 15 schools of three Educational Districts of Delhi.
Results: Results show that very few reading technological devices for students with visual impairment were available in those schools where special education teachers were posted, but where these teachers were not posted, the status of availability of these devices was not good.
Conclusion: International Agencies, Centre & State Govt. of India have made so many Schemes, Policies and Acts, but problems exist somewhere in implementation stage, that’s why situation at gross root level is not up to the mark.
Title: Relationship between Brick and Mortar stores and m-commerce facilitates customers towards shopping online
Abstract :

With m-commerce booming in India, numerous delivery-dark regions have been identified where even though the scope of m-commerce or e-commerce exists, delivery is close to impossible. The question arises of how m-commerce and e-commerce can tap this market segment to cater to the 75 million m-commerce ready consumers (Rau, 2011). The survey conducted for this study using 48 randomly selected consumers also clearly brought out that there lies a missing block to be filled, that can bring a lot many customers under the M-commerce umbrella. A unique payment mode other than the existing ones and delay in delivery are the main issues that need to be taken care of.Here’s where local brick and mortar stores can be turned into dealers and delivery drop off points for these inaccessible delivery-dark customers. The model works on “only cash” payment system which is preferable for people who do not trust the online payment system or may not be eligible for a credit or debit card. This model is simple and benefits all the three entities involved - the consumer, the brick and mortar store and, of course, the e-commerce / m-commerce site.

Title: Priming Pre-Service Teachers for Managing Students’ Behaviour in the Classroom: An Indian Study
Abstract :

Priming pre-service teachers in identifying behavioural issues in students and their management in the classroom is important, especially prior to be on-job. Mock classrooms, if created optimally, would assist them to practice the solutions using required skills of a 21st century’s teacher. Such practices, with time, motivate and make them confident in handling issues that may arise in the classroom. This paper describes how from a mock classroom, various issues have been identified and their corresponding solutions knitted. The study concludes that interpersonal communication through rapport building facilitates a seamless connection between the teacher and a student. Rapport Building is pivotal in handling most of the behavioral issues in a classroom for all the levels of study, such as the Primary Years Programme (PYP), Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP).

Title: Teaching the relationship between man and nature in Environmental Literacy with the help of Transformative learning through Art in Adult Education
Abstract :

This conceptual paper focuses on the relationship between man and nature, allowing the students to develop critical thinking and transformative learning through art. Art develops imagination and aesthetic experience offers the possibility to process many symbols and makes the expression of multiple meanings possible. The paper shows how the authors encouraged their trainees at the Second Chance School, Greece, to consider ways in which nature and the environment benefit humans in everyday life. Then the students were divided into groups of four and prompted to write down their thoughts, which were immediately shared in class generating a discussion, which revolved around two critical questions: a) Can contact with nature make you a better person? b) Does the love of nature imply love for life? Subsequently, some teaching media were used to help the trainees process and correlate the questions to be raised. The trainees described the feelings experienced by interacting with each project separately and discussed the role of nature in improving the aesthetics and the psyche of a person. According to them, they experienced the intensity, balance and harmony that were emitted by the texts and the painting and enjoyed the descriptive images and the beauty of the landscape. This was followed by the reflection on the deeper meaning of each supervisory instrument separately and the role of the environment in shaping individual emotions. The experience of this course has led the authors to believe that nature can nourish students; vision and creativity; however, empirical research is required to further explore this important subject.

Title: Approaches to Learning Among Professional Students in Relation to Professional Courses and Academic Achievement
Abstract :
The present study attempts to identify approaches to learning among professional students in relation to professional courses and achievement. Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students (ASSIST) was used to measure approaches to learning among professional students pursuing their studies in management, computer application, engineering and medical courses. A representative sample of 819 professional students enrolled in third year, 495males and 324 females, was drawn on random basis while giving due weightage to gender. The results of analysis of variance on the basis of 4x2 factorial design with n=20 in each group revealed that there are significant differences in approaches to learning among professional students. The students of medical course report significantly higher mean deep learning approach than the students of computer application, engineering and management courses. The students of medical course and computer application course report significantly higher mean strategic learning approach score than their counterparts pursuing their studies in engineering and management courses. The students of management course report significantly higher mean surface learning approach score than their engineering,
computer application and medical courses counterparts. The professional students with high and average achievement report significantly higher mean deep learning approach score from their counterparts with low achievement. The mean strategic learning approach scores of low achiever professional students are significantly lowest than their average and high achiever counterparts. The low achiever professional students have significantly higher mean surface learning approach score than their average and higher achiever counterparts.
Title: A Study of personality of the pass outs of jawahar navodaya vidyalayas
Abstract :

A study was done with the objectives to explore the personality characteristics of the pass outs of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya by using Sixteen Personality Factor (16 PF) Questionnaire prepared by S.D. Kapoor. The selection of the pass outs was done from the six Jawahar Navodya Vidyalaya located in Madhya Pradesh. The purpose of the study to explore the personality characteristics of the pass outs and find out differences between rural-urban and male-female students. The result revealed that rural and urban pass outs are similar in 13 personality factors. Significant differences are found in only 3 factors. As for as male and female pass outs are concerned, the significant difference are found in 6 personality factors.

Title: Sociology in Our Lives: Premise and Promise
Abstract :
Sociology engages with the processes responsible for ordering of social reality and knowledge in accordance with socially generated and validated concepts. It builds on a premise that human lives are primarily ‘social’ and thereby their inter-connections and interactions constitute the subject matter of a discipline which is rooted in and concerned with the human quest to understand our social world. Sociology has survived through many limiting traditions or methodological orientations and has continued to evolve in its uniquely self-reflexive manner around the questions which brought it in existence. The
urge to understand the human condition and produce knowledge which can liberate/emancipate is as central to the sociological research in the present as it has been in the past.
Title: A Study of Self-efficacy and Mental Health among Primary School Teachers
Abstract :

This study aims to investigate the relationship of Self-efficacy and Mental Health among primary school teachers based on their gender (male and female), marital status (married and unmarried) and type of institution/locale (urban and rural). The sample comprised of 104 primary school teachers, among them there were 53 male teachers and 51 female teachers, 46 were married teachers and 58 were unmarried teachers, 47 teachers were from rural areas and 57 were from urban areas at primary school level. Teachers were asked to complete the Teacher Self-efficacy scale and Teacher Mental Health scale. The mean scores of the collected data were compared through t-test and Pearson correlation was also used to analyze the data. The results revealed that there is no significant difference between mean scores of Self-efficacy and Mental Health of primary school teachers on the basis of their gender and type of their institution but on the basis of their marital status there is a significant difference in the mean scores of Self-efficacy of married and unmarried primary school teachers where as the mean scores of Mental Health of married and unmarried primary school teachers have no significant difference. Further the result of Pearson correlation shows that there is no significant relationship between Self-efficacy and Mental Health of primary school teachers.

Title: Linking Job Satisfaction and Stress: An Empirical Study on the Perception of Para-Teachers
Abstract :
The study was conducted to examine the relationship between stress and job satisfaction among Para-teacher belonging to government aided schools of West Bengal under West Bengal Board of Secondary Education and West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education. 84 Parateachers (appointed as part-time or contractual teachers on certain terms and conditions which are different from the regular teachers) participated in the study and their responses were collected randomly. Quantitative research methodology with a cross-sectional survey design was appropriate. Data was collected by two close-ended questionnaires developed by the researchers. The relation between the two variables was further analyzed on the basis of gender (male and female), age group (below 30 years and above 30 years) and educational
qualification (With and without B.Ed.). By employing Pearson correlation method it was found that a negative correlation exists between stress and job satisfaction. The rate of stress increases when people were not satisfied with their job. The correlation and Fisher’s z results revealed that the male teachers and teachers who were highly qualified experienced more stress than that of female teachers and less qualified one’s respectively. However no significant correlation exists in terms of age group.
Title: Global Mindedness of School Teachers
Abstract :

The world today needs global citizens. Classrooms are places where such citizens could be shaped and teachers would need to shoulder this responsibility. It needs to be seen what is the level of global mindedness among teachers. The study aimed at finding out the extent of global mindedness among Arts and Science teachers. The descriptive survey method conducted, revealed that the Arts teachers showed a higher level of global mindedness than the Science teachers. However both the groups showed very low extent of Global centrism, thus indicating that the teachers would need to consider the global good over only local or national good. Hence there needs to be conscious efforts to understand and develop global conciousness among the teachers so that they in turn imbibe this attitude among the learners.

Title: Personality and Adjustment of the passouts of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas
Abstract :

A study was conducted with the objective to explore the relationship between personality characteristics and adjustments of the pass outs of Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas. The sample of study was selected consisted of pass outs of different navodaya vidyalayas located in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The sample was selected by Stratified Random Sampling method. Adjustment Inventory for College Students developed by A.K.P. Sinha and R.P. Singh was used for the study of adjustment on home, health, emotional and educational areas. For the study of personality characteristics of the pass outs, Sixteen Personality Factor (16PF) questionnaire developed by S.D. Kapoor was used. Correlation coefficient has been computed in order to determine the relationship between the variables personality and Adjustments. The results revealed that the relationship between the personality and adjustment on five areas has not been found significantly for all the 16 personality factors and the areas of adjustments.

Title: What Makes an Effective Teacher in the 21st Century?
Abstract :

Present article aims to discuss issues related how to become an effective teacher in the 21st century? Significant numbers of research studies have already been conducted and have dealt the area related to qualities of effective teacher at length. But majority of existing studies have mentioned the qualities of teachers limited to subject knowledge, pedagogical skills, classroom management, organisational skills, skills of using ICTs, orientation to child psychology and philosophy of teaching. As it is obvious that students of present century are more aspirants with competitive temperament as compared to students of decades ago, and they expect their aspirations to be realised and fulfilled. An ordinary teacher may not be able to help them is such aspects as they may not be having certain personal and professional qualities needed to deal. Only an effective teacher imbibed with the 21st century teachers’ qualities may be in position to pacify the needs of the students of this century. The question is that what would be the qualities of an effective teacher? In reply, this article has made an attempt not only to incorporate the related studies’ suggestions into it but also suggested and mentioned certain essential qualities like trustworthy, passionate, committed, good planner, visionary, optimistic, facilitator and so on needed to become an effective teacher.

Title: Secondary Science Students’ Attitude Towards Biology in a Higher Secondary School in Punakha Dzongkhag
Abstract :

Identification of students’ attitude towards learning and to the subject is essential part of educational research. The main aim of the study was focused on exploring students’ level of attitude towards Biology and to find out factors which influence students’ attitude towards Biology. To conduct this research, the convergent parallel mixed method approach was employed. For this study, a total of two research instruments such as survey questionnaire and interview were used for 170 student participants and 3 Biology teachers. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was used to reduce the item’s data to different factors, and the average of each factor items were used in statistical analyses. The significant difference in students’ attitude towards Biology based on gender and grades was calculated using independent t-test and ANOVA. Similarly, the qualitative data collected through interview section were transcribed and coded. The thematic analysis was used to generate themes from the data and were triangulated with quantitative findings further augmented with literatures. The result from this study revealed that, the students’ grade level have significant influence over students’ attitude towards Biology. In all the three components, the higher grades demonstrated more favorable attitude as compared to the lower grades. With regard to gender it was found that both the genders have same attitude level to all the components except for subject preference where female shows more preference towards Biology. Females are more align than the males to Biology compared to Physics and Chemistry. The general attitude of the students was found to be at high and positive level. As positive attitude is necessary for the students, therefore, there is a need to enhance the positive attitude by teachers, parents, and any other relevant education stakeholders. Biology teachers should use more of the practical based lesson so as to make concept understandable to all students irrespective of their difference.

