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Title: Expression of Autophagy Markers Beclin-1 and LC3 in Cervical Cancer
Abstract :
Background: The accuracy of current prognostic factors in cervical cancer progression remains controversial. This progression may be understood through molecular markers of autophagy, BECLIN 1 and LC3. Objectives: Assessment of expression of Beclin-1 & LC3 in cervical cancer to find an accurate prognostic marker of cancer progression.
Title: Contents Vol. 7 No. 1 June 2018
Abstract :
Title: Chikungunya: An Emerging Threat
Abstract :

Chikungunya is an important mosquito borne arboviral disease causing periodic epidemics world over. India also faces the brunt of this disease every few years which is associated with acute as well as long term consequences. The burden of this disease has been ever increasing since the 2006 outbreak, the latest outbreak occurring in 2016. Chikungunya has been typically associated with fever, joint pains and rash but during the last few epidemics, lot of atypical presentations of this common disease occurred. It was thought to be a benign self- limiting disease but in recent time, severe disease with multi-organ involvement requiring intensive care and causing mortality have been reported from India and other countries, especially in patients with co-morbid illnesses. Many patients suffer from chronic consequences of this chronic inflammatory rheumatism lasting for years, affecting the quality of life and productivity of the affected population. This review highlights the epidemiology, the changing clinical spectrum, the available diagnostic modalities and the management of acute and chronic manifestations of this challenging infection.

Title: Fibrinogen in COVID-19: Interpreting From Current Evidence
Abstract :

COVID 19 has emerged as a global pandemic with high morbidity and mortality. Continuous research and understanding of the disease has led to formulation of various guidelines for the patient management. Fibrinogen plays an essential role in pathology, both as an acute phase reactant and a procoagulant. Baseline and the monitoring of the levels may help in prediction of the prothrombotic or the pro hemorrhagic states. And hence, the interpretation of fibrinogen along with clinical picture, d dimers and coagulation parameters may help in better judgement of the patient situation.

Title: Care of Child with Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
Abstract :
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) is a type of brain damage that occurs when an infant’s brain doesn’t receive enough oxygen and blood. It is a dangerous condition that requires immediate medical intervention. Neonatal encephalopathy affects 2 to 5 of every 1000 live births and represents a major cause of mortality and long-term morbidity in affected infants. Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is the major cause of encephalopathy in the neonatal period. Until recently, management of a newborn with encephalopathy has consisted largely of supportive care to restore and maintain cerebral perfusion, provide adequate gas exchange and treat seizure activity. Twenty five percent of neonates with HIE develop severe and permanent neuropsychological sequelae, including mental retardation, cerebral palsy, and epilepsy. Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy causes significant morbidity and mortality in neonates. Preventing the secondary reperfusion injury that occurs following a hypoxic-ischemic event is paramount to ensuring the best possible neurologic outcome for the neonate. Induced hypothermia is currently being studied in various institutions as a means of neuroprotection for neonates at risk of severe brain injury following a hypoxic-ischemic event. This article highlights the pathophysiology of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy and the rationale behind the effectiveness of induced hypothermia. Nursing care and management of neonates being treated with induced hypothermia are discussed (Long and Brandon, 2007).
Title: COVID-19 in Healthcare Workers of Dedicated COVID-19 Screening OPD: A Case Series Based Study from AIIMS, New Delhi, India
Abstract :

To keep up with the current COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare infrastructure is continually changing and growing at a rapid pace. Protection of our frontline workers is of utmost priority. Here, we describe the measures taken at our tertiary care center for this purpose. A dedicated COVID-19 screening centre was setup for healthcare workers (HCW), run by frontline HCWs themselves. Over the 6 months that this OPD has run, it has catered to hundreds of HCWs, with a small number of staff themselves contracting COVID-19. The individual cases have been enumerated, and the changes implemented from lessons we learnt have been discussed.

Title: Radiological Assesment of Congenital and Developmental Neck Lesions in Paediatric Patients
Abstract :
Background: Some combination of different imaging modalities is often necessary in the diagnosis and / or management of a pediatric neck mass. The decision of which imaging modality to order often requires discussion with the radiologist as well as careful consideration of factors, such as radiation exposure, cost and accessibility. Objective: The present study was undertaken with the following objective to assess the morphology and structural characteristics of developmental and congenital mass lesions of neck in pediatric patients on high resolution Ultrasonography (USG), Colour Doppler flow study, Computed Tomography (CT-scan) and Magentic Radiography Imaging (MRI). Materials & Methods: This study was carried out in the department of Paediatric surgery, from June 2017 to June 2019 with help of Department of Radiodiagnosis. Thirty eight pediatric patients with congenital/developmental neck mass lesions were evaluated on USG and Colour Doppler Flow study among which some of them underwent CT and MRI. Results: Most common age group in present study was 0-4 years with slight female predominance (male : female ratio of 6:8). The most common neck mass lesion in present study was cystic hygroma making 28.9% of total disease burden followed by thyroglossal duct cyst (18.4%) and lymphovenous malformation (15.8%). On Sonography most of the lesions were found to be multiloculated with thick internal septas (45.5%). Variable CT scan and MRI features are present in different congenital neck lesions.
Conclusion: Imaging is increasingly demanded for its investigation and differentiating the nature of the mass, establishing and narrowing the diagnostic possibilities, and evaluate the anatomic extent for those lesions requiring surgical treatment.
Title: Management of Snake Bite by Indian Quackery: A Medical Mockery
Abstract :

