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Title: Effect of Deprivation on Social Behaviours
Abstract :

Deprivation indicates lack of opportunities to have experiences that are available to the majority of children. It can adversely affect the social functioning of students among boys and girls. It was hypothesized that deprivation in various areas can predict variances in social behaviours of boys and girls differently. Social Behaviour Questionnaire of S.K. Pal, K.S. Misra and M. Gupta and Deprivaion Scale of S.K. Pal, K. Pandey and K.S. Misra were used to collect data. Correlation, t-ratio and regression analysis were used to analyze the data. Results revealed that girls exhibit more concern for others but less social passivity; deprivation in all the eight areas, viz. physiological, fulfillment of needs, ecological, social, emotional, economic, educational and parental areas is positively related to social passivity among boys; tolerance is not related to any area of deprivation as perceived by boys as well as girls; dependence, power assertion, ingratiation and social conversation among boys and girls are positively related to physiological, ecological, emotional and economic deprivations; all the eight areas of deprivation contribute to more than ten per cent variance in boys’ compliance, dependence, ingratiation, social conversation, social passivity, aggression and withdrawal, and girl’s power assertion, ingratiation, social passivity, aggression and withdrawal; concern for others and tolerance among boys are the two least affected social behaviours among boys while in the case of girls concern for others, compliance and social conversation are the three least affected social behaviours.

Title: Professional Ethics in Teacher Education
Abstract :

Teachers play a pivotal role as front liners in every education system. Their role is not simply that of disseminating knowledge or imparting information but also to provide good quality education. For providing this one has to professionally competent and up to date in its profession, and has to follow certain rules or code of conduct known as professional ethics. In teaching there are basically three pillars which interact with each other i.e. teacher, student, and society. This paper discusses all three types of obligations faced by the teacher in teacher education i.e. Obligations towards Students, Obligations towards Society, Obligations towards the Profession

Title: Barriers to Effective Curriculum Implementation
Abstract :

Teachers are central to whether a curriculum is delivered consistently, effectively, and with efficacy to enable the support of student progress and growth. Understanding the barriers to complete implementation of a new curriculum could provide education administrators with tools to address teacher concerns and could provide vital training for successful implementation. To ensure that curricular innovations are implemented with fidelity, instructional practices should be aligned to the specific learning goals provided in the curriculum. Curricular implementation encompasses different components, including the delivery of the curriculum through resources and instructional practices. To implement curricula with fidelity, instructional practices must align with the curriculum as well as support the individual needs of the students. In addition, teacher preparedness for curriculum implementation plays a vital role.

Title: Information System and Its Types: Emphasizing Territory, Establishments and Domain Specific
Abstract :

Information and similar facets such as Data, Content, and Knowledge are also important in almost all types of organizations and institutions. There are specific divisions and units in the organization in the current age with a special focus on Information Technology. System consists of interrelated and connected various parts and objects. It can also be considered as a combination of the tools or some sub systems. In Information Systems different tools, components, and subsystems are connected to the information related activities. Information Systems can be treated as an electronic system responsible for information management in different kinds of organizations and institutions. An Information System can be technological or manual viz. deals with Computational information activities and also Manual Information activities. Information Systems in the context of the organization and with the view of IT and Technologies can be Executive Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, etc. However, these can be considered as traditional types of information systems. Information Systems further can be classified based on other criteria. This paper is a theoretical one and discusses regarding the information systems with the foundation, basic types, emerging types, etc.

Title: Impact of Social Media on Academic Performance of University Students-A Field Survey of Academic Development
Abstract :

In the current world, the internet has become an indispensable part of everyone’s life. In the field of education too, the internet is being used widely. But, on the contrary, there are people and even teenagers who use the internet only for communicating with others through social networks. It is a real fact that the internet is a boon in technological development, but when the social networks are considered, they are becoming a curse for the younger generation in the past years. This is an attempt to examine the effect of social media on the academic life of students through this study. Annamalai University students were used as the sample population of the study. The technique adopted to select the sample was convenient sampling and the sample size was 100. The data collected was analyzed with the help of regression. 48% of the variance regarding the academic performance is accounted for by the statements of social media according to the findings of the study. There is a significant connection among social media and academic performance, as the result explains.

Title: The Role of Teachers in Motivating Students to Learn
Abstract :

Many factors motivate students’ to learn. These factors may be intrinsic or extrinsic. The literature on learning and motivation reveals the ways that teachers can increase students’ motivation to learn. While students may have an innate desire to learn, the external support provided by the teacher has a significant impact on students’ learning. The teacher’s role in motivation includes, but is not limited to, creating an environment conducive to learning. The teacher’s role in encouraging support of students’ autonomy, relevance, and relatedness of the material increases motivation to learn. Additionally, the teacher’s ability to develop students’ competence, interest in subject taught, and perception of self-efficacy are all important factors that influence students’ motivation to learn.

Title: Need of Value Oriented Education
Abstract :

Values are affectively-laden thoughts about objects, ideas, behavior, etc. that guide behavior, but do not necessarily require it. We are covering values as part of the affective system. However, once they are developed they provide an important filter for selecting input and connecting thoughts and feelings to action and thus could also be included in a discussion of the regulatory system. Value Education refers to planned educational actions aimed at the development of proper attitudes, values, emotions and behavior patterns of the learners. Value Education is the education that is concerned with the transformation of an individual’s personality. Education for peace and for a culture of peace is being globally accepted and adopted by the nations, and more so by the education systems worldwide. The implications and imperatives need to be understood in right perspectives. In India, the social cohesion, adherence to moral and ethical values and commitment to the society have been the hallmarks of socio-cultural ethos. The need to sustain this ethos in the emerging context has been highlighted in the reports of various committees and commissions on education.

Title: A Comparative Study of the Adjustment of the Female and Male Students Studying at Higher Secondary Level
Abstract :

The higher secondary level is considered very crucial stage at educational level. The students are at later adolescent stage trying to cope up with their psychological changes and their changing social roles. They have lot of stress for the indefinite future. This causes various adjustment problems for the students. These adjustment issues are different for both boys and girls as social norms, social stereotypes and social roles and expectations is different for both the genders and similarly the ways of solving adjustment problems is also different for both the boys and girls. The present paper compares the adjustment level of male and female students studying at higher secondary level.

Title: Swami Vivekanand’s Historical Speech: Vedic Dharma; the Treasure of Spiritual, Ethical and Moral Values for Peace
Abstract :

Historic speech of swami Vivekanand has been an inspirational representation of not only the Vedic religion but predominantly Indian values of Vasudhaiv Kutumbakam (Entire earth is a family). It encouraged universal peace and harmony and rolling the message to masses since ages. Present article compiles the ideas of peace from the historic speech and illustrate it according to Vedic literature. In the restless world conditions and power wars, it is important for all to understand real meaning of internal (self) peace and peace for all

Title: NCC Cadets as Corona Warriors
Abstract :

The Coronavirus outbreak came to light on December 31, 2019 when China informed the World Health Organization of a cluster of cases of pneumonia of an unknown cause in Vouhan City in Hubei Province. Subsequently the disease spread to more provinces in China and to the rest of world. The WHO has now declared it a pandemic. In view of the global pandemic Covid-19, NCC cadets are doing vital task of spreading awareness in the state. Men and women officers are participating excellent services in this battle against corona. They are serving with local administration. They have been mostly deployed around their home area. NCC officers to make NCC wing more popular among the students to instill the spirit of discipline and sense of duty in them so that more number of youth join the NCC. This will also boost the spirit of service. NCC cadets are working as a corona warriors in 550 districts. Adrift 47,000 NCC cadets have been enrolled as a warriors in our country. The main objective of this study that NCC cadets are secular and disciplined citizens of the nation at this time and their objective to help public and administration wherever required. And there are more cadets are signing up to be corona warriors in India. The NCC Network is spread through out the country. And during this pandemic situation, we use Online Research Methods (ORM) for data collection. This is very helpful method in this crisis. The NCC in many ways, as stated, is a silent revolution committed to the empowerment of youth and is making invaluable contributions towards nation building and to security in substantial measure.

Title: Sustainable Development in Academics by Incorporating it as Professional Practice
Abstract :

Many organizations are working towards sustainable environment practices in their professional and personal livelihood for making country the best. Efforts are put to facilitate these prevailing conditions by balancing moral, social, economic and environmental challenges. People are facing many challenges in their daily routine to habituate themselves towards unhealthy practices in every aspect of living. Certainly, it is essential for educating young minds by broadening the awareness on sustainability. By implementing sustainable development into the graduate curriculum across universities addresses problems of various disciplines such as political science, sociology, geography, economics, ecology and environment sciences. This article proposes to introduce sustainable development as a core course curriculum. Various areas of study are given as elective papers with multiple themes and students need to implement these practices as a capstone project by the end of the term

Title: Education of Children with Special Needs amid Covid-19 Pandemic
Abstract :

The present research paper is an attempt to explore the situation of education of children with special needs in India during ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The researcher used snow ball sampling technique to collect information from 83 parents living in different parts of India through telephonic conversation as well as personal interview. The results highlighted the pitiable educational conditions of children with special needs in ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The parents of such children were feeling helpless to cater the educational needs of their children. The results also highlighted the unpreparedness of schools to fulfill the educational necessities of children with special needs

Title: Volume 9 Issue 2 Contents
Abstract :
Title: Issues and Challenges of Choice Based Credit System: Insights from University of Kashmir
Abstract :

In a bid to revamp higher education and bring all the Universities and Colleges under a single Umbrella of grading, learning and standards in the country, the University Grants Commission (UGC) in 2014 came up with a scheme called Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) with the directive that all Universities and other higher education institutions follow this program from 2015 onwards. The main intent behind the CBCS is to have the flexibility of choosing a course by students, as observed in many European and American Universities. The University of Kashmir has already introduced this scheme in its PG courses from the academic session 2014. The CBCS is a flexible approach to learning in which students have a freedom to choose inter-disciplinary, intra-disciplinary and skill-oriented courses making education broad-based and on par with global standards. The system is based on semester pattern and entails awarding grades rather than marks. However, during the implementation of this system in higher education institutions, there are many challenges which require attention and discussion in order to put it on the right track. Therefore the objective of the present paper is to find out issues and challenges of Choice Based Credit System.

Title: Instructional Design and Delivery System
Abstract :

Principles of learning are beliefs, tenets or axioms that guide the instructional process. Following are some general principles of learning. Teaching is not mere telling it is that which promotes learning and which guides, corrects, reinforces and evaluates learning. Active participation of the student in the teaching learning process is a prerequisite for learning. Similarities between instructional event and actual tasks in jobs lead to greater transfer of learning. Learners differ in the way in which they learn and the rate at which they learn. Learners are to be encouraged to continually evaluate past learning and assess their own needs for future learning.

Title: MOOCs: Adoption, Perceived Benefits and Hurdles among the Engineering Faculties of Karnataka
Abstract :

The present study aims to explore the adoption and benefits of MOOCs among the faculties of selected engineering colleges in Karnataka. A descriptive research design was deployed for the study. Two hundred copies of the structured questionnaire were distributed to collect data from the faculties of four reputed engineering colleges affiliated with Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi. It was found that only 67.62% of faculties were aware and hooked on the MOOCs platforms. 38.30% of the faculties made use of MOOCs for gaining knowledge, 25.53% for conducting research and 22.34% to publish contents. The study found the positive impact of MOOCs on the knowledge and carrier prospects of faculties. Lack of time and interest were the major hurdles cited by the participants in adopting MOOCs. The study provides valuable insights into the faculties of Indian higher education institutions to make use of MOOCs technology for a better experience and output for teaching and learning and also to overcome the challenges in adoption.

Title: Philosophy of Education
Abstract :

This introductory article explains the coverage of this book, which is about the philosophical aspects of education. It explains that the philosophy of education is the branch of philosophy that addresses philosophical questions concerning the nature, aims, and problems of education. The book examines the problems concerning the aims and guiding ideals of education. It also explores the problems concerning students’ and parents’ rights, the best way to understand and conduct moral education, and the character of purported educational ideals

Title: Mahatma Gandhi’s Contribution to Education
Abstract :

On economic, political and military grounds, India was of first rate importance to the British and education was the instrument by which they sought to maintain and strengthen their domination by experimenting with a unique model of educating an elite through a foreign language. However, contrary to the popular belief, English education was not forced on the Indians. Rich Indian citizens had actively come forward in setting up the system as the only way to modernize their society. So much time was spent in mastering English language by the Indian School boys that the main purpose of education was missed. The premium on rate learning and examinations was so high, that the growth of inquisitiveness and an experimental bent of mind, so necessary for economic development, were not cultivated. But more important was an invisible and quite change in attitudes and values of viewing education as a social welfare activity for girls and an investment for boys. As an outcome, the system concentrated on a centralized and uniform higher education.

