Each paper should be submitted with an abstract of about 200 - 250 words and 4 – 5 key words. While submitting papers, authors are requested to produce the details of their affiliation and present profile. List of references should be provided at the end of the article. All cited works should be included, and no un-cited works should be included. References should be arranged alphabetically by author. Works by the same authors in the same year should be cited as “(2010a)” and “(2010b)”. In-text citations are given in brackets in the text, for example (Shariff and Razzack, 2006; Sanyal, 2010). Examples of citation formats are given below:
Khan, N. A. (2009). Islam, Women & Violence in Kashmir: Between India and Pakistan. New Delhi: Tulika Books.
Edited volume
Saliba, T. (2002). Gender Politics and Islam. In T. Saliba, C. Allen & J. A. Howard (Eds) Gender Politics and Islam. New Delhi: Orient Longman.
Journal article
Hazra, A. (2010). Social Work as Higher Education: Analyzing the Current Prospect in India University News. Vol.47 (46).
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). (2010). Human Development Report 2010. New York, USA: UNDP.
Working Paper
Alkire, S., and Santos, M. E. (2010). ‘Acute Multidimensional Poverty: A new index for developing countries’, OPHI Working Paper 38. London, UK: University of Oxford.
Census of India. (2001). India at a glance – Statistics on Demographic and Socio-Economic Characteristics. Retrieved from http://www.censusindia.gov.in (accessed December 10, 2009).
The Economic Times, 3 September 2007