Snake bite is one of the common public health problems especially in developing countries leading to increased morbidity and mortality. Delay in access to appropriate medical services and increased local practices of envenomation further complicate the scenario. Indigenous treatment systems, quacks and many first handlers in snake bites attribute to significant morbidity, end organ damage, septic complications further causing death, increased hospital stay and eventually increased economical burden on our existing health care system. Alleviation of such practices through stringent law and policy making with increased education and mobilization for appropriate medical management, supportive first aid and regular timely supply of anti snake venom is quintessential and need of an hour to curb the devastating complications due to snake bite and leading to improved clinical outcome.

Title: HIV Presenting as Cerebellar Ataxia
Abstract :

Cerebellar disorders associated with HIV infection are typically the result of discrete cerebellar lesions resulting from opportunistic infections such as toxoplasmosis and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy or primary CNS lymphoma. Clinical symptoms and pathologic abnormalities related to the cerebellum may also be observed with HIV dementia. A primary cerebellar degeneration with HIV is rare. In our case the patient presented with progressively unsteady gait, slurred speech, and limb clumsiness. Examination revealed gait ataxia, impaired limb coordination, dysarthria, and abnormal eye movements. CD4 lymphocyte counts was very low 26 cells/mm3. Neuroimaging studies showed prominent cerebellar atrophy. We report a syndrome of unexplained, isolated degeneration of the cerebellum occurring in association with HIV infection.

Title: Disseminated Histoplasmosis Presenting as Prolonged Fever and Pancytopenia in a HIV Patient
Abstract :

Histoplasmosis is an opportunistic fungal infection commonly affecting immuno compromised hosts. In HIV patients it usually present as a disseminated form. We hereby report a case of Progressive Disseminated Histoplasmosis in a patient with advanced HIV infection, who presented with prolonged fever and pancytopenia. Bone marrow examination showed yeast forms of Histoplasma capsulatum. Prompt initiation of antifungal therapy and anti-retroviral therapy lead to improvement in her clinical condition. Progressive Disseminated Histoplasmosis is thus an important differential diagnosis to be considered in any HIV patient presenting with prolonged fever and pancytopenia.

Title: Kshar-Sutra—New Operative Technique for Low Anal Fistulae in Infant
Abstract :

Anal fistula in infants is a common disease. Although many are recovered by conventional treatment, there are some patients who are not repaired easily. We performed the Ksharsutra method to an anal fistula and report the good result that we obtained.

Title: Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Diagnosis, Grading and Staging; A Simplified Tool for Clinicians
Abstract :

Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) is currently reliably and increasingly being diagnosed and classified by non-invasive methods in comparison with standard invasive methods. Various permutations and combinations has been studied and explored with different clinical sign and symptoms with or without lab profiles to closely approach the precise diagnosis. It is indeed the need of the hour to understand the most suitable non-invasive clinical modality in a given set of patient profile to reach to the finest and closest diagnosis without compromising the outcome as far as the patient management is concerned. This could well be learnt progressively to more and more effectively use of these non-invasive tools and avoiding cumbersome liver biopsy in parallel

Title: Study of Cytomegalovirus Antigen Detection in Patients under Hemodialysis
Abstract :
Cytomegaloviral infection is an important cause of disease in immunocompromised patients e.g chronic renal failure. Laboratoty diagnosis of active stage of infection remains problem if based upon serological tests. Therefore detection of CMV antigens in peripheral leucocytes by immunohistochemical stain and PCR are mandatory in diagnosis of CMV infection dialysis patients.In this study 29 dialysis patients were assessed for the presence of cytomegalovirus by direct immunohistochemical staining of early CMV antigen (P65) in blood leucocytes, quantitative PCR detection of DNA in blood and by serology (IgG,IgM). CMV antigen was detected in 14 (48.3%) of patients, CMV PCR was positive in 10 (34.5%) patients, IgG was positive in 21 (72%) and 5 (17%) were positive for IgM. There was significant correlation (P<.0001) between PCR method and direct
staining of CMV early antigen (P65) in peripheral leucocytes.
These results suggest that direct detection of CMV antigen in peripheral leucocytes is as sensitive as PCR technique. Antigen detection is more valuable than serology in actual diagnosis of active CMV infection.
Title: Unusual Hematological Manifestations Associated with Primary Hypothyroidism in an Elderly
Abstract :

Out of all the haematological aberrations associated with Primary hypothyroidism, anemia is found in 25% of hypothyroid patients. There are few reports of multiple autoimmune diseases co-existing with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and Grave’s disease, however associations with primary hypothyroidism have not been reported yet. We report patient with primary hypothyroidism who presented with Immune thrombocytopenic purpura.

