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EQ - Volume 8 - Issue 3

[<<< GO BACK ][ VOLUME 8 - ISSUE 3 ]

Title: Contents
Abstract :


Title: Computing & Information Related Degrees Worldwide & India—An Analytical Policy Research
Abstract :

Education and its solid dissemination including Technologies are responsible for the development in different perspective. Technological Studies are important name for solid business solutions and development. There are many problems, obstacles facing by the institutions and systems within developing country. New academic innovation and research Information and knowledge dissemination lead valuable role for reaching Knowledge Economy. Industrial needs and right availability of human resources with proper manpower is the need of hour. Computing previously treated as most valuable name in knowledge world but the gradual development later created another nomenclature and fields with Information. It is an important fact that subfields of Information Sciences and Technology are emerging rapidly due to its need in different sectors. Universities and Educational institutions are around the world moving towards interdisciplinary research. Indian educational institutions and academics are also become dynamic and offering several areas of study which are applied, non-traditional and interdisciplinary. This paper is conceptual in nature and provided information on computing and informatics programs in the field with international look and emphasizing Indian context in brief manner. The paper also highlighted few emerging areas which developed in recent past.

Title: Effect of Socio-Demographic Variables on Values of High School Students
Abstract :

The main aim of this paper is to present the correlation between value education amongst high school students and the socio-demographic factors like gender and father’s occupation. The objectives of this paper are: (1) To study the relation in values among high school students, (2) To study the difference in values among high school male and female students and (3) To study the difference in values among high school students of government employed, private employed, self-employed and unemployed fathers. For the same, primary research was conducted through psychological tests amongst 450 high school students of which 225 students were female and 225 students were male. The paper reveals that while gender does not affect the values, however, the difference in the values amongst the students prevails. The paper also suggests statistically significant difference in the values of children of government employed and self employed fathers.

Title: Impact of Mental Health on Emotional Intelligence of B.Ed. Students
Abstract :

The present study was to investigate the impact of mental health on emotional intelligence of B.Ed. students. 200 students, both science and non-science students, studying in education colleges of Faridkot district formed the sample for the present study. The tools used for collecting the data were first Mental Health scale by Parmod Kumar and Emotional Intelligence scale developed by Anukool Hyde. Data were analysedusing ‘t’ test. No significant difference was found between science and non-science students of B.Ed. with regard to their mental health and emotional intelligence. Significant difference was found in impact of mental health on emotional intelligence among science and non-science students of B.Ed.

Title: Evolution of Educational Movements in India: Through Historical Perspectives
Abstract :
The development of education is a continum,which gathers its past history into a living stream, flowing through the present into future. It is essential to see the historical background of educational development understanding the present and visualize the future. The history of education in the Indian subcontinent began with teaching of traditional elements such as Indian religions, Indian mathematics, Indian logic at early Hindu and Buddhist centres of learning such as Taxila and Nalanda before the Islamic era. Islamic education became ingrained with the establishment of the Islamic empires in the Indian subcontinent in the Middle Ages while the coming of the Europeans later brought western education to colonial India. A series of measures continuing throughout the early half of the 20th century ultimately laid the foundation of education in the Republic of India. Hence, the present paper aims to briefly look at educational developments from the ancient 2nd millennium BC to the modern period. The development of the education system in India can be broadly divided into four periods. While discussing about the periods, a brief attempt has been made to see the evolution of education from 2nd millenium BC to the modern period, focus is made on the movements of education, the phases of National Education Movements, the role of state (king), religiousheads, institutions and people and its accessibility to the larger community.
Title: Deconstructing the ‘Rural Space’ of Rural Teachers: Implications for Teacher Education
Abstract :

There is a complex interconnection among the issues and concerns that affect the professional learning of rural teachers in India. The complexity can be conceptualized under ‘rural space’ bringing together social, cultural, economic, political and demographic dimensions of rural setting. The dimensions are in a continuous interaction with the process of teaching-learning in rural schools and tacitly shaping the professional identity of rural teachers by creating challenges as well as scopes in their profession. Therefore, the questions such as how rural teachers construct their professional role in a ‘rural space’ and how the complexity of ‘rural space’ contributes in their professional preparedness for rural transformation are needed to be explored. The main argument of this paper is that there is a need to establish the identity of rural teachers with reference to their diverse rural space. The paper basically attempts to discuss the complex notion of ‘rural space’ from the view of rural teachers by collecting extensive data from the field. The paper is informed by the primary source data, gathered through questionnaire tool and narrative inquiry method. The data is collected from the rural teachers of Bihar. Qualitative analysis of data is done as per the purpose of the paper.

