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EQ - Volume 8 - Issue 2

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Title: Contents
Abstract :


Title: A Comparative Study of Effectiveness of Teaching Mathematics through Conventional & Vedic Mathematics Approach
Abstract :

Vedic mathematics is the name given to the ancient Indian system of mathematics that was rediscovered in the early twentieth century from ancient Indian scripture namely Atharvaveda. The study was intended to compare the effectiveness of teaching mathematics through conventional and Vedic mathematics approach in the terms of students’ achievement in mathematics. In this experimental study, pretest-posttest equivalent control groups design was used having randomly selected sample of 30 students in each group from BKT Inter College, Lucknow. The study covered the major topics of UP Basic Education Board class VIII mathematics syllabus viz., square, square-root, factorization of algebraic expressions and simultaneous simple equations. Mean, standard deviation, t-test and effect size were used for analyzing the data collected through self-made Achievement Tests in Mathematics (ATM) as pretest and posttest. Students’ achievement in mathematics of experimental group on posttest was significant over that of control group. No significant difference was found between male and female students in each group on posttest. Effect size was calculated as Glass’ Δ which was 0.902. Thus the Vedic mathematics approach is found highly effective for enhancing the students’ achievement in mathematics as well as that of male and female students equally.

Title: Teacher Stress in Relation to Creative Management, Institutional Performance and Gender of College Principals in Teacher Education Institutions
Abstract :

The present study was conducted to study the teacher stress in relation to creative management and institutional performance in teacher education institutions. In order to conduct present study 450 teacher educators with doctorate degree and without doctorate degrees, with different levels of experience were selected from 45 selected colleges of education taking 10 teachers from each institution were selected randomly. Institutional Performance Scale & Creative Management Scale prepared by the investigator and Teacher Stress Questionnarie (Otto (1983) and Adapted by Max Smith and Sid) were used as tools for the present study. The findings of the study revealed that in good performing institutions, teacher educators experience significantly less stress related to students and physical conditions, time pressure and lack of reward and recognition except conflicts than their counterparts in poor performing institutions. Teacher educators of the colleges with female principals were more stressed due to conflict, students & physical conditions and lack of reward & recognition except time pressure than those in the institutions with male principals. Female principals of institutions with poor performance has significantly higher teacher stress than colleges with male principals of institutions with good performance, colleges with male principals of institutions with poor performance and colleges with female principals of institution with good performance. There is a negative relationship between creative management and teacher stress.

Title: Developing Relationship Skills among Students: Role of Story Telling
Abstract :

Stories through films, fiction, drama or true life description engaged and fascinate through memories. Stories engross emotions in brain experiences of storytelling help in recognition of lost experiences. Keeping in view the significance of stories present paper is an attempt to identify and recognize the role of storytelling in developing socio-emotional skills among school students. For the present study the researcher adopted quasi-experimental method as action research with single group design. In the present study self made questionnaire is used for data collection from the sample of 23 elementary school students through convenient sampling method. The findings of the study revealed story telling is a good tool to develop relationship socio-emotional skills among students of elementary level. The researchers found intervention programme help in developing interpersonal relationship among elementary school students.