Title: Prevalence of Nutritional Deficiency Disorders among Rural School-Age Children in Jawan Block of Aligarh District
Abstract :

Children in the age group of 5-15 years are often considered as school age. It is recorded that in India, one-fifth population consists of children between 5-14 years, which includes the primary and secondary school-age (1). Adequate micronutrient status is critical for good health and development during childhood. Access to high-quality data on nutrition and health indicators in this age group would aid in prioritizing and setting up deliberate, evidence-based nutrition intervention programs, targeting the nutritional problems that are of real concern (7). Objectives: 1. to examine the prevalence of clinical signs of nutritional deficiency disorders among school-age children. 2. to find out the difference in prevalence of deficiency disorders among boys and girls.

Title: Diagnostics and Surgical Metatarsalgia Treatment
Abstract :

In this article were analyzed clinical, X-ray and sonographic results of the treatment taken by patients suffering for metatarsalgia. The said study involved 189 patients suffering from metatarsalgia (269 feet) who were divided into a core group that included patients suffering from metatarsalgia and patients having the same disease that was combined with hallux valgus and who underwent a surgery by using of the method developed by us (87 patients, 136 feet) and a control group which included patients suffering from metatarsalgia combined with hallux valgus and who underwent a surgery earlier by using of different techniques which goal was to correct hallux valgus (102 patients, 133 feet).

Title: Evaluation of IgG Avidity for Diagnosis of Acute Toxoplasma gondii Compared to Nested PCR in Pregnant Women in First Trimester
Abstract :

Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is intracellular protozoa. Infection with T. gondii can result in a serious sequel to the fetus if infection occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. Laboratory diagnosis is the main method of diagnosis.

Title: A Study to estimate the Prevalence of Health Problems and to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Prevention on Health Problems among Incense Stick Workers in Selected Industries at Bangalore
Abstract :

The health and efficiency of workers working in any organization get influenced in large measures by conditions prevailing in their work environment. The prevailing conditions are related to physical, biological, chemical and social agents. A worker is usually exposed to these agents for about six to eight hours daily. It is therefore, essential that this environment should be wholesome and free from any kind of harmful agents as far as possible.The study was undertaken to estimate the prevalence and to assess the knowledge regarding prevention on health problems among incense stick workers in selected industries at, Bangalore.

Title: An Unusual Case of Psoriatic Arthritis
Abstract :

The association of arthritis with Psoriasis is well established; with variable prevalence in different population groups. The timing of onset of arthritis with respect to skin lesion is variable; with the most common pattern being arthritis manifesting concurrently or after the appearance of cutaneous lesion. We document a case of a young male in whom the skin lesions were preceded by arthritis by almost a year. The pattern of arthritis was a combination of symmetrical polyarthritis involving small and large joints of body as well as axial spondyloarthritis. The final diagnosis could only be made after the appearance of skin lesion as the patient had no past history or family history of Psoriasis. Finally there was a striking response to Methotrexate both in terms of skin lesion as well as joint symptoms.

Title: Contents
Abstract :


Title: Evaluation of New Media for Dermatophytes and non-Dermatophytes Fungal Infections in diabetic patients
Abstract :

Purpose. We studied the occurrence of dermatophytes and non-dermatophytes fungi from diabetic patients. In addition, we compared the newly developed dermatophyte identification medium (DIM) that has little cost with the established dermatophyte test medium (DTM).

Title: Expression of Telomerase in Breast Cancer and Its Correlation with Clinicopathological Parameters
Abstract :

Background: Telomerase is an enzymes which can be expressed in approximately 90% of carcinomas and in over 90% of breast cancer whereas in normal tissues it is not detectable. Recent studies have been proved that high telomerase expression is associated with poor prognosis of breast carcinoma.Objective: We investigated the telomerase activity by immune-histochemistry and its expression in tumor and non-tumor breast tissue and its clinco-pathological correlation with other established prognostic markers.Methods: Immuno-histochemistry (IHC) was used to detect the expression of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) in the tissues of 20 cases of breast carcinoma and 20 cases of benign breast lesions and its correlation with other prognostic factors like ER, PR and her2-neu status.Results: Nuclear expression of telomerase by IHC was found in 7 out of 20 breast cancer patients (35%). None of the 20 benign breast tissue samples stained for telomerase. The variation of hTERT expression as per T stage, N stage, ER, PR and her2-neu status were not statistically significant in breast cancer. hTERT expression was comparable in patients with triple negative and non triple negative breast cancer.Conclusion: hTERT expression needs to be correlated with response to chemotherapy by further studies and may emerge as a useful tool in selecting most appropriate chemotherapy protocol for a given patients.