Abstract :Contents for the August Issue 2013
Title: Prospective Teacher’s Attitude towards the Use of ICT: A Comparative Study between C.C.S. University, Meerut & Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
Abstract :

The present study is an attempt to investigate prospective teacher’s attitude towards the use of ICT: a comparative study between C.C.S. University, Meerut & Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra. The objectives of the study were (1) To compare the attitude towards the use of ICT between male prospective teachers of C.C.S. University, Meerut and male prospective teachers of Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra. (2) To compare the attitude towards the use of ICT between female prospective teachers of C.C.S. University, Meerut and female prospective teachers of Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra. The sample for the study comprised of 80 prospective teachers of Saharanpur district and 80 prospective teachers of Yamuna Nagar district. “ICT Attitude Scale” was developed and standardized by the researcher with the help of his guide. The findings of the study indicate that there were no significant differences between prospective male teachers of C.C.S.U. Meerut and prospective male teachers of K.U. Kurukshetra on the dimension of “Knowledge”, “Presentation” and total “ICT Attitude Scale”. There were no significant differences between the attitude toward the use of ICT scores of prospective female teachers of C.C.S.U. Meerut & prospective female teachers K.U. Kurukshetra on the dimension of “Knowledge”, and female prospective teachers of K.U. Kurukshetra have more positive attitude rather than female prospective teachers of C.C.S. University Meerut on “Presentation” dimension of ICT attitude scale it is significant at 0.05 and 0.01 level of significant. There were no significant differences between the attitude toward the use of ICT scores of prospective female teachers of C.C.S.U. Meerut & prospective female teachers K.U. Kurukshetra on total “ICT Attitude Scale”.

Title: Academically Talented and Creatively Learning Disabled: How They differ on Achievement Motivation and Cognitive Style
Abstract :
Gifted students with learning disabilities are becoming more prevalent in the education system. Students with these characteristics have been filtering through the system for years, but just now being noticed. Gifted students with learning disabilities excel in one area, while struggling in another. Educators commonly overlook their abilities, which deny these students the chance to reach their full potential. In this paper an attempt has been made to compare creatively learning disabled with academically talented children in relation to their Achievement Motivation, and Cognitive Style. This study was conducted on a represented sample 280 students of grade VI-VIII drawn from 500 schools of Bareilly and Pilibhit district of U.P, India. It is evident from the present study that academically talented students are more achievement motivated than creatively learning disabled and it was also observed that there is no significant difference on cognitive style between the two said groups.
Title: Translation Enriches the Value of Education and Culture
Abstract :

Every human beings have a culture by which they are enrich and the make a complete society. The country men would not be prosperous without education and culture. It is the general knowledge of an individual about his identity and connection with the country and people he lives in. Culture is often confused with good manners and proper behavior. Culture has a much broader sense, which embraces everything which is unique, authentic for some country and its people. Culture as well as the language can be divided into the local and global people and the total heritages. The actual, rational limitation of translation is not given through the difference of languages, through languages as systems of signification, but through the reality brought to bearing the text. It should be emphasized only that which is said, only language in its sign function in the narrow sense, can be translated, but not extra lingual realities which the text presupposes nor the realities in the text, in so far as they function as realities. In a word, language makes the societies in compact. Education is another part of developmental issue of the societies. So the languages of the men should be universal understanding or should be translated in every language for the public convenience. The civilization, culture, religion etc. are transference among the different kinds of people or societies. For this the new thoughts, new ideas, science and concept growing up and spread through the languages. The local culture and foreign culture, local language and foreign language even the inclusive education enriches the value of humanity through this. Every writer, editor, schools, colleges and other educational bodies should translate their own speeches, lectures and articles in multi languages for the benefit of the whole societies and whole students.

Title: Cultural Incongruence in Science Class: Implication for Science Education
Abstract :
Science is a systematic and controlled extension of common sense where common sense is a series of concepts and conceptual schemas culturally sanctioned and considered as satisfactory for practical purposes. The belief in ordered nature that can be objectively observed with a rational outlook and
emphasis on verificationism are significant characteristic of the culture of science. Although science has been an inseparable part of all cultures, the modern science that emerged as a dominant culture in the past two and an half century is by and large considered by many and even projected by several nations as western in origin. Such delimiting of science obviously leads to sort of cultural wars specifically in the classrooms of young children. There are numerous instances where the ideas and beliefs in science are presented in the classroom colored by the western background of the proponent of the scientific claim and without any attempt to develop congruence between the universally accepted scientific view and the local views on the scientific phenomenon. Thus cultural war arises in the mind of the young learners. The mind war is even more prominent in the eastern countries where spiritualism and religious beliefs plays a major role in the life of young students and many often they find the scientific knowledge incompatible with their own cultural beliefs. The chasm therefore necessitates innovating and developing such strategies that are useful in the classroom in bridging the scientific claims and the cultural beliefs so that the students are able to better understand the universal nature of science rather than viewing it as a prerogative of certain part of the world. A multicultural perspective must be followed in a science classroom and help them in bringing cultural incongruency.
Title: A Critical Analysis of Adolescent’s Relationship with their Peers in the City of Mumbai
Abstract :
Adolescence is a period of life ranging from puberty to adulthood (roughly ages 12–20), characterized by marked physiological changes, development of sexual feelings, efforts toward the construction of identity, and a progression from concrete to abstract thought. Adolescence is a time when peers play an increasingly important role in the lives of youth. Teens begin to develop friendships that are more intimate, exclusive, and more constant than in earlier years. The objective of this study is to understand the relationship of adolescent girls with their peers. The study was conducted on 50 adolescent girls, falling under the age group of 18-20 years in the city of Mumbai. The outcome of the study reflected a negative, not so healthy relationship among the adolescents and their peers.
Title: Professional Development of 21st Century Teachers in Higher Education
Abstract :

The present research article aims to discuss the professional development of teachers in higher education in India. It also analysed the elements and area of professional development of teachers in 21st century. As it has been claimed that 21st century acting as an active force behind the rapid transition of higher education. Traditional means of knowledge are all most washed out by the scientific ways. Use of information and technology has got maximisation in each and every field of knowledge. The whole world is moving fast to make permanent impression in the world of knowledge. Nation after nation is coming forward with the novel facts of life. Researchers are getting acceleration in all the academic fields. Most of the countries are busy in restructuring their higher education system in order to survive in this competitive world. As the 21st century has brought about quantitative and qualitative changes in all the disciplines of knowledge. But we cannot ripe the fruits of such occurred and occurring transformations until we have professionally developed and trained teachers in higher education system. At present, in India several short terms and refreshers courses were mooted out by experts to train and develop the professional competency of university teachers. In India, most of the universities running refresher courses with the help of University Academic Staff colleges. These Academic Colleges are largely responsible to organise workshops and newly invented academic activities for the teachers’ professional development.

Title: Prosocial Behaviour among Senior Secondary School Students in Relation to their Home Environment
Abstract :

Prosocial behavior is any act performed with the goal of benefiting another person. It is the action to benefit other people like the act of donating, helping, cooperating, volunteering and sharing. Prosocial behavior develops gradually as a process of socialization.. Home appears to have positive influence in developing socialized traits of a child. Prosocial behavior of course has its roots in our social upbringing which starts at home. Keeping in view the importance of home environment as a factor to induce pro-social behavior among children, it was thought to conduct the study. The purpose of the study was to explore the prosocial behaviour of the senior secondary school students and to find out how home environment could be influencing the same. Descriptive survey method was used in this study to obtain pertinent and precise information. The sample of the study included 200 senior secondary school students selected by using simple random sampling technique from Jalandhar and Hoshiarpur districts of Punjab. For the purpose of drawing out the results, the investigator used statistical techniques like correlation, t-test, mean and standard deviation along with graphical presentations. The study revealed that there exists no significant difference between the senior secondary school boys and girls in their prosocial behaviour. Among the senior secondary boys and girls no significant difference in control, protectiveness and permissiveness dimensions of home environment was found. The study also revealed that there exists positive relationship between prosocial behavior and home environment dimensions like control, deprivation of privileges, nurturance and permissiveness of the senior secondary school students. However, prosocial behaviour of the senior secondary school students is not positively influenced by the home environment in protectiveness, punishment, conformity, social isolation, and reward and rejection dimensions.

Title: Mentoring System: A New Approach in Education
Abstract :

Advice and support from mentors are among the most important factors in determining the success of students’ doctoral education. Like any interpersonal relationship, the one between mentor and student will evolve over time, with its attendant share of adjustments. The fact that today’s students come from an increasingly diverse backgrounds may add a layer of complexity, but it’s more likely to enrich than confound the relationship. The actual role of the faculty or staff mentor is one of nurturing and providing support for a student during the difficult transition period. The mentor must also serve as a resource who will answer many questions, trivial or complex, that the student might pose. Most important, the mentor must serve as a positive role model. Mentoring is important, not only because of the knowledge and skills students can learn from mentors, but also because mentoring provides professional socialization and personal support to facilitate success in graduate school and beyond. Quality mentoring greatly enhances students’ chances for success. Research shows that students who experience good mentoring also have a greater chance of securing academic tenure-track positions, or greater career advancement potential. The present paper highlights the need of a mentor as well as the responsibilities of a teacher as a mentor.

Title: Study of Academic Career of Elementary Teacher Educators Working in DIETs of NCT Delhi
Abstract :

A good academic career is a requisite of a teacher or teacher educator. Academically qualified and professionally interested teacher-educators can train the trainees efficiently and impart them due and required knowledge, skills and training. Therefore, whether they possess the good academic record or not it becomes essential to be examined. Berlin (1993) highlights the importance of academically more proficient teachers who are more experienced, who are better educated, who work with smaller classes and are associated with smaller classes and are associated with students who work with smaller classes and are associated with students who demonstrate significantly higher achievement. This paper presents an effort to develop a profile of elementary teacher educators working in DIETs of NCT Delhi in terms of academic career.

Title: Information Processing System of the Visually Impaired Children in Relation to their Styles of Learning
Abstract :
Information processing system is very important in learning process. Children differ among themselves regarding their ability to organize information. Styles of learning are different ways through which a person learns. It’s commonly believed that most people have some particular method of interacting with, talking in, and processing stimuli or information. Keeping in view the importance of styles of learning and information processing system in the teaching learning process a study was conducted with the following objectives:- (i) to explore the information processing system of the visually impaired children, (ii) to identify the styles of learning of the visually impaired children, (iii) to find out the difference between the visually impaired boys and girls in their information processing system. (iv) to find out the difference between the visually impaired boys and girls in their styles of learning, and (v) to analyze the relationship between information processing system and styles of learning of the visually impaired children. The present study is descriptive survey type study. Collection of data was done on 150 visually impaired children. Simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample. Data collection was done by using
two standardized psychological tools namely; (i) PGI Memory Scale developed by Dwarka Prasad and N. N. Wig (1994) for exploring
information processing system, and (ii) Styles of learning by Joy Reid (1984). The collected data was subjected to appropriate statistical calculations. The t-test was applied to determine significant difference between the visually impaired boys and girls in information processing system and styles of leaning. The coefficient of correlation was calculated for studying relationship between information processing system and styles of learning of the visually impaired children. The result showed that there exists significant difference between the visually impaired boys and girls both in their information processing system and r styles of learning. There exists negative relationship between information processing system and styles of learning of the visually impaired children.
Title: Attitude of Secondary School Students towards Gender Responsive School Environment
Abstract :
A gender responsive school environment is one where the academic, social and physical environment and its surrounding community take into acscount the specific needs of both girls and boys. This study was designed to study the attitude of secondary school students towards gender responsive school
environment. The sample of the study was selected by random sampling method which includes 100 secondary school students of Kathua district. For data collection the investigator has used self-developed attitude scale for knowing the attitude of secondary schools student towards gender responsive school environment. The collected data was analyzed with the help of t-test. Research finding revealed that there exists significant gender difference in attitude of secondary school students towards gender responsive school environment. Finding also revealed that there exists significant difference in attitude of secondary school students towards gender responsive school environment with respect to type of schools. The study is also reflects the percentages of students having positive negative attitudes towards gender responsive school environment.
Title: Perspectives of University Teachers’ Regarding Inclusion of Students with Special Needs at University Level
Abstract :
Several initiatives have been taken to provide inclusive education at elementary level and secondary level but no significant step has been taken to create inclusive education at higher level. After successful
implementation of Sarva Siksha Abhiyan and Inclusive Education of the Disabled at Secondary Stage (IEDSS) it is high time to ensure inclusive education at higher level of education. Being positioned at the top of the educational pyramid, universities role is crucial to make inclusive education successful. One of the most significant factors regarding inclusion of students with special needs is teachers’ perspectives
regarding inclusive education of at university level. This paper has used the descriptive method to study the perspectives of thirty six university teachers regarding the inclusion at university level. The findings of the study indicate that teachers have positive perspectives regarding inclusive education of students with special needs at university level.
Title: A Critical Analysis of Adolescent’s Relationship with their Peers in the City of Mumbai
Abstract :

Adolescence is a period of life ranging from puberty to adulthood (roughly ages 12–20), characterized by marked physiological changes, development of sexual feelings, efforts toward the construction of identity, and a progression from concrete to abstract thought. Adolescence is a time when peers play an increasingly important role in the lives of youth. Teens begin to develop friendships that are more intimate, exclusive, and more constant than in earlier years. The objective of this study is to understand the relationship of adolescent girls with their peers. The study was conducted on 50 adolescent girls, falling under the age group of 18-20 years in the city of Mumbai. The outcome of the study reflected a negative, not so healthy relationship among the adolescents and their peers.