Title: An Analysis of Blended Learning Approach in Indian Context
Abstract :

Technology is driving factor of Fourth Industrial Revolution in which digital automation, artificial intelligence, mobile supercomputing, intelligent robots are at its momentum. International competitiveness and global challenges demands highly innovative and competent school environment. Digital era and globalization has led to a new trend in education. One such trend is Blended Learning. The objective of the present paper is to analyse the concept of blended learning and to review the evolution of blended learning. Further, the paper discusses the intricacies and technical complications involved during implementation of blended learning in Indian context. In addition, the paper also critically analyse the competencies needed for handling blended learning along with benefits and challenges of blended learning

Title: Use of Educational Satellite in Teacher Education
Abstract :
The universalization of education has become the top priority for developing country like India. The lack of adequate rural infrastructure and non-availability of good teachers in sufficient numbers is adversely affecting the teachinglearning process and hence the goal of quality education is far from reality. The teacher educators need to be trained professionally to face the situations in the classroom. Effective response to such a complicated challenge to educate millions with quality could be possible by satellite based ICT enabled education. ICT enabled educational delivery modes is possible only with right kind of satellite support. Thus the effort to change the national scenario in the area of education has already been initiated by (ISRO) by launching EDUSAT. The teacher training through distance mode is now an established system in India, especially after launching of dedicated satellite for education “EDUSAT”. National and state level agencies have been organizing various training programs for teachers through EduSat. It has solved the
problem of shortage of trained teachers, lack of quality teaching especially in the rural areas, teacher absenteeism, and uniform quality education. One must realize that to face such a complicated challenge the known traditional methods and conventional response will be far too inadequate. Thus the present article discusses the use of educational satellite (EDUSAT) for teacher orientation/ training in teacher education. This paper highlights about the EDUSAT, its uses, network configuration etc.. This paper is an attempt to describe the major programs conducted by CIET, NCERT through EDUSAT for orientation of teachers.
Title: A Comparative Study of the Awareness Towards RTE Act 2009 Among the Primary Teachers
Abstract :

In the present study, there is an effort to compare the awareness towards RTE Act 2009 among the primary teachers of Banda District. In this research study, 60 Teachers (20 teachers each of General, OBC and SC category) have been selected randomly. Survey method is used for this study. Self constructed ‘RTE Act 2009 awareness scale’ is used to measure the awareness towards RTE Act 2009 of the teachers of Primary schools. T-value and F-value is used to find out the significance of differences of means. And resultantly it is found that the teachers of General category are more aware about the RTE Act 2009. And the teachers of the OBC category are less aware to the teachers of General Category but more aware to the teachers of SC category. The teachers of the SC category are least aware regarding to RTE Act 2009. And in the context of the gender, the male teachers are more aware than the female teachers.

Title: Developing Teaching Competency Through Micro Teaching Approach
Abstract :
The standard of education of a country largely depends on the quality and competence of the teachers of that country and this quality and competence of the teachers depends on the teacher education programme. Thus to make significant development of a nation, we have to look towards the teachers. The teacher needs to be conceived as a ‘change agent’ for which they may be well acquainted and informed about day to day development because efficiency of an educational system is primarily determined by the efficiency of teachers. The Education Commission (1964-66) have pointed out that, “off all the different factors which influence the quality of education and its contribution to national development, the quality, competence and character of teachers are undoubtedly the most significant.”
To prepare an efficient teacher is a challenging task today. Previously, it was thought that teacher are born not made but now recent researches in this field proved that efficient and competent teachers can be produced by modifying their behaviour. The purpose of the teacher education programmes is to prepare effective and competent teachers. The success of any educational reform depends on the quality of teacher, which in turn depends to a large extent on the quality of the teacher education programme. The success of teacher education programme depends on developing a skill to identify different teaching objectives, attitude and patterns of teaching behavior among the college students, who have been preparing to enter the teaching profession. The success also depends on enabling the student teacher to perform certain teaching behavior patterns, string them together into strategies of classroom instruction and carry them out to compare different patterns of his own teaching behavior and different strategies of teaching in terms of its consequences.
Title: Learning with Technologies
Abstract :

Placing students’ learning requirements as the central focus of the work of a school was conceptualised almost half a century ago by John Dewey, and with the diffusion of various technologies into classrooms, notions of child-centred learning are being revisited. In the 21st century, vendors are well aware that technologies such as the Internet and mobile phones are highly valued and fashionable to young people, and as such are very important to children’s and young people’s self-perceptions, identity and the practicalities of their lives

Title: Inclusive Education
Abstract :

There have been efforts internationally to include children with disabilities in the educational mainstream. In order to achieve truly inclusive education, we need to think about and incorporate children with special needs into regular schools. Especially, because these kids face some sort of barriers to learning and participation in the classroom. Within the human right and social justice movement of including students with special needs into the regular classroom; it found that there are different classroom teaching practices should be taking into account. It brings all students together in one classroom and community, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area, and seeks to maximize the potential of all students. It is one of the most effective ways in which to promote an inclusive and tolerant society. Inclusive Education denotes that all children irrespective of their strengths and weaknesses will be part of the mainstream education. It is clear that education policy in India has gradually increased the focus on children and adults with special needs, and that inclusive education in regular schools has become a primary policy objective. Keeping in view, Govt. of India had accelerated the new scheme of Inclusive Education to achieve the target of Education for All (EFA) by 2010. Inclusion is an effort to make sure that diverse learner – those with disabilities, different languages and cultures, different homes and family lives, different interests and ways of learning.

Title: Empowerment of the Socially Disadvantaged Groups
Abstract :
The Socially Disadvantaged Groups include the Scheduled Castes (SCs), the Scheduled Tribes (STs), the Other Backward Classes (OBCs) and the Minorities. According to the 1991 Census, SCs account for 138.23 million (16.5 percent); STs 67.76 million (8.1 percent); and Minorities 145.31 million (17.2 percent). As regards OBCs, it is difficult to quantify the size of their population in the absence of the Census data. However, according to the estimates by the Mandal Commission in 1993, the OBCs constitute 52 per cent of the country’s total population. Some of them may belong to the categories of SCs and Minorities.
Title: Incidence and Impact of Bullying on Secondary and Higher Secondary Government-Aided School Students of Noida, UP
Abstract :

During the school years, bullying is one of the most common manifestations of violence. Research on bullying started more than 40 years ago where Olweus (1973) defined this behaviour as aggressive and intentional act carried out by a group or an individual repeatedly and over time against a victim who is in some way smaller, weaker, younger or in any way more vulnerable than the bully. There are different forms of bullying with the behaviours including but not limited to- verbal abuse, intimidation, blackmail, physical coercion, harassment and threats. The main reasons of bullying are the differences in race, class, sexual orientation, language, size, reputation and the ability of an individual. It hampers learning and development, robbing the child of his/her self-esteem and confidence to face others and develop as an individual. Intensive school-based programs against bullying, disciplinary methods and the mobilization of bystanders, or the silence of the majority witnessing bullying, are keys to success. The authorsaim to scrutinize the incidence of bullying among secondary and higher-secondary students of a government-aided all-girls school of Noida, UP through a self-administered questionnaire on a sample size of 100 students. They also aim to understand the students’ perspective of the reason behind being bullied and what according to them can be done by the adults to curb it. The paper intends to ascertain the impact that bullying poses on the students by instilling fear and anxiety in them and also whether students feel free to talk about it with others.

Title: Technology-Enhanced Student-Centered Learning Environments
Abstract :

Technology-enhanced, student-centered learning environments organize interrelated learning themes into meaningful contexts, often in the form of a problem to be solved or an orienting goal, that bind functionally their features and activities. They provide interactive, complimentary activities that enable individuals to address unique learning interests and needs, study multiple levels of complexity, and deepen understanding. They establish conditions that enrich thinking and learning, and use technology to enable flexible methods through which the processes can be supported. Many technology-enhanced student-centered learning environments have been developed, ranging from situated, problem-based approaches, to micro worlds, to specialized manipulation tools. Research on these environments, while promising, has focused largely on the presumed uniqueness of the approaches. Among constructivists, beliefs about how to promote understanding vary widely. Design guidelines and heuristics have occasionally been offered, but they have not stimulated what Glaser (1976) characterized as a “science of design.” Consequently, apart from isolated studies, comparatively little understanding of the role of technology in the design of student centered learning environments has evolved. The purposes of this paper are to provide a brief overview of technology-enhanced, student-centered learning environments, and to identify the foundations and underlying assumptions common across student-centered designs

Title: Blended Learning
Abstract :

A critical component of blended learning is that technology is combined with face-to-face instruction to enhance learning for students. Without this essential component, blended learning would be no different than when a teacher projects online curriculum to the entire class on a whiteboard. A blended learning methodology enables students to utilize technology to learn in a way that best meets their needs while in an environment that encourages creativity, critical thinking, and problem solving. The focus on how technology is used in a blended learning approach is critical for separating it from being a technology-rich classroom. Blended learning is an instructional approach that enables teachers to have more time to personalize learning for their students. Learning is personalized so that students in a blended learning environment have some control over the pace of their learning.

Title: Promoting Student-Centered Learning in Experiential Education
Abstract :

Teacher-centered experiential education has learning value, it is not nearly as beneficial as student-centered experiential education. It is clearly time for the profession to raise awareness, increase discussion and take action in order to resolve this incongruence between what experiential education claims to value and how experience-based learning is delivered in practice.

Title: Inclusive Education
Abstract :

Inclusion is not an experiment to be tested but a value to be followed. All the children whether they are disabled or not have the right to education as they are the future citizens of the country. In the prevailing Indian situation resources are insufficient even to provide quality mainstream schools for common children, it is unethical and impracticable to put children with special needs to test or to prove any thing in a research study to live and learn in the mainstream of school and community. Inclusive education (IE) is a new approach towards educating the children with disability and learning difficulties with that of normal ones within the same roof. It seeks to address the learning needs of all children with a specific focus on those who are vulnerable to marginalization and exclusion. It implies all learners – with or without disabilities being able to learn together through access to common pre-school provisions, schools and community educational setting with an appropriate network of support services. This is possible only in flexible education system that assimilates the needs of diverse range of learners and adapts itself to meet these needs.

Title: Applications of Assistive Tools and Technologies in Enhancing the Learning Abilities of Dyslexic Children
Abstract :

Procuring proper education is the birth right of every individual. It is the terminal way to walkover all the personal and social problems and is significant to all as it plays very prime roles in every individual’s life. So, all students regardless of any challenges they have, has to be placed in age-appropriate general education classes that are in their own neighbourhood schools in order to receive high-quality instruction, interventions, and supports that will enable them to achieve success in their life. In today’s era technology is everywhere due to its wider applications. But there are specific tech tools that can help people who learn and ponder adversely and these are called assistive technology or AT which are often inexpensive easy to use and may range from low to high tech. Assistive tools and technologies are any devices, software’s, or equipments that aid people to work around their challenges. It has a significant effect in helping students with disabilities progress towards the goals outlined on their Education Plans. It helps dyslexic students to save time and overcome from the challenges such as note taking and poor handwriting which allow them to demonstrate their abilities which are incredible. Also, to learn how to complete their task and bypass an area of difficulty. In this paper the author enumerates the various types of assistive tools and technologies which are helpful for dyslexic students who are having learning disabilities and these technologies includes computer program, tablet applications that provide text-to-speech speech-to-text word prediction capabilities graphic organizers and many more

Title: School Education and Use of ICT: A Case Study of an Urdu Medium School Located in Central Dist. of Delhi
Abstract :

Today’s society is knowledge-based society. The countries would be in better state only if they would be able to get ICT leverage at greater extent. Recent National Policy on ICT for school education has very straightforward mandate to transform society into knowledge society by meaningful induction of ICT in education. Because, our millions of tiny minds are in the process of becoming citizen and potential Nation-builder whose fate is solely shaped in our classrooms. A teacher is an important agent of change and need be equipped with essential skills of ICT. This study provides an in-depth analysis of teaching and learning discourse of a three-century-old school where learners have opportunity to learn in Urdu medium. This piece of small investigation has been trying to focus over integration of ICT in many school subjects and its preferences over past practices. Besides this, study is also trying to gauge out obstacles faced by Urdu medium teachers in integration of ICT in their teaching and their immediate possible solutions, which is necessary to fulfill mandate of National ICT Policy aspirations from school education. The major findings of the study are: ICT enabled teaching simplifies complex learning, make learning permanent, easy to retain, recall, assess learning and also helpful to employ same in real life situation. Second, no previous exposure of ICT, age factor, administrative inertness, orientation of computer applications in English language were found as major obstacle to integrate ICT in teaching among Urdu medium teachers.

Title: MTech in IT and Computing Areas with a Proposed Model in MTech in Information Assurance: Indian Context
Abstract :

Information is the driving force in today’s age. Each and every organizations and institutions depend on information and contents. For managing information and contents different tools and technologies are being used. The huge amount of information leads to the concepts of securing such information. Today computers are the most important tool for information related activities leading to collection, selection, organization, processing, management, and dissemination so its security is also an important concerned. Information Assurance is a field of study and practice responsible for data and information privacy including securing devices and systems holds information. The field is very close with few other domains viz. IT Security, information security, computer security, etc. Internationally many universities have started programs on Information Assurance and allied fields as a merged domain viz. Information Assurance and Cyber Security. Important to note that in India exact specialization on Information Assurance till not offered in any of the educational levels; though few universities have provided allied fields as a program of study. In India, IT and Computing Masters are available in two tracks; first as Science program viz. M.Sc. and another is MTech. In both, Information Assurance can be a new and innovative program as a super specialty or emerging field in IT. However, this paper is proposed on M.Tech. in Information Assurance and allied field with possible proposed curricula

Title: Education in the Vision of Swami Vivekananda
Abstract :

In this paper, we would analyse about Swami Vivekananda’s views on Philosophy of Education. According to Swami Vivekananda, education does not mean the mass of information which is inserted by force into the mind of a child. In his own words, education is the manifestation of perfection already reached man. Indian nationalism and spiritualism were the basic foundations for his philosophy of education and the philosophy of Vedant and Upanishads. He was against the system of contemporary educational system; it turned men into slaves, capable of slavery and nothing else. He emphasized that the aim of education to be life-building, man-making and character-making and also he said that knowledge without culture was only skin-deep. Swamiji attempts to establish, through his words and deeds, that the end of all education is man making. He prepares the scheme of this man-making education in the light of his over-all philosophy of Vedanta. According to Vedanta, the essence of man lies in his soul, which he possesses in addition to his body and mind. In true with this philosophy, Swamiji defines education as ‘the manifestation of the perfection already in man.’ The aim of education is to manifest in our lives the perfection, which is the very nature of our inner self. This perfection is the realization of the infinite power which resides in everything and every-where-existence, consciousness and bliss (satchidananda). In his scheme of education, Swamiji lays great stress on physical health because a sound mind resides in a sound body. He often quotes the Upanishadic dictum ‘nayamatmabalahinenalabhyah’; i.e. the self cannot be realized by the physically weak. Education for him means that process by which character is formed, strength of mind is increased, and intellect is sharpened, as a result of which one can stand on one’s own feet.