Title: Effect of Suryanamaskar on Occupational Stress among it Professionals
Abstract :

With high number of young people taking up IT jobs and facing stressful life affecting their quality of life; there is a high degree of necessity to find the tools which can reduce stress levels among them. Yoga may be regarded as one such tool. Suryanamaskar a form of yogic exercise is well-known, but there are very few evidence-based studies in the past on the effects of suryanamaskar on stress. Hence present study was undertaken to assess the effects of suryanamaskar on professional stress by measuring it using Professional Life Stress Scale (PLSS) before and after the intervention of 30 days of suryanamaskar. It was noticed that, the stress score was reduced significantly from problematic to moderate level after the intervention. Suryanamaskar may be a useful tool, to be practiced on a daily basis, especially in the IT industry, which can help to alleviate stress, raise the quality of life of employees and thus productivity. However, detailed studies employing larger sample size and advanced methods are recommended to understand the scope of suryanamaskar further.

Title: Mesocolic hernia: unusual cause of intestinal obstruction in children
Abstract :
Introduction: Internal hernia is considered under malrotation or defective rotation of mid-gut. Lack of fixation of the mesentery of the right or left colon may result in the formation of potential spaces. Entrapment of the mid-gut in these peritoneal sacs leads to a mesocolic hernia. Left mesocolic hernia occurs in 75% of internal hernias.
Title: Contents Volume 6 Issue 1 June
Abstract :

Contents Volume 6 Issue 1 June

Title: Clinical Spectrum and Laboratory Profile of Patients with Dengue Fever in a Tertiary Care Centre of Eastern UP, India- An Observational Study
Abstract :
Dengue fever is mosquito born seasonal viral illness. There is increasing burden of dengue in India. Seeing the increasing number of cases and epidemics worldwide, WHO reclassified dengue classification in 2009. There has been very few studies of dengue fever based on new classification system and especially from this part of country, so we did a study of clinical spectrum and laboratory profile of dengue fever patients according to WHO classification 2009.
Methods: A prospective observational study, was carried out in Sir Sundar Lal hospital, Institute of medical sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, after ethical approval from ethical committee of institute and taking proper consent from patients. Patients with incomplete follow up and records were excluded. Daily evolution of sign and symptoms, warning signs, postural fall of blood pressure were recorded. Suspected cases were considered as case of dengue fever based on the result of rapid diagnostic kit method. Laboratory profile like complete blood count, haematocrit, liver and renal function test, PT/INR (prothrombin time), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), chest x-ray, electrocardiography (ECG) and ultrasonography (USG) abdomen and chest were documented.
Title: Evaluation of New Media for Dermatophytes and non Dermatophytes Fungal Infections in diabetic patients
Abstract :

Purpose. We studied the occurrence of dermatophytes and non-dermatophytes fungi from diabetic patients. In addition, we compared the newly developed dermatophyte identification medium (DIM) that has little cost with the established dermatophyte test medium (DTM).

Title: Tuberculosis of Breast: A Tertiary Care Centre Experience
Abstract :

Background: Tuberculosis of the breast is a rare and its diagnosis is difficult to establish clinically as the signs and symptoms may mimic that of carcinoma of the breast and sometimes a chromic breast abscess.Aim: In this series of 102 patients we review our experience and high-light that breast TB should be considered as a differential diagnosis of breast lesions like breast carcinoma.

