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Tourism is world’s largest industry without making smoke. It occupies one in nine global jobs and contributes 10 per cent to the world’s Gross Domestic Product. It is a dynamically developing area of external economic activities. It affects different other sectors of the economy through its high growth and progress rates, substantial amounts of foreign currency inflows, infrastructure expansion and introduction of new management and educational experiences. Consecutively it adds positively to the social and economic development of the country as a whole. Its actual and potential economic impact is amazing. So this paper is an attempt to measure the economic impact of tourism in India. Currently a lot of measures are there to measure the impact. The important measures are Input-Output Method, Multiplier Method, Economic Impact Assessment Scale, Tourism Satellite Accounts Method, Impacts of Visitor Spending Method and Computable General Equilibrium Model. In this study the author is using the Visitor Spending Method.
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In the present paper an attempt has made to study women empowerment through SHGs in three dimensions in rural Andhra Pradesh. Among all the 13 Districts of Andhra Pradesh, three districts of North Coastal Andhra Pradesh were selected as sample area for the study. Multi stage random sampling method is used for selecting sample units. The selection process carried out in four stages; relating to districts, mandals, villages and households. The primary data collected from 600 households were selected from the 24 villages of the 6 selected mandals from all the 3 North Coastal Districts of Andhra Pradesh. The opinion of SHG members collected with Likert’s five point scaling technique on 10 indicators for each to dimension of Social, Economic and Political issues relating to empowerment. To find out whether the participation in SHG programs has led to empower or not, Empowerment Index is calculated separately for Old Self-Help Groups (OSHGs) and New Self-Help Groups (NSHGs) and made comparison. Descriptive analysis along with Chi-square test, F-test and Z-test are used for fruitful inferences. The Results revealed that the OSHG members are observed better empowered when compared to NSHG in socio, economic and political dimensions. Further the study confirmed that as member in SHGs for long time helps to improve the women empowerment.
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Environmental Informatics is the emerging interdisciplinary practicing facet responsible for the applications and utilization of Information Technology in Environment, Nature, and Ecology. Different other areas viz. Geology, Agriculture, Forestry, Geography, Climatology, Oceanography, etc are also important stakeholders of Environmental Informatics. The branch Environmental Informatics also called as Eco Informatics, Ecology Informatics in some contexts. Environmental Informatics is quite different from Environmental Information Technology. Environmental Informatics interconnects both environmental as well as information sciences for the complete natural processes with language common to both humans and computers. This is still a practicing phenomenon; however, in few countries, this can be seen as a branch of study. There are different potentialities to offer Environmental Informatics as an academic branch due to its wider scope and utilizations. The field is practiced by professionals in forestry, agriculture, ecology and environment, corps and horticulture, geography and geology, etc. In this paper, various internal and related aspects of Environmental Informatics in different areas and sectors are analyzed.
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This study investigated the interaction of roadside advertising signs (RASs) with driving decision at road intersections in Ile-Ife, Southwestern Nigeria with the aim of determining whether the influence of RASs on drivers in the study area was similar to findings in other cities of the world. 150 questionnaire were administered to respondents based on their familiarization with the selected roads. Using descriptive statistics and chi-saquare analysis, the results revealed a high concentration of RASs around location with highest road intersections. 78.0% of the respondents were induced to read RASs with 56.4% of the respondents distracted trying to read the content of the RASs. Result also revealed a relationship between education level and inducement to read the RASs. It was concluded that RASs constituted hindrance to drivers as found in other parts of the world. The rate of hindrance could be reduced where erections of signs are strictly regulated.
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In India, the Department of Agriculture (DoA) in the state is the prime public extension service provider which undertakes regulatory function and also management of supplies and inputs. A study was conducted to assess the level of farmers’ (clientele) satisfaction on agricultural extension services of DoA. The study was conducted in Tripura state of North- East India during 2012. The required information was collected from 80 farmers (clientele) of the DoA using structured interview schedule. The findings of the investigation indicated that a majority of the clientele had expressed medium level of relevancy, quality, usefulness and customer (clientele) service satisfaction of the extension services provided by the Department of Agriculture. Based on the findings of the study, it was suggested that the department should provide relevant market information, inputs should be provided timely, extension personnel should be equipped with appropriate teaching materials and methods, the extension personnel should encourage farmers for developing farmers groups or Self-help Group for helping themselves. The research study was conducted by the first author as a thesis work to fulfill the partial requirements for M. Sc. (Agriculture) in Agricultural Extension degree programme.
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In the era of globalization, everyone is in competition with others. The world of advertising is also not an exception. Controversy in marketing is nothing new. At any cost, advertisers want to attract the attention of the viewers towards their product. They are always looking for ways to do that. Some also get tangled into controversial issues either intentionally or not, which can harm their brand image. The goal is just one and single - to sell the product by hook or by crook. While some advertisers have undertaken controversial advertising campaigns which have been very successful, some have been damaging to the company. Overtly or covertly, the advertisers break ethical guidelines, challenge the norms set up by the supervisory bodies. When protest erupts, either the advertisers drop those advertisements form being broadcast for a temporary period or move up to the court to fight for their reasons. This research paper focuses on the violation of the advertising ethics in Indian advertising being practiced since many years and its effects on the audience and also to find out the loopholes in the controversial advertisements.
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Differences in depicting the size of self and placement of self by orphan and normal children in relation to different family members was studied using family drawing method. 105 orphan and 100 normal children constituted the sample of the study. The results revealed that orphan and normal children differed significantly from each other with respect drawing the ‘size of self’ and ‘placement of self’ in relation to different family members. More orphan than normal children omitted ‘self’ figure in their drawings. More normal than orphan children have depicted the ‘size of self’ figure equal to that of all family members, size according to age and placed self figure close to mother, father and siblings.
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Usury is a plague which haunts most of the underdeveloped sections of the society. Here a complete picture of the moneylenders, who they are, their history, why people go for moneylenders and not formal financial institutions, surety asked for loans by them, various consequences of default of payment by borrowers, notorious instances, laws to protect the affected in the form of acts and probable solutions for this issue are discussed. Media is continuously reporting the evils of usury which clearly reveals the evil grip usury has on the society. Nobody, the rich or the poor is spared. To support this study, a review was done on the media reporting on usury. The paper is a review of the “money lenders” in India. This study is done as a precursor for the ICSSR-IMPRESS sponsored project under the title “A strategic model creation for sustainable financial inclusion through influencers for under-privileged sections of the society”.
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Kanadwadi, a village situated in district Sangli of Maharashtra, India, where the bullock owners used to get their bullock’s horn sheared and painted them using chemical paints and applied chemical colors to the body of bullocks during bail pola festival, which is one of the potential causes of horn cancer and also causes skin allergies. Animal Rahat initiated intervention on this issue and involved this particular village community in the entire process, so as to make the process participatory. All the processes including formulation of the problem/ issue, interpretation of the findings, planning and corrective actions were based on the experiences. This process served community needs and created awareness and commitment to find solution within community. As a result of Participatory Action Research (PAR), villagers agreed not to shear the horns, paint them using harmful paints and application of chemical color on their body, hence saving 30 bullocks of their village and around 200 bullocks of nearby villages from potential threat of horn cancer and skin allergy.
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Recreating the past is difficult, film makers barely succeed in replacing the memory of the past vision with their own. This research is based on a comparative study on the elements of both versions of the movie ‘Umrao Jaan’ and its social elements. This research solely investigates the social acceptance of the character of Umrao Jaan borrowing from both the movies - Umrao Jaan: 1981 and Umrao Jaan: 2006, drawing a distinct comparison of both eras and the evolution of the character. The research represents a critical analysis of Bollywood’s visual interpretation of the character of Umrao Jaan. The idea is to portray the influence of visual culture over a social spectrum. This analysis highlights the social manipulation of the notions of the Indian women. The poetry and the songs from both the movies will be studied as symbolic elements that represent the shades of the character. The research defines the interpretation of the dilemma the character faces in the understanding of her dual identity as a courtesan and a woman. Even though Bollywood cultivates the ideal picture of a bold woman in the movie yet it fails to give it a new dimension. The research objectifies the reference of a puritan society as a symbol in the representation of the character in the movie. The element of beauty and femininity is studied as a complex association in the character’s role and the industry’s portrayal of the character. Romance is also studied as a major element that the movie has used to define the character.
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This paper basically evaluates the citizen’s satisfaction on the e-service delivery of union digital center (UDC) at the grassroots level in Bangladesh. Majority of the people live in rural areas of Bangladesh. Rural local government bodies have been providing them numerous services. Sometimes, rural people need to move to the urban authorities for the faster service as well. The UDC collectively represent and important nexus for service delivery decentralization, local government strengthening, and community empowerment. The centers are enriched with various need-based modern devices. In reality, the quality and the effectiveness of these e-services mostly depend on the satisfaction of the local people and their complement. This study also found that The UDC has relative advantages over alternative service delivery arrangements, and that it has produced positive impacts on bridging the digital divide in Bangladesh. Therefore, UDC faces some serious problems which are also mentioned in the later part of the article with its remedial measures for authority concern.
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Pesticides have many private and social costs to agriculture. To address this problem the World Bank has promoted Farmer Field School. The objective of the study was to estimate the Average treatment on Treated due to exposure of the farmer at Farmer Field School. The outcome variables were yield per acre and expenditures on pesticides. The decision to select Farmer Field School villages or farmers was not random from the point of view of policy makers. It was very important to overcome the problem of selection bias in finding a comparison group. The pre-treatment comparison of socio-economic indicators suggested that exposed farmers were systematically different from non-exposed farmers. I used propensity score matching as the possible solutions for overcoming the problem of selection bias. Indonesia had the most extensive experience with the Farmer Field School approach. The data from a panel survey of Javanese household organised by the Indonesian Center for Agro-Socioeconomic Research, available on public domain of data catalogue of World Bank. The Propensity Score Matching matched the exposed and non-exposed farmer in terms of observed socio-economic variable. The empirical findings suggested that the FFS did not result in any significant improvement in yield or reduction in the expenditure on pesticide.
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With rising cost of crop cultivation, narrowing margin, fast increasing family expenditure and rising unemployment, agriculture may not succeed in offering meaningful living to millions of farmers in rural India. Seeing the growing contribution of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in increasing employment and income of the people, it is felt that MSME sector may supplement farmers’ income and help rural India to achieve equity and promote a balanced economic development. The MSMEs also support in industrializing rural areas. Growth of the sector in the last few decades is quite encouraging. But these enterprises are facing many bottlenecks such as infrastructure, demand, quality raw material, manpower with skill and credit facility. This article attempts to study the growth, importance and key challenges of the MSME sector in India. The article concludes with a statement that MSMEs are the lower layer of the enterprise system, which contributes to the overall GDP and welfare by generating additional employment, increasing export and maintaining equity. Therefore, MSMEs must be explored and made use of as a powerful tool of growth and social justice.
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Aspiration is considered as one of the important traits of personality of an individual. The present study has to be conceived as a contribution towards understanding of the nature and extent of aspiration of the students. It is essential to understand the various occupational aspirations of the Agricultural Graduates and the sources of information utilised by the Agricultural Graduates for occupation and job opportunities. The study was conducted during September-December 2011 at the faculty of Agriculture, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswa Vidyalaya (BCKV). The sample consists of all the 1st semester and 3rd semester students of M.Sc (Agriculture). The analysis of occupational aspirations suggested that while students aspired to a particular type of job, they were not necessarily expecting to get the job to which they aspired. In the context of this study, a higher percentage of students (30%) aspired to be A.R.S performers exclusively, however many were not really expecting to go as a researcher. Among the mass media sources, all the respondents used news papers as sources for job placement followed by websites (88.36%). Among the least used mass media sources was radio (only 1.72%). Among the informal sources it is noted that students received maximum information regarding job from their friends (88%) followed by their parents (50.43%).least used sources for information was neighbours (6.46%).
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The present study elaborates the performance of SHG-Bank linkage programme of NABARD in Rajasthan. It mainly discusses the impact of SHGs on education, food and health expenditure by households. The study found that SHGs have helped the members to meet out household expenditure on food, health and education. The expenditure pattern shows that majority of households have contributed to the expenditure from the income earned after becoming the member of group. The qualitative analysis with the help of two case studies of rural women further validates the quantitative analysis and claimed that because of the involvement in self help groups, the income and expenditure level increased along with standard of living. The study suggests that sustained efforts should be continued to promote various livelihood generation activities so that the household may increase their income and put more household expenditure on food, health and education. Apart from this, the members should be provided proper orientation to utilise the money in most efficient manner.
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Ecotourism has a significant role in community development in the host areas through alternative but sustainable livelihood. This tourism practice meets the needs of the tourists and hosts together, protecting the natural environment. Nowadays, this tourism involves visiting new areas to learn about various landscapes, environment, habitats as well as the cultural activities of an individual community. It also expands the possibilities for future. So, ecotourism can be an effective method for sustainable rural development in the Himalayan tract of West Bengal. In Darjeeling and Kalimpong districts of West Bengal, ecotourism is still a community-based activity which involves local people and their culture. Most of the ecotourism sites in this part of West Bengal are within forest and hilly tract. Here growth of ecotourism has been phenomenal during the last decades with the influx of tourists that boosted the local economy. Sillery Gaon, a small village, in ‘Silk Route Circuit’ of West Bengal, is a new addition to it and a perfect example of this scenario. It is situated in Kashyone, gram panchayat of Kalimpong District. This pictorial village is surrounded with the dense forest of Pankhasari range and blessed with the panoramic view of Tista River and Kanchenjunga. In the last ten years, the villagers have developed ecotourism facilities and activities which transformed their traditional agrarian economy to tourismbased livelihood. This paper is based on a case study that analyses the symbiotic relationship between the ecotourism practice and sustainable community development of Sillary Gaon village. It also deals with the prospects and challenges of ecotourism sector of this village.
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The connotations of impurity that surround menstruation gave rise to the phrase and concept of ‘polluted women’ which is one of the few things that almost all the religions (be it Hinduism, Christianity or Islam) seems to be agreeing upon but in actuality it is a game of interpretation at its core. The word ‘menstruation’ that has now been normalized far enough for it to be considered offensive today, finds its roots in religious fanaticism. The elucidation of religious texts in the majority of the religions was left to men so it is not a breach to say that their understandings and explanations might be biased to further their ‘females are inferior’ agenda and can be easily debunked and stripped of their credibility as baseless myths. But women around the world are still suffering under the yoke of these misconstrued interpretations and have been condemned to an eternity of inhumane treatment during those 5-7 days every month. It doesn’t just affect their physical health but the seclusion and alienation cost them their mental equilibrium too. In a time when comfort and care is needed the most, they are subjected to irrational practices that aggravates their trauma and which is so hard to comprehend that society dismisses it as histrionic behaviour. The demotion of menstruation as a tabooed topic is not just a desirable ideal now, but it has become an imperative necessity so in an attempt to keep up with the changing times there is a wave of change being felt in the environment. It is time that this patriarchal society gets rid of its conservative mindset. Everything boils down to pose this question – in a world where a woman’s ability to bear children is her only strength celebrated by this male-dominated society then why, menstruation, a process which aids that is shunned down as a topic which is not worthy or ‘normal’ enough to be discussed in a civil conversation?
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Prevention of diseases, diagnosis, treatment of illness, injury in human beings, etc., forms the subject matter of health care. Diseases like diabetes, stroke, cancer, cardiac diseases, renal diseases and so on needs specialised health care services owing to their specific treatment modalities. The Government of India has been trying its best to deliver health care services at the primary, secondary and tertiary level. Tertiary health care services provide specialised and super-speciality health care services which includes cancer management, neurology and neurosurgery, cardiology and cardio-thoracic surgery, nephrology and urology, and a host of other complex medical and surgical interventions. But these specialised and super specialised health care services are often very costly and are beyond the affordability of general population. Moreover, the Government with its limited resources are not able to provide such services to all the needy people. So, the Government took initiative in including various NGOs in providing such type of specialised and super-speciality health care services so as to benefit the needy and the poor. The present paper discusses about such activities by NGOs in the field of specialised health care, citing the example of The Cachar Cancer Hospital Society (CCHS), a NGO which provides specialised health care services in the field of cancer, to the needy and the poor population.
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The recent participation levels of women in formal politics in India reveal two positives that augur well. First, the upsurge among women voters that started in the 1990s reached the highest female turnout ever, so far, in the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. Second, women’s participation in high-voltage election campaigns during the 2014 general elections also showed a substantial increase. However, the continued under-representation of women in legislative bodies and within the rank and file of political parties offsets the momentous gains made in the people-driven feminisation of electoral politics in India. Within a brief historical context identifying the beginnings of women’s electoral participation in India, the article presents a time series analysis of women’s voting patterns, showing that there have never been concerted efforts by political parties to mobilise female voters on any issue concerning women in either national or state level elections. Promises by political parties in their manifestos on gender issues remain clichéd and are conveniently forgotten after the hustings. India’s failure to pass the Women’s Reservation Bill is presented as the most telling testimony about lack of seriousness among political parties in taking better account of women’s increasing electoral participation.
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The predominant type of living arrangement in pre-independence India was joint family system. It was based on the notion of collectivism and charity. It was a serving place for not only nurturing and preserving social values, but also passing them down through generations. After the advent of industrialization and subsequent emergence of urbanization and modernization, the joint families started disintegrating into nuclear families. The modern nuclear family is perpetually promoting the principle of individualism or independence in contrast to the value of collectivism deep-rooted in joint family. It is, therefore, a value shift in family from collectivism to individualism. It is followed by a loyalty shift in family from lineal ties to conjugal ties. Consequently, nuclear family has become an indispensible social unit in contemporary Indian society. However, its sustainability may perhaps be uncertain in a distant future because of the inclination of present younger generation to complete independence in life. Probably this may result in the emergent of a new type of living arrangement to satisfy the needs of generations of people in a remote future.
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This study is to identify the students’ experiences on the uses of their favourite social networking site like Facebook and its effect on their daily life. In this paper, a survey was conducted by ninety five (95) students’ from the six faculties of the Comilla University are taken as samples. Data were collected by using a questionnaire during July to August 2016. Most of the respondents reported that a constructive effects of using social networking sites is evident in their daily life. This study significantly found that they used Facebook for communication with their friends and others, getting information, educational purpose, sending birthday greetings, job purpose and entertainment etc. This study also suggested that there is a need for higher education policy makers in Bangladesh to properly connect the students’ involvement in social networking to their academic purposes.
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Groundwater is an essential source of drinking water in many countries. Groundwater is best described as the world’s real hidden treasure. Almost everywhere it has made a difference in providing safe drinking water and livelihood security in times of drought. Management of ground water resources in Indian context is an extremely complex proposition. The highly uneven distribution and its utilization make it impossible to have single management strategy for the country as a whole. The study mainly describe region of katihar district of Bihar. Groundwater of Katihar region is based on component of the hydrological cycle, mode of occurrence, water level fluctuations, chemical quality, and status of development for vital resource of human sustenance. The following retrospective study provides a broad context for unifying technical contributions that make up this focus on groundwater resources, management strategies, development, problems and issues, mass awareness and training activities of the Katihar region, Bihar.
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In the contemporary world, ornamental fisheries /aquaculture is gaining much popularity; in fact, globally it is a trading and marketing industry rather than a hobby. Earlier days, ornamental aquaculture in India was just a hobby for people. Slowly the hobby got momentum to be a viable business as it boomed with trade values internationally. India has enormous potential to be one of the top ornamental fish producing nations as it has huge in untapped or unexploited resources. Ornamental aquaculture can generate income and employment and has immense potential for the upliftment and empowerment of women. Women in fisheries is predominantly involved in post-harvest activities but inclusion of women in aquaculture will help in creating gender equalisation in the sector. Ornamental aquaculture has been tried and tested by several countries, states, and organisations in rural development and the progress of women in all walks of life through ornapreneurship.
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Women health is very crucial as they are considered to be the central and key person in the families. However, women are not very conscious about their health related issues, and always take these issues very lightly. These mindsets have to be changed by different communication interventions. Women have many elements which prevent them to consider their own personal health issues, like –shyness and hesitations, lack of health literacy, lack of awareness, lack of interest for interpersonal communications by the healthcare professionals, lack of proper health communication, to name a few. These complications can be mitigated with the help of properly drawn target based health communication strategies which can not only inform, but also influence the health behaviors of the women. Mainly the initiatives are to be taken by the programme or policy implementing agencies with the help of target audience, which will help bringing better health outcomes and significant social changes.
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Renewable resources are capable of solving the twin problems of energy supply in a decentralized manner and helping sustaining the clearer environment but it is difficult predict the role of unconventional sources of energy. Renewable energy is becoming an increasingly important part of India’s energy mix. India now has an economy with a dynamic private sector and a burgeoning middle class, however, faces growing challenges to maintain its economic growth. Many of India’s energy players suffer from financial weakness, with limited financial resources and restricted investment ability. India needs considerable investment to build a reliable and adequate energy supply chain. Technical and managerial expertise of Indian energy companies needs to improve. This is particularly relevant in the renewable sector, which is fast expanding and in need of skilled personnel. Although installed capacity remains quite small, it has promising potential for growth. Private investment has been the key driver behind the growth of renewable in India. Renewable energy would play a critical role to solve some of India’s energy problems and to improve the quality of people’s lives. Ambitious policy targets would help build investors’ confidence in the future of India’s renewable sector.
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Intellectual property is the creation of human mind and human intellect. This is why this kind of property is called “Intellectual” property. Intellectual property is created by incorporating information in tangible objects capable of multiplying in unlimited number of times at different locations anywhere in the world. The property is basically in the concept, idea, and thought and thereafter is the actual product, work or process, etc. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) provides further clarification on what exactly should be the nature of Intellectual Property. According to WIPO, the Intellectual Property includes rights relating to inventions in all fields of human endeavors, scientific discoveries and industrial designs. It also contains trademarks, service marks and commercial names and designations, literary, artistic and scientific works and performance of artists, phonograms and alike. Further, the protection against unfair competition and all other rights resulting from intellectual activity in the industrial scientific, literary or artistic fields have been aptly given space in the domain of intellectual property.
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This paper shows the multiple challenges in Healthcare Systems’ Programme and its weaknesses and also gives some recommendations to improve it. Healthcare system plays very important role in the development of the country. If a country wants to make progress in all fields of life, it should provide the health atmosphere to its citizens and it is only then possible when it is increased by manpower system. Pakistan is an underdeveloped country and it stands 65th position among 102 developing countries. It has totally taken inherited Healthcare system from British side in 1947and now this Healthcare system consists of private and public sector. The private sector serves nearly 70% of population and 30% by public sector (Papanek, 2019). According to the constitution of provisional health of Pakistan, it is the government responsibility to provide the health facility to its citizens. Healthcare Services are delivered through a three-tiered namely; (Primary, secondary and territory Healthcare system). In Primary Healthcare services only Basic Health Units (BHUs) and Rural Health Centers (RHCs) are included. And in Secondary Healthcare Services Tehsil Head Quarters (THQs) and District Head Quarters (DHQs) are included. And Tertiary Healthcare hospital is an individual system.