Title: Status of Reading Technological Devices for Students with Visual Impairment in South Zone of Delhi’s Inclusive Schools
Abstract :
A sighted student read text books or novel or magazine or comics etc. in his daily life as per his choice, means he can read independently whatever he wants to read. But a student who has lost his vision cannot read as per his/her choice due to his/her limitation to see. For example if a student with visual impairment wants to read comics ‘Chacha Chudhary’ then s/he would be unable to read it himself, s/he needs help of other sighted student who read it for him. So for day to day reading purpose student with visual impairment totally depends on sighted student, which is the major barrier for inclusive and independent society. Technological devices are instrument to reduce the limitation of these students, and empowered them to do work easily, gain knowledge and enjoy during leisure time. These devices are also playing an important role in education of students with and without disability; it has changed the entire scenario of education of these students. For students with visual impairment, the importance of technological device is more than sighted students, because it reduces the limitation of vision loss and helps them to learn as par sighted students. To get the benefit of the technological devices, availability is the first most important criteria. Since many researches (Hosmer, 1995; Rocklage, Gillett, Preschong, & Delohery, 1995; Parette et al., 2006; Judge, Floyd, & Jeffs, 2008; Matzen et al., 2010) have proved that technology is an important vehicle for inclusive education and its availability for students with disabilities improve their performance and they take full advantages of education. Hence the question arises that are the reading technological devices for students with visual impairment available in schools? To find out the answer of this question this topic was selected for the study. The study was conducted in the Government funded schools of south zone of Delhi. The glimpse of the study is as follows:
Objective: The objective of the study was to find out the status of reading technological devices for students with visual impairment in south zone of Delhi’s inclusive schools.
Method: Descriptive survey method was used to collect data with the help of Checklist cum questionnaire schedule. The sample of the study was 15 schools of three Educational Districts of Delhi.
Results: Results show that very few reading technological devices for students with visual impairment were available in those schools where special education teachers were posted, but where these teachers were not posted, the status of availability of these devices was not good.
Conclusion: International Agencies, Centre & State Govt. of India have made so many Schemes, Policies and Acts, but problems exist somewhere in implementation stage, that’s why situation at gross root level is not up to the mark.
Title: A Comparative Study on Empowerment of Tribal and Non- Tribal Girl Students in Rural Area
Abstract :
This study was conducted in Khowai district of Tripura by selecting six blocks (6). The sample Population of this study includes 90 tribal and 90 non-tribal girl students of class -IX and class – X in rural area of KhowaiDistrict of Tripura. Data was collected by administer of “Adolescent girl empowerment scale (AGES)”. It was found that, the empowerment of Tribal non-Tribal girl student is significantly differing from each other. It focused that the Non-Tribal girl students are more empowered than Tribal girl students. This study indicates that government should take a special care for woman development and empowerment, especially for Tribal girl student empowerment. School should provide various co-curriculums activates and social activities, give ample opportunity to participate girl students to those programme which may enable them to develop the social, political, and legal awareness, especially for Tribal girl students.
Title: Professional Development of Employees in ODL Institution: A Case of IGNOU
Abstract :

Training and development is the fastest growing industry as a result of replacement of industrial workers with knowledge workers. An effective and sustainable organizational training produces significant results such as improved employees’ skills & productivity, enhanced retention & morale. Training and continuing professional development is an integral component of Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system, which is characterized by division of labour where the teaching and learning is performed through use of media and technology. However, in contrast to the above, lack of appropriate training has been identified as a significant barriers in ODL institutions and there is an immense need of continuous professional development activities in these institutions. This study highlights the professional development activities for the technical staff of Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) engaged in web-based application development. The study aimed to identify if the training outcomes could be utilised in the routine work followed by the barriers to implement them in the work environment. The results indicate mixed responses that knowledge and skills gained during the training were useful majorly for their learning and development, routine work, front-end and back-end activities. The barriers faced by the respondents to implement the learning gains in their work place were identified as pertaining institutional (unavailability of training, infrastructure and internet) and individual (lack of motivation and time). The ODL should plan and implement well structured trainings followed by mitigating the barriers to implement the knowledge and skills gained during the training.

Title: Effect of Activity Based Method on Achievement Motivation and Academic Achievement in Mathematics at secondary Level
Abstract :

The present study was conducted to examine the effect of the Activity Based method in Mathematics on Achievement Motivation and academic achievement. The sample comprised of 60 students of IXth class studying in private senior secondary school of Ambala city, Punjab. The tools used for conducting the present study were; Deo-Mohan Achievement Motivation Scale (n-Ach) – (1985), Self-prepared modules of Mathematics for selected five topics of IXth grade and Self-prepared pre-post Achievement test of Mathematics. The findings revealed that Students taught Mathematics through Activity based method differ significantly in Achievement Motivation as compared to the control group (Traditional Teaching method). Results also show that the students taught Mathematics through Activity based method differ significantly in Academic Achievement as compared to the Control group (Traditional Teaching method).

Title: Addressing Perception of Geoethics Through Geoscience Curriculum at IGNOU
Abstract :