Title: Contents Vol. 8, No. 1&2, June and December 2019
Abstract :
Title: Implications of Anatomical and Morphological Variations of Thyroid Gland: A Case Report
Abstract :
Because of extreme variations in gross Anatomy of Thyroid Gland, Marshal stated that it was a difficult work to speak about normal thyroid gland [1]. Description of incidence of Pyramidal lobe, an embryological remnant of thyroglossal duct differ from 15 to 75% in Anatomical text books and data concerning its size are lacking [2,3]. During the routine undergraduate dissection of Thyroid gland for Ist year MBBS in the Department of Anatomy, Govt. Medical college, Amritsar, India, in an elderly Male cadaver various morphological anomalies of Thyroid gland were encountered. These were in the form of presence of pyramidal lobe on left side, tip of which was attached to hyoid bone through Levator glandulae thyroidae and absence of superior thyroid artery on right side. The knowledge of various Anatomical & Morphological variation will help surgeons in
forming a cornerstone to safe and effective surgeries.
Title: Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infections and Susceptibily Pattern of Uropathogens in Women of Reproductive age Group from North India
Abstract :
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are one of the most common infections causing morbidity in community and health care setup. Women in reproductive age group (15-49 yrs) are more prone to UTI. This study was undertaken to determine the prevalence of UTI, the microbial etiology and the antibiotic susceptibility profile of the isolates from women with symptomatic UTI in a tertiary care centre in north India. Clean catch midstream urine were processed by semi-quantitative culture and isolates identified by standard biochemical tests. Antibiotic sensitivity was performed by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion test and data analyzed from January 2013 to September 2015. A total of 3141 cases were studied. Prevalence of UTI varied from 16.69% in 2013, 9.77% in 2014 to 8.45% in 2015. Majority of UTI occurred in the age group 21-30 yrs. E.coli was the commonest isolate causing UTI followed by E.faecalis. E.coli showed considerable resistance to ampicillin and fluoroquinolones but performed better against nitrofurantoin with greater than 90% susceptibility. Constant survey of uropathogens and their susceptibility profile is essential for deciding on the empirical treatment of UTI.
Title: Diagnostics and Surgical Metatarsalgia Treatment
Abstract :

In this article were analyzed clinical, X-ray and sonographic results of the treatment taken by patients suffering for metatarsalgia. The said study involved 189 patients suffering from metatarsalgia (269 feet) who were divided into a core group that included patients suffering from metatarsalgia and patients having the same disease that was combined with hallux valgus and who underwent a surgery by using of the method developed by us (87 patients, 136 feet) and a control group which included patients suffering from metatarsalgia combined with hallux valgus and who underwent a surgery earlier by using of different techniques which goal was to correct hallux valgus (102 patients, 133 feet).

Title: Evaluation of IgG Avidity for Diagnosis of Acute Toxoplasma gondii Compared to Nested PCR in Pregnant Women in First Trimester
Abstract :

Toxoplasma gondii (T. gondii) is intracellular protozoa. Infection with T. gondii can result in a serious sequel to the fetus if infection occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. Laboratory diagnosis is the main method of diagnosis.

Title: Prevalence of Nutritional Deficiency Disorders among Rural School-Age Children in Jawan Block of Aligarh District
Abstract :

Children in the age group of 5-15 years are often considered as school age. It is recorded that in India, one fifth population consists of children between 5-14 years, which includes the primary and secondary school-age (1). Adequate micronutrient status is critical for good health and development during childhood. Access to high quality data on nutrition and health indicators in this age group would aid in prioritizing and setting up deliberate, evidence based nutrition intervention programs, targeting the nutritional problems that are of real concern (7). Objectives: 1. to examine the prevalence of clinical signs of nutritional deficiency disorders among school-age children. 2. to find out the difference in prevalence of deficiency disorders among boys and girls.

Title: Effect of Regular Practice of Pranayama on Muscle Performance Capability among Garment Workers
Abstract :

Garment industry employs most of unskilled labour, it demands physical performance of the employees. There is a need to find tools which can enhance the muscle performance and overall health of the employees. Hence, the present study was undertaken to study the effect of regular practice of pranayama on muscle performance. Muscle performance was measured as hand grip strength in terms of Maximum Voluntary Contraction (MVC) and Time to Fatigue at 30% of MVC on day 0 and day 30 of pranayama intervention. After analysing the data statistically, it was found that MVC was significantly (p<0.02) better in Post-Pranayama recording (159.42±18.25) compared to Pre-Pranayama recording (153.7±20.26). Time to fatigue at 30% MVC too was significantly higher during Post-Pranayama session (210.22±18.651) than Pre-Pranayama session (189.58±25.05). Effectiveness of pranayama on muscle performance was evidenced in this study.