Title: Role of Buddhism in the Development of Indian Education
Abstract :
In India during the time of Buddha, there was a racial discrimination in the society. This discrimination was according to profession of man and according to birth. In the society there were four divisions of whom Brahman was superior. They enjoyed rights for religious training and education. But other category of people deprived of their religious and educational rights.
It should be observed that it is “the life of holiness” which Buddhism emphasizes much more than the philosophy of life, speculations concerning the mysteries of life and death and such ultimate truths. The entire system of Buddhist education must be rooted in faith (saddhā)— faith in the Triple Gem, and above all in the Buddha as the fully enlightened One, the peerless teacher and supreme guide to right living and right understanding. Based on this faith, the students must be inspired to become accomplished in virtue (sÄ«la) by following the moral guidelines spelled out by the Five Precepts. Students should come to appreciate the positive virtues these precepts represent: kindness, honesty, purity, truthfulness, and mental sobriety. They must also acquire the spirit of generosity and self-sacrifice (cāga), so essential for overcoming selfishness, greed, and the narrow focus on self-advancement that dominates in present-day society.
Title: Computers Assisted Instruction in Refining the Quality of Teaching and Learning
Abstract :

Computer is one of the strongest tools of information and communication technology. Computers are increasingly being used as CAI, CAL for imparting instruction of the learner at different levels in different subjects. Many efforts have been made to prepare CAI and studies have been conducted to see the effectiveness of CAI of various subjects. Computers plays important role in educational transactions. A teacher can make use of computer as a tool, to assist him/her in making teaching effective. CAI follows a psychological principle of learning so it is good for the slow learner as well for the bright students. The huge number of students in the classroom also hinders the teacher for paying individual attention to each student. These small students need to be explained the lesson in an attractive manner so that they can experience it. The unique combination of tutorial, interacting and visual capabilities enable computers has a beneficial effect in approaching the quality teaching and learning. Through the use of CAI the interest to learn computers can be developed among students from a very small age. A student can use a computer as an efficient tool for disciplining his own studies. He can store his own notes and can check his progress by taking tests through the question paper from the question bank stored in the computer memory. Computer programmes allow students to improve those skills by participating in classroom exercises that closely stimulate real world experience.

Title: Language Learning Through Media: Role of Radio
Abstract :
Language learning is based on the mastery of the four basic skills-listening, speaking, reading and writing. The first step in learning any language is listening. All the other skills depend on how far the learner has got the opportunity to listen to the language and that too by authentic speakers of that language. As English language is not the mother tongue (MT) of any group of people in India, so children do not get much practice in listening, as a consequence their speaking skill is also adversely affected. Although new approaches to English teaching like behavioral and humanistic approaches
provide better scope for practicing these skills but English teaching in Indian schools have not been oriented according to these approaches. The need of the hour is, that our English teachers get well trained in the four basic skills so that they can be a model speaker with accurate pronunciation and accent for their students and are well prepared to use modern techniques and modern approaches to make English teaching interesting and flawless for their students and are well equipped to supplement their classroom English teaching with other medias. Radio is a powerful media at present in our country due to its economic feasibility and its wide broadcasting. It offers the possibility of extensive deployment in education because of available infrastructure and low cost of producing programmes. Radio is the electronic magic carpet that has the capacity to transport educational opportunities to faraway places impacting our social, political and cultural life. Radio broadcast and interactive radio is a very good tool that can serve to supplement class room instruction
especially of English efficiently and effectively. Radio educational programmes can provide good speakers of English to students and give them a very clear and interesting explanation of grammatical concepts. Interactive radio can help to improve speaking skill. Although Radio broadcast no doubt has its potential in education but it has not been very well accepted and adequately utilized by schools. One of the main reasons of this is that teachers are not sensitive and are not trained to integrate the radio programmes with their class room teaching. The present paper discusses the ways to utilize radio in helping English teacher trainees to master English language in an effective manner and help them to utilize the benefit of radio in English learning of their students.
Title: ICT-Based Education: A Paradigm shift in India
Abstract :

Information and Communication Technologies are today playing a very important role in transforming the mode of imparting education. Education at all levels has been significantly impacted by the tremendous innovations in ICT especially in the field of telecommunications and multimedia applications. A few decades ago, technological devices like radio, television, film strips, OHP, audio and video cassettes were used to make teaching effective and enhance learning. But now a days, teaching and learning has been enhanced by a vast array of ICT based technologies in the form of interactive radio, teleconferencing, web based and satellite based services. ICT provides opportunities to access an abundance of information using multiple information resources and viewing information from multiple perspectives, thus fostering the authenticity of learning environments. The world in which we live is changing rapidly and the field of education is experiencing these changes in particular as it applies to media services. The old days of an educational institution having an isolated audio-visual department are long gone! The growth in use of multimedia within the education sector has accelerated in recent years and looks set for continued expression in the future. The present paper focuses on integration of ICTs in educational system in India and highlights on present educational scenario. This paper is an attempt to draw attention on policies implementation regarding ICT integration and effectiveness of teaching-learning environment.

Title: Awareness About Measures for Environmental Conservation among Student Teachers
Abstract :

Environmental education includes interrelated concepts of awareness, real life situation, conservation and sustainable development. The study aims to check the awareness about the different measures to be taken for the conservation of environment among student teachers. It also tries to note the daily life application of the acquired awareness. The study helps to understand, how much the present generation is equipped with the awareness about the measures for environment conservation to transfer it to the next generation. It also tries to relate the intellectual and practical aspects of different domains. It will also include all the educational perspective regarding awareness about environment education. It will also talk about the major and minor difference between the environment awareness and environment Education.

Title: Study of Effect of Punishment on Students’ Academic Achievement in Schools
Abstract :

Punishment is one of the hazardous aspects in educational course of a student that is persevering to vacate the roots of personality development and academic career of the subject students. This study aimed to establish the relationship between teachers’ punishment and its effects on student’s academic achievements. The study was carried out in Itarsi in Madhya Pradesh, India. The study employed survey research design. Questionnaire was the main instrument for data collection. Two schools were randomly selected in which one was government and another was non government school in Itarsi city, 80 students (40-40 each) in which 20-20 were boys and girls were the sample of the study. The major findings of the study revealed that Students between the ages of 10 but below 13 dominated the study with disagree that punishments were administered to them at the right cause, also 60% of the student disagree with the statement that disciplinary committee was maintained to handle students in school. The correlation result showed that at 0.05 level of significance administration of punishment is negatively related to academic achievement implying that as punishment increases there is a decline in the achievement of students. The study came up with the following conclusions based on the findings that punishments were poorly administered to students; this creates room for chaos in schools characterized with school property destruction, and thus affecting students’ general academic achievement. There are proposed some recommendations in the study to deal with the wide spread and increasing levels of indiscipline among children. These include counselling and guidance in schools, strengthening school rules and regulations. As to address the effects of indiscipline in schools, a strong parent-teacher relationship need to be established and to achieve its objectives teachers should be the role models of discipline if this struggle

Title: A Comparative study on the Teaching Competency between Novice and Veteran Teachers in the Teaching Learning Process of Secondary School of Bilaspur City Chhattisgarh
Abstract :

Education in the broadest sense of the term is meant to aid the human being in his/her pursuit of wholeness. Wholeness implies the harmonious development of all the potentialities God has given to a human person. Researcher has taken variable teaching competency on teaching of novice and veteran teacher. The teacher acquires that knowledge through his continuous efforts and learns presentation during their training which determines his effectiveness. This research study is mainly of an exploratory nature. It is a comparative study of teaching competency between the Novice teachers’ (whom are new in teaching profession with the idea of new generations & their demands & E- technology, ICT and practice of new methods and trends in teaching-learning process) and Veteran teachers’ (whom are having plenty of years of experience in the teaching-learning process and pedagogy) of Secondary school (Government and Private both with the Affiliation of CBSE) of Bilaspur city.

Title: RTE Act 2009 : A Boon for the Education of Deprived
Abstract :

‘Education’ is the right of all. In this process the most strengthening step is RTE Act 2009 which ensures the enrollment, retention and completion of primary education of the children of the age group 6-14. The act provides special provisions for the drop-outs, 25% reserved seats in private educational institutions and Neighborhood Schools. The Act also focuses on certain minimum physical resources for a school. But it is not an easy step to take on in the progress of our nation. Some major challenges in this regard are financial challenges, lack of schools and its proper infrastructure, lack of qualified teachers, lack of quality in education, while enforcing 25% quota for deprived section, backwardness of society and many other. Therefore, for the proper execution and successful implementation the efforts of National Commission for Protection of Childs’ Rights (NCPCR) at central level, State Commission for Protection of Childs’ Rights (SCPCR) at state level and different civil societies should put together to prove the act a real boon for deprived. Thus, the research paper is an attempt to analyze the major educational provisions, challenges and role of authorities in the successful implementation of RTE Act 2009 with the special focus of educationally deprived.

Title: Learning Styles of Undergraduate and Post-graduate Students
Abstract :
The present study has been done to find out whether students studying in B.A. part II, B.A. part III and M.A. previous differ from one another on various learning styles. Sample for the study consisted of 180 students. 60 students were selected from each of the three classes. Learning Style Inventory constructed by the investigator was used to measure eleven learning styles. One way Analysis of Variance and LSD Test were used to analyze the data. Results revealed that- as compared to students of B.A. Part II and B.A. Part III, students of M.A. previous give more preference to various learning styles, students of B.A. Part III give more preference to reproducing specially verbal reproducing learning styles than students of B.A. part I, and students of B.A. part II and III have equal preferences for enactive, figural, verbal, reproducing and constructive learning styles.
Title: Sociolinguistic Contexts in Education with Particular Reference to the Transfer of Indianisms in Indian English
Abstract :
Since the arrival of English in India, it has been establishing itself toward gradual development. In its long sojourn on our native soil, English has indianised itself considerably. Under the above title of this paper, I discussed some of the features of this Indianisation. Till now a vast body of literature has been written in English. I am also concerned about the role of English, vis-à-vis the ‘Indian’ languages in the post-independence era. Since, the establishment and development of English in India, English has been used as a second language (L2) rather than as the mothertongue or a native one (L1). Hence, there are bilinguals and sometimes multilinguals responding to an Indian context. English functions in the sociolinguistic setting, used as a link language both intra-nationally and internationally and is used in Indian English writings. In fact, it has won international accolades in this field. The transfer of indianisms in Indian English involves in two ways: a translation of an Indian item and a shift based on an Indian source item. Translation is an establishing equivalent or partially equivalent formations in Indian English from the formation in Indian languages. The shift is usually an adaptation of an underlying formal item of an Indian language which provides its source.
Title: The Value of Anthropology to Counselors
Abstract :
Social-cultural anthropology has dealt with mankind from so many different angles and with such a variety of approaches that it is understandably difficult to get a handle on what exactly an anthropologist does. Nowadays anthropology goes everywhere where people are acting and making sense of these actions. If any human grouping is fair game for anthropological study, this of course multiplies the possible fields and questions for study to an infinite degree. An unavoidable consequence of the growth of any discipline is that we find some fragmentation, with scholars divided according to schools, research issues, geographic areas of specialization, theoretical orientations. With all of this riotous diversity, as anthropological insiders we somehow—and not without difficulty—identify a common thread in the discipline in its status as the science of culture. The fact that anthropology is not widely taught as a discipline in the standard high school curricula in most countries adds to the aura of mystery and misperception among the general public. Especially through the ethnographic method, anthropology created tools for studying and understanding the seemingly strange actions and conceptions of Other peoples.
The starting point for this discussion is to take four concepts from anthropology, the study of people in cultures, and to apply these to highlight areas in counseling. The four concepts are emic, etic, culture and culture-bound. This discussion takes the notion of cross-cultural counseling and states that when a therapist and client meet there is a cross-cultural communication taking place; regardless of the racial educational or socio-economic similarities between the two parties. The author wishes to highlight some areas in counseling where greater awareness is required to create a holistic counseling philosophy and to improve the ethics, power sharing, efficacy and appropriateness of therapy.
Title: Study of Institutional Organizational Climate as Perceived by Teachers Teaching at Different Grade Levels
Abstract :

This study has been done to compare the institutional organizational climate as perceived by teachers teaching at different grade levels. To begin with a scale was prepared to measure teachers’ perception of their interactions with the principal or the head of the department (in case of universities) of their institutions with respect to six dimensions, viz.- Openness, Favouritism, Humane, Task orientation, Apathy, and Control. Sample consisted of 112 teachers. Findings reveled that with increase in grade level of students taught by teachers, their perception of apathy, task orientation ,and openness in institutional climate decreases. But it does not influence perception of humane climate and control

Title: Interaction in Distance Education and Online Learning: Using Evidence and Theory to Improve Practice
Abstract :

In a recent analysis of distance and online learning, we quantitatively verified the importance of three types of interaction: among students, between the instructor and students, and between students and course content. We highlight several evidence-based approaches that may be useful in the next generation of distance and online learning. These include principles and applications stemming from the theories of self-regulation and multimedia learning, research-based motivational principles and collaborative learning principles.

Title: Developing Concepts in Physics Through Virtual Lab Experiment: An Effectiveness Study
Abstract :
For physics learning, labs plays very active and significant role as it is essential to develop concepts and principles because students are continuously required to identify the hidden concepts, define and explain underlying laws and theories using high level reasoning skills. It is time and again observed that traditional real time physics laboratory has some limitations and problems in developing these concepts etc. In present given scenario of ICT, virtual lab
through computer simulation based method of teaching physics is emerging as one of the most powerful method of experimentation in lab. The present study was conducted to see the effectiveness of virtual lab for developing concepts
in physics. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of Virtual Lab for students’ understanding of concepts of physics. The findings of the present study clearly revealed that student learned concepts of photoelectric effect through virtual lab in a better way as compared to real lab. The study also suggested the use of virtual labs in physics teaching, especially for teaching of concepts.
Title: A Study to Reveal the Teachers’ Perspective about the Classroom Processes and Provisions related to Children with Dyslexia
Abstract :

The study was conducted with the objective of finding out the classroom process and provisions related to children with dyslexia from teachers’ perspective. This study was conducted at schools of Delhi region. Significance of the findings in relation to the wider inclusive educational ideology is discussed and suggestions are made by the investigator on the basis of the findings of the study.