Geoscience provides us with an overall understanding of earth’s physical environment and its finites besides a perspective on why and how things happen around us. It also attempts to find solutions for global environmental problems in relation to place and time. Geoscientists can play an important role in addressing these global challenges and disseminating knowledge and awareness in the society. Although Geoscience is the basic element of all natural sciences, it is limited to a few chapters in the geography and environmental science books at school level in India. Hence, children remain unaware about the internal and external processes operating within and on the earth’s surface and also the perception on geoethics as compared to their counter parts in the west. Unlike western world, our youth are perhaps less aware of implications of depleting and dwindling natural resources. Thus, it is a challenge for the educators to develop geoscience education programmes with a strong component and perspective on geoethics and sustainable development. The paper discusses the possible impact of geoscience education at IGNOU in developing graduates with an understanding and inclination on geoethics. Presently, in distance mode a wide range of programmes are being offered in subjects like environment, physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology except geology. Mega universities like IGNOU are at an advantageous position for offering geoscience education owing to its wide reach to cater to millions of learners. Keeping this in view School of Sciences at IGNOU is in the process of developing B.Sc. Courses in Geology after carrying out an extensive Need survey. The curriculum for bachelor degree programme, which includes the courses on physical and structural geology, petrology, mineralogy, environmental geology, hydrology, ore geology, remote sensing and GIS has been designed and developed with help of several eminent experts across India. The courses are expected to enhance understanding of the necessity to conserve our soil, mineral, water, fossil fuels and appreciate the concepts of geoethics and sustainable development.

Title: Reflective Teaching of Secondary Teachers in relation with their Attitude towards Action Research and Some Other Variables
Abstract :

Reflective teaching and action research are the very important component of qualitative teaching-learning process. The main purpose of action research is to explore the new knowledge and strategy to sort out the immediate as well as local educational problems and to ensure the quality of education, and on the other hand reflective teaching is considered as the core ability to be a successful as well as innovative teacher. Action research is considered as an important tool of reflective teaching too. Reflective teaching and conduction of action research to solve the immediate problems are associated with each other in their aim and creative as well as scientific way of work. An individual can only make focus on the process of research if he/she motivated enough to do so and have positive attitude towards it. This study was conducted to know the relationship between reflective teaching and attitude towards action research of secondary teachers. To know the effect of their service condition and types of associated school of secondary teachers were other objectives of the study. The findings of the study showed a positive relationship between reflective teaching and attitude towards action research of secondary teachers. A significant effect on the level of reflective teaching and attitude towards action research was revealed from the study.

Title: Learning & Thinking Style as a Major Determinant of Academic Achievement among School Students: An Analytical Study
Abstract :

The present study was undertaken to study the effect of learning and thinking style on academic achievement of secondary school students. Academic achievement was treated as dependent variable whereas; learning and thinking style, locality and gender were treated as independent variables. A sample of 500 secondary school students was selected through multi-stage random sampling technique. Style of Learning and Thinking (SOLAT) test developed by Venkataraman (2011)[22] was used to measure learning and thinking style of students in terms of their hemisphericity functions of the brain. The obtained data were analyzed using Three Way ANOVA with 2×2×2 factorial design. Levene’s Test of Homogeneity of Variance was also applied to test the assumption of homogeneity of variance for ANOVA. Main effects of learning and thinking style, locality and gender on academic achievement of secondary school students were found to be significant. Significant interaction effect of learning & thinking style and locality; learning & thinking style and gender was reported on academic achievement of secondary school students. Further, no significant interaction effect of locality & gender was reported on academic achievement of secondary school students. Triple interaction effect of learning and thinking style, locality and gender on academic achievement of secondary school students was found to be significant. The findings of the present study has an implication for teachers that they should find out the dominant part of their students’ brains first and then use the appropriate classroom techniques, methods and tools according to them only then better and greater learning can be accomplished.

Title: Creativity and Module with and without Jerk Technology in Terms of Achievement of B.Ed Students
Abstract :

The objective of this study is to find out the effect of treatment, creativity and their interaction on achievement in environment education by considering Pre. achievement in environment education as covariate. This study was experimental in nature and based on pre-test post-test parallel group design. There were two groups and two levels of treatment namely module with jerk technology and module without jerk technology. The sample for Study comprised of 60 student teachers (30 student teachers per group) of academic session of 2008-2009 of regular B.Ed. course of Government PGBT College, Ujjain. Study revealed that creativity significantly affected the achievement of students in Environmental Education. Higher creative students were found to be benefited significantly more than these of low creative students.

