Effect of Epidural Administration of Promethazine ... Biochemical Attiributes of Canines
protein, while in case of promethazine with Bupivacaine
significant changes in total blood protein was observed.
Blood glucose
Which may be attributed to possible hemodilution because
of temporary inter compartmental fluid shift, as suggested
The mean value of blood glucose in dogs given
by Akhare et al . (2003).
Promethazine alone rose sharply from 88.33 ± 5.04 mg/
dl at 0 hour to 136.00 ± 5.3 at 72 hr. The trend of increase
in blood glucose shows a consistent increase during 0, 3,
Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT)
6, 12, 24 hr observations, which differed non significantly
Significant increase (P<0.01) in serum glutamic pyruvic
from each other. The peak values were observed during
transaminase (SGPT) level was observed in dogs
48 and 72 hr, which differed significantly from earlier
administered promethazine alone between 3 to 72 h
values. The peak declined significantly at 96 and 120 hrs
having maximum increased value of 42.67 ± 1.23 at 12 h
and reached normal values as at 3 and 0 hrs respectively
with control value (0 h) being 30.16 ± 2.12 IU/L.
and differed non-significantly.
Significantly higher SGPT levels were recorded during 3,
The blood glucose level after administration of
6, 12 and 24 h when compared to baseline value at 0 hr.
Promethazine with Bupivacaine ranged from 82.83 ± 3.80
Increasing trend in SGPT levels also reported by Farheen
(0 hr) to 125.83 ± 6.27 (72 hr) which was the peak value
et al (2008). The peak value recorded at 12 h. Values at
recorded. After 72 hr the blood glucose levels declined
48, 72, 96 and 120 h were on decreasing trend and were
and matched baseline value at 120 hr (88.16 ± 3.84 vs.
significantly matching to baseline value at 0 hr. The values
82.83 ± 32.80)
ranged from 29.00 ± 1.26 (0 h) to 43.16 ± 1.25 (12 h).
The observations showed significantly similar trends in
The increase in SGPT may be attributed to metabolism of
both treatments Promethazine alone or in combination
drugs in liver and possible toxicity induced by these drugs.
with Bupivacaine. The increased blood glucose levels
During the process of elimination they may have caused
may be attributed to the increased level of adrenocorticoid
destruction of liver cells and increased cell membrane
hormones (Lee Femine et al ., 1957) as a result of stress
permeability resulting into liver edema, dilatation of liver
and suppression of insulin release (Feldberg and Symond,
sinusoids and degeneration of liver cells (Nityanand et al .,
1982) leading to SGPT level in blood.
Serum total protein
Serum Alkaline Phosphatase (SAP)
In dogs administered Promethazine alone Serum alkaline
change in serum total protein level during the various hrs
phosphatase (SAP) showed increasing trend at 3, 6, 12,
of observations. Non significant differences were observed
24, 48 and 72 h, having reached peak value at 12 hrs and
between values at different hrs of observations. However,
then declining. Values at 3, 6, 12, 24, 48 and 72 h differed
values at 6 and 12 hrs post treatment were significantly
significantly from control value (0 hrs). However values
lower than value of total blood protein at 48 hrs which is
at 96 and 120 h matched control value and differed non
the peak value recorded.
The administration of Bupivacaine along with
The SAP values ranged from 38.17 ± 1.14 (0 h) to 48.17 ±
prometahazine resulted in increase in total serum protein
1.38 (12 h). The peak value was recorded on 12 hr which
during different time interval. Peak value was recorded
declined during 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 h. Values at 120
during 24 h observation, which was significantly higher
h was statistically significant compared to baseline value
than 0, 3,6,12.48,72,96 and 120 hrs. Values at 120 h were
at 0 h (40.67 ± 1.36 vs. 38.17 ± 1.14). Increased activity
similar to serum total protein value at baseline value (0 h).
of alkaline phosphatase may be attributed to changes in
The trends revealed that in case of promethazine alone
production and excretion of bile (Kelly, 1979).
non significant changes were observed in total blood
Journal of Animal Research: v.5 n.2. June 2015