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Poverty reduction and rural development are the most difficult and biggest challenges in the country. Since independence a number of poverty alleviation and rural development programmes have been implemented during the plan period aiming to reduce poverty.These development programmes can be grouped in two categories (i) wage employment schemes (ii) Scheme self-employment schemes. In these programmsviz: MFALDA, SFDA, Food For Work programme, National Rural Employment programe and Employment Assurance scheme (EAS). During 1989-90 a massive programme of JawaharRozgarYojana was launched by merging NREP and RLEGP. Later a unique new wage employment programme known as SampoornaGrameenaRozgarYojana (SGRY) was introduced by merging JGSY and EAS. The Swarnjayanthi Gram SwarozgarYojana (SGSY) is a major ongoing programme for the self-employment of the poor.
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The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the global population adversely. The impact is not limited to health only; rather extend to affect the global economy, transport, education and largely the social integrity. The impact of COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the marginalized population more intensely. The marginalized population in the community are severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Community support and timely intervention for these population will prevent the spread of infection to these people as well as in the community. This review discusses the impact of COVID-19 in the marginalized population and some recommendations to deal with this issue. Extensive review of literature done by using the terms of marginalized population (transgender individuals, commercial sex workers, refugees, and migrant workforces, peoples living in prison, old age homes and hospice care) with COVID-19 in the electronic databases.
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Civilization depends upon the strength of ideal values and sentiments in marriage for maintaining marital relations which play an important role in offering an easy and effective guidance in their marital behavior. The personality traits of two individuals, their backgrounds, the attitude affect the future of any marriage. Working women’s problem depends on the type of employment and domestic commitment. Tension is felt because she feels torn between loyalty towards job and towards husband and child. Role conflict arises when there is a clash between equally important roles. Due to shortage of time and energy on the one hand and a large number of demands of family members working women enable to meet her demands and needs and make her life unhappy. The present study was planned to investigate the marital conflict of working women from different organized sectors. A sample of three hundred working women was selected purposively. The marital conflict of working women was quantified as per the scoring of scale developed by Krebs and Laird, 1998. It was observed that the highest range of marital conflict was found in case of nurse followed by officer, college teacher, clerk, doctor and school teacher. There was no significant difference among them as far as marital conflict was concern.
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The present research conducted in Jahangirnagar University and Dhaka University of Bangladesh. There were total 174 respondents for the study. 118 respondents were from Dhaka University and 56 respondents were from Jahangirnagar University. General objective of this study was to identify influence of higher education in women empowerment. Research findings showed that there is significant relation between higher education and empowerment level. Actually science faculty students of both universities are empowered then other faculty. In terms of involvement with organization number is high in Jahangirnagar University. In contrary number of respondents are high in Dhaka University in terms of involvement with profession. In terms of decision making the number of Jahangirnagar University respondents are higher than Dhaka University students.
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Madrassas play a very important role in an Islamic society. Besides imparting education, these religious seminaries also provide basic necessities to the deprived sections of society in Pakistan. However, since 2001, the credibility of madrassa education has been put into question since it has been alleged that Madrassas have links with militant organizations. Though, small in number as compared to private and public educational institutions, madrassas do perpetrate intolerance and hatred towards other sects and religion. However, the other side of the argument perceive this as oversimplification and overgeneralisation of a complex phenomenon. According to them, madrassas do not necessarily perpetrate terrorism since they play a very important role in Pakistan’s religious and social life.
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Growing up from the (Tribal Stage) system, only a few ethnic groups isolated in the geographical environment (Geographies Environment) are left behind in ethnic life. Following the same pattern of civilization, as they did in ancient times, they live in isolation in the wilderness or in the mountains of the modern world. They are said to be centuries old as they were the first settlers to inhabit the land.
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The market centres perform the functions as service centers, helps in increasing the socio- economic and political contacts in the surrounding area. The functions of markets are largely depends upon the threshold population, transacted commodities, administrative character and the transportation links between the market and its hinterland. On the basis of varying functions and numerous characteristics of market centres, they can be further classified into different types, so as to understand the peculiar nature of the market centres in any spatial unit. This paper aims to analyse the function and classification of market centres of the study area on the basis of several variables which are closely related to the spatial development of market centres, such as, number of shops, estimated participants, transacted commodities, market function, and trade area.
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The territorial dispute between Japan and Russia has been ongoing since century and did not come up with satisfying solution yet. The disputed Islands were Shikotan, Habomai, Etorofu, Kunashiri and Kurile chain. In San Francisco Treaty there were divisions of the two Islands among the country but like all the time, Japan claims all the four Islands as it was their historically integrated part. However, it has soured the bilateral relations for more than centuries and many treaties were signed for peaceful co-existence but unsuccessful. Both the side gave their valid arguments for the territories they claim and it is difficult to find out a solutions.
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This study set out to investigate the survival strategies of illegal transport operators in Harare, using the City- University of Zimbabwe route of Harare. With most studies on this area, mainly focusing on public transport operations under a broader category, this research paid particular attention to the marginalized public transport operators, which are commuter omnibus operators. As such, the study documented crackdown on commuter omnibus operators by the law enforcement agents, and how in return commuter omnibus operators have managed to come up with strategies that deal with this crackdown. Taking a sociological analysis; this study through the use of the structure-agency theory of Giddens, seeks to comprehend the reality faced by commuter omnibus operators in their day to day activities. Taking a qualitative standpoint, this study also gives a critical gaze into the strategies employed by commuter omnibus operators in countering crackdown by law enforcement agents in the City- University of Zimbabwe route. Thus a qualitative research methodology, mainly in-depth interviews, natural observation and secondary data sources, were utilized in the collection of data.
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Knowingly or unknowingly the teaching and learning takes place directly or indirectly in different forms (formal, non formal and informal) at different level (primary, secondary and higher education) from ancient to present era. Here the method of teaching and learning knowingly or unknowingly has been changing according to social change. In modern era the teaching and learning takes place with well formulated school environment and it is the primary source to generate skilled human resource. To enhancement of this primary and predominant process it is need of the hour to takeout the paradigm shift in the teaching and learning process.
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It is the younger generation who takes country’s progress forward but young generation has to go through a lot transformation at this age. They are worried and scared about their future career, getting good percentage so that they could get admissions in top colleges. They also go through hard time handling personal and emotional affairs. This is the delicate age where they also feel like falling in love. So, there are thousands of things going on in their minds. There is a high percentage of unemployment in India. Younger generation is more worried, concerned and disturbed about their uncertain future. Chetan Bhagat is a contemporary young and famous writer who brings forth the issues of youth in his novels, newspaper articles. He also works as a motivational speaker and guide younger generation on their career choices. His most of the novels have made record sales and are known as best sellers. Though he is an English Language writer but still his style of writing is so simple that those who have a tight hand at understanding English can understand the storyline without taking the help of heavy weighted English dictionaries. From the very beginning of his career as a novelist he explored the issues and problems of youth through his well-etched characters.
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The present study examines the impact of the working and earning status of women on their everyday domestic responsibilities from the experiences of a sample of 112 working women from Nashik city ranging in 23 to 56 years of age. A questionnaire with the basic demographic information, some close ended questions and a checklist of forty-two family chores were administered to the sample as research tools. Main findings reveal that in spite of the working and earning status of women the everyday domestic responsibilities of family living are not shared on fair basis by men and women. Some of the backbreaking ‘everyday family chores’ are not at all done by men in the sample population. This inequality in work distribution and shouldering responsibility could be an outcome of the prevalent patriarchal or male dominant family system in India. Nashik being a religious town seems to follow the traditional role-patterns of women and men even though due to the economic reasons women have taken up the additional function of earning for the family. The data were analyzed and mean, standard deviation and t-value were estimated. The present study was confined to the urban working women in the city of Nashik in Maharashtra, India.
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Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status. Human rights include the right to life and liberty, freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to work and education, and many more. Everyone is entitled to these rights, without discrimination[2]. The concept of human rights is not a very new thing for Indian civilization. At the same time, Indian society would had been probably one of the worst societies in the world practicing number of social evils degrading the life and value of human beings – like caste discrimination, sati prathta etc. Human rights in India underwent lot of ups and downs. Post-independence, most of the human rights as declared by UDHCR were reflected as Fundamental Rights in Indian Constitution, which was adopted on 26 January 1950. Since then we have been seeing number of cases of human rights violations by the authorities. We also witnessed a number of historical judgements which further strengthened Human Rights in India. The last four years remained in news for various new trends in both – violations as well as strengthening of Human Rights in India. The paper attempts to outline such recent trends in last four years under the governance of right wing political party – Bhartiya Janta Party[3] in India.
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The current review focuses on the children who are engaged in labor, especially brick kiln industries that has not only affected them but the environment as a whole. The major study area is Odisha, an eastern state in India that shows high incidence of children being employed in such places. This article also focuses on various laws and legislations associated with this scenario along with certain recommendations that will be presented to the policy makers and the key stakeholders.
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In India, several special security laws in the naxalite affected are responsible to violate national and international human rights guarantees, both by the naxals and security forces. The indigenous tribal people are experiencing three kinds of human rights violation due to naxalite movement; firstly, naxals are involved in killing, abduction, summary trail, execution and torture of civilians; secondly, secondly, security forces are responsible for arbitrary arrest, illegal detention and torture and thirdly, chronic forms of HR violations like right to life, land, development induced/conflict induced development, displacement due to security reasons, forest laws and others. This paper is an empirical study in the naxalite affected Koraput region in the state of Odisha to have a critical examination of the extent of human rights violations and tries to locate the contradictions of the stand poised by the government of India and International human rights legal framework. Secondly, to identify the limitations of international human rights laws, especially IHL and UDHR to deal with specific population groups like tribals in India. Finally, it argues for alternative ways for the protection of Human Rights of the indigenous populations in the conflict areas.
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Famers’ fair an important tool in transferring latest technologies to farmers is gaining momentum over the years. The main purpose of organizing such farmers’ fair is to create awareness among visitors about new technologies developed by researchers primarily from the government sector, agricultural and allied research centres and State Agricultural Universities (SAUs). Considering its importance, an exploratory study was carried out to identify the constraints perceived by the visiting farmers and remedies suggested by them for improvement of farmers’ fair. The present study was conducted at Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University (CCS HAU), Hisar main campus during 2019-20. Empirical data were collected through personal interview technique with the help of well-structured and pre-tested interview schedule and analyzed using standard methodology. Findings revealed that infrastructural constraints were perceived highest with composite index value (CIV) of 38.28, followed by physical (34.37), institutional (30.00), miscellaneous (19.27) and social (07.81) constraints. With regards to suggestions, most of the farmers suggested time duration of farmers’ fair should be increased followed by adequate transport facilities, seeds should be made available at low price, etc. Hence, the paper recommends that although the farmers’ fairs are playing an effective role in information dissemination but must be updated each year to catch more attention of the farmers.
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Groundswell in the population of the elderly has multitudinous implications on the economy of a nation as well as the structure of public policies and programmes. Maintaining the health and wellbeing of the elderly, who constitute a large part of India’s population is an emerging area of concern in law as well as psychology. This chapter addresses the predicament of the ageing population and the various inequalities and transgressions such as elderly abuse and fiduciary crime that thwart successful ageing and wellbeing. Contemporary conceptions of wellbeing such as that of remarriage, bereavement and resilience in the elderly are also discussed. Furthermore, inadequacies of the policies and programmes developed on the national as well as global level to safeguard the needs of the elderly are also explored.
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A large number of children are destitute in Bangladesh. They suffers severely from malnutrition, under weight and drink unsafe water. They are never enrolled in school. About 0.68 million children lives in the street in Bangladesh and they involved in child labour such as domestic works, agriculture, vehicle helper, garments workers, shoe polisher, construction helper, carpenters, hawkers etc. They also engaged in bidi factory, match factory, transport sectors, brick-field, dyeing factory, tannery factory and printing press sectors and they are totally deprived from healthy environment. Even a large number of them are involved in different types of crime such as stealing, snatching, smuggling, pilfering prostitution etc. No doubt this is very much unexpected situation for the children who are the future leader of the nation. So there are responsibilities for the concern authorities of Bangladesh to rescue these destitute children from their miseries and also to ensure their rights.
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Cities in India have been in under tremendous pressure of population growth as well as with huge production of wastewater. Wastewater treatment projects have found vulnerable due to various constraints. In result natural bodies around the cities have been used as disposal site hence contaminated severely. So, controlling pollution through managing the wastewater as well as resource recycling has gained increasing urgency in recent decades. An effort has been made in this paper to critically examine the status of wastewater generation in urban India, its possibility of management through recycling with a special attention to Kolkata. It has been observed that city wastewater has been used as revenue earning combination of agriculture and aquaculture in Kolkata. The entire system created and developed by the local people in the area is the unique of its kind and serve as a ‘Natural Kidney’ of the Megacity Kolkata where sustain resource recovery system in the form of vegetable farms, fish ponds and paddy fields. Despite of various constraints fisheries have been functioning successfully in this area with producing employment opportunity for two persons per hectare. Therefore, the study shows that disposal of waste water in other Indian cities as well as in other parts of Kolkata can be used as low cost resource recovery process for future sustenance.
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Gender based violence is quite common in almost all the developing countries. Religion, customs, age-old prejudices, etc. have put Indian women in a subservient and exploitable position in many domains of life. Low rates of participation in education, lack of economic independence, value biases operating against them, etc., have resulted in the women being dependent on men folk and other institutions of authority like the family, neighbourhood and the society.
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This article is comprised of a systematical analysis of ‘class’ and ‘gender’ nexus in the agrarian society. The prime focus has been given to the identification of women in the agrarian class structure. It is a systematic comparative analysis of the position and role of women in different agrarian class structure in two different zones in West Bengal. Gender relation in the agrarian class structure does not only depend on the possession of the property (i.e. land) but also related to the sexual division of labour, nature of work and intra-household relationship. Another dimension of subordination of women in the agrarian class structure is the concept of ‘house-hold’ which derived from a dimension of ‘public-private’ dichotomy. It has been discussed how the role and participation of women are expanding day by day in the agricultural sector, though they are very few recognised as an independent farmer.
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Power, according to some is considered to be a possibility to influence others, some say it is something which entrenches control over others, some say it is something which promotes people to take action and facilitate decision making and planning. But many a time this power is used or misused in enabling or disabling an individual from doing or performing certain things. Thus, this paper aims to do an in-depth examination of the relationship between power and Rape, this paper aims to put forth certain theories which are concerning the commission of Rape. Furthermore, this paper aims to apprise the reader by conflating the sociological, psychological, and political impacts and consequences in a subtle way.
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The social concept of gender emphasizes the bond between society and people. Gender is not determined through the sexual characteristics of either women or men but constructed socially. Gender role is a social position that includes a variety of actions and attitudes that are usually considered acceptable, appropriate, or desirable for people based on their personal or biological sex. This research was based on “gender role and crime”, and the main objective was to examine the impact of gender role towards the female offending in Sri Lankan context. A simple randoms ample of 60 convicted female prisoners from Welikada prison in Sri Lanka was selected as the sample and data were gathered using semi-structured interviews. Questions were focused on the crime committed, direct reason for committing, civil status and socio-economic background of the offenders. All 60 offenders could be categorized into five groups based on the “type of crime committed”. Majority of the offenders were accused of “Drug possession and trafficking”, and it holds 55% from the whole. Prostitution (28%), abortion (8.3%), homicide (3.3%) and financial fraud (5%) were recognized as the other crimes committed. Economic status, addiction, social labelling, social indignity, motivation, and protection were identified as primary reasons for offending. “Gender role” has been played a particular part in female offender’s life which is hidden from direct reasons. Female gender role is created an early civilization based on the household and childcare. Nevertheless, with the intangible change of society has disorganized the female gender role. Male gender role existed with the dominance of the household with minimal change. Female gender role became complicated within the limitations of traditional duties. Child socialization upgraded to structured education alone with money based basic needs. Females entered to all professionals expanding duties hold, while maintaining the responsibilities of traditional gender role. Although it showed an increment of education of females, it has supported to “fraud” indirectly. As major duties of female gender role created with biological features of the female body like accouchement, female body base hiding and escaping methods, vulnerability as rape and social labelling of indignity were unchanged. The research revealed female offending is a normal response by normal females towards abnormal gender conditions of the society. To address this social dilemma, gender role should be flexible; responsibilities should be taken by the family as an institution while mutual accountabilities are transferred for individuals.
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The Government of India had taken many developmental initiatives in the early years of independence and Hirakud Dam project was one among them, which was claimed as a milestone at that juncture and designed to serve multiple purposes of a substantial population in the State of the than Odisha. The initial phase of land acquisition and people displacement for the project was trouble ridden. The affected people staged agitations and shown their unwillingness for construction of dam on the river Mahanadi at Hirakud, Sambalpur. Despite of people resistance and indifferences they were persuaded for the greater causes and displaced with the assurance of immediate rehabilitation and adequate compensation for their sacrifices. In this paper an attempt has been done to make an account of existing circumstances and which also reveals the facts that there is serious abdication of the responsibility on the part of both, the Regional Government and Central Government. It is found that a large number of oustees of the project have not been restored and rehabilitated yet, even after nearly 75 years past to the commencement of the project. The nature of deprivation, stigma and social disintegration caused by displacement is found to be profound and widespread among the substantial population of Dam’s oustees. The displaced have started developing a sense of distrust and hopelessness with a grave sense of disappointment and allegation against government. Lack of proper compensations and rehabilitation by the government has forced the displaced people to move to different places to settle themselves on their own initiatives. The recent attempts of measures by the Regional Government have been failed repeatedly simply because of inadequate approaches of government machineries. It is suggested that there are needs of more rigorous and holistic approaches of the State power to settle the long standing issue in a comprehensive manner.
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This paper examines the growth status of unorganised food processing enterprises (UFPEs) in India based on the latest NSSO Unit level data of the 67th (2010-11) and 73rd (2015-16) rounds. Food processing is an important activity in unorganised manufacturing sector in India. UFPEs occupied 12% share in unorganised manufacturing sector in 2015-16. It is found that the number of UFPEs and their employment increased significantly during 2010-11 to 2015-16. Among eight different activities of UFPEs, grain mill activities occupied the largest share in respect of enterprise as well as employment. Labour productivity of urban located UFPEs was higher in all activities except animal feeds and processing of fruits & vegetables. Whereas among all activities, the average labour productivity was higher in animal feeds, processing of fish and edible oil product enterprises. Among UFPEs the percentage shares of expanding and stagnating enterprises were 32.2% and 42.1% respectively in 2010-11. In 2015-16, the share of expanding and stagnating enterprises reduced marginally. The multinomial logit regression of growth status shows that the type of an enterprise, its nature, availability of loan, maintenance of accountant and the rate of profit significantly affects the growth status of an enterprise
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Fashion is fast these days, changing everyday every moment, maybe with a new fashion influencer coming on to the business or moreover to the social media. Though fashion is not new to the human civilization and nor its association is new with cities. Cities from the past has acted as grounds to the fashion, which is also possibly right since cities are a hub of Expression and freedom and so is fashion. Since the norms and definition of Fashion is evolving over time, it’s acceptance in the city is becoming a question to worry about. With Gendered clothing norms being smashed each day, cities need to be more acceptable as well as well accessible to all those choices what an Individual makes. But where fashion is accepted universally as an act of expression, its practice today can create many hurdles and barriers for people, who are practicing it. This paper will address majorly the questions, does fashion acts as a barrier in accessing the cities? Does the evolution of fashion demands the cities to response in the similar way? Does the existing fashion trends needs special address to the Infrastructural needs in the city?
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This article is about political scenario of early Edo period and successfully controlling over feudal coalition of local lords and various control measures of Tokugawa system. Beginning with the Onin War, Japan slipped into the century of sporadic civil war known as Sengokujidai or Warring State period in which local feudal lords (daimyo) ignored the shogunate and the imperial court and struggled with each other for local hegemony. From the mid-16th century, a movement towards national reunification gradually emerged out of the violence of the warring feudal domains and was carried through by three powerful hegemons, and they were successful in controlling the feudal coalition. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the effective role and policies of Tokugawa system. This paper focuses how the feudal coalition was controlled and features of control measures adopted by Tokugawa Japan and effectively maintained the political status quo, but at the same time they promoted economic changes that slowly undermined the Tokugawa order.
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Domestic violence against women is an emerging issue of concern to social and health planner. This study has examined the impact of economic and political empowerment of women on incidence of domestic violence on women. We have formed a composite index of economic empowerment using Principal Component Analysis method. Incidence of domestic violence has been measured by the fact whether the woman suffered from physical assault in last six months from her family member. The impact of economic and political empowerment of woman along with other individual and household characteristics on the incidence of domestic violence has been traced out on the basis of a set of primary data collected from 125 ever-married women residing in the district of Bankura, West Bengal. A binary probit model has been formulated for estimation. Our cross section study reveals a negative and significant relation of economic and political empowerment of women with the incidence of domestic violence on women. This relation may be due to having increased voice and consciousness of politically and economically empowered women.
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A popular culture developed in Calcutta in the nineteenth century with the amalgamation of folk culture and urban patronage under a stylistic unity. One of the important expressions of popular culture that developed in Calcutta was the dramatic performance done through the medium of jatra pala, theatres and folk plays. The form of jatra originated from the ritual of songs and dance which formed part of the religious festivals in villages. A leading proponent of jatra pala during the mid- nineteenth century in Calcutta was Gopal Uday (1817-1857). He introduced jatra pala in a new style. He formed his own troupe and rewritten ‘Vidya-Sundar’. During the nineteenth century and first half of the twentieth century, a number of bhadraloks set up jatra troupes, being influenced by the folk form of the art of jatra. There are evidences of the existence of women artists who used to act in jatra. In the first half of the twentieth century, Swadeshi Jatra became very much important. Jatras were performed not only for entertainment but also to make the people conscious of the British dominance over Indians. Swadeshi Jatra pala grew up and opened a novel chapter during the anti-partition movement in Bengal. Along with the Jatra, there was the prevalence of performance of stage-theatres in Calcutta. It was from the second half of the nineteenth century that the socio-economic conditions of Bengal and the essence of nationalism were reflected in the plays. The folk theatres also had important part in forming consciousness of the people against suppression, oppression and differentiations of the society. Apart from giving delight and entertainment to the people, the folk theatres became the platform for catering popular and non-formal education as well.
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The main concern of this research was to find out the present scenario of women empowerment in local government institutions in Lalmonirhat district. For this purpose, 85 participants were selected purposively. A survey design used in this study. After analysis the collected data it was shown women members of Zila Parishad mean score is (M = 134.40) which is more than the other institutions. Mean difference of five Upazila where empowered women live Patgram (M = 132.12), Kaliganj (M = 131.08), Lamonirhat Sadar (M =129.71), Hatibandha (M = 127.00) and Aditmari (M = 124.5). The living status of empowered women is (68.235%) from single-family. Correlation between education and women empowerment is also significant (r = 0.17) at the 0.01 level.