Title: Environmental Awareness among Teachers and Students of Higher Education
Abstract :
Environment is the pivotal point on which the universe exists. Hence, any change in this can lead towards the total destruction of earth in particular and universe in general. The present generation is facing those disasters that the past generations have done to earth. If this prevailing situation persists, the world will face a severe disaster in the near future. It is high time that we take some stern action towards protecting our mother earth. The United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNDESD) emphasized that Environmental education to be introduced not only as a part of school curriculum, but also in the teacher education curriculum in order to develop necessary awareness and desirable attitude towards environment and its conservation. The present study is to find out the environmental awareness of teachers of higher education who were undergoing the Orientation Programme (OP-123) at HRDC (Human Resource Development Centre), Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla and also from students of Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. For this, a questionnaire was prepared consisting of items pertaining to issues like atmosphere and climate change, biodiversity and forests, water, fresh water, oceans and seas, health and sanitation. It was found that teachers had high environmental awareness, whereas in the students’ category, only 64.28% of students showed a high awareness pertaining to environmental issues. The paper also includes suggestion for protecting the environment.
Title: Effect of Family Climate on the Adjustment of Children with Special Needs
Abstract :

The present research work was undertaken to study the effect of family climate on the adjustment of children with special needs. For this purpose, sample consisting of 75 children with special needs was drawn and descriptive survey method was followed. It is indicated by the findings of the present study that family climate has significant impact on the school adjustment of the children with special needs. The study also stressed on the fact that there should be a healthy and productive environment in families, schools. The study further discusses that parental involvement has beneficial effect on school adjustment of the children with special needs.

Title: Teacher Education: Implications to Address Quality Crisis
Abstract :

The central core of the successive progression of any nation depends of its socioeconomic development which in turn depends on value based quality education keeping in view to transform and enrich learners to adjust, sustain and perform democratically in modern time for creating beautiful niche and live life aesthetically. It is indispensable to imbibe 21st century skills, professional and vocational awareness, scientific aptitudes with application edge of technology and modern gadgets and soft –wares in addition to fundamental linguistic, mathematical and other competencies. It is pertinent to point out that all this knowledge, skill and affective domain based development depends on competence, merit, potential, skills and multifaceted quality of prospective teachers. Further, teachers play important role to develop human resource potential which is backbone of knowledge based economy extremely significant for developing country like India which believes in notion to be superpower by 2030. The quality of teacher education depends on programmes, policies and practices of teacher education Institutes. Further, it also depends on norms and regulations recommended by NCTE Delhi, UGC, Delhi and respective universities, SCERTs and educational Boards in states. The quality also gets affected by levels, quality and effectiveness of governance, systems and how well teacher education Institutes abide the norms laid down by NCTE and other regulating bodies. Resent paper investigates the scenario of private teacher education players in Haryana and the drastic conditions leading to depletion of quality in teacher education in varied areas. Present study may be implicated to address the perpetuating quality and the steps needed to be taken to reform, restructure and rejuvenate the quality crisis in India in general and Haryana in particular where only 2.5 to 3 per cent prospective teachers pass in CTET conducted by CBSE Delhi almost above than 90 percent belonging to private teacher education colleges, questioning the reliability of degrees and diplomas possessed by them bearing nomenclature of B.Ed., D.Ed. and so forth given by reputed universities at state and central level.

