As per Fifth Deans’ Committee recommendations, the ICAR introduced the Course, “A Textbook on Geoinformatics, Nanotechnology and Precision Farming” in the discipline of Agriculture in all the Agricultural Universities and affiliated colleges in India. This is a comprehensive Textbook of A Textbook on Geoinformatics, Nanotechnology and Precision Farming primarily for the Under Graduate students of the Faculties/Colleges of Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Sericulture, Fishery and Dairy Technology. The present book has been composed of entire contents of Agriculture Informatics recommended by Fifth Deans’ Committee. The book consists of seven chapters which covers the multidimensional syllabi; viz. Introductory part of Geoinformatics its applications in Agriculture, Use of internet in Agriculture, various software tools used in Agriculture, E-agriculture, Remote sensing in Agriculture, Geospatial technologies used in the Agriculture. The unique feature of this book is that almost all of the chapters have enriched with latest innovations in extension and the chapters have been arranged methodically. Besides, numerous examples have been cited for better understandings of students those are assumed to be beginners. The book will be very useful for the students who aspire for ICAR-JRF, NET/ARS, and Ph.D. entrance exams. The book shall also serve as a Handbook for scientists of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) and other Agricultural Research Institutes of ICAR, Government Departments like Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Rural development Departments, Voluntary/NGOs working in the area of agriculture and rural development for farmer’s welfare. The students, teachers and research scholars in ICT and extension education shall find the book very useful.