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IJAEB - Volume 15 - Issue 1

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Title: Contents VOL. 15, NO. 1, MARCH 2022
Abstract :
Title: Identification of Donors of Mungbean and Urdbean against Yellow Mosaic Disease
Abstract :

Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.) and urdbean (Vigna mungo L.) are major pulses crops predominantly cultivated during rainy season in northern and central India and during winter season in costal belt. In India, mungbean and urdbean productivity is constrained by a number of foliar and root diseases. Exploitation of host plant resistance for the development of high yielding varieties is the most economical and feasible component of integrated diseases management (IDM), hence remain a major objective of the crop improvement programmes around the world. The present investigation was undertaken to identify resistant donors against yellow mosaic disease (YMD) and therefore 200 germplasm accessions of mungbean and 100 of urdbean procured from ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (ICAR-NBPGR), New Delhi and ICAR-Indian Institute of Pulses Research (ICAR-IIPR), Kanpur were phenotyped under natural field conditions, besides molecular characterization of viral pathogen and monitoring growth parameters. None of the mungbean and urdbean lines were found resistant to YMD during two seasons of the screening. However, 16 mungbean and 41 urdbean accessions manifested moderate resistant reaction, respectively and were identified as potential donors against MYMIV for utilization in breeding programme. These accessions also performed well with respect to growth parameters and grain yield. The sequence analysis of virus revealed 99.08 to 95.95 percent similarities with Mungbean yellow mosaic India virus (MYMIV) infecting distinct hosts from different geographical regions.

Title: G×E Effects Elucidated by AMMI, BLUP and Non-parametric Measures of Wheat Genotypes Evaluated in NEPZ
Abstract :

Highly significant variations due to G×E interactions, environments and genotypes had been observed AMMI analysis. Values of IPCA’s in the AMMI analysis indicate stability or adaptability of genotypes. G11, G1 selected by IPCA-1 and G1, G2 as per IPCA-2. Utilizing 60.6% of G×E interactions ASV identified G1, G7 and ASV1 settled for (G1, G7) genotypes. Nearly 97.8% of variations exploited by MASV1 pointed for G9, G2 whereas MASV judged G9, G8 genotypes. BLUP based HMGV RPGV HMRPGV measures identified G11 & G3. Consistent yield of G2, G3 wheat genotypes supported by the least values of standard deviation and CV measures. Biplot analysis of studied measures observed that two significant PC’s has accounted for 65.8% of the total variation with respective percent share of 40.4% & 25.5% respectively. Si2 , Si4 , Si1 , Si3 , NPi(3) , IPC5 contributed more in PC1 whereas for PC2 contributors were BLGM, RPGV, HMGV, HMRPGV NPi(2), NPi(3), NPi(4) . High degree of positive relationship expressed by NPi(2) NPi(3), NPi(4) with MASV, MASV1. Measures Si1 to Si7 clubbed with standard deviation, CV along with NPi(1). No association of ASV & ASV1 observed with NPi(2) NPi(3) , NPi(4). Clustering pattern seen BLUP based measures in separate cluster while NPi(2) seen with Si1 to Si7 along with standard deviation and CV measures.

Title: Effects of Various Carbohydrates on the in vitro Pollen Germination of Vinca rosea and Cucumis melo var. utilissimus
Abstract :

Pollen germination is a crucial stage of plant development that significantly depends on the presence of carbohydrates as a primary energy source. In this study, we analysed the differential effects of four sugars (Glucose, Sucrose, Galactose, Fructose) with varying concentrations on the pollen germination of Vinca rosea Linn. and Cucumis melo var. utilissimus Duth and Fuller using Brewbaker and Kwack medium as germination medium and hanging drop method after incubation of an hour. Sucrose and glucose aided the pollen germination but galactose and fructose significantly inhibited the pollen germination of Vinca rosea. In Cucumis melo var. utilissimus, all four types of sugars supported pollen germination. The study suggests that 15% sucrose, for Vinca rosea, and 12% galactose, for Cucumis melo var. utilissimus, depict the highest pollen germination percentage when used in the pollen germination medium.

