Kumar et al.,
spatially and temporally and improving the ability
Aliyar sub basin was chosen as the study area in this
of forecasting rainfall may help in planning crop
research, since the management of water resources
cultivation as well as in designing water storage’s,
in this basin has great importance in terms of a
drought management, planning drainage channels
wider range of water uses as well as downstream
for flood mitigation etc (Jayawardene et al. , 2008).
user requirements and environmental flows. Eight
The previous researchers stated that the climatic
rain-gauge (Anamalai, Aliyar Nagar, Attakatti,
change has an adverse effect on water resources
Chinnakallar, Pollachi, Topslip, Vettaikaranpudur
and rainfall pattern. Based on the above reports the
and Weaverly) stations were selected to study the
objective of the current study was framed to analyze
trends in the Aliyar sub basin (Figure 1).
the temporal pattern of rainfall trends on seasonal
and annual variation in Aliyar Sub basin.
Data collection and analysis
Monthly rainfall data of eight rain-gauge stations
Materilas and Methods
in the Aliyar sub basin for the period of 30 years
Study area
(1982-2012) had been collected from the office of
State Surface and Ground Water Data Centre, Public
Parambikulam-Aliyar basin is located in the south
works Department, Chennai. Statistical analysis of
western part of the Peninsular India covering areas
rainfall, identification of trends using Mann-Kendal
in Kerala and Tamil Nadu States. This basin area lies
test, estimation of magnitude using Sen’s slope
within the coordinates of North latitude between 10°
estimator, finally trend results were compared with
18’22” to 10°42’59” and East longitudes 76°48’37” to
regression analysis.
77°8’7”. The basin is drained by eight west flowing
rivers viz. Valaiyar, Koduvadiaru, Uppar, Aliyar
Rainfall analysis
and Palar (tributaries of Bharathapuzha river) and
The study area is situated in tropical monsoon
Parambikulam, Solaiyar and Nirar (tributaries of
zone having two distinct periods i.e.,1) Monsoon
Chalakudi river). The Aliyar River has its source
period spanning from June to December and 2)
in the Anamalai Hills. It flows in a north-westerly
Non-monsoon period spanning from January to
direction for about 37 kms in Tamil Nadu and enters
May. The monsoon period is further subdivided
into Kerala and finally confluence in Bharathapuzha.
into Southwest monsoon (June–September) and
Aliyar reservoir is one among the main components
Northeast monsoon (October–December). Similarly,
in PAP with a surface area of 6.50 km 2 and is formed
the non-monsoon period is also divided into winter
in the plains across the river with a gross storage
(January–February) and summer (March–May).
capacity of 109.42 mcm. The catchment area of
Rainfall analysis was carried out for all the seasons
the Aliyar dam is 196.83 km 2 . Apart from its own
as well as the whole year separately. The average
catchment, water can be diverted to this reservoir
seasonal and annual rainfall for each station of
through the Aliyar Feeder canal and the Contour
Aliyar sub basin has been computed by arithmetic
canal from the Parambikulam group of reservoirs.
mean method. The statistical parameters like mean,
Total area of sub basin is 574.75 km 2 and command
maximum, minimum, standard deviation, coefficient
area is 20,536 ha covering Pollachi (North), Pollachi
of variation, coefficient of skewness and kurtosis for
(South) and Anamalai blocks of Coimbatore district.
rainfall data have been computed for seasonal and
Crops grown in this sub basin area are coconut,
annual periods. Correlation coefficients between
sugarcane, banana, sapota, mango, fodder, besides
rainfall and time were also computed to determine
annual crops such as paddy, groundnut, cotton,
the strength of the linear relationship between the
vegetables, pulses, fodder, tomato, gaurds, Maize as
rainfall and time.
I crop, and Paddy and Groundnut as II crop.