Title: Effectiveness of Project Based Learning (Constructivist Learning Approach) on Students Achievement in Science at Secondary Level
Abstract :

Project Based learning (PBL) is a student centered instructional approach used to promote active learning by involving students in investigation real world issues in a collaborative environment. It gives learner’s pace of learning, place and learner’s control of time. PBL is a innovative teaching method and it is based on constructivist epistemology and pedagogy. In this method, children construct their own knowledge with their own experiences. The main object of the present study is to examine the efficacy of PBL on educational achievement in science at secondary level. This research is based on Pre-test Post-test Control Group Quasi Experimental Design. In this study, one secondary school was selected with the help of simple random sampling technique. All 60 students of class 9th of that school were included in research and they were divided in to two equal groups. There were 30 students in experimental group and 30 students in control group. Researcher used self-made APAT (Air Pollution Achievement Test) for data collection. The Pre-test of APAT administrated on both groups before starting the experiment. After it, the learning opportunities were given to experimental group through PBL and to control group through traditional method to learn chapter air pollution of science subject for 16 days. When treatment was over, Post-test of APAT was administrated by the researcher. An analysis of data was done using both descriptive (Mean, Median, Mode) and inferential (t-test) statistics after collecting data. Hypotheses were tested on 0.05 level of significance. After analysis of data it is found that the educational achievement level of experiment group is more than the achievement level of control group. That’s by it is proved that PBL is more effective learning approach than traditional method to learn science.

Title: Predictors of Academic Performance: Emotional Intelligence and Stream among Graduate Students
Abstract :

The present study is aimed to evaluate the predictors of Academic Performance. In this study, Emotional Intelligence and Stream are the forecasters of Academic Performance. This research was carried out on a sample of 207 students enrolled in the graduate courses of Aligarh District. A standardized scale was used to collect data which were analyzed using Product moment correlation (r), t-test, ANOVA, and Multiple Regression Analysis. The final year marks of the Graduate students were taken as the measurement of Academic Performance of the students. The results reveal that there is a significant positive correlation between Emotional Intelligence and the Academic Performance. Their gender does not much influence the students’ Academic Performance, but Girls’ Academic Performance is better than that of boys. Girls have higher Emotional intelligence rather than that of boys. There is no significant difference in Academic Performance and Emotional Intelligence between Arts and Social Science Students, while there exists a significant difference in Academic Performance and Emotional Intelligence between Arts and Science Students and Social Science and Science Students. It confirms that Emotional Intelligence has a great significant positive impact on Academic Performance while Stream has a minimal role in predicting Academic Performance.

Title: Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA): An Applied Science Program into a New Direction?
Abstract :
Computing and Information Technology become an important source and tool of development. It is responsible for the designing of IT and Computing infrastructure of different areas viz. Business, Healthcare, Transportation, Education and Training, Governance, and Administration etc hence the skilled manpower in this field (computing) is important and urgent. Computer Application is a study and research areas of applied nature. Before the development of domain Computer Application, the main popular and available subjects was Computer Science as far as Indian context is concerned. Although internationally as an applied branch Information Technology has emerged. In education and training segment during the eighties (1980’s) some of the Indian universities moved to offer ‘Computer
Application’ as an applied computing related branch as an alternative of substitute Computer Science (which was traditional, theoretical and mathematical) and initially Masters program has been started for diverse graduate with some logical/ quantitative skills. Gradually the same branch has been started in Bachelors level as well. Hence this paper is conceptual in nature and deals with the educational affairs of computing and information technology related field as far as India is concerned. This paper is highlights various emerging changes of Computer Application in this regard with reference to job potentialities and attempts to showcase the current situation in private universities in India with reference to Computer Applications (Bachelors) programs. Traditionally it is a common myth among a percentage of stakeholders that Computer Application is a program with Application concentration rather scientific and theoretical base. However, this paper tries to explore the future concept and dealing of Computer Application and allied fields in future.
Title: Spirituality and Positive Psychology: Are they Related?
Abstract :

The present paper reflects on the concepts such as faith, hope, belief, gratitude, forgiveness and humanity one witness being connected to God or some higher power. None of us has survived without these above stated notions in one’s life; therefore it would be right to say that positive psychology has existed in one form or the other since time immemorial. It can be traced back to our ancient epic Bhagavad Gita which embodies the finest principles of positive psychology for people of all ages. Thus, it can be said that spirituality maps similarity with positive psychology. Since there are many parallels between positive psychology and spirituality that leads to compare the two and explore what can be imbibed from one another which can eventually aid to deal with plethora of upcoming issues.