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Rabindranath Tagore (1861-1941) was the youngest son of Debendranath Tagore, a leader of the BrahmoSamaj, which was a new religious sect in nineteenth-century Bengal and which attempted a revival of the ultimate monistic basis of Hinduism as laid down in the Upanishads. He was educated at home; and although at seventeen he was sent to England for formal schooling, he did not finish his studies there. In his mature years, in addition to his many-sided literary activities, he managed the family estates, a project which brought him into close touch with common humanity and increased his interest in social reforms. He also started an experimental school at Shantiniketan where he tried his Upanishadic ideals of education. From time to time he participated in the Indian nationalist movement, though in his own non-sentimental and visionary way; and Gandhi, the political father of modern India, was his devoted friend. Tagore was knighted by the ruling British Government in 1915, but within a few years he resigned the honour as a protest against British policies in India.
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This study examined the role and challenges faced by the works council in addressing decent work deficits within the agricultural industry in Zimbabwe. The pervasiveness of decent work deficits in organisations within the agricultural industry in the global economy, including in Zimbabwe, remains of major concern. To address this, the research took a qualitative case-study approach in a selected Agribusiness in Zimbabwe. The study involved 18 purposively selected participants, all who are members of the works council (management and workers’ committee), including experts from the human resource and industrial relations department in the organisation. Nine semi-structured interviews were conducted with the management participants and a focus group discussion was held with all the workers’ committee members. The major study findings revealed the presence of decent work deficits in the organisation. The works council members confirmed that the agrarian employees in the organisation face indecent work conditions characterised by insufficient wages, long hours of work, a lack of adequate personal protective clothing and insecurities attached to temporary employment. In addressing these deficits, the works council was found to be incapacitated due in part, to: failure to regularly hold meetings; constant use of threats by management against members of the workers’ committee; and inadequate knowledge and skills particularly on the part of the workers’ committee. It is recommended that the human resources and industrial relations department plays a more active role to ensure the effective functioning of the works council.
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This paper attempts to explore the potentials of decentralised local governments – the Panchayats – in working towards the achievement of global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Having discussed the importance of global development agenda of UN SDGs and their significance for rural development, the paper identifies ten UN SDGs and highlights the actions that the Panchayats can initiate at the grassroots level to realise these goals. The paper concludes that the local governments play a crucial role in achieving the SDGs owing to their strategic position as a link to reduce socio-economic backwardness, promote inclusive development and deepen democracy to the grassroots level.
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Traditional metrics of gender development have failed to capture social dynamics that hinder gender equality, the inadequacies in reproductive health. As a policy instrument, traditional indices are inadequate for state governments to tackle regional issues in gender justice. This paper develops an index which can be used by states to determine particular areas of intervention and to track their progress. Methodology: The study develops an index based on six pillars. Under each pillar, the states are scored on a set of variables based on the quartiles of their scores. This scoring is scaled and the geometric mean of the score on each pillar is used as final index. The study then clusters the states based on their index scores and uses dimensionality reduction using Principal Component Analysis to arrive at dimensions for intervention. Result: Index scores indicates that the states perform well on some while fail on other dimensions challenging traditional notions and stereotypes of states being labelled as “sexist” or “feminist”. The study highlights: “Position of Women in Society”, “Access to Reproductive and Child Health” and “Economic Empowerment” as key dimensions of intervention for states and based on their scores, recommends policy action for each dimension.
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This exploratory paper aimed to review different articles that explains the integration of Internet Memes in teaching Social Studies as possibilities for developing students’ critical thinking skills. Specifically, it aims to identify such researches which pertain to the relevance of internet memes as a medium for teaching the subject. As well as the significant relationship of it in developing that particular skill. The researcher found out that there are direct relations to the integration of internet memes in teaching, particularly to the development of critical thinking skills in various ways. Therefore, it is a clear manifestation of a new way of improving the skill in adapting to digital age. This suggests a Meme-Based learning method in dealing with students’ cognitive development in the given course.
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Research in history is digging into the past through multidisciplinary approach, with the requisites of professionalism, critical aptitude, technical erudition, analytical mind and incisive faculty to reconstruct the past and to elaborate, analyze, synthesize, philosophize the ideas and critically examine the data in the light of objectivity. Historical research is primarily based on literary and archaeological sources. Literary sources are more or less infected of personal bias and prejudice by the author or interpreter. So, here archaeology comes to rescue for reconstructing comparatively an unbiased history. Archaeology is an auxiliary science or ancillary discipline with its numerous approaches, which assist in historical research. It is a sub-discipline of anthropology which is concerned with the study of human evolution and his environment and the material culture associated with him in pre-historic, proto-historic and historic periods through practical undertakings, methods and theories. Kashmir is an ancient geological land with glorious past where the man lived since the pre-historic times and has always been contacts with her neighbors and witnessed influx and efflux of races and cultures. So the role of archaeology with literature is of vital significance in the research of history of Kashmir. But, the application of archaeology in the research of history of Kashmir in general and in ancient and medieval history in particular seems very negligible. The attitude and interest of research about the ancient history of Kashmir and fresh explorations of archaeological sites among the regional institutions,students and scholars is meager. The national and international surveys and studies about archaeological research have also come to halt. The deteriorating condition of archaeological sites in the valley gives us the glimpse of our vanishing history. Archaeology is not confined to historical archaeology, it includes ethno-archaeology, Environmental Archaeology, Rural and Urban Archaeology, Marine Archaeology, and the list goes on. In this paper I will try to investigate the different perspectives and concerns of archaeological research in the history of Kashmir, its application on vast and wide areas of research, keeping in view the post-processual and postmodern viewpoint. Besides methodological problems, descriptions and fundamental goals, this paper seeks to evaluate the reasons why and based on these evaluations some suggestions for future research in Kashmir history are proposed. As the history of Kashmir is the significant and an inseparable part of Kashmir Studies.
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Main objective of study was comparative analysis of Laser Land Levelling (LLL) vis-a-vis Conventional Land Levelling (CLL) in terms of resource use efficiency. Regression analysis along with economic concept of marginal value productivity (MVP) and marginal factor cost (MFC) were used to analyse resource use. Six variables were used to regress yield. The results of the study revealed that highest resource use efficiency were obtained in case of seed, while it was observed lowest in case fertilizers under laser land levelling (LLL) in paddy. Whereas, under conventional land levelling (CLL), highest resource use efficiency was found to be in case of labour while least resource use efficiency was obtained in irrigation. Similarly, in case of wheat highest and lowest resource use efficiency under laser land levelling technology were observed in inputs viz: seed and plant protection chemicals, respectively while, under conventional land levelling it was for inputs like labour and seed, respectively. Hence, study highlighted the strength of resource conservation potential of laser land levelling technology. Two variables i.e. irrigation and fertilizer impacted significantly with the adoption of laser land levelling, validated the outcomes of study by difference between MVP and MFC for these two particular inputs were found to be positive and close to zero indicated efficient utilizations of these resources. Hence, it is suggested that adoption of laser land levelling should be promoted on wider scale to tap its resource conservation potential.
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Realizing the great importance of bringing improvement in children and women’s health and nutritional status, Integrated Child Development Services (ICSD) Scheme was launched on 2nd October 1975. The scope of present study is to evaluate the community participation in ICDS programme. In order to achieve the objectives of the present study, all three ICDS project: Barnala, Sehna and Mehal Kalan of the Barnala District of Punjab were selected for the study. A total of 30 villages (10 from each ICDS project) were selected on the basis of random. From each village Anganwadi Worker and village Sarpanch were selected for study. Thus a total of 30 Anganwadi Workers and 30 Villages Sarpanch was in the sample, from all 30 villages which were having Anganwadi for at least the last 25 years. It was disappointing to find that a majority (76.66%) of the AWWs did not receive any help from anyone in running the AWCs at village level. Half of the village Sarpanches did not make any contribution to the AWWs. It was also found that a majority (66.66%) of the village Sarpanches did not visit the AWCs at all. All (100%) village Sarpanches answered that there was no local committee formed to help the AWWs to conduct different activities and nor any organization like youth club or village school teachers or voluntary organizations at the village level to help the AWWs. In this regard, it is recommended that the training of project ICDS functionaries should be strengthened to impart them specific skills to elicit community participation and also need to have a short duration preparation phase to raise awareness of the community regarding ICDS services.
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The study presents the results of a survey experiment aimed at assessing the level of life satisfaction for rural north Indians and captures the determinants in deciding one’s satisfaction level. The study hypothesised human, material and social capital plays a significant role in determining one’s level of life satisfaction. The study uses individual data from the Sanitation Quality, Use, Access and Trends (SQUAT) survey collected in rural Bihar, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Uttar Pradesh in 2013–14 from India. The study estimates first, proportional odds logistic regression, followed by Generalised Ordinal Logistic regression techniques. It is evident from the analysis that the overall PO assumption, as well as separate PO assumptions for most of the variables, is violated and, in that case, generalised ordinal logistic regression may provide a better model. From the analysis, it is very clear that for rural north Indians the level of life satisfaction is most affected by health status, possession of agricultural land,and administrative environment of villages (e.g., functioning of Panchayats).
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Nineteenth century Orissa history is marked as a period of natural calamity and severe drought. The shortage of rainfall and the decline of food production created a horrific situation for the people of Orissa. From the ancient period,the people of Orissa were famous for their reach of rice cultivation,and till now,it is the primary food crop for most of the people of Orissa. During the 19th century,apart from being an important food crop, it was used as an essential item for trade and commercial activities. During the colonial period, society was feudal, and most of the benefits from trade were taken by the colonial Government, Zamindars, and merchants. Peasants came at the last of the list. This was one of the most prominent reasons behind the famine of 1866. Due to the high price of rice throughout the famine, lower-class people could not afford the high pricerice, and they didn’t have sufficient storage of food for any kind of emergency,;as a consequence, lower-class people became the primary victims of the famine. Here rice will be used as an essential source to study the famine in Balasore district of Orissa which was one of the city which was greatly affected by the famine of 1866 along with Cuttack and Puri. Here in this article, we are subjected to study on the famine of 1866 in Balasore district, its rice production, its society and how it reacted to the famine, and how it overcomes the famine of 1866 in Orissa.
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The Persian Zoroastrians who got refuge in India to protect themselves from Islamic persecution are well known as Parsis. Parsi is an ethno-religious community in India and are striving for their existence in contemporary society. Due to low birth rates, low marital fertility, inter-religion marriages the population is dwindling rapidly. The present study was conducted with an aim to understand the intra communal reasons for decrease in population and effect of migration on the ritual practices. The findings revealed that the dwindling numbers of Parsis is due to the negligence, less communal bonding and force among the people of the community. Also, the orthodox notion of blood purity has restricted community to accept the children of inter-religion marriages to follow the faith. In conclusion, the faith will tend to survive but Parsis will not and the population will tend to decline.
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The paper examined the concepts of colonisation and good governance. The argument was guided by the principles of dependency theory married with elements of social contract theory. Secondary source of data was employed. Based on facts, it was concluded that colonialism has distorted the African economy and since there is positive correlation between economy and good governance, it follows that, the issue of good governance in Africa is a myth. Among the recommendations made is, African countries should be left to decide what suits them in terms of economic, political and social issues rather than the west imposing what they (the west) think is good for Africa and Africans.
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College students are recognized as a vulnerable population these days who suffer from varied levels of anxiety, depression, substance abuse, disrupted eating and sleeping patterns as compared to general population. Therefore, when the nature of their daily life and educational experience changes like during the COVID-19 pandemic—the weight of mental health of this vulnerable population is magnified. The objectives of this study were to assess the impact of Covid 19 pandemic on psycho-social health of University students. Questionnaires were mailed to Under Graduate students of CSKHPKV, Palampur students. A total of 160 responses were received and results were interpreted. The results revealed that 45 per cent respondents experienced severe anxiety, followed by (42.5 %) who had moderate level of anxiety. On the other hand, 58.7 per cent experienced moderate level of stress during lockdown. No significant difference was found between male and female students regarding anxiety and stress. A positive correlation was observed between age and anxiety among respondents. Lockdown resulted in increased frustration due to uncertainty characterising immediate future plans, academic stress and feelings of helplessness among students.
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People are the main component as well as the target for social work practice. The intention of this profession is to help individuals /groups/communities to find out and solve their difficulties arising out of an imbalance between them and their surroundings and to assist them enhancing and restoring their capacities and potentials. On the other hand, Human Resource Management stands for recognizing and channelizing the uniqueness, talents, potentials, capabilities and strengths of human beings in work place, to develop their productivity as well as to ensure the protection of rights, social security, and justice for them. Human Resource Management is a term that aims to the blooming people as a valuable resource of the organization rather than their control as material assets. By analyzing the frameworks and philosophical bases of both the profession, it can be clearly elucidated that the practice of Human Resource Management, where it aims into resolve the disequilibrium in workplace relationship or employeeemployer relationship and when it aims to identify, utilize and channelize all of their potentials and inner resources to develop their productivity the process of Social Work intervention strongly finds its way into the domain of practice of HRM and vis-à-vis.
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The present paper discusses about development followed by human development. Concept like human research development has also got due importance in the paper citing its need in context to present day condition. The paper has further highlighted the contribution of an NGO named “Society for North East Handmade Paper Development (SNEHPAD)” of Assam, India in the field of Human Research Development through a case study. The paper has been concluded with few suggestions made by the authors on the basis of the data collected through case study.
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Historical dimension of common property resource management systems acquire prominence with emergence of environmental history in India. This paper examines the policy and practice of colonial grazing management policies in South India with particular reference to Andhra region. It has been proposed by this paper that
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The present study examines farm women’s access to change agents for obtaining useful information which include market prices, local weather conditions, pest alerts and medical advice. Farm women’s access to change agents for the information related to paddy crop was low in the study area. Farm women distinguished salesman and input dealers as the most credible extension personnel. The study also noted that the contact between the farm women and the line department is very weak.
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Prosody plays an important role in students’ social and academic achievement. To explore the impact of motivational prosody on teaching effectiveness, we conducted a quasi-experimental study on ninety-three undergraduate students. Teaching effectiveness was measured through students’ intrinsic motivation, task valuing, perceived choice, perceived competence, tension, effort expended, and creative problem solving. The prosodies investigated included autonomy-granting, controlling, and neutral prosodies. We used The Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (Deci & Ryan, 2005) and Passi-Usha Test for Creative Problem Solving (Passi & Kumar, 1996) for measuring the constructs. Statistical analysis along with the follow-up interviews revealed that the groups significantly differed in creative problem solving, with an effect size of 0.118. Moreover, the difference in scores for creative problem solving was due to differences in level of elaboration by participants, whereas the originality of responses was same across groups. This suggests that even though prosody has a role to play, a much more complex network of interconnected factors determines the student-teacher relationship.
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Educational problems of a country reflect and focus themselves on the human development of the children and young people who live there. Children and young people in Japan and India have many problems in the course of their growth which reflect the present state of economic and social conditions of Japan and India. In both countries so called bullying in schools, where some pupils or students, in groups, often use their strength to hurt weaker ones or to make them afraid. Home violence, school violence and the rejection of schooling are another. Making many strict regulations and sometimes having recourse to force, teachers try to govern the behavior of the students. Those restraints are likely to result in ill feeling toward the school and teachers and increase educational problems. In this article I have investigated the various problems and causes of primary education in Japan and India. The main objective in this paper is to study problems appear in primary education in Japan and India. This paper focuses on various problems in schooling in Japan with respect of others developed and underdeveloped countries.
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Reproductive health of women addresses various issues of women health in many ways. It includes the issues like power to make personal decision regarding health, including sexual behaviour, choice of method of family planning, giving birth to a child etc. Thus, the study of reproductive health and behaviour of women has multi-dimensional aspects. In other words, it depends on various socio-economic and demographic factors. The present analysis has made a comparative study of the reproductive behaviour amongst the tribal and non-tribal women Undivided Darrang district of Assam (Census 2001). The study has found that Tribal women despite being the less privileged group enjoy a greater autonomy in decision-making process regarding their reproductive health.
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Water is an indispensable part of settlements and the human ecosystem. From the past, the civilizations have grown on the banks of rivers all over the globe providing drinking water, convenient transportation channels, and abundant natural landscapes and causing moderate temperature. Thus the river is this cities’ most valuable natural resource”. With the rapid urbanization, these natural ecosystems have been degraded immensely based on the growth potential of the settlements and have affected the population. India has seen an incredible growth in urban population over the last few decades and its urban population has grown 14-fold from 1901 to 2011. The growing population has a large impact on the natural ecosystem and urban water. The paper draws attention to one of the prevalent case study of Vishwamitri river in Vadodara, and how rapid changes in an urban area has affected the ecology of the river with a special focus on Becharji Nala, its consequences while recognizing the environmental legislation and recommends prompt considerations for defining the best protection procedures.
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The present paper has described the market share of pesticides in Jammu district. In Jammu and Kashmir vegetables are grown over an area of 63.1 thousand ha with annual production of 1395.5 thousand MT and average productivity of 22.1 MT/ha, which is higher than national average of 17.6 MT/ha. Pesticide market is currently lead by insecticides products followed by fungicides and herbicides, reportedly insecticide demand accounts for 65 per cent of the total pesticide market share. The company namely Insecticide India Limited stands first in the sale of insecticides namely Nuvan with a share of 14.98 per cent followed by Bayer (Fame) and Gharda (Hamla 500) with a share of 14.11 per cent and 11.97 per cent, respectively. The company namely Indo FIL leads in the tally with a market share of 17.38 per cent for selling M-45 Juba in case of fungicides whereas in weedicides Monsanto has highest share in the market (17.27%). Awareness about pesticide companies among farmers of Jammu district indicates that 86.67 per cent respondent farmers were aware of Bayer Crop Science followed by 75 per cent (Monsanto), 66.67 per cent (Crystal), 62.67 per cent (Dupont), 55.00 per cent (Syngenta), 55.00 per cent (FIL) and 40 per cent (UPL). The retail trader influence, company representative influence and on farm demonstration are the key factors influencing farmers’ for purchase of pesticides.
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Lack of access to water and sanitation facilities is a concern in India and it affects women and girls disproportionately by impacting on their health and dignity. Women in slums without water supplies and toilets within their homes are potentially vulnerable to different forms of violence. This study identified the different forms of violence faced by women on accessing water and sanitation facilities, differences within categories of slums, reasons for the same and compared it with resettlement colonies. Among the location-based categories on accessing water facilities, verbal abuse was found high (90.7 %) among the women of industrial slums, while physical abuse (18%) and sexual abuse (8.7%) was reported high in residential slums. During accessing sanitation facilities, verbal abuse was reported high (50%) among women in industrial slums and sexual abuse was reported high (12%) among the women in coastal slums. While in resettlement colonies it is found that all forms of violence were found to be low comparatively. The study also found that the time of water and sanitation access and distances negotiated to fetch water and to access sanitation as an influencing factor of the violence.
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Sericulture is an important agro-based industry that involves the production of silk by rearing silkworm. India is blessed with mulberry and vanya silk production due to its favourable climatic and topographic conditions. The ongoing covid-19 crisis has caused a drastic impact in the whole world. This has affected all walks of life, resulted in severe disruptions in all the world’s economic activities, and the Indian economy is not an exception. The nationwide lockdown declared by the Indian Government has brutal consequences in every country’s sectors from the economic growth and development point of view. Like other sectors in India, the sericulture sector has also witnessed the impact of the global pandemic. Due to the disturbance in the demand-supply chain, all the activities involved in the silk value chain have been hard hit by the covid-19 pandemic. Severe disruptions had happened in the availability of the inputs, cocoon and silk prices, raw silk production and marketing of the silk goods.
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Knowingly or unknowingly the teaching and learning takes place directly or indirectly in different forms (formal, non formal and informal) at different level (primary, secondary and higher education) from ancient to present era. Here the method of teaching and learning knowingly or unknowingly has been changing according to social change. In modern era the teaching and learning takes place with well formulated school environment and it is the primary source to generate skilled human resource. To enhancement of this primary and predominant process it is need of the hour to takeout the paradigm shift in the teaching and learning process.
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Preference for son is visible in India in the form of skewed sex ratio. Patriarchal shackles never let girl born and flourish in beautiful earth. However, only patriarchy is not the norm for preference of male over female. Many psychological and economic dimensions are involved in this aspect. The present paper highlights these perspectives especially in the context of Haryana which is prosperous in terms of GDP but poor in sex ratio.
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Self-Help Group is an important tool which help the rural women to acquire power for their self-supportive life. These Programme clearly play central role in the lives of the poor. SHGs is a way to raise the income level and improve the living standards and economic independence of the rural women. The impact on their lives is not just an economic one gaining more self-confidence is often a more lasting achievement that forms the basis for social and economic improvements. Rural women are the major working forces of farming activities in the study area. They regularly engaged and participated in farm activities, after joining the SHGs their role has drastically changed in all decision areas of farm activities except land preparation, labour hiring, irrigation and purchase and sale farm machinery. SHGs members show positive impact on pattern of household consumption expenditure as average household consumption expenditure has increased significantly especially for pulses, fruits and vegetables.
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In essence, the conceptual framework developed in this study includes the Souharda Act paving the way for freedom in operations; governance structure based on transparency, accountability and rule of law; governance process founded on democracy; and organizational performance to be measured through financial performance and non-financial performance. In essence, the Act (Level 1) paves the way for governance structure and governance process representing as ‘hardware’ and ‘software’ (Level 2) should lead to ‘Organizational Performance’ (Level 3) in cooperative governance. Such organizational performance is identified to be reflected in ‘Financial Performance’ and ‘Non-Financial Performance.’ Though cooperative societies are ‘not-for-profit’ institutions or ‘service oriented’ institutions, the cooperative structure and process enveloped with ‘freedom’ should strive to achieve ‘Financial Performance’ that should result in sustainability of the cooperative institution in the long run. All these three levels of cooperative governance are inter-linked and any gap in any of these levels indicates low or no governance.
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Higher education plays an important role in the economic development of a Nation and the sustainable earning of people’s livelihoods. India’s Higher Education system is the world’s third-largest education system after China and the United States, but in terms of Gross Enrollment Ratio it is only 25.8 percent. In the last decade, the gross enrollment rate has gone up sharply in 2016-17 from 2005-06 to 25.8 percent from 8.1 percent. The government wants to increase the share of higher education from 25.8 to 30 percent by the year 2020. Even then it will be less, as the percentage is above 80 in the US and UK. India educates about 20 percent of its youth in the age group of 17–23 who enroll in higher education, compared to 30 percent in China and 91 percent in South Korea. Several new initiatives are being taken by the state and central government to increase the gross enrollment ratio in higher education. Higher education of India is managed by the University Grants Commission (UGC) and various councils. The UGC, established under the UGC Act 1956, is empowered to promote and coordinate university education in India and also approves grants. The UGC is responsible for coordinating, determining, and maintaining standards and issuing grants for universities and research organizations. Rapid growth in both enrollment and number of institutions has given rise to new challenges of maintaining the quality of higher education. When the UGC was established in 1956, there were barely 28 universities, 578 colleges at that time, which has now grown to 851 universities and 41012 colleges. The 62-year-old structure of the UGC is unable to meet India’s higher education needs in the 21st century. This is the reason that recently the Ministry of Human Resource Development has released a draft Act to dissolve the UGC and replace it with the Higher Education Commission of India, on which opinion has been sought from academics and general public till 7th July 2018. Rapid growth in both enrollment and number of institutions has given rise to new challenges of maintaining the quality of Higher Education. Today we need such a form of higher education, which can work at National and International level to ensure the right development of the country.