Title: Medical 2.0 and Health 2.0: Contemporary Information and Communication Tool- A Conceptual Study
Abstract :
Web 2.0 is an important name in today’s age of Advance Communication. Web 2.0 is actually a platform which is responsible for advance communication among the author and group of people. Though web 2.0 supported or enriched website any one can join and share their views, information, videos, audios and other content depending upon need. Commonly web 2.0 websites are popular as social networking site. Application ad integration of web 2.0 was the reason of creation for some more web 2.0 dimension; out of which Medical and Health 2.0 treated as most popular. Virtually, Medical 2.0 is a wonderful name for proper medical information sharing and medical treatment. This paper is talks about Medical 2.0 and Health 2.0 which includes their characteristics and values, contemporary role of medical 2.0 in medical world and so on. Paper also compares some aspects between medical 2.0 and health 2.0, briefly.
Title: Study of Antioxidants’ Enzymes Kinetics,Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione Peroxidase and Catalase, in Neonatal Sepsis
Abstract :
Context: sepsis is associated with severe oxidative stress. During sepsis, there
are several potential sources of reactive oxygen species, including the respiratory burst associated with neutrophil activation. Aim: We try to monitor the kinetics of the scavengers’ antioxidant enzymes, erthrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD), whole blood glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and serum catalase in the pathogenesis of neonatal sepsis and the effect of
antibiotics therapy on their levels. Study Design: This study was carried out on blood samples from children suffering from sepsis proved by positive blood culture in addition to 11 healthy children. Blood samples were subjected for determination of antioxidant enzyme activities including red blood cell superoxide dismutase (SOD), whole blood glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and serum catalase Results; There was highly significant decrease in erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (RBC SOD) (P<0.001) and whole blood glutathione peroxidase (GPx) (P=0.01) at admission and after 48 hours of start of antibiotics therapy (P<0.001, for each) in patients compared with controls. There was highly significant increase in serum catalase level in patients at admission (P<0.001) and after 48 hours of antibiotics therapy compared with controls. The commonest isolated organism from blood culture was Staphylococci species (66.7%) with Staphylococcus aureus (40.0%)
and Staphylococci epidermidis (26.7%). There was significant decrease of SOD (P1=.0001) and GPx (P1=.049) at start of sepsis associated with Staphylococcus aureus infection. After 48 hours from clinical response to antibiotics therapy, both SOD and GPx had significant decrease with all types of bacteria isolated. 
Conclusion: Our study suggests that children with sepsis are susceptible to high oxidative stress which may play a role in the pathogenesis of sepsis. The
administration of antibiotics therapy was not associated with the improvement of level of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, so the utility of
supplementation of antioxidant enzymes in neonates with septicemia needs further evaluation.
Title: Multimodal Analgesia Prolongs Duration of Postoperative Analgesia and Decreases Postoperative Pain Intensity in Short Surgical Procedures: a Randomized Controlled Trial.
Abstract :
Background: We examined the effect of preoperative combination of different analgesics and the role of each individual analgesic compared to control regarding postoperative pain,
Methods: patients were randomly allocated into either control; multiple treatment, perfalgan, opioid and voltaren group. The time for first request for analgesia and visual analogue score were compared by analysis of variance and tuckey Kramer test.
Results:There was a main effect of treatment p>0.0001 in favor of multi-analgesia and opioid groups. Multi-analgesia group was better than opioid group p=0.016. There was a little improvement with paracetamol (perfalgan) but no effect of voltaren on duration of analgesia nevertheless;both have reduced VAS relative to control.
Conclusion: Combination ofnon-opioid analgesicsDiclofenac Na (voltaren),
Paracetamol (perfalgan) with low dose morphine and dexamethasone have greatly prolonged duration of analgesia and reduced pain intensity without displaying notable side effects.
Title: Evaluating multiplex PCR, culture & histopathology in the diagnosis of Tubercular Lymphadenitis
Abstract :

Tubercular lymphadenitis (TBLN) is the most common manifestations of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) accounting for 30-40% of cases with multiple discrepancy in diagnosis. Rapid diagnosis and timely initiation of anti-tubercular therapy (ATT) is the key for successful clinical effects. This study was carried out to evaluate multiplex polymerase chain reaction (MPCR) using MTP40, IS6110, 32 kD-alpha antigen encoding gene, and mycobacterial specific genes (rpoB, katG & inhA promoter region), and compare with the conventional methods for rapid diagnosis of TBLN

Title: Life Threatening Pneumonia in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Abstract :

Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune connective tissue disease characterised by multisystem involvement. Pulmonary manifestation of SLE varies from pleuritis to severe parenchymal involvement as pneumonitis mimiking as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Other pulmonary manifestations of SLE include pulmonary artery hypertension, diffuse alveolar haemorrhage, pulmonary embolism, acutely reversible hypoxaemia, and shrinking lung syndrome. We present the case report of a young woman who presented with severe lupus pneumonitis with central nervous system and renal involvement.

Title: Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia- Diagnostic dilemma in hemato-oncology
Abstract :

Macroglobulinemia refers to the excess production of IgM monoclonal protein that occurs in certain lymphoproliferative disorders and plasma cell dyscrasias. This broad definition includes patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance of the IgM type (IgM MGUS), smoldering Waldenström macroglobulinemia (SWM), Waldenström macroglobulinemia (WM), and a number of related disorders in which an IgM monoclonal protein is detected, such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), a number of lymphoma variants, and primary (AL) amyloidosis.WM is a diagnosed by demonstrating lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma (LPL) in the bone marrow with an IgM monoclonal gammopathy in the blood. Infiltration of the hematopoietic tissues or the effects of monoclonal IgM in the blood causes the symptoms associated with disorder.