Title: Women, Education and the Society: Exploring Myths in the perspective of Educational Hopes and Discouragement Effect
Abstract :
The twentieth century can be recognized as an expansion of public education systems worldwide particularly in the context of developing economies like India. From 1947 to recent times, state plays a very fundamental role in developing national education system and society acts in response. The performance of national education system falls in question considering low literacy rate, high drop-out and low human capital index relative to other developing countries. There are various types of prevalent myths which justify the national education system and for the above indicators that society is responsible for it. Some of these are: people have a little interest and parental indifference plays a negative role in education attainment. Poor and illiterate parents don’t know the importance of education, as a corollary, students don’t pay attention in schools, colleges and university level education. According to Dreze and Sen(2002), these myths take the form of oversimplified, single-focus ‘explanations’ of the problem of educational deprivation in India. We tried to explore this in a different way by conducting interviews with women of various age groups with respect to their social and economic class in the village system. This study is micro empirical and qualitative in nature and tries to understand myths through interviews with women across economic and social class. Information is collected from hundred women and twenty young girls across ten villages of two districts Mansa and Bathinda. The ides of this paper is to
understand predominantly how women think about these prevailing myths about education. Because, we understand that in a patriarchal society, women act as subordinate to men who decide and organize household decisions. There is no say of women in the decision making about the education of her children in the family. The main finding of the paper is that women and girls are very much conscious about the meaning of education which helps to dispel the myths about education.
Title: A Study of General Intelligence among Degree College Students
Abstract :

The present study explores the general intelligence level of degree college students. It also compares the general intelligence of students in terms of the type of management of the college (govt./private), locality of the college (urban/rural), the stream in which students study (science/arts) and the gender (male/female). Data was collected from a representative sample of 625 students from different degree colleges of Punjab. Test of General Intelligence for College Students by Misra and Pal was employed to conduct the study. T-test was used to analyse the data. The results of the study are: (a) Significant difference exists in the general intelligence of govt. and private college students, govt. college students scoring higher than the private college students. (b) There is significant difference in the general intelligence of urban and rural college students, urban college students showing higher score than their rural counterparts. (c) Science students show higher general intelligence than the arts students. (d) Male and female students do not differ significantly on general intelligence scores.

Title: Accessibility and Facilitating e-Governance through Open Educational Resource Movement
Abstract :
In the existing period, one of the most significant phenomena that the people have experienced in most of the aspects of life is the revolution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi advocated, “Technology is a means to discover, learn, evolve and implement. Technology has a huge role to play in Minimum government, maximum governance Technology empowers the less empowered. If there is a strong force that brings a change in the lives of those on the margins it is technology. It serves as a leveler and a springboard….” Unlike traditional way, the Government of India is leading towards techno-friendly and increasing the use of technology for public administration for the governance of our country. Many governments across the world are laying great emphasis on delivering speedy and reliable service to citizens and businesses with the use of ICT. India is not too far behind; it has formulated e-Governance policy implemented programmes in different fields. E-Governance is a broader topic that deals with the whole spectrum of the relationship and networks within government regarding the usage and application of ICTs. Since education plays a significant and remedial role in balancing the socioeconomic framework of the country, it is necessary to incorporate uses of e-governance in education sector. Some Web 2.0 tools pressured new productivity in T-L processes. This paper has designed to measure the accessibility, sustainability & Quality of higher education through OER movement.
Title: A Study of Teaching Effectiveness of Secondary School Teachers in Relation to their Sense of Humour and Socio-economic Status
Abstract :

The study has been conducted on 100 secondary school teachers of Rohtak Distt. Random sampling technique was used. The data was analyzed statistically by using mean, S.D. and Pearson co-efficient of corelation. This study primary aims at studying Teaching Effectiveness of school teachers in relation to Sense of Humor. The present study shows a positive correlation between Socio-Economic Status and Sense of Humor of secondary school teachers. A positive correlation of 0.199 was found between Teaching Effectiveness and Sense of Humor of secondary school teachers. On the other side a positive correlation of 0.2427 was found between the Teaching Effectiveness and Socio-Economic Status of secondary school teachers. It means if the Socio-Economic Status of secondary school teachers is increased, the Teaching Effectiveness of secondary school teachers is also increased. The present study also found a positive correlation (0.2378) between the Sense of Humor and Socio-Economic Status of secondary school teachers. In simple words if the Socio-Economic Status of secondary school teachers will be increase, the Sense of Humor of secondary school teachers will also be increase.