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Over the past few decades, decentralizing public services and rendering administrative power to the local government institutions to deliver them to the people has become a popularly followed strategy to accelerate development of a country. Since its independence till date, Bangladesh has taken quite a number of decentralization initiatives in the areas of health, education, agriculture and small industry promotional activities. This study has adopted secondary data analysis method to examine the degree of rural development made through decentralized public service delivery by the local government institutions of Bangladesh. This study suggests that, despite some improvement, the local governments in Bangladesh have not managed to bring significant changes at the rural level due to political supremacy, administrative and financial incapacity. The study concluded with identifying the changes that are necessary in the areas of resource accumulation and management, financial and administrative decision making system, political and bureaucratic capacity.
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Employees are the most precious and important resource of an organization. The goal of Employees Assistance Programme is to identify the problem of employees and help the employees to solve their problems either directly or through referral process. Hence EAP can be considered indispensable for organizational sustainability. During 1940 the concept of Employee’s Assistance in Industries was emerged with a vision of treating the problems of alcoholism among employees. Afterwards the other psycho-social problems of employees such as family problems, mental health problems, substance abuse, marital problems, parenting problems, emotional problems have been incorporated in EAP. At present in India and worldwide EAP becomes inevitable process to deal with such problems of employees including issues of protecting human right, prevention of workplace discrimination and exploitations. Evidence says that social work tools like counselling, home visits, solution focused brief therapy, strength perspective, crisis intervention, feminist perspective, social group work, social case work and community organization methods are being used to ensure effective results in EAP which proves the significance of Social Work intervention in ensuring successful EAP in industries.
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Marriage is an important event in an individual’s life. The decision of choosing the right partner is partially based on the human survival instinct that psychologically orients with cost vs reward assessment strategy. Hence, to identify the factors that influence a woman when she selects the right alliance for marriage, a survey-based statistical analysis study was performed by n = 107 women who participated. In this study, it is observed that the current family type influences the women’s preference for partners’ family type post marriage. Age also plays an important role when women make considerations for post-marriage family type. Moreover, women evaluate and consider situations such as independence, family support as the cost/reward categories to make choices when it comes to family type post marriage. In addition to this, women highly prefer tier 1 over the tier 2 cities as well as the future husband having a job or business but the least preference is given to an individual with the farming occupation. Therefore a noticeable shift in the trend of cost vs. reward assessment in matrimonial selection is seen. Moreover, the inclination towards nuclear family type is increasing compared to a joint family which may have on the Indian socio-economic scenario.
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NREGA, enacted in 2005, forms the basis of a massive employment guarantee scheme, implemented throughout India, with two main objectives – to enhance the livelihood security of people in rural areas, and to boost the rural economy. It complies the former by guaranteeing unskilled wage employment to the adult members of the rural households who have volunteered willing to do unskilled manual work. The present study is based on secondary data from MGNREGS website, which is the On-line official website & records of Ministry of Rural Development and Panchayat Raj, Government of West Bengal and also Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India. It reveals that the performance of Harirampur Block Progress Report during financial year: 2015-16, 2016-17, 2017-18 & 2018-19 in terms of providing employment and generating assets to the rural households. Thus, this paper has critically analysed the progress of the programme for last four financial years. Analysis of data reflects that the programme has created huge employment opportunities in Harirampur block. It has also been successful in creating durable community assets as well as individual assets. The paper concludes with some suggestions for improvement for the both aspects.
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Today teachers in higher learning institutions are provided with a broad range of new teaching experience through web based approaches to teaching and learning which is not possible before through the traditional approach to the classroom. Now higher education students’ wants web based learning online studies. The present study is an attempt in this direction to study on Usage of the web-based learning by undergraduate students of The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda. The survey method was used to collect the data. The prepared questionnaires were distributed to undergraduate students who were studying in The Maharaja Sayajirao university of Baroda, Vadodara. From the findings of the feasibility study, it was understood that undergraduate students using the computer and internet for their educational purpose. Findings of the study revealed that the main reasons for using the internet were educational. A wide variety of usage of computer and internet was found among undergraduate students from being on paying fees, to collect study material, Use of plagiarism checker to reduce and so on.
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No civilised & equitable society can tolerate the denial of their rights to its children & lay claim to being called just “child labour”, thus is a shur on all of us & our sensitivity. Child labour is a very common global problem. Across the globe, to a lesser or greater degree, visible or invisible, admittedly or otherwise child labour exists. India is one of the examples of a nation plagued by the problem of child labour. From the time of independence, India has committed itself to be against child labour. In Western Odisha 79% of its population depends on agriculture and nearly 48% live below the poverty line. It is obvious that children are compelled to work in hazardous occupations and became vulnerable to occupational hazardous & diseases. This article explain the magnitude, causes & consequences of child labour and steps taken by the Government to eliminate child labour in Western Odisha. Here an effort has been made to analyse the status of child labours as well as other labours in Odisha. Identification of the area of concentration of child labour & evaluations of dimensions of the problem has been made.
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Adolescence is a bridge between childhood and adulthood. The period of adolescence begins with the onset of puberty, a rapid change in physical growth accompanied by continuous sexual maturity and reaches to an end when individual assumes adulthood. The adolescents possess the tendency to experiment and attempt to push the boundaries and in this process they often indulge themselves into risky behaviors without having understanding of the consequences, which makes them vulnerable and it is a matter of concern. Adolescents constitute 21% of India’s population and number about 243 million. Total population of adolescents of 15 -18 years in West Bengal is 23, 68,519. Even with such high number of adolescents it is found that they have very limited space to share their point of view and concerns. Their needs especially of the adolescent girls remain unheard and unmet, making the condition of girl adolescents more vulnerable. Their mobility is also often controlled by others. So to meet the unheard needs, adolescents should have assistance from the family and society. Social support here plays a crucial role, which has been characterized from numerous points of view. It has a number of positive effects on the recipient, for instance, it influences self-confidence, sense of belongingness, self-esteem, and so on. In this paper by analyzing three cases the author has tried to explore how effective social support facilitates adolescent girls in overcoming social barriers in Birbhum district.
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Farming families in states like Himachal Pradesh face enormous hardship in sustaining livelihood from fragmented small and marginal landholdings. Vegetable farming-based self-help groups have emerged as a significant transformation tool for the rural economy in hills. Now it is possible to address farm problems in a group rather than struggling for individual farms. Vegetable farming-based self-help groups have paved a new path in rural economic development. Self-help group is a small economic venture at the village level. It can be defined as sustainable if it can work for its basic goal of development by meeting out all day to day expenditures without any external aid while creating profit, social upliftment of members and without deterioration to the environment that ultimately brings prosperity in a rural area. Knowing the sustainability of self-help groups helps in planning and executing rural development policies. Various researchers developed various tools to assess the sustainability of self-help groups but these tools do not fit well for all geographical areas with diverse rural communities. Present study was conducted in Himachal Pradesh to assess the sustainability of vegetable farming-based self-help groups. The study reveals that women farmers constitute a major portion of SHG framework, the average size of SHG in Himachal Pradesh was 14, and the majority of the groups had bank linkages. The majority of self-help group members were contributing above ` 100 per/month and generally held group meetings once a month. 80.00 percent of the -help groups were found with above 90 percent attendance in monthly meeting and family problem was a major reason for non-repayment of loan. Self help group capabilities need to be strengthened by more training, village-specific training content, and better financial management for planning group corpus. As a policy intervention, self-help groups require more training on maintaining records and financial management, which can enhance the scope for cross cross-learning between self-help groups where SHGs could learn from the experience of better-performing one.
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Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) was implemented by Government of India (GOI) with the objective of enhancing livelihood security in rural areas by providing at least 100 days of guaranteed wage employment resulting in the creation of durable assets. Despite of the fact that huge allocations have been made by the central government for alleviation of poverty through MGNREGA, the standard of living of the people has not improved to the desired extent, and the employment opportunities for the youths are few and far between. Hence, it becomes imperative to identify the antecedent factors which unable to comply with the promises made during their introduction. The present study was conducted in the Imphal East and Churachandpur districts of Manipur. The data were collected from 108 respondents (100 were beneficiaries & 8 were functionaries of MGNREGA). The findings revealed that non-availability of 100 days of work, late payment of wages, underpayment of wages, non-availability of tools & worksite facilities etc. were the constraints perceived by the beneficiaries. While, constraints perceived by the functionaries of MGNREGA were scarcity of funds and non-acceptance of labor budget, failing to upload Management Information System (MIS) report timely and low Information Education Communication (IEC) campaign.
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Dairy cooperatives provide sustainable livelihood to millions of households in rural Gujarat. Largely, rural people engage in the farm as well as non-farming activities like animal husbandry and Dairy. The study has analysed the socio-economic Empowerment of member Dairy Farmers through dairy Cooperatives. The primary data have been collected from 200 Members Dairy Farmers in the Mehsana district by convenience sampling method. Google form was used for data collection. The tools used for the analysis were simple percentage methods. From the study, it can be concluded that Dairy Cooperative playing an important role in the social and economic development of member dairy farmers of the Mehsana District. Member Dairy Farmers contribute significantly to Dairy in Gujarat, their participation in dairy farming is considered as an important tool for alleviating poverty and enhancing the quality of life of the rural community.
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Indexing is as crucial an aspect in research as the content and its methodical approach guides scholars to find desired content efficiently. This article comprises an overview on indexing and various aspects the process entails from start to publication. Regarding the process, this article shares the rich history of indexing, the role of indexing agencies, indexing parameters and the different types of review methods most often used.
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The present study attempts to identify the socio-economic profile of vegetable farmers of Jammu district of Jammu and Kashmir UT. The study was conducted in ten blocks of Jammu district. Data for the study was collected from a sample of 240 vegetable growers. The findings of the study reveal that, the 21.25% of the vegetable farmers were illiterate and 78.75 % were literate. Out of which maximum number of farmers have attend the education up to middle school 22.91 per cent. Among the sample about 65.83 per cent of farmers were marginal having less than 1 hectare land. As far as fixed resource structure is concerned, tractor constitute the highest overall average percentage 94.04 per cent with a value of ` 193542.00 while least percentage 0.31 per cent share was observed in knap sack sprayer with a value of ` 653.00. The study revealed that the livestock resource structure of the sampled vegetable firms shows the highest value in cow. The socio-economic status of the farmers can be improved by imparting technical knowledge/ training to vegetable farmers, increasing their education level and increasing their social participation.
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Training is one of the basic intellectual investment needed for Human Resource Development and as well as empowerment of a targeted clientele. Training as a systemic knowledge and skill enhancement and rejuvenation technique has been widely accepted by the Development Support Workers all over the world from very ancient times. However, the efficacy of any Training Programme depends on a multiple of factors both intrinsic and extrinsic in nature. The Training Methods refer to a combination of various instructional media used for conducting the Training to achieve the learning objective efficiently and effectively. The selection of suitable Training Methods is largely influenced by the Training Objectives, Subject Matter handled, participants’ nature, resources availability such as Time, Location and Budget, Organizational considerations and Trainers’ capability. The choice of the Training Method will also depend upon whether the Training is intended to develop a general or specific level of knowledge and skill. The participants’ learning style, their experience and size of the group are also some of the factors that are to be kept in mind while deciding upon the Training Methods. Keeping this background in mind, the present author and Scientist of the Rathindra Krishi Vigyan Kendra has decided to evaluate the efficacy of different Training Methods for Skill Development Trainings organized by the Kendra in two consecutive years i.e. 2016-17 and 2017-18. Here, this will be relevant to mention that the Rathindra KVK itself utilizes various Training Methodologies in its skill development training programmes. So, evaluating the efficacy of various Training Methods is in dire need. This becomes more of importance as the selection of appropriate Training Methods is important for an effective learning of the targeted Trainees. The selected trainees are from the same Category i.e. Scheduled Tribe (ST) and marginal farmers. Six Groups of the selected Trainees, each of 10 (Ten) farmers in numbers have undergone the six different types of Training Methodology viz. (i) Lecture Method; (ii) Group Discussion Method; (iii) Case Study Method; (iv) Field Visits Method; (v) Demonstration Method and (vi) Experiential Learning Method on the same Skill Development Training Topic and Training programme i.e. High Value Winter Vegetable Cultivation in the Financial Years of 2016-17 and 2017-18. The Trainee farmers ranked the Training Methods according to their own perception on various aspects of performance indicators of different training methods. In both the above mentioned Years, the Experiential Learning Training Method holds the First Rank in all the Performance Indicator Parameters as well as in the overall performance for assessing the efficacy of the different Training methods distantly followed by Demonstration Method and Field Visit Method in the second and third places respectively. The Experiential training Method may be the most appropriate Training Method for Skill Development Training because it provides a kind of experience which may easily lead participant trainees from the point of participation to reflection, draw conclusion and identify application points through hands-on approach.
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The present study was undertaken to study the work, worker, and workplace interfacing in the selected standing type of kitchens in Behbalpur village of Hisar district. The study was conducted on 50 women respondents from the age group of 24-47 years who were involved in kitchen activities for the last 2 years with at least 2 hrs daily. No separate counter was found for preparation, cooking, and washing activities. Only one work counter was found for all purposes with height and depth of x = 94.2 ± 4.44 cm x = 61.8 ± 7.8 cm, respectively. It can be concluded that the height of the counter was not adequate and was either too high (20.0%) or too low (38.0%) in more than fifty percent of the kitchens. Regarding the depth of counter surface, the mean value of counter depth was (x = 61.8±7.8 cm) significantly higher than the usual horizontal reach of women (x = 47.6 ± 5.9 cm). In all three groups, p values were less than 0.005 (5.82E-09, 2.3E-17, and 3.44E-10), representing the significant difference in means of each group, i.e., between counter height and standing elbow height, and between counter depth and horizontal reach(s).
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Using qualitative method the current study attempts to examine Iranian men’s perception of domestic violence (DV) based on their own narrative. Fifty married men who had volunteered to participate in the study were interviewed. In this study the instances of DV towards men, its context, and the role of the police and the judiciary system were examined. According to the findings of the research, extracted from analysing the interviews, the instances of DV towards men were categorised into psycho-emotional, physical, sexual, financial, legal, social, and failure in homemaking duties. Regarding the formation of DV, the factors were identified in three levels: micro, middle and macro.
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Morphometric analysis is part of geomorphological studies. It can provide vital clues concerning the landscape evolution. The present paper examines the implications different morphometric parameters. This parameters using find out the relationship proves its significance of relief development in this study area. The study area is extends between 10°94 ′N, 79° 55′ E to / 11°7’N, 79.62°E / 11.03; 77.13. It has an average elevation of below 5 meters. The study area locates in Thiruturaipoonditaluk, Thiruvarur district at Tamil Nadu, India. The study area has a plain terrain of alluvial soil, consisting of sand, silt and clay. The study Area located between Delta of Cauvery River and near to coast of Bay of Bengal. These study analysis of various drainage parameters namely ordering of the various streams and measurement of area of basin, perimeter of basin, length of drainage channels, drainage density (Dd), drainage frequency, bifurcation ratio (Rb), drainage texture (T), Roughness index and ruggedness was determined. The total parameter analysis of this study area, overlays each and every parameter.
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The Sub Saharan African countries constitutes nearly half of maternal deaths, and Southern Asian countries ranks as second of the total 85% death which occurs all over the world. Despite the fact there is rapid enhancement in the number of skilled health workers. There been a sharp increase of 53% in 1990 and 61% in 2007 in TBA utilization shows that the attention is being paid towards the management of labor services. But surprisingly, still the births take place without the assistance of trained health personnel in Southern Asian countries and in Sub-Saharan Africa. The objective of this study is toward the assessment on barrier to health care facility utilization and its management concerning to labor problems in urban Muzaffarnagar, India. The factor analysis was implied for the interpretation and analysis of the data. It was found the inadequacies in services as well as unawareness of services in almost all urban areas among the pregnant women. Monumental rise in the cost of services and corrupt behavior among the services provider rampantly found in the urban locations, inaccessibility of proper means of communication and also economic backwardness and low literacy became the impediment in the utilization of maternal healthcare services in Muzaffar Nagar, India.
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The present investigation was an attempt to study the qualitative and in depth relationship among siblings of middle age through case study method. A representative sample of 20 middle-aged adults between the age of 40-60 years were selected from Udaipur city of Rajasthan state of India. These 20 respondents were selected from the main sample of 240 on the basis of all the five typologies i.e. Intimate, Congenial, Loyal, Apathetic and Hostile generated from Adult Sibling Relationship Scale. The results reveled that Loyal and Apathetic type of relationship between brother-brother dyad are guided by societal expectations, parental favoritism and property dispute that affected the relationship. Life transitions leads to congenial relationship among brother-sister dyad. Sister-sister dyad reported intimate relationship resulting out of emotional closeness. Sister-brother dyad showed hostility because of the discrimination and parental favoritism faced by sister during her childhood years. Results also highlighted that middle aged adults do confide in or share their matters with their sibling,but the sharing is mostly superficial.
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The food production must increase substantially in pace with the population growth. However, the food production is limited due to land availability, climatic conditions, water resources, and many other biophysical factors. Quantifying the food production in every hectare is necessary to take counter measures to improve the yield growth. The yield gap is the variation between the average actual yield and the average expected yield. This study quantifies the yield gap in significant regions of the Tirunelveli district concerning Food Crops production. The study involves the historical information of Tirunelveli for a range of 20 years. This gap is likely due to degraded, less fertile soils, pockets of endemic cropping systems, and a low adoption rate of high yielding technologies by farmers. . The yield gap in India reveals the bridgeable gap to be quite broad. The districts are clustered based on productivity and the yield gap. The inferences will help to take necessary precautions to reduce the yield gap and keep pace with the demand and the supply of essential food crops.
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Women street vendors especially face tremendous challenges in terms of their financial security. Using banks for their financial transaction will give them respite from private money lenders, thereby leading to these ’’women’s’ financial inclusion in the society. To convince these women street vendors to increase their usage of banks, it is proposed to garner the help of workers from the public distribution system (PDS). It is hypothesized that these PDS workers will act as influencers in convincing the women street vendors (SVs)to use the banks in a better manner. Two sets of questionnaires were developed. Initially, one was administered to get their bank usage pattern and PDS workers were then requested to educate the Women SVs on the benefits of banks. After six months, the second questionnaire was administered to find any significant change in behavior with the same set of women street vendors. The effect of age and education level of the women SVs in accepting the advice of PDS workers to use banks is investigated using a Multivariate generalized linear model (MGLM). The results of the MGLM suggest that education level of the SVs has an evident and contingent influence on their acceptance of PDS worker’s advice, while age makes no significant difference. To compare whether the mean of the dependent variable (knowledge about bank) is the same or changed (change in knowledge about bank) before and after the PDS workers have educated the women SVs, paired-samples T test is used. Based on the results, it is concluded that the PDS workers make a difference in educating the Women SVs on the benefits and purpose of using banks. In order to find out exactly where the difference occurs between the groups a post hoc test is carried out. The outcome of the post-hoc test suggests that the impact of PDS workers is higher with the Women SVs whose education levels are lower. However, there is no improvement on the opinion in the women SVs whose education level is higher. It is suggested that policymakers use PDS workers to target women SVs with lower education levels to educate them on the benefits of using banks for financial transactions instead of relying on private money lenders.
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In this paper I try to highlight on the Buddhist faith and believe in ancient period. Especially Bhaumakara dynasty regime what is the social condition of the society specific reference to Buddhism. Many of the inscriptional and literary sources tell about social system of Odisha during the Bhaumakara Period. Many of the scholars study it but anybody not clearly mention which of the question raise this paper. The Bhaumakara grant tells various titles like Paramsaugata, Parambhattarak, Tathagata etc¹ but the scholar and historian analysis it the Bhuamakaras are followed and patronized Buddhism but many of the land grant goes to Brahmans. It is clear that the Brahmans are staying and maintain high class in the society. If In Odisha the Brahman are lived with a high standard living style so after the Bhaumakara fallen the Somyavamsi king Yayati I why calling the ten thousand Brahman from the Kanauj²? Another question is that if he calling for the Aswamedha sacrifice then why he donate village for the permanent settlement? The Study of Buddhist literature says that the One Buddhist monk defeated to Brahman on the Gospel (Sastra) discussion. After this gospel discussion five hundred Brahman converted from Brahmanical faith to Buddhist faith³. This paper is the based on the study of literarily and inscription sources and to get the answer to cast system during the period and increasing of the Buddhist follower. Further I try to this period can Buddhism emerges in the Brahminical faith? May this faith can effect of the social life of the people of Orissa.
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The word used in India ‘Silk and cocoon’ is in ancient Sanskrit literature indicates that India had a kind of silk-worm in very ancient time. From the philosophical evidence with of silk-worm in very ancient time. From the philosophical evidence with reference to silk thread in Mahabharata, the ‘Ramayana’ and the ‘laws of Manu’ it can be said that silk industry existed in India since before the Christian era. Various accounts of the history of silk in India claim that silk weaving in Bengal existed from ancient times. Records show that the silk weavers of Murshidabad were operating in 18th century when Nawab Murshid Quli Khan (1717-1727) shifted the capital of the Dewanee of Bengal from Dhaka, now in Bangladesh, to a new capital he built on the east bank of the River Bhagirathi and named Murshidabad. Murshidabad is famous for its cowdial saris made of fine mulberry silk with flat, deep- red or maroon borders made with three shuttles. The borders are laced with fine serrated design in gold zari. Murshidabad silks are also popular for hand-printed designs and other materials which are also printed with wooden blocks. Calcutta and Serampore in the Hooghly district are the main textile hand-printing centres in West Bengal. In this study we are trying to know the golden era of Silk industry at Murshidabad and the price of silk,business and patronized by Nawab’s reign on this industry and also the farmer’s condition. Once silk goods of Murshidabad were exported to the different countries of the world. In sixteenth century Murshidabad exported its silk product to the coasts of East Africa, Arabia, Turkey, Syria and other Countries (Majumdar, M. 2017).
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The present study was conducted in Madurai East and North blocks of Madurai district, Tamil Nadu to assess the performance of self-help groups and cooperatives. A total of 120 respondents were drawn from SHGs and cooperatives for this study. Being a comparatives study of SHG and Cooperative, the study would also reveal the assistance to weaker sections as compared to Cooperatives. The SHGs have helped the beneficiaries to increase their income had increased by ` 24176.53, which is nearly eight times the pre-loan income. Repayment performance in SHGs is better than cooperative beneficiaries. The beneficiaries of SHGs gained additional 154.90 man-days in crop enterprise activity, 273.78 man-days in milk enterprise, and 235 man-days in petty shop business, while cooperative beneficiaries gain 35 additional man-days only in milk enterprise activity. A multiple linear regression fitted to identify factors contributing to the total income of the beneficiaries showed that the number of earning members, membership in SHGs, and ownership of milch animals significantly influenced the total income of the beneficiaries. Policy measures can be initiated for promoting the SHGs credit to help the weaker sections.