Title: Multilingualism as a Resource in Classroom: Promoting Linguistic Inclusion
Abstract :

Multilingualism is not a new phenomenon. Around the world, multilingualism is a relatively widespread phenomenon. It is essential for the field of language education to consider and make adjustments to this reality because multilingualism brings opportunities and problems for all educational systems. In fields like linguistics, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, and education, multilingualism can be researched from a variety of angles because it is a multifaceted phenomenon. The teaching environment is improving with time as a result of the growth of teaching resources, favouring multilingual education. Globalization is associated with the need to increase our understanding of individual and societal multilingualism. Adopting a worldwide multilingual strategy could be a smart move to promote linguistic and cultural equity, which would afterwards lead to sustainable development.

Title: From Interaction to Dialogue; Analyzing in the Context of Indian Classrooms
Abstract :

Classroom interactions have been one of the most examined topic for the researchers coming from social constructivist background. In the same regard Vygotskian work can be considered meaningful and evocative in understanding the joint construction of meaning through interactions. However, from the reality of multicultural societies and their background, a closer and deeper study of interactions is required. In this context, Bakhtin, a Russian philosopher, who has presented in his work, a detailed critical account of social understanding of language and its style of dialogue, provides a valuable perspective fulfilling this objective. By studying Bakhtin’s ideas related to dialogue, this essay attempts to explore their application in the context of classroom interactions. It has been attempted to analyze the social constructivist approach and its execution and implementation in Indian classrooms. Then after the same analysis has been scrutinized from the perspective of dialogue given by Bakhtin. The scrutiny has also resulted in a comprehensive comparison between Vygotskian framework of interaction and Bakhtinian understanding of discourse. At the end, the paper presents a concluding understanding of how classroom interactions should be understood and analyzed within contemporary scenario of changing curriculum, pedagogies and teacher- student relationship.

Title: Uniting Strides to Inspire Education — Educational Research and Brain Research
Abstract :
Recent researches in neuroscience and education have indicated a reciprocal relationship between the two research disciplines. Brain research has been contributing potential theoretical and conceptual knowledge on various
educational phenomenons like cognition, memory, attention, perception and so on. Educational research has been focusing on understanding the biological perspectives of education with a view to supplement its already accumulated
knowledge base. Both educational and brain research have their own distinct research culture and research areas. Yet, their recent strides show a tendency to converge on issues related to education. Brain research and educational research have its own strengths and limitations in informing each other.
Title: Academic Achievement of Secondary Level Students of Expatriate Parents in Relation to Parental Attention: A Study on the Students of Government, Aided and Unaided Schools
Abstract :
The study was conducted to find out the influence of parental attention on academic achievement of students of expatriate parents. The study particularly deals with the influence of parental attention on academic achievement of students of government, aided and unaided schools separately. The sample for the study was collected from various schools of Malabar region in the state of Kerala. Sample consists of 600 secondary school students whose fathers are working abroad of which 150 are from government schools, 240 are from aided schools and 210 are from unaided schools. A self made tool was used to measure the parental attention and the score of annual examination was taken as the indicator of academic
achievement. Mean standard deviation and t-test was used for analyzing data. Students were classified into three groups based on the parental attention they get; namely high attention group, average attention group and low attention group. A comparison of percentage of achievement was done further. The study revealed that there is no significant relation between the academic achievement and parental attention among the secondary school students of expatriate parents in government, aided and unaided schools.
Title: Influences of Teacher Professional Development on Student Outcomes & Efficacy
Abstract :

Teacher professional development has taken place in isolation and has been dependent upon input from outside “experts” (Sandholtz, A companion of direct and indirect professional development activities. Professional development for teachers is the range of formal and informal processes and activities that teachers engage in both inside and outside of the school, in order to improve their teaching knowledge and skills. As an alternative, collaborative action research actively involves teachers in professional reflection, validates educators as producers of knowledge, and recognizes their role in professional development and decision making. The value of teacher research is well documented (Cochran–Smith & Lytle, Inside outside: teacher research and knowledge, Teachers College Press, New York, 1993) but unless deliberate attempts to share findings are established, the products of teacher research often remain within individual classrooms. Strategies to develop collaborative research capabilities are needed. The ultimate goal of teacher professional development is improving student learning outcomes. Research indicates that teachers have control over many factors that influence motivation, achievement and behavior of their students. Therefore, professional development focusing on effective classroom management will enhance a teacher’s skills and performance in the classroom. Skills such as effective classroom management are vital to teaching and require common sense, consistency, a sense of fairness and courage. The skills also require that teachers understand the psychological and developmental levels of each student. The ability of teachers to organize classrooms and manage the behavior of their students is critical for achieving positive educational outcomes. Although sound behavior management does not guarantee effective instruction, it establishes the environmental context that makes good instruction possible. Reciprocally highly effective instruction reduces, but does not eliminate, classroom behavior problems. Effective classroom management competencies also significantly influence the persistence of new teachers in the classroom. Effective classroom management requires a comprehensive approach that should include structuring the school and classroom environment, actively supervising student engagement, implementing classroom rules, enacting procedures that encourage appropriate behavior, using behavior reduction strategies and collecting and using data to monitor student behavior and modifying classroom management procedures. Therefore in teacher preparation programs greater emphasis needs to be placed on preparing teachers to be competent and efficient at managing today’s classrooms with their diverse range of learners. This approach means not only giving pre-service teachers the intellectual understanding of the issues involved but also providing them supervised experience related to components of classroom management. The purpose of this paper is to provide research and recommendations related to professional development of teachers, specifically addressing the area of classroom management to improve learning outcomes. 

Title: Contents Vol. 12, No. 03, December 2021
Abstract :
Title: Comparative Study of Emotional Intelligence of Kendriya Vidyalya and Public Schools Students in Relation to their Family Climate
Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and family climate of public and Kendriya vidyalya school students of Jalandhar district of Punjab. A sample of 300 (boys and girls) students selected randomly from Public and Kendriya vidyalya schools of Jalandhar district. The investigator had personally met the participants and administered the tool. Descriptive survey method of investigation was used in the present study. Statistical techniques of Mean, S.D and
t-test were used to find out the gender difference on emotional intelligence and family climate of Public and Kendriya Vidyalya schools students and ANOVA for interaction effect of gender, type of school and family climate on emotional intelligence. Findings of the study revealed that boys and girls of public as well as Kendriya Vidyalya schools were not significantly different on emotional intelligence sand also showed that Kendriya vidyalya students have high level of emotional intelligence and favourable familym climate as compared to public school students.
Title: Factors Influencing Students’ Academic Performance in Mathematics
Abstract :

This paper attempts to compare students’ academic performance in mathematics on the basis of their level of mathematics anxiety. Moreover, students’ IQ and SES are known to influence their academic performance in mathematics. Hence students’ IQ and SES are included as control variables whose effect from academic performance in mathematics was removed statistically and then it was compared on the basis of the level of students’ mathematics anxiety was studied. The participants of the study included 703 students of standard 8th from S.S.C board schools. Mathematics anxiety was measured using Mathematics Anxiety Scale (MARS-I) by Karimi (2008).Students’ final examination marks in mathematics subject were considered as academic performance scores of mathematics. Results indicated that there is a significant difference in academic performance of students by mathematics anxiety. There is no significant difference in academic performance of students by mathematics anxiety when an effect of IQ has been removed statistically. This implies that the difference in students’ academic performance in mathematics on the basis of their mathematics anxiety arose on account of their IQ rather than their mathematics anxiety. There is significant difference in academic performance of students by mathematics anxiety when effect of SES has been removed statistically. It may be concluded that the academic performance of students with low mathematics anxiety is significantly greater than that of students with moderate mathematics anxiety after controlling for their SES. The findings of the study would enable teachers to develop programmes to facilitate academic performance of students from different SES backgrounds and with different levels of IQ.

Title: Project approach for capacity building of ODL practitioners
Abstract :

Open Distance Learning (ODL) is serving as an effective mode of delivery of education to unreached aspirants of education. This mode is now widely accepted and recognized as valuable asset for the dissemination of knowledge and increasing literacy in the state in efficient way. ODL is expanding faster in the developing world. The Governments in these countries have laid significant thrust on ODL, linking this to national development priorities. Within ODL, Open Basic Education assumes considerable significance in the context of: millions of students being outside the purview of schooling; high dropout rate especially at the primary and elementary levels; and linkage of basic education to functionality and skill development. With expansion and wider use of ODL delivery mechanisms, a continuous need is felt for capacity building of the practitioners and the developers. It is envisaged that these groups shall need faster and sustainable inputs through training and retraining in the curriculum designing and development. The impact of short orientation programmes without much measurable outcomes found not to be lasting long. Thus a Project based approach is devised by introducing workshop series for the practitioners of ODL by a mix of online support, face-to-face workshop, online follow-up support, and repeat of the cycle in the next phase(s).This approach is being tested for capacity building of ODL material designers and developers of Bangladesh Open University (BOU) with support provided by the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and expertise provided by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). This paper will share the experiences earned in development of strategies, strengths, expected outcomes and bottlenecks for the benefit of trainers in the field.

Title: Bonda Tribe and Higher Education: A Case Study in Odisha
Abstract :

Higher education has become a necessary condition in India for its people to sustain in competitive knowledge driven world. Taking cognisance of the circumstances there have been many organized efforts in this country so as to take higher education to a considerable population and thereby enable its people to live a more informed and confident life. This research article describes and explains how a vulnerable tribal population get the opportunity higher education in one of the State of Odisha. At the same time attempt has been made to bring the facts interms of socio-cultural, political and economic implications of higher education amongst the vulnerable Bonda tribal life. The investigator adopted descriptive study with case analysis design. The study was conducted in Malkangiri District of Odisha. Five Bonda tribes, who are graduates, had been involved as cases in this study. Semi-structured interview, informal interaction, close observation and recording of the interaction and interview techniques were adopted to study the cases. This article suggests that although Bonda tribesare found to have shown recessive characteristics amid socio-economic constraints interms of their participation in higher education gradually there has been a positive change in it because of the intervention of the State and Civil Societies. The progressive sign is that most of them are getting gainful employment opportunities either in private or public sectors besides their restricted participation in social and political affairs of their society. Although Bonda graduates are found to be instrumental in socio-cultural transformation, they are challenged by certain inherited traditions like taking excessive indigenous wine and animal slaughtering. The exposure of education has also helped Bonda to deal with a competitive environment especially the incursion of urban culture, which is found to be detrimental to their socio-cultural sustainability.

