Temporal variation of rainfall trends in parambikulam aliyar sub basin, Tamil Nadu
varies from 4750.25 mm for Chinnakallar to 741.54
mm for Vettaikaranpudur. Looking at the amount
, if N is even.
of rainfall in different seasons (Table 1), it is evident
To obtain an estimate of B in Equation f(t) the n
that all the stations receive the maximum rainfall in
values of differences xi – Qti are calculated. The
monsoon seasons and minimum rainfall in winter
median of these values gives an estimate of B. In
season followed by summer season.
this study the excel template application Makesens
The coefficient of variation (CV) of the annual rainfall
was used to facilitate the computation of the Man-
varies between 20 % (Anamalai) and 57 % (Weaverly)
Kendall statistics S, Sen’s slope Q and intercept B
indicating that there is significant variation in the
(Salmi et al. , 2002).
total amount of rainfall between the locations.
Weaverly station shows the maximum coefficient
Regression analysis
of variation during the summer season (71 %) and
One of the most useful parametric models used to
shows the minimum coefficient of variation during
develop functional relationships between variables
winter seasons.
is the “simple linear regression” model. The model
To test whether the annual and seasonal rainfall
for Y (e.g. rainfall) can be described by an equation
data follow a normal distribution, the skewness and
of the form
, where, X = time in years, m =
kurtosis were computed. Skewness is a measure of
slope coefficients and c = least square estimates of the
symmetry, or more precisely, the lack of symmetry.
The data set is said to be symmetric if it looks the
The slope coefficient indicates the annual average
same to the left and right from the center point. The
rate of change in the rainfall characteristic. If the
skewness for a normal distribution is zero, and any
slope is statistically significantly different from zero,
symmetric data should have skewness near zero.
the interpretation is that, it is entirely reasonable
Negative values for the skewness (Annual rainfall
to interpret. There is a real change occurring over
of Aliyar Nagar and Topslip) indicate that data
time, as inferred from the data. The sign of the slope
are skewed to the left and positive values for the
defines the direction of the trend of the variable:
skewness indicate that data are skewed to the right.
increasing if the sign is positive and decreasing if the
The coefficient of skewness of monsoon seasons
sign is negative. We used the t test to determine if the
and annual rainfall is nearly zero indicating a near
linear trends were significantly different from zero at
normal distribution of rainfall in the sub basin.
the 5% significant level.
Rainfall during winter season is seen more skewed
when compared to the rainfall during monsoon
Results and Discussion
Kurtosis is a measure of data peakeness or flatness
Statistical analysis of rainfall
relative to a normal distribution. That is, data sets
The graphical representation of annual and seasonal
with a high kurtosis tend to have a distinct peak near
rainfall series for the eight rain-gauge stations is
the mean, decline rather rapidly, and have heavy
given in Figure 2-9. Most of the rainfall events in
tails. Data sets with low kurtosis tend to have a flat
this area have a short duration but high intensity.
top near the mean rather than a sharp peak. The
In order to classify the annual rainfall amounts,
standard normal distribution has a kurtosis of zero.
the rainfall pattern (Schiettecatte et al. , 2005) has
Positive kurtosis indicates a peaked distribution and
been used. The statistical analysis of rainfall data is
negative kurtosis indicates a flat distribution.
presented in Table 1. From the table it can be seen
The correlation coefficients between rainfall and
that Chinnakallar received the highest mean annual
time for all eight stations are presented in Table 1.
and seasonal rainfall. The mean annual rainfall