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JSSK is a Central Government Sponsored Karyakaram implemented in Himachal Pradesh. It has been started to provide better health services to pregnant mothers and children up to one year of age, to reduce maternal and infant mortality rate. However, it has been observed that about one-third of beneficiaries were not aware about this Karyakaram. In public health institutions (Hospitals) buildings were quite old; require repair of ante natal, postpartum and children wards including toilets. It has been found that the satisfaction level is better in relation to supporting services of the hospital specifically with the availability of transport i.e. National Ambulance Services (108), especially among the attendants of infants. However, there is enough scope to improve services, like housekeeping, drinking water, waiting and resting area for the attendants.
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Knowledge of traditional medicine is an integral part of the indigenous knowledge of local communities. One of the basic features of traditional knowledge is that it is unwritten and exists in the minds of the local people. It is transmitted orally from one generation to another. Documenting Indigenous Medicinal Knowledge (IMK) may help to preserve tacit indigenous medicinal knowledge. The present study is conducted in the Semiliguda block of Koraput District. It tries to explore the importance of documentation and digitalization of tacit indigenous medicinal knowledge and also analyses the inadequacy of the existing frameworks in protecting and enhancing access to traditional medicine knowledge. The study highlights how the collected plants were preserved in herbarium for identification and were identified with the help of local experts by following Haien’s Flora. Herbarium of specimens were prepared and deposited in COATS, Koraput. Thus it ensures access to traditional knowledge and information.
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Pati making is an age old eco-friendly craft of mankind. Although it is a traditional craft of Bangladesh, it finds an important place among the handicrafts of Assam. This craft is found in small pockets of Assam, Tripura and West Bengal in India. This paper tries to study the scope and limitation of the pati making tradition of Paharsingpara village of Goalpara, Assam.
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Oraon is the second largest tribal group in Jharkhand, consisting of 20% of total Scheduled Tribe (ST) population. Despite their numerical strength, not much research has been conducted on the health status of Oraons. The confined geographical location, unique socio-cultural settings, and inadequate health facilities, are among various factors responsible for creating vulnerability among Oraons in terms of health. This study analyzed the health status and health seeking behavior among Oraons from their perspectives. The main focus of this study was on female adolescents since adolescence is an important phase in the life span of humans when they develop and rationalize various concepts about everyday life in context to health issues and health seeking behaviour. An in-depth qualitative study was conducted in Gokhulpur village at Nagar Panchayat in Sisai block, Gumla district for detailed understanding about notions on health issues that influence their health status and health seeking behavior. The health status of Oraons is highly influenced by their perception of heath and ill-health which is shaped by their culture. Regarding their health-seeking behavior, it can be contended that Oraon female adolescents rely heavily on traditional healer, the Bhagat. Such reliance was shaped by the cultural practices of the community. Analysis of field data suggests that for Oraons culture acts as a facilitator of maintaining good health care practices. Hence, this paper reinforces the role of culture as an important social determinant of health affecting health status and health seeking behavior of Oran female adolescents.
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Farm scientists working in a university must have to work with the goals of the organization. As per the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), farm scientists have to perform extension role along with teaching and research. The extension roles includes number of activities starting from writing farmer friendly literature to conducting training, visiting the farmers field and so on. The farm scientists are the driving force for the agricultural transformation. Keeping these in view, the present study was under taken among the farm scientists of Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya of West Bengal. The result, of this empirical study revealed that, farm and home visit, training of farmers, demonstration in the farm fields were the major extension activities that were performed by the farm scientists on a regular basis. The major perceived constraints were inadequate modern scientific equipments, inadequate transport facilities, non-availability of labours during trial and demonstration, paucity of funds for research and lack of co-ordination among the scientists of various disciplines.
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Manipur, often called “Switzerland of the East” is home to people of different castes, creeds, tribes and religions with distinct culture, tradition and heritage. The Anals are one of the first settlers of the 19 Naga tribes in Manipur. They have rich customs, cultures and traditions like other tribes of Manipur. Their culture is manifested in various aspects of their life. Their artistic and aesthetic sense and love of beauty are found in their various festivals, dances and music and in their arts and crafts. The Anal dances are performed during their colorful festivals, death ceremonies and sacrifices. Their songs are really enchanting. There are various type of songs composed by great heroes of the past, poets and singers. Culture provides us with guidelines that are learnt and shared among the members of a tribe or society, in the absence of which there would not be order in the society. In this paper, the author will discuss Anal cultural life focusing on the festive and customary aspects of Anal culture.
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The advent of information and communication technology (ICT), i.e. e-government has introduced an array of options of accessing government services and information on citizens’ own terms. These terms include citizens’ expectations of availing 24x7 services from anywhere through multiple channels at their convenience. To ensure more access to government services and information, Bangladesh, like other governments of the world, has taken several measures to implement e-government and in 2009 introduced the theme of ‘Digital Bangladesh’ (DB) integrating all the measures and initiatives of e-government under a single vision. One of the key objectives of DB is to ensure the technology-based delivery of services at the doorsteps of citizens especially to reach the unreached. In this context, the paper enquires about the emerging form of public service delivery network under the theme of DB particularly focusing on the strategic components like self-service web portal, Public Information Centers (PIC) installed at different administrative levels and cell phone-based applications. It also attempts to pinpoint the challenges that pose obstruction to the smooth realization of the initiative. The study concludes that in spite of the challenges the taken strategies play a seminal role in making the public service delivery more efficient and effective and thereby achieving the purpose of citizen outreach effectively.
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Vitamin D deficiency is rising as a serious public health issue, affecting a major section of the population across the world. Considering the numerous health implications of vitamin D deficiency, it is of dire significance to identify this epidemic and work for its eradication. The women in the tea plantations are among the most vulnerable groups in Assam and are reported to have the highest mortality rate in the state. The present study is conducted to determine the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency among women in the tea plantations of Assam. An attempt is also made to study the factors correlated with the vitamin D status of women. 370 working women are selected from two tea estates of Assam. Serum vitamin D status is assessed. Socio-economic background, morbidity profile, sunning practice, substance (alcohol and tobacco) abuse pattern and dietary intake is obtained through a standard protocol. The prevalence of Vitamin D deficiency is at the rate of 69.50 percent. Vitamin D status of women suffering from disease conditions such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cancer, chronic fatigue, and body pain is significantly lower than healthy women. A significant correlation between the vitamin D status and clothing pattern, tobacco and alcohol consumption, and dietary intake of the women is observed. This study extrapolates the urgency to recognize vitamin D deficiency as a serious epidemic prevailing among women. The various factors identified to exaggerate the deficiency need to be brought to light through proper awareness and health education.
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Cockfighting is an ancient sport that has deep roots in rural parts of the world as well as India and West Bengal. The bloody and dangerous sports of cockfighting as practised by the Santals people of Foringdanga, Paschim Medinipur, West Bengal, India. Most of the fights were held in an inn that was specially prepared or in a cockpit. The Cock-fighters selects two types of fighting cock—one is called Desi Morog and another variety is called Pahari Morog. Only Santal males are participation in this game. Sometimes santal male child also participating with their fighting cock but Santal female cannot participate in this bloody game. It also has great symbolic significance to its practitioners and aficionados as an affirmation of high-status identity in an increasingly complex and diverse Santal society.
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Contents Volume 6 Issue 1
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The purpose of the study is to analyze the dynamic link between government spending and economic growth for Indian Economy with the use of 44 years time series data and techniques. The empirical analysis of the study indicates the absence of short run causality between the variable in all the six models. The results showed that there is long run causality between Gross domestic product and Revenue expenditure in total as well as per capita term from GDP to Revenue expenditure. The study also found the Bi-directional causality from per capita total government expenditure and per capita Gross Domestic Product.
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The Kashmir Issue has been boon of contention between India and Pakistan since 1947. It has not only posed serious security threats but has also resulted in the creation of a genre of Separatist leadership in Kashmir. Azam Inqilabi is one of the most senior Separatist leaders who has played a pivotal role in the rise and growth of Kashmir militancy. The present paper aims to delineate in detail the political ideology of Azam Inqilabi.
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Northeast India was affected lately compared to the other parts of India in the first phase of COVID-19 in 2020. This had a devastating impact on the poor women who survived by doing domestic labor pre-COVID and during COVID times. Most of these women were independent working women, with or without supporting members in their families. There was unavailability and denial of essential services and resources, which made their situation worse. Since in India, a large number of female domestic workers are employed in private households. Female Domestic Workers generally workday long for wages that are below the minimum wage. There is no such safeguard to protect these domestic workers from exploitation and violence. This makes their work largely unregulated and denies them excess to fundamental rights with others. This paper focuses on the conditions of the domestic workers during the COVID-19. There is a need for the state and central governments to revise a draft law that complies with international standards.
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An enquiry that would light on the past of sexuality and the ways in which the contemporary is of sexuality is produced through its historical legacies. Sexual topics of any kind are avoided in polite conversation in India, and any talk concerning homo-sociality1 (male social gathering) is altogether taboo, especially in Kerala (even kiss of love). Here how Malabar became popular for the homo-sociality expedition and its nature and nurture is tracing out. Sketching the process of transformation from homo-sociality subculture to a kind of gay politics in Calicut (Kozhikode) is the focus of the study.
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The University Grants Commission (UGC) has recently introduced LOCF for enhancing outcome-driven teaching and learning in Indian Universities. This study aims to identify the key issues that may pose challenges in effective implementation of LOCF in Indian context. The study, which is based on review of secondary sources and unstructured interviews with identified professors in the different academic subject-areas, traces the strategic issues that need to be addressed for implementation of LOCF. Based on the analysis, the study provides a conceptual model for implantation of LOCF in Universities.
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Adjustment is a process by which an individual varies his behaviours to maintain balance between his needs and environment. Intelligence is one among those factors which influence the adjustment status of an individual. The objective of the study was to know the adjustment status and intelligence level of college students and also to know the relationship between the two variables. The study concluded that most of the students either have average or below average level of adjustment and most of the students are average or above average intelligent. Above average intelligent students have better general, home, health and educational adjustment but in social and emotional areas of adjustment, both the above average and below average intelligent students are equally adjusted. Intelligence has shown a significant relationship with adjustment.
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The India is considered as seventh largest country in an area wise and also the second largest countries in population wise. Being the largest demographic structure, it also represented diverse culture and tradition. Almost all the major religions of the world are borne and flourished in India. The prevailing socio economic upheavals from medieval period to British time and also foreign involvement of different countries in present time brought the country under various socio economic cries. One side there is poor management of limited resources, weak education system, illiteracy, superstition and uneven economic growth and development running in the country made the country meager. On the other side, there is also constant raising pressure of population on availability of limited resources, along with the false policies of government, put the country on the track of unemployment. Many educated youths feel the sense of deprivations and marginalization. In the same ways they have been engaged themselves in various criminal activities in the country. These criminal activities sometimes took shapes of various communal violence in the country. My attempt in this paper is only to discuss about the rising consensus of poverty, its causes and harmful effect on coming generation in reference to crimes happening due to various communal violence in the country. Moreover this paper also highlights the role of central government, its programs and policies for eradicating the poverty in the country. After analysising all the causes of poverty in India and its effects on coming generation, this paper also forward some suggestions that may overcome this burning problems in the country.
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It has been observed in several studies that lots of deprived communities are remote by distance, terrible road conditions, lack of or bust bridges and scarce transport. These conditions make it difficult for rural people to get their sell to market and finding jobs to place of work, to grip health emergencies, to admit children to school, and to obtain public services. In view of this, an attempt has been made in this study to consider the impact of rural roads on income and employment of the households in West Bengal. It has been found that better roads and railway systems lead to access and opportunities leading to diversified livelihood and accordingly diversified income are generated. The study also reveals that there is both quantitative and qualitative divergence in employment of the households between near and away from main road & rail station. The area which has high road and high population density positively influences the educational level too. Better access to education is materialised due to proximity of main road and rail station. The Gini coefficient is higher in case of those households who are near to main roads and rail station as well as a high Simpson index reflecting a diversified rural livelihoods mainly because of better access in income niche and implying a variation and heterogeneity in income.
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Among the uncontrollable elements of international marketing cultural forces are in the focus of the present paper. In the globalised world it is not enough to be familiar “only” with the geographical, economic, legal, infrastructural, social, etc. environment of the partner country. We should not forget, that we, people are different. This difference originates from our culture. Practice often proves that geographical closeness of the foreign market does not always equal to cultural closeness. It may happen that our product, because of cultural reasons, can be more easily sold in a faraway country instead of in any of our neighbouring countries. But what do we mean by culture? How can we define it? How it is build up of? How it works? How can it cause so extreme differences and sometimes unexpected similarities between people? Building on the research of recognised scientists we are investigating the origin of cultural differences and similarities.
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A purpose of secondary (High School) education in Nigeria is to prepare students for tertiary level education though not everybody that graduates from this level of education actually proceeds. Continuous Assessment is the educational policy in which students are examined continuously over most of the duration of their education, the results of which are taken into account after leaving school. It is often proposed or used as an alternative to a final examination system. It can also be looked at from micro and macro levels. At the macro level assessment is designed to collect information for purposes of certification and very often school assessments are integrated into results obtained for deciding on quality of performance in the examinations conducted by the examination boards external to the school. At the micro level assessments are conducted at the school level and these have been variously described as continuous assessments and school-based assessments. These assessments are used for determining progression from one class to another. The methodology employed in this study was derived from books, journals, archives, newspapers, reports, and the internet. This paper would attempt to show how well this has been done by highlighting the implementation mode, advantages of continuous assessment, problems, lessons learned and future directions in classroom assessments.
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Using data from population based surveys; it has been tried to examine the extent of district-level wealth inequality in infant mortality in India, considering the districts as the units of analysis. Analysis shows that there was significant variation in infant mortality among districts of India. About one-fifth of the districts had IMR of above 65 of which more than 65% districts are economically backward. The degree of wealth inequality in infant mortality was higher among economically backward districts than that of economically well-off districts. Results from regression analysis suggest that the factors such as female literacy, the proportion of households having toilet facility and female workforce participation rate are the most significant predictors of district-level variation in infant mortality. The proportion of households having toilet facility has a strong bearing on infant mortality, indicating that availability of basic sanitation would help in reducing infant mortality. The female literacy and female workforce participation rate have strong and negative effects on infant mortality. The magnitude of the coefficients for female literacy, proportion of households having toilet facility and female workforce participation indicates that the level of IMR would decline by 7%, 5% and 4% for every 10% increase in female literacy rate, the proportion of households having toilet facility and female workforce participation rate, respectively. It has been found that the level of IMR is likely to be higher in the northern region and Uttar Pradesh and lower in the southern region of India.
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The paper study attempts to ascertain the importance of how sports benefit from being closely engaged with positive psychology. Further, relationship between Sports and positive psychology is explored i.e. understanding how two distinct disciplines work in tandem. The paper focuses on culmination of sports with positive psychology; moreover it enhances its scope from focussing anxiety, stress, burnout to developing a positive sports psychology that focuses more upon mindset, strengths, grit, mental toughness and resilience. Thus, this study is in a growing line of research that would help to better understand mind-body connection and how it may be possible to prevent what is wrong and focus on what is right.
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Food processing has been identified as a major thrust area in West Bengal’s future industrial development. Fruit and vegetable processing sector is one of the core segments under food processing in Bengal. Development of this sector is critically important to the expansion and diversification of state’s agricultural sector. It provides vital linkages and harnesses synergies between the two pillars of our economy, industry and agriculture. Bengal has huge potentials for the growth of this sector in the state. Since economic liberalization, several policy measures have been taken by union and state governments to promote fruit and vegetable processing in the state in particular and in the country in general. But such growth potentials are constrained by several factors. The processing of fruit and vegetable is still at a very low level in Bengal (2.8 per cent) as well as in India (2.2 per cent) against the highest post harvest losses (27 per cent). The main constraint lies behind this with infrastructure, technology, quality measurement and lack of farm-firm linkages. In view of the above facts this paper tries to examine the strengths of this particular sector in the state and highlighting on its existing constraints. The paper also made suggestions to achieve the future progress of this sector in Bengal.
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This study aims to reflect the Pessimism in the poet: Thomas Steearns Eliot’s poem “The Waste Land” in which he represented both an assessment of the World situation in the time of World War I as he felt it to be, and a creative transformation of the world that is observed in the final section of the Poem.The Poem “The Waste Land’’ is divided into five sections under the title of :(I) The Burial of the Dead. (II) A Game of Chess. (III) The fire Sermon.(IV) Death by water and (V) What the Thunder Said.Each section is discussed and analyzed and then the researcher draws a conclusion that Eliot is:Not always pessimist.Eliot’s poem shows the society during the World War 1.
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Cogenitive restructuring, or cognitive re-framing, is a therapeutic processs, it is a staple of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Ccognitive Rrestructuring Therapy (CRT) aims to help to reduce positive and negative symptoms through cultivating more positive and functional thought & habits. Present study is aimed to reduce positive and negative symptoms patents with schizophrenia using cognitive restructuring therapy. Method: five (5) patients with Schizophrenia were chosen from different inpatient department of RINPAS, Kanke using the simple random sampling technique. After taking informed consent from the patient, socio-demographic and PANSS were administered. All the five patients were assessed in pre-level and then after intervention of 18 sessions, they were assessed at post-level. Data was analyzed with the help of Wilcoxon signed rank test was used for statistical analysis. Result & Discussion: Results showed the significant differences in the areas; Delusion, Hallucination, Suspiciousness, in pre & post assessment at significant level of 0.01. In the study, it was found that application of cognitive restructuring therapy in the cases of schizophrenia has some effective measures in the areas of their positive and negative symptoms. Both positive and negative symptoms are resolves after application of cognitive restructure therapy.
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This information about handwriting helps a person to know personality, character, and mind-set of himself/herself and even to know their friends, family friends and others. This is a basic introduction for graphology. In this article, we will find out brief information about what is graphology, history of graphology, uses and limitations of graphology, difference between graphology and handwriting analysis and some facts about handwriting.
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Higher education is considered to be the apex in all educational endeavors. It is imparted by universities and other institutions of higher education & research. It embraces teaching and learning for the promotion of faculties and research attitude among students. It mainly focuses on knowledge creation and its dissemination. Apparently, teaching, learning and research are considered to be the core activities in higher education. Besides, there are some associated activities which seem to augment the outcomes and effectiveness of higher education. Such activities include instruction and instructional mechanism, learning activities, campus environment and infrastructure, innovations and interventions etc. Therefore, a university teacher should involve students in learning process through activities aiming to inculcate academic & social skills among them.
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The crisis situation everywhere in the welfare sector in the country demands something new ways to combat. Social Audit may be one of the probable solutions. Whereas the private institutions doing Social Audit for their own reputation in the society, the government intends to stop the leakages in welfare services with gradual empowerment of the service providers and service users in the country. Irrespective of the nature - public or private, the essence of Social Audit lies in the interest and honesty of the organisations. In government sector, this requires a massive consciousness among public, besides top to bottom bureaucratic and political will with improved methodology with ethical values to achieve the desired goal.
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Oraon is the second largest tribal group in Jharkhand, consisting of 20% of total Scheduled Tribe (ST) population. Despite their numerical strength, not much research has been conducted on the health status of Oraons. The confined geographical location, unique socio-cultural settings, and inadequate health facilities, are among various factors responsible for creating vulnerability among Oraons in terms of health. This study analyzed the health status and health seeking behavior among Oraons from their perspectives. The main focus of this study was on female adolescents since adolescence is an important phase in the life span of humans when they develop and rationalize various concepts about everyday life in context to health issues and health seeking behaviour. An in-depth qualitative study was conducted in Gokhulpur village at Nagar Panchayat in Sisai block, Gumla district of Jharkhand for detailed understanding about notions on health issues that influence their health status and health seeking behavior. The health status of Oraons is highly influenced by their perception of heath and ill-health which is shaped by their culture. Regarding their health-seeking behavior, it can be contended that Oraon female adolescents rely heavily on traditional healer, the Bhagat. Such reliance was shaped by the cultural practices of the community. Analysis of field data suggests that for Oraons culture acts as a facilitator of maintaining good health care practices. Hence, this paper reinforces the role of culture as an important social determinant of health affecting health status and health seeking behavior of Oran female adolescents.
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The Scientific Method is the tried and tested way we conduct a scientific enquiry. It is the basis of our insight into understanding natural phenomena and human-engineered processes. As eloquently put by Goldhaber et al. [1] “The scientific method is a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, or correcting and integrating previous knowledge”.
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Social audit is a requisite tool under the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) to monitor and evaluate the works that are being carried out under MGNREGA, in line with annual village plans. MGNREGA play a helpful role to reformation local governance and transforming social defense into social justice. By analyzing the Social Audit mechanism under Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act, this paper explores how Social Audit process is effectively in Rural Employment. The basic objective of a social audit is to ensure public accountability in the implementation of projects, laws and policies. Primarily envisaged as only post implementation exercises, they have actually now emerged as a way to empower poor and transform social-political structures in the villages. Section 17 of the MGNREGA Act provides for conduct of regular ‘Social Audits’ at different stages of implementation of the scheme to ensure the reach of benefits to the poor. To strengthen the process of social audit, the Ministry Rural Development has notified the Social Audit Rules in June 2011 and made it mandatory to establish an independent Social Audit Unit to facilitate the Social Audits in Gram Panchayats and to ensure the proper implementation of various Rural Development Programs. We examine the accuracy and performance of Social audits process in Gram Panchayats of Different District in Chhattisgarh.
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Being premised on the planks of inclusive growth, livelihood security and democratic empowerment as envisaged in the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), the state of Manipur is implementing the scheme with the mandate to provide at least 100 days of demand based guaranteed wage employment in a financial year to every rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work and creation of durable social assets in the process. In this backdrop, the present study examined the performance of the scheme in that state with respect to extent of employment generation, efficiency in work completion rate and efficiency in fund utilization through analyzing official records of 7 years between 2008-09 and 2014-15. During the period under study, a total of 3228861 number of job cards were issued of which the share of backward communities (ST and SC) was 53.83 per cent. In terms of social category wise employment generation, the shares of backward communities and women were 69.58 per cent and 42.37 per cent respectively. However, there remained a gap of around 5.39 per cent in the matter of employment provisioning as against actual number of job card holding households deserving the benefit of employment. The shabbiest parts of the scheme were detected in the forms of provisioning of 100 days employment to only 7.39 per cent of job card holders and failure to complete 95.55 per cent of the undertaken works by scheduled time. This calls for playing of more responsive role by the state authority so that very purpose of MGNREGA is not defeated.