Title: Improved Protocol of RNA Isolation for Transcriptome Analysis of Poaceae Plants
Abstract :

The existence of metabolites that interfere with isolation procedures and downstream applications makes plant RNA extraction difficult. The current research used a standardized RNA extraction protocol from maize (Zea mays L.). We developed a protocol for extracting pure RNA from plant tissues using both extraction buffer and the TRIzol reagent, and show that this RNA extraction method works not only at Low temperatures but also at room temperatures, making it the easiest and most efficient method for extracting pure and undegraded RNA directly from tropical plants in the field. RNA isolation methods based on our modified protocol yielded good results in maize leaf, seed, flowers and other grass species. The isolated RNA was found to be suitable for both PCR and RT-PCR amplification and transcriptome analysis. The method is repeatable and can be used to isolate high-quality RNA and conduct gene expression studies. RNA extraction paves the way for deciphering the complex regulatory network involved in multiple stress responses by studying gene-environment interactions at the transcriptome level.

Title: Influence of Silicon on Translocation, Compartmentation and Uptake of Lead in Leafy Vegetables
Abstract :

Lead (Pb) has phytotoxic and toxic effects on plants and animals. Leafy vegetables accumulate this element resulting in enrichment along the food chain. Silicon has beneficial effects in enhancing plants’ tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses including heavy metals such as Pb. The study was carried out under greenhouse and field conditions aiming at determining the effects of silicon on transfer, mobility, and uptake of lead by leafy vegetables (spinach, kale, and amaranths). The greenhouse experiment was carried out as a split-plot arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD). The vegetable species were allocated to the main plots whereas the treatments (Pb, Pb+Si, Si, and Control) were assigned to the subplots. The field experiment was sited in polluted soils, and treatment included control and Si, applied to spinach, kale, and amaranths. Data was collected on Pb concentrations in roots, stems, and leaves, transfer factor, mobility index, and uptake of lead by leafy vegetables. Lead concentration was highest in roots, intermediate in stems, and least in leaves. Silicon application reduced concentration, transfer factor, mobility, and uptake of lead by 20, 40, 15, and 24%, respectively. The lead transfer factor and translocation index was less than one. Pearson correlation coefficient indicated a strong positive correlation between lead concentrations in soils and plant tissues of leafy vegetables. Application of silicon on polluted soils reduced transfer and mobility of lead in edible tissues of leafy vegetables. The study recommends silicon application to reduce the concentration of lead on vegetable tissues, however, it recommends against vegetable production for human consumption on polluted soils.

Title: Response of Gadam Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) to Farmyard Manure and Inorganic Fertilizer Application
Abstract :

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Farm Yard Manure (FYM), mineral fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorus), and their combination on the production of Gadam sorghum in a Kenya Semi-arid region of Makueni and Machakos counties. The first experiment evaluated the response of sorghum to N and P application at four levels (0, 25, 50, 75 kg ha-1) whereas the second evaluated the response of sorghum to the combined application of FYM (0, 5, and 10 tons ha-1) and N and P fertilizer (0 and 50 kg ha-1). Nitrogen application enhanced sorghum yields more than phosphorus addition. Combining N at 75 kg ha-1 and P at 50 kg ha-1 gave the highest sorghum grain yield in Kampi ya Mawe which was 135% higher than the control. In Katumani, combining 50 kg ha-1 N and 25 kg ha-1 P gave the highest mean grain yield, which was 68.3% more than the untreated control. In the follow-up experiment (Kampi ya Mawe), combining FYM with NP fertilizer (50 kg ha-1 N & P and 10 t ha-1 FYM) gave the highest yield; 13.7% more than the control. At Katumani, however, combining FYM at 10 t ha-1 and 50 kg of N and P resulted in insignificant differences in grain yield compared to the untreated control. Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) was optimal at 50 kg ha-1 N and declined at 75 kg N ha-1. Similarly, phosphorus use efficiency (PUE) was highest at 50 kg P ha-1. Based on the results, it’s evident that the integration of organic and inorganic nutrient sources enhances sorghum yield.

