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TL - Volume 12 - Issue 2

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Title: Evaluation of Diploma in Dairy Technology (DDT) Programme Offered through Open and Distance Learning: Analysis of Learners Feedback
Abstract :
Programme evaluation is a continuous process to obtain feedback on the programme’s success and undertaken corrective measures to enhance the quality of the programme delivery and increase its acceptability among the stakeholders. Indira Gandhi national Open University (IGNOU) offers various academic programmes through its learners’ support network across the countries. The educational programmes are conceived and developed at the Schools of Studies and implemented in the field by Regionale Centres (rCs) through its Learners Support Centres (LSCs). accordingly, Schools of agriculture(SOa) designed and launched several programmes at the postgraduate diploma, diploma and certificate level, and some useful awareness programmes. These programmes have attracted many learners over the years for their pursuit of learning. The rich programme content enables successful learners to get engaged themself in entrepreneurship and gainful self-employment in the agriculture and allied sector. The present study evaluates the usefulness and effectiveness of the Diploma in Dairy Technology (DDT) offered by IGNOU by critically analysing its academic and administrative aspects. Therefore, the emphasis of the study remained on programme development and delivery issues. It included assessing the quality of selflearning material (SLM), counselling sessions to support learners, using assignments as a continuous evaluative tool, and term-end examination, considering mainly the learners’ and academic Counsellors (aCs) perceptions.
Title: Awareness of Augmented Reality Technology: A Comparative Study
Abstract :
With the access to latest technologies, the education sector is booming and we can provide experiential learning to students. augmented reality is one such technology helpful in providing a simulated experience to its users. This is a preliminary study to assess the awareness of augmented reality among the prospective teachers of Prayagraj. The methodology of research used is Survey Method of Descriptive research. The population of the study includes all B.ed. students of Prayagraj City. The sample consisted of 100 B.ed. students drawn randomly from (K.P. Training College and ewing Christian College. Self-prepared ‘augmented reality Technology awareness Questionnaire’ was used as a tool for the collection of data. t-test was employed for the analysis of the data.
Title: Analytical Study of National Education Policy-2020 in the Context of Vocational Education Role
Abstract :
The problem arises when human knowledge is not complete and there is a gap in the knowledge. necessity is the mother of invention. Therefore, man makes every possible effort to fulfill the need, in which he fulfills many in front of him. When the need is easily fulfilled, then the person does not make much effort in vain for it, nor does it adopt more means. But when despite the available resources and continuous efforts, the problem is born. There is a need for new discoveries and knowledge to solve these new problems. Therefore, it becomes necessary to have research work on that problem. In the 21st century, the main basis of progress, development and reputation of nations will be their knowledge wealth. The more strong, integrated, alert and dynamic this base is, alert and dynamic towards changes, the wider and more comprehensive will be the participation of citizens in the progress of the nation. To move forward
in this direction, India’s primary requirement will be to provide quality education to every individual and the availability of useful skills. In such a situation, the national education Policy-2020 opens doors of positive possibilities for the country.
Title: Functional Status of ICT Tools and its Usage in Government Schools: A Rural-Urban Comparison in Telangana State, India
Abstract :
The application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been rapidly increasing in all the sectors including the education system. There is deliberate need of technology integration in school education for new emerging societies to facilitate
significant learning needs for holistic development. The main objective of this paper is assessing the availability and functional Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools in government schools in rural and urban areas. This study has collected
primary data from 72 government secondary schools in Warangal Rural and Urban districts of Telangana State. The data reveals that of the total sample schools 43 percent schools are not using computers and chi-square test results (p>0.05) shows that there is no significant difference between rural and urban schools. Also, regarding other functional ICT devices like projectors, K-YANs, printers, television, UPS it is found that there is no significant difference between the schools of rural and urban area. Overall, it is very disheartening to found that more than four-fifth (80 percent) schools had very poor performance in using ICT tools for teaching and learning.
Title: Need Analysis of School Teachers for Technological Skills
Abstract :
For a nation’s educational and social programmes, the development of technological skills is a key concern. Students have the chance to learn and improve a variety of abilities, including technology skills, over the course of their educational careers, from basic to secondary education and subsequently in higher education. Digital technology integration in HeIs is crucial for the advancement of teachers’ technological expertise, for their professional future, and subsequently, and concurrently, for the improvement of their quality of life. The study was conducted to identify school teachers’ technological skill needs. a total of 360 teachers of Bhopal were selected
and a self- made tool was administered among school teachers of government and private schools. It was concluded that the schools teachers are in need of technological skills. There is a difference among government and private school teachers needs for
technological skills. The study concluded that the rural and urban teachers also in need of technological needs for implementing in their classrooms.