Title: Contents Volume 8 Issue 1
Abstract :

Contents Volume 8 Issue 1

Title: An Empirical Investigation into the Relationship of Crude Oil Price,Exchange Rate and Sensex
Abstract :
The study investigates long run relationships between oil prices, exchange rates and stock prices in India for the period April 2005 to March 2013 using monthly data. The empirical exercise consists of (1) testing for a unit root in each series(2) testing for the number of co-integrating vectors in the system (3) estimating and testing for the co-integrating relationship in the framework of a vector error correction model (4) testing the direction of causality between the variables using Granger Causality test. The results from the Augmented Dickey - Fuller unit root procedures indicate that all the three variables are first difference stationary. Johansen and Juselius cointegration test suggests that there is at most one co-integrating vector existing among the three variables and the results from Granger causality Wald test suggests that causality runs from Sensex to Crude oil, but not vice-versa  
Title: Installing the Software of Excellence in India’s Teacher Education-The Hidden Dimensions
Abstract :

‘A recent survey of five rural schools and five urban schools by the author revealed a startling fact regarding the new challenges for teacher education in India. It was found in the survey that despite the greater flow of funds and availability of better technology, the teachers who bring excellent results are the ones who had the burning desire to help children learn better, which the author calls the software of excellence in teaching learning. The commitment to put in sustained efforts needed for improving the performance of learners at all levels was found missing among a majority of the teachers surveyed, who for one reason or the other were found busy in compiling reports and distributing funds at the expense of the vital teaching learning interactions. This paper discusses the related challenges of public education in India and tries to present an alternative plan of action in order to meet the challenges of global economic exploitation of the masses in the guise of welfare measures. It concludes with asserting the crucial need for reform from within the system of teacher education to rejuvenate the system for making it self-sufficient and self-sustained in terms of quality input-output for the educational resurgence of the country. The author is of the opinion that simply by providing funds and recruiting teachers somehow is not going to help achieve the goals of quality education for all; rather a meaningful and alert mechanism of supervision, with active partnership of local bodies is the need of the hour to make the system work. Citing from the work of Dr. James Tooley (2009), the author points out that the way to meet the challenge is a systemic reform, at the centre of which is a paradigm shift in the training of teachers and re-orientation of educational administrators for their new and more complicated roles as sincere facilitators for lifelong learning of their students.’

Title: Capitalizing Gains from Dairy Trade: Excavating the Market Potential
Abstract :
After recording a huge negative trade balance of dairy products during 1980s, India has evolved as net exporter in dairy trade during the last three decades. Exports of dairy products increased almost 200 times since early 1980s to later half of new millennium whereas value of imports decreased by 7 times by this period. The export perceived vast changes in composition as well as destination over the study period. The present study analyses the temporal changes in composition and direction of Indian dairy exports at most disaggregate level in light of several policy interventions during last three decades and identify the potential sources of gains thereof. The study is based on the secondary data from various sources on several variables, the major being dairy trade statistics from DGCI&S and ministry of commerce for 1980-81 to 2009-10. Compositional analyses of export basket indicates that India has multiplied its product portfolio from traditional dairy products like concentrated and sweetened milk and cream and fat based products to value added dairy products like cheese and curds, whey based products, yogurt and other acidified dairy products. Harfindahl index of geographical concentration indicates that the country has continuously diversified trade destinations over the last three decades. New trade partners have emerged in African Countries apart from conventional partners from Asian and European countries. In light of the empirical evidences, the study concludes that generation of more exportable surplus through improved breeding and feeding programmes is the key to amplify the foreign exchange earnings from dairy sector. Policy and research emphasis should be on development of efficient milk value chain to boost trade. To improve the bargaining power of the country, on the quality front, India should improve its image as a reliable and consistent supplier of safe and quality dairy products conforming to the international standards. A comprehensive strategy for producing quality and safe dairy products should be formulated with legal backdrop. Harmonization of BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) quality standards with that of international quality standards will go a long way in materializing the export potential of Indian products into foreign currency. 
Title: Democracy and Peace: Mutually Reinforcing Concepts
Abstract :

Democracy and peace are mutually dependent indivisible concepts. In order to advance peace in society, its underlying democratic institutions need to be strengthened. This entails to build just societies in which resources are equally shared which will reduce conflicts in society. Democratic states are peaceful internally as well as in their relations with other states. Culture of democracy through which human rights are protected is required to maintain internal and international peace. Democratic institutional growth has been broadly considered a key factor in successful Peace-building process. Peaceful international environments according to some scholars permit democracy to emerge and conflict ridden environment obstruct democracy to function. So democracy and peace are interdependently linked.

Title: English as a Language of Liberation: Dominant Monolingual Practices in TSWREI Society as a Medium to Empower Students of Underprivileged Communities
Abstract :

English as a language and medium of instruction have pierced so much into the minds of people that it seems so important to acquire proficiency and command over this language without which one cannot survive. With such a mindset, people go so far even to give up on learning and speaking in their mother tongue and decide to never go to a mother tongue medium school because the implications are unimaginable. In the light of this stake, I critique the dominant monolingual practices and initiatives laid in the English language and medium of instruction in Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society which inevitably ‘empower’ the students coming from weaker sections of the community and ‘liberate’ them from various forms of societal stigmas and oppressions.

Title: School Leaders for Teachers: A Case on the Emerging Trends in Teacher Leadership in Kerala
Abstract :

School education stands at a crossroads with growing uncertainties and ambiguity in the wake of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). The government’s mandate for the schools to go digital in their functioning is back into focus. From managing time-table to ensuring learner outcomes, teachers’ responsibility has increased considerably. Besides, the onus of school improvement has escalated the responsibilities of the principals considerably’. In such a scenario, there emerges a need to form a leadership continuum in schools that expands across the hierarchy and decentralizes power, especially to the teachers. Teacher leadership is a recent phenomenon in India, unlike its western counterparts, where the focus on the teachers’ role in leadership positions has already gained impetus. Clearly defined as a ’set of practices that enhance the teaching profession, it is a holistic concept that offers a means to improve schools overall’ (Killion et al. 2016). Besides guaranteeing school reforms, it also ensures durable professional identities (Fullan, 2006). ‘However, even where principals and schools support teacher leadership in classrooms and schools, this does not guarantee teachers to take full advantage of those opportunities to lead’(Berry et al. 2010a). In such a scenario, it becomes crucial for the principals to usher new and fresh teacher leadership prospects in schools ‘to embrace, encourage, and support innovation and creativity from their teachers’. The present paper contributes to the bleak literature on teacher leadership in India with a case study of a C.B.S.E. school in Trivandrum, Kerala. In India, rare studies attempt to conceptualise teacher leadership in a contextual understanding. Since education comes under the Concurrent List, both the Centre and States have a significant share in shaping education systems in the respective states. Hence, despite having a standard school system, culture and diversity shape the systems differently to cater to the diverse student needs and vast student strength. In such a scenario, teacher leadership can assure a potential solution to the issues related to the management and administration. The case study enlightens on the trajectory of teacher leadership observed by the school leader to achieve the maximum potential from a clientele of approximately 5000 students with the help of strong and confident teachers. It also assists the school in promoting positive culture, healthy competition, and overall improvement and concludes with the study’s implications.

Title: Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Interventions: Study of Scholastic Achievement of Students of High and Low Literacy Rate Districts of Punjab
Abstract :

The present study was carried out on standard -III students of 10 districts of Punjab to assess their scholastic achievement in relation to Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan interventions. Significant difference was observed in the scholastic achievement of students as Base line, Mid –term and Final –term assessment in Punjabi, English and Mathematics. For the subject of Punjabi, students from high literacy districts performed better than students from low literacy districts but in English, students from low literacy districts outperformed students from high literacy districts. For Mathematics, students from low literacy districts performed better in BAS and MAS but students from high literacy districts outperformed them in FAS.

Title: Understanding contemporary policy backdrop and relevance of ‘Skills for Life and Livelihood’ at Elementary level of Education
Abstract :

Elementary Education (EE) in India is the only compulsory level of education extended as a right to all children in the age group 6-14years, and it is very likely that a huge proportion of the population gets opportunity of education upto this level only. When universalizing elementary education is still a challenge and learning outcomes in our schools are also concerning, it is necessary for education policies to emphasize ‘Skills for Life and Livelihood’ at elementary level of education. It is essential to necessitate the quality of learning in our schools for enabling a better material, human and spiritual life, and also for the sustainable development of the country withal.

Title: Contents Vol. 13, No. 01, April 2022
Abstract :
Title: UGC-Human Resource Development Centres and Faculty Training in Indian Higher Education Sector
Abstract :

Higher education in India is running through a crossroads especially in the context of NEP 2020, questionable learning outcomes of Indian graduates, decreasing quality education, faculty shortage for a long time and poor quality of students’ transition from school education to higher education. In such conditions, faculty recruitment and training for higher education are heavily loaded with high expectations from fresh recruits in Indian higher education Institutions as a faculty to deal with students and the system. The UGC-Human Resource Development Centres earlier known as Academic Staff Colleges have almost sole responsibility of faculty training and development in higher education system, besides some programmes run under PMMMNMTT for last few years. This particular paper gazed into the capacity building of higher education faculty along with the expenditure incurred upon these fresh recruits. Besides, refresher programmes for the experienced faculty members of higher education and short terms professional development programmes are also analyzed for the larger understanding of the issues, concerns and status of capacity building and role of HRDCs in faculty training in Indian Universities and Colleges.

Title: Influence of Social Intelligence on Modernization among Undergraduate Students of Jammu and Kashmir
Abstract :

The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of social intelligence on modernization among undergraduate college students of Jammu and Kashmir. Sample of the present study depend upon the 100 undergraduate students (50 male students and 50 females students) of Government Degree College Mendhar of Jammu and Kashmir. The data were collected through survey method under descriptive type with the help of standardized tool namely, social intelligence scale by Raghavendra S. Singh, A. N. Tripathi & Ramjee Lal (2005) and modernization scale by Mathur (2007). The data were collected from undergraduate students of government degree college Mendhar in Jammu region. In order to evaluate and interpret the data for the study, The investigator used the Average Mean, standard deviations, ’t’ test and product moment correlation for statistical analysis. Finding of the study show that a significant positive correlation between social intelligence and modernization of undergraduate students of Mendhar and found that a significant difference of social intelligence and modernization among UG college students of Jammu and Kashmir.

Title: Technological Inclusion @School Teachers’ Preparation and Professional Development: A Critical Review
Abstract :

Technology plays a critical role in teaching, learning and assessment processes. This study is an attempt to review the studies, initiatives and provisions for effective integration of technology in preparation and professional development of school teachers in Indian context. The digital competency of the teachers is crucial in implementing technological integration in the teaching, learning and assessment processes. The achievement of learners with technological integration will depend largely on the teachers’ abilities, perceptions and their skills to embrace the technology. The new education policy also highlights the need for integration of technology at all levels of education facilitating teacher preparation. It also highlights improving teaching, learning and evaluation processes. Several studies reported that the teachers were not fully confident to use technology as they were not properly trained. They have knowledge of technical devices but most of them don’t know how to use them in practical situations. This may be attributed to limited knowledge and training regarding how to use technology in teaching, learning and assessment.