Title: Upper Primary School Students Health and Awareness of Yoga as a Cure: An Exploratory Study
Abstract :

Awareness and ignorance are two faces of the same coin and awareness leads to making of healthy choices. The awareness about health of school students is the key to formulating strategy to achive better environment for teaching and learning. The present study was conducted on the students of upper primary school of Delhi to know the health and awareness regarding yoga as a cure for many ailments like back pain, neck pain, respiratory problems etc. The data was collected from a upper primary school situated in South-Delhi. The Primary school with sample consists of 83 students, 46 female and 37 male. The data was collected through closed end questionnair. The content of the questionnair was validated through expert consensus. The male students suffer more as compared to female students due to back or neck pain. On the contrary, female students are greatly affected by respiratory problems at upper primary level of school education. Class 8th students have better awareness of “yoga as cure” for many diseases among upper primary level students. The awareness of “yoga as a cure” for many diseases is higher in girls than boys of upper primary schools.

Title: Combining Diverse Pedagogical Tools for Effective Teaching of General Biology to a Large Class Comprising of First Year Science and Engineering Undergraduates
Abstract :

Getting students interested in learning science and opting for a science-based career has always been a dream, despite the associated challenges in the form of dropout and attenuated student interest, for the university teacher. Secondly, in college or university academic curriculum, large classes often become a necessity to ensure uniformity in concept delivery. As a consequence, the best teacher strives to become something akin to an all-rounder, where the huge diversity concomitant with large crowds (classes) needs to be addressed to succeed. The present work was carried out to tackle the above challenges by introducing certain innovations in the teaching methodology. In the present study, the author experimented with the different fields from which analogies could be picked up to deliver relevant biological concepts; other pedagogical tools used were variety in language usage; student-teacher distance; colourful and pictorial slides with least text, musical concept summaries, drama, story, humor; interruption in lecture delivery was often done by asking questions of higher Bloom’s taxonomy levels from the students, and allowing them time for peer discussion. Clapping for correct answers was encouraged to break the monotony of sitting sedentarily in class. Analogy pertaining to a real life inspiring figure was deemed the most effective by student community. Among other pedagogical tools, questions from previous years’ exam papers were most effective. It was also realized that timing of the non-academic element (such as story or music) was important for effective lectures. The present study, although simple and small in scale, could help guide further classroom innovations where introduction of variety in the traditional lecture mode in biology (science) classes is the ultimate goal.

Title: Effect of Feedback on Accuracy of Self-assessment of Achievement in Chemistry in the Context of Self-confidence and Bias of Eleventh Graders
Abstract :

Results of inaccurate Self-assessment by candidates in today’s competitive world are frequently disastrous for them. Self-assessment does not always happen totally in isolation. It is partly influenced by the feedback aspirants receive from their peers or external experts in the form of teachers, parents and tutors at coaching centres. Accuracy of Self-assessment varies in different students, presumably because of differences in personality characteristics. It is interesting to understand the dynamics of this influence through research. The present study is precisely an attempt in this direction.

Title: Emotional Maturity: A Study of Secondary School Teachers
Abstract :

This research paper assesses the teachers’ emotional maturity among government secondary school teachers in Jammu division. The main objective of the paper is to find whether teachers differ in emotional maturity in relation to their gender, qualification and locality. For this, a sample of 200 teachers was selected through multi-stage probability sampling technique employing survey method. Teachers’ emotional maturity scale as developed by investigator was used for the collection of data. The findings revealed that there are no gender differences in emotional maturity among teachers. Besides this there are no significant differences in emotional maturity among teachers in relation to their qualifications and locality.

Title: NGOs, Education and Tribes: An Empirical Study of Jharkhand, India
Abstract :

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a pivotal role in all necessary fields of the people, particularly those of the weaker sections of the society. It cannot be denied that some of the NGOs have been working for the cause of deprived people in almost all areas of deprivation, especially for their health and education. However, the maximum number of NGOs, the so-called non-profit organizations, has been involved in promoting their own interest rather than of the society. At this point, it is needed to examine the role of selected NGOs in tribal education from their viewpoints. This paper is based on study of the NGOs in imparting education to the tribal students.

Title: Approaches to the Development of Moral Structure among Students: A Case Study of Neo-Humanist Schools
Abstract :

The present study explored the dimensions of morality in Neo-humanist Education. The research is designed to investigate how the philosophical perspectives of Neo-humanism are realized in practical field. The study focused on the approaches adopted in Neo-humanist Schools for enhancing morality among children. In order to validate data, both philosophical perspectives and empirical investigations are undertaken by the researcher. Three schools from North Bengal based on Neo-humanism principle and ideology are selected using purposive sampling techniques. Case study method is adopted to undertake this research with observation and semi-structured interview as tool. Data are collected from students, teachers and parents and analyzed qualitatively. The study found that the curriculum of Neo-humanist School is designed for early intervention of moral development among students. It is also found that the interactional approach in resolving conflict and improving interpersonal relationships are highlighted in school curriculum. Thus, the mature moral orientation in childhood initiates the development of moral structure or conscience. Some empirical evidences are also included here to support this study.