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The present article tries to investigate the relationship between creativity and impulsivity among deaf and dumb students. Participants were deaf and dumb students of standard V to X of Bilaspur district, Chhattisgarh. Random sampling was used to select 100 participants from two randomly selected special school. Impulsiveness Scale (IS) developed and standardised by Dr S.N. Rai and Divergent production abilities (DPA) scale developed and standardised by Dr K.N. Sharama were used for the present study. The survey method has been adopted for the present study. Random sampling technique has been used in the study. The result indicates a negative relationship between creativity and impulsivity.
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The present study was carried out in the Kandi belt of the Jammu region. It was concluded that the average age of farmers and the family size in the study area were 41.40 years and 5.37. The minimum youngest member was found to be of 25 years, and of the maximum was of 90 years of age. As far as the land area was concerned, the minimum area was 0.25 acres and the maximum that of 15.00 acres, respectively. Average years of schooling were 8.95 (years of formal schooling), and the average land area was 2.72 acres. Therefore, the majority of the farmers belonged to small and marginal farmers. Farmers were engaged in the private job along with agricultural activities in majority. PM-KISAN scheme showed sufficient penetration among the farmers. 58.75 percent of the farmers were living under a pucca house and used LPG as the source of cooking. In the case of the fuel/source used for cooking, a maximum of the farmers were utilizing the LPG. With regard to the toilet facility, maximum employed the flush toilet, and still, a majority of them were used to defecate openly. 82.08 percent of the farmers were dependent upon the government hospital for medical services, and 55.83 percent of the farmers in the study sent their children to government schools. Majority (88.33 percent) of the farmers did not belong to any organization, and about 9 percent of the respondents belonged to one organisations.
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Energy economics’ is a branch of applied economics. In this paper, energy economics tools are used to analysis demand, supply and other aspects of energy sector in India. Issue of non-renewable resources and increasing gap between demand and supply in the major concern of today. India has to tackle this problem with diversification in energy mix and by increasing domestic production to decrease the rising bill of the import on the country. It has to lead with sustainable energy supply and rapidly increasing economic growth.
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Education as a means of advancement of capacity, well –being and opportunity is uncontested and more so among communities on the periphery. In India, marked improvements in access and to some extent in quality of education in tribal areas have occurred and stem from various government and non-government initiatives. However, the number of out-of-school children continues to be several millions mainly due to lack of proper infrastructure, teacher absenteeism and attitude, parental poverty, seasonal migration, lack of interest and parental motivation etc. The scenario of tribal education is no way different than other states in Jammu and Kashmir. In Jammu & Kashmir the overall literacy rate of the Scheduled tribes as per the census 2001 is 3.7percent which is much lower than the national average of 47.1percent aggregated for all S.Ts. Though various efforts have been made by the government for the development of education among tribal communities but much more still needs to do. In this paper an attempt has been made to explore the existing educational status of two prominent tribal communities of Jammu and Kashmir- Gujjars and Bakarwals. The study has been conducted in five tribal villages of district Anantnag. 124 households were selected with the help of stratified sampling for the survey. The study apart from presenting the existing educational status of Gujjars and Bakarwals in the area also provides suitable recommendations for the development of education among these tribal communities.
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Wetlands are the most productive ecosystem on the earth. The Pong Dam wetland is one of the largest man-made wetland in Himachal Pradesh. The local people adjoining the Pong wetland also exploit the wetland for crops production, fishing and as such provide a significant role in their household system. Keeping this in view, the present study has been planned. The two-stage sampling design was employed for the selection of the sample. The sample consists of 80 households. The collected data were analysed by using suitable analytical tools. The literacy rate of the family members of sampled farms was quite high i.e. around 79.40 per cent. The average size of holding was found to be higher among agricultural farmers (0.5 ha) as compared to fishermen (0.07 ha). The sampled farms maintain a livestock unit of 3.83 (SAU). The total income of sample farms was ` 2,54,575. On an average 2.11, 1.36, 1.20 numbers of cattle per day per farm were grazed during summer, winter and rainy seasons respectively in owned land followed by 1.72 in summer and 1.48 in winter seasons in wetlands. The time spent for grazing of animals on the wetland was noted 2.95 hours per day per farm. The total quantity of grasses consumed by animals per farm during grazing was 1038.69 kg from the wetland, 749.06 kg from CPR lands and 972.77 kg from own land. The estimated income contribution to the sample households from wetland was ` 94,213. It was accounted for 59.65 percent of the total farm income. The sample households were willing to pay for different economic activities and management of wetland. The higher proportions of sample household were willing to pay ` 100-150 for these activities. The coefficient of multiple determination in the case of willingness to pay indicated that 74 percent of variation explained by the chosen explanatory variables. The variables like net sown area, household income, the share of income from wetland to the total income and awareness about benefits from wetland were the factors influencing significantly to the willingness to pay. The result of Hedonic regression model revealed net sown area, the share of income from the wetland, education level and awareness of benefits about wetland were significantly affecting the wetland income. It was suggested that to reduce the dependence on wetland for crop cultivation and pressure of chemicals farmers should be provided irrigation facility to grow cash crops on owned lands. Since the fishing business is adopted by the large population, therefore, the royalty and commission charged from the fishermen should be reduced and facility of the mechanised boat at subsidised rate should be provided to fishermen to enhance their efficiency and income of fishermen.
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Training is a process of enhancing the capabilities of a person to utilize a specific technique or technologies. But various problems hinder its effectiveness. This study tried to investigate the problems faced by the participant farmers in training process on climate risk management in agriculture and to determine the factors that influence their problem orientation. Data were collected from the trained farmers of selected three unions of Nalitabari Upazila of Sherpur district of Bangladesh during April to May, 2015. The sample size of the study was 65 trained farmers and it was drawn from a population of 65 using total population sampling technique. For collecting quantitative data structured interview schedule wasused. Majority of the farmers (60.0%) had faced medium problems during the training process.“Lack of personal incentives to training” got the highest score and the first ranked problem for the farmers. Besides this, “Biasness in trainee selection”, “Lack of adequate resources”, “Lack of motivation and encouragement by other farmers”are some major problems faced by the farmers. Gender, farm size, access to information sources and attitude towards training were among the farmer’s characteristics found significantly correlated with the problems faced by them with only gender showing positive relationship. Among them access to information sources alone explained 27.2% of the variations to the extent of problems faced by the farmers was confirmed by the step-wise multiple regression analysis. However, attitude of farmers towards training and farm size also contributed significantly to explain the variation. A proper planning from Government with a better information dissemination system and access scope should be provided to the farmers to make the training given by different organization more effective.
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This paper compares the education system of the Islamic Republics of Iran and Pakistan by critically reviewing secondary sources of data related to both the countries. It examines and compares the history, laws on education, school levels and structure of the education sector, universal primary education, quality of education, language and the education of women of Pakistan and Iran. This comparison reveals how Iran has achieved rapid growth in its education sector especially after the Revolution while Pakistan lags far behind Iran in all realms of education. Hence, this paper also serves to highlight the current situation of the educational system of Pakistan and the flaws that it suffers from.
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From 1980s onward donors are increasingly focusing on sector based programmes and development assistances with interest-bearing loans to concession-based finance as well as conditional aid to unconditional grants. Recent trends under different aid modalities support that the priority sectors for Bangladesh are education, health, agriculture, rural and urban development, infrastructure and energy, environment and climate change adaptation, gender and development, and good governance through public sector reform initiatives including the macro-economic reform efforts. Presently both the aid modalities and sector based programme outcomes are central to the debate on aid effectiveness in Bangladesh. Considering the above mentioned aspects, the current round of studies on aid effectiveness is focusing on the overall effectiveness of the development assistance in Bangladesh following the qualitative focused synthesis method. This research article has tailored a historical retrospective analysis of the development assistance in Bangladesh, followed by a subjective assessment of donors, critical analysis of civil society of the recipient country and the balancing analysis of the recipient government on the aid effectiveness.
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Microcredit is a vehicle of change and helps in transforming the lives in rural areas. After the commencement of the Grameen bank in the field of micro-credit, it started to emerge throughout the countries. Self-Help Group (SHG), a homogeneous group of ten to twenty members, gets the micro-credit from the bank without any collateral. Under NRLM (National Rural Livelihood Mission) previously known as Swarnajayanti Grameen Swarojgar Yojana (SGSY), the micro credit to the SHGs helps not only in reducing poverty through the establishment of micro enterprises but also in bringing women empowerment for social change. NRLM functions as an engine for financial inclusion in the country. It aims to reach out all the rural poor families and to link them to sustainable livelihoods opportunities besides to strengthen the social mobilisation of women and excluded groups through the process of SHG-bank linkage. The role of microcredit helps to reduce poverty by enabling the poor household sustainable self-employment and skills wage employment opportunities besides it promotes to financial inclusion. It also nurtures entrepreneurs and provide skills for the job market. The sustainability of SHGs depends on the five principles or called panch sutra which includes regular savings, regular meetings, regular accounts, regular repayments and adherence to terms and conditions.
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The study has significantly identified that locations are critical to impact ICT access as well as the usage which further manifested as digital inequalities. It shows how the individual-level operational and attitudinal disparity along with access inequality complement the previous analyses and theories where it has already been observed that there are prominent rural-urban distinction in ICT adoption and also variations among different urban centres. It is found that not only the material access decline from a core urban location towards its peripheries, but the functional diversity and intensity and the attitude towards the ICTs also display a similar pattern. The pattern among the individuals from a rural or an urban residence also differs significantly. However, the gap is higher in case of a comparatively developed region than a less developed where the overall penetration itself is poor.
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Hakim Tirmidhi is well-known Sunni jurist (faqih), traditionist (muhaddith) and Sufi master in the world. When discussing the problems associated with sufism, Hakim Tirmidhi had written various opinions that have been argued upon by numerous researchers while elaborating on their various thoughts over time until this present day[25]. These various opinions and views found in the heritages of Hakim Tirmidhi were compiled to discuss the problems associated with “sainthood”, “gnoseology”, “awliya”, “hukama” (sages), “ulama” (scholars), aql (intellect), “Hikmah”, “qalb”(heart), “Stations of the Heart” and etc. Thus, there is a need among researchers to examine and understand the methods used by the Hakim Tirmidhi in explaining these words in opinion[24]. This article analyzes the heritage of Mohammed Hakim Termizi, one of the most influential thinkers in the history of intellectual development. Evidence is given that the development of integrity and systematics in his reasoning has reached to the point of doctrine.
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The present research is to review the ongoing advancements of Public Administration as an academic discipline and its compliance in Bangladesh. Eleven Public Universities were picked purposively for this examination. Course syllabi of every University for session 2016-2017 have been gathered as a unit of analysis. Public Administration as a discipline experienced numerous progressions and advancements forward and backward. This order extended incomprehensibly in Bangladesh in the 21st century. Aftereffects of the investigation uncovered that considerable rates of courses spread fundamental studies of Public Administration. Alongside that New Public Management and New Governance worldview are additionally being engaged in every university. Despite a huge spotlight on positivist abilities still there are some frail paradigmatic introduction for expert aptitudes like; leadership, interpersonal and negotiation skills.
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The study was designed to evaluate the effect of phytoestrogen rich foods to improve menopausal dietary quality in alleviating menopausal symptoms. A total of n=1000 women (aged 35-48 years) were scanned. Of these, a sub sample of n=30 women, based on their severity of menopause rating scale (was obtained from the Professor Heinemann from Center of Epidemiology and Health Studies in Berlin) were purposively enrolled. To these subjects nutrition health education (NHE) was provided for 2 months (reinforced at 15 days interval), focused on sources of phytoestrogen and importance of consumption of phytoestrogen rich foods. Before and after NHE intervention data was collected for serum level of gonadotropin hormones (FSH and LH) estimation and menopause rating scale. The study revealed that in urban Vadodara 17.1% had menopause related symptoms. The baseline data for women in perimenopause state (n=30) showed the 24% were obese, 20% were overweight, 8% were undernourished. After intervention daily consumption pattern of phytoestrogen foods has increased from 6.9% to 15.2%; and that for the fenugreek seeds increased from 12% to 24% and for sesame seeds increased from 11.5% to 48%. The menopause rating scale was reduced from 0-32 to 0-17 after intervention. The improvement in consumption pattern of phytoestrogen foods has effectively shown significant reduction in the severity of symptoms for forgetfulness, swelling and weight fluctuation (p=0.01). The results of serum gonadotropin estimation showed that mean FSH was reduced from 18.03±5.01 to 10.95±3.55 and mean LH from 19.95±4.92 to 14.1±4.55, though this was not up to a satisfactory level. Phytoestrogens being nonsteroidal compounds with estrogenic activity showed a significant reduction in alleviating menopausal symptoms.
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In Ghana, there are more mobile phones than people and there are more people connected to the internet than people in schools1. In spite of this, ICT tools have not been optimized to contribute to development. E-Government as a tool for ensuring inclusiveness and participation in governance in Ghana is characterized with challenges such as inability to fulfill the basic prerequisite for e-government development which includes minimum technological infrastructure, conducive environment and human capital. This paper attempts to assess the e-Government initiatives of Ghana; e-Government projects in Ghana, success stories and failures, IT visions of administration and the future directions of e-Government in Ghana. The emergence of the concept: e-Government in Ghana can be linked to the effort of the Ghana government to ratify and adopt an ICT policy in 2003-Informations and Communication Technology for Accelerated Development (ICT4AD). A cursory look at the Ghana e-Government initiatives reveals that Ghana is making considerable strides in allowing citizens and businesses to access and pay for services through an online network infrastructure. Renewal of driving licenses, clearing of goods at the port, business registrations, paying of taxes, public procurement and NABCO applications has been made possible through Government of Ghana electronic portal. This study dwelled on mainly secondary sources of data from peer reviewed journal articles, government policy documents and web sources. The study found that, Government of Ghana has exhibited commitment with her attempt to digitalize governance in Ghana. However, this paper also acknowledges the fact that the attempt by the Government of Ghana to digitalize the public sector of Ghana has not been rosy. Improved network and ICT infrastructural facilities should be extended to rural communities as a foundation for e-governance accessible to them, awareness, education and proper training session should be held to educate personnel of public sectors about benefit of e-governance, installation and maintenance of ICT gadgets in public sectors in Ghana to facilitate smooth implementation of e-governance services, proper security checks must be improved upon to restore peoples’ confidence in transacting or dealings through e-governance, extensive advertisements and publication of e-governance must be embarked upon to create awareness of the e-governance services available in Ghana.
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Once known for its natural beauty and called as heaven on earth, Kashmir is torn between two nations of India and Pakistan. The verdant green forests, sweet springs, perennial rivers, picturesque, alpines scenery and pleasant climate of Kashmir valley has remained an internationally acclaimed tourist destination. But unfortunately, conflict and instability in Jammu and Kashmir have been a major hindrance to its development and progress levels. Tourism is identified as the engine of growth and Development of Jammu and Kashmir economy in general and Kashmir valley in particular. The development of tourist industry can have a significant impact on the overall growth of the state, because of its ability to create direct and indirect employment, as well as growth in allied industries. Tourism will likely contribute to the growth of secondary sectors such as handicrafts, which have historically benefitted from visitors to the state. As tourism is widely recognized as a major mechanism of employment generation, especially in the service sector, holds significant role for poverty alleviation and unemployment in the state. Kashmir being an important tourist destination in India and elsewhere has witnessed downfall because of the ongoing unrest especially during the last two decades which has hindered the smooth growth of tourism industry. The tourism in the whole state was affected badly due the conflict, tourists stopped to visit Kashmir. All the tourism stakeholders were in loss and the unemployment increased swiftly in the state as a whole due to the turmoil in the Kashmir and created negative image of valley in the minds of tourists. Tourism around the world is considered as a noteworthy device of advancement and in the current past it has demonstrated its potential by rising as the quickest developing Industry contributing around 9% to worldwide Gross Domestic Product 8.7% of aggregate business. The present paper investigates the impact of conflict on the tourism sector in Kashmir and followed by some suggestions and recommendations aimed at optimally exploiting the potentials of Kashmir tourism in the fast improving socio-political scenario.
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Formal and informal both seed systems prevails in the country to supply the seed to the farmers. Formal seed systems are deliberately constructed, involving a chain of activities leading to clear products (Certified seed of notified varieties). In an informal seed system, farmers themselves produce, disseminate and access seed directly from their own harvest, through exchange and barter among friends, neighbours, relatives and through local grain markets. The present study was taken with the objectives to study the contribution of formal and informal sectors and also contribution of public and private sector in the total seed supply to the farmers in the country. The study is based on primary as well as secondary data. The primary data was collected from 9800 farmers from 126 districts of 23 states. The results of study showed that breeder seed production in the country has increased from 0.94 lakh quintal to 0.99 lakh quintal, foundation seed production has increased from 9.60 lakh quintal to 18.00 lakh quintal and certified / quality seed has increased from 250 lakh quintal to 399 lakh quintal during the period 2008-09 to 2018-19. The average size of land holding of surveyed farmers was 2.36 ha while average size of land holding at National level is 1.08 ha. The analysis of secondary data showed that contribution of formal and informal sector in Indian seed domain was 54:46 for field crops, 64:36 for cereals, 29:71 for pulses and 44:56 for oilseeds crops. The overall contribution of formal seed sector has increased from 45 per cent to 54 percent during the year 2016 to 2018. The analysis of primary data showed that ratio of formal and informal seed sector was 64.20:35.80 for field crops 67.10:32.90 for cereals, 57.20:42.80 for pulses and 52.30:47.70 for oilseeds. Among different class of seed, highest share was of the TL seed (29.80 per cent) followed by certified seed (27.50 per cent) and foundation seed (6.90 per cent) for field crops. Higher share of formal seed sector in total seed supply of field crops show the concentrated efforts of public and private sector in seed supply. The findings of the present study is crucial for future planning towards quality seed supply through formal seed sector.
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In this beauty-crazed superficial world where surgically enhanced and digitally airbrushed media images have become an unquestioned standard, millions of men and women are selecting surgical treatments to enhance, minimise, nip and tuck just about every inch of the body. But when cosmetic procedures are met with little satisfaction, and fuel the desire for more surgical enhancements an underlying psychological cause may be to blame. This paper aims to understand the surge in the requests for cosmetic surgery by evaluating whether there is any connection between body dysmorphic disorder and addiction to cosmetic surgery
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Emotions are universally experienced irrespective of culture and geographical location. They are subject to cultural connotations, intercultural settings, and interpersonal relationships. Emotional Intelligence constitutes of identification, management and judgement of emotions for self and others. This fulfills the purpose of socio-cultural communication. Different paradigms have emphasized varied perspectives to understand emotional development as a result of social setting. Evolutionists were pre-occupied with social roles that emotions facilitated, modern day theorist position on a spectrum of debates (positivist to constructivist). In a world where survival is based on exchange, emotional reciprocity holds connect with status, power, relation, setting, and wider network. Individuals not physically emote but contextually learn to display emotions. The evolutionary process and continuous revisions in academia, medicine, corporate roles and other professions benchmark emotionally competent individuals. According to sociological analysis, geographical locations play a significant role in emotional aspects of an individual’s personality. Therefore, this paper reviews how residing in a particular social environment can affect emotional competence, particularly in children. The scope of this paper remains on the increased awareness about sociological revelations that influence experiences. This implies to bring a change in thinking pattern and in historical definitions of concepts.
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This study is on climate change and rural livelihood in Makun-Omi, Ode-Omi and Iwopin communities in Waterside Local Government Area in Ogun State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey ex post facto design was adopted and three hundred and forty nine respondents randomly selected participated in the study. An adapted Climate Change and Livelihood Questionnaire were administered. 20% of the respondents engaged in agricultural production, 61% engaged in fishing and fishing related activities and 19% in non-farm livelihood activities. Temperature, flooding and water salinity have negative significant correlation with agricultural production. Eight types of manifestation of climate change were identified in the communities. Flooding had mean score 3.7, second was temperature with mean score 3.64, third was rainfall with mean score 3.6 and fourth was water salinity with mean score 3.54. Sea level had the fifth highest mean score 1.51, sixth was heat waves with mean score 1.48, and seventh was drought with mean score 1.45 and storm activity recorded the eight mean score 1.36. Temperature, flooding and salinity have a negative significant correlation with fishing and fishing related activities. Rainfall and flooding have negative significant correlation with livelihood assets while temperature, rainfall and flooding have negative significant correlation with livelihood income at 0.05alpha significance. It is concluded that climate change increased poor livelihood through reduction in agricultural production, poor outcomes of fishing and fishing related activities, low non-farm activities outcomes, loss of livelihood income. It is recommended that inhabitants of these communities should be trained on new strategies for sustainable livelihood strategies.
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In the 1970s, struggles by women around issues of domestic violence, women’s employment and livelihoods, communalism, representations in the media, etc., provided the impulse to women’s studies, which has been referred to as the ‘academic arm’ of the women’s movement. Critical inquiry into the structural and cultural bases which characterise the maintenance and reproduction of patriarchy in India at the familial, community and state levels have been carried out by women’s studies scholars. Women’s studies gained well-earned legitimacy within academia firstly through state support for its institutionalization in the 1980s, and more significantly, through the substantial contributions of feminist scholarship to the so-called mainstream disciplines. By questioning the value-neutrality of disciplinary perspectives, pointing to exclusions and invisibility, recovering women’s voices and concerns from the margins, and often from outside the pages, of mainstream academic discourse, and constantly unveiling and exploring the complex relationship between power and knowledge, women’s studies have engaged directly with the politics of knowledge.
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The field of value education is as broad as human life itself. In India during Ramayana or Mahabharata period values were taught to the child along with formal education in Gurukuls, where Guru or Priest teaches the students at their Ashrams through different methods and prepares them to face the life. In modern days Gurukuls were replaced by the formal schools and colleges which are providing the formal education. Not only schools and colleges but family, society, mass media and other means of communications also affects the learning of child and act as an instrument for incorporating essential values in child. Values can be transferred in students through hidden or unplanned method but curriculum plays an important role for providing value based education. In view of the above, an attempt has been made in this paper to find out appropriate methods and approaches for value orientation in higher education through Value Based Education (VBE). Accordingly, it has been also tried to study the role of teachers in promoting VBE to the students for sustainable development. It has been observed that providing value based education to our children in higher educational institutions can help us to overcome the problem of deteriorating moral values in our youth. Collaborative efforts of parents, teachers, society and media can bring the youth on right track to live a disciplined life. So far as social progress is concerned value-based education is an unavoidable reality.
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‘Deprivation’ the term commonly used in social sciences that refers to a situation in which people feel themselves deprived, either in comparison to other people or in comparison to own previous condition. On the other hand, the term ‘oldest old’, generally used to refer to the population aged 85 and older, was coined for a 1984 session on this population in the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). However, in India the term ‘Super Senior Citizen’ is used to designate the elderly people above 80 years of age in case of income tax assessment. The oldest old subpopulation in India is growing much faster than any other age group and due to their physical incapability they fall in peril situation which make them more dependent on others for their needs of financial support, medical assistance and social services etc. Therefore, the ‘oldest-old’ or ‘super senior citizen’ is that group of people who are the sufferer of deprivation. The author of the present paper aims to highlight the deprivation consequence among the oldest old population residing in the rural areas of Medinipur Sadar Block under Paschim Medinipur District. The deprivation consequence has been described on the basis of the first hand data collected by the author on the Financial Support, Living Arrangement, House-hold Chores, Physical Mobility, Main Source of Care and Measurement of Activities of Daily Living (ADL) of the oldest old population under study area.
