The aim of education has to be in tune with the needs of the society. In the 21st century, society needs creative people who take part in the production process. Education is the primary agent in the transformation towards sustainable development of the society. The quality of education depends largely on the quality of instruction provided in the classrooms. The teaching shall have to be geared to make students ‘learn how to learn’. Learning demands the development of higher order thinking skills such as critical thinking, problem solving and creativity, and social and emotional skills. Learning should form the basic input for the
construction of knowledge. Education is the most effective instrument to make citizens socially, sensitive, responsible and forward looking. In a plural society, it is through broad secular education that values to promote national integration and harmony among all citizens and particularly, secular credentials can be fostered. It has been recognized that only through good education, people who will be committed to democratic consolidation and strengthening of unity and integrity of the country can be produced. Quality education will also provide the necessary momentum for economic progress and ensure better quality of life to people and to help bring about an acceptable level of social and economic equity in the country. Education is one of the most important factors in person’s life. Whatever be one’s background, with proper education, one can achieve many things that might not be possible otherwise.