Title: Efficacy of different Fungicide against Alternaria solani Caused Early Blight Disease of Tomato under in vitro Condition
Abstract :

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) is one of the most popular vegetable crops. It is affected by several diseases among them early blight caused by Alternaria solani is most destructive foliar diseases of tomato, the present study was conducted to evaluate in vitro efficacy of different fungicides with four different concentrations (250, 500, 750 &1000 ppm). Among them highest percent inhibition was found in Propiconazole (90.19%) at 1000 ppm concentration after 120 hrs followed by Tebuconazole ( 86.52%), Mancozeb ( 80.63%) and Captan + Hexaconazole (79.40%) against A. solani. and Moderately growth was found in Hexaconazole (78.17%), Thiram (76.64%) Captan (74.73%) and Carbendazim ( 65.54%). Lowest percent inhibition was observed in Copper oxychloride (42.65%) against control (65.30mm).

Title: Downy Mildew Disease Severity on Different Dates of Sowing Under Variable Weather Conditions in Different Varieties of Isabgol
Abstract :
The downy mildew incited by Peronospora plantaginis Underwood is one of the economically important diseases of Isabgol. It is important to study and understand the role of different dates of sowing on the development of diseases and their eco-friendly management. The downy mildew symptoms appeared in four different varieties viz. GI-2, Niharika, H1-5, and HI-2009 sown on 28th October (1st DOS) on 74-76 DAS whereas it was 52-54 days when sown on 12th November (2nd DOS) and 51-52 days on the crop sown on 28th November (3rd DOS). The maximum disease intensity of 62.77% was observed during the second date of sowing and the least disease intensity was recorded on the third date of sowing (27.77%). The maximum average disease progression (7.50 cm) was observed on the first date of sowing and a minimum of 6.49 cm on the third date of sowing. As the disease intensity increased AUDPC values also increased and these values were almost similar for all four varieties with the date of sowing. The apparent infection rate increased to a greater extent from the first date of sowing to the second date of sowing thereafter, decreased during the third date of sowing.
Title: Plant Growth Promoting Activity and Biocontrol Potential of Soil Yeast
Abstract :

Among soil microorganisms, yeasts have received little attention as bioonoculant and biocontrol agents in comparison to bacterial, actinomycetes, and filamentous fungal antagonists. The ability of certain taxa of yeasts to multiply rapidly, to produce antibiotics and cell wall-degrading enzymes, to induce resistance of host tissues, and to produce plant growth regulators indicates the potential to exploit them as biocontrol agents and plant growth promoters. We investigated the ability of the soil yeast Rhodotorula sp. and Candida tropicalis to stimulate plant growth promoting characters and biocontrol potential. In vitro culture experiments found that Rhodotorula sp. SY3 (623.14 ug/ml with tryptophan: 150.12 ug/ml without tryptophan) and Candida tropicalis SY5 (580.25 ug/ml - with tryptophan: 120.24 ug/ml - without tryptophan) produces large quantities of indole acetic acid (IAA), but grows rapidly on aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) as a sole source of nitrogen, indicative of high ACC deaminase activity. The strain also tested positive for hydrogen cyanide production, solubilisation of phosphorus and zinc. The yeast isolates significantly inhibited the Alternaria sp. and Colletotrichum sp. pathogen with Per cent inhibition of mycelial growth over control ranging between 32% and 55%. The application of the yeast crude extract could suppress population of M. javanica under laboratory conditions. In conclusion, our data confirm that soil yeast strains can promote plant growth and control pathogens, it could be considered for the development of biological fertiliser treatments.

