Travelling is always a wonderful experience for me whether across India and or any foreign country. By travelling, I could meet many persons and thus get an idea about their culture, food habit etc.; also enjoy different types of food particularly fish (as I am fond of fish), get idea about the place of importance etc. As world has become a “Global Village” so getting information, gathering knowledge from one corner of the world to other corner is an easy task, but traveling from one corner to another for a common man is still an issue as huge sum of money is required not only as travel cost but payment towards visa, airport tax, board and lodging etc. The problem is neutralized to a great extent if someone gets employment or invited by the foreign country as resource person. I feel lucky as I visited some countries as Resource person. The author had the opportunity to visit some countries of which he has documented his experience (particularly from the development point of view). The countries which find place here are Afghanistan, Bangladesh, China, Islamic Republic of Iran, Namibia, Indonesia, Malaysia, the State of Eritrea, Peru and Sri Lanka. In addition, author had the opportunity to visit many other countries as transit passenger but these have not been included here. Further, issues related to CIRDAP and SAARC
countries are also included here as a chapter for the benefit of scholars and academicians get an idea about the socio-economic situation of these countries. Our country my beloved India, a great one has been included here from rural development point of view.