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Vol. 7, No. 2, June 2018
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This paper develops a method for assessing the probability of consistent batting performance of the batsmen in the ODI cricket by using the Competency Levels of the batsmen. The Competency Levels of seven contemporary batsmen of Team India are computed on the basis of the ratings of 52 cricket fans on the skill and attitude components of the batsmen. Thereby the Probability of Success of each batsman for scoring at least fifty runs in any ODI match is computed against the numerical value of his Competency Level. The Rate of Success of the batsmen for scoring at least fifty runs per ‘effective opportunity’ in ODI cricket matches is calculated from statistical data of past performances of the batsmen. There is a strong positive linear relationship between the Probability of Success and the Rate of Success having Correlation Coefficient r=0.8709. This paper has a capacity to encourage the selectors of cricket teams for using the concept of the Probability of Success instead of the statistical records of performances in selecting batsmen for their teams.
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The Himalayas, which has been customarily regarded as a land of natural sanctity and divine beauty, has not been free from exploitation for centuries. As a part of imperialistic motif of different intruders, the land has experienced years of plunder and destruction of natural resources. The present paper intends to study the ecological history of the Himalayas to examine how the historical events of invasion coupled with exploitation of resources at different levels and in different forms has lead to changing in the natural morphology of the land and brought into a changed pattern in the geo- bio-physical and natural system of the land. In the wake of modern industrial development, due to a steep rise in the demand for natural resources, the exploitation has increased manifold; that has posed threat to local human and non-human living system in the mountain.
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Effort has been made in this paper to examine the impact of SHGs on the basis of occupation, income and benefits both at pre-SHG and post-SHG stages. It has been evident that 25 per cent of the respondents had no occupation in the pre-SHG stage whereas cent per cent is occupied at the post-SHG stage. The occupation chosen by the SHG members depends on the availability of skill and resources. It has been also observed that the income of the members of the SHG has increased substantially after joining SHG. Increase in income had helped to reduce the levels of poverty to a great extent in several families.
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The world Commission of Environment and development (Brundtlend) –WCED, 1987, leads to the environmental problems, and development countries issues, discussing about sustainable development urbanization has changed the scenario of living standard, here this paper presents how urban center emphasis on overall of sustainable development. This paper illustrates performance of urban centers in wide areas like, housing, water supply, sewerage and sanitation, waste management etc. In Kachchh district urban centers are challenging increasing demand of urban population and not only performing in development but conserves our resources and having good correlation between population and development. This paper investigates the sustainable development through urban centers recital in Kachchh district.
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Urban and peri-urban agriculture provide income generation to urban poor and making the cities more sustainable. In Mumbai Metropolitan Region, UPA activities play a major role in supporting people’s life. A wide range of agricultural production systems with maximum utilization of resources can be seen in Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR). Migration is an acute issue in MMR and UPA production plays a vital role in supporting migrant people and reducing urban poverty. Marketing of agricultural commodities is very easier inside the MMR with a well connected network of wholesalers, retailers and street venders. With the help of a baseline survey as well secondary data, this paper tries to reveal an overview of UPA production in association with migration. Migration patterns among various UPA production systems were identified and studied. Like all other informal sectors, the role of UPA in supporting migrant people in MMR should be studied in detail to find out its contribution to employment and economic growth.
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Srimanta Sankaradeva (1449 AD-1569 AD) was an important personality in the archives of Indian History. He was not only a religious preceptor, but also a social reformer, who had Sanskritized the diverse ethnic groups of north east India and assimilated them with the national mainstream. He is considered as the father of modern Assamese society and is also considered by his followers as an incarnation of God because of his multi-faceted contribution to the mankind. Sankaradeva preached a doctrine of universal brotherhood and humanism for improving the condition of Assamese society and created a harmonious socio-cultural-religious environment for the diverse ethnic communities in the Brahmaputra valley. Srimanta Sankaradeva made his magical impact on the religion, social, literary and cultural life of the Assamese people. It was because of Sankaradeva’s philosophy of equality and universal brotherhood revealed through his Neo-Vaishnavism many indigenous people took religious shelter under the new faith, the hallmark of which is the evolution of two distinctively unique institutions, namely the sattra and namghar in Assam, both of which began to serve not only as the instrument of spreading faith but also intimately associating with the social as well as the cultural fabric of the Assamese society. In this paper, a humble attempt has been made to discuss at length about the uniqueness of the Neo-Vaishnava movement initiated by Srimanta Sankaradeva and the long lasting changes that it brought about in the Assamese society. The paper further attempts to highlight how sattra and namghar have contributed immensely in the process of assimilation and socialization of the assamese culture and identity.
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Financial inclusion has becoming central to Indian policy making over the past few years and various attempts have been made to expand its scope. Social and economic justice has to be provided for common people through inclusive growth. Since beginning several measures were undertaking by the Government of India and Reserve Bank of India for financial inclusion with a view to develop all sections of the people. In order to achieve this subjective multi model approach was adopted. Service areas approach, priority sector lending differential rate of interest, leading bank scheme issue of general credit and kisan credit and so on to overcome financial hassle to get credit from financial institutions. In this backdrop NABARD has started an innovative programme 1992 from a linking of the banks to SHG groups of rural poor. It now boasts of the worlds largest microfinance initiatives with over 7.4 million representing 97 million rural households directly becoming parts of this great movement. With the emergence of SHGs and SHGs-Bank Linkage programme contributed large for improving the livelihoods especially women folk. SHGs play a significant role by developing thrift habit and providing credit as and when required. In this paper an attempt is made to examine the performance of SHGs, Bank Linkage for financial inclusion and rural livelihoods.
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Controlled environment in agriculture has gained importance not only in vegetable and ornamental crop production but also in the production of plant seedlings, not only from seeds but from tissue culture procedures also. Though this technology has been accepted by farmers in Thrissur district, still the adoption rate is not impressive. Identifying the factors that encourage the farmers for adopting and declining poly-house farming has significance, because it leads to the grass root level constraints faced by them. In this circumstances, the present study identified the factors determined the adoption of poly-house farming and the constraints faced by poly-house farmers from a sample of 60 farmers through convenience sampling technique. The important factor that determined the adoption of poly-house farming was farmers’ awareness about the poly-house farming practices, expected economic benefit and their willingness to take risk. The main problem of poor adoption was the fear of initial decline in yield. There is a need for awareness campaigns for attracting youth to poly-house farming. Finally the study reflected that the farmers were moderately favourable to the poly-house farming.
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Various scholars working in the agroforestry sector have recognized the importance of social and economic aspects in agroforestry. The purpose of this study was to take a fresh look at the nature of available literature and findings of researches done in socioeconomics of agroforestry, and their likely contribution to agroforestry development. Based on a mixed methodological approach the study reviews a number of books, research articles and findings of case studies done earlier. Finally fifty research articles published during 1989 to 2016 were selected for the review purpose. Results show that many researchers and scientists reported a number of socio-economic factors like land holding, land size, gender, marketing aspects, level of education, age of farmers, policy and programmes as some of the factors that influence a farmer’s decision on agroforestry adoption. However, they also reported a big gap in full adoption of all recommended agroforestry practices and advised to intensify extension services so that farmers could motivate themselves to adopt all the agroforestry practices. It was concluded and suggested that studies on relationship of socio-economic factor and agroforestry practices types as individual and as a whole are required to analyze their influence on adoption and promotion of agroforestry.
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The Central Business District (CBD) developed as the market square in ancient cities. On market days, farmers, merchants and consumers would gather in the center of the city to exchange, buy, and sell goods. This ancient market is the forerunner to the Central Business District (CBD). As cities grew and developed, Central Business District (CBD) became fixed location where retail and commerce took place. The Central Business District (CBD) is typically at or near the oldest part of the city. A variety of goods are sold in the different markets of Jammu city. However, some goods are sold in some markets. This leads to functional specialization of the different market centers. The number of establishments present and the types of goods sold, help in determining the intra- city hierarchy of markets. In this paper an attempt has been made to identify the types of functions which are further ranked by applying Kendall’s method.
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Interference of the mother tongue (L1) is inevitable in the second language (L2) learning. This research study was taken up to look into the first language interference on the oral expression of undergraduate agricultural students of Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute (ADAC&RI) Tiruchirappalli, one of the constituent colleges of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), India. The scope of this study is restrained to identifying how the first language interferes with students’ spoken language in terms of transfer of rules. Ninety-eight sophomore agricultural students (34 boys and 64 girls), whose mother tongues are Tamil (85), Telugu (8), Malayalam (3), and Kannada (1), have been involved in this study. Two recorded audio clippings were received from each student through google classroom, and they were analyzed in terms of transfer of rules. The results suggest that L1 influences 69% of students in terms of ‘transfer of rules’ in grammar, 46% in ‘redundancy’, and 18% with ‘zero interference’.
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The paper examines the values of having sons and daughters as perceived by mothers and how these values change with the socio-economic status of the respondents by analyzing data from Shimla, the capital city of Himachal Pradesh. The sample comprised of 417 mothers in the age range of 30-49 years. The respondent’s perceptions of the value of children were measured by means of open ended questions. The great variety of mother’s responses were coded and clubbed into three main categories: economic/utilitarian values, socio-cultural values and psychological values. Some very interesting findings emerged from the present investigation. Results indicated that the values of having children in the state of Himachal Pradesh are multi-dimensional. However, sons were desired or valued primarily for economic and socio-cultural reasons such as old age security and continuity of family name regardless of the mother’s education, work status and household income. The instrumental value of sons, especially expected economic help, is inversely related to socio-economic levels and the opposite pattern was noted for most measures of psychological appreciation which becomes important at higher levels of development. On the other hand, daughters were desired for utilitarian reasons by unemployed mothers with fewer years of schooling whereas the employed mothers with higher educational attainment value daughters for emotional support.
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Poverty is primarily a social problem in India which has its historical root in social structure. Poverty among socially marginalised groups is proportionately very high which is inferred from their high engagement in the primary sector, casual works and unorganised sectors with low wages. Development induced displacement and land acquisition have left them with depeasantization and casual works. Constitutionally provided affirmative action and other government steps towards poverty alleviation and employment generation have partially solved their concerns. This paper examines the current situation of poverty and employment condition among socially marginalised groups, specifically among schedule caste and schedule tribes. It focuses on the causes of their deprivation and marginalisation. It also reflects the impact of government programmes and policies under inclusive development.
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This study investigates how project acceptability and participation determine beneficiaries’ income in ten local government areas that participated in Fadama II rural development project. Descriptive survey design of the ex-post facto type was adopted. Two objectives and two research questions were stated while two null hypotheses were tested. A self-designed instrument i.e. “rural development innovation acceptability and participation scale’’ with 0.73 reliability was administered complemented by focus group discussion. Data generated were analysed using descriptive statistics comprising frequency counts, percentages, mean score and content analysis as well as inferential statistics of multiple correlation matrix. Out of a total of 795 participants, 537(68%) were male while 258(32%) were females. Income sources of the respondents are 565(71%) farming, 107(13.5%) fishing, 33(4.1%) animal husbandry, 53(6.7%) public service, 31(3.9%) trading and 6 (0.8%) others. Beneficiaries in Ijebu North local government area ranked project acceptability 1st with 34.80 while participation was ranked 1st with 39.43 in Obafemi Owode local government area. Results of analysis showed there is a positive significant relationship between the dependent variable income and the two independent variables acceptability (r=0.292) and participation (r=0.793) at 0.05 level of significance. The study therefore recommended that the involvement of all stakeholders in projects acceptability and participation should be improved to ensure higher project impacts.
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One of the Public Distribution System schemes namely ‘Antyodaya Anna yojana’ (AAY) has been implemented in India from the end of the year 2000. This scheme ensures‘food security’, to create a hunger free India and to reform and improve the Public Distribution System so as to serve the poorest of the poor in rural and urban areas. Various reports and estimates reported around 5% of population of the country are unable to get two square meals a day throughout the year. This scheme proposed to cover poorest of the poor by supply of food grains free of cost and other important commodities on subsidized rates. Over a period of time, the performance of the scheme has been improved due to evolving various monitoring mechanism and other vigilance committees. Even though, the criticism of the various civil society organizations and reports of press on the status of implementation of the scheme by the different states brings out number of problems in the identification of beneficiaries and distribution of benefits. In this context, a study on the impact of the AAY programme on the food security of the poorest of the poor was conducted to bring out various untouched issues on the status of implementation, ability of the distributing agencies, problems faced by the implementing agencies and beneficiaries. The study was carried out in the states of Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand in India. This article brings field realities of the functioning of the scheme.
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This paper examines the current Ukraine wheat export condition after Russian- Ukrainian military confrontation. The political conflict in Ukraine and the recent military intervention of Russia in Crimea is raising concern full effect of the events there is still uncertain, but some hints can be seen in the wheat market by analyzing the trend and pattern of Ukraine wheat export. Crimea is extremely important as it is where most of Ukraine grain exported by ship from its ports of the black sea. European Union (EU) is a significant trading partner of Ukraine but geopolitical tension adversely affects the wheat trade from black sea, which threatens Europe breadbasket. This study also highlights an index of export intensity to analyze the intensity of existing trade for the period 2011-2014 between Ukraine and EU countries. The result show export has intensified over the years, but this year low trade intensity
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Adolescents have poor knowledge on HIV/AIDS due to lack of access to scientific information and sources. There are number of awareness programmes. But the level is not up to the mark and hence the study is aimed to measure the impact of participation and correlations done with social variables for better understanding. The results showed that nearly half of the respondents had not participated in the HIV/AIDS awareness programmes. A greater proportion of the respondents had only moderate level of sexual awareness. There was a significant mean difference between the educational status of the fathers and mothers of the respondents and the level of sexual awareness. There was no mean difference between the level of sexual awareness and the family type of the respondents. It was concluded to have open and free education and suggested to promote access to scientific sources and use of ICT and social media through internet.
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Once known for its natural beauty and called as heaven on earth, Kashmir is torn between two nations of India and Pakistan. The verdant green forests, sweet springs, perennial rivers, picturesque, alpines scenery and pleasant climate of Kashmir valley has remained an internationally acclaimed tourist destination. But unfortunately, conflict and instability in Jammu and Kashmir have been a major hindrance to its development and progress levels. Tourism is identified as the engine of growth and Development of Jammu and Kashmir economy in general and Kashmir valley in particular. The development of tourist industry can have a significant impact on the overall growth of the state, because of its ability to create direct and indirect employment, as well as growth in allied industries. Tourism will likely contribute to the growth of secondary sectors such as handicrafts, which have historically benefitted from visitors to the state. As tourism is widely recognized as a major mechanism of employment generation, especially in the service sector, holds significant role for poverty alleviation and unemployment in the state. Kashmir being an important tourist destination in India and elsewhere has witnessed downfall because of the ongoing unrest especially during the last two decades which has hindered the smooth growth of tourism industry. The tourism in the whole state was affected badly due the conflict, tourists stopped to visit Kashmir. All the tourism stakeholders were in loss and the unemployment increased swiftly in the state as a whole due to the turmoil in the Kashmir and created negative image of valley in the minds of tourists. Tourism around the world is considered as a noteworthy device of advancement and in the current past it has demonstrated its potential by rising as the quickest developing Industry contributing around 9% to worldwide Gross Domestic Product 8.7% of aggregate business. The present paper investigates the impact of conflict on the tourism sector in Kashmir and followed by some suggestions and recommendations aimed at optimally exploiting the potentials of Kashmir tourism in the fast improving socio-political scenario.
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The study was undertaken to evaluate comparative analysis of media reach and its effectiveness in rural area of Punjab. One hundred respondents were interviewed randomly with a pre-tested questionnaire. The data were analyzed by one way ANOVA and differences in mean were assessed by using Turkey-b. The study revealed that television, radio and newspaper were accessible to 99%, 73% and 66%, respectively of the respondents with significantly (p<0.05) higher availability of television. The use of television for watching news, serials and agricultural programmes were significantly (P<0.05) higher where as radio has upper edge (p<0.05) in case of music listening. The 56% respondents thought mass media impacted both negative and positive on social and cultural values. About 60% (P<0.05) rural respondents considered television was most satisfying media while 15% felt it was radio, 19% voted for newspaper while 6% opted for internet . Therefore, from the present study it may be concluded that television is quite popular, effective and most satisfying mass media in rural area of Punjab.
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Development program are taking place in regular basis all over the world. The activities are taken place either by the support of the government agencies or by the development partners. It was found that majority of the development program are short in lived due to one or another reasons. It shows the weakness of the program implementing agencies and lack of clarity on sustainability issues. To overcome the basics of the problem and make the development program sustainable the policy makers and program implementing agencies should given enough attention in reinforce democratic values in community, equity & sustainability and must addressed all together.
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Phytoextraction, is an effective and promising means to cure soil contamination with heavy metals. The present study investigates the ability of three vegetables plants for removal of heavy metals from the contaminated soil and metal mobilization to different plant parts. The three plants selected for the study, Momordica charantia, Vigna unguiculata and Solanum melongena were grown for 90 days in soil artificially contaminated with cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) (50mg metal/kg of soil). The concentrations of the two metals were observed to be higher in roots of Momordica charantia and Vigna unguiculata than in soil, but root Cd level of Solanum melongena was slightly lower than that of soil after 90 days. Translocation potential of the heavy metals indicated higher accumulation of Cd in roots of Momordica charantia and Solanum melongena than in leaves while the pattern was completely opposite in Vigna unguiculata. Lead accumulation was higher in roots than in leaves for all the three plant species studied. The Translocation Factor (TF) of Cd for the three plants was in the range of 1.16 to 2.29 whereas, TF values of Pb remained <1, indicating that only small amount of Pb was translocated from roots to aerial parts.
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A virtual world is a computer-based online community environment that is designed and shared by individuals so that they can interact in a custom-built, simulated world (Bartle, 2003). A group of people who share similar interests and exchange information and ideas via computer networks are called virtual group or online community (Rheingold, 1993). Mousavidin and Goel (2009) developed a conceptual model of virtual group life cycle. In this model, the life of a virtual community is influenced by four elements namely socially shaped aspects, individually demonstrated characteristics, technologically facilitated features and the external influence. Virtual group formats can be broadly classified into virtual groups through social media networks and virtual groups through other media like email, video conferencing, voice conferencing, bulletin board system, drop box, text chat and virtual groups. Most popular virtual groups are virtual groups of social media networks such as facebook, youtube and whatsapp groups. Alexander et al. (2003) reported that moral obligations, conducive environment and community interest were motivational factors for contributing knowledge to virtual communities and doubtful nature about accuracy and relevancy of information, fear of criticism and information hoarding were demotivating factors. Virtual groups allow people to bond without being in close proximity either spatially or temporally. It improves interpersonal relationships and facilitates crowd funding. People may use fake identities which often lead to inconsistency and discontinuance of communication. Moreover, authenticity of information in virtual groups also cannot be assured. Hence an appropriate policy to limit the freedoms of users has been the need of the hour.
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Food labels are not only an essential component of a comprehensive public health and nutrition strategy, but also marketing. Food labels help consumers to make informed decisions about what they chose to consume. Food labels help consumers to make informed decisions about what they chose to consume. This study was conducted among the population of twin-island Caribbean nation, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago with a sample of 320. The objectives of the study are: to examine the extent to which consumers use various components of the food label; and to study the influence of socio-demographic and health related factors on the degree of use of nutrition labels. The study found that the aggregate degree of importance attributed to food labels far outweighed their actual usage. Of the explanatory variables included in the model to determine the influence on the degree of usage of food labels, six explanatory variables, viz., (i) diabetes; (ii) allergies; (iii) gender-male; (iv) level of schooling; (v) fast food consumption and (vi) fiber consumption had significant impact on the use of food label information. Although Trinidadians may have an appreciation for the information provided on food labels, they lack the incentive to actually incorporate it in their daily lives which could be achieved through proper health education campaigns.
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The present study has been carried out in TATA Steel of Kalinga Nagar of Jajpur district of Odisha. In this study, attempt has been made to collect the information from displaced women of three villages of Kalinga Nagar. As the study intended to make a cross-class study of resettlement and rehabilitation of displaced women, it has been decided to give coverage to the women from the pre-displacement and post-displacement period. Socio-political harmony plays an important role in maintaining a cordial relationship with each other in the society. The post displacement scenarios have shown a very distressing picture of socio-political harmony. Collectivism is an essential part of socio-political harmony. The displacement has disturbed the collective involvement of women in village development activities, but by forming the SHGs and by providing training for skill development in post displacement TATA Steel has tried to make the displaced women self-reliant and they can able to establish their socio-political harmony. Social bonding plays a very important role in strengthening the social relationship. The ultimate aim of the study was to recommend mitigating strategies to combat the issue of displaced women.
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Mathematics is still considered as a subject that causes fear to Students in Rwandan schools. This study aimed at exploring the levels of Mathematics attitudes and anxiety manifested by secondary students in urban and rural secondary schools in MUSANZE District. Tapia & Marsh’s (2004) instrument was used to collect data and descriptive statistics was used to analyse data. The study showed the students’ attitudes were mostly high and female students were less anxious than their counterpart males in urban and in rural secondary schools.
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This study reports the profile of the young farmers under the broad objective of Entrepreneurial Behaviour of Young Farmers. This study was conducted at Navsari, Gujarat (1014-2015) with 60 young farmer entrepreneurs belonging to age group of 15 to 35 years who were sampled following simple random sampling. The profile was studies using a structured schedule. The results indicated here are the major findings, majority of the young farmers belonged to age group of 29-35 years, had secondary level of education, medium level of farming experience, big land holding, higher annual income, medium material possession, low level of extension contact, medium extension participation, high social participation and medium mass media exposure.
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The present study was carried out to evaluate the pre-school education and supplementary nutrition ration components of Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) in Barnala district of Punjab. The results revealed that a majority 60% of AWWs faced different problems in organizing pre-school education activities and about 63.33% of the AWWs did not receive help from the Supervisor at all for organizing pre-school education activities at AWCs. It was found that only half Anganwadi workers were getting regular SN ration in time. Combining the entire three ICDS project, it was found that a high majority (76.66%) of AWWs did not distribute SN ration 300 days in a year as per national norms. Only 45.42% of the total beneficiary children were enrolled in register of AWWs for pre-school education and supplementary nutrition ration. It is recommended that vigorous campaigns need to be launched by the Government using T.V., drama, folk songs, theater and other media to create awareness especially amongst the rural population about the long term benefit of the pre-school education and supplementary nutrition rationprogrammeof ICDS scheme.