Title: Anxiety Construct in Higher Education
Abstract :

This paper is a review of journal articles, on general anxiety, from 2000 to 2016. It was found that more work had been done on the school population, than in higher education. Also, it was seen that in higher education the students selected, were mostly medical or engineering students. Other types of anxiety were explored in higher education, like academic anxiety etc

Title: Focus Group Discussion in Qualitative Research
Abstract :

Qualitative research is a generic term for investigative methodologies described as ethnographic, naturalistic, anthropological, field, or participant observer research. There are many method of collection of data in the qualitative research method amoungst them FGD is one. Focus Group is a type of in-depth interview accomplished in a group, whose meetings present characteristics defined with respect to the proposal, size, composition, and interview procedures. This paper highlights about the different aspects of FGD

Title: Computer Attitude of Teachers in Relation to their Level of Instruction
Abstract :
ICT is not only the backbone of the Information Age, but also an important catalyst for inducing educational reforms that could transform students from passive recipients of knowledge to pioneers of the learning process. Today, technology is an integral learning tool for promoting the social,
linguistic, and cognitive development of children of all ages. To achieve the goal of a technological revolution in education however, it is imperative that both teachers and students develop the necessary knowledge and skills sought in this digital age. The present descriptive research aimed to compare
computer attitudes of teachers employed at different levels of instruction in an attempt to discern whether the curriculum and activities included at a particular teaching stage had any influence on their computer attitudes. The findings of the study revealed the fact that primary and secondary
school teachers showed a significant difference in their computer attitudes, while those of schools and colleges were comparable in terms of each of the variables considered. These results could provide important implications for enhancing the curriculum across the different teaching stages in an attempt to bring about the necessary attitudinal changes in teachers toward the use of computers in a technology driven age.
Title: Effectiveness of In-Service Training Programme in Classroom Practices: A Case Study of an Elementary School
Abstract :

This paper is based on the findings out of a case study conducted to make in-depth study to determine the impact of training programme in terms of changes in the classroom practices of teachers and to study the perception of elementary school teachers about usefulness of in-service training programme in terms of teaching skills, methods of transaction, use of TLM, pupil teacher interaction, interaction among peers and students evaluation. The study was a case study and delimited to one elementary school situated in Puri district. The key informants were the teachers and students of the school. The dimensions of the study covered as teaching skills, methods of transaction, use of TLM, pupil teacher interaction, interaction among peers and students evaluation. The school was selected through purposive sampling technique. All the entire teachers of that school were the informants of the study. Students of Class VI and VII in groups of 8 to 10 were selected as the student participants in FGD. Incidental sampling technique was followed in selection of these key informants. Tools such as: interview schedule for the teachers, classroom observation schedule and guidelines for focus group discussion were used for data collection. The results revealed a significant positive effect of in-service training on the teacher and in students’ participation, conduct group work in the classroom during lesson. Teachers follow continuous and comprehensive evaluation practices such as unit test, monthly test, half yearly test and annual test. As per the pupils the teachers do not administer the weekly and surprise test in the class. The teachers ask questions only after the completion of the lesson.

Title: Motivational factors and teachers job attitude with respect to Herzberg motivation-hygiene theory
Abstract :

Motivation is an internal state or condition that activates behavior and gives it direction; desire or want that energizes and directs goal-oriented behavior; influence of needs and desires on the intensity and direction of behavior. Motivating employees and driving their energy towards organizational goals have been a major question for managers. Many theories have been given to understand motivation, one such theory is Herzberg’s two-factor theory, which casts a new light on the content of work motivation. This paper discusses and compares effect of achievement , recognition and challenging work , increased responsibility etc on job attitude of male and female employees.

Title: Problems and Prospects of Teaching Integrated Science in Secondary Schools in Warri, Delta State, Nigeria
Abstract :
The purpose of the work is to find out reasons for poor teaching and learning of integrated science in secondary schools in Warri, Delta State, Nigeria. The instrument used was a structured questionnaire. Data for the study were obtained by administering 360 questionnaires to 360 students. Five public secondary schools and five private secondary schools were selected. 36 students were sampled randomly from each secondary school making a total of 360. 300 questionnaires were fully answered and returned. The data were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages and stanine test. The study recommended that government should employ specialist Integrated science teachers, and schools should endeavor to see that only qualified teachers are allowed to handle integrated science subject in secondary schools. Moreover,
curriculum developers should review and reduce the syllabus to a manageable size (without reducing the quality at that level) for both teachers and students.
Title: Significance of Cloud Computing in Distance Learning
Abstract :

As we are aware of the fact that this era is technology driven. In this era nobody can survive without the knowledge of computer. Due to computers coming the use of distance courses in learning is growing exponentially. To better support faculty and students for teaching and learning, distance learning programs need to constantly innovate and optimize their IT infrastructures. The new IT paradigm called “cloud computing” has the potential to transform the way that IT resources are utilized and consumed in education and is expected to have a large impact on educational computing during the next few years. It is a paradigm shift in terms of scalability of computing power, economy of operations, efficient use of computing resources, and green computing. It is the only possible way forward as it is going to democratize and harmonize the computing and IT based services and access. This Cloud is not only going to shower applications but also reduce & remove the dependence on the resources to run them as per need while also make all constrains of hardware ownership & software license a matter of bygone era. The paper titled “Significance of Cloud Computing in Distance Learning “is divided into four major parts, i.e. (Meaning of Cloud Computing, Cloud Deployments Models, Using cloud computing in Distance Learning, Selecting the appropriate strategies for adopting a cloud computing for any Distance institution) each part is discussed independently followed by the conclusion.

Title: Revisiting Integrated Science Education in Rural Southern Nigeria: Perspectives on Teacher’s Job Status and Satisfaction
Abstract :
The main purpose of this study was to find out the factors affecting career and professional development in science education in the rural Southern Nigeria. Five specific objectives were drawn for the study: (1) To identify the status and quality of science education teachers in these areas (2) To examine the condition of service of these science education teachers. (3) To find out factors affecting their career development (4) To explain the main factors affecting these teachers in their professionalism
(5) To propose ways of enhancing science education teachers career development. The study uses 300 post primary school science education teachers, randomly selected from 30 post primary schools in the Niger Delta region of Southern Nigeria. The researcher used questionnaire as the main instrument for data collection and also interacted with these teachers both males and females. The study indicated among others, that science education teachers in the Region faced the problem of lack of science equipment and laboratories/infrastructure in their schools due to remoteness of some of these schools, environmental problems, community oil company conflicts and socio-cultural factors that hinders science education teachers motivation consequently, the low and delayed salaries and allowances that has resulted in the low esteem and status of science education teachers job status and career satisfaction
Title: Curricular and Co-Curricular Dimensions of Environmental Education
Abstract :

The planet Earth is the abode of man, an intelligent creature of nature. It also houses other living beings. Man influences and is influenced by all these living & non-living creations of nature. The totality of all such subjects is usually referred to as his environment. As civilization progressed and science advanced, man started creating his own artificial environment. The consequence of this was the emergence of several serious problems for natural environment. Therefore, there was a need to create awareness in our students. A need was felt for an ‘Education about Environment’, which should form an integral part of curriculum at all levels of schooling. In recent years, Environmental Education has become a necessity for existence of human life. Various educational organizations (UGC, NCERT etc.) are engaged in making provision for the imparting of this education at various educational stages. The present paper attempts to highlight the major curricular and co-curricular dimensions of Environmental Education. It emphasizes the need to make the curriculum transaction more activity oriented, locale specific, problems and issues oriented. The paper explains the various pedagogical approaches, which can be followed for effective teaching-learning of environmental issues. The paper attempts to relate some of the well-known teaching methodologies & techniques with the teaching of environmental education. It is evident that both the curricular & co-curricular activities play major role in imparting quality education. Therefore, the paper presents the importance of some of the co-curricular activities like environmental games, songs, activities, competitions in making environmental education more interesting, effective, and active.

Title: Integration of ICT in Teacher Education for Enhancing Competency Based Teaching
Abstract :
The progress of any country depends upon the quality of education offered and its practices. Indian education was well known for its Gurukul system of education in the Vedic age. Education in India has undergone various phases and stages of development starting in the Vedic age to the post-independent period. The great Indian thinkers had emphasized on developing the inner potential of individuals by reflecting on unique potential of individuals. The recent developments in technology have changed the world outside the classroom. The information technology has made learner WWWafflicted.
This is because technological developments have brought developments in two ways: First, by enhancing human capabilities by helping people to participate actively in social, economic, and political life in a society at large.
Secondly, by giving advantage to technological innovation as a means for human development due to economic progress and increased productivity. As ICT is becoming an integral element for educational reforms and innovations at secondary schools, this situation calls for an enhancement of pre-service education on ICT for prospective teachers. The present paper focuses on the use of integration of ICT into pre service level for both trainees as well as for teacher-educators.
Title: Use of ICT in Teaching, Learning and Governance in Colleges
Abstract :

Education plays a very vital and strategic role in the society. It is related not only to the development of the individual and the acquisition of knowledge but also to character formation. Higher education mostly concentrate on imparting information but with the present infrastructure, class size, availability of teachers, training of teachers etc. it is difficult to achieve up to date information. ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is increasingly becoming crucial part of the education systems and its Governance. Application of ICT has brought about markedly drastic technological, Social and economical changes. These Changes have caused educational institution, administrations and teachers to reconsider their roles, teaching and vision for futures. The proper integration of ICT with teaching-learning environment and governance increases quality of education and incensement in productivity. The growing use of ICT has changed strategies employed by both teachers and students in teaching learning processes. ICT is playing an important role in bringing about qualitative change in every aspect of human life in general and that of governance of education in particular.

Title: Research in Education: A Special Account of Qualitative Approach
Abstract :

Researches in the discipline of education utilize the methods of behavioural sciences and social sciences. Yet some researches take the advantage of the methods of humanities, the methods which are based on the phenomenological paradigm. Two types of research emerge: one, quantitative and two, qualitative. Quantitative research is based on logical positivism whereas qualitative research is based on the phenomenological paradigm. The qualitative research emerged in 1970s. The subjective experiences are the most important and necessary part for this research. It aims at providing very thorough and detailed description of persons’ experience. In qualitative research, data collection is done in natural setting and the research follows an inductive and holistic approach. The process of the research is emergent where the role of the researcher is very important. Sometimes, triangulation is also done to assure completeness of findings or to confirm findings. The content analysis is most suitably utilized. The present paper is an outcome of library study.

Title: A Study of Academic Anxiety of Secondary School Students
Abstract :

In the present study Researcher tried to Study the Academic Anxiety of Secondary School Students. Purposive sampling technique was used for selecting the School and Students were selected by stratified random sampling technique. The total sample was that of 400 students. Researcher used Survey Research method. The collected data were analyzed by using the statistical technique of t-test and Percentage. Results Shows that 18.5% of students had low academic anxiety, 75% of students had average academic anxiety and about 6.5% of students had high academic anxiety. Female students were more academic anxious than male students. Boys of government schools had more academic anxiety than boys of private schools. Girls of private schools had more academic anxiety than girls of government schools.

Title: Cloud Computing: Promoting Sharing of Resources among Educational Institutions
Abstract :

The era of technology has changed the way to impart education now days. Most of the developed as well as rapidly developing nations have now moved towards the innovative use of technology to make education less expensive and easily and equally accessible to all its citizens. Cloud computing is the combination of the internet with outsourcing of the information technology. The education systems of many countries are not aware about the potential use of cloud computing in attaining its aims of providing various resources of knowledge to the whole world at a low cost, high quality in minimum time. A little number of them is utilizing it to its optimum level. As per the need all the selected services or applications like storage, database, web services, e-mail can be approached through cloud using different devices. To make the education world aware about the potential use of cloud computing we have to understand the concept first. Thus this paper focuses on concept, features and potential use of cloud computing with special reference to education sector.

Title: Education Technology — A Blend of Product and Idea Technology
Abstract :
Teaching-learning is a challenging job. The study comprises a flashback of educational technology in the light of present educational system. The two known types of educational technology – Idea and Product technology plays an integral part in teaching and learning. Both complement each other in keeping pace with the education system. The use of idea and product technology involves two trends in teaching-learning system – traditional and contemporary roles. The traditional system emphasizes the use of product technology. On the other hand, the present system throws light on idea technology. It has been seen that a combination of idea and product technology ensures a desirable feedback in students’ learning. As
a result the entire teaching-learning system reflects the transformation of one’s learning philosophy from behavioral to cognitive. The introduction of contemporary principles adds to the conversion of instruction into construction in the teaching learning process.
Title: Concept Mapping as an Effective Teaching Practice in Science in Education
Abstract :
To impart instructions in science keeping in view the dynamic nature of learner, subject and environment there is imperative need to work out some constructivist approach which must focus on meaningful learning also-Concept Mapping is such response in this regard which, being a two dimensional technique for hierarchical arrangement of concepts, sub concepts and their relationship(s), represents the cognitive structure of learner with respect to the concerned concept(s) in context. Over the years, the effectiveness of concept mapping as instructional -, diagnosing-, evaluative -and nurturing tool has been positively proved.
Title: Transition to Cognitive Learning Theories
Abstract :

The roots of instructional theory can be traced to early efforts by educational psychologists to develop a connection between the science of psychology and the practical application of learning theory in educational settings. Two theorists of particular importance at the turn of the century were John Dewey (1910), who envisioned a special linking science between learning theory and educational practice, and Edward Thorndike (1913), who investigated principles of learning that could be directly applied to the teaching process (i.e., the laws of effect and exercise). Thorndike developed a body of instructional design principles that included task analysis and teaching methods based on his research findings and student evaluation methods.