Title: Characterization of Rice Blast Disease Using Greenness Index, Canopy Temperature and Vegetation Indices
Abstract :

Blast diseases cause economically important damage to rice. Protective treatments help producers to secure good quality crops. In contrast, curative treatments based on visually detectable symptoms are often riskier and less effective because diseased crop plants may develop disease symptoms too late for curative treatments. On the other hand, the effect of blast severity levels on crop physiology (greenness index and canopy temperature) and vegetation indices may help in early detection of rice blast. Keeping this view, a field experiment was conducted at ICAR-VPKAS, Almora to study the effect of different rice blast severity levels on canopy temperature, greenness index and hyperspectral vegetation indices with 10 rice genotype each for upland and irrigated condition. The extent of disease severity was rated 0-9 based on the extent of host organ covered by symptom or lesion. It was observed that canopy temperature and greenness index was significantly influenced by blast disease severity levels for both conditions. 8 different vegetation indices having higher correlation coefficient (>0.8) was calculated. The linear regression models were developed between these indices and disease score. Out of those, MTVI based model performed best for blast disease severity assessment having R2 and RPD value more than 0.85 and 2.58 respectively. So MTVI based model can be used for detecting rice blast.

Title: Bio-efficacy of Bentazon against Weeds in Direct Seeded Rice under Kymore Plateau and Satpura Hill Zone
Abstract :

The experiment was conducted at Research Farm of Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India to study the “Bio-efficacy of Bentazon against Weeds in Direct Seeded Rice under Kymore Plateau and Satpura Hill zone” during kharif season of 2016 under edaphic and climatic conditions of Jabalpur (M.P.). The dominant weeds associated with direct seeded rice in the experimental field comprised of monocot like Echinochloa colona and Dinebra retroflexa, sedges like Cyperus iria and dicot weeds including Mullogo pentaphylla and Alternanthera philoxeroides. Experiment consisted of total ten treatments comprising of seven doses of Bentazon 600, 800, 1000, 1200, 1600, 1800 and 2000 g/ha, 2,4-D 380 g/ha as post-emergence, hand weeding twice at 20 and 40 DAS including weedy check, the experiment was laid out in randomized block design (RBD) with 03 replications. The post-emergence application of Bentazon at 1600 g/ha was found economically best suitable for effective control of dicot weeds in direct seeded rice. This treatment also enhanced the growth parameters (viz. plant height, number of tillers/m²), yield attributes (viz. effective tillers/m², total and sound grains/panicle) and yield (grain and straw) as compared to rest of the treatments. It also produced higher benefit cost (B:C) ratio (2.2) therefore application of Bentazon 1600 g/ha was found more remunerative and productive.

Title: Usability Analysis of Weather Forecast and Impact Assessment of Weather Based Agro Advisories on Rice and Groundnut
Abstract :

A study was carried out by the Gramin Krishi Mausam Sewa (GKMS), Malkangiri, Odisha during 2020-21 to verify the usability of medium range weather forecasts along with impact of weather based agro advisories on rice and groundnut. Results of the study showed high degree of accuracy of forecast (usability) for different weather parameters (except rainfall in monsoon season, minimum temperature in winter season, morning relative humidity in winter season and afternoon relative humidity in pre-monsoon season). On other hand, those farmers followed weather based agro advisories (AAS farmers) recorded 7.94 and 14.22% more yield in rice and groundnut, respectively as compared to non-users of weather based agro advisories (non AAS farmers). AAS farmers also received more economic return from rice and groundnut. Thus, accurate weather forecasts helped the farmers in decision-making on the crop production operations and application of weather based agro advisories were useful for enhancing the production and income from rice and groundnut in studied region.

Title: Vegetative Propagation Techniques for Bamboo Species: A Review
Abstract :

Bamboo has been used in many ways for food, building materials, artifacts and raw materials for production of pulp and paper products. As the destruction of natural bamboo resources increased the gap between the demand and supply of bamboo, there was a need to find suitable methods for large scale propagation of bamboo. Many researchers have worked towards achieving this goal, and the same are reviewed here. Vegetative propagation/ macro propagation is simple, easy, cost-effective, and involves the use of locally available materials. It is highly useful for sustained production of field plantable bamboo saplings in large numbers rapidly, perpetually and plentifully for any desired number of years depending upon the targets and the facilities available. It has also paved the way to many new avenues in the field of bamboo research. It is highly flexible as the mass propagation of bamboos can be undertaken from offsets, layering, culm cuttings or branch cuttings, and also extended to micropropagation through tissue culture techniques.