Title: Abdominal Lymphadenopathy – Tuberculosis mimicking classy clinicoradiological features of Hodgkin’s Disease
Abstract :

Abdominal lymphadenopathy is regularly encountered clinical entity and planning a management on likely diagnosis may prove disastrous. In the present case, clinical features with CT findings of massive diffuse paraaortic, mesenteric and splenic group of lymph nodes, mass at the head of the pancreas, encasement of the portal vein, gross splenomegaly and ascites added with suggestion from bone marrow biopsy almost clinched the diagnosis in favour of Hodgkin’s disease. Biopsy, however, turned the table topsy-turvy by confirming these lymph nodes to be of tuberculous origin. Histopathology, thus remains a must tool of information to find a correct diagnosis as observed in this case.

Title: Health and Medical Information Science and its Potentiality in Indian Education Sector
Abstract :
Health is considered as one of the major priorities of each and every individual, organization, institutions and Government. The advancement of health and medical services have reached from infancy to the development phase. Today, several tools and technologies are being practiced for the modernizing of medical and health services, where information technology (IT) is one of them, to support healthcare sectors directly and indirectly in achieving quality health care. The affiliation and interaction between medical science and information science creates so many new domains and nomenclature, such as; Health Informatics, Medical Informatics, Medical Information Science, Health Information System and so on. These domains offer many possibilities and opportunities of Health and Medical based Information Science education programs to create a workforce to assist healthcare providers in managing hospital and population based health information system. This paper deals with the benefit and advantages of health and medical information science and also the opportunities and possibilities of related educational program in the Indian Education Sector.
Title: A Study to estimate the Prevalence of Health Problems and to Assess the Knowledge Regarding Prevention on Health Problems among Incense Stick Workers in Selected Industries at Bangalore
Abstract :

The health and efficiency of workers working in any organization get influenced in large measures by conditions prevailing in their work environment. The prevailing conditions are related to physical, biological, chemical and social agents. A worker is usually exposed to these agents for about six to eight hours daily. It is therefore, essential that this environment should be wholesome and free from any kind of harmful agents as far as possible.The study was undertaken to estimate the prevalence and to assess the knowledge regarding prevention on health problems among incense stick workers in selected industries at, Bangalore.

Title: A Hospital Based Evaluation of Hypogonadism Among Male Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Eastern Part of Rural India
Abstract :
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a common metabolic disorder in India. It is recognised that the low testosterone level is associated with reduced insulin
sensitivity and type 2 diabetes(T2DM)1.Testosterone level is comparatively lower in diabetic2-5.But data in this relation is lacking particulaly in rural india. So the aim of this study wastoevaluate the prevalence of hypogonadism among T2DMpatients in rural India with an objective to assess and compare serum total Testosterone (TT), Folicle Stimulating Hormone(FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone(LH) level of male T2DM patients and age matched healthy control group. Methods and Material:It was an open label observational descriptive cross sectional study. Fifty male type 2 diabetic patients and 50 healthy control subjects were selected randomly following inclusion and exclusion criteria for this study. Blood sample was collected aseptically and properly for assessment TT,FSH, LH, and glycosylated haemoglobin.Results: Hypogonadism(TT<12nmol/l) was found in 68% of diabetic subjects and in 20% of healthy control group.Of those with diabetes 72.72% of diabetic whose serum TT level <12nmol/l had LH level<10nmol/l.Conclusion: Testosterone levels were frequently low in men with T2DM compare to the healthy normal individuals of the same age group.Majority of them were suffering from hypogonadotrophichypogonadism (HH).
Title: Contents Volume 5 Issue 2
Abstract :

Contents Volume 5 Issue 2

Title: Geriatric Anaesthesia: A review
Abstract :
Aging is a gradual and progressive decline in body function as a result of degenerative changes in both the structure and the function of organ system.
Anaesthetic agents have variable effect on geriatric patients requiring less dose and having prolong effect. Fast recovery without any functional decline are the most important objective of anaesthetic management of geriatric population. As aging involves a decrease in functional reserve in all organ systems in variable capacity, proper peri-operative care in must taking into account for the same in order to avoid complication.
Title: A Case of Pregnancy with Systemic Sclerosis Presenting with Acute Dyspnoea
Abstract :
Pregnancy in women diagnosed with systemic sclerosis generally has a favorable outcome. It is now known that the majority of these women undergo
a normal progression of pregnancy if the right time for delivery is chosen and
a close obstetric care is delivered. The obstetric risk will depend on the subtype and clinical stage of the disease, and the presence and severity of the internal organ involvement during the pregnancy. The management of these pregnancies should be provided in a specialized center, with a multidisciplinary team capable of identifying and promptly treating complications. Here we report a case of systemic sclerosis in a young woman with good pregnancy outcome.
Title: A Case of Mounier-Kuhn Syndrome
Abstract :
Mounier-Kuhn syndrome is an uncommon respiratory syndrome characterized
by dilatation of tracheobronchial pathway. We report the case of a 25-year-old man who had history of recurrent chest infection in form of cough and fever since childhood. Computed tomography of chest revealed tracheal dilation and hence diagnosis of this rare syndrome was made.
Title: Isolation and characterization of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from extrapulmonary specimens in a tertiary referral hospital in north India
Abstract :

Tuberculosis is one of the major public health challenges globally. Extra pulmonary tuberculosis (EPTB) is defined as an isolated occurrence of TB at the body sites other than lungs. The aim of this study was to see the frequency of isolation of Mycobacterium from different EPTB samples.

