Dey et al.
nutritional disorders in lowland rice producing areas
720 mm. The deficiency in rainfall was 27.4% in
of the world. Hybrid rice production technology
2011. The soil of the experimental plot was sandy
aims to increase the yield potential of rice beyond
loam in texture (62.5% sand, 26.0% silt and 10.5%
the level of inbred high yielding varieties (HYV)
clay), neutral in reaction (pH 6.1) medium in organic
by exploiting the phenomenon of hybrid vigour.
carbon (0.49%) and available N (136.0 kg ha -1 ), low
Besides other agronomical inputs optimization of
in available P (11.5 kg ha -1 ) and available K (160.5 kg
nitrogen and spraying of suitable phytohormone
ha -1 ) status. The experiment was laid out in factorial
are extremely important and maximum yields are
Randomized Block Design with three replications
possible when nitrogen uptake is sufficient to sustain
in 4 m x 2.5 m plots with five nitrogen levels (N 0 = 0
biomass accumulation, sink formulation throughout
kg N/ha (control), N 60 = 60 kg N/ha, N 120 = 120 kg N/
the crop growth and development period. Proper
ha, N 180 = 180 kg N/ha, N 240 = 240 kg N/ha) and three
nitrogen fertilization is an important management
spraying of homo-brassinolide (at Active tillering
practice which can increase the yield of hybrid rice.
(AT), Active tillering + Panicle initiation (PI) and
Proper and optimum N applied gave maximum
Active tillering + Panicle initiation + Flowering). The
filled grain percentage, 1000-grain weight, grain and
hybrid rice GAP 4011was transplanted on July July
straw yield of hybrid rice (Peng et al., 1996). Maske
29, 2011 taking single seedling per hill at 25 x 25cm.
et al., (1997) accounted that increasing nitrogen
All plots received full dose of P and K and 1/4 th N
levels up to 120 kg N/ha significantly increased plant
fertilizer at basal and remaining N fertilizer in three
height, leaf area, yield component and grain yield of
equal splits - at mid-tillering, panicle initiation and
rice. Brassinosteroids are a class of plant polyhydro-
flowering as per treatments. The crop irrigated
xysteroids that are ubiquitously distributed in the
as and when required. The weeds were removed
plant xysteroids that are ubiquitously distributed
manually at 30 and 45 days after transplanting
in the plant xysteroids that are ubiquitously
(DAT). Harvesting was done on November 11, 2011.
distributed in the plant kingdom. These compounds,
The observation on plant height was recorded from
when applied to plants, improve their quality and
10 hills randomly selected in each plot at different
yield Brassinolide (BL), considered to be the most
stages and their average was worked out. Tiller
important homo-brassinolide (HBR) playing a
number from the same hills was also recorded at 60
pivotal roles in the hormonal regulation of rice plant
DAT. Samples for biomass has been collected from
growth and development, and its ability to induce
5 hills from ear-marked area and dried in an oven
disease resistance in rice plants was analyzed by
at 65-70°C till constant weights were obtained. The
Nakashita et al., (2003).
dry weight of were noted and converted into g m -2 .
The dry weight of leaves was used for determining
Materials and Methods
leaf area index (LAI) as suggested by Watson (1952).
A field experiment was conducted during the
DMA at different stages was used for determining
kharif season of 2011 to study the effect of nitrogen
crop growth rate (CGR). Observation on yield
levels and time of homo-brassinolide spraying on
parameters like number of panicles m -2 , number of
growth and productivity of hybrid rice at the farm
spikelets and filled grains panicle -1 , test weight along
of the Institute of Agriculture (Palli Siksha Bhavana),
with grain yield, straw yield and harvest index were
Visva-Bharati, Sriniketan, West Bengal. The place
recorded at maturity. The data were statistically
is situated at 23°39 N latitude, 87°42’ E longitude
analyzed applying the techniques of analysis of
and an elevation of 58.9 m above mean sea level.
variance and the significance of different sources of
Normally the area received about 1000 mm rainfall
variations were tested by error mean square of Fisher
during the kharif season (July to October). But there
Snedecor’s ‘F’ test at probability level 0.05 (Cochran
was low rainfall during the crop season of 2011in
and Cox, 1977).