Title: Inclusive Classroom and the Use of I.C.T.
Abstract :

Education for all is the phrase we have been hearing for a long time. Just like world peace, education for all is a dream too. Education has been the most important topic since the 19th century itself but as the days pass by the importance, need and ways of education are changing daily. Inclusive education is the most used phrase and the most important topic in school education nowadays. Since inclusion is introduced the challenges for the teachers have increased, but as the phrase says EDUCATION FOR ALL, we can never discriminate based on any disability, caste, creed, etc. As the need for inclusion is increasing day by day technology has been helping teachers in every case, in whatever means it can, E-inclusion can be the right term in this case as the technology is getting better every day. The mainstream schools are changing into inclusive schools for the better tomorrow, to make education for all come true, and to make this a success ICT is working hard to make things work. In this paper. Advanced technology and an increase in the use of different digital resources are important parts of education like teaching, feedback, evaluation, and learning become easier and faster, and not like traditional approaches. Specialized apps are being introduced for students with special needs, and it is not hard to get used to these apps. These are easily available and are easier to use. This paper focuses on how Mainstream schools are changing into inclusive schools and how technology is helping these schools, teachers, and students at every step of their teaching-learning process.

Title: Impact of Access to Education and Technology during COVID-19 in Uttar Pradesh, India
Abstract :
Economic recessions and pandemics like COVID-19 typically leave behind a degree of economic scarring and slower growth in subsequent years. Without immediate remedial action, drop-out rate of girls from schools continue to rise making way for early marriages, sexual exploitation, and domestic violence. In this article we review access to education and technology during COVID in Uttar Pradesh to address the following questions – what were the challenges in equal access to education and technology in Uttar Pradesh during the COVID-19 pandemic? How does education during a pandemic affect learning and continuity in education for children? To answer these questions, we address the issues that contributed to greater uncertainties regarding equal access to education and technology during the pandemic. We bring out the focus group discussions with head teachers, schoolteachers and students (mostly girls) aged between 12-17 years in rural and urban areas in Uttar Pradesh to suggest possible remedial actions to improve access to education and technology and to raise awareness of potential challenges facing students and teachers in Uttar Pradesh.
Title: The Impact of Counselling on Emotional Well-being of School Students
Abstract :

Psychological well-being is a major milestone in the developmental process of Adolescence. The ability to adapt to the changing environment and develop a sense of mastery is an important element of the emotional and psychological framework of an individual. One should be able to understand, control, modify, and manipulate various personal and environmental events for own benefit. This study attempts to prove the relationship between counseling and a sense of environmental mastery among school-going students. A range of studies across age, gender, and mental issues was studied for literature review. The sample of 300 students of class 10th was selected by the random sampling method. For data collection, a self-developed questionnaire on emotional well-being was developed on the theoretical ground of Ryff’s scale on psychological well-being. Paired t-test was used to find the impact of Counselling on the environmental mastery aspect of students’ well-being and results showed that there is a significant role of counseling at p>0.5 level of significance. Therefore, this could be concluded that a school that provides Counseling, and an overall good environment, nurture children to be resilient to adversities and have better environmental mastery.

Title: Hype for MOOCs in India and Necessary Readiness: A Critical Analysis of Higher Education System
Abstract :

Expansion of higher education in terms of proliferation of Massive Open Online Courses seems an adequate alternative for higher education specially for those who are aspirant for it and are devoid of higher education due to one or the other reason. In last few years enrollment in MOOCs had a tremendous rise and are on hype specifically in India. After USA, India is at second rank in terms of enrollment in MOOCs. Recently Indian Government has launched many digital initiatives to support online education. The present research paper reflects the necessary readiness of Indian Higher education system by taking into account Teacher’s Readiness, Students Readiness and Institutional readiness or preparedness. Teacher’s readiness was studied from the aspects of awareness, attitude and aptitude for ICT based teaching and MOOCs. Student’s readiness was studied from the aspects of availability of hardware and software, Teacher facilitation etc. Institutional Readiness was studied from the aspects of availability of access devices and connectivity, Policies and internal functionaries for supporting online education. Data was collected from sample comprising of 500 teachers of higher education, 500 students of higher education and from 50 institutes of higher education in India by the use of three different questionnaires sent by google form specifically to study Teacher’s readiness, Student’s readiness and institutional readiness. After data analysis, the findings related to Teachers readiness reflected that more than half of the teachers are having positive attitude towards ICT based pedagogy and MOOCs and considers it advantageous for their professional enhancement and from learning perspective of students. A significant number of teachers mentioned about the need of training programs to enable them to develop MOOCs. Student’s readiness was also on the favorable side in terms of availability of access devices and internet connection. Students also exhibited positive attitude towards ICT based Pedagogy and MOOCs. Institutional readiness reflected that more then half of the institutions have availability in terms of access devices and connectivity. Policies and institutional mechanism is also supportive towards ICT based pedagogy and MOOCs. Although Institutional rewards and incentives are needed for teachers who are using ICT based teaching and MOOCs.

Title: Is the Sree Narayana Guru Open University of Kerala Ready for Take Off?
Abstract :

Open and distance education has been accepted as an effective and credible mode of education since the middle of the 20th century. As a follow up of this, many institutions and states have come forward in offering distance education through single mode and dual mode university structures. This has resulted in increased enrolment at affordable cost and easiness to access. The people in the remote areas, employed people and the people on the margins used the system effectively to realise their educational dreams. In Kerala, the demand for higher education is on the rise and this demand could not be met through conventional brick and mortar system. This realisation has led to the establishment of a state open university, ‘Sree Narayana Guru Open University’ in 2020. The university is in its embryo stage. Still, the university has to expedite the process for offering courses and appointment of workforce and other infrastructure requirements. The current structural deficiencies are to be broken through pragmatic actions and practices. The university has to follow best practices in distance education especially with regard to; (a) design and development of courses, (b) student support services, (c) management and financing of institution and (d) integration of technology.

Title: Excruciating Truth of Victimized Women in India
Abstract :

Indian society, being male-dominated, suffers from a significant and repeated crime, that is, domestic violence against women. It is deemed socially acceptable, thereby increasing risks and threats towards them. Women are at particular risk of victimization and face more injustices due to lack of educational opportunities, low socio-economic status, gender disparity and patriarchal family structure. There are various provisions in the constitution and innumerable legislation that protect and empower women, but injustice still prevails due to execution failure and inability of this section to grasp appropriate measures of protection. The present study is conducted to understand the factors and conditions under which violence against women occurs and the laws and support available to victims in India by analyzing the previous research, reports and studies on related issues. This paper may help communicate and bring awareness among people on gender rights and issues so that women can lead fear-free, dignified, and safe lives.

Title: Life Skill Education: A Paradigm Shift in Education to Accelerate Holistic Development
Abstract :
Education plays a crucial role in the growth and development of the learners. Students, as learners, are the primary beneficiary of education. Education provides students with the opportunity to develop their cognitive, social, emotional, and physical abilities, as well as to acquire knowledge and skills that will prepare them for future careers and life challenges. Life skills education is a holistic approach which nurtures all dimensions of human development and reinforces psychosocial skills. NCERT recognized the effectiveness of life skills education in promoting desirable behavior such as sociability, improved communication, conflict resolution, self-awareness, stress management etc. Considering the importance of life skill education all over the world, it is being implemented in the curriculum. It has been seen through many research studies that intervention programs of life skills education, has a significant impact on a student’s academic achievement as well as his mental health. CBSE and UGC have adopted Life skills education and implemented it in the curriculum of school education and undergraduate program respectively. The present paper focuses on the importance of life skills education and the benefits of imparting life skill education in our curriculum.
Title: Constructivism in Learning
Abstract :

Constructivism is an approach of teaching-learning to possess higher order thinking among learners. The main characteristic of constructivist learning is learners have their own choice to represent their thought and experiences to acquire new knowledge. It is a philosophy of construction of knowledge. Constructive learning provide a direction to both teacher and learners to reconstruct knowledge through active engagement in school activities. Constructivism is a theory which constructs learner’s new knowledge and understanding. It assimilates the existing knowledge to new one. Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive development supports the constructivist theory. In constructive learning teacher acts as a facilitator and provide learning opportunities to construct knowledge based on learner’s prior experiences. Teacher develops skills to strengthen students’ potency and make them competent to learn new thing. 5Es model of constructive learning helps learners to learn collaboratively, actively and provide direction to solve problems in group.

Title: Second Wave of COVID-19 and Mental Health of Indian Undergraduates
Abstract :

The Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic has caused massive disturbances in the lives of everyone. This study was set out to explore the severity of mental health in terms of Depression, Anxiety and Stress among undergraduate population in India during the second wave of COVID-19 lockdown. A cross sectional survey was adopted through an online survey from a sample of 1,719 students in India. Vaccination status and Demographic variables (gender, age, locale, religion and stream of study) of respondents were also deliberated. It was reported that depression was prevailing highest among symptoms of mental health, followed by stress symptoms and then anxiety. The results suggest unfavourable impacts of lockdown on mental health.

Title: Promoting Gender Equality and Addressing Gender Discrimination through Education: The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Initiative (BBBP) in India
Abstract :
The Beti Bachao Beti Padhao (BBBP) scheme, initiated by the Government of India in 2015, stands as a beacon of hope in the country’s quest for gender equality and the empowerment of girl children. This groundbreaking program addresses gender discrimination, promotes education, and strives to improve the socio-economic status of girls. Despite India’s rich cultural heritage, gender-based disparities and skewed sex ratios persist, and BBBP seeks to challenge these deeply ingrained norms. Through a
comprehensive set of strategies, including awareness campaigns, financial incentives like the Sukanya Samriddhi Account, and community engagement, BBBP has made notable progress in achieving its objectives. The scheme places a strong emphasis on education access, resulting in increased enrolment rates and reduced dropout rates among girls. Furthermore, it extends its support to skill development and vocational training, ensuring that girls have opportunities for growth beyond primary education. The reviews of BBBP reveal that while significant strides have been made, challenges such as cultural norms and economic factors impacting girls’ dropout rates persist. Collaboration between government agencies and NGOs has played a pivotal role in the scheme’s success, expanding its reach and impact. Looking forward, there is a call for the continued expansion of BBBP’s programs, sustained efforts, and innovative approaches to further promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. BBBP is a transformativeinitiative that addresses gender disparities, empowers girls, and reshapes societal attitudes. It represents not just a government program but a societal shift toward a more equitable and inclusive India where every girl has the opportunity to thrive, contribute to society, and lead the way toward a brighter future. 
Title: Perspectives of Virtual Classroom in Indian Schools: Implications of NEP 2020
Abstract :

Education is equally important for human survival such as the availability of fine food, drinking water and affordable living spaces. The notion of the virtual classroom is an innovative and techno-oriented approach for learners’ progress and assessment. The findings of this study indicate that an egregious shift of traditional classes has insisted to installed cohesive interventions and concrete policy attention to designing the contours of future strategies and their speedy implementation. Evocative, digital divide deployed as a long-term grueling assignment and other causes of inequality in the online learning process including class and gender. Finally, it can be stated that a multi-pronged planning is needed to address the plethora of challenges associated with online teaching-learning in Indian schools.