Title: Technology Supported Education for People with Disabilities
Abstract :

The development of information society affects each & every aspect of people live. The technologies which are currently available and those which are about to come, having the potential to transform the entire educational system. Students with mild learning disorder can fulfil their educational activities through computer-based technology. Now there is also an adaptive technology, which enables students those are suffering from severe disabilities to take an active participation in the classrooms with their classmates who do not have disabilities. Any item, equipment or system that helps people with disabilities is termed as assistive technology. The purpose of assistive technology to makes things possible for disabled rather than fixing them. In the present paper, there is description of technologies, which enables the disabled student to perform their educational activities in a more possible manner.

Title: Impact of Self-assessment Exercises for Class IX Students in terms of Self-concept
Abstract :

Positive self-concept along with suitable planning is essential for an individual’s thinking to enter in a specific stream for better chance of reaching destination. The emphasis is on the nature of student’s thinking to identify own strategies to improve understanding as well as self-concept. Positive concepts towards own capabilities, beliefs and efficiency can be visualized by observing own performance in simulated circumstances. From this point of view, the researcher conducted the present study. The objective was “to compare mean pre and post self-concept scores in the group treated through self-assessment exercises for class IX students”. Hypothesis of the study was “there will be no significant difference between mean pre and post self concept scores in the group treated through self-assessment exercises for class IX students”. The random sampling technique was used to select schools. Thirty eight students were exposed to self-assessment exercises after seeking permission from Son India School, Indore (M.P.). The Children’s self-concept scale developed by Dr. S. P. Ahluwalia and Dr. H.S. Singh (2012) was administered for data collection. It employed pre test- post test single group design. The collected data was analyzed by calculating the mean, SD, r and ‘t’ value. The findings indicate that the mean self-concept scores at pre and post-test stage of students treated through self-assessment exercises differ significantly. As a result, self- assessment exercises were found to be effective in terms of self-concept. In the previous researches, researchers also reported significant improvement in the academic and non scholastic performance of students after the practice of self- assessment. Self-assessment is a stepping stone to proceed in all the spheres of life. It needs not to be considered as an assessment, but instead as an essential competence for self-regulation. It is an advice for improvement without any comparisons with other pupils. It requires proper exposure which has never been provided by prior education system to develop the self-assessment skills. This paper is an attempt to bring self-awareness in the learners for transferring it to real life experiences and actual practices.

Title: Contents Vol. 10, No. 1&2, June & December 2020
Abstract :


Title: Education with ICT for Developing Employability in Higher Education Institutions
Abstract :

Higher education institutions (HEIs) are expected to form responsible and employable citizens. But, they produced mere degree holders without having employability skills. There is a mismatch between the expectations of employers and the products of HEIs. The requirement of employability is continually changing because most sectors are connected to the global value chains and hence the skills required are often decided by the global markets. Employers place greatest importance on employee’s attitudes and basic skills over job specific skills and having an understanding of the work environment. The demand for having basic and updated knowledge and skills of information and communication technology (ICT) along with basic, higher order and affective skills within the employee is growing day by day. As such, institutions of higher education today need to focus preferably on imparting education with ICT so that basic knowledge and skills of ICT can be acquired by the students in the process of education, i.e. teaching-learning. The basic task of HEIs is to create an ICT-enabled learning environment. For this, an ICT policy needs to be evolved strategically for institutional practice including well equipped ICT infrastructure, education-industry collaboration, competence building of teachers and pedagogy-ICT integration.)

Title: Concerns of School in Nurturing Peace Education
Abstract :

These days we are living in a very disturbing society where violence, aggression and argument have become so common for no cause most of times. People are behaving very inhumanly. Most often these violence or conflicts occur due to misunderstanding and unknowingness of the facts. Hence, these misunderstanding and unknowingness posing new threats to our society. In this regard, learning to live with and in peace is prime concerns of peace education. Across the Education world, peace education is gaining attention in the policies and thereby, in the curriculum and syllabus of education. With the growing recognition and attention, school is being identified as a key role player in setting and facilitating peace education. In the beginning of the article meaning of peace is stated thereafter, it tries to differentiate between the concepts of Peace Education and Education for Peace. It also outlines the various role of school in setting of aims and objectives and implementation strategies of peace education.

Title: Technologies for Smart Learning
Abstract :

Technology is everywhere and we depend on technology. In this digital era, the role of teacher and student has changed dramatically. Learners utilize new technologies to gain knowledge more comfortably, effectively and seamlessly. Technology is used to provide opportunities for students to apply knowledge in the real world context and engage in active participation, exploration and research. Smart learning is a new approach of learning used by teachers and students both in the classroom and outside of the classroom, in daily life. It is a new vision, where internet, laptops, smart phones, multimedia etc utilize in the process of education. Smart learning technology provides a learning platform to every learner universally. In Smart learning technology, learning is more connect to the real world; the learner is more active than teacher. M-learning, digital pedagogy, social media, MOOC, OER, Edutainment, Blended learning and flipped classroom are some of the examples of smart learning technology. This paper explains the smart learning approach, technology being used in it and its pros and cons.

Title: Content Vol. 8, No. 2, December 2018
Abstract :
Title: Perspective of Students and Teachers of Higher Education Level About Online Teaching During Pandemic Period
Abstract :

Change is the law of nature. In the rapidly changing world, the pandemic brought everything to halt. But in every negative situation, there is always something new to learn. Online teaching was the safest mode to continue the teaching- learning process at all levels. The paper is an attempt to explore the extent to which online teaching is able to fulfill its purpose in the Covid scenario. The major objective is to find out merits and demerits of this teaching from both students’ and teachers’ perspective. The paper will also try to explore the major barriers in such teaching and how these can be overcome. The data is collected through an online questionnaire having yes/no questions as well as some open ended questions for students and teachers separately. It was found that majority of the sample found that internet related issues are a major drawback of such teaching Apart from that, both the groups expressed mixed opinions about its pros and cons. The paper certainly would be throwing some light about the general success or failure of this mode.

Title: Indian National Education Policy 2020
Abstract :

Recently Government of India announced its new Education policy which is based on the recommendations by an expert committee headed by Dr. Kasturirangan, Former chairman of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO). Various innovations and predicted implications of NEP 2020 on the Indian higher education system along with its merits are discussed.

Title: Instructional Television Utilization for the Enhancement of Cognitive Learning Skills: Implication for the Challenges in Science Education
Abstract :
This paper focused on Instructional television utilization for the enhancement of cognitive learning skills. The study adopted a quasi experimental design with two classes comprising of forty students each for the study. Two hypotheses were postulated to guide the study. Physics achievement test was developed and validated with a reliability coefficient of 0.71. Data were analyzed using t-test statistics and results revealed that there was a significant difference in the use
of instructional television on the performance of students while there was no significant difference in the performance of male and female students in the experimental group. Recommendations were made that instructional television should be used in teaching Physics due it abstract nature.
Title: Parents Expectation of Classroom Teaching Practices
Abstract :
Multimedia and animation may evoke misconceptions or hinder students’ in meaningful learning. This paper focuses on parents expectation regarding the use of multimedia in primary section for developing students interest in learning, and analyze the current class room teaching practices as well as expectation of parents of ideal class room teaching to develop interest in subjects and increase learning capability of children The traditional (black board + chalk) method of teaching and learning is not providing accelerated learning process, because traditional method of teaching is text based.
Consequently, multimedia technology nowadays plays a significant role in the universal globalization of information. Total no. of respondents was 144, their wards were studying in classes 1st to 5th. Our study indicated that the automation of the parent’s expectation for ideal classroom, for developing interest and improving learning capability of children. The priority of the parameters with the obtained values of the first and second moment, etc. was observed with the help of skewness. The distance learning is highly negatively skewed than the lecture. Therefore it provides the automation of the parent’s expectation for ideal classroom, for developing interest and improving learning capability of children. The paper concludes that parents think multimedia and animation method of teaching make children more creative and efficient than traditional (black board + chalk) mainly in primary sections because students are so small and their thinking is too narrow. It is tough for children to understand their new teacher handwriting on black board with marker
and chalk
Title: A Study of Usage of ICT Resources by Teacher Educators in Classroom Practice
Abstract :

Gone are the days when technology was taught as a discrete subject and it was considered by teacher and parents that only computer teacher will meet all the technological needs of the students, but with the technology growing day by day and the different usage of technology, both hardware and software being different for different subjects, it has now become mandatory that each teacher should know how to apply technology in his own teaching subject, and if we want to use ICT to make teaching-learning more effective it has to be taught to teacher-trainee which could happen only when teacher educators use ICT resources in their class room practice in meaningful manner to make teaching more purposeful and to achieve cognitive, affective and psychomotor objectives of the content, and this is possible only when teacher educators are aware of ICT resources and are skilled to use them. The investigator took up the present study with an intention to find out the true picture of ICT resources being used by teacher educators by knowing the extent of teacher educators using technology devices, internet, online resources and other digital devices in their daily, weekly, and monthly class room practice.

Title: Electronic Learning Technologies
Abstract :

ICT today has the power to transform Education. A greater flexibility is provided through online access to learning – when, where and how to do it? Today anyone can obtain education anywhere, anytime through online education. Thus, breaking the shackles of traditional classroom and adapting to new and electronic learning Technologies empowers all learners irrespective of their diversities. This development in ICT has resulted in a learning environment called e-learning.

Title: Constructivist Theory of Learning
Abstract :

The latest catchword in educational circles is “constructivism, “applied both to learning theory and to epistemology—both to how people learn, and to the nature of knowledge. If we believe that knowledge consists of learning about the real world out there, then we endeavor first and foremost to understand that world, organize it in the most rational way possible, and, as teachers, present it to the learner. This view may still engage us in providing the learner with activities, with hands-on learning, with opportunities to experiment and manipulate the objects of the world, but the intention is always to make clear to the learner the structure of the world independent of the learner. We help the learner understand the world. But we don’t ask him to construct his or her own world.

Title: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning: An Introduction
Abstract :

Collaboration has always been the basic nature as well as requirement to survive on this earth. In the present scenario collaborative learning has changed its settings due to the presence of technology like computers, mobile devices online systems etc. computer supported collaborative learning is the use of computer device as a medium to establish collaboration as the central strategy in teaching-learning process. It is a great initiative to provide a rich experience in collaborative settings to enhance the learning process. To inculcate computer supported collaborative learning in our regular teaching learning practice it is necessary to modify the traditional setup and to train teachers to adopt such changes. This paper explores the theoretical concepts, basic collaborative techniques in computer supported collaborative learning environment and challenges in implementation of CSCL in teaching learning process.

Title: Situational Analysis of Street Children in Guntur, Andhra Pradesh: A Study
Abstract :

The present article discusses about the situation of street children in Guntur City of Andhra Pradesh. Street child is ‘any boy or girl for whom the street has become his or her habitual house or source of livelihood’. UNICEF estimated that there are 400,000 street children are living in different parts of India with vulnerable conditions. Guntur is one of the growing cities in Andhra Pradesh. The researcher has selected Guntur City for research setting and collected the data from 42 street children on their socio economic and living conditions by using the purposive sampling method. The study found that the mean ages of the respondents’ are 14 years. About 82 per cent street children stopped their studies. The major work they are doing for their livelihood is collect old papers, cooli, begging, helper, hawker, shoe polishers, seller of flowers, etc. A small percentage of street children are, as reported by key Informants, involved in theft, snatching, pick pocketing, sex work, drug business, Informer etc. The study suggests that the Street children must be provided tender care and emotional support and good nutritive diet so that they are not exposed to occupational and health hazards. Street based education system should be developed for the street children up to mainstream them with other government schools. Given the knowledge on hazards such as HIV/AIDS, early pregnancies, abortion, substance abuse, school dropout, child abuse and related rights etc. Media should publish the success stories of restoration of street children with their family members.

Title: Integrating ICT in Teaching and Learning in Schools
Abstract :

Computers and the Internet are increasingly part of the environment in which young adults grow and learn. Schools and education systems therefore need to reap the educational benefits of information and communications technology (ICT). Co-ordinated ICT policies are common at the school, district or national level. They help schools and teachers to keep abreast of the constant flow of technological novelty, and to manage the change and disruption that new tools may introduce. E-learning has grown steadily in recent years as an option for higher education and is expected to expand progressively around the world. Although data and statistics on e-learning are difficult to find, which makes it complex to accurately evaluate the extent to which HEIs have adopted it, almost all the existing evidence indicates a steady growth.

Title: Sahaja: the pathway to the attainment of literacy and numeracy skill through reinforcement
Abstract :

The paper highlights the modalities of eliminating the learning gap among the learners. At the outset the learning gaps underlying literacy and numeracy skill were located among the learners of class V. Basing on the gaps a module titled ‘Sahaja’ was developed and intervention was extended using the module for a period of six weeks. On completion of intervention endline assessment was done and a comparison of the performance of the learners between baseline and endline was done and it was found that elimination of learning gap was observed to the extent of 75 %. Thus the interevention proved effective.