Title: Socio-Economic Situation of Persons with Disability in Cachar District of Assam
Abstract :

This paper is an outcome of a study that was conducted with an objective to understand socio-economic situation of the people with disability living in Cachar district of Assam. An exploratory research design was adopted to gather information about education, income and occupation and further to understand the perception of the respondents on their present situation. For the study 50 numbers of respondents were selected by adopting convenient sampling method. Data on socio-economic status of the respondents were collected in respect of socio-personal information and economic status. Under the social background the respondents’ sex, age, marital status, education, caste, types of disability suffered and their causes are examined. In short socio-economic data showed that the majority of the respondents selected for the study are striving hard to get economic sustainability to enjoy quality life, food, cloth, shelter.

Title: The Attitude of Teachers towards Activities Conducted under CCE with Reference to Teaching-Learning-Process & Classroom Environment and Role of Teacher
Abstract :

The education system in a country reflects the ethos, aspirations and expectations of a generation. Education gives positive thoughts, conducts and actions so that a man can develop himself with all dimensions of life successfully and become a satisfied person. The Report of the International Commission on Education for 21st Century to UNESCO referred to four planes of living of human individuals, namely, physical, intellectual, mental and spiritual. Thus, all round development as the stated purpose of education implies optimization of hidden potential of every child in the physical, intellectual, mental and spiritual planes. Evaluation is back bone of teaching learning process. Therefore Evaluation becomes a process for finding out how far the learning experiences are actually producing the desired results. As a result, it is possible to note in what respects the curriculum is effective and in what respects it needs improvement. In recent years, there has been a growing concern for improving the quality of achievement of all learners at school level. But this aim to improve learners’ quality and to universalize the improved quality is not being realized totally due to imperfect teaching learning processes and improper evaluation practices which are conventional and narrow in their scope. They stressed the point that the evaluation should be comprehensive in nature, wherein all learning experiences pertaining to scholastic, co-scholastic and personal and social qualities are assessed. It is a very well known fact that the evaluation practices carried out in schools aim to measure the knowledge and understanding outcomes of learners, neglecting the evaluation of skills and higher mental abilities. Therefore evaluation becomes very important to continuously revise and introduce such measures and schemes which will impact the mind, character and physical ability of the learner. Evaluation has remained a major irritant in the entire system of educational growth and development. It is the issue discussed widely but which could not be given a proper shape to solve the problems. All policy documents pertaining to Indian education stated that evaluation system in vogue was inadequate and required changes. This study is an attempt to find out teachers’ perception about the scheme of continuous and comprehensive evaluation, the problems they face while its execution and the suggestions that teachers want to give in making CCE effective and fruitful on ground realities.

Title: Understanding Attitude of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Parents towards the Rights Related to Health and Care of the Children
Abstract :

Having good health is the rights of the every children. India is the country having largest number of the children in the world. As it has been rightly said that sound mind resides in the sound body is a valid concept. A good health of the children leads them to the path of progress in various fields like Education, sports and others. The aim of the present study was to know the understanding attitude of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes parents towards the Rights related to Health and care of the children. The researcher took the sample of 60 parents from rural area of district Udhampur of Jammu and Kashmir, which consist of thirty fathers and mothers. Self-made interview schedule was used in the study. The objective of the study was to know the awareness among the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled parents, so that some intervention can be given to meet the Health and care needs of the of the children. Self-made semi-structured interview schedule was used by the researcher for data collection. The analysis was made by using simple percentage method. This was the qualitative study which conducted to explore the understanding attitude among parents. The findings of the study reveals that most of the fathers and mothers gave favourable responses which means they are aware about rights related to health and care of the children. They have the positive and favourable attitude towards health and care of the children.

Title: A Study of Verbal and Nonverbal Creativity (Divergent Thinking) and Intelligence of 10th Class Boys of Different School Boards
Abstract :

We constantly need creativity and intelligence for new and better ideas to solve our problems. The main aim of this research paper is to find out the verbal and non verbal creativity of 10th class students to recognize, develop and act upon the divergent thinking and intelligence they already possess. They recognize and cultivate the inherent creativity in their own and with others classmates, they may identify characteristics of a creative person, develop creative thinking, problem solving and using creative skills using their basic elements of the creative process, examine qualities of a creative environment in real world settings.