Title: Digital Society: Aspects and Emergence with Reference to Digital Education in Enhancing Advanced & Intelligent Society–A Conceptual Policy Framework
Abstract :
Society is more advanced and progressing in different areas in this era. Application of technology become the integrated part of the developed society. Digital Society is the society, culture and technology-oriented solutions. Digital society deals with the many programs and fields with the variety of programs including Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Information Science, and Computing, Computer engineering, etc. Business Studies, Commerce and several areas of Humanities and Social Science are the unified branches of digital society programs. These programs of digital society are useful to make digital society more appropriate. Various technologies are associated with digital society such as internet technology, wireless, and network technologies. Digital Society provides knowledge, information, best culture, and digital based products for improvement of the society. The revolution of the Digital Society involved in development of the society as well a s conduct the academic and research degree programs in different countries. Characteristics of Digital Society, tools, and advanced technologies are described in this Paper. Digital Society existing degrees programs, the Indian and International Digital Society related educational programs are analyzed and focused in this paper.
Title: Review of NEP in Rural Development: A Demographic Study of Karauli District
Abstract :
Of all the resources, man is the most valuable resource having relevance owing to his well-developed mind and capacity. In fact, man is not only resource in himself but all the other natural endowments which are treated as resources, are in a sense the creation of man- mind and his abilities. as Zimmerman and Michel have observed, Man-mind is the greatest resource itself. Man has played a crucial role as a controller, regulator, and modifier of resource according to his needs and capacity to fulfil his requirements. Thus, through his various interrelated activities in physical as well as cultural real man has emerged as “pivot” in the nature. Morgan has rightly remarked that “the land use patterns of agricultural system depend” not only on the physical environment and plants/animals’ relationship, but all so social and economic conditions ascribed to type and level human activities. So, it is great relevance to appraise various aspects of human resource base. By analysing the population data of the last 100 years of Karauli district, how much and how has the change in population affected the development here. Also, what are the changes in the population distribution pattern here. An attempt has been made to analyse all these changes through this research paper and analysis is necessary to develop the district by making optimum use of the resources available here.
Title: Analysis of Literacy among Sub-Divisions of Karauli District, Rajasthan
Abstract :
Literacy is an important component of human life. It helps in social and economic progress along with personality development of human (Yadav, 2021). achieving literacy is a fundamental right of every woman and man (Chauhan and Khan, 2019). Literacy is a human right in itself which is helpful in achieving other human rights just as right to education helps in eradicating illiteracy. It is a rights-based approach but must be understood on the basis of inclusive principles essential to human development (reed Trust). even after many systems, laws, and resources are available for literacy, there is a huge difference in female-male literacy (Katiyar, 2016). According to the 2011 demographic data, the national literacy rate is 73 percent, in which the male literacy rate is 80.90 percent and the female literacy rate is 64.60 percent. This difference between male and female literacy rate is a matter of serious concern. In the context of Rajasthan, the total rate of literacy is 66.11 percent. On the basis of gender, this rate is 79.19 percent for men and 52.12 percent for women, which is much less than the national literacy rate of women (Directorate of Literacy and Continuing education, Government of Rajasthan). Similarly, the female literacy rate for the study area Karauli district is 48.61 percent respectively, which is very less than the national and state female literacy rate. These figures of literacy are troubling all the development efforts being made by the state government to awaken interest in education among girl students and women. In
this research paper, efforts have been made to know the status of female literacy in the sub-division of Karauli district and to find out the reasons for the decrease in female literacy rate and the efforts being made by the government.
Title: NEP 2020: Features, Importance in Education and Role of Teacher
Abstract :
NEP 2020 is the first education of the twenty first century and replace the Thirty four years old. Some feature of NEP 2020- As per NEP draft propose new curriculum and pedagogical structure with 5+3+3+4 design covering the children in the age group 3-18 years. As the NEP draft for pre primary and grades 1-2 is considered as fundamental stage Grade 3-5 as preparatory stage. Grade 6-8 as middle stage and Grade 9-12 as secondary stage. NEP 2020 Role of Teacher : (1) Passionate and Motivated (2) Creating Classroom (3) Well Qualified and Traind Content (4) Mentoring and Facilator (5) Pedagogy and Practice. Parameters of Quality Concerns the Topic: (1) Knowledge about the subject. (2) Teaching Learning environment. (3) Curriculum and Teaching Learning material. (4) Teachers participation with demands and changing society. (5) Management and curriculum support. (6) Develop quality culture in the institution.
(7) Teachers accountability and responsibility. (8) Positive reinforcement.