Title: Contents Vol. 13, No. 03, December 2022
Abstract :
Title: Upper Primary Science Teachers’ Beliefs about Teaching and Learning of Science and their Practices in relation to their Gender
Abstract :
Teacher beliefs and practices play an important role in the teaching learning processes. This article explores the diverse pedagogical beliefs held by teachers, aiming to illuminate the intricate connections between these beliefs and their classroom practices. The present study was conducted (i) to identify elementary science teachers’ beliefs about teaching and learning of science with respect to gender and (ii) to study the difference between beliefs and practices with respect to gender. The common aspects of teaching and learning such as teaching strategies, learning of science and student roles were taken into account to reveals teachers’ beliefs. The study used a mixed method design. Ten upper primary science teachers were selected using purposive sampling techniques. Data were collected by questionnaire and classroom observation schedule. The findings showed that there was alignment between the beliefs of male and female teachers regarding the importance of understanding the scientific process, the benefits of problembased learning, and the role of students in science education. Notable differences were observed in the beliefs of male and female teachers concerning teaching strategies. Additionally, a significant disparity existed between the beliefs and practices of male and female teachers in terms of providing opportunities to students and emphasizing the importance of students’ roles and performance in response to instruction with female teachers have more practice than male teachers.
Title: The Impact of Counselling on Emotional Well-being of School Students
Abstract :

Psychological well-being is a major milestone in the developmental process of Adolescence. The ability to adapt to the changing environment and develop a sense of mastery is an important element of the emotional and psychological framework of an individual. One should be able to understand, control, modify, and manipulate various personal and environmental events for own benefit. This study attempts to prove the relationship between counseling and a sense of environmental mastery among school-going students. A range of studies across age, gender, and mental issues was studied for literature review. The sample of 300 students of class 10th was selected by the random sampling method. For data collection, a self-developed questionnaire on emotional well-being was developed on the theoretical ground of Ryff’s scale on psychological well-being. Paired t-test was used to find the impact of Counselling on the environmental mastery aspect of students’ well-being and results showed that there is a significant role of counseling at p>0.5 level of significance. Therefore, this could be concluded that a school that provides Counseling, and an overall good environment, nurture children to be resilient to adversities and have better environmental mastery.

Title: Understanding Relationship between Study Habits and School Environment of Students
Abstract :
The present study is to assess study habits of secondary school students in relation to school environment in Delhi. A sample of 100 school students of tenth class (50 students from government and 50 students from private schools) taken randomly as the subjects of the present investigation and by administrated Study Habit Inventory by Dr. M. Mukhopadhyay & Dr. D.N. Sansanwal and School Environment Inventory (SEI) developed by Dr. K.S. Mishra were analyzed using t-test and Pearson’s correlation. Result revealed
that there is significant difference in study habits of male and female students. Nevertheless, there is no significant difference in school environment of male and female students. In case of type of school, there is no significant difference in study habit and school environment of secondary students of private and government school. On the other hand, there is significantly and moderate positively relationship between study habits and school environment of students.
Title: Effect of Constructivist Approach on Students’ Achievement in Science at Secondary Level
Abstract :
Throughout the world, Science is one of the compulsory subjects in schools. Now-a-days online media (like Youtube) is frequently opted by faculties and students for online teaching learning process specially in science. But science learning is incomplete without hands on experience. That’s why majority of the students have lack of interest and motivation to learn science. It leads to low academic achievement in science. Constructivist approach (Known to unknown) provides tremendous opportunities for inculcating
creativity and innovation, so that learner’s performance is enhanced. NCF 2005, states “Child centered pedagogy” means giving more primacy to children’s experience, their voices and their active participation. The objectives of present study are: to study the effect of constructivist approach on class VI students’ achievement in science, to study the effect of constructivist approach on the achievement of low achievers of class VI in science and to compare the performance of boys and girls of class VI students learnt through constructivist approach. This study was conducted in D.A.V School, Bhagalpur. It was limited to the students of class 10th. 5E Model of constructivist approach was implemented in the study. The present design of study was quasi-experimental. Class 10th students of D.A.V School were population of this research. The purposive sampling was used for selecting secondary school. 54 students were selected from two sections for the purpose of this study. Researcher selected section ‘A’ as experimental group and section ‘B’ as control group. Researcher had used two types of tools: Instructional Tool (5E model) & Measuring Tool (Teacher made Achievement Test). The data were analyzed by using appropriate statistical techniques i.e., ‘t’- test and ANCOVA. Constructivist approach had significant effect on the achievement of class 10th students in science (M1 = 22.16, M2 = 16.20, ‘t’-value is 2.345**). Constructivist approach had significant effect on achievement of low achievers of class 10th students in science (M1 =7.66, M2 = 5.5, ‘t’-value is 3.01**). It can be concluded that constructivist approach provides enough scope for active participation and interaction in classroom with peers and teachers. Through interaction, low achievers can get better opportunity to acquire knowledge and increase their achievement. 
Title: Open Educational Resources in India and its Application in Teaching and Learning
Abstract :
Technological development has affected the ICT tools of teaching learning system. The educational system of India has emerged greatly with the benefits of ICT and open access material available online. The internet has brought the information and knowledge in the hand of educational community. This article aims to increase insight into the importance and benefits of open educational resources (OERs) and its application in teaching and learning process. To comprehend India’s position on OER, Government of India has taken many relevant initiatives which are disused in this article. In order to meet the professional goals of young Indians, this research also offers several advantages of OER concepts that are building complex lifelong learning pathways.
Title: Effect of School Intervention Programme on Nurturing Spiritual Development among School Students with reference to School Assemblies: An Indian Context
Abstract :
The current research has tried to explore the effect of a school intervention program on nurturing spiritual development among school students through school assemblies. The objective of the research is to design a framework for school intervention program and construct a spiritual assessment tool for assessing spiritual development. To test the effectiveness of the intervention program in developing spirituality, the researcher had developed a spiritual assessment tool. In the present study, a quasi-experimental research
methodology has been designed with a sample of 128 students of class 5th to 8th from a school in Hisar, Haryana, and divided into two groups i.e. Control group and the Experimental group. A nonequivalent Control Group Posttest-Only Design was used in the present study. A significant effect was assessed of intervention program of morning school assembly on the spiritual values of the students at school level. The results of the study indicated the significant effect of the intervention program on the above spiritual dimensions.
Title: Engagement in Blended Learning and Academic Performance Among Secondary Level Students
Abstract :
Education is the utmost importance for personal development, societal progress, and economic growth. Effective teaching methods are essential in providing quality education and ensuring students’ acquisition of knowledge and skills. In recent years, innovative teaching methods and approaches have gained attention, such as blended learning, flipped classrooms, and project-based learning. These methods aim to enhance student engagement, promote active learning, and foster creative thinking, problem-solving abilities and skills. In this study, the researcher used the survey method to analyses the effect of student engagement in blended learning on academic performance among secondary school students in Jammu and Kashmir. Probability sampling types was used to collect the data from 400 secondary level students. To collect the data a self-developed questionnaire was used in this study. Frequency, range, percentage, mean average, product moment correlation, and paired sample t-test were used as statistical techniques.
The results of the study reveal that a significant effect of engagement in blended learning on academic performance is found among secondary school students. The findings of the study show that students who are actively engaged in the learning process are more likely to be motivated, focused, and invested in their education. By employing various teaching methods and embracing innovative approaches, educators can create engaging and impactful learning experiences that empower students to succeed in an ever-changing world.
Title: Content
Abstract :