Title: Prevalence of adherence, adverse effect and response of Anti Retroviral Therapy on People living with HIV in a programmatic setting - A Retrospective study
Abstract :
Background and objective: With the advent of Anti retroviral Therapy (ART), HIV is now regarded as a chronic manageable disease. But adherence of more than 95% is essential for around 80% efficacy. Also the various side effect of the ART need to be addressed in order to increase its response. This study was done with objective to determine the response of treatment offered to patients in a programmatic setting. Methods: A retrospective study was done in Anti Retroviral Treatment (ART) Centre, S.S. Hospital, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi in which all patient between 18 to 55 years of age registered between March 2006 to March 2007 were taken and response to therapy, adverse effects and adherence were seen at 12 months of therapy by going through records. Patients were divided into two groups based on drugs. Group I had patients on Zidovudine based regimen and Group II consisted of patients on Stavudine based regimen. Patient already on antiretroviral drugs at the time of enrollment to ART center and pregnant females were excluded in the study. Results: Out of 946 patients, 210(22.3%) of patients were lost to follow-up and 54(5.7%) patients expired. The mean CD4 count significantly improved with level of 98.48 + 60.55 /µl at the start of therapy and 379.62+185.37/µl at 12 months (p<0.005). Among the adverse side effect, the most common was zidovudine induced anemia (23.4%). Overall adherence of >95% in 76.5% patients.
Conclusion: ART is effective in a programmatic setting provided adherence is adequate. Also, monitoring for side effects of ART should be done which is one of the limiting factors of decrease adherence.
Title: Hypercalcaemia Masquerading as Fatigue in Elderly
Abstract :
The clinical spectrum of hypercalcaemia ranges from being asymptomatic to life threatening situations. Primary hyperparathyroidism is one of cause of hypercalcemia caused by excessive secretion of parathyroid hormone from one or more parathyroid glands. It results from an abnormally high level of serum calcium and an increased level of parathyroid hormone. We present a case of hypercalcaemia presenting as fatigue in an elderly female. So high level of suspicion is needed in evaluating elderly people.
Title: Kala-Azar- Treatment Update
Abstract :
The sparse treatment options in Visceral Leishmaniasis (VL) makes its treatment very challenging. Long treatment duration and toxic adverse effect of anti-lesihmanial drugs further add to the problem of effective management. As still no effective vaccine is available, the sole treatment of VL is only based on anti-lesihmanial drugs. Also the increasing resistance to existing drugs also pose a hurdle to VL treatment. In Indian sub-continent, single dose of liposomal amphotericin B (L-AmB) and multidrug therapy (L-AmB + miltefosine, L-AmB + paromomycin (PM), or miltefosine + PM) are the treatment of choice for VL.
Title: Contents Vol. 9, No. 1, June 2020
Abstract :
Title: Tumor Cells and Microvessels in Pediatric Brain Tumors
Abstract :
Brain tumors represent the most common solid tumor in children and are the leading cause of cancer-related mortality in childhood. Despite modern advances in surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, a significant proportion of the pediatric brain tumor patients still die of their disease or suffer from poor quality of life. Therefore, more effective and alternative therapies are still in urgent need. Tumor cell lines derived from central nervous system tumors are critical tools for carrying out preclinical therapeutic testing and studying the biology of the disease. However, to date only few continuous pediatric brain tumor cell lines have been established.
Title: Anaesthetic management for drainage of brain abscess in a patient of uncorrected Tetralogy of Fallot
Abstract :
The birth prevalence of congenital heart disease in India is about 9/1000 with Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) making up 7-32 % of these cases. TOF is the most common cyanotic congenital heart disease. Children with uncorrected TOF presenting for non-cardiac surgery pose several challenges to the anaesthesiologist ue to the altered hemodynamics and mandate a meticulous anaesthetic plan. We report the anaesthetic management of a rare case of a 12-year-old child with uncorrected TOF, who presented to our superspeciality hospital with a brain abscess and underwent a decompressive craniotomy with successful drainage of the brain abscess.
Title: Contents Vol. 9, No. 2, December 2020
Abstract :