Title: Is Age factor drive Emotional Intelligence and Adjustments of Trainee Teachers? “A Study of Enrolled B.Ed. Trainee Teachers in different B.Ed. Colleges of Karnataka 2015-17”
Abstract :

Is age factor drive emotional intelligence and adjustments of a person getting formal professional education and training? This question is very common as we have seen that the trainee teacher’s emotional intelligence and adjustment has a lifelong impact on their profession, emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions, which is very important to adjust oneself in a new situation. In the present research tryout, the author have analyzed the emotional intelligence and adjustment among 400 B.Ed. trainee teachers studying in different B.Ed. colleges of Karnataka, these students are divided into two groups i.e. below 25 years and above 25 years of age respectively. The main purpose of the study is to find out age impact upon emotional intelligence and adjustment of B.Ed. trainee teachers with respect to the different variables.

Title: The Comparative Analysis over Women Education via Tagore and Gandhi
Abstract :

The concept of education in Indian context is always considered as the source of enlightenment and authority which changes and enables our country for advanced and collaborative development of our physical, mental, and intellectual faculties. Equality for women is a central social requirement. Women play an important part in the growth and evolvement of family. Women education is now regarded as the backbone of India’s social and national development. In this paper I am going to discuss the multiple visions of Tagore and Gandhi towards women education. Tagore was one of the greatest followers of women education. And Gandhi was also the supporter of women education. The present paper discusses the importance of women education in India. The vision of Tagore and Gandhi towards women education has been restrained the contribution of both philosophers regarding women education a comparative study. In today’s context their observations on women education are of utmost importance.

Title: Continuing Professional Development: Inevitable for Academic Excellence
Abstract :

Teacher’s work is undergoing rapid change: political, educational and social changes, and this means that teachers need more and better Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programmes in order to keep up with the changes and remain relevant in the teaching profession. The quality of teachers is of great importance, as changing needs place greater pressures on teachers such as having to deal with the challenge of large classes and learners of different characteristics. This raises the need for teachers to be supported more than ever before, hence the need to step up the CPD of teachers, which is an often neglected aspect in most of the developing countries like India.

Title: Teacher Education in Arunachal Pradesh: Status and Strategies
Abstract :

Arunachal Pradesh is one of the states of India where most of population is tribal. The formal system of Education started very late in the State in comparison to other states of India and North East. The first middle school stared in 1961 and the first college in 1964. Teacher play a key role in development of Education so teacher education need to strengthen in the state and new teacher education institutions should be open to cater the need of the region. Now Education is necessary for all round development of individual and society. So, in Teacher Education programme inclusive Education, citizenship, language development, sustainable development, Physical education, value Education etc should be included. Functioning and practices of Teacher Education institutions should also be revived to ensure quality in schools. The present paper is an effort to highlight the development of teacher education in Arunachal Pradesh; analyzes its present status and suggest some strategies for making it relevant in the present context.

Title: Status Study of Infrastructure Availability in Government Degree Colleges of Uttarakhand
Abstract :

Before implementing any intervention program for raising basic facilities and standard in an education system, it is necessary to assess the baseline status of those educational institutions which would be covered under proposed scheme. With this objective in view, a preliminary survey was conducted to find out the status of infrastructure availability in 21 government degree colleges of Uttarakhand, covered under RUSA (Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan). The findings of the study reveal that government and concerning authorities are apathetic towards improving the status of higher education, especially in remote areas of the hilly state. After analysis of data it was found that government focuses more on announcements to open new educational institutions rather than their proper establishment, following norms and standards set by regulatory bodies. A large number of institutions established in the last 10-15 years are running in remote hilly areas with very low enrolment rate due to lack of infrastructure and teaching faculties.