Title: Doubts Over Efficacy Of No Detention Policy For Quality In Education
Abstract :

India’s flagship programme ‘Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan’ (SSA) for Universalisation of Elementary Education has enhanced enrolment rate and retention of children in school. The country has now shifted its focus from retention to quality of education for improvement in children’s learning achievements. The UN recommendation has been reinforced in the provision of the Right of children to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009, which came into effect in India on 1st April 2010, enshrining in law for the first time the rights of all Indian children aged between 06 and 14 years to free and compulsory elementary education regardless of caste, class, gender etc. The RTE act, though deserves due credit for laying down in fairly specific terms state’s responsibility towards education, it would be appropriate to examine the status and awareness on the part of schools and concerned authority to provide free elementary education to the children aging between 06 to 14 years of age ‘The No Detention Policy’ was brought in to provide elementary school children an environment free from fear, anxiety and stress to allow them learn and grow on their own pace as well as check the drop out rates. It, however, has turned out to be counter productive. It seems all is not well with the ‘no detention’ policy introduced under the RTE Act

Title: Big Data in Education and Learning Analytics
Abstract :
Due to increasing role of computers, the internet and digital data across many forms of human endeavor is the widespread uptake of the notion of “Big data.” Researchers and educators seem to explore the potential of technology to grab, analyze and utilize huge amount of data in increasingly powerful ways. analysis of educational data is not something new in the field of education but increasing interest towards the use of learning management system, collaborative learning electronic portfolio, moodle, intelligent tutoring system, gaming, sharable content object reference model
(SCORM), e-learning, m-learning, e-assessment, virtual worlds and augmented reality has fueled research in the field of Big data and learning analytics. Learning analytics is a field related to educational data mining. It describes attempts to use digital data about student’s background and learning behaviors in online contexts to monitor and predict student performance. This paper explores the concept of learning analytics, its dimensions, approaches and applications in detail it also describes the relationship between educational data mining, academic analytics and learning analytics.
Title: Green IT and Computing: Tool for Sustainable Eco Systems- A Message for Healthy Sports Informatics Practice
Abstract :

Green Information Technology and Green Computing are mainly responsible for the sustainable environment and ecological atmosphere creation with computing and similar technologies such as Database, Multimedia, Networking and Communication Technology and so on. Electronic product and gadgets are very much important for their valuable role in our common life and business activities. But electronic product and gadgets are responsible for so many bad affects and causes for us or society. Harmful chemical and products and heavy carbon emission are mainly responsible for such aspects against environment. As like other fields, Green Computing is also helpful for the modern and intelligent Sports world with eco-friendliness. Though there are so many challenges and opportunities to practice Green Computing and Technology. This paper is focuses on such aspects including their main challenges and issues in very brief manner.

Title: Assessment of Basic Computer and Internet Skills among Students in Rural Areas of Prakasam District: A Study
Abstract :

This paper presents the information about the computer knowledge and internet skills of the rural youth in Prakasam district, Andhra Pradesh. Computer knowledge and internet skills are compulsory in the present work in particularly for the rural students who are pursuing degree and post graduation. The Internet can be known as a kind of global meeting place where people from all parts of the world can come together. The government departments, private companies and nongovernmental organisations are advertising the information in their websites, blogs and job search sites. Due to lack of internet skills, communication skills, computer knowledge the rural-urban poor youth are in back to get the jobs. Very les studies are available on the present issue. Based on the situation the present article has through a light on the issue. The objective is to assess the computer knowledge and internet skills among the rural students who are above Intermediate.

Title: A Study of Problems Faced by the Teachers and Students in Online Teaching-Learning at Upper Primary Level
Abstract :

In today’s world of education, everyone is getting educated because education is now reaching every house. Due to the influence of technology, education is easily accessible to all. Now education has become more and more online. But still there is a lot of technical problem in the education sector. Technical problem has become a problem not only in the students but also in the teachers. In online teaching-learning, students and teachers have the following problems, such as technical problems, problems related to e-content, problems related to teaching aids and problems of mental stress. Although online instruction has many potential benefits, technical difficulties are one drawback to the increased use of this medium. In this research paper will be used statistics- self-made statement for data collection, hypothesis, data analysis, etc. therefore, finding Contribute to our theoretical understanding of the online teaching-learning.

Title: Effect of Persistence on Academic Performance of Socially Advantaged and Disadvantaged Secondary Students
Abstract :

The concept of social disadvantage is a broad concept. Bernstein (1960), first used the term socially disadvantaged to cover a large group of factors, for handicapped children in schools, keeping them away from fully using their potentialities, and who have parents of low educational level. The term persistence has been used to refer to subjects momentary goals as revealed by their remarks about successes and failure and their modes of attack on the problems assigned them. Persistence is an important individual social motivation, which is also related to the achievement motivation. Hoppe (1930) represents persistence as a person’s expectations, goals, claims or his future achievement in a given task. Secondary students are the young people who make choices that will have an important bearing on the rest of their lives. Persistence has been defined as an acquired behavioral tendency for continuing or pursuing an achievement goal in a face of obstacles. The focus of the present study was to analyze the academic achievement of socially advantaged and disadvantaged secondary students and the effect of persistence on their academic performance.

Title: A Model of Critical Peer Feedback to Facilitate EFL Writing in Online Context
Abstract :

Peer feedback in EFL writing has been regarded as time-consuming, and inefficient. An approach is to study the mental process of feedback to improve its quality. It is believed that higher-order thinking can produce high-order peer feedback in higher-level writing. In this study, “critical thinking” is explored to facilitate peer feedback and writing with higher-order thinking skills. “Critical peer feedback” is conceptualized with the integration of critical thinking and feedback in order to improve the quality of feedback. This study aims to study the process of critical peer feedback through blogs and discussion the model of critical peer feedback. A qualitative case study is conducted with six junior students majoring Business English in a Chinese university. Three models of critical thinking are transferred to the participants in the workshops. Three kinds of data including semi-structured interviews, six writing assignments and the artifacts of critical peer feedback, are analyzed by Nivivo 10. The finding reveals that the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy is more acceptable for the beginners of critical peer feedback which provides a six-step model of critical thinking. The conclusion of critical peer feedback model in online context may be significant to its further practice in various courses.

Title: E-Tools for Communication
Abstract :

Enhanced tools for education and communication purposes have been coined with unprecedented efficacy and efficiency. Today anyone can obtain education anywhere, anytime through online education. Thus, breaking the shackles of traditional classroom and adapting to new and electronic learning Technologies empowers all learners irrespective of their diversities. This development in ICT has resulted in a learning environment called e-learning. Some of these technologies (e.g. blogs) have even livened communication and interaction among users.

Title: Contents Volume 6 Issue 2
Abstract :


Title: Reforming Education
Abstract :

Technology-based innovations in education reshape the environments in which schools operate. In general, they tend to open up learning environments, both to the digital world and the physical and social environment. They also bring new actors and stakeholders into the educational system, not least the education industries, with their own ideas, views and dreams about what the future of education can hold. The problem of productivity and efficiency in education is even more striking when education is compared with other public policy sectors, which have realised enormous productivity gains in past decades. In sectors such as health, technology has been a major driver of increased productivity and efficiency with much improved outcomes even if the cost has also gone up. Many observers wonder why enormous advances in technology has not yet led to similar improvements in education.

Title: Teach With Video Technology in Classroom
Abstract :

Technology is around everything we do. Technology integration in the classroom can also support classroom instruction by creating opportunities for students to complete assignments on the computer rather than the normal pencil and paper. Technology integration in class would help students to explore more. Video technology also helps bridge the gap between the school’s artificial environment and the outside world, bringing reality into the classroom. This paper considers the use of video technology in the classroom. This paper discusses how learning are supported and enhanced by use of video technology, and how video can be used to stimulate and motivate students.

Title: Contents
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Title: Contents Vol. 8, No. 1, June 2018
Abstract :
Title: A Study of Academic Motivation in Relation to Creativity
Abstract :

Education should not only develop conceptual understanding but also foster creative thinking. So, knowledge acquisition and learning to think creatively should go hand in hand. This study attempts to find out whether academic motivation is related to creativity and students with different levels of creativity differ in their academic motivation. Sample consisted of 825 students including 272 boys and 253 girls studying in eighth class. Mehdi’s test of ‘Thinking Creatively with Words’ was used for measuring creativity as well as fluency, flexibility, and originality dimensions of it. ‘Academic Motivation Inventory’ of J. P. Srivastava was used for measuring academic motivation. Product moment coefficient of correlation and two-way(3x2) ANOVA were used to analyze the data. It was found that creativity and academic motivation are positively related; female students are more academically motivated than male students; students with high creativity are more academically motivated than those with moderate or low creativity; and students with high creativity are more academically motivated than those with low creativity.

Title: Content Vol. 11, No. 1, June 2021
Abstract :
Title: Financial Literacy among Women: An Empirical Evidence
Abstract :

One of the biggest challenges of our country is women empowerment which can be attained by making them educated, financial independent. Financial literacy can be define as a set of knowledge and skills that allow individual to make informed and effective decision related to money. In India, women assess to financial services has increased substantially faster in the past few years. The increasing liberalisation in women social status has shown positive change in condition of women in India. Women are good in saving, budgeting and managing household expanses but they take their steps back when it’s come to take large financial decision and they depends on their male counterpart, believing them to be financial experts. A minimum level of financial literacy in necessary for the women so that they can take their financial decision. The present study was conducted to access the level of financial literacy among the women of Lucknow region. Thus a structured questionnaire was distributed among women in Lucknow region. The result of the analysis revealed that financial literacy level of women in Lucknow region not enough and strong variation in various socio-demographic and economic variables.

Title: Bharat Ratna Madan Mohan Malviya: A Visionary Educationist
Abstract :

Malaviya initially formulated the objective of this University is to promote the study of Hindu Shastras and of Sanskrit literature generally as a means of preserving and popularizing for the benefit of Hindus in particular and of the world at large in general, the best thought and culture of the Hindus, and all that was good and great in the ancient civilization of India. According to him, the objective of higher education should be: To promote learning and research generally in Arts and Science in all branches, To advance and diffuse such scientific, technical and professional knowledge, combined with the necessary practical training as is best calculated to help in promoting indigenous industries and in developing the material resources of the country and to promote the building of the character in youth by religion and ethics as an integral part of education. The vision of Mahamana so farsighted that he knew the basic problems of higher education as well as of the student. He knew the problem of his time for what we are crying today. The problem of the unemployment and qualitative higher education is of greater concern today. Yet we are search for the solution. But at that time of Mahamana the sources of the study were to be so fixed that a student of average intelligence: taught on the modern methods may become skilled in some art of producing wealth: and versed in the principle upon which it is based.

Title: Perception of Teachers on 10 Days Bagless Period for School Students of Chilika Block
Abstract :

The New Education Policy (NEP) proposes that at least half of all students receive vocational training. According to the policy, kids would be exposed to vocational subjects as early as sixth grade. For grades 6 to 8, NCERT will develop a practice-based curriculum. During grades 6-8, each student will participate in a ten-day fun course that will provide an overview and hands-on experience of a sampling of important vocational crafts, such as carpentry, electric work, metal work, gardening, pottery making, and so on, as determined by States and local communities and mapped by local skills. Similar internship opportunities to master vocational courses are also recommended by NEP for students in grades 6 through 12, including during the summer. Throughout the year, bagless days will be promoted for a variety of enrichment activities such as arts, quizzes, athletics, and vocational crafts. Children will be exposed to activities outside of school on a regular basis through excursions to historical, cultural, and tourism sites, meetings with local artists and craftsmen, and visits to higher educational institutions in their village, Tehsil, District, and State. NEP emphasises skill development for greater life prospects, hands-on learning, co-curricular activities and learning that is enjoyable. The paper finds out the awareness, concept and activities for implementation of 10 day bagless period. Survey was conducted on 10 elementary school teachers of Chilika Block, Khordha, Odisha. The sample was selected randomly. Self-developed interview schedule was used as tool for data collection. The study indicated that all teachers are aware about the 10 days bagless period and had understanding of different activities to be done in the school.

Title: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Open and Distance Learning
Abstract :

As per the change in trend it is seen that emerging technologies are revolutionizing education. In digital education the use of laptops, tablets, computers and interactive boards are common in schools and colleges. In the modern knowledge-based society there is importance given to distance and e-learning as an innovative approaches in the field of education. The application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) has led to bridge the gap between student and teacher. ODL relies on the use of machine as it provides opportunity of learning to the students who are not studying in regular mode. Here, AI acts as a means to provide learning opportunities to students, helps the teacher in effective teaching, improves pedagogical methods and enhances learning experiences of students. For instance, AI based tools such as ezTalks Cloud Meeting, WeVideo, scrible and Dropbox etc. are used in ODL mode of education so as to provide learning platform to students. The questions that further arises in the mind of the researcher are whether AI could provide a significant and highly intriguing paradigm shift in the deployment of ODL and whether AI can greatly influence the future of all open and distance learners or not? In this research paper, the researcher will explore several fields whereby AI could be potentially utilised in an ODL institution.

Title: The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Development of Education in India
Abstract :
Education is the backbone of any society in this world, it plays very important role in development of country. In India government has been taken various steps to improve education quality but government efforts alone could not do enough. Everyone should give some contribution to improve quality of education. Indian Corporate sectors have also playing very vital role in enhancing education quality through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
Title: Blockchain in Education
Abstract :

This paper discusses the opportunities and challenges of applying blockchain technologies in the education sector. The key blockchain-in-education applications discussed are the digitalization and decentralization of educational certifications and the enhancement and motivation for lifelong learning. Additionally, market adoption and innovation challenges highlight that blockchain-in-education is a relatively immature innovation that governance bodies within educational institutions often disregard or perceive cautiously.

Title: CONTENTS Vol. 11, No. 2, December 2021
Abstract :
Title: Social Behaviours of Creative Students
Abstract :

Creative persons innovate to solve problems of varied nature. Like other individuals they also face pleasant and adverse social situations in which they try to learn how to behave to maintain their equilibrium. Usually the creative students cause embarrassment to society, parents and teachers due to their tendency to be uncommon. The present study attempts to find out how creativity is related to various social behaviours, and whether students differing with respect to gender and creativity differ in their social behaviours. Sample consisted of 525 students including 272 boys and 253 girls studying in eighth class. Mehdi’s test of ‘Thinking Creatively with Words’ was used for measuring creativity as well as fluency, flexibility, and originality dimensions of it. ‘Social Behaviour Questionnaire’ of S.K. Pal, K.S. Misra and M. Gupta was used for measuring social behaviours. Product moment coefficient of correlation and two-way (3×2) ANOVA were used for data analysis. It was found that highly creative students exhibit more concern for others but less compliance, dependence, power of assertion, ingratiation, social conversation, social passivity, aggression, and withdrawal; students with different levels of creativity do not differ in their tolerance; creativity among boys as well as girls is positively related to concern for others but it is negatively related to dependence, power assertion, ingratiation, social passivity, aggression and withdrawal; gender differences exist in relationships between various aspects of creativity and social behaviour.