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Women engage in a wide range of activities in the fisheries and in fishing communities which is vital to a community’s well-being. They play a very crucial role in though their contribution is invisible and unacknowledged. In Kerala almost 50% of the posts harvesting activities of the marine fisheries are undertaken by them. The 26th December 2004 Tsunami significantly affected the coastal villages of Kerala. A vast majority of the coast dwelling people were affected by the huge and wide spread destruction of the tragedy. In order to provide relief and rehabilitation to the affected, Department of Fisheries, Kerala implemented multiple programs, which were christened under a common livelihood program named “Theeramythri” under the Society for Assistance to Fisherwomen (SAF). The SAF visions to initiate, encourage and strengthen locally organized activity groups among fisherwomen, thereby providing assistance for expertising their business development skill, resource utilization and management, performance improvement, networking and marketing. The Theeramythri programme facilitates and handholds fisherwomen to engage in gainful self-employment for their economic and social emancipation. Among the total 2500 microenterprise groups formed initially as part of various Tsunami rehabilitation programs, only 1500 are fully in operational at present. Mass closure of 500 groups happened over the years due to various unforeseen reasons. The present study gauges to provide a comprehensive picture about the reasons for the non performance of SAF groups in Kerala with a special focus on its technical, economic, institutional and social impacts. The study identifies the attributes determining the non-performance and the role of different stakeholders in the non-functioning of the microenterprise units. The study also aims at developing coercive measures for revamping/strengthening/reconstituting the group and also facilitating innovative ideas for overcoming the vulnerability of an activity group. Statistical and economic tools such as weighted average analysis, cluster analysis percentage analysis and Garrette ranking technique, and have been employed to analyse the data.
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It is common to talk about girls and women when one talks about policies for ‘gender equality’. But then what about men and boys? Are all of them oppressors and at a superior and privileged position in society? The answer is ‘NO!’. Just as girls and women are ‘stereotyped’ and conditioned in a ‘patriarchal’ society into being submissive, dependent, polite, emotional etc., boys and men are stereotyped as brave, independent, rational/logical, aggressive etc. This kind of conditioning put an additional pressure on them to survive in a society practicing the notions of ‘hegemonic masculinities’ to continuously ‘justify’ their gender. The observations made in an all boys’ school, reveal that education of boys belonging to low socio-economic backgrounds gives very low expectations and ‘hope’ to them and many deviate to crimes as well as substance abuse. Therefore, this paper is an attempt to include masculinities in the study of gender.
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This paper analyses the effectiveness of the village stay module (VSM) of the Rural Agricultural Work Experience Programme (RAWEP) of Kerala Agricultural University (KAU), India. VSM as part of RAWEP is intended to give direct exposure to the Agricultural students in the socio-cultural settings and the life of the farming community. The study was conducted as expost facto design in the five locations where VSM of RAWEP of KAU was conducted for five consecutive years from 2012-2017. All categories of respondents were selected through purposive sampling. Data was collected through a structured and pretested Interview Schedule. Perception index, RBQ, factor analysis, and weighed mean were the statistical tools. The result revealed that 58.66% of the respondents had a high level of perception toward VSM and out of the five components, the exhibition had more impact on VSM. Five Independent variables were significantly and positively correlated with the perception of farmers. The development plan was successful in projecting the entrepreneurial scope of crops/commodities unique to that village.
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The aim of this study was to explore students and lecturers’ attitudes and views towards active learning strategies (ALS) implemented at the Institutd’Enseignement Supérieur de Ruhengeri (INES-Ruhengeri), an Institute of applied sciences in Rwanda. Each class was taught in an active (non-traditional) manner for one course and in a passive (traditional) manner for another course. Several active learning methods (Think-Pair-Share, Card for Active Learning, Cooperative Learning, Supporting all the students, and Expert group) have been implemented during student teaching sessions. Questionnaires and interviews were administrated to students and lecturers, and then data were analysed. The results have shown that 78% of students learn better when the lesson involves ALS and it helps them to understand things better. 58% said that they enjoy lessons more if they involve ALS. It has also been reported (56%) that ALS helps students to communicate and to have better relationships with other classmates. The study has also found that over 82% of the lecturers agree that using ALS have a positive effect on students’ performance. This is very encouraging as it will help to improve the teaching and learning of students at INES. About 75% of the lecturers agreed that ALS methods ensure that total participation of students is achieved, integrate the learners’ experience and makes students interact in class. Some lecturers (15%) indicated that the class size of students and workload can affect the ability to use ALS. The different findings of this research will probably be useful for other institutes about the best ALS that the academic staff members in developing countries need for their teaching work, especially in the context of applied sciences.
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Since the SEZ policy was announced in 2000, there has been a continuous effort made for the improvement in the export performance. The Special Economic Zone scheme was also upgraded through a revision in the Export-Import Policy of 1997-2002 and the Special Economic Zones Act was passed in 2005. However, it was the enactment of the SEZ Act that provided a major push to the SEZs’ export performance and the SEZ policy for the increased exports. Export growth is necessary to offset the deterioration in the balance of payments. Through the establishment of Special Economic Zones export is increasing considerably. Therefore, there is a need to understand the contribution of Southern SEZs towards India’s Trade. In this background, the present paper analyses the Trade performance of Special Economic Zones of Southern India, focusing on Karnataka and Kerala SEZs. With the help of the collected sources of data it examines the export – import trade of Karnataka and Kerala SEZs and their contribution to Indian exports.
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This paper reflects the status of food security at different levels – global, country (India), and state (Odisha) based on the secondary sources of data and information. It tries to find out feasible and sustainable measures to ensure food security for all at the country and state level. Also, the paper diagnoses the relationship between food security and sustainable agriculture, exclusively. Our learning is that despite sustained economic developments, poverty reduction and targeted policy efforts, there has not been substantial progress in reducing food insecurity and malnutrition over the last decade and at all levels in terms of comparable socio-economic indicators. Food-grain production has slowly gone up, but the rising population (at country and state level) has made per capita food-grain availability lower. The paradox of food insecurity could be in the inherent flaws in the existing policies and implementation bottlenecks together with the weak public distribution system (PDS) including lack of required infrastructure to safely store and distribute food grains. Hence, to ensure food security for all, strategically designed programs need to be implemented with a strong monitoring system, creation of required rural infrastructure (roads, transport, market, communication, cold storage, grain banks, etc.), strengthening PDS, controlling rapid population growth, ensuring education for all etc.; besides developing and implementing precision agriculture technologies.
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Based on empirical study, this paper plans to highlight the consequences of agricultural work participation upon reproductive behavior of tribal women analyzing the fertility pattern of 390 sample numbers of Deori and Mishing women of North East India. While analyzing the reproductive behavior of sample women, the agriculture related impact factors on fertility have been considered. Rank correlation and logistic regression have been used as analytical tools. The study has been completed in four sections: section-I deals with the paradox, section –II covers the literature reviewed, section-III includes research methodology & limitation of the study and section –IV has been devoted for discussion of analytical results and conclusion. The findings show that neither the agricultural farm size, nor the paddy farm size has any significant correlation with the reproductive health behavior of ever married women of the sample family.
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Nagaland is a state where 47.62% of the total population are women. Naga women are excluded from the decision-making process, and hardly a few women have been empowered to involve income-generating activities individual income. Many of them are also affected by all sorts of violence in society, which are unseen in most situations. Though there are many schemes for women where they can report any violence or seek help but are either unaware or have little knowledge about it. Women-centric schemes like OSC and Women Helpline 181 support and give guidance to those women affected by violence both in public and private places. The schemes encourage the women to have their own identities and participation in different activities. The study highlights the present status of women and cases reported under OSC and women helpline 181 and the problems involved while implementing the scheme.
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The main objective of the study is to analyze the impact of irrigation on rural poverty across districts in India. The secondary data from different sources have been culled using descriptive cum regression analysis. The statistically significant inverse and strong relationship between irrigation and rural poverty has been pointed out not only from descriptive analysis but also regressions which is expected in this study. The important finding of the study is that irrigation infrastructure is more pronounced as lag variable in determining rural poverty than as normal variable.
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The paper entitled “A Study on Higher Agricultural Education Institutions’ Management of Educational Technology Systems of Rajasthan” was carried out both primary as well as secondary data. Colleges no longer stress passive classroom learning. New technologies help virtual knowledge-building. Such changes affect the training of future managers. Research on technology-supported management learning is inconsistent. This research combines educational psychology, technology, higher education, and management education. This gives a broad overview of technology-supported management learning. This research uses a questionnaire at three Rajasthan agricultural institutions.
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The paper entitled “An Empirical Study on Technology Adoption and E-Learning Management System of Agricultural Educational Institutes of Rajasthan” was carried out both primary as well as secondary data. Higher education is no longer defined by the practice of just sitting and soaking up information in traditional lecture halls. Instead, the development of new technology has made it possible to engage in the active building of knowledge in more virtual environments. These changes in the nature of the learning environment have an impact on the education of tomorrow’s business leaders. In spite of this, research on technology-supported management learning and its implications for management educators is splintered and uneven across study fields. The findings obtained in the disciplines of educational psychology, educational technology, higher education, and management education are organized and incorporated into this article via the use of a methodical technique that was developed specifically for this purpose. Because of this, we are able to get thorough overview technology-supported management learning.
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Cohabitation is an important phenomenon which is on the rise in the hectic and fast paced modern life, however, it exists on the sidelines of Indian society due to taboos attached to it. In order to gain a deeper understanding of the phenomenon, three focus group discussions were conducted with 24 female college students (18-21 years) from Delhi-NCR. The results revealed that the participants were aware of the concept of cohabitation and its legal status in India. There was a lot of parental opposition and social stigma attached to cohabitation. Social media and cinema were considered to be the most important source of influence in understanding and actualizing such relationships. Partners also dealt with many problems like insecurity, harassment and lack of trust. Another unresolved issue was whether the couple should have children or not and the anxiety related to their future. But overall, cohabitation was perceived as a consensual arrangement with perks of a marriage without too many legal implications. In the future, a transformed scenario of marriage, as well as the choice of partners in terms of online dating and cohabitation may become popular.
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The dream of a clean India is eyed by all citizens of India. It is not a distinct one as the “Swachh Bharat Mission” was introduced on the occasion of 145th birth anniversary of Bapu Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd of October 2014 by Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi at Rajghat, New Delhi. The present study was conducted in the Hisar district of Haryana state. Two villages, Mangali and Aryanagar from Hisar I and Hisar II (blocks) were selected randomly by selecting 20 females, 20 males, and ten field functionaries from each village which made total sample to be 100. The media usage and participation of respondents in Swachh Bharat Mission was assessed. Majority of respondents had a medium level of media usage, and participation in Swachh Bharat Mission was reported to be low to medium. Correlation between media usage and participation of respondents in the Swachh Bharat Mission was reported to be significant.
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“NITI Aayog” of India is a new institution structured in January, 2015 as replacement of the Planning Commission. It provides different public services through its various Vertical. Main initiatives of NITI Aayog include: public administration reforms and enhancement of administrative efficiency of government programmes, facilitating centre-state and inter-ministerial coordination for governance, and to provide best repository practices to aggravate developmental agenda. NITI Aayog can replace the one-way Centre-to-State flow of policy through ‘cooperative federalism’. It recommends various policies and their implementation is regularly executed by all State Governments. Of course, the NITI Aayog is a distinguished ‘think tank’ that has a good strategic vision and expertise with responsibilities to provide advice to the Government. Hence, the NITI Aayog by giving more control to the States, aims at avoiding top-down approach to policy making and tries to give it a bottom up approach.
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This Paper identifies the use and purpose of information by library users of Homeopathy University, Jaipur. The purpose of the study is to describe the data obtained from the Google Form techniques, Trying to obtain data for analysis of different aspect of difficulties faced by students in accessing library also statistical analysis of data for different aspects of accessing library. Maximum percentage of People accessing library were using library for referrals books and were getting majority of the books for reference. Satisfaction level with ambience and comfort of using library was assessed where more than 90% were satisfied.
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The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of finishing school(FS) programs on the managerial efficiency of vocational higher secondary education (VHSE) certificate holders. FS are informal educational programs meant only to fine-tune the already acquired skills, and it is not a substitution for any degree or diploma. The design of the study was ex post facto design. Ninety vocational higher secondary education certificate holders who were exposed to FS of Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) were selected through purposive and proportionate random sampling. Similarly, 40 respondents who were not exposed to the FS were also selected. The data was collected through a structured and pretested interview schedule. Correlation analysis, student t-test, principal component analysis, frequency, and percentage were the statistical tools used. The study result highlighted that the majority of the respondents who were exposed to FS were having medium managerial efficiency. In contrast, the majority of respondents who were not exposed to FS had low managerial efficiency.
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Investigating factors that impacted the degree of corruption and its variation are essential prerequisites for decreasing the degree of corruption and improving the ability to curb corruption. Based on the international panel data published by the World Bank, a new database that links closely to the topic is coded. Subsequently, with the assistance of the ordinary least squares method, this paper builds up a multiple regression model and a lagged variable model to test the contribution of government effectiveness, “institutional inertia of corrupt governance”, political stability, and citizens’ political right to the degree of corruption and its variation. Finally, it provides specific suggestions and references on how to decrease corruption and strengthen the capacity of corruption prevention.
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Present paper examines methods and methodological concerns of few significant conceptual constructs based on inter-sectional variables like colonial history of tea plantations, feminization of workforce, political economy of displacement, issues of sustainable livelihood; gender, labour and identity crisis or gender, space & identity; and emerging feminization of underclass at the face of declining tea economy in North Bengal. Further, observational analysis post closure of tea gardens would be included to substantiate trend analysis from a feminists’ scholarship. It attempts to develop a theoretical discourse subsequently a tangible feminist framework keeping the gender- labour and displacement- livelihood issues at center space of the thematic dialogue.
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The main purpose of animal husbandry information sources is to reach farmers who cannot be contacted personally by extension officers; in the shortest possible time. Location of the client and availability of time are the deciding factors for choosing information sources. The present study investigates the pattern of information sources utilized by tribal farmers for animal production technologies targeting 200 tribal farmers of Pali and Sirohi districts of Rajasthan. The findings revealed that majority of the respondents opined that scientists of the Krishi Vigyan Kendra and Pashu Vigyan Kendra were the best personal cosmopolite source. Among the localite sources, the input dealers were the top followed by fellow farmers. Among the mass media sources, training and demonstration units were the most important ones. It can be suggested that the access and availability of personal cosmopolite sources viz. scientists from KVK/SAU’s/ICAR be increased as they are competent and reliable. Similar the access to cosmopolite channels to be improved for effective transfer of technology to farmers.
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The automotive sector is changing as a result of disruption caused by industrial automation and digital technology. Companies can adopt the most recent business prospects linked to industry 4.0 in their organization, including those that deal with autonomous driving, automated manufacturing lines, the auto supply chain, big data, the Internet of Things, quality management, the environment, etc. The degree to which people are satisfied with their jobs plays a significant role in this process because workplace stress is a common source of it, particularly for those working on production lines. Numerous studies on job conditions and satisfaction using conventional methods have been done, but they differ from digitalized industries due to a variety of factors, such as job security and a lack of technological knowledge and training, educational requirements, robotization, supervision, anxiety, etc. Stress management techniques are more effective for highly educated and younger people. This study addresses the issue of job stress among engineers and technical workers in the Telangana automobile industry as a result of automation and digitization. One way that ANOVA is used to examine the stress factors responsible for the drop in level of job satisfaction is through the use of a structured questionnaire on a sample of 100 engineers and operators to study the factors affecting job stress in the automobile sector. According to the conclusion, technical operators are more likely to operate in a traditional workplace and less likely to adopt an advanced work environment, and they also report feeling more pressured and unsatisfied with their jobs. In order to improve productivity and competitiveness, which in turn improves services and job satisfaction, it is also necessary to implement suitable training programmes and digital technology adaptation strategies.
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‘Public policy analysis’ is a large, extending intellectual enterprise which involves many academic disciplines, private research organisations and governmental agencies, each distributing a common matter with formulation, implementation or results of public policy decisions. Public policy is more concerned with politics than the public administration, and provides more technical processes for decision making. ‘NITI Aayog’ is a ‘think tank’ of GOI policy which aims to foster involvement and participation in economic policy making process by the States. It provides a critical directional and strategic input for the developmental process of India. Indeed, it focuses on the ‘cooperative federalism’, and promotes and authorizes demanding necessity for good governance which is people-centric, participative, collaborative, transparent and policy-driven. NITI Aayog gives suggestions to State Governments and GOI. ‘Skill Development’ is an important operator for decreasing the poverty by enhancing employability, productivity and continuous enterprises development and overall growth. The skills promote for higher productivity, and increased employment, income and development. With these views, therefore, this paper discusses on the significance of public policy analysis with special reference to NITI Aayog in the present scenario.
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Personality can be explained as the distinctive and characteristic patterns of thought, emotion and behavior that make up an individual’s personal style of interacting with the physical and social environment. As we see young people often face difficulty in managing day to day challenges at home, college and also in their relationships which make them unable to manage their emotions, behavior and ultimately seriously impact their personality. Having healthy emotional intelligence creates positive outcome in relationships with others and oneself and leads to sound personality and is considered as key to success in life. Therefore, the present study was conducted to identify the personality traits and emotional Intelligence of adolescent. Association between personality and emotional intelligence was also measured along with gender difference between college going boys and girls regarding personality traits. A sample of 200 students from four colleges of Chandigarh in the age range of 18-24 years was selected for the study. Scales administered were Big Five Personality Test and Emotional Intelligence Test. The data were collected and frequency and percentages were calculated and data were analyzed using appropriate statistical tools. Results revealed that majority of the students scored higher in agreeableness trait of personality followed by extra version. Significant and positive correlation was found between personality and emotional intelligence. Majority of boys and girls showed average emotional intelligence (63 % and 77 %) respectively. On the other hand, significant gender differences were found between boys and girls with regards to personality.
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Wheat occupies a pivotal place in Indian agriculture. Sustainability of scientific wheat cultivation practices must be ensured to attain the goal of agricultural sustainability. The study was conducted to determine the adoption of wheat production practices in Faizabad District of Uttar Pradesh, One hundred twenty respondents were selected randomly and descriptive research design was used. Findings of the study inferred that there 50.00 per cent wheat growers were having medium level socio-economic status whereas 41.66 per cent respondents were having low socio-economic status while 08.33 per cent respondents were having high socio-economic status. It was also revealed of the study 27.05 per cent respondents had low level adoption of improved wheat practices followed by 58.30 per cent wheat growers had medium level adoption of improved wheat practices, whereas 14.65 per cent wheat growers had high level of adoption of improved wheat practices. The sizeable numbers of farmers were having medium knowledge of wheat production technology perhaps due high extension contact and appropriate land holding. The findings were passed on to scientists and extension officials of the district for taking necessary steps to bridge the gap in adoption of wheat production technology. Government should take proper steps and appropriate extension strategies to be followed for improved wheat production technology, and storage for wheat production.
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Pradhan Mantri Van Dhan Vikas Yojna (PMVDVY), a Central Government initiative, aims to bring a paradigm shift in entrepreneurship by improving tribal livelihood and sustainably harnessing the wealth of the forest. Van Dhan Yojna is a tribal entrepreneurship market-linked development program that focuses on building tribal SHG clusters and developing them into Tribal Van Dhan Kendras. It also tackles major issues that Indian tribes confront, such as land/house ownership with no rights, MFP collecting limits, middleman exploitation, shift from natural sanctuaries and national parks, and absence in forest communities’ development. It is now used in 27 states. The current study depicts the image of PMVVY in the north-eastern part of the country. The North-East area has the most forest cover and unique natural resources. It promotes the notion of ‘Atma-Nirbhar Bharat’ as an important ‘Engines of Growth’ for tribal groups in the North-East. Collective efforts of tribes from forest product collection through value-addition have resulted in the tremendous achievement of PMVDVY in tribal regions of Northeast India. TRIFED’s ‘Aatmanirbhar Abhiyan’ program to make India self-sufficient, with the slogan ‘Go Vocal for Local Go Tribal–Mera Van Mera Dhan Mera Udyam,’ will help in the complete transformation of the country’s tribal economy.
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Youth are the future of a nation and the overall development of any nation depends on the regimented, active and competent strength of youth. An exploratory study with ex post facto design conducted with randomly selected 160 sample rural youth from two districts Yavatmal and Ahmadnagar of Maharastra recorded various responses on determining the level of stress caused by different stressors using appropriate statistical tool i.e. Rural Youth Stress Scale. Respondents distribution based on their overall stress level has resulted in 46 per cent of the rural youth have medium level stress (45.62 %) and around 27% of the respondent had high as well as low stress. District wise distribution of the respondents revealed that mean stress score of the Yavatmal district (102.16) was slightly higher than Ahmednagar (99.71) but not significantly different. 48.75% respondents from Yavatmal had medium stress score i.e. (95-109) with 26.25% respondents scored high level of stress and 25 % had scored low levels while Around 44 % of respondents in Ahmednagar had medium level of stress and 37.5 % and 18.75 % low and high levels of stress respectively. Around 39.62 % of the female youth had medium stress level as compared to males (45.79%). T value calculated from Independent samples test when compared to tabulated value, it shows no significance at 0.732 and 0.649 level of significance results in no significant difference between the mean stress level of male and female respondents. Results from Pearson correlation coefficient revealed that there was significant and negative correlation between the stress level and land holding, annual family income, and mass media utilization at 1 percent level of significance while strongly negative and significance correlation was found. So this study has resulted in overall understanding of levels of stress among rural youth in yavatmal and Ahmednagar districts of Maharashtra.
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For the true essence of democracy, its important that civil society is allowed to actively participate in decision making of the state machinery. Participatory democracy as a mode of conduct protects the rights of the citizens as ruling authority is responsible towards them and denial of that can result in change in authority. Democracy cannot be reduced to procedures only ,but the representative government should guarantee the protection of individual rights in the state. Individuals in the state should feel that they have effective participation in public life either by supporting or criticizing policies formulated by government.
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Exploratory and descriptive research on analysis of communication through traditional media for rural development was conducted. In this study Jaipur and Jodhpur districts in Rajasthan were selected purposively. The data were collected from 120 respondents using structured interview schedule and analysed using standard methodology. The finding of the documentation of traditional folk media resulted in collection of several folk forms including folk dances, puppet show, folk proverbs and folk drama and theatre etc. From the results it was revealed that folk media artists and development functionaries preferred folk songs (37.60), puppet show (29.22), folk theatre (28.70) and folk dance (20.68) in both districts based on the mean Garret score. Correlation among different communication attributes of folk media i.e. message and channel attributes exhibited positive and negative relationships at 0.05 level of probability. Content analysis of folk media songs resulted in their effective utilization in 11.26 per cent related to social relations, 7.26 per cent related to entertainment and 5.27 per cent related to agriculture and only 2.50 per cent related to health. As per results of the study the traditional folk media have great potential which can be effectively used for information dissemination and adoption of new technology. Different constraints were faced by folk media artist in their use of folk media for communication are perceived as management constraints, financial constraints, communication constraints, technological constraints and social constraints. Hence this study suggests that to maintain the folk culture government should initiate measures such as providing incentives to folk artists. As per results of the study the traditional folk media have great potential which can help the development functionaries to use them effectively for information dissemination and adoption of new technology.
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