Title: Rights and Minorities: The Case of Indian Muslims
Abstract :

Rights are inalienable in nature. They are the basic entitlement of every citizen in democracy. They guarantee the minimum basic need of an individual in a society. Rights have been recognized fundamental to every human being for their survival in society as well as in a nation. It is the guarantee of the State to provide and safeguard the rights of its citizens. Rights have been well documented in several International forums as well as in the constitution of countries. Minorities occupy a special place in any country of the world. India as a country believes in unity and diversity and boasts about its religious pluralism. Indian constitution has provided several safeguards for the minorities to bring them into mainstream and to protect them from arbitrary discrimination of the majority. Muslims in India are recognized as the largest minority and there strength is more than the total strength of all other minorities in the country. Despite such a sizeable share of the population, they are largely backward and poor in all aspects of development. This paper discusses the concepts of rights recognized at International forums as well as in the constitution of India, and discusses the prevailing condition of Indian Muslims despite all the safeguards and rights available to them.

Title: Construction and Standardization of Mathematics Achievement Test for IXth Grade Students
Abstract :

In the present article multiple choice questions (MCQ) type Mathematics Achievement test is constructing according to blue print. The Construction of test items is an important phase in the development of a test as the reliability, validity of the test depends upon the test items. The discriminative Index find out the difficulty value of each item. The nature of questions for achievement test consisted of matching type and multiple choice questions. This achievement test is constructing for Geometry content of Mathematics for IXth grade student.

Title: Development of Critical Thinking Skills in English Language Classroom through Dialogue Method
Abstract :

Thinking is one of the important characteristics of human beings. It is an act which separates human beings from other species on the planet. Thinking skills are one of the most important areas to be worked upon which is the current need of the society. But classroom teaching learning is still unable to inculcate higher order thinking skills among our students. Higher-order thinking involves the learning of complex judgmental skills such as critical thinking and problem solving. Higher-order thinking is more difficult to learn or teach but also more valuable because such skills are more likely to be usable in novel situations (i.e., situations other than those in which the skill was learned). In the present paper focus is on development of critical thinking skills. The paper summarizes the theoretical underpinnings for dialogue and points out the benefits that genuine dialogue can bring in teaching learning process. On the basis of above theoretical background and findings, Dialogue as pedagogy can be considered fruitful in English Language Classroom for the inculcation of Higher Order Thinking Skills i.e. Critical thinking skills in the students. We need to invest in our English language classrooms the dialogue method so that we can have a foundational relationship of understanding, a common ground, and a capital of collective acumen and vision that enables us to address the questions which we are facing in the present era. Dialogue is a necessary and a powerful tool in the hands of teacher for cultivating critical thinking skills among our students. An important feature of Dialogue is that it crafts a community-based culture of teamwork and shared leadership.

Title: Impact of Socio-economic Status on Academic Achievement Among the Senior Secondary School Students
Abstract :
In the present study, the researcher intended to examine and explore the impact of Socio-economic Status on Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School Students. The investigator used descriptive survey research method for the present study and selected 170 Senior Secondary School students as a sample population from four Secondary schools by using Simple Random Sampling Technique. Socio-economic Status Scale (SESS) developed by Kalia and Sahu (2012) was used for data collection regarding student’s Socio-economic Status and previous annual marks of the students considered as Academic Achievement of the students were collected from office record book. The researcher analysed the data by applying Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient and t-test as statistical techniques with the help of IBM SPSS 20.0. The findings of the study showed that there is positive correlation exist between Socio-economic Status and Academic Achievement of Senior Secondary School students, it also highlight that significance difference is present among different SES group in their Academic Achievement. It further revealed that there is no significant difference between male and female students in their Academic Achievement.
Title: Stress Management among Teachers: The Bhagavad Gita’s Approach
Abstract :

Education is insurance, it gives us guarantee for comfortable and dignified life. It is the process of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, values and beliefs. In fact it is the most potent tool for the complete development of individual and the society. It is well known that quality of a nation depends upon the quality of its citizens. The quality of the citizens depends upon the education system. As education is imparted by teachers and if the teacher is capable, energetic and mentally healthy, it is good for the school and a matter of joy for the society as well. In today’s world as nobody is stress free, teachers are also human being they also suffer from stress. Stress is a very serious problem if it crosses its limits. It is a feeling of emotional or physical tension and may cause several other problems among teachers, if it is not tackled properly on time. Holy books such as The Vedas, The Bhagavad Gita, The Upanishads, The Quran and The Bible are considered as ocean of knowledge as the wisdom spelt out in them are the new rays of hopes which are essential to face the modern life problems especially stress. Like other religious books The Bhagavad Gita is referred as one of the important book which has bearing on education. The present paper is an humble attempt to find the implication of Bhagavad Gita in the present scenario of education in tackling stress among people in general and teachers in particular.