Title: An Overview of Indian Vegetable: Production Trends and Related Health Hazards
Abstract :

Agriculture has been regarded as one of the most drudgery-prone occupations in the unorganized sector. In vegetable production system both men and women play important role in the entire process from land preparation to harvesting of crops. Vegetable cultivators actively participate in various farm operations such as a ploughing, uprooting, sowing, transplanting, weeding, hoeing,harvesting. They are exposed to number of health hazards the most prevalent of which are musculoskeletal issued like a like strains, low back pain, lower and upper extremity discomfort and so on. It was observed that farmworker generally adopt awkward posture during various activity of vegetable production system. In order to minimize the adverse effect of these postural discomfort and hazard an ergonomic evaluation of farm activity need to be conducted. Ergonomic measures were accomplished by making modification on the task/tool used or by workers moreover training and extension activities will also improve their work productivity and efficiency.

Title: Effects of a Popular Aquatic Pest Control Agent among Carp Aqua-culturists on Aquatic Microfauna Dynamics
Abstract :
Cypermethrin is gaining popularity among fish farmers community to control aquatic insect pests and ectoparasites. Effect of cypermethrin application at farmer select dose (@0.003 ppm) on aquaculture pests (Notonecta & small prawn) commonly found in tropical ponds along with fish fry was assessed. Effect of cypermethrin application on the composition and survivability dynamics of aquatic microfauna namely rotifer, copepod and cladocera for 8 days was studied in tropical pond conditions. Cypermethrin cause significantly higher mortality to notonecta and prawn compared to fish fry within 24 h of exposure (P<0.05). Mortality of notonecta, prawn & fish fry became insignificant only after 72 h of cypermethrin application. During the 8 days span after application of cypermethrin, while population density Rotifer sp. remain unaffected (P>0.05), population density of Cladocera sp. and Copepod sp. reduced significantly (P<0.05). However, presence of dead zooplankton in the samples on the 8th day suggests that the presence of cypermethrin toxicity of beyond the period of study. Our results suggest that nursery pond stocking with fish fry after 72 h (three days) of application of cypermethrin might offer the triple advantage of predator elimination, prey availability and reduction in pesticide induced mortality of fish fry.
Title: Evaluation of Plant based Aqueous Extracts against the Major Sucking Pests of Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)
Abstract :

Brinjal holds a distinct place in the domain of vegetables. The production and productivity is extremely lowered by the interference of borers and sap feeders. An experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of different botanicals on the sucking pests of brinjal viz., leaf hoppers (Amrasca biguttula biguttula Ishida), whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius), mealy bug (Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley) and red spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch) during March - July, 2021. The results on the evaluation of aqueous extracts revealed that the commercial formulation Azadirachtin 0.003 EC was identified as an effective treatment (46.70% -75.84%) against the infestation of sucking pests. Among the aqueous plant extracts, Neem Seed Kernel Extract (NSKE) 5% showed 63.48% reduction of leaf hoppers, 64.48 % of whitefly, 43.72 % of mealy bug, 42.68 % of red spider mite. Next effective results were obtained from Ginger, Garlic and Green chilli (3G) extract with 61.75 % population decline of leaf hopper, 57.86 % of whitefly, 41.35 % of mealy bug and 36.78 % of red spider mite. Citrullus extract 5% was found to be a moderately effective treatment with 49.20% mortality of leaf hoppers, 46.87% of whitefly, 39.20 % of mealy bug and 26.27% of red spider mite. The standard insecticide check Thiamethoxam 25 WG was found to be superior in keeping the sucking pests population under check (62.15 % - 81.16 %) than the other aqueous extracts. The hierarchy of effectiveness was in the order of Thiamethoxam 25 WG >Azadirachtin 0.003 EC > Neem Seed Kernel Extract 5% > Ginger, Garlic and Green chilli3G extract 5% > Citrullus extract 5% > 3G extract 3% > Panchakavya 5%.