Title: Evaluation of E-resources for its Authenticity
Abstract :

It is now a well known fact that integration of ICT with teaching-learning process enhances its quality and effectiveness in terms of incorporation of a variety of facts and data and increased collaboration among the students and that between the students and the teachers and hence their deeper conceptual understanding. There are plenty of e-resources available which may be utilized by the teachers and the students for discussion on the topics to be learnt. There are many e-resources which are highly contributing but still are some other resources which are less beneficial and may even impede the quality of learning. Now the questions arise- what are the criteria and strategies the teachers and students should adopt to evaluate the authenticity and effectiveness of the e-content to be used for learning and how the skills of evaluation of e-resources can be fostered in the students through the school curriculum. The present article explicates the criteria and strategies required by the students to assess the reliability of e-resources, especially in the subject of science. It also highlights the strategies utilized by the teachers and students of the so-called smart schools to identify and select the e-resources for learning.

Title: Relationship between Academic Achievement and Successful Intelligence of Adolescents
Abstract :

This study was conducted to find the relationship between academic achievement and successful intelligence of adolescents. Academic Achievement of adolescents was also studied in relation to dimensions of successful intelligence- analytical intelligence, practical intelligence and creative intelligence. Descriptive method was used in this study. The study was conducted on a sample of 800 students of +1 class taken randomly from schools of Jalandhar and Kapurthala affiliated to Punjab School Education Board, Mohali. Scores of students in annual exams of matric were taken as the mark of their academic achievement. Successful Intelligence scale was constructed and standardised by the investigator. The analysis of data was done by using Product moment correlation. Mean, standard deviation, coefficient of skewness and coefficient of kurtosis were also calculated to know the nature of the data. The results of the study are that there exists a positive, low but highly significant relationship between academic achievement and analytical intelligence of students. There exists a positive, low but significant relationship between academic achievement and practical intelligence of adolescents. There exists a positive, low but significant relationship between academic achievement and creative intelligence of adolescents. There exists a positive, low but significant relationship between academic achievement and successful intelligence of adolescents. The results indicate that efforts should be directed to develop analytical intelligence ,practical intelligence, creative intelligence which all together will lead to the development of successful intelligence that will result in enhancing academic achievement of adolescents.

Title: Academic Anxiety: An Overview
Abstract :

Academic anxiety can have a negative effect on a student’s academic performance. Teachers and parents can learn to recognize the signs of anxiety in school students. If teachers and parents help students to learn to control anxiety early, more serious academic problems related to anxiety can be avoided. Anxiety can become more detrimental over time. If academic anxiety is identified on time it helps to improve the performance of students so it necessary to know more about academic anxiety. This paper elaborates in detail about the components of academic anxiety & way to reduce academic anxiety in detail.

Title: Future Possibilities in Implementing the WEB 2.0 Technology in Higher Education: A Comparative Study
Abstract :

The perception of the respondents about the future possibilities in implementing the Web2.0 technology in higher education are studied and compared. The responses of teachers and students from science background from four different faculties of five universities are collected. For the purpose of study, the three dimensions are taken i.e. Implementation strategies; Educational benefits; the Barriers and the challenges faced w.r.t WEB2.0 technology and analysed through self developed 5 point likert scale with 26 items is used. The sample size is 220. The means are calculated and the each group is compared with Faculty of Education. For comparing the t-test is conducted at 0.05 confidence level. The lack of awareness is the major issue in using the technology.

Title: Construction and Standardization of Achievement Test in Educational Psychology
Abstract :

Conceptual and research based literature related to achievement test construction and educational psychology topics were studied thoroughly for developing Achievement Test in Educational Psychology. The preparation and standardization of the Achievement test consisted of four major phases such as planning, construction, evaluation and validation. In present investigation one hundred MCQ items were prepared by the researcher which was reviewed by experts in the field and then first draft of the achievement test was ready for tryout. For pilot testing, the test was administered on representative sample of 80 pupil teachers of different institutions keeping in mind that they should have knowledge of test content and they must have gone through the content earlier. Achievement test having 67 items with four options each was given to participants and scoring was done with the help of scoring key. Difficulty Value and Discrimination Power of the test calculated. This test has a value 0.936 (Cronbach Alpha) for test consistency. Researcher also used Split-half method to establish the reliability of the test.