Title: Teachers’ Attitude towards Inclusion in Schools: A Panoramic Study
Abstract :
Education is a fundamental right for all children, irrespective of any discrimination. Some segments of diverse backgrounds remained outside the sphere of elementary education. Children with special needs face obstacles to being included in a regular classroom. The attitudinal barriers of teachers play an important role in the exclusion of children who deserve the right to education. A person’s attitude is a psychological construct, mental and emotional entities that is ingrained in or defines them. The research aims to analyze the attitude of teachers towards inclusive practices in some selected parts of West Bengal. The study also reflected perceptions of inclusion, beliefs on the efficacy of inclusion, and perceptions of the professional role and functions of school teachers towards inclusive education. A standardized scale was adopted and disseminated among the teachers. The study concluded that teachers’ perceptions
about inclusion were slightly supportive of inclusive service delivery models, while their beliefs about the efficacy of inclusion remained neutral. However, perceptions of their professional roles and functions were supportive of inclusive service delivery models. Their overall attitude towards inclusion was also slightly supportive of inclusion. There was no significant difference in attitude towards inclusion irrespective of school types, gender, or work experience.
Title: Women with Disabilities in India: Issues and Concerns
Abstract :
Persons with disabilities comprises the vulnerable section of our society due to the stigma associated with their identity and various barriers that hinder their participation in the society. When these persons are women, the challenge they face is further compounded. This is peculiar in Indian context where both the persons with disability and women form a marginalised section of the society who have historically experienced oppression from a long time. The present paper attempts to highlight the challenges faced by women with disabilities in the various realms of their life in India. It argues that women with disabilities are treated as the least significant member of the society which affects their psychological, social and economic development. Therefore, disability rights and policies embedding gender inclusion is the utmost need of the hour to secure rights of women with disabilities.
Title: Assessment in Online Teaching and Learning: A Systematic Review
Abstract :
Online teaching and learning have been one of the emerging paradigm shifts in the teaching and learning process. It has developed as an alternative or to some extent supportive of the conventional education system. Assessment is an integral part of the teaching-learning process. Teaching learning cannot be considered complete in the absence of assessment. Assessing students’ learning has been a challenge in the conventional mode of teaching and learning so as with online mode also. The purpose of this review is to systematically identify the trends of online assessment strategies, challenges, effectiveness, and implications in teaching and learning. The content analysis method was employed to analyze and synthesize the findings of the data. Finally, the results regarding the study objectives are presented and discussed. The findings of the present review also throw light on the gaps in the literature as well as
provide insight into the use of online assessment in education.
Title: NEP 2020: Analysis of Technological Education and a Way Forward
Abstract :
The vision of NEP 2020 is to restructure and change the education system and structure in the country. But the COVID-19 pandemic has created unexpected challenges in India’s educational setting. Schools and colleges have switched to remote learning and started online education system. The pattern of education has changed all of a sudden, and digital learning has emerged as the primary alternative. This sudden switch and overdependence on technology has come with its fair share of constraints. Expectedly, theNEP 2020 policy proposs several measures for promoting digital learning and enhancing infrastructure requirements. However, identified the socio-economic and regional diversity of India, there exist multiple roadblocks to accessibility and the capability of widespread adoption of online teaching and learning, some of which are discussed in present research paper.
Title: Effect of Organic Manures and Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Knol Khol (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes L.) in the Western Terai Region of Nepal
Abstract :
A field experiment was carried out at the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS), Rupandehi, Nepal to investigate the effect of different organic manures, fertilizers, and their combination on the growth and yield of the White Viana variety of knol-khol (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes L.). Randomized complete block design (RCBD) was used in experimenting, with three replications. The eight different treatments were T1 (FYM 20 ton ha-1), T2 (FYM 15 ton ha-1), T3 (PM 20 ton ha-1), T4 (Half of Recommended dose of fertilizers 60:40:45 kg NPK ha-1), T5 (FYM 15 ton ha-1 + Half of Recommended dose of fertilizers 60:40:45 kg NPK ha-1), T6 (FYM 10 ton ha-1 + Half of Recommended dose of fertilizers 60:40:45 kg NPK ha-1), T7 (PM 15 ton ha-1 + Half of Recommended dose of fertilizers 60:40:45 kg NPK ha-1), T8 (control). The maximum plant height (27.21 cm), leaf length (23.74 cm), leaf width (10.53 cm), crown spread (50.88 cm), knob diameter (20.02 cm), biological yield (538.56 g), and biological yield per hectare (21.54 t ha-1)
observed in T7. The maximum number of leaves (17.4), and harvest index (83.93 %) were recorded in T3 while the highest marketable yield (428 g) and marketable yield per hectare (17.12 t ha-1) was observed in T5. In summary, the application of poultry manure @ 15 ton ha-1 + Half of the Recommended dose of fertilizers 60:40:45kg NPK ha-1 was observed superior over other treatments in Paklihawa, Rupandehi condition of Nepal.
Title: On Studying the Hierarchical Inter-relationships Amongst the Various Success Factors and Benefits of Using PESTLE Analysis and How it Influence Finance Firms and Financial Services Industry
Abstract :
Present paper focuses on reviewing PESTLE analysis and its application in Finance firm. Thereafter, it tries to establish hierarchical inter-relationships amongst them using ISM methodology.
Title: On Studying the Inter-relationships amongst the Possible Challenges Faced by Live-in Relationships in India
Abstract :
Present research work explores the various challenges faced by couples in a live in relationship in India. These challenges have been explored over various search engines such as Google scholar; Research gate etc. Thereafter, it explains the ISM methodology and presents possible hierarchical inter-relationships amongst them using ISM methodology.
Title: On Exploring the Possible Hierarchical Inter-relationships amongst various Criteria for Mindfulness Research in Psychotherapy Using ISM Methodology
Abstract :
There has been a tremendous surge in popularity of mindfulness in psychotherapy. Although there has been several disciplines and practices that can cultivate mindfulness such as Yoga, Tai-chi (Siegel, 2007b), a majority of theoretical writings and empirical research has focused on mindfulness’s meditation. Various criteria has been explored and the possible inter-relationships amongst them has been studied with the help of Interpretive Structural Modelling Methodology [ISM].
Title: On Exploration of Challenges for Bone-marrow Transplant and Bone Marrow Donation in India and Exploring the Hierarchical Inter-relationships amongst them
Abstract :
Bone marrow transplant has undoubtedly transformed the landscape of blood cancer treatment, offering hope to patients facing life-threatening diseases. While challenges like donor availability and cost persist, ongoing research and technological advancements are paving the way for improved outcomes and increased accessibility. Further, it has become quite important to unravel the complexities and the art of bone marrow transplant, it is as well important to prioritize access to patients, complications must
get reduced and treatment calls refined better. Present research article tires to explore the area of bone marrow transplant and bone marrow donation [through registries] and further establish mathematical hierarchical inter-relationships amongst them using Interpretive Structural Modeling Methodology [ISM].
Title: On Exploration of Challenges Faced by Organic Textile Industry in India
Abstract :
I heard someone saying “Its all about clothes”. Textile industry is a leading manufacturing market in India. Present research focuses on exploration of possible challenges faced by organic textile industry in India. Thereafter, it further studied the hierarchical inter-relationships amongst them using ISM methodology
Title: A Comprehensive Review on Tribal Health Status in Poonch District of Jammu and Kashmir
Abstract :
The present study aims to examine the health status of tribal communities in the Poonch district of Jammu and Kashmir. Analysis of related literature found that the health status of the indigenous people has worsened than the rest of the population of Jammu and Kashmir. Similar and responsible factors found to be consistent, such as self-medication, traditional and informal healing practices, gender bias, scarcity of knowledge, illiteracy, poverty, socio-cultural and environmental factors, steep location, unemployment,absence of doctors, unavailability of advanced medicine and proper healthcare facilities in the pastoralsites, and strong belief in magic and supernatural forces. The objective of this study is fulfilled by the secondary source of data. The characteristics of the district’s tribal population are similar to other pastoral communities residing in different districts of Jammu and Kashmir; due to their shared culture, same economic and educational status, and religious beliefs, rituals, and practices, similar factors are found in the study area which is directly or indirectly contributing in worsening the health status among tribals. More efforts, guidance, and awareness would help the tribals to cope and deal with health-related issues.
Title: Schooling in the Shadow of Conflict: A Study of Poonch District in Jammu and Kashmir
Abstract :
This study explores into the profound impact of cross-border shelling on the schooling of children in the border area of Poonch district, Jammu and Kashmir. The persistent conflict between India and Pakistan, compounded by territorial disputes, has given rise to enduring regional instability. This border region is marked by frequent cross-border gunfire exchanges and a dearth of crucial infrastructure, including adequate healthcare and educational facilities. The conflict has resulted in significant physical, economic, and psychological repercussions for the residents, with children being particularly affected. Displacement resulting from cross-border shelling disrupts the daily lives of residents, especially the education of children, compelling them to seek safety in camps or with relatives, thereby interrupting their academic continuity. The study adopts qualitative research approach to analysing existing literature, academic
papers, and reports to comprehensively understand the multifaceted impact of cross-border shelling on education. The findings of the study highlight the adverse effects of explosive violence on the educational landscape, emphasizing disruptions in academic continuity, trauma, and the psychological challenges endured by children.
Title: Funeral Services Industry, Funeral Pyres — Rites, Rituals and Green Funerals — India and Outside India
Abstract :
Birth, aging, illness, and death are unavoidable, and the provision of funeral services is an ancient industry. The needs of society and the increased population must be met, although there has been a sharp reduction in resources and deterioration in the environment, which have triggered changes in the funeral industry. Green funerals are options that enable carbon saving, by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and protecting ecological environment. This short communication discusses common topics related to funeral services industry as well as the challenges faced by this industry particularly in India.
Title: Pre-service Teacher Education Programme at Elementary Level in Odisha : An Analysis
Abstract :
Pre-service teacher education programme plays an important role for quality improvement of school education. This piece of work analyses the problems and prospects in present curriculum structure, infrastructural facilities, teacher composition, classroom transaction and evaluation strategies available in different pre-service elementary level teacher education institutions in Odisha. Adopting a descriptive survey research, 13 pre-service elementary level teacher education institutions were selected purposively as sample and data collected from student-teachers, teacher-educators and Principals. The findings of the study revealed that, the curriculum prescribed for pre-service elementary level teacher education programme in Odisha is relevant but needs to incorporate some modern and emerging concepts. Internship or practical classes are to be given much more importance at par with theory. The infrastructural facilities available in the institution are not appropriate and adequate. Teacher-educators posted in the institution are well qualified, but they need some refresher and orientation courses for their professional development with reference to the use of modern technologies and pedagogy. Discussion method, activity based learning, assignment method, project methods, etc. were used for classroom transaction. Teacher educators of these institutions are well qualified, and the enrolled pupil teachers are of good standard. Regarding assessment both student teachers and teacher educators agree that present evaluation system is not adequate as it does not focus equally on theory and practical. Based upon the findings the paper presents educational implications.
Title: Soft Skills in Teacher Education During Pandemic
Abstract :
Etzkowitz and Leydesdorff (1995) in their model ‘Triple Helix Model’ suggest that there should be a harmonious interaction between University, Industry, and Government to foster economic and social growth. It requires certain skills to be learned by the individuals to fulfill the demands of society. NEP 2020 (point no. 11.1) also suggests that some skills needed to be inculcated in individuals in professional development like communication, discussion, and debate. It is also related to teacher education courses as they prepare teachers for school and it is considered as a miniature of the society. In the contemporary scenario, soft skills are also required for teachers to teach in online mode during Covid-19. Teacher education programs are also conducted in online mode to prepare the teachers for the schools. Therefore, this research study aims to understand the views of pre-service teachers regarding the soft skills developed in teacher education courses. The purposive sampling was opted. The structured interview was conducted
with the pre-service teachers who are currently enrolled in a teacher education program in a centraluniversity. It was found that the pre-service teachers are learning in an online mode during pandemic. There was a lack of proper exposure as peer interaction, micro-teaching, and interaction with teachers in face-to-face mode, and library facilities were not provided in an adequate manner due to lockdown. It was concluded that there is a need to inculcate some pedagogical strategies to prepare them in a better way to further develop the teaching-learning process in school.
Title: Fairness by Awareness: Evaluating AI-Powered Learning Resources and Legal Repercussions in India
Abstract :
Artificial intelligence (AI) has grabbed the attention of several groups like students, teachers, policy developers, etc. due to its ability to perform different tasks. AI-powered learning tools offer students personalized feedback, opportunities for flexible learning, and insight into their learning preferences to enhance their meta-cognitive skills. However, concerns about the accuracy of AI-generated information highlight the importance of combining human intelligence and collaborative efforts. This study evaluates the decision-making skills of the four most used AI chatbots Microsoft Copilot, ChatGPT, Claude, and Perplexity to ensure they align with educational objectives. The limitations of these systems highlight the need for strong legal frameworks to ensure ethical AI use in education. Comprehensive regulations are necessary to address these limitations and facilitate the effective integration of AI into India’s educational system. This research paper aims to contribute to the ongoing debate about legal regulations for algorithmic
decision-making systems by discussing an often overlooked perspective. The educational implications have been made for the stakeholders in AI educational practices.
Title: Study Approaches and Course Experience of Undergraduate Students at a Central University of India
Abstract :
Quality of learning in higher education is predominantly influenced by students’ perception of the courses, they were studying and their approach to study. The present study is related to these aspects of higher education. The present study in this direction aims to assess the quality of teaching-learning of general undergraduate courses in a central university (Jamia Millia Islamia, JMI) located in New Delhi, India. One hundred thirty-three (133) undergraduate students, studying in their final year of graduation were
conveniently selected, to assess students’ perception of their courses regarding teaching, assessment methods, curriculum workload, etc., and their approaches to study. Two standardized questionnaires; the Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ) of Ramsden (1991) and Revised Two Factor Study Process Questionnaire R-SPQ-2F of Biggs et al. (2001) were used to measure attitude of students in 5-point likert scale. Quantitative descriptive survey method (mean, standard deviation and Carl Pearson coefficient of correlation) was used in the study. Students’ perception of academic environment was found significantly related to their study approach. Higher score on good teaching, clear goal, appropriate workload and generic skills were found enhancing deep approach to study in students while higher score on appropriate workload and appropriate assessment were reducing surface approach to study in students. Findings
can be used to improve course design and teaching-learning of higher education students specifically, in context of higher education students of JMI.
Title: Effectiveness of E-learning During the Pandemic: Perceptions of Selected Parents in Manipur
Abstract :
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new way of imparting education which has become extremely popular. Educational institutions started taking classes, giving notes, and taking exams online using mediums like Google Meet, Zoom, WhatsApp, etc. This paper examines the effectiveness of this new technique of learning called e-learning based on the perceptions of the parents. It is a quantitative descriptive research in which a questionnaire survey method was employed. A total of hundred parents were selected and asked to fill out a form circulated online through a google form. The results obtained from the analysis conclude that online learning system conducted during the pandemic was helpful but it was no substitute for offline learning. The new method of learning also posed a burden to the lowincome parents and created a learning divide between students attending government and private schools.
