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TL - Volume 6 - Issue 2

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Title: Contents Volume 6 Issue 2
Abstract :


Title: Computers Assisted Instruction in Refining the Quality of Teaching and Learning
Abstract :

Computer is one of the strongest tools of information and communication technology. Computers are increasingly being used as CAI, CAL for imparting instruction of the learner at different levels in different subjects. Many efforts have been made to prepare CAI and studies have been conducted to see the effectiveness of CAI of various subjects. Computers plays important role in educational transactions. A teacher can make use of computer as a tool, to assist him/her in making teaching effective. CAI follows a psychological principle of learning so it is good for the slow learner as well for the bright students. The huge number of students in the classroom also hinders the teacher for paying individual attention to each student. These small students need to be explained the lesson in an attractive manner so that they can experience it. The unique combination of tutorial, interacting and visual capabilities enable computers has a beneficial effect in approaching the quality teaching and learning. Through the use of CAI the interest to learn computers can be developed among students from a very small age. A student can use a computer as an efficient tool for disciplining his own studies. He can store his own notes and can check his progress by taking tests through the question paper from the question bank stored in the computer memory. Computer programmes allow students to improve those skills by participating in classroom exercises that closely stimulate real world experience.

Title: Education with ICT for Developing Employability in Higher Education Institutions
Abstract :

Higher education institutions (HEIs) are expected to form responsible and employable citizens. But, they produced mere degree holders without having employability skills. There is a mismatch between the expectations of employers and the products of HEIs. The requirement of employability is continually changing because most sectors are connected to the global value chains and hence the skills required are often decided by the global markets. Employers place greatest importance on employee’s attitudes and basic skills over job specific skills and having an understanding of the work environment. The demand for having basic and updated knowledge and skills of information and communication technology (ICT) along with basic, higher order and affective skills within the employee is growing day by day. As such, institutions of higher education today need to focus preferably on imparting education with ICT so that basic knowledge and skills of ICT can be acquired by the students in the process of education, i.e. teaching-learning. The basic task of HEIs is to create an ICT-enabled learning environment. For this, an ICT policy needs to be evolved strategically for institutional practice including well equipped ICT infrastructure, education-industry collaboration, competence building of teachers and pedagogy-ICT integration.)

Title: A Study of Usage of ICT Resources by Teacher Educators in Classroom Practice
Abstract :

Gone are the days when technology was taught as a discrete subject and it was considered by teacher and parents that only computer teacher will meet all the technological needs of the students, but with the technology growing day by day and the different usage of technology, both hardware and software being different for different subjects, it has now become mandatory that each teacher should know how to apply technology in his own teaching subject, and if we want to use ICT to make teaching-learning more effective it has to be taught to teacher-trainee which could happen only when teacher educators use ICT resources in their class room practice in meaningful manner to make teaching more purposeful and to achieve cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives of the content, and this is possible only when teacher educators are aware of ICT resources and are skilled to use them. The investigator took up the present study with an intention to find out the true picture of ICT resources being used by teacher educators by knowing the extent of teacher educators using technology devices, internet, online resources and other digital devices in their daily, weekly, and monthly class room practice.

Title: Cloud Computing: Promoting Sharing of Resources among Educational Institutions
Abstract :

The era of technology has changed the way to impart education now days. Most of the developed as well as rapidly developing nations have now moved towards the innovative use of technology to make education less expensive and easily and equally accessible to all its citizens. Cloud computing is the combination of the internet with outsourcing of the information technology. The education systems of many countries are not aware about the potential use of cloud computing in attaining its aims of providing various resources of knowledge to the whole world at a low cost, high quality in minimum time. A little number of them is utilizing it to its optimum level. As per the need all the selected services or applications like storage, database, web services, e-mail can be approached through cloud using different devices. To make the education world aware about the potential use of cloud computing we have to understand the concept first. Thus this paper focuses on concept, features and potential use of cloud computing with special reference to education sector.

Title: Green IT and Computing: Tool for Sustainable Eco Systems- A Message for Healthy Sports Informatics Practice
Abstract :

Green Information Technology and Green Computing are mainly responsible for the sustainable environment and ecological atmosphere creation with computing and similar technologies such as Database, Multimedia, Networking and Communication Technology and so on. Electronic product and gadgets are very much important for their valuable role in our common life and business activities. But electronic product and gadgets are responsible for so many bad affects and causes for us or society. Harmful chemical and products and heavy carbon emission are mainly responsible for such aspects against environment. As like other fields, Green Computing is also helpful for the modern and intelligent Sports world with eco-friendliness. Though there are so many challenges and opportunities to practice Green Computing and Technology. This paper is focuses on such aspects including their main challenges and issues in very brief manner.