Rapid advances in agricultural and productivity, have, no doubt, been made, during the past two decades, but average yields of most crops are low, even below national averages. Their yield potential is yet to be realized. The better resource endowed green revolution areas are already posing problems of resource degradation, pollution of soil, water and atmosphere and reduced input-use efficiencies. This warrants urgent attention to conserve natural resource base and yet enhance productivity through integrated and efficient management of resources. Agriculture has also to address the poverty related problems of less resource-endowed regions and agriculturally less favorable areas, which have all the attributes of “public goods”. These are the rain-fed and drought prone areas, which need priority public attention and investment. Three factors that influence Accelerating Agricultural Development are: Policy, Strategy and Technology. Technology by itself may be inadequate to accomplish the goals unless policy decisions support. In this book we attempt to analyze and assess the present status and trends in the production of major crops of keeping in mind the future growth of agricultural crops, their significance for food security, and potential for agro-industry, exports, generation of jobs and wealth for balanced agricultural growth. The emphasis of this book is on policies and strategies. Once the policy and strategy framework takes shape, crop/area specific technologies could be superimposed