Title: Iron Fortification in Yoghurt: Methods and Processes, as well as their Influence on Physico-chemical and Sensory Qualities
Abstract :

It has been stated that anaemia affects 30% of the world’s population, according to the World Health Organization. Iron fortification in food is the most efficient approach of relieving iron deficiency condition, according to research. Because iron fortification manifests itself in food in the form of colour, flavour, and general acceptability, researchers are attempting to increase the nutritional value of food without compromising the sensory aspects of iron fortified food products. A large number of researches have shown that yoghurt is the most effective vehicle for iron fortification in this approach. This study discusses the fortification techniques and diverse sources of iron utilised in the development of iron fortified yoghurt, as well as the influence of these methods and sources of iron on the physico-chemical and sensory aspects of the yoghurt. It is anticipated that the general concept of iron enrichment in yoghurt will lead to improvements in iron fortification in the near future.

Title: Nutraceutical Potential of Sweetened chips Prepared by Gluten-Free Composite Flour
Abstract :

Gluten free composite flour based chips was evaluated in this study for their nutritional, phytochemical and antioxidant properties of all ratios. The composite flour is made up of the mix of proso millet flour (PF), adzuki bean flour (AF) and basil seeds flour (BF). The composite flour is prepared in three ratios that are, A being (PF:AF:BF=50:45:5), B being (PF:AF:BF=60:35:5) and C being (PF:AF:BF=70:25:5) respectively. The macronutrients such as moisture, ash, fat, fiber, protein and carbohydrate were analyzed along with the assessment of micronutrients calcium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. The result of macronutrient and micronutrient of C ratio were moisture (6.21±0.2), ash (3.9±0.0), protein (12.0±0.0), fat (9.0±0.0), fiber (4.2±0.1) and carbohydrate (69.5±0.1g/100g) respectively. Calcium (218.0±0.1), iron (4.9±0.0), zinc (3.3±0.2) and phosphorus (312.0±0.4 mg/100g) were as follows. The present study was evident the presence of various macro and micro nutrients in gluten free chips. In the developed products, phytochemicals like flavonoids, saponins, tannin, glycocides, alkaloids and steroids are also there. The study revealed that gluten free sweetened chips also possess antioxidant activity. In the A ratio, overall all nutrients are found. It was found by the sensory evaluation of sweetened chips on a 9 point hedonic scale that A ratio was more acceptable than the B and C ratio. Therefore, this product can be suggestive for people suffering from celiac disease and the diseases like hypertension and anemia.

Title: Utilization of Dietary Fibre in Meat Products as Functional Foods
Abstract :

Today nutritional disorders like gut related problems, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer and obesity are a major public health problem worldwide. These are believed to be caused by the rapid change in overall lifestyle due to impact of globalization. Meat consumption and demands for processed meat products is increasing rapidly with the increasing urbanization. Although meat means an important source of nutrients, it is also evident that a great consumption of this source of proteins has also a negative health impact due to its poor fibre content. It has been proclaimed that regular intake of dietary fibre prevents many of the above mentioned diseases. Various fibre rich sources have been attempted in different meat products attributed to their technological and health benefits. Therefore this review reflects the use of various dietary fibre sources in meat products with respect to their functional properties.

Title: Utilization of Dietary Fibre in Meat Products as Functional Foods
Abstract :

Today nutritional disorders like gut related problems, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer and obesity are a major public health problem worldwide. These are believed to be caused by the rapid change in overall lifestyle due to impact of globalization. Meat consumption and demands for processed meat products is increasing rapidly with the increasing urbanization. Although meat means an important source of nutrients, it is also evident that a great consumption of this source of proteins has also a negative health impact due to its poor fibre content. It has been proclaimed that regular intake of dietary fibre prevents many of the above mentioned diseases. Various fibre rich sources have been attempted in different meat products attributed to their technological and health benefits. Therefore this review reflects the use of various dietary fibre sources in meat products with respect to their functional properties.