Title: Exploring Early Childhood Care and Education in the Context of India’s National Education Policy-2020
Abstract :
The entire education system has evolved and transformed to meet societal demands. Transitions across the educational system are essential and natural because development is always accompanied by a willingness to adapt. The paper highlights the emerging patterns required to revamp the educational system and cope with contemporary issues. Children can acquire an assortment of abilities and attributes through education. As Krishnamurti so eloquently stated, Education never ends with the reading of
a book, clearing an exam, and then calling it quits. Instead, learning is a lifelong endeavor beginning from birth and continuing till death. The most significant educational policy of the twenty-first century is the National Education Policy 2020. Its main objective is to nurture individuals with strong ethical principles, as well as rational thinking and behavior, determination, resilience, empathy, compassion, and intellectual curiosity. The NEP’s determination to promote Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), which gradually gained recognition in national policy discussions, is remarkable. The recognition emphasizes how crucial it is to guarantee a successful education and achievement, which starts from the initial years of a child’s schooling. The objectives of the present article are to examine Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) and its alignment with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 framework, address the challenges involved in implementing ECCE under NEP 2020, and provide suggestions for increasing the standard of ECCE within the NEP 2020 framework. The analysis of secondary data from reputable sources is the study’s source of support. 
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Title: Drug Addiction among Children: An Emerging Threat to the front-line community of Poonch District of Jammu and Kashmir
Abstract :
Drug addiction among children is a growing concern that poses a significant threat to society. Children are increasingly exposed to drugs, which can lead to addiction and have a negative impact on their physical, mental, and social well-being. The consequences of drug addiction among children can be severe, including impaired cognitive and social development, increased risk of criminal behavior, and a higher likelihood of long-term substance abuse. The purpose of the study is to examine how drug abuse contributes to the alarming rise in juvenile crime and its negative impact on society in Poonch District. This study is based on the Qualitative method, which includes secondary data and observation of the researcher. This study reveals that factors such as peer pressure, family dysfunction, and lack of parental supervision can contribute to drug addiction among children. As children represent the nation’s future, it is inevitable that drug addiction will have a negative effect on society if it continues to spread. Destruction in terms of economics, culture, and morality is also brought about by it, specifically to the individual and generally to the community. Addressing this issue requires a comprehensive approach that includes prevention, early intervention, and effective treatment. Public awareness campaigns, education programs, and support for families are essential components of such an approach. Effective strategies to combat
drug addiction among children are crucial to ensuring the safety and well-being of future generations. 
Title: National Education Policy 2020: A Paradigm Shift in Nation’s Approach to Education
Abstract :
India’s National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 is regarded as a paradigm shift in the nation’s approach to education. Approved by the Union Cabinet in July 2020, the policy seeks to modernize the current educational structure in order to align with the requirements of the twenty-first century. This is done with the admirable goal of making India a worldwide powerhouse in the field of knowledge. As it marks a comprehensive silver lining towards achieving lifelong learning skills, the National Education Policy (NEP) promotes quality education, thereby leveraging the call of the fourth industrial revolution to take education to new heights by building upon the pillars of equity, quality, accessibility, and accountability. The purpose of this study is to provide a basic summary of the overall features of the 2020 policy. It presents a chronology for the evolution of the educational system. It also aids in comprehending how the underlying policies might result in an educational revolution. It proposes several policy initiatives that have addressed the problems in present policy.
Title: Methodological Insights into Assessing Effectiveness of In-Service Teacher Training Programs: A Meta-Synthesis Approach
Abstract :
This study explores evolving trends in assessing in-service teacher education programs, focusing on Odisha, India. It addresses three key questions: employed research designs in the in service training program, the effectiveness of quantitative and qualitative data collection tools, and the analytical techniques that best identify patterns in data for actionable insights. Using a meta-synthesis methodology, the research systematically selected studies through a two-stage review process, ensuring robustness and
generalizability. The findings reveal a significant shift from traditional to more sophisticated assessment techniques, highlighting a need for advanced, context-sensitive evaluations in Odisha. Current practices often rely on basic surveys and observations, which may not fully capture the complexities of teacher development. The study advocates for integrating digital tools and continuous formative assessments to enhance program effectiveness. Additionally, the use of various analytical techniques, such as
longitudinal studies and mixed-methods approaches, is emphasized for deeper insights into professional development outcomes. The research concludes that a multifaceted, flexible approach to assessment, involving standardization of evaluation frameworks, stakeholder involvement, and alignment with broader educational goals, is crucial for the success of in-service teacher education programs. This approach promises sustained improvements in teaching practices and student outcomes, offering valuable
contributions to the discourse on best practices in teacher professional development, particularly in developing regions like Odisha.
Title: Exploring the Possibilities of Design Thinking in Indian Education: A Pathway to Innovation
Abstract :
The incorporation of design thinking principles into Indian education presents an innovative approach to modernize and enrich learning experiences. Design thinking, known for its iterative and human-centered approach, has the potential to address shortcomings in traditional educational practices in India. This study delves into the integration of design thinking into the development of curricula, Teacher training, and improvement of school infrastructure. This integration offers various advantages, including the promotion of creativity, enhancement of problem-solving abilities, increased student engagement, and the cultivation of essential 21st-century skills. Nonetheless, there are challenges to be surmounted, such as resistance to change, limitations in resources, and complexities in assessment. To overcome these obstacles, the study suggests strategic solutions, including comprehensive training initiatives, mentorship programs, collaborative learning communities, resource accessibility, the cultivation of supportive school environments, and integration into teacher education programs. This research paper provides a practical guide for educational policymakers, administrators, and educators to leverage the potential of design thinking in revolutionizing the Indian education system. By implementing these recommendations, educators can effectively nurture an environment of innovation and critical thinking among students, equipping them to meet the multifaceted demands of the 21st century. Through the exploration of existing studies and the proposal of a theoretical framework, this paper seeks to offer feasible insights and tangible steps for the integration of design thinking into the Indian education system. In conclusion, the adoption of design thinking in Indian educational institutions stands to significantly enhance educational outcomes, despite the prospective challenges inherent in its implementation.
Title: Does Defense Expenditure Drive Economic Growth? “An Empirical Study of Bharat”
Abstract :
Background: There have been limited studies which investigate the dynamic relationship between defence expenditure and economic growth. The purpose of the present paper is to attempt to investigate the linkage between defence expenditure and economic growth in Bharat. Methodology: The study is based on annual data spans over the period 1981 to 2019. Standard econometric tools like the Unit root test, Auto-Regressive distributed lag model have been used to analyze the data and to draw inferences.
Findings: The study finds that defence expenditure and economic growth are interlinked in Bharat. It is pragmatics that defence expenditure affects economic growth positively in the short-run as well in the long run. Moreover, Granger causality outcomes revealed that there is a one-way inter-linked between defence spending and economic activities.
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Title: Evaluating Self-directed Learning of Students across different Educational Level
Abstract :
Self-directed learning (SDL) refers to a student’s ability to integrate their attitudes, enthusiasm, and actions into their personal and academic lives, taking responsibility for the quality of their learning. India’s high dropout rate is largely due to unattractive teaching methods, lack of engagement in classroom activities, and a significant gap between expected and actual learning levels. As a result, they remain dependent on others for learning, rather than developing autonomy as they grow older. The objective of our education
system should be to cultivate self-directed learners who can independently determine how to achieve their educational goals. This evolution involves moving from pedagogy, where students are guided by teachers, to andragogy, where they take more responsibility for their learning, and ultimately to heutagogy, where they become fully self-determined learners. The goal of any teaching-learning system is to guide students through this progression, fostering their development from dependent to self-directed andeventually self-determined learners. This paper aims to assess the level of self-directedness in learning among students at variability with respect to various classification variables. A cross sectional survey was conducted on a sample size of 665 ranging from school education to higher education using a simple random sampling at Kolkata district of West Bengal. Sixty-five item SRSSDL questionnaire (Williamson, 2007) along with data on baseline characteristics of the students. The level of Self-directedness in learning was found to have significant variations with differences in gender, differently abled, class, stream,
locality of students and siblings. 
Title: Strategic Partnering for Dissertation Development
Abstract :
Doctoral degree candidates struggle to successfully complete their degree program. The problem is that doctoral students are able to successfully complete their coursework, but not the research study that is necessary to earn their doctorate degree. Adequate support is needed to assist the doctoral candidate with attaining their goal of degree completion. Data for this study identified strategies and created a potential model for mentorship. The theoretical framework included Kram’s theory of mentorship and Knowle’s theory of Andragogy. The research question and hypothesis addressed the personal experiences of doctoral candidates as it relates to their relationship with their doctoral mentors. This quantitative correlational research study used a Likert-type scale. The data resulted in a proposed model for the successful relationship between the candidate and chair. Conducting this research aided in developing
a model of support that the chair and candidate can use to create a process for working to develop the dissertation. This study can impact society by providing a model of support for partnerships in education and other industries as well.
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Title: Teaching Study Skills for Distance Learners
Abstract :
The development and teaching of study skills are critical for the academic success of distance learners, particularly Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) students. As these learners navigate self-directed environments, mastering essential skills such as time management, active reading, note-taking, and stress management is vital. This article explores the significance of study skills for distance learners and proposes a comprehensive framework for teaching these skills, integrating both traditional methods and digital
tools. Strategies such as creating effective study plans, employing structured note-taking techniques, and utilizing digital platforms like Google Calendar, Evernote, and Anki are discussed in detail. The role of stress management in enhancing academic performance is also highlighted, with mindfulness practices offered by apps such as Headspace. By adopting these techniques, educators can not only boost the academic success of distance learners but also equip future teachers with the ability to pass
on these skills to their students. This discussion emphasises the importance of self-regulated learning in fostering autonomy and lifelong learning, particularly in distance education, where learners must take responsibility for their own progress. Additionally, the dual benefit of teaching study skills to future teachers is examined, as they will eventually impart these strategies to their students. The paper concludes by suggesting that further research is needed to explore the long-term impacts of these approaches on academic success and teaching efficacy, particularly as digital tools continue to evolve.
Title: Functioning of School Management Committee (SMCs) in Tribal Areas School of Odisha
Abstract :
School Management Committee (SMC) occupied a vital position in ensuring quality education for the overall development of elementary schools. In Present elementary education system, the School Management Committees (SMC) is support to teachers to smoothly functioning the school for empowering the school in following aspect such as Academic performance of children, quality of education and ensuring the proper utilization of grants for bringing quality education withing the school. This research
article defines and explains how a School Management Committee (SMC) play significant role in tribal areas elementary schools for quality education in one of the State of Odisha. The investigator adopted descriptive study design. The study was conducted in Kalahandi District of Odisha. Further the present study is helpful for exploring the role and functioning of SMC in tribal areas in different intervention strategies, the study has also helpful for identifying the awareness level of SMC members regarding their roles and responsibilities in promoting Universalization of Elementary Education, However, the study identified the problem behind the SMCs members and different steps have been taken to solved the different problems faced by the SMCs members towards the achievement of UEE
Title: Level of Stress among School Teachers: An Analytical Study
Abstract :
The teaching profession is characterized by high levels of stress that significantly impact teachers’ health, job satisfaction, and overall performance. This paper explores the prevalence and root causes of stress among school teachers, with a focus on workload, administrative demands, classroom management, and external pressures such as standardized testing. Through a mixed-method approach, including a survey and qualitative interviews, the research highlights the emotional, psychological, and physical
responses of teachers to these stressors. Key findings reveal that younger teachers and female educators experience higher stress levels, while heavy workloads and disruptive student behaviour are identified as primary stressors. The paper emphasizes the need for effective stress management strategies and robust institutional support systems, including stress reduction programs, enhanced mentorship and peer support networks, and streamlined administrative processes. By implementing these recommendations,
educational institutions can create a healthier, more supportive environment for teachers, ultimately benefiting both educators and students. This study identifies that prioritizing teacher well-being is critical for fostering an effective educational ecosystem that promotes sustained success for all stakeholders.
Title: Short Communication: Optimising Bathroom Space, Design and Aesthetics
Abstract :
The bathroom has become a feel-good space within the home. Also its design and planning is more influenced by technical considerations and products. Present research work tries to build an multi-objective optimization model incorporating multiple conflicting / non conflicting objectives such as: Optimizing available space; Improving accessibility and convenience; Enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal and Boost home’s resale value. The problem may be solved using standard mathematical programming technique.
In case of infeasible solution, Preemptive goal programming technique could be used if different priorities are to be allotted to the objectives and certain factors. In case of equal importance, Archimedean goal programming approach could be used.
Title: Inclusive Urban Governance: A Study of the Representation of Muslims in Urban Local Bodies
Abstract :
The largest democracy in the world, India, struggles with its minorities’ under representation in political offices. The level of deprivation of Muslims in the legislative bodies ranges from 20 to 50 per cent. Similar circumstances exist in local government units like municipalities and panchayats. Factors like caste, religion, money, and physical strength all have a significant impact on Indian politics, which leads to the under representation of marginalized groups like minorities, SCs, STs, and BCs. Nonetheless, SCs and STs were
able to obtain appropriate representation in the Parliament, State Assemblies, and local bodies as a result of the government’s affirmative action policies, which included reservations in elected entities. In the same way, seat reservations helped the Backward Classes in the local bodies. Without an affirmative action strategy like this, minorities, including Muslims are glaringly underrepresented in local government bodies as well as in state and federal legislatures. Based on field data, the current study examines how Muslim minorities are represented in the Rayalaseema region of Andhra Pradesh’s Urban Local Bodies.