Title: Impact of COVID-19 Disease on Indian Education System
Abstract :

The outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic is a shock to the Indian economy. According to a UNESCO report, the lockdown had badly affected 290 million scholars in 22 countries because of the shutting of schools in the wake of the lockdown. As per the circumstances, there is vagueness when school and college will renew. This is a precarious period for the education sector since entrance tests of several universities and competitive examinations are being held throughout this period. The higher education sector is also messed up which once more brick an influence on the country economic upcoming. Several students from India want to get admissions in a foreign country like the US, UK, Australia, China etc., but these countries are critically exaggerated due to COVID-19. The objective of the study is to find out the positive and negative impact of COVID-19 on the education sector and find out some initiative taken by the government to cope up with the situation. The method used in the study is the secondary method collected from national and international agencies and various newspapers, journal and various authentic websites.

Title: A Study of Problems Faced by the Teachers and Students in Online Teaching-Learning at Upper Primary Level
Abstract :

In today’s world of education, everyone is getting educated because education is now reaching every house. Due to the influence of technology, education is easily accessible to all. Now education has become more and more online. But still there is a lot of technical problem in the education sector. Technical problem has become a problem not only in the students but also in the teachers. In online teaching-learning, students and teachers have the following problems, such as technical problems, problems related to e-content, problems related to teaching aids and problems of mental stress. Although online instruction has many potential benefits, technical difficulties are one drawback to the increased use of this medium. In this research paper will be used statistics- self-made statement for data collection, hypothesis, data analysis, etc. therefore, finding Contribute to our theoretical understanding of the online teaching-learning.

Title: A Study of the Impact of Examination Stress on Academic Achievement of Students of Higher Education
Abstract :

The high level of stress during examination is not only the result of student’s aspiration or parental expectation, the archaic and disgraceful examination system for higher education is equally responsible for it. The stress is often on testing the student’s memory and rote learning. A careful memorizing of answers to questions posed in the three previous years (excluding the immediate past year) will guarantee high grades. Analytical skills, application of knowledge, problem-solving capacity and innovation are rarely tested. There is no stress on continuous appraisal and the student is only judged by his/her performance in a single final examination. There is an absolute disconnect between what is taught in the class and what is tested. One would imagine that the teacher who teaches the course is best suited to evaluate a student’s performance in that course. But in the current system, a completely disconnected evaluator sitting somewhere else grades the student’s exam.

Title: Role of Skill Development Programmes in Women Education and Empowerment
Abstract :

IN this research paper, the researcher has made an attempt to look into the role of skill development program in women education and empowerment. Women education is one of the biggest tool for their empowerment and effective development of any country. UN report says that education for women is the single most effective way to improve lives and health of a family and society at large. Women constitute nearly half of a country’s population, when 50% of the population is left without education a nation remains under developed. Empowered women contribute to the development of the society, community and nation in several ways. Many surveys and studies worldwide have proved that educating women is the best profitable investment in term of safety of children health, community welfare and building long term achievement and success of developing countries.Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship (MSDE) have been implementing several initiative to achieve women empowerment through skill development.

Title: Use of TPACK Framework to Enhance the Efficacy of Online Learning in Higher Education
Abstract :

Online learning is an innovative tool, which can make the teaching-learning process more learner-centered, more flexible and more exciting. Though, online education is a boon to the education system of any country, but without proper use of technology, it is not proved to be fruitful. For online teaching-learning process, n numbers of technologies are available. All of these technologies are not user-friendly, since they create many difficulties while using them. The difficulties or problems include issues with installation of software, login problems, problems with downloading or uploading and problems related to clarity of audio or video. Many students complain that online learning is boring and un-engaging for them. Hence, a teacher without proper technical knowledge faces problems of using technology in online learning particularly at higher level of education. The selection of proper technology for the teaching- learning process is also not an easy task since every technology has its potentialities and limitations for the accomplishment of specific learning tasks (Koehler and Mishra, 2009). Standing at this juncture, a question arises – how can a teacher integrate technology in his/her teaching effectively? And how to integrate technology, pedagogy and content knowledge in the teaching-learning process? From these, the idea of Technology, Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework has been evolved. In this paper an attempt has been made to explain how TPACK framework is very much crucial in the online learning to fix many issues related to online learning at higher education level with a few recommendations at concluding section.

Title: Interdisciplinary Researches in Higher Education: Need of the Era
Abstract :

Interdisciplinary methods are typically utilized when removing disciplinary barriers is essential, or when reaching a shared consensus across disciplines is required to handle a difficult or multi-faceted subject. The goal of interdisciplinary methods is to get academics to think differently and identify new ways to solve issues that were previously thought to be insurmountable. The increasing need for interdisciplinary research may present both possibilities and challenges to higher education institutions with a new or emerging research culture. In higher education, interdisciplinary studies are those that allow students to experience “other ways of knowing” from their main or favoured areas. To satisfy this apparent demand, several universities have begun to create interdisciplinary programmes or disciplines. Interdisciplinary research is a synthesis of various disciplines that is very dynamic and adaptable to a fast changing market environment. Interdisciplinary studies can help students develop their creativity, flexibility, adaptability, critical thinking, teamwork, and other skills. Students can gain a better understanding of the complex interconnectivity that exists in real world by exposing them to two or more interrelated fields. Complex challenges transcend traditional disciplines, necessitating interdisciplinary investigation and collaboration among scholars and research groups in higher education in order to develop knowledge that is more than the sum of its parts.

Title: Digital Society: Aspects and Emergence with Reference to Digital Education in Enhancing Advanced & Intelligent Society–A Conceptual Policy Framework
Abstract :
Society is more advanced and progressing in different areas in this era. Application of technology become the integrated part of the developed society. Digital Society is the society, culture and technology-oriented solutions. Digital society deals with the many programs and fields with the variety of programs including Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Information Science, and Computing, Computer engineering, etc. Business Studies, Commerce and several areas of Humanities and Social Science are the unified branches of digital society programs. These programs of digital society are useful to make digital society more appropriate. Various technologies are associated with digital society such as internet technology, wireless, and network technologies. Digital Society provides knowledge, information, best culture, and digital based products for improvement of the society. The revolution of the Digital Society involved in development of the society as well a s conduct the academic and research degree programs in different countries. Characteristics of Digital Society, tools, and advanced technologies are described in this Paper. Digital Society existing degrees programs, the Indian and International Digital Society related educational programs are analyzed and focused in this paper.
Title: Mental Health among Students and Educators and its Impact on Education System during Pandemic
Abstract :

Education lays the basic foundation and it is the essential building block for bright future. Among all types of education, school education is most imperative and essential for students. It is the inevitable mode of education that propels students not only to discover their interests but also invokes their passions which they carry forward all their life. It provides an impeccable opportunity for students to gain knowledge in the field of various academic domains. School education helps to shape curious minds of young children. This study tries to investigate the mental well being of students and teachers during the pandemic and after the pandemic. Effect of pandemic on students and teachers is assessed by secondary data and literature review and compiled accordingly. To assess the mental well being of students and teachers after pandemic, a survey has been designed on Google forms and it has been filled by students and teachers anonymously. Thus, a comparative study is done in order to assess the effect of pandemic on educators and students. Social skills, hobbies and interest, communication skills, critical thinking, creativity etc., all are moulded and shaped in schools itself. Thus, it is pretty to say that a large part of a child’s developmental psychology evolves and prospers in school. This study is at large a comparative study of mental well being of students and teachers during the pandemic and after the pandemic. Technically it is a comparison of online and offline mode of education in the context of mental well-being of students and teachers.

Title: Krishnamurti’s Philosophy & NEP 2020
Abstract :

J. Krishnamurti, an eminent philosopher and world teacher has a deep concern about education. Apart from this, he also talked about many other common things related everyday life. His primary concern is for education, which he considers is not right. Krishnamurti was completely against the prevalent rotten education system and considers if the same kind of education get promotion, it will create a fragmented man full of diseases i.e. greedy, envy, selfish, cunning minded man who may destroy the world of peace.For Krishnamurti, present education system being confined to marks and degrees promoting fear in students and compelling them to adjust in set pattern. By capturing in the set patterns, it debars child to think innovatively, creatively and critically. The present education system is creating slaves; the mentally slaves people who do not think in his own way; who do not observe and inquire. By destroying the very innate quality of child i.e. observation, different thinking process, free expression of thought and imagination, present education system is creating an unhappy and fragmented individuals.

Title: Effect of Constructivist Approach in Education: An Analytical Review
Abstract :

NCF-2005 emphasizes using constructivism in education to improve students’ learning. Similarly, according to NCFTE-2009, in order to make student learning simple and sustainable, teachers should be given teaching training to use constructivism in the classroom. Now the students in NEP-2020 have been given the freedom to learn on their own through a completely constructivist approach. The main reason for this is that the constructivist approach has proved to be very positive and effective in comparison to other approaches related to education in the past and present times. Research on other educational approaches was found to be less effective in student learning than constructivism. Csizmadia found in his research that student’s autonomy does not play a vital role in problem solving and knowledge formation, while students’ autonomy has a positive effect on his computational thinking. He found that learning conditions play an important role in learning. Izwita Devi found in her research that the mathematics learning ability of Grade VIII students was increased by using constructivist based geometric learning material. S. Mahesha found in his research that the educational achievement of students in geography increased by using the constructivist method. Similarly, Ranu Mandal found out as a result of his research that the constructivist approach plays an important role in increasing the learning of secondary level students.

Title: Effectiveness of Intractive Multimedia Package on Disaster Management Learning Activities for School Students
Abstract :

India is considered as one of the most disaster-prone countries in the world. By seeing the vulnerability of the country to various hazards, the ministry of Home Affairs has decided to educate the youth to combat disasters. Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development recommended the board to introduce Disaster Management in education. Researches have stated that multimedia technology application can help the students to get experiential learning and making learners more self-reliant and proactive in their learning environment. In the view of the above, the investigator has developed and validated activity based Interactive Multimedia package on Disaster Management Learning Activities for school students. Quasi Experimental Pretest–Post test Experimental Research Method was used in the study with the sample of 62 Secondary School Students, purposive Sampling technique is used with the Tools Interacitve Multimedia Package–Developed and Validated by the investigator and Disaster Management Awareness and Preparedness Test-Constructed and Validated by the investigator. Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation, Test of Significance and Gain Ratio were Statistical Techniques used.

Title: The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Development of Education in India
Abstract :

Education is the backbone of any society in this world, it plays very important role in development of country. In India government has been taken various steps to improve education quality but government efforts alone could not do enough. Everyone should give some contribution to improve quality of education. Indian Corporate sectors have also playing very vital role in enhancing education quality through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Title: Impact of Covid-19 on Students’ Mental Health and Confidence Levels
Abstract :

With the sudden advent of COVID-19, a virus epidemic that was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization in March 2020, the world underwent a dramatic and rapid change. With COVID-19’s physical health hazards being given due consideration; the present research work serves as a platform to discuss its mental health implications on undergraduate and post graduate students in India, and the effect the situation is having on their confidence levels. A population-based cross-sectional study was carried out with the help of a questionnaire and the conclusions were drawn on the basis of the findings. The paper demonstrated how students’ confidence while attending offline classes after being locked down in their homes as a result of the pandemic, is affected by their awareness about the pandemic, anxiety within them caused as a result of the pandemic and their responses to online education.

Title: Contemporary Trends and Issues for Effective Use of Teaching Methods
Abstract :

The present study is an attempt to describe the practice of using the different teaching methods by the school teachers in their regular classroom teaching. A survey has been conducted on 100 teachers who have being teaching in different secondary school in Rajasthan state of India. These teachers have been teaching History, Geography, Social Study, Economics, and Civics as a social science subject. Self-made check list has been constructed for utilization of 20 teaching methods for social science subject. This reliable and valid check list had been administrating on Social Science teachers. The responses of teachers were analyzed using the Sten score. Result of study states that most popular teaching methods of social science were used by the most of the teachers during the classroom teaching. On the contrary less used teaching methods are not in use because the teachers feel some difficulty in using observation method and educational excursion. Average popular teaching methods, question answer method, discussion method of Social Science were used by the most of the teachers during the classroom teaching. The methods which are not popular are analytical synthetic method and Heuristic method. Not popular teaching methods were used by average percentage of teachers because they feel difficulty in using Synthetic method and Heuristic methods.

Title: Universal Foundational Literacy – Numeracy and Access to Quality Education for All
Abstract :

The present study comprised primarily of a conceptual discourse on highlighting the essence of National Education Policy 2020 from a specific perspective to realize its objectives. The major objectives of the study were –• to give a clear and comprehensive view of foundational literacy and numeracy.• to delve out major barriers vis-a-vis strategic solutions to attain the universal foundation literacy and numeracy. Methodology used here mainly the various governmental and non-governmental document analysis relating to the new Education Policy 2020. By analysing different pertinent documents interpretations were made and derived the conclusion as for attaining quality universal foundational literacy and numeracy along with integrate and coherent five fold action plan, participation from different sectors of society is a must.

Title: Contents
Abstract :
Title: Evaluation of Diploma in Dairy Technology (DDT) Programme Offered through Open and Distance Learning: Analysis of Learners Feedback
Abstract :
Programme evaluation is a continuous process to obtain feedback on the programme’s success and undertaken corrective measures to enhance the quality of the programme delivery and increase its acceptability among the stakeholders. Indira Gandhi national Open University (IGNOU) offers various academic programmes through its learners’ support network across the countries. The educational programmes are conceived and developed at the Schools of Studies and implemented in the field by Regionale Centres (rCs) through its Learners Support Centres (LSCs). accordingly, Schools of agriculture(SOa) designed and launched several programmes at the postgraduate diploma, diploma and certificate level, and some useful awareness programmes. These programmes have attracted many learners over the years for their pursuit of learning. The rich programme content enables successful learners to get engaged themself in entrepreneurship and gainful self-employment in the agriculture and allied sector. The present study evaluates the usefulness and effectiveness of the Diploma in Dairy Technology (DDT) offered by IGNOU by critically analysing its academic and administrative aspects. Therefore, the emphasis of the study remained on programme development and delivery issues. It included assessing the quality of selflearning material (SLM), counselling sessions to support learners, using assignments as a continuous evaluative tool, and term-end examination, considering mainly the learners’ and academic Counsellors (aCs) perceptions.
Title: Need Analysis of School Teachers for Technological Skills
Abstract :
For a nation’s educational and social programmes, the development of technological skills is a key concern. Students have the chance to learn and improve a variety of abilities, including technology skills, over the course of their educational careers, from basic to secondary education and subsequently in higher education. Digital technology integration in HeIs is crucial for the advancement of teachers’ technological expertise, for their professional future, and subsequently, and concurrently, for the improvement of their quality of life. The study was conducted to identify school teachers’ technological skill needs. a total of 360 teachers of Bhopal were selected
and a self- made tool was administered among school teachers of government and private schools. It was concluded that the schools teachers are in need of technological skills. There is a difference among government and private school teachers needs for
technological skills. The study concluded that the rural and urban teachers also in need of technological needs for implementing in their classrooms.
Title: (N.E.P. 2020) Role of Libraries in the Field of Higher Education
Abstract :
The Government of India has introduced various applications and resources to promote library services in education, such as e-sodh-sindhushala, e-pathshala, e-sodh-gangotri, e-sodh-ganga, e-pgpathshala, national Digital Library, Koha open-source software, and
more. Despite claims made by educational resource companies and agencies, the reality in India’s educational institutions is different. Libraries play a crucial role in facilitating access to these programs for teaching, research, and extension activities. They establish
digital collections, online reference services, digital repositories, online catalogues, and information literacy initiatives to enhance education in the digital age. The national education Policy emphasizes the role of libraries in integrating educational information
and technology, guiding users to access accurate information, and adapting to changing user needs. The libraries’ transformation from print-based institutions to digital libraries has revolutionized their services and information dissemination.
Title: Review of NEP in Rural Development: A Demographic Study of Karauli District
Abstract :
Of all the resources, man is the most valuable resource having relevance owing to his well-developed mind and capacity. In fact, man is not only resource in himself but all the other natural endowments which are treated as resources, are in a sense the creation of man- mind and his abilities. as Zimmerman and Michel have observed, Man-mind is the greatest resource itself. Man has played a crucial role as a controller, regulator, and modifier of resource according to his needs and capacity to fulfil his requirements. Thus, through his various interrelated activities in physical as well as cultural real man has emerged as “pivot” in the nature. Morgan has rightly remarked that “the land use patterns of agricultural system depend” not only on the physical environment and plants/animals’ relationship, but all so social and economic conditions ascribed to type and level human activities. So, it is great relevance to appraise various aspects of human resource base. By analysing the population data of the last 100 years of Karauli district, how much and how has the change in population affected the development here. Also, what are the changes in the population distribution pattern here. An attempt has been made to analyse all these changes through this research paper and analysis is necessary to develop the district by making optimum use of the resources available here.
Title: Analysis of Literacy among Sub-Divisions of Karauli District, Rajasthan
Abstract :
Literacy is an important component of human life. It helps in social and economic progress along with personality development of human (Yadav, 2021). achieving literacy is a fundamental right of every woman and man (Chauhan and Khan, 2019). Literacy is a human right in itself which is helpful in achieving other human rights just as right to education helps in eradicating illiteracy. It is a rights-based approach but must be understood on the basis of inclusive principles essential to human development (reed Trust). even after many systems, laws, and resources are available for literacy, there is a huge difference in female-male literacy (Katiyar, 2016). According to the 2011 demographic data, the national literacy rate is 73 percent, in which the male literacy rate is 80.90 percent and the female literacy rate is 64.60 percent. This difference between male and female literacy rate is a matter of serious concern. In the context of Rajasthan, the total rate of literacy is 66.11 percent. On the basis of gender, this rate is 79.19 percent for men and 52.12 percent for women, which is much less than the national literacy rate of women (Directorate of Literacy and Continuing education, Government of Rajasthan). Similarly, the female literacy rate for the study area Karauli district is 48.61 percent respectively, which is very less than the national and state female literacy rate. These figures of literacy are troubling all the development efforts being made by the state government to awaken interest in education among girl students and women. In
this research paper, efforts have been made to know the status of female literacy in the sub-division of Karauli district and to find out the reasons for the decrease in female literacy rate and the efforts being made by the government.
Title: Pedagogical Impact of Teachers on Reading Preparedness and Reading Attainment among Scheduled Tribe Children: Insights from Field Observations
Abstract :
The highest priority of school education as per the national education Policy 2020 is universal acquisition of foundational learning skills by Grade 3. reading readiness is a critical developmental stage in a child’s journey towards effective reading and comprehension of written language. The paper reports the complex relationship between pedagogical methods and literacy development, focusing on reading readiness and performance in early-grade tribal students. Through classroom observations,
assessments, and interviews, it examines constructivist, collaborative, integrative, and reflective teaching approaches, shedding light on their impact on language proficiency. The role of teachers as bridges between language and culture for tribal children is emphasized. Using the classroom observation, the research categorizes teachers’ methods and correlates them with Grade II tribal students’ achievements. Constructivist and reflective strategies enhance listening comprehension, integrative methods enrich vocabulary, while collaborative and constructivist techniques improve letter recognition, especially within tribal contexts. The synergy between these methods enhances various aspects of literacy, though challenges like mother tongue versus state language disparities persist. The paper recommends adopting integrative
Title: Standardization of Revised Learning Stress Inventory
Abstract :
Schools are becoming significant sources of stress for children. Efforts to reform schools usually lay emphasis on academic acceleration, competition, evaluation, reduction of learning burden and accountability. The balance between the stress resulting from motivation to learn and that related to pressures to achieve success and avoid failure has ceased to exist. academic preparation and mastery learning strategies become stress inducing. Students find it difficult to adapt to the changing demands of educational situations. This learning stress leads to learning inhibition, less development of competencies needed for learning and citizenship, drop out, failure in school, and retarded development of information processing abilities. The need for creating an educational climate in the classrooms is being felt by teachers who work to facilitate learning. Stress related problems and sources of stress need to be identified, their influences are to be identified and moderated, and academic alienation is to be checked. Studies on incidence of learning stress, the effects of debilitating learning stress, strategies for ameliorating the deleterious influence of learning stress and factors that exacerbate or reduce distress are needed. Stress management competencies are to be fostered and the positive coping strategies are to be supported. The latter author constructed a ‘Learning Stress Inventory’ to measure learning stress among students
studying in fifth grade. This paper embodies the efforts made to make it more suitable for students of upper primary to degree level and standardize it.
Title: Spatial Inequality and Education: Unraveling the Geographical Dimensions of Educational Disparities
Abstract :
ensuring universal access to high-quality education to all individuals is not only a fundamental aspect of fostering a peaceful and prosperous global community, but it also plays a critical role in the attainment of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)- 4. education equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and competencies to maintain good health, secure employment opportunities, and cultivate a culture of acceptance and understanding. The objective of this study is to investigate the correlation between geographic disparities and academic achievements by pinpointing the geographical attributes that give rise to educational inequities and suggesting measures to improve these outcomes. The present study offers valuable perspectives on the mechanisms required to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4. The SDG-4 aims to guarantee universal access to quality education and lifelong learning opportunities, while promoting inclusivity and equity. This study offers a cost-effective and resourceefficient approach to tackle the issue of inadequate educational achievements caused by spatial inequality. The study has important implications to support policymakers
in developing effective strategies to address these inequalities.
Title: Analytical Study of National Education Policy-2020 in the Context of Vocational Education Role
Abstract :
The problem arises when human knowledge is not complete and there is a gap in the knowledge. necessity is the mother of invention. Therefore, man makes every possible effort to fulfill the need, in which he fulfills many in front of him. When the need is easily fulfilled, then the person does not make much effort in vain for it, nor does it adopt more means. But when despite the available resources and continuous efforts, the problem is born. There is a need for new discoveries and knowledge to solve these new problems. Therefore, it becomes necessary to have research work on that problem. In the 21st century, the main basis of progress, development and reputation of nations will be their knowledge wealth. The more strong, integrated, alert and dynamic this base is, alert and dynamic towards changes, the wider and more comprehensive will be the participation of citizens in the progress of the nation. To move forward
in this direction, India’s primary requirement will be to provide quality education to every individual and the availability of useful skills. In such a situation, the national education Policy-2020 opens doors of positive possibilities for the country.
Title: Impact of Education on Health, Security and Social Status of Family
Abstract :
education for women entails that women are so enabled through education that they lead not only a respectable life as well as be able to contribute to the advancement of the family and society. education for women entails that women are so enabled through education that they lead not only a respectable life as well as be able to contribute to the advancement of the family and society. Present study is delimited to the women of the Hardwar and Dehradun city. Here “educated Women “ means that they have bachelor degree. normative survey method is used in this study. This survey method is used for getting the reasons in existed present condition. Researcher has been used a self-made standard questionnaire. Data has been collected by the tool ‘Women
empowerment scale’.
Title: NEP 2020: Features, Importance in Education and Role of Teacher
Abstract :
NEP 2020 is the first education of the twenty first century and replace the Thirty four years old. Some feature of NEP 2020- As per NEP draft propose new curriculum and pedagogical structure with 5+3+3+4 design covering the children in the age group 3-18 years. As the NEP draft for pre primary and grades 1-2 is considered as fundamental stage Grade 3-5 as preparatory stage. Grade 6-8 as middle stage and Grade 9-12 as secondary stage. NEP 2020 Role of Teacher : (1) Passionate and Motivated (2) Creating Classroom (3) Well Qualified and Traind Content (4) Mentoring and Facilator (5) Pedagogy and Practice. Parameters of Quality Concerns the Topic: (1) Knowledge about the subject. (2) Teaching Learning environment. (3) Curriculum and Teaching Learning material. (4) Teachers participation with demands and changing society. (5) Management and curriculum support. (6) Develop quality culture in the institution.
(7) Teachers accountability and responsibility. (8) Positive reinforcement.
Title: Awareness of Augmented Reality Technology: A Comparative Study
Abstract :
With the access to latest technologies, the education sector is booming and we can provide experiential learning to students. augmented reality is one such technology helpful in providing a simulated experience to its users. This is a preliminary study to assess the awareness of augmented reality among the prospective teachers of Prayagraj. The methodology of research used is Survey Method of Descriptive research. The population of the study includes all B.ed. students of Prayagraj City. The sample consisted of 100 B.ed. students drawn randomly from (K.P. Training College and ewing Christian College. Self-prepared ‘augmented reality Technology awareness Questionnaire’ was used as a tool for the collection of data. t-test was employed for the analysis of the data.
Title: Functional Status of ICT Tools and its Usage in Government Schools: A Rural-Urban Comparison in Telangana State, India
Abstract :
The application of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been rapidly increasing in all the sectors including the education system. There is deliberate need of technology integration in school education for new emerging societies to facilitate
significant learning needs for holistic development. The main objective of this paper is assessing the availability and functional Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools in government schools in rural and urban areas. This study has collected
primary data from 72 government secondary schools in Warangal Rural and Urban districts of Telangana State. The data reveals that of the total sample schools 43 percent schools are not using computers and chi-square test results (p>0.05) shows that there is no significant difference between rural and urban schools. Also, regarding other functional ICT devices like projectors, K-YANs, printers, television, UPS it is found that there is no significant difference between the schools of rural and urban area. Overall, it is very disheartening to found that more than four-fifth (80 percent) schools had very poor performance in using ICT tools for teaching and learning.
Title: NEP-2020’s Vision for the Role of Education: A Review
Abstract :
education leads to economic, social, cultural, individual and many other progresses due to this reason a well defined and futuristic policy is essential for a country. There are many education policies made by Indian government to spread the light of education to her people, in this context India with the leadership of its current prime minister and an expert team with members of varied backgrounds has developed and planned to implement a new education policy during the next decade of the 21st century called Indian national education Policy (neP-2020). education has key by which we remove the hurdles of people and country. The national education Policy
2020 has therefore been transformed into the framework of this reform, which could give the new education system in our land. The motto of New Education Policy 2020 is educate, encourage, enlighten and to remodel India’s education policy.
Title: Content
Abstract :


Title: Contemporary Issues on Education
Abstract :
education is systematic process through which a child or an adult acquires knowledge, skill, and information and enables them to know their rights and duties towards their family and their society as well. The educational landscape in India is constantly
changing. Since the beginning of the pandemic, it has gone through its fair share of ups and downs. Parents know that every child’s foundation is built on their education. everyone wants the best education system, by which they can reshaping their behavior,
preferences, talents and mindsets. The Indian education system faced many challenges in post Covid era. amongst other things, the lack of practical subjects, training and the option for students to choose from more versatile subjects are the biggest issues
and challenges in education today. This study intends to understand and evaluate the issues and challenges in contemporary education in India.
Title: Environment Management and Monitoring
Abstract :
The environment is the basic life support system for all living things on planet earth. It is a combination of natural and human-made components. The earth’s environment makes earth the only planet on the solar system where life and sustainability is possible. From the beginning of time, the earth has provided all the inhabitants of the planet with everything they need for their survival. On the other hand, human beings have exploited all the natural resources for their own selfish needs and have rendered